8 WILLAMETTE FAIIMEK : SALKM, OKEGOK JUNK 10, is 7 Wmmte (f u miner rial lilAJIKMT UEVORT. Thcao pricei aro for Portland anj ropropont wholesale rates from producers or first liintli. WIIHATi- ' Valley, 81. GOgSl. 05 percental. Walls Walla, l.4S FLOUIt: 8tudard, $1.2.') per bbl. BAULKYt ?1.10$l, 12 percental. OATSt- 0055o per uuihcl. MILL FKKI) : Middling", S22823 per ton. Brii), 81'2$13 pur ton. PROVISIONS i Hams. llffllSo nor noun J. Shoulders, 07o per pound. Sldoi, firm at 7bo per pound. Lard, Ksitorti pails, tllo per pouud. Oregon, In tina, S'SfUjo per pound, InJialf barrels, lOllo per ouud. CHKKSKi California, ICo per pi,und. Oregon, 14o per pound. HONKV :- Incomli, 8&i0a per pound. Strained, in Milium, lOJfgjllu pet Hi. OKKKN KKUIT: Applfa, fiu(10u ptr buslirl. rOUIiTIlV': Chicken, $l3$i.C0 per do7on, Turkoy. livo weight, IVlo per lb. Ducks, $5 BSD pur doon. VKOKrAULIHi- I'otatoos, old,SIl A0 per liushel. Oniom, IIJo per puunil. FKKSH MKAI'Si l'ork, livn w(-iiilit, loj fat, 4Jo rwr lb. 1'ork, droned, 6J0o per pou-1. Hccf, on foot, Gl'dUo pur Mm.. ., Mutton, sjo per pound kiu. weight. Veal, 810o per pnu . . Tallow, quote lie p . pound. HUTTKlti Common, 18(800 per pound. Choice rolls, i'Orf'JOu per iouud. KGUS: Frosh laid IUu cents per dozen, Oregon, l.'l&lOa per pound. Valley, 10l8o per pound. Umptpu, ratKo a trlllo higher. HAY: llalod $I8$'22 per ton. (1IIAS3 8KK!)i Timothy, 7Ja8o per pound, KmI olnver, l.VilUo per pound, IIOl'Si Qunto 12d Ho per pouu.1, IlICKi China No. 2, lit.'o wr pound, aannwioh Island, TkiIIo pr pound. THA8 t Japan, .'WdlOo per pouml. Hlsck, -10(1760 per pound. (Jreen, OSuAo pr pound. COFFKK i Costa Itioa, 12il5o per pound, lava, 'JOd'J'.'o per pound. SUUAK8: I), in bids, lc per pound. C, iu bbls, 3Ju per pound. Kxtra C, in libU, ro per pound. Crushed, utc , in bbls, OJo per pound. In halMibls Jo more. SYKUl'i- Five gallon krgi, 70o per gallou, OILHt- Ordinsry grades u ftl oil, C.ltiSOJo per gal. lloiled Liusoed oil. 80o per gallon. Usw linseed oil, 77o per gallon. Turpentine. 70o per gallon. l'uro lard oil $l.:t0 per gallou. SALTt Stock, bay, $10 per ton. Carmen, brand, $18 per ton. (,'oarso Liverpool, $20 per tun Fine ipiality, $I8&$J5 per ton. COMMEUCIAl TlU'ltriliAY, JlllHI l. Tlio jileiiniiiU kIiowois of tlio week lmvo Ikhjii ot tlio (,'rcntOHt bonullt to guidons, oroliimls mul crops nncl lmvo como in kooiI hoiihou. A week inoro of dry wentlior wotihl lmvo dono grout in jury, but uh it in, tlio warm wontlior luul not romleriul thu ground, too dry, und had nituio oveiytliintf grow luxurimitly. Tlio Hhowory woatlior may cntch hoiuo huy down but will bloiu'llt thu recent uieiulowH far ntoro than it ran injuro tlio down hay. It will greatly advantage nil email fruits and iimiiio n larger yield as well as larger fruitk If tlio Inland Kinpiio 1ms tlio tuiuio hletwlng of rain that Western Oregon enjoyo it will insure for nil that wido region tho greatest harvest over known thero. Tho increased acreage, together with tho nromiiio of n largo yield, will givo a total of production of wheat und hurley far in cxcms of any former har vest. Tho time will como when that interior country will bo a populous region, nml one of tho most productive in Amorieu. When that time comes tho Wilhunotto and all Western Oregon will U tho garden spjt, tho dairy region, und brooding