Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 10, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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Kj J.
Iie )oiic 4,inlt.
una HAtmioT t. olarke, editor
Sho breaks the thread with an angry twang.
Just as if at her touch a harp-string rang
And keyed to tho quaint old aong she sang,
That came to a halt on her cherry lips
While she tied a knot that never could slip,
And thought of another, when her ship
All ladened with dreams in splendid guiao
Should sail right out of tho azure skies
And a lovor brinp, with great bluo eyes.
Ab, broad tho day, but her work was done
Two runs by reef, Sho had twisted and spun
lfcr two Booro knots by set of sun.
With hor ono, two, three, tho wheel beside,
And tho thrco, two, ono of her baokward glldo
So to and fro in in calico pride
Till the bees went homo and the daylight died,
Iler apron whlto as tho white sea foam,
Sho patherod tho wealth of her velvet gloam,
And railed it in with a tall baok comb.
Sho crushed tho grans with her naked feet,
The track of tho sun with a golden street,
Tho grass was cool and tho air was sweet.
Tho girl gazod up at tho mackerel sky,
And it looked liko a pstern lifted high,
But sho never dreamed of anqels nigh.
Andahespoko right out: "Juat sco there!"
What a bluo and wblto for thooloudod pair
I am going to knit for my Sunday wear."
Tho wheel is dead and tho bees aro gone,
And tho girl is droascd in a silver lawn,
And her feet aro shod in a golden dawn t
Ob, brow that old timed morning kissed t
Good-night, my girl of tho doublo-and-twiit I
Oh, barefoot vision! Vanishing mist.
llajamine F. 'l'oylor.
A Pleasant Homo.
To mako tho homo pleasant and at
tractive to tho children should ho tho
principal aim of parents. Thcro is no
reason why this should not ho done. It
is not necessary that tho homo should
bo n ricti ono to bo pleasant to both
parents and littlo ones. On tho contrary
tho majority of such homos will bo
found nmong tho middlo class, whoro
tho daily labor of tho father is tho
wholo dopoudonco of tho family. Ono
can very readily tell by tho faco and
manner of tho child whether his home
is nttractivo or otherwise A grown per
son may hido any dissatisfaction ho may
havo with bia lifo or surroundings bo
ncath n smiling exterior, but a child
novcr docs so, and though ho novor com
plnitiB by work of mouth, yet. his faco
and mannor toll tho Btory plainer than
though ho had spoken.
A pleasant homo is not a placo whero
tbo child has only enough to cat and
wear. It must bo moro than than this.
A charltablo Btrangea would willingly
givo, and very often doos give, raoro
than that Is it right that a child
should got from its own parents noth
ing moro than that which a benovolcnt
strnngor would givo? No, it is unnatur
ally wrong. How long would wo bo sat
isfied with simply n placo to rost whon
wo woio tired, or to eat whon wo woro
hungry? Not a great whilo, I am suro.
Vo must bo amused ; wo must havo our
tastes recognized. Havo tho childrcd
notnstcsT llavo thow thoy no wish to
bo amused? "Oh," you say, "thoy havo
thoir piny ; thoy run and jump, and is
not that amusement?" To bo sure, but
this is not enough. Thoy cannot run or
jump in tho houeo, moro particularly if
thoro is n largo family of them. Most
pooplo would hardly caro to have a
troop of thorn running all over tho houso
whilo playing hido-nnd-go-soek. Thon,
again, thoy do not want to bo exercising
all tho time.
Each child has so mo ono talont or gift
that has been givon him. No matter how
stupid ho may appear there is always
ono thing ho can do better than others.
