WILLAMETTE FAKMEtt: 3ALEM, OKEGON, MARCH 25. Ibb7. HOHTII PAOIPIO DAIBV ASSOCIATION. Tills nifaociittion met nt tho Council Olmmbciv, in Portland on Wednesday, Mnrch 10. President in tlio chair, nnd promi nont anions tlioHC in nllondanco were : Tliomns Paulsen, W. W. linker, A. Pair otibiirger, Capt. J. T. Apportion of Ore gon Uityi D. C. Stewart, of Foroat Grove, It. Scott, of Milwuukio. M. Col ling, of tlio Hillsboru creamory, It. S. Thompson, of Tlio Dalle, 51. Spurgcon, of Vancouver, Sir. Glenn, of Fnirviow dairy. Mr. Penintcr, of Fnirviow, C. L. Itoper of Troutdalo and othcrn. Aftor much buBinoss of minor Import anco, n rcHolution wua iulrodoccd by 1. C. A. Hcilmann to appoint a comtniltco to confer with tlio oilicoraof tho Domes tic and Fat Slock association. Tlio pur poao of such consultation is to mako nr rangcmontH, if practicable, to hold an exhibition of dairy product in connec tion with tho fat stock bIiow next fall. Tho resolution was adopted, and tho following perrons wcro appointed to con stitute tho committco: Men.irH. J. Ii, Kniipp, P. C. A. Hciltnnnn and 1). C. Stewart. A resolution wn piiMHOtl endorsing W. 13. linker, as dairy cotnmiHwipiior and recommending his ro-a)pointment by Gov. Ponnoycr. Wo hopo that this will fail. "In fact wo feol assured that ho will not "got thoro." Ho is using great efforts to inllucnco tho Governor on tho strength of his Democratic record. Hut wo huvo heard that n number of our prominent citizens hero huvo flatly re fused (o sign his recommendation for ro-appoinlinont. Wo would ronlly like to seo Mr. J. JJ. Ivnnpp of Portland, ap pointed dairy commibslonor, if wo must liavo one. No uno can or would quos tion his ability to act ns Hiich, Ho is a practical dairyman of extensive practi cal oxporionco. Kditor. A commiUoo was appointed to confer with tho transportation companies for tho purpoM) of securing n reduction of rates ocr lines for mombcrs attending tlio regular meetings of tlio association. Tho following portions wore" apjointed : Mcsscrx. Kuapp, PaUbnbiirger and linker. Samples of butter woro shown from Wisconsin, tho buiicligriim region, east uf the niountaiiiH, and from Fairviow and Troutdalo. Thoso samples woro carefully and critically examined and tlio comparative merits discussed at boiiio length. During tho afternoon session somu in teresting proceedings woro held. An in structive and well prepared paper was read by P. U. A. Hcilmann in regard to cooling duvicus for butter. Other speci mens of butter were shown and various matters connected with dairy interests disciiHi-ed. Several now members weio added to tho association, Ladies can now join without iH'ing required to pay member ship foes, and several availed thorn solves of tho prlvilogo yesterday. Mr. J. 1). Kuapp read tho following address : To tho Ollleers and Members of tho North Paeitlo Dairy Association : Silica our last meeting tho Legislature of tho State of Oregon has met, held its usual and in acts have , Among tho acts was an actamend of tho State. Tho session, adjourned, passed into history passed by that IkhIv iug tho dairy law amendments were substantially thoaed dia'iissetl and recommended at tho last meeting of this association. Oregon has now a good dairy law, and I confidently hopo it will give dairymen and consum ers of dairy products all tho protection needed. In one roscot tho law is still difccliui. W'lnlo it declared that pure unadulterated milk, and butter made (mm the cream of tho same, thall bo ftunished to customers, and a severe penalty attached for its violation, it has given no declaration or standard of puro milk, of what should constitute in a legal sen 10 or detormino tho standard of purity. Suppose a dairyman is deliver, ing milk to his cinstomers or to a cream ery and in accused of adulteration. Tho diarymnn assorts his innocence and per- naps litigation ensues; experts are call ed a witnesses ami authorities are con sulted to establish what should consti tute pure milk. Had tho law declared that milk of