farms will iimko it u took country without hiiperior. Meantime wo aro Hlowly hut sutvly working out this destiny nod tho next generation will Und horo u country of iluUhod pro portions, whereas now things aro crude und farming luck's much of perfection. No. 1 California wheat sold in Liver pool thta wook ut$l.lG per cental utui in Ban Francisco was worth 2.0 to $2.10, Thin was duo to speculation mid wo cannot expect prices for tho now crop to bring such a figure. It is claimed that California hns 200,000 tons of old wheat in her warehouses and yot no ships lire loading cargoes for Europe. The gambling deal must collnpso and leave many pirtios ruined. There is no question that fruit is n sninll crop in Unlifornlii ns well as Ore gon. Wo hear from many sources, mid local journals tell the same story of frost and cold rains having cut fruit short. There is no clinngo in tho wheat mar ket at Portland, nor in there anyclinngo in tho foreign markets. Oats aro not scarce, and wo fpioto at 03r5c i nil that can bo quoted, with n leaning loward the insido Ugurc. Com mission sales uro occasionally mado at tho usual advance Wool is not attracting much nttontlon and buyors seem reluctant to make bids, consequently there is not much doing in tho local markotfl at Portland. Here at Sulom thoie is a slight com petition and 25c and probably a shade better can bo realized. Salem buyers have bid each other up until there is hardly any thing in it, but its evidently worth that prico the Oregonlnn says: Hops in the east are enjoying n rather better demand, and pricoa nro ad vanced Hlightly by the report of 25 por cent. less yield. Iu California contracts are mado on r basis of 1517-Jc per pound. "Tho rango for Eastorn Oregon seoiiis to be about us reported last week, sny lfiglDc. Now transactions reported furnish no reason for naming moro. This is for Eastern Oregon. A few small lots of Southern Oregon lmvo como forward, not iu sufuciont volumo to establish values. At EiiHtoru Oregon primary markets there is continued and active business, and gonondly nt high prices, for 1820o is about as frequent ly named as is 15(t 17c. Fancy lots have dono evcu better. Tho butter market ia quito well sup plied with good roll. Tho atock of poor to fair is lowered by shipments to San Francisco. Chickens aro in fair supply, tho mar ket being quiet of Into, mul very even. Othor jKUiltry shows tho usual quiet. Ducks sell at about 5(3(5, gcoso $07, turkoys 12Jllc. Poultry Good prices for chickens in creased receipts, but not until tho closo was thero nuy very marked effect upon values. At tho closo $34 is quotod. Other poultry rules very quiet. Ducks and geeso quoted !f.")0 and ?07. Turkoys, 12j0 Mo. Provisions limns aro fractionally lower for local and weak for Ha9tcm. Wo quoto city or country cured hams at IOJ He, bacon lOQllc, shoulders 00 7c, Eastorn hams 1D1Ic, best local or Eastern tinned lurd 90Jc. Dried Fruits Host bleached apples held at 10Jllc. Sun cured in light stock. Shippments of tipples and prunes continuound wourorocoivingsomo from oast of tho mountains. Soiling prices from doalors aro: sun-dried quartered opples78o, sliced 810c factory at 10 lie, blenched, lO.jQllo j prunes 10(3 12c. French 8o, grnded 810o ; pitted plums 10c; common peaches !'llc, peeled 120i:ic. Hides Wo (pioto: Dry hides, M 10c, light suited