WILLAMETTE FARMER: aALEM, OKEGON APRIL 1, 1887. 4 lined every Week by the WIUAMRTTE FARMER. MTOUBHIX! CM. TKRM8 Or BUBoCIlirTlOh. U soothe, (Poetafe paid), lo edreneo.. Mm thatiiU months will be, per month M ADVER8IS1N0 BATES 1 Advertisement will be Inserted, p,-ovldlngtn are epecUble, at the following table of rate 1 One Inch of space -er month... ( Cum Inches ol space pet month e-halfoolnmn per month Om eohrmnpef month ww fjss, Hejsple copies tent free on application. nmniOnAdrtlieri enobtln sdv rrtMnmte UnluAUU of 1UB TIIOHA8.4IUndolpli mam lsonnialnIhlfaa1ph1a at Uio Newspaper Adrer. Using Agency of Messrs. our auworuou mumi CINCHVATTI advertisers on cell at "8 Vlnj itre.t. and t .ilmetee. Our went we PAR INS HOll". and get estlmstts. Our sent FISHER : SAN FRANCISCO Will Quote fsvorahle ratcs-g Mercnanta mcnim THIS PAPER X8ffl&za& n.",,p.r Advrrtl.lnit Ilure.u (10 HT1.VC8 YKUTI81MO COimUCTS Mr If lUlflVl nay bo tntttlo for It In Gov. Pknkoyfii hns appointed ox-Son-ntor J. H. Sontor ns tbo domocratic mem ber of tlio Slalo Railroad commission. Tho otlior tnombcr is to bo n republican nnd a, farmer from this valloy, and will bo nppointed on Friday, ho tbo Govern or tells us. Tbo two commissioners will appoint tbo Secretary of tho board. OATTLKon tbo Montana rangcH Ich Honed ono lmlf in numbor, on nn av orago, ovor tbo wbolo Territory, during tbo past winter. In Homo districts tbo loss was 75 por cent. It baa proved to bo tho most uovcro winter known in tbo biutory of tbat region. IIorscH and nbccp did eomo bettor than cattle, but sbcop woro still dying and somo bantln of bor ecs bud lost ono-lmlf. Much bns Iwon mado of tbo iwsump tion tbat buttordid not at onco odvanco in price whou tbo olcomargarino law wont into oiled, as an argument tbat tbo law 1h a failure Tho truth is, how over, that dairy Interest, both in butter nud obeeso, nro on a llrmor basiH than thoy bavo been for several years. Hut tho cavillorrt said tbo olcomargarino law would striko a blow at tbo bcof and pork producors by decreasing tho do main! for tallow and laid to bo mado into bogim butter. What bavo thoy to nay now, when both bcof and pork bavo been protty steadily advancing over vsneo tbo olcomargarino law went into effect. Whkat growers in England aro so thoroughly discouraged by low priccH that tbo production of this grain is likoly to decreaso ovon more than it has in tbo past. Uvea yet, however, Eng land, for so Hrnall a territory, produces moro wheat than any equal aroa in this country. Tho largo yiolds per aero como vory near making tho crop pay, or bo much would not bo grown as there is. ItbaH been norioiwly proposed in England lo give a bounty on wheat pro duction of bo much per bualicl, which would bring up tbo prico to tbo fiirmor without increasing tho cost to tho eon manor. Not only tho laboring poor, but the wealthy manufacturcm of Eng land, aro interested in keeping bread cheap. On tlio cheapness of broad de pends England'a ability to undersell her manufactured products in tbo markoU of tho world. Javak is attempting tbo culturo of wheat. This ontcrprUiug pooplo bu'o discovered that tbo Huh and rice diet has tho cIVect of deteriorating tho phy sical Btamina of its citizens. Tho gov ernment is undertaking tho introduc tion of wheat, and this only with tbo purpose of growing enough for homo uho. Thoy begin with sowing 250 bushels of spring and the samo amount of winter wheat. Only ono of tho is lands is adspted to wheat growing, and uveu if tbo experiment is successful, Japan to moro likoly to import wheat than to export It. Tbo Japanesso men average only ubout 120 pounds, and. tho women Hoventj-tlvo pounds. It requires four'mon to do as much work as ono American, ami tho Jupauceso attribute this dlubrenee in strength to their diet. 1'ossibly tbo 500,000,000 of rico-oatitig Asiatics may learn this fact, in which enso tho domttud tor wheat as food will far outgrow tbo supply. EijiKWiiKKt; we show tho change in freight rates made by tho overland roads under tho operation of tho inter .tato commerce bill. Wo read iu East orn exebaugoi that all