It is for tho parents to find out what
this ono gift is, and aid tho child in
bringing it out. If they observo care
fully tho Ustcs of tho littlo ones thoy
can easily dotermino for what each one
is adapted. Ono is novor so happy or
contented as when drawing with poncil,
on paper or Blato, figures or landscapes,
sonctimo copiod, but gcnorally from the
imagination. Ho does not weary of
this work as a child who only take it
up to simply pass away tho time, but
spends hours at it, adding hero and eras
ing there until tho picturo is dono to
his entiro satisfaction. Somo cardboard
and n box of crayons would bo a suit
ablo birthday gift for this child. Ho
will want very littlo other amusement
outside of his play than this. Another
child is of a mechanical turn of mind.
His pleasure seems to consist in repair
ing and making useful articles. Ho is
continually working with hammer, chisel,
etc. A box of carpenter's tools is what
this child should havo to make him per
fectly cpntonted with his home.
Let Uiem occasionally invito their
friends to spend an evening with them,
and you will bo better ablo to judge and
advise as to their company, as a well
mannered child guest is usually a safe
companion for any child. They should
bo provided with books and games with
which to entertain their visitors.
It is wonderful how littlo will mako
childred ' satisfied with their homos.
Simply h recognition of. each individual
taste. Besides making the home attrac
tive, bv rinding out hw one gift you fit
tho child for the profession or trade for
which he is most adapted, and there is no
danger then of his missing his vocation.
If more attention would be paid to de
termine the truto of a child we would
have lets incompetency among men as
a person seldom does half-hearted work
in a profession or trade for which ho bat
a preference.
Ice-Cream. With every quart of tho
cream mix six ounces host pulverized
whilo sugar, a vory littlo vnnilla bean
and tho whlto of an egg. Tho lattor im
parts a smoothnoss and dolicacy to tho
cream that cannot othcrwiso bo obtained.
Tho prepared mixturo is thon to bo
stirred in tho freezor until it is ontiroly
congealed. Instead of vanilla as a flavor
for tho cream n trifling amount of any
desired flavoring sirup or juico may bo
used, as strawborry, pine-applo, lemon,
orange, otc.
Stewed Mushrooms. Pool and wash
fresh mushrooms (one-half pound) and
bnko into pieces. Season with salt and
peppor and lot thorn stand ono-half
hour; molt ono tablospoonful buttor and
ono tcaspoonful flour, and ono pint
mushrooms. Simmer 15 minutes; thon
add four tablospoonfuls milk or cream
and tho woll-boaton yolk of an egg.
Sweetbreads. Wash in cold water,
rcmovo pipes and mombranes. Cook in
boiling sallod water, with ono tablespoon
ful lemon-juico, 20 minutes. Drain and
put into cold water. Larded Swoot
breads. Lard and bako till brown, bast
ing with brown stock. Servo with mush
room sauce. Creamed Swootbroads.
Break into small pioccs, add whlto enuco
and mushrooms cut fine; cook ten min
utes and servo. Sweetbreads should bo
nut into cold wator as soon as brought
from tho markot, as thoy spoil quickly.
Tho jomon-juico or vinegar is added to
harden tho sweet breads in cooKtng, as
thoy, liko lish, aro composed mostly of
albumon and may bo hnrdonod in this
way. All flsli is improved, both in
flavor and appoaranco, by tho addition
of vinogar or lemon-juico lo tho wntor
in which it is cooked, as it makes it solid
and flaky for salad, etc. Ono tablo
spoonful vinegar to four pounds of lish
is a good proportion. Sweetbreads must
llrst bo cooked as doscribed abovo, what
ever is dono to them afterward. Thoy
may thon bo boiled liko a steak and but
tered and seasoned, or cookod in n va
riety of ways, oithor pluin.or fancy. Two
of tho best methods aro larding and
creaming, as given abovo.
