Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 10, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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tytivn 4pcpr;tmeiit.
BUte and Territorial Nw.
Wool is 20 cents n pound nt Jackson
ville. Travel over tho Cascades is lnte, ow
ing to tho great dopth of snow.
Pupils numbering COO, linvo attended
ABiilanu schools.
Hon. Geo. II. WilHama will deliver
tho oration nt Eugene on tho Fourth of
Farmers on tho Columbia were not
satisfied when oilercd $20 a ton for their
hay and hold over whilo dealers sent to
California for liny. It turns out that
thcro is an nbundanco of hay to answer
homo uses. Ono nian hns 100 tons and
now that tho wator is up cannot movo
it easily. Hay has gono down on half
and thoso who "hold on" can keep hold
ing it.
Tacoma will eclobrate tho Fourth of
July in grand stylo, and expects that
Eastern Washington will bo thoro to
Apples, cherries and plums will bo n
light crop noar Wnlln Walla thU season.
Governor Fcnnoyor is having a suito
roums fitted up nt tfio Stnto Capitol for
his own uso and intends to spend con
siderable titno thcro this summor, with
his family. Tlioy will occupy appart
nionts hnndsomoly frescoed and elegant
ly furnished and summor thoro instead
of going to tho soa beach or tho mount
ains sensible
Tho Portland Reduction works havo
docided to incrcaso tho capital stockand
onlargo their business.
Walln Walla boats tho world withn
prizo strawberry that measures n foot in
circumference. A largo and distinct
rfirlglo borry, too, not a cluster, that was
grown by Frank Orsclli. '
Frosts havo damaged gardens in
Blodgitts' Vnlloy, Donton county.
Parties tnlk of building fruit evapora
tors at Salem and Albany, on n largo
scalo. Perhaps thoy had best wnit for a
good crop of fruit.
It is claimed Hint tlio ncroago in hops
in Orogon and Washington is 20 per
cent, greater than Inst yonr, and pros
pects good for tho coming crop.
A Corvallis paper says, monumonta
erected in Crystal Lako Cometory, have
bcon broken nnd dispoilod by vandal
hands. Such vandals should servo a
term in Stnto prison.
Forty Itniinn coal miuortt havo been
brought to Bnndon, Coos Bay, to work
tho coal mines.
Tho now paper mill nt Ln Camna, W.
T. is being re-built in tho most substan
tial manner.
Old potatoes nro no snlo and thoso
who hold them regret not ncccpting tho
high prico offered not long ago.
A cavo in tho Mullan tunnel, on tho
N. P. It. Itoml. cannot bo remedied casi
ly nnd tho company will lay an over
head track on tho bed that was mado
nnd used beforo tho tunnel was finished.
Thoro is every prospect of a lively war
between steamboat lines on l'ugct
Sound, tho present season. Tho 0. It.
it N. Company hns lost tho Northorn
Pacific trade, nnd will light for business
to mako it up.
Linn county prohibitionists will hold
n Convention nt Albany, Juno 1-ltb.
Bridgo Enginoor Morrison will moot
Vice-President Pottor, of tho 0. It. & N.
Company, noxt week, nt Portland, nnd
they will lounta tho now rnilrond bridgo,
uftor which work of building samo will
bo rapidly pushed.
Tho now county of Malheur is .f 30,000
in debt.
Over a million pounds of wool will bo
shipped from Echo this season. Tho
Bailor crook country is hauling its wool
, mostly to Cntlo Itock.
Baker City Domocrnt: Sheop-shenr-ing
is now in full blast in this county.
Tho wool crop will yield hnndsomoly,
wo nro informed by sheep owners.
Taxes in Jackson county nro at present
2 per cent on from one-third to one-half
valuation. In tho town ndd 1 por cent,
extra for graded schools and city prop
erty. t
It is estimated that tho amount of
building improvements this season at
Hailoy will reach $100,000.
Tho Oregon Pacific is to bo pushed
eastward via tho Minto pass to meet the
C. & N. W., which is rapidly approach
ing Boise1 City.
About Roberts' creek in Southorn
Oregon, sheep shearing is about over,
the fleeces is said to bo n good averneo
weight while thoro is considerable snort
ago in tho number of old stock sinco Inst
Long Creek Eaglo : Tho Davis broth
ers, Stone, Lcvorton Hunsaker, Freddy
Clover, MoThomas and partner did tho
biggest day's shoaring ever done in this
region by any equal number of shearers.
It was 000 merinos.