tbo great routes aro increasing their rates on tbo same pretense, and ono exchange iutimntos that they are doing this systamatically for tbo purposo of making tbo law odiousi Now, wo do not believe any such rate of charges as wo quote else whoro is nocossary, increasing charges many times over what thoy bavo been. Wo lose faith in tho good intentions of those corporations whon wo bco them adopting this vicious course. Tbo Inter Slain finrnmnreo Law is a eood one. It may need amendment to mako it per feet, but tbeso corporations aro wasting their Bmartncss on tho desert oir if thoy think thoy can make tho business world foreoo Donular claims to control commorco by bucIj such subterfuge. Tho Intcr-Stato Commorco Law has como to stay nnd tho newly appointed commission will mako it work. Thk wheat situations in this country is much stronger than it was a year ago. Of tho total available supply lost July, including tbo now crop and tho romains of tho provious one, wo bavo exported up to Fob. 1 ninety millions of busbols, againHt 45,000,000 in tbo samo months of tbo provious your. Our availablo sup ply now is 170,000,000 bushel, as against 198,000,000 bushels last yoar at this timo. Of our present supply wo shall require 120,000,000 busbols for homo consumption until next harvest, leaving barely 00,000,000 to export. Last year, during tbo fivo montliB from Fob. 1 to July 1, wo exported in wheat, and flour 52,000,000 bushclB, and tbo foreign do mand is likely to bo at least as groat now as it was then. While tho legislation on agricultural matters by Congress may not bavo been cntiroly successful, it has demonstrated that tho farmor is no longor to bo a zoro in tbo body politic. Tbo "Bumpkins," tho "Coldhoppora" and tho"RuBticnsscs" of litoraturo bavo como to tbo front, and demonstrated that thoy not only know their rlgbtB, but that knowing, thoy daro maintain them. Tbcro has been no end of Barcnstio admiration over tbo legend of Cincinnatus, who was called from hiB plow to bo mado Dictator of Homo, but nowodayH wo sco senators, generals and morchantsconvortcdovory year into farmers, exhibiting horses, cattle and pumpkins at cattlo-shows, de livering addresses on tho cxcollonco of meal and cnBilogo as Winter food for stock, and somotimos writing for an ag ricultural nowflpapcr. All this hIiowb tbat progrcHsivo agriculturo is beginning to bavo its day. It must bo confessed that some of tho okl-timo farmers wjro of tho earth, earthy, and that thoy passed their lives in tho mechanical mediocrity of plowing, booing, mowing and raking. Thoy wero thrifty old codgors, who know not tbo moaning of tho world pleasure, and it was not to bo wondered at that tho boys and girls ran away to tbo city, to bocomo broken), bankors, lawyora, or tbo wives of brokers, bankers and law yors, and thus escape tho weary drudg ery of tho Hold and of tho dairy. A fow moro discussions in Congress on oleo margarine, plouro-pnoumonia and tho proposed Dopartmcnt of Agriculturo will do much to olovato tho social con dition of tbo farmor, and to lighten tho cares of tho farmers' wives and daugh ters. At lust, tho importnnco of the farnior's calling is beginning to bo rec ognized and its dignity respectod. "So moto it be." W0RK1N0S OF THE LONO HAUL RULE. Tbo lately enacted Intcr-Stato Com morco Law goes into operation to-day, and wo wero surprised on visiting Port land this wook and going among tbo groat wholesale dealers, to learn what a dlfforonoo this law and its workings will mako in tho business of this coast. Wo oxpected that somo increase of froight rates would occur temporarily, and con tinue until tho commission now ap pointed can oxorcisoits discretion iu tlio matter of long hauls. Tho law provides that no greittor charge nlmll bo made for a Hhort haul than for a longor dis taneo. For instance, froight for interior points has paid a higher rato than tbo samo shipped through to Portland. Freight for Spokane or Walla Walla and other points has equaled tho charge through to Portland, and thou back to those points. This was done in tho in terest of Portland. Now tho