Ilnuiunu Jelly. This is vory troublo
somo to make, as it takes n lot of boiling
boforoftit jollios. Tako tho rhubarb
stalks, ns grocn and as pink as possiblo,
wash and wipe, but do not paro them ;
cut them into lengths, placo thorn in a
preserving pan with half a pint of water
to each pound of fruit, and stir them
over a clear firo gently with n silver
spoon until tho juico eoinos frcoly ; thon
let it all drain through a now hair siovo
but do not press it. Pass it through n
picco of folded muslin, weigh tho juico,
and boil it up quickly for a quartor of
an hour, tlien add from turco-quirlcrs to
ono pound of best lump sugar, accord
ing to tlio sweetness ot tho rliubarut stir
this in off tho firo until it is all dissolved,
thon boil tho jelly for ton minutes longer,
or until it jellies. Clear tho scum off
very carofully both beforo and alter ad
ding tho sugar, and bo suro tho hair
Biovo, tho muslin and tho pail aro per
fectly clean, and if a silver spoon is not
handy uso a now wooden spoon : tho
loast thing will spoil tho color of this
jolly, and iron, powtcr or tin turn it a
dirty purple.
1'ork Pie. For tho crust, tako soven
pounds of flour, quartor pound of suet,
ono and thrco-fourth pounds of lard, and
ono pint hot wntor. Wurm tho lard and
tho suet, placo them in tho center of tho
flour, and mix all with tho hot wntor
with a woodon spoon till cool enough to
uso your hand. It must bo a porfoctly
smooth paste; thon oithor round It with
a bottlo or cut a round for tho bottom,
and a straight strip for tho sidos, and
fasten them with yelk of eggs, nnd pinch
cover nnd sidos together, or tho gravy
will escape. For tho piu, cut into dlco
rathor less fat than lean from a nico loin
of pork, season it well with pepper nnd
salt, and, if liked n littlo powdered herbs,
pack it nil tightly into tho cruet, and
bake about two hours in a moderate oven
(ono from which tho bread bus been
drawn is best). When takou from tho
oven, remove tho flour on tho cover, nnd
add a littlo strong stock inado from the
bones of the loin. This is an old Lin
colnshire recipe nnd answers admirably.
What We Don't Want.
A Nebraska farmer's wife, who writes
from experience-, tells of somo of tbo
things to avoid in attending to milk and
butter. Experience teaches that thoro
aro many little things that produco great
results for good or evil, especially tho
latter, in dairy mutters, nnd theso max
ims should be read and heeded. She
writes in an exchange- thus:
Wo do not want the milk pail and
strainer washed with tho dhh cloth, nor
in tho same water in which tho other
dishes havo been washed ; nor do wo
want them washed at all untill (hey have
pecn rinsed out with warm water to re
move the duet and hairs that must cer
tainly remain in tho strainer and pail.
We do not want an old-fashioned
dash-churn ; if your husband insists on
your using yours, because "his mother"
always did, procuro for him, if possible,
a "reap nook" or old lasuloned "grain
cradle," such as "his father" used and
toll him it's of no use to have a Bclf
binder or even "self-rake" machine, that
"his father' never um and ho compares
with his father's ago just in tho samo
way that you comparo with tho ago in
which "his mother" lived.
Wo do not want tho buttermilk to
stand in tho churn, nor tho churn to ro-
main without washing and drying im
mediately after uso; do not closo it up
too soon ; bettor throw over tho top a
picco of clean muslin than closo it up
tight, as it is qui to likely to mould.
Wo do not want n wooden milk pnil
if "your mother" did uso woodon pails
nnd mnko premium (?) butter. No mat
ter how woll you clean them moro filth
remains in them than you would bo wil
ling to cat; if you havo never tried it
tako n knifo and scrnpo tho pail after it
has ben cleaned tno bost possiblo way
Wo do not want hot wntor poured into
tho cans or pans until thoy hnvo first
been rinsed with cold thcji warm water,
after which wash in quite hot water with
a littlo sal soda dissolved in it. I keep
somo dissolved in a jug for convonlonco.
Aftur this, Bcald and turn partly up sldo
down to drain, or wipe witb a clean cloth.
A slanting "tilt" against tho wall with n
strip of lath nailod on your shelf Is pro-
Brine For Seasoning.