Tacoma hns raised pvor $7000 for tho
Fourth of July celebration and is still
at work.
Mo-t of th sheep havo reached tho
mountains, and herders havo begun their
summers picnic beneath tho ehado of
towering pines, sayB a Loxington ex
change In about a month from now,
when grata begins to get scarce, tho
fcbf-phcrd'a troubles begin.
The abandonment of tho mail route
between Ashland and Linkvillo will tako
plaeo sooner than previously announ
ced, and the formor placo will in a few
days no longer bo one of the terminim,
says tho Jacksonville paper. A semi
weekly mail will bo carried over the old
ro Ue as far as Sliako postoffice, or Jenny
Southern Orogon farmers havo bcon
having favorable weather for the harvest
ing 'd their fit crop of liny this week
M.lton Enp : Although grain fields
still look f rf-h nnd green, yot n good
shower hist iiowwonld bo regarded ns a
According to The Dalles Timcs-Mauu-taineer,
tho wheat output of Wasco Co.,
this year is estimated nt over 2,000,000
Haying will soon commence in earnest
about Elln in Morrow county, ltyo is
nearly ready to cut, nnd tho whirr of tho
mowing machine will soon bo heard.
Jackson county will hnvo better gain
crops this year thnn of somo timo past,
and will harvest moro grain than over
beforo tho acrcago being greater than
nt nny time in tho past.
Haying has commenced nnd will soon
bo underway throughout Southern Ore
gon. Tho crop will bo a largo one, but
nono too much so, as noarly nil tho liny i
was led out to stock last eenson.
All through tho stock ranges cast o
tho Cascades, stockmen nro waiting for
buyors from tho East, but they do not
com?. Tho boef markot will bo lower
in prico if this continues.
Tacoma has raised ovor 7,000 to cclo
brato the "glorious Fourth."
All over Western Orogon, including
tho Southern valtoys, reports stnto that
fruit will bo n small crop often not
over ono-fourth an nverngo yield.
A compnny is being formed ntHnlcm,
with $0,000 capital to build n fruit
evaporator. Mr. Troscotto from tho
Enst, takes half tho stock.
Tho Linn county Grango Council has
docided to hold tlio annual picnic, ns
hcrotoforo, in tho woods on tho Snntiam
bottom, opposite Jefferson.
Ono who has been through Linn
county and other Willametto counties,
reports that fruit will not bo ovor one
fourth of n crop, of nil kinds. Lnto
frosts did it.
At Young's river falls, nenr Astoria,
a pulp mill is boing built to supply n
Californin Pnpor Company.
Fifty logging camps nro all buy on
tho Lower Columbia, nnd it is that that
during tho season tho log harvest will
amount to 10,000,000 feet of lir, codnr
nnd spruce.
The Cascade division will bo open to
business traffic Juno lfith, but passen
ger trains may be n fnw days Inter.
Jacksonville is determined to have n
branch to connect it with tho O. it C.
Saw mills on Shoalwatcr bay and
Gray's Harbor uro all busy and as lum
ber benra n fnir prico, times nro good in
nil tho lumber districts.
Crops in Umpqun vnlloy nro in lino
condition und nover wcro bettor.
At Conuillo and Ynouina work on tho
jotties is being stondily prosecuted.
At tho mouth of tho Columbia n
wharf js being constructed to enablo
boats to land rock for tho broakwater.
A quarry is oponod nt Tonguo Point, of
oxcollont rock nnd now material pan bo
furnished easier nnd chenper than bo
fore. Many residents of Sauvics island
havo had to rcmovo to high ground,
owing to tho Hood riso, nnd their hogs
nro drowned in many instances. In
trying to rcmovo boiiio largo hogs and
pigs to tho mnlnlnnd tho boats upsot nnd
many moro wore drowned.
East Portland lovies a tax of 8 mills
for school uses. Tho old property will
bo sold and now bought nnd commo
dious school houses orccted.
Crop prospects enst of tho Rockies nro
improved by sc.wiinnhln inins. Report
nro published from the Northwestern
States thnt show u fair average prospect
for tho coming harvest.
Croat Salt Lako is to be stocked with
shad from tho Chcenpcako breeding sta
Michnol Dnvitt advises resistance on
on the part of thoso to bo evicted and
thoy defy tho police, lighting for their
homes with boiling water and swarms of
bees loose on the onemy.
An earthquake that occurred in tho
provinco of Quobec, Canada, dislodgod
masses of rock and uprooted largo troes.