J(37c, hoavy do 78c, dry kip and call iMiic, sail icip aim calf le, salt voal 8o, valley doorHkuis 20 6425o for winter and summer, Eastern Oregon 15(7,20 for winter and summer, hccnskiiiH VoQfl.'JO lor slimt ami long wool, elk hides 18020c, beaver 2.60 :i.50, boaiskins, l.noU. Tallow .1Jo for common. Unnecessary Misery Probably us much misory comes from hnbitu.ll constipation as from any do ranueuieut of the functions of tho body, and it i ditlieult to euro, for tho reason that no uno likes to tako tho modiciuea usually imvcrlbod. llAMBUHO FIGS wero proparcil to obviato this dilliculty, and they will bo found ploasuut to tho tasto of women and children. 25 cents. At all druggists. J. J. Muck fc Co., pro- T priotors, S, AceaU Wanted. For tho wilo of Fruit Trees, Small Fruits (iruno Vines, etc., etc. For tonus, ad dress California Nursery Co., Niles, Ala- mtMix Co., California. All cattlo, especially bulls, ought to bo dishorned at throo or fivo weeks old. It is a very simple operation then, as tho horns do not adhere to tho skull at that time, and is not nearly so painful us cas. t ration. I have begun, una snail con tinue, to dbhorn all tlio bulla I raise for sorvico, aud custrato all 1 raise for farm work or steers. I havo dishorned fivo Jersoy heifers for a hortl of no-horned Joreoys. I havo a pair of Jersey steers that look oxaotly alike, and are as smart as can be, for work. I can teach them any thing very-oAsily, oven to fcet upon a half barrel. They aro throo years old and woigh about 2,500 pounds. It costs mo about one-fifth less to keen dishorned cattle of tho samo weight ana site than it does those with horns. J. D. in Couu try Gentleman. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thli nawdcr ntrer rsrion. A tntrrel of punt) trcngtli and wlioleiomenusi. Mors economical tlwn tin ordintry klmli, an l cannot lio ioIJ In compcUtlcn wl'h tlismultltuds ot low tejt. short welirht, alum or iilionphttei powder. Sold only In cam. ItOYAL 11AK1NO POWDKU CO 01 Wall St.. N V. decly Oregon Pacific R. R Co., TZr, Miles Shorter ! O Hours Less Time ! ACCOMMODATIONS UNsUIU'ASSnif FOR COM. fort and Sf'y. Farei and Krelitht tU Yaqulna and Ills Orc((0ii Datelopnicnt Co's btcamshlps much lt1 than hy any other routo bi rcn all points In the Willametto vlley anil Mn Kranclico. D.illr l'nenzrrTriiliis rxrMit Hundnr. Ltaves Vajulni OiiO A. M Uae Albany. 12:10 P.M. Arrive Conalllil0.1a A. M.l rrhe CorraflIi,13J I'.M. Arrlro Albany 11:20 A. M Arrlv Yaqulna, 645 I'M. 0. & 0. It.lt. train vonnoct at Albany and Corvallla. FAUK between Corvalh and San Francisco, rail and cabin, til; rail and itccrairo, t9 Si. Fares between Albany ami HanFrmchco and, rait and cabin, 111.45; ran aiu oicerarv, siu dj. CHAS C- HOOUE, A. O. P. and F. Agent, Corvallli, OrfjTOn. Wm, M. IIOAU, Oeneral Manager Oregon Development Go First CUas Steaiuihlp Line between YAQUINA BAY AND SAJV FICAN CISCO. Connecting at Y,iiilna with the Oregon t'aclflc It.It.C The Oregon Detelopment Cit's Uteamihlps salla: rsoM TiqtiiA i rsou ban fsascijco: wla Valley. Sat .June I Will. Valley, Sat. May Li KaiteinOrexon,8uii Junes Will. Valley, Thurt. 0 KaiternOreiron, Frl 17 Will Wallev.Tuea.. 21 KaiternOrciron.Sat.. 11 Will. Valley, Thurt. 