Tho bost butter-makers in England,
Ireland and Jcrooy, ns well as in this
country, nro gradually dropping the
prnctico of seasoning tho buttor with
salt, and aro using brino in its placo.
Thoso who are far enough along to ap
preciate tho difToronco botwoon gather
ing buttor in a lump nnd handling it in
granulos, nro in a position to adopt
brino seasoning with oaso and decided
bonollt. All that is'ncccssary for such
a butter-maker to do is, whon his but
tor has como, lo wash in tho usual way
with water till it runs off clear, nnd
thon immorso tho granulos of butter in
brino as strontr as It can bo matin, and
lot tho butter lio in it tho samo longth
of timo ho would to hnvo tho salt ills
solvo if ho had used dry salt, nnd then
press tho buttor into n solid form,
nvoidlng any Motion or grinding mo
tion whilo reducing it to n solid. In
this way nil working will bo avoided,
nnd tho butter loft in tho best possiblo
condition for keeping, nnd hnvo an
oven color nnd tho highest flavor it is
possiblo for it to hnvo. lly lying in
strong brino n fow hours (ho brino will
draw tho water out of tho butter tho
8amons dry salt would.
i i
The Worlc Box.
1st row Chain 10 stitches, catch in
first stitch with Binglo crochet making n
2d row Turn, mako 0 trcblo crochet
in tho ring.
3d row Turn, chain -1, 1 treblo in tho
contor of G treblo of hint row, 1 chain, I
trcblo in tho samo placo, z chain and 1
treblo in first troblo crochet of second
'lth row Thrco chain, fl trcblo in tho
contor hoio of last row, 1 chain, 1 trcblo
in noxt l chain, ropcut until thoro nro 7
treblo' crochot sonnratod by 7 sIiil'Io
chains, catch in tho chain ot llrst row by
a slip stitch.
5th row Thrco chain, catch botwoon
first nnd second troblo of fourth row, re
peat until there nro 7 small scollops,
then mako -1 chain, fasten with 1 singlo
in tho first trcblo of fourth row, chain I,
fnstcn in last trcblo of fourth row.
Jlogin to repeat nt second row.
How to Oet a Free Farm
As wo all know, tho public laud of the
United States is divided into laud dis
tricts. This land is survoyed, and tho
plats of tho separate townships aro
mado at tho (icnoral Land OJlico,
Washington, and sent to tho land ollico
of tho particular district in which tho
land may bo. Hero is a "Hogistor,"
who records tho filings made by tho
settlers, and keep track of tho disposal
of tho different lands. Tho "Ilocoiver"
takes charge of tho mouoys paid for
publit lands, and is the authority to
whom proof of hottlemont nnd compli
ance with tho land laws must bo mado
to sccuro a deed from tho Government,
technically called "proving up." Ho
also pasos judgment on contest mado
for noncompliance- with tho require
ments of tho land laws. In u district
of purely agricultural land, thoro nro
thrco ways in which to securo a homo :
By taking a "homestead." "pre-emption"
or "tree claim" ICO acres is tho mixi
mum amount that can bo "filed" on in
each case. A troo claim and homo-
stead, or a pro-oinption and trco claim,
can bo taken at tno same time, but a
pre-emption cannot bo taken beforo u
homestead is "proved up," or vico versa.
Tho pre-emption nnd homestead require
residence to secure title. Eight years is
given in which to raise ten acres of
trees on a 100 aero tree claim, when a
deed will bo given. Thus it will bo
seen that ultimately 489 acres of the
public domain can bo secured under the
operation of these laws.