A cyclono of tho India coist wrecked
a steamer with 750 on board, tho Sir
John Lawrence, and all nro supposed
to bo lost.
It is reported that nearly five hundred
millions of dollars of hidden trcasuro
has bcon discovered in tho nalnco of n
deceased vizier nt Morrocco rnthcr n
fishy yarn to tell.
Chas C. Itogers. of tho U. S. ship
Galena, who officially accompanied Chas
do Lcssops, vico president of tho Panamn
canal takes a discouraging view of tho
success of thnt enterprise. Ho thinks
tho mountain moves into tho cnnnl nnd
that it will bo almost impossiblo to
finish it.
Explorers sent out by Gov. Torres of
Sonorn, reports finding an active volcano
in the Siorra Mndro Mountains that
pours out smoke, lire nnd lava and boil
ing wator that destroys all vegetation.
It is a fearful volcano and does immouso
work filling up tho mountain canyons
with lava. For 10 miles around tho
world 1b a desert.
Tho Californin produce exchange
gathorg facts that show that northorn
California, including Snornmcnto county,
will turn off tho smno wheat crop as Inst
year, San Joaquin valley (JO per cent of
Inst ycnr'B crop: From San Francisco
south tho yield will bo -10 por cent of
Inst year west of tho coust range.
A fow Apaches havo broken out from
San Carlos Agoncy, Arizona and nro
prosecuting their natural dovilmcnt by
tiro and murder, as usual.
Tho Canadian Pacific Railway will
noon havo a lino of lino steamers at work
tnkimr freight and pasHOtigora between
Sun Francisco, Portland nnd Port Moody.
Cook county, Illinois, includes
Chicago, and in a recent eloction for six
cerciiit judges tho citizens elected their
nicn,by almost threo to ono in every
district. It is nnothor great victory
against socinlism nnd machine politici
Ex vico picldont Wheolor is doad.
Violent storms nnd Hoods in Hungnria
and Gcrmnuy havo dono immouso dam
ago causing loss of lives ns woll as prop
erty. Groat distress exists and in dis
pair thoy hnvo given up trying to hold
tho flood in check.
Farm, Dairy, and
Binder iwlne, Kelting, Oils, and IHnehine
.Supplies of all Kinds.
208, 210, 212, and 214 Front Street. Portland. (Won
w "()WM
Walln Wnlln,. W.T.; LaGrnndc, Or.; nnd Moscow, I. T.
J. I. Case Agitator.
Hunt Ilchlct, thrrthra ftr, li l lMr to ttl cut
01 oiutr aDuntri grain Drnmmn any ilncrllirrnlirt.
Acnio Harrow, lod Smasher,
Cruiher ami Leveltr, weljiht much ItM than nny other
l'ult erliing Harrow, eelle tor about one-third Ini, il
withal tloetthe moat thorough work o. any.
Telexntpolo Newt.
Kx vico Presidont Wheolor is at tho
point of death.
Presidont Cleveland is nctuniy coming
West and may visit tho Pacific coast bo
foro ho returns.
Tho now Labor pnrty is making great
headway in Now York. It is a custom
for members to take their wives and chil
dren, to thoir meetings and women tako
part in debates at times.
II. G. Dunn and Co's business state
ment for tho weok says : Itenorts arc
cheering as to crops and goncrally favor
nblo ns to stnto of business, collections
nnd supply of monoy.
Sacramento has had an enrthqunko
nnd tho shock was felt on both sides of
tho Sierra Novnda Mountains.
Tho Salmon catch on tho Sacramouto
river is very email this season, whereas
tho canneries on tho Columbia an. doing
a fair business nnd nro suro of good
Tho president denies, omphntically
thnt ho intends coming West, or has
nny intention to visit tho Pacific. Wo
hnvo dono without him a long timo and
can for n whilo longor.
It is thought over 200 lives wero lost
by the burning of tho opera comiquo at
at Paris last week.
j-argo tracts 01 lanu in Hungary uro
submurged by floods, which nro now
Evictions in Ireland nro carried on
by aid of COO police nnd troops. Tho
inmatos are uamcaucu ami nouses aro
entered by tearing down walls and ro
moving furniture.
Tbo dominion Senate has decided that
divorce granted in tho United States has
no force in Canada.