10 lUitcm Orwon, Frl.. SI Will. Valley, Tuendav 83 KuttrnOu-goti, Wed. July C KuternOrcKon, Wnl.. . Tlio Uouipany reaeivn tho right to chanis sailing ilajs n. ii, linn, uen. ns raw. Ageni, 31J Montgoiuiry St., Wan Francisco, C'al. OVERLAND to CALIFORNIA. VIA ORKCiOiV & CALIFORNIA It.lt. And Connection. Faro from PorthnJ to Ran Franclaco, I3J; to Sacra- roeato, 130. dote connrctloni made at Ashland with stages of the C'allfornU, Oregon and Idaho Stags Company. K4HT HliK "iJniSIOMj (IIAILY KM'KFT SUNDAYS) Between I'or'lunit anil Alilnnl-3UII Tralu. LSAS. Portland 8 00AM Salem 10.33AM Athland. ,.8:I51'JI AtlltK. Salem.. .10J1AM Athland,. Salem,. . Portland,. IOAM ISIPM ..S:t)PU Saleui,. ,1:02PM Allmu) LKAII. Eprr Tralu. ASSI1K. Portland. .. 4:00PM I Salem ,7:11PM .0:10PM .tl:0AM Salem, .. 7:1M'M Ubanon .. . .I.IJAM Ubanoii, Stlrin,... Salem.. .U:ITAM Portland lO.TOAM Pullman ralare&leepirgL'krsuaiiyDeiwecn roniami and AihUnd. Tlis O. A C. It. It. Ferry makes con. nectlon with all the regular trains un the Katt Bids l)hiilon,froui the foot of F. street. mimt siiik nmsio.v. Ilrlre Tortlaml anil l'orallla. MAIL THAIN. I.SMt. I ABIK, Portland 7uTUJI Conallli, 2:iiVi ConallK IStOPMl'ortland,. .. 0.1SPM At Corvalli connect with trains of the O.P (or Ya iiulna bay ' KXPItESS THAIN. LSAS. ASSIVS. Portland, t.MPM McMlnmllle, .. .SKMPM McMlnntllle,. .5:IAMl'orUand 900AU lcal tickets for sale and biggage chcckrJ at roni pany's up tow n oltlce, cor. Pine and Second ttrMts. tleiets tor prlnclul point Iu Calltornlt can only b procure I at company a oltlce, Cur. F and Front streets, Portland, Or. Freight will not be receive I tor ahlpment alter fire o'clock P M on cither the Kail or West Side Dlvl.lou It, KOKI1I.KU. L. n iinnrlia c. t , (tuunda. a. r. 4 iuu. Act Manager WHEAT AND OATS I UECEIVF.I) OK STORAGE! AT TUB Capitol Mills Warehouse, North Salpiu. The undersigned hating leaaed Uis above elctalor, will 01 n the nine as a Public Warehouse thU ston For particulars rraivcting sacks and charges apply to Junl f A. OltANT, l.ewet Music of the Proper Kind SOU SINUAY Ht'MOOUt ItagiMt aid In uccMulaeilce. K ery scholar III Join Iu tns singing of bright, spirited, et spproprials songs and hyuina, of s orhltut naturs snd tudlch oualv selected. These ill be f ouud In the folio lug good books: For the Sunday School, Songs of Promise. V-AVuontn1,an1.''a Price, SJcta.; or 11.00 prr dosen. A great varlet of choice soogs contributed by many able writers. Musis aud words inwUy new. A splendid book for the Sabbath school. Try It. Song Worship.F!,,sLh.?;ivnm'prl0,v or ft. SO per dox, Tlioaowhodeslredevcellestsnd well arranged tonga for the Sunday School, ill Ilk this book, It ts the work of experience eouipoKre- Fresh Flowers.elrt 11 or ti.lo P' Jo. TtielilU eaprMsei the nature ot the songs In this delightful book. It ia s charming and diluty production which the llttls people snd their teachers will welcome' StacriiiEr on the Way.Jl,"?," FtTo 1SU, or (i.00 per dosen. Good pieces for lbs children to learn; many choice songs, ) mns, Swcaalonal" plsoes, stc M Ualle4 tor retail lyrics. Oltvev IHtaon c& Co,, Boston, Or: C, II. DitsoQ A Co., M7 Broadway, H. T. WOOL. :.!. BROWN & GO. PAY HtUJIEST Sack- Fiiriilsliod SALCM, OKEOO.V 331 COMMEIICIAL Front, I''trst ana f WHOLESALE HARD- I i i WARE, CHAS. H. DODD & CO. sT'SslsssSVisBBSsflsssB'" FARM. MACHINERY. Bolo Agents for Oregon, Washington nnd Northern Idaho for tho 4 BUCKEYE