freight to all those points is tbo sumo as to Port land, and to avoid tho heavy freight back to those points, Portland dealers have many of them established branch houses at these intorior points, and now ship through from tho East direct to those places. Knowing that tbo immediate working of tho law will bo disastrous to their trade, most of those merchants have hurried their spring shipments beforv it could tako effect. Ono gentleman tells us ho went East tbo day ho heard this bill passod tbo Senate, in great basto ; tbat bo went to tbo great manufacturing concerns for agricultural implements, and finding their head mon absent in Florida or somo other favorito winter resort, tolcgraphed them to como homo. They all did bo, and in a week's timo ono bouse that bad only 200 men at work on half timo, had 3.000 employed on full timo. Thoy saw tho emergency, and et to work to meet it. All tbo implement houses in Portland hurried up their shipments, nnd tbroo vessel aro on their woy around Capo Horn loaded for Port land. Tbo Northern Pacific Railway Co. has published tho following scalo of prices for different classes of froight. When wo know that all these goods bavo been brought through from Chicago to Port land for 05 eta. a hundred pounds, with out regard to classification, wo una charges increased enormously : Chicago to St, tioult to St. Paul to Portland. t 00 3 60 S 09 2 50 2 25 2 10 1 78 1 10 1 00 1 00 Clui. Portland. Portland, Drat ft 70 It 60 Second I 00 8 85 Third ., ! K 3 20 Fourth 8 75 S 05 Fifth I 45 2 26 A 2 SO 2 SO II I OS 1 85 0 1 55 1 50 I) I 25 1 20 K, 1 15 1 10 It will bo hccu at a glance that tbeso ratos rango from tbreo to six times what has borctoforo bcon paid. In tbo mattor of wool, transport is oven higher. Last yoar wool was taken as low as 20 cts. per 100, and tho present rato is 45.40 nor 100 lbs., an incrcaso of over ton timoa. Tho railroads bavo boon doing us good sorvico at roasonablo rates ; Go cents por 100 lbs. was only $13 por ton, and all things considerod, our freights woro much lower than whon wo had to de pend on ocean navigation around Capo Horn. No doubt tho locnl freights bavo boon much higher in proiwrtion, but wo who havo had tho benefit of tlio. long haul ratoa bavo had nothing to compluin of. Tbo law creates a commission, recent ly appointed by tho Prosidont, that has power to onforco its provisions, and is authorized to sot asldo its requirements as to tho long haul matter when satis fied that tbo law workB a hardship on tbo public. Tho enormous advanco in freights noted ubovo shows that it docs so work with respect to our coast, and no doubt this commission will restoro tho old rato which was satisfactory to tho companies, and adopted by them willingly. Tho association of railroads did not allow competition, but adopted a scalo ot prices for all to follow, and tbat was based on their oxporienco of sovcral yoars' transportation. Certainly this rato was reasonable, and tho com mission cannot holp but rostorn it. Tbo Intcr-Stato Commerce Law no doubt has many defects, but a liboral construction of its tornm will ovorcomo somo dofects, and whon experience makes it manifest what amondmont is nccdod, wo shall havo such amondmont by act of Congress to perfect tbo law. Tho gonoral intuition of tho law ia ex cellent, but tho question was a difllcult ono to deal with, and perfection could not Im oxpoctod at tho beginning. It is a law based on groat principles of right and asserts tbo control of tbo govern ment over tho corporations tho pooplo create If tbo law works somo hard ship, nnd eecms to bo oppressive, wo nood not bo discouraged, but must lmvo faith that tho wisdom of our lawmakers will ovorcomo its defects, and furnish us in good timo admirable legislation. Two barns. Bald to bavo been filled with unthreshed wheat, wero recently burned in Germany. They woro in sured, but it was impossible to collect because tho claim was made that the contents of tbo barns wero simply straw. When tho affair got into tbo courts, chemical experts wero called to analyze tho ashes. Wheat contains a larsrt