O'Brien has had a dillicnlty with
Henry Georgo and Dr. ifcGlynn, a great
meeting was had and O'Brien -was un
willing to compromise the Irish cause by
mingling the Labor canto in this meet
ing. Ho objected also to John McMackin
presiding at tho meeting, and to the
resolutions nronoscd. Tho meatim
went ofl without him and ho was scored
by Dr. Glynn.
ralpltatlon ot tbo Heart.
Persons who sudor from occasional
palpitation of tho heart aro often una
ware thnt thoy nro tho victims of henrt
discaso nnd nro linblo todio without
warning. Thoy should banish this
alarming symptom and euro tho disonso
by using Un. Punt's Hkaht Hkmkdy.
At nil druggists, or J. J. Mnck & Co., U
nnu 11 j-ront stroot, a. i
Buggies mid Curringcs.
r.n.l 8prlnr Hide aprlnir, ltrewilfr trg, Tlmten
iptlnir llurelo. and all klmlt ,.t Carriage and Vehicle!!!
J. I. Gate PorUblr, Sir, buttil K. Traction and Skid
hiiglnee. Moat I'owciful In tlit world.
Thimble Skrln, Steel Sarin, Tubular
anil err) wire on lieei,
Axle Wacom
.lakakaV f ks f. M
J. I. Cue Sully, Cnc and Walking P'ot, liar
orwa ana iwiimori.
I'orra fceil Drllta and Stadtra, with Truia Aile and
Knur 'prlcj,'. I'lUf'i'tn, half PLtforni, Tbrce
and l.'iprra W.r i.
HLalaLaLaB . V
Wo carry tho largest stock in tho Northwest of Huggiiw. Carriages,
Cnrts, Spring Wagon, nnd Vehicles of, nil kindi nt piicoa lo Hiiit evorylody. It
will pay all intending purchasers to can ami twttimuio our mock ami ouiiiiii priccB.
Bissell Chilled Plows
- "''.SKVPKai rxirl3iAt&r-
Hum Feed Cutter, fruarantto beat In the World
Warranted hcttt r built and
hotter working Hum any other
Chill I'low made.
Ir. Hrnlry'a M'oBilcrful Tunlr.
Tliiuundi ol ladlia troubled ith nervou.um and
ftnula troablee hate b-en curwl by uilriK Dr limit) '
Calery, lkct and Iron. The urct, pliut, and
moat effective tonic the world ttcr knew, (fold by all
drugxtaU and country tora,
Oldest House In the Trade.
13 Pint atreet, PortlanJ, Or.
Men's Dress Suits.
.Hen's Itnsiness .Suits.
Youths' Suits,
Hoys' Suits,
full assortment of
Furnishing Goods.
Hats and Cups.
Ki. A complete atHk t! Kooda frtthly bought that
Over throe-fourths of all tho liny baled in tho
billed by theso presocs.
I'nilrd States and Cannda ;
i sm
a- f)J r I -.Jl JUaaal
Bob Sleighs
Spccinllj hullt lor our
Trade and first class lu
every respeet
cannot be uodtraold
taa Flvo.CaUona a HI
lauucf.iK tTrae;a. Strnatfins au4 pari.
tMaibaU'id, lu purity and StlUti fwimwut it
wall. HUA tjr ania4a aud Hmnkymn nmjwbmn.
For the convenleiico of our patrons wo havo established llrauch Housos nnd
agencies nt nil points of iiuportnnco throughout Oiogon, Wiishington und Idaho,
whero we carry a stock of our v.nious machines mid vehicles, mid also n pairs
for same.
Wo oarnently ask that you call upon our nearest local agent, ozamino ourg.nlg
and obtain our tonus and prices leforu piircliaiiug olsowlioro nnything you may
need in tho line of .Machinery, Vehicles or Hupplies.
If wo have no local agent near you, pliMMi write us what you i to purchaso
and wo will send full information and priccri by return mail, or lii one of our
traveling salesmen call upon you.
Should there ever arise any din?.ilisfactioii in your dealing v h ourselves or
Agouti, plcaho write us all tho fact and wo will mo that ample jmi o is done yon
All our goods havo lieon especially built for lliif trndo of tin- Ix-xt material
strongly and durably made, lincly flnishetl und painted, and t niininitt'd equal or
ttuperior to all others of their class manufactured in tho lJnit H hi is.
Wo shall hojKt, by furnishing you tho beht goods, by fair prjc"". liberal terms,
and courteous and honorable treatment, to secure your ontini pairunge.
206 to 214 Front Street, Portland, Oregon:
frywBacapsay Wi t imwmimvmerm!
?' -.'- -&. t rsi;