a spo-illo gravity of lOUO and 1- percent, volume of cream should bo conaleicd and regared as pure the contestant would have a jvoitivi and legal taiuliud for comparison ; and any pei. -on u common intelligence with simple instruments within the roach, of everyone. At a cot of lovjifl, could detormino the question of purity or adulteration to their entire satisfaction without trouble or cost, Tho committee on legislation appoint ed at our last meeting to secure tho needed amendments to tho dairy law were divided on this question. A ma jority of tho committco insisted on es tablishing a legal standard for tho pure milk, believing if such standard was es tablished disputes that might arise would bo more readily adjusted nnd set tled without resorting to legal forms. A minority of tho committco opposed bucIi standard and rather than go beforo tho legislature, divided upon any amend ment wo asked, tho majority gavo wnv nnd consented to huvo tho question of standard ot purity left out altogether. Had such standard boon established it would render tho law moro positive nnd easier of execution. Hut ns it is wc have a good dairy law. Any citizou feeling aggrieved on account of adulteration of milk or short weights in butter can rotnody tho matter peacea bly inniHcll, or lulling to do thnt can roiulily bring tho oflbndor to justice wiiirymcn una now better examine their butter molds, nnd if found too small cut out and cnlnrgo them till they bring, thorn to tho required stand ard weight (5f two full pounds. Oregon dairymon aro now relieved of tho un just discrimination against them by short weight butter imported into tho Slato and sold to dealers at actual weight and to consumers by the roll, onnbling tho tuiddlo man to mako a uouoio prom ami urns oiioring Dim n promium to discriminate against a homo mado article. Tho consumer has now amnio protec tion ngninst adulterations add tho short weight swindle. Both consumers and producers ought to bo happy. Oregon dairvmcu havo now a fair field beforo them and no unjust discriminations against thom. With vory fnvorablo conditions of climate, soil and puro wa ter ho has tho elements of success with in nis reach. If ho cannot now succeed tho fault is his own. Good, thorough, honest dairymon will instiro success, without it tho host quality will not bo produced. Superior quamy commands ready solo at tlio host going pricos, Each and every ono should mako it his especial aim to pro duco tho very host. Should any lack iu oxporionco or tho knowledge requisite to success, the Stato has provided tho means to furnish am ple instruction. Soction 111 was added to tho dairy law, aitthorizinir tho dairy commissioner, either by himself or by his deputy, to givo n courso of lectures in each county on dairvimr when called upon by tho citizens of any county to do so. 'i lioro oro sovoral publications de voted to tho dairy intorcst, giving from weckto week valuablo information on practical dairying, so thcro is no oxouso for ignorance on this subject. Tho State has done nobly for tho dairy in dustry. It has givon us a law nlibrd ing umplo protection to producers nnd consumers and furnishes, freo instruc tions in practical dairying to thaso want ing it. What moro could wo ask? What moro should wo expect. It now rosts with tho farmers and dairymen to work out tho problem and honest work will bring succoss. Uniformity of quality and color is a vory important olemout in determining tho commercial valuo of butter. Let twenty or thirty farmors having twenty cows eaoh make their butter at homo and thoro will bo as many different (jualities of the product and as many uifl'oront shades of color. Tlio quality of each and nil may lo fairly good, but tho commercial man has littlo confi dence in it. Let tlio cream bo gathered from each of thoso daries, taken to n central creamery, worked by nn exert, and the product of all combined will be uniform and of one color. Tho product will rate as first-class and tho commer cial valuo in tho market will bo 