REAPER . AND . MOWER. r Tlicso ifachlncs nro too veil known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers have used them aud speak of them villi praise. Thoy nro the only Harvesting Machines that will glvo entlro satisfaction to tho purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, Tlu luost r.lToctlvo and Rucccssful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning flraln over Constructed. h BUCKEYE . STEEL FRAME TWINE- BINDERS, i- Tho fcjlurcs that distinguish this Twlne-Illndcr Is the Lightness ol Draft, combined with Its Extraordluaryfltrongtli nnd Durability. Tho Hinder is of tho Appleby pattern, Ino only really successful one yet known. Wo havo two styles, tho Klovator lllndci and tho l'lalform Hinder both excellent-both recommended by hundreds of patrons. THIS WEATHER May suggest a New Suit. We have an Elegan Line of SPRING NOVELTIES.' In Suitings, and the prices will please you. Come in and look at them. G. W ,111 235 Commercial Street Salem Oregon. Deep Well Pumps on Hand and Made to Order. Prices of Wster Pipe, at factory, Salem, Oreirou Yellow fir lloibnr, Ixl, i Inch bore, per roj. Il'w: Vdlow fir timber, 41x,SJ l"Kh bore, per red, II W. Allot our atcrplpe n banded readj to lay. All rump rilled Krady for krlllng. Address all orders to PRESCOTT & FURBER, Xalctn, Oi'eyun, 6. SHDIDLER CO. FURNITURE, MANUFACTURERS. ..iivmjui.. ..!. sfiujjinu, rAKiiVJK utb, YT.rcrm, k Hr.1 lkr..h kUltk. m HlEXIr xRXT j w s. i- ' : ri --ri i rTpfyaawayawja aaipaaaMasiaw s I 1 f llHiHftsBHsSpBsssKsssssssH sssssssB'RTSMV'ssssPT''sssslsflsssissBl QnLlHiAiQ "WOOL. 3 MARKET PRICE. Free of Cluiryc. Oppcsite Lsdd d Dushts Bank. STrEET. iuc fits., Portland, Or. DEALERS IN IRON, STEEL Bohuttlor Farm Wagons, Doorol'lows, Dooro Sulky Plows, Cook & Co.'s Car riages, rhtctons nnd Top Dugglos, Four Spring Mountain Wagons, Buokboards, Buporlor Drills nnd Boodors.CorblnDIso Harrows, Hodgos.Ilnlnos Hondors, Hnlsh Barbed Wlro. I SEND FOB CIRCULARS. H N X II N SALEM WOOD PUMPS! W will dellrcr on tot or cars at 8alm, Orssor., puuipa at tht following prices for ca.h, or snip y esprcss 0, 0. 1) NO. I HOUSE WELL PUMP. (Patent AntMreciliK frost vents on sll pimps ) Thr.s ru'-l" sre sdapttd to wells 30 feet deep or Ism, an J are Us. ,liiif t r douse wells. The are mails c.f OjxO) tlmtxr: 31 Id. bor. t licit stroke- Six itroke of the lunuleolll (111 an orJInary oster bucket. I'Ult'K II HT OF .NO. I I'llMfii. All or our .No. 1 lumu batr 1'orrrlaln Lining. 6,xOJ pump, 7 feet long, 7.00 i fJxOJ pumps, 10 fret long, $7.75 " " b ' 7 ti ' it 8.00 " " U " " 7.60 " ' i 8,j No, I pips per foot; 15 tents. Coupling with bands Uk0c, SOe.' NO. 2 STOCK PUMPS : TlieM pumps sre ilcaljrnMl for sliallow wvllt; l raise water easily 30 fet. lliree full strokes of the lunJI. will eilan crJInary water bucket. Tliew pun are made of Sxi t ruber, 5 Inch bore, snd 11 Inch atroks. Ttiey it pufMtlt anil frreslng, CASH 1MIICE LIST OF NO. 2 1UM1S. (All of our No i Puui have iorcelaln lining.) 8x pump 7 feet long, ,$3,50 I Sxi unmns, 0 feet long, $1.50 Ox " " " K.CO 1 8x ' 10 " to.oo No. 2 lli per foot, SO cents. Ceupllrgs with bsudi, 7x7 each 40 cts. ntiAiu 1J&ALCHB IS SHADES and LOUNGES ft,, .. M r,.., tl. r.rtuS. .f0' 'i riJM .' f 4 t i 5.4 1.-; 1 . siKWn,- -Si3SU kttThtsiSi-.n.r-nl -A.&tf -i... kiAmt-. l. sa ... exj, mJ L