quantity of phospborio acid, almont ten times as imioh m doos straw. Natur ally, in tho burning of tbeso bams, wood ashes, cement and other mineral snl stances wero mixed with tho ashes buIi mittod to tho chemists, but nono of these admixtures contain phosphoric acid. Tho experts found that of two samples place! iu their hands ono con tained 10.2 por cent., and tho other uiuvtoon per cent, of the acid, thus proving conclusively that the farmers woro in tho right, and tho insurance companies, as is genoraiiv mo caso ac cording to public sentiment, iu tho wrong, I'iremans Hernia. Tho seven wonders of the world aro or wero tho Colossus of Rhodes, now destroyed ; tho Mausoloum erected by Artemisia iu memory of her luubund, of which tho ruins remain ; tho Pyra mid cf Cheops at Ghizoth; the Temple ot Diana at Ephesus ; tho Pharos at Alexandria; tho Hanging Gardens at Babylon, and tho Olympian IXus, a statute by Phidias. CUNilMITIUM 1'1'KKU. An old pbjtlclui, retired from practice, hiring had placed In hie hand by an Eat India mUelonarr th formula of a iloiple Trcetable remedy for the itj and permanent care ol I'ontumiition, l!rochul, Cat' arrh, Aithma. and all throat and Lunj AHectlcne, alo a poelttTe and radical cure for Nerroue Detuht) aud a. I Kerroue Complaint, alter tmtnff teetcd IU ouJtrful curaUre power In thoutaadt of caace, hat fell It hie duty to make It knon to Ml euBerlac fellove. Actu ated by thle moUre and a dealro to relieve human ul . ferine- 1 lu d fro ot cbanre, to all who dcalre It, thU recipe In Oerman, EUth or French, with full dlrecUooe la prepulnc and inc Sent by mall b addreeelof laiui I tamp and nawtn thU paper, W, A, MOYSS II row tr Woe Itocneaur J.I nvm STALLION SHOW. Tho sovoiitb annual stallion show of Marion county was hold in Salom on Saturday, March 20. Wo append tbo following list of horses : Ladd & Reed, Portland, showed Young Brutus, an imported Clydcscalo ; dark bay ; sire, imported Brutusi dam, Fisher Maid ; also lJnko of Wonlock, a Cleveland bay; brown; sire, Young Domino; dam, by Early Bird; Goo. Gammy, Amity, manager. J. R. Willard, Salom, showed a Perch- eron stallion, 3 yoars old : dark bay; siro Urigham ; dam by Rob Roy. F. II. Mclntyre, Salom, showed Major Lyon, a Clydculalo ; roan ; sire, Marquis dam, by Wideawake Wm. Townscnd, Salom, showed Han cock, a Norman Perchoron ; gray ; sire, Wideawake ; dam by Loviathan ; alo, Wm. Groonwood, a Norman ; gray ; siro, Wideawake: dam by Whito Prince. J. T. Bcckwith, Salom, showed Bell founder King, a Bcllfoundcr ; buy ; siro, Milliman's Beilfoundor; dam, by Gener al Taylor; also, Ben Roy Jr., on Fnglish draft borso ; dapplo brown ; siro, Old lion itoy; uin by Mcckrlratn. David Gricrson, Salem, showed ward Mason ; a Clydesdale ; buy ; For sire, Merry Mason. S. B. Shaw, Salem, showed Dom IV tiro, an imported Bolgian ; dapple bay ; pedigree lost by owner. James Francis, Salom, showed Joo Pe dro; dapplo bay; sire, Dom Pedro; dam, by Lionhcart David Grogoiro, St. Louis, showed Henry, a roadster ; bay ; Biro, Henry and Gcorgo ; dam by Old Boston. Ghas. Stewart. Waldo Hills, showed Dutchman, a Hamblotonian ; chestnut sorrel ;eire, Bacons Hambletonin;dam, by Emigrant. J. A. Mclntiro, Qorvais, showed Young Wideawake, a Norman; gray; sire, Wideawake, dam by Mackclwrath. Fletcher it Savage showed Sir Staf ford, an imported Clydcsdalo; dapplo bay; sire, Baron Renfrew; dam by Mary bf BogBidc. A. B. Gibson, Salem, showed Turbine, an all purposo horeci brown ; sire, Spot ted Buck, by Doo Lindsey; dam by Whin nnd Morgan. Silas Fletcher, Salom, showed Sir Stafford, Jr., a Clydesdale; siro, Sir Stafford; dam by Rob Roy. J. A. Tanner, Salem, showed Clyde, a half Clydoxdalo; sorrel; siro, Marquis; dam by Lionhoart. Robrrt Archibald, Wbitakcr, showed Fred Pearl, an English draft horso; dark brown ; sire, Fred Pearl ; dam by Veto. G. Gibson, Turner, showed Rough and Roady, it Norman; roan; siro, Widea wake; dam, nn English draft maro. Also ltocky Enrhart; roan; siro, Widea wake G. G. Glenn, Salem, showed Glrn brook, a thoroughbred racing stallion; bay; sire, Old Delawaro; dam, Naplha, by Napa. John Pender, Salem, showed Young Kisber, a trotter; chestnut sorrel; sire, Kisber; dam by Milliman's Bollfoundor. J. R. Dickcrson, Salem, showed Mason Chiof, u Kentucky trottiiiir horse; dark drown; sire, Membrino Patchen; dam by Stockholder. Millard it Elkins, Albany, showed UNIVERSAL C0MBI.:mT:0N FENCE! 