Having stated the theoretical rights
of our citizens under tho present laws,
wo will show tho way to apply them in
practice Thus, if a person tired of
struggling for existenco on tho worn
and high priced lands of tho East, de
termines to como West and "grow up
with the country," the first thing to do
on arrival will bo to go to tho land
office and get plata ot townships show
ing tho quarter-sections taken, or still
eligible for entry. Theae will cost fl
each. With theso ho can proceed tol
tho locality thoy designate, ond by
tho aid of tho figures on tho section
stakes, which ho can easily loarn to
read, can mako his selection. Tho set
tlers already on tho ground nro very
anxious to havo neighbors, and will
often assist in "locating" tho intending
homo seokor. Tho selection made, tho
land ollico is again visited, whoro tho
register will supply official
blanks, on which tho immigrant
will fill out a description of tho town,
range, section nnd quarter whero his
selection may be, and mnko ntlidavit of
his intention to scttlo on tho samo.
Theso aro filed with tho register, and
ii.. ., i ciq :., .,:.i ir i. i!.,..i
docided to mnko It a "homestead," after
which, nt tho expiration of fivo yenrs,
tho government will givo a docd, with
out further oxponso, other than $8 whon
"final proof" is mado. If n pre-emp
tion, nt "proving up" $1.25 por ncro will
lhj ennrgcu aumiiouai. -in iiiiikuik
entry of n "troo claim," $11 will bo paid
whon "filing" is mado, nnd a liko sum
nt tho dato of final proof.
Soaring theso facts in mind, thcro is
no necessity of roquiring "land ngonla"
or "locators," and othor expenses, bo
sidos thoso named, nro not necessary.
Tho mothods of proccduro, both in
finding unentered lands, nnd in "filing"
on them, is vory slmplo, nnd with a
copy of tho land laws, nnd tho plates to
be had at tho land office, tbo sottlor
can onsily mnko his own selections.
Mem. It must bo remembered thnt
nil govornmont lands lying within a
railroad grnnt nro culled doublo mini
um land, nnd tho government rnto for
such is $2.G0 per aero instond of $1.25,
ns givon abovo, which is tho prico of all
government land outsido tho boundaries
of tho railroad grnntB. Tho Farmer.
tttsid Till.
I you'wnnt any photographs taken go
to W. F. Johnson's, whoro you enn get
tho best out, tho benefit of tho rccont re
duction in prices. Johnson Is nlwnys
willing lo divide tho benefits with his
patrons. A recent drop of nricoB on
goods enables him to givo a liberal re
duction in prices on nil works in his
lino, llcmombor tho plnco. Commor
clul St. Salem Oregon.
"Speculation In futures Is ot such n
dograding nnd dnngorous character that
laws which apply to gambling should,
with cqunl forco, bo mado to apply to
thoso nefarious trndos." True enough ;
nnd farmors aro coming lo unorstnnd
that tho prices of tho great staple crops
of this country nro regulated moro by
thtsn cnmblors than by tho laws of sup
ply and domnnd. Tho Orango has
nlrcady tnkon hold of this subject, and
it will bo followed up.
Mure Hour? for Your Work
If you improve good opportunities.
Hnllott & Co., Portland, Mnlno, will
mail, frco, full information showing how
you can mnko from 5 to $25 nnd up
wards n day and livo nt homo wherever
you aro located. Bolter write; somo
havo mndo ovor 50 in a day ; nil now.
No cnpithl required ; startod froo. Both
soxos; all ngos. Succoss for ovory
worker. Send address nnd sco for yourself.
a Positive Cure
for eVerV form of
PiMples to Scrofula
rcllcvril by warm Utti with Citicuha Hour, a
rl skin Ileauilfler, and a tingle application ol du
el's tho grtat skin Cure.
Tlilf repeated dally, with two or three doses ol
CrtiM SA )trjMi xt, the new Wood Purlfyer, to keep
the blood cool, the persidrstlon pure and unlrrllatlmr,
the bowels open, the liter and klJneye active, will
speedily cure.
Kcieina, tetter, ringworm, psortils, lichen, pruritui,
acald head, dandruff, and eery species ol torturing,
disfiguring, Itchlnr, ecaly and plroiiley diseases ol the
ik In and scalp, lth Iom ol hair, when physicians and
all known remedies tall,
Sold etcrvwhrre. Price. Ci'Ticrru. Wc; Soar, iV;
Ruolvint, tl. Prepared by the I'onit Dsiu AXb
Cnr.xiCAi.Ca , IlokTOX, Mass.