2.ri per cent greater than in tho first caso. liio csmmisiimcnt oi creameries, which I havo often advocated, will con tribute very materially and rapidly to tho success of dairying iu Oregon. " In Ilia wny farmers and small dairies can sell thoir milk or croam to cheese fac tories and creameries and realize moro for it than to work it up at homo and got rid of all the work and drudirerv- of doing so, Tlio day of small dairying and selling the product to tho nearest country storo is past. There is nothing iu it for profit ; better feed the milk to calves and pigt and snve the labor. DEATH IN TAB WATER.' Ii the Element we Srlmk Decimating the Peo ple: How a Universal Menace to Health Mar Be Disarmed. A few years ago tho pooplo in a cer tain section in ono of tho leading cities of tho stato woro prostrated with a ma lignant discaso, and upon investigation it was found that only thoso who used water from a famous old well wcro tho victims. Ptopessor S. A. Lattimorc, analyst of tho New York Stato Board of Health, upon analyzing wator from this well, found it more doadly than tho city sewage 1 Tho filling up of tho old well stopped the ravages of tho disease. Not long sinco tho writor noticed while somo mon were making an exca vation for a largo building, a stratum of dark colorbd earth running from near tho surfneo to hard pan. Thcro it took another courso toward a well near at hand. Tho wator from this well had for years been tainted with tho drain- ings from a receiving vault, tho porco lalions of which had discolored tho earth I Tcrribloi A similar condition of things exists in ovory villngo and city whoro woll water is used, and through tho filtoring which tho fluids rcccivo in passing through tho earth may givo thorn a clear appear ance, yet tho poison and disoaso remains, through the water may look ovor so oloar. It is still worso with the farmer, for tho drainago from tho barn yard and tho slops from tho kitchen eventually tind their way into tho family woll I Tho eamo condition of things exists iu our largo cities, whoso wator supplies aro rivers fed by littlo streams that carry off tho filth and druiuago from houses. This "water" is eventually drunk by rich and poor aliko with great evil. Somo causos pcoplo resort to tho filter for purifying this wator, but oven tho filter docs not rcmovo this poison, for water ot tho most deadly character may pass through this filter and becomo clear, yet tho poison disguised is thoro. Tlioy who uso filters know that they must be renewed at regular periods, for ovou though tlioy do not take out all tho impurity, tlioy soon becomo foul BREEDERS DIRECTORY. SMALL .ABVERTIRF.ME.VTH like the fo. lowlnK will be Inaertetl In oar colntun, In Itii-lr. proper rlnMlfleMloa, rr fS la lu at year. Including ropy of paper. ir Larger me charged for pro rat CATTLE "'ibKiI a? I). II. LOOIVGY, Import ni,l Dreel-r JERSEY CATTLE. Bull for '. Addieas or oil: Jefferson, Or." LADD & ItEEIK PORILAKD. Oimnv. Importer anil llcetler or bhort-IIorn Gnttlo. CoUwold and Leicester 8heep and Clyde date Horse. c- Jli O j k. j a a Ji AGUE MIXTURE. MLf S It SEP. JOHN JUNTO. Snlrm, Ogn. Breeder f IMPROVED AM ERICAS MEKIXOS of Span ish Importation and crort breed! of the French and Spanish Itocki known In Or eiran aa AilRltmAM iv. KINO; A good lot of Ewei for eato aa well at Rama Prlcea In accordance with the market Coneapondence mr A CERTAIN AND EFFECTUAL REMED? rort Fever and Ayue, Intermittent and liemlttcnt Fevers, tCc. solicited. D. M. GUTHRIE. Italia ntwv. Importer and Breeder Spanish, French or American Mer ino. Send for Prlcea etc. 8W1NE. PURE BERK9HIRES. B.C. HALLEY Halrm, nr llaa a thoroughbred Rnriitemd Pli. Call or aetid for mv nrtr Firm 7. At mlloi eouth of 8atem on old aUfre road. MISCELLANEOUS. GEO. I. UOODIIUE, SALEM, . OREGON, ' Tha Leading WYANDOTTE and DROWN LEGHORN breeder of the .Vnrthwwt. Encloie alamo for clrcultr C. Jeraey Calll for Hair. MiL Tbs Alaskan's chief Food. Dining August mid September the na tives shot from 100 to 150 