27o Best and Cheapest Stock, Rabbit, Chicken, and Hog Fence Made. VIEW OF FENCE Richmobd Champion Fence Heavy Wire. For Salu to Farmers or Others, price 900 per Mncliiuc. Till! STHOM;T AM) HOST Itru.OUK or rEXCIXtl. Circulars and other valuable laforua Hon furiil.hed oi a) plloillon. Addrex: II. It. HKM, box 588. Portland, Or. rtsr No County rights Sold. You and greater fliw.r.uf! SEDGWICK WOVEN STEEL w .elkkkkm, F fnaJim -aTaTaTayHatJtlJJllraJgiaWa aHESEEBIM aW V- 'iaiaiaBMaaiaiaV 1 ,rt!F?Tj j j'j'uIi ' i". im B The best Farm, Gai-dea, Peal (17 Vai-d. Laws, Sekool IaU Park aad Cemetery Feacea aatt Gate. Perfect Automatic Gate. Cheap eat aatl Neateat Iran Feaeea. Iron aatt Wire Hammer llaaaea, Lawa Faraltare, aa4 other wire work. Heat Wire (Mreteher aaet Pliers. Ask dealers la hardware), ar address SEDGWICK BROS., Richmond, Ind. Lovcrsham, a Cloveland bay ; mahogony b ly ; sire, Duko of Cloveland; dam by Br.llinnt. F. LoBrun, Fairfield, showed Coaly, a Ganadian; black; sire, Norman; dam, nn English draft maro. Jos. Higgins, Salem, showed Spotted Bnck, an all purposo borso; whito; siro Doo Lindsey; dam, an Arabian mare. Robort Glow, Salem, ehowod Mcsson gor, nn alt purposo lioreo ; whito ; sire Black Strangor ; dam by Henry. F. H. Hunsaker, Turner, showed Su perior, a roadster; bay; siro, Woodbury; dam, a Clydo marc. Also, Majo, a Per chcon ; grey. A. C. Brey, Salom, showed Rockwood, a trotter: bay ; siro, Fleetwood ; dam by Alexander Abdallah. A. W. Howitt, Dayton, showed Don Sancbo, a Clydo; bay; siro, Dom Pedro; dam by Emporor. W. E. Clark, Dixie, showed Rankin, an English coach; bay; siro, Doo Ran kin ; dam by Morgan and George. E. Patton, Waldo Hills, showod Billy Pock, n 1-year old trotter ; brown ; sire, Mason Chief ; dam by Sir Walter. L. J. Yoder, Salem, showed Roy John Bon, a Morgan. B. F. Wvodo, Turner, showed Silver Seal, a trotter ; roan ; sire, Mason Chiof ; dam, n Hamblotonian. C. Iscnhart, Sit verton, showed Pcd, an nil purposo horso; black; siro, Dom Pe dro ; dam, a Morgan and Georgo marc. E. J. Thurman, Silvorton, showed Wobfoot Chiof, a Pcrchcon ; sire, Wide awako; dam by Whito Prince. W. M. Davidson, Salem, showed Rob ert Bruco. Dr. Strykcr has ononod a prlvato dis pensary at 2GG Commercial Btrcot, whoro ho will successfully treat nil cura ble cases of chronio und privato dis casos, nuch ns consumption its first stages, piles, scrofula, aud diseases of women, etc. Correspondence solicited. Electric belts and appliances for sale. mnr-25-m BEfEEEfl1 It le late to affirm that there I no known iptclftc that can compare with Or. lien y'e celebrated Celery lleef and Iron, for the trcatmeut of nertoue dlteaice. Bills componnd contain! a larire amount of Ce!er which le trie tf the beet ntrtlnee known to the medl ctl fraternity, and hm prepared with eatract of teo and pyrophosphate ef Iron, arreete ph) ileal and mental decline, and ehould certainly be glren a trial by all thoio who are eutlerlnc from nertoue dleeaaei, Celery, lltef ai d Iron nn beprocufredof atldrufrtite. IN POSITION.) Machine Weaves a Very WiU Not FM!?? tmcAtra than Stanley I seed tared from the odfc enaa or ranoua cropei eeea rauca uvea iiihiium. onions, tieadlcit cabbafes, ipranf liof carrots, or rthae beets. (lamimjrtkafjrUtlitmmjrutJllti.) Out il you want Northern seed, honestly raised, boos mm fnat more than two other catalonee contain as many), seed warranted (tee the com), valuable novctaca. some ol which are to be found in no other, send for mv vecctable and rtWn for . VKKK ia alL It contains fa varie- 'ties of Beans, 4 oi Fears, 41 of Cabbafes, 5) of Melons, 44 of Corn, etc., etc., besides a lsree and choice variety of flower seed. 4 USfc3 4. u. uuuvBi, suaieacav, WIRE FENCE AND GATES. l4a. iP 1 V l" 1 jt ,i T'f 1 .4 1. f V