Xi. Sena fjr "How to Cure Skin Diseases."
hTufpTee, Tdae1T6eadi,,ciiaipr and oiiylikTn pie"
rim vented by Cluci sa utuiCAUU aoAr.
S75 Commerslal St., Salem, Oregon,
Books & Stationery Articles
ArlM llHlrrlal, Mu.lrul Instruments.
School Hooks, Music Hooks,
Pis) lug Cards, Calling Carda, and ancndleae
tarletyof pocket cutleiy.
T i:a:u( joiknau ud cuhii boohs
JLj of all kind and prlcee. Laleat it) lea of papeitrle
IdFi, Pens, Pencil, etc.
l'hotograph Abuine, Autwraph Albuui, all of the
lateat atylea. Alwaye a lull aaaoituitnt of LovcU'a
Library and Dime Novels.
tsr Any I'erlotllral runlahtd ou Hhorl
.teller at Mrgular I'rlrra,
Wrlshionly Knra lb., anil
tan Ih carrltil In a email
vatUe. Ml. OOO Hkwabu
roH ITB nursiuuK. nun
Ing made llitht and !.
The cluthra liave that pure
wiuuneu vrnicn no oiner
mode ti( waahlntf can pro.
ducc A'o rubbinu ratfulred ;
no friction ui Injure the
fabric-. To place It In every
kruiiak,.!.! Iha f .(! 4a tlkri
ACME, Pat. April 12. 11. ,a pM- t 3, and If
not found atlf actory within one month from OjiIo
of liurchA"-. money refunded, lea Kipreu chargea.
fcutiureiirniilara. Aventa waited.
H, E. DUDLEY, West Superior. Wi
Mention tola paper. octlty
Pooiloolia Pa- Fun's Hsart Rnror (son
ilOdUgUIIP. Cf iho beat remedies known for head.
ache, widen is often dependent Upon dlaonie of thu
heart, sometimes upon nervous clacaae. and soma
times upon derangement ot the circulation.
ft. Flikt Hurt niuror at onco
i muses conrulilons to cease, and by
a proper uso of tho tnedlclno will prevent the re
curronce, either In children or adult.
ilnlirilim !. runt's Hurt nr-uur, vrbea
UOIIIIUIII- Srcn in cues ot delirium, calms th
excited brain, and by eeciirlnc rcet for the sufferer,
promotes the rostoraUon of health.
A Double Influenco. M?S?3&
will cure caeca ot Jxeumlgla which other remedies
have failed to reach, as It exercises a doublo Influ
ence, In ono com over the circulation, and in the
other over the nerves.
At drurebta. t.50. Descriptive treatise with
each bottle J or addroes
For ladles and children whose taste can
not bo offended with Impunity, HAMDUIU
F10S fonn a remedy for constipation, tn
dlftatton, plies and liver complaints which
Is as nleaeant to take as It Is effectivs lo
At all Druggists ! or address
J. J. MAOK & CO.,
0 nnd II Front Ot., Son Frnnolaoo, CaJ.
MEN, younjr, middle-aired
and old, tingle or married,
and all who are sufferlar
with LOST MANsaeaB'
Nervous debility, Seminal
LoMos.Sexual decay.FIMn;
aiemory, iack oi nnergy.
uioou anu nam uiaeaaea,
Syphlllts, Done I'alns.Swell
Inge, Sore Throat, Ulcers,
Effects of Uercury, Kidney
and DtadderTroublca.Durn:
IngUrlne, Oononhcoa, Olset
Strictures, prompt relist
and euro for life. BOTH
HKXEf consult confldenUally. If In trouble, oall or
writs. Tl'K 1)11. VANUONCI&OAIl DISI'KNRAIir.
1SS and 131 Sd ttreet, Portland, Oregon.
Oysters In every style. Candles, Nuts, Cakes, Pies,
Dread, etc. TKOl'IOAL KUUITS, etc
That W. 1. JOHNSON tho
CommercUl Htreet, Salem, Oregon.
Portraits, Copying, Enlarging, Coloring, etc., eto.
t&Vlews taken In city' or country. Send li youi
tiers, they will be prom ptly filled.
Foreign Legal Business.
rent Itrltuln, Irolaiul or
Can have It attended to on application to the under
alined, who hats special facilities for looking aftel
same. MrliOt'UAL A HOWKK,
decllf Attorneys, PorUand, Oregou.
Tbo OIUCINAL nnd ONLY Urnalnr.
Safe and alwas Itellable. lleware ef worthleae Imita
tions. IddlspensablatoLAIHKM. Ask youi Drua
gilt lor "I'ulrliMtrra fCnRllah and take no other
or enclose 4o (ttampe) to ua for particulars In Utter by
return tm.!!. NAMK turfcM.
2313 Uadlson Square, Philadelphia, Pa.
8old by Irtgglets everywhere. Ask lor tho"'h.
rbrtera Kngllah" fruuyrcyal I'OU. Take
no other. 2deely
The following valuable books will be supplied from
theoltlceof the Farm ss. Any one or mure of theee
books wilt be sent post-paid direct to any of our
readers on receipt of the regulsr price, which Is
named against each book)
Asparagus Culture, (flexible cover.) I ,tO
lurry Krnlt Uirdea.(new) J. 00
Downing". Fruit and Fruit Tree , 6.00
Dadda Modern llorao Doctor 16.0
Hop Culture, (new edition.) ,. W
Farm Conveniences,. l.&O
Lawn Planting, . ., 26
Laws' Fanners Veterinary Advisor 3,00
Jennings on Sheep. Nwlne and Poultry 1.2
Johnson's Practical Poultry Keeper, (apcr) 6'
King's lieo-ki-epersTeit Hook 1,0-
Kendall's Sheen Husbandry 1.60
lllley's Potato Pests, (pi eoer.) CO
Treat's Injurious InkcU,. 2.00
Tobasco Culture, 26
Squirrels Must Go.
XTAKMEMS, now Is the ruht time to go for these
Xi Pw and save your trope from their devastation.
Use VfmUrltn Squirrel and tioplser Kiltr-
alnalor. For sale b;
or sale by
1M Bute street, Salem, Orrgvnt
I'l copies of maps of Oregon and Washington a
following rates. These maps are put up In convenient
form to cary In the pocket, Endoeed In a stiff board
cover. They can be obtained at tho following prices:
Map of Oregon, I
Map t Washington,,.,.,
Oregon and Washington Combined. LIS)
irllcnilt by Postal Order or Ileglstered Letter
Postage atampe will not be taken.
Audreae I
Money lo Loan wllboul ComniUtUn.
In sums to slt on real estate or approved security.
Purchasers ol Notes, County snd Mate Warrants,
tlortgae I'miis made on ihrve tu live years tlrue.
tr Omre: lire) mans block, Salem, Oregon,
feb 9 uios
rnyalrlaa and Margrou.
OFFICE: Over A. T. Yeatoo's furniture store VA
Commercial street. Medicine furnished at efflce
BALK!: . . OP.KJ0N.
Secure Agency NOW. CATA100UE DEE
aiMEmi MACH.co.. cucHmu, Mo. mCE
UfflDs om Aflat. SjaX a weak and si peases.
nUlirt P'd. Valuaiieoulllt and particulars free
notemti . VMBfaBV, Aajyatt, Malar.
r-'-rr'TrrT"""''"'''''''"" l""""""r-'--"- TTrrriTiiiMrYriTr-lrigtrtislTiTiffTlffi'r'1" 1 1""" """" "
i tamfwamm.v'mmx'rri -Trwr rtese