deor within a radious ot fifty miles. The methods pur sued by thoso pooplo when they shot a deer aro of such a nature that I could not obtain any information as regards the sue or shape of the animal during the summer. After tho hunter has hot ono or two deer ho returns to camp. Tho women and dogs go out and tind tho carcass, with tho skin drawn ovor tho head and foot. Tlioy thou proceeded to skin tho animal entirely; sever the head from tho neck, breaking oil the short horns, if a doe, and cut tho remains into sizes to tit into bags earned by their dogs. No portion of the animal is wasted, the dogs falling in for a share. After a native lamuy nas eaten its tut irom a deer but littlo remains except well picked bones. Strips and slices of flesh are made up into bundles and tied with strings of seal hide for future uso, tho mass, hot and seething under the beat of the summer sun, exhaling iu a short time anything but n pleasant odor. Tho skins being utilized for articles of cloth ing are carefully dried and scraiwd cle.ni. Tho white portions from tho belly and legs are used for tho ornamentation of overshirts, trousers and boots Alaska U'ttot. Spokiuto Fulls lleviow Mai. S. D. Waters has taken an active part in in ducing tho Spokane Indians to accept lauds on a reservation, and to his kind ly labors aro the pooplo indebted large ly for the result of the meetings before tho commissioners. Now in liko mannor tho human kid neys act as a filler for tho blood, nnd if tlioy aro filled up with impurities and becomo foul, coursing through thorn be comes bad, for it is now a conceded fact that tho kidnoys arc tho chiof means whoreby tho blood is purified. Theso organs aro filled with thousands of hair liko tubes which drain tho impurities from tho blood, as tho sowor pipes drain impuritios from our houses. If a sower pipo brakes under tho house, tho sewage cucapes into tho earth and fills tho houso with poisonous gas ; so if any of tho thousand and ono littlo hair-Iiko sower tubes of tho kidneys break down, tlio entire body is allectod by this awful poison. It is a eciontitlo fact that tho kidnoys havo few norves of sensation ; and, con-r-ctptently, disoascs may oxist in these organs for a long timo mid not bo sus pected by tho individual. It is impos sible to filter or take tho death out of the blood when tho least deraiigomont exists in thoio organs, and if the blood is not filtered then tho uric acid, or kid ney iHiison, removable only by Waruor's safe Hire, accumulates iu tho systom and attacks any organ, producing nine out of ten ailments', just as sewer gas and bad drainage produced so many tatal disorders. Kidney diseases may be known to exist if there is any marked departure from ordinary health without apparent known cause, nnd it should bo under stood by all that the greatest peril exists, nnd is intensified, if there is tho least noglect to treat it promptly with that great specific, Warners Bttfo cure, a remedy that has rccoived tho highest recognition by scicntitio mon who havo thoioughly investigated tho character of kidney dorangomcuts. They may not tell us that tho causo of so many diseases in this organ is the impure vvater-or any other ono thing, but this poisonous water with its im purities coursing constantly through theso delicate organs undoubtedly docs produco much of tho decay and disoaso which eventually terminate in the fatal Hright's disease, for this disease, alike among the drinking men, prohibition ists, the tobacco slavo, tho laborer, tho merchant and tho tramp, works torriblo devastation ovory year. It is well known that tho liver which is so easily thrown "out of goar" ns they say, very readily disturbs tho action of tho kidneys. That organ when de ranged, immediately announces tho fact by sallow skin, constipated bowels, coated tongue, and headaches, but tho kidney when diseased, struggles on for a long time, and tho fact of its disease can only be discovered by the aid of the microscope or by tho physician who is skillful enough to trace tho most indi rect effects in tho system to the derange ment of thc.-o organs, as tho prime cause. Tho public h learning much on this subject and when it comes to understand that the kidneys aro the real health reg ulators, as they aro tho real blood puri fiers of the gysteni, they will escape nn inflnito amount of unnecessary suffering, and add length of days and happiness to their lot. C. W. JEFFREY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Treat the Dlieaaeaof Domiatlo Anlmatt. LL qneationa pertaining to tha profenlon, anal U.JL. wcriMiijm.ii vaaioraunzLCItaai a iixclilty. OlHce at the Mlnto Ur Salem, Ormron. tid Rhrellnr- Limy Stable janEltf Jersey Red Pigs for Sale. I HAVE A FEW FINE JER1F.Y KM! I'lUS from Imported atock at low price. J. E.J KIM, Tingent, Orjcn. JL 1 BEAST! Mexican Mustang Liniment orrxiaaiBi Sciatica, Scratches, Contracted lumbago, Spralm. Muiclea, Bboum&Uim, Strains, Eruption!, Sarni, Stitches, Hoof All, Scaldi, StlffJolnU, Screw Stings, Backache, Worms, Bites, Galls, Swiuney, Braises, Sores, Saddle Galls, Bunions, Spavin Files. Corns, Craclu. THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY aceomplUbea for everybody exactly what liclalmea for It, Oneof tho reaoni (or the great popularity ot the Uuitanir Liniment U found In It unlrcrsal applicability. Everybody neeJa luch a medicine. Tbe Iitimbermiinneedalt In caaeot accident, Tho HouaevTlfo need It for gener&lfamlly uae. The Cnnnlcr need It for hi team and hi men. The Mecbuulo need It alrray oo his work bench. Tho Mlnevnteddt In eaae of emergency. Tho rUneornred.lt can'tget along without It. The Former needa It la bt home, bl (table, and hi itock yard. The Steamboat maa or the llontman need It In liberal aupply afloat and aahore. The Ilorae.fanclar needs It-It It bt bet friend and aafeat reliance. The Block. grower need It-It wlU sare him thousand of dollar and a world of trouble. Tho Katlroad man need It and will need It M lone a hi life I a round of accident and dangers. Tho Uaekwoodaraan need It. There Uuoth. Ins like It a an antidote for tbe dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround tbe pioneer. Tho merchant needs It about bt store among ht employee. Accident will happen, and when thete come tbe Muitang liniment I wanted at once. KeepallottloUthelloaie, TU the best of economy, " Keep a Uot lie In the Factory, It Immediate um la case of accident aare pain and toe of wag ea. Keep a Mettle Alwuyeln the Stable fee eo when waned. , .-, This class of dtteases so common In all parts of tbe World, and especially prevalent In ma larious districts and vicinage of water-course, are almost Invariably accompanied by more or Ies derangement of the liver, and frequently by a defoctlvo action of the digestive organs. The mere breaking of the Chill is but a step towards completing a radical cure; l.ho various organs of the body, especially tho stomach ' .. liver, must be brought to a healthy and vigor ous condition beforo a permanent euro can bo established, and this fact has been specially kept In view by Dr. Jayne in his treatment of these complaint. Tho uw of Jayne's Ague Mltturo, in conjunction with Jayno' Sanative Pills, as prescribed in the Directions nloh accompany eaoh botUe, will not onl BREAK UP THE CHILLS, bt restore tbe system, more particularly tbe Ilrer and stomach, to a sound oondltlon, and so prevent a relapse of Ferer and Ague by thor oughly ERADICATING THE DISEASE, and the best evidence of this I tho Invariable success which has nlways followed tho admin Istration of these remedies, at attested by th. certificates published annually In Dr. Jayne's Almanac, and tbe wldo-sproad popularity of the Ague Mlituro in those dUtrlct of the United States, where tho diseases, for which it Is adapted, most prorail. For Sate b) Snell, Itltihu A WooJird, Portland. MANY LAMP CHIMNEYS ABB oflorod for ealo rqprosontcd as good aa tho Famous BUT THEY ARE NOT! And liko all Counterfeit lack tho Kcninrxcablo LASTING QuaUtlOS) OF THE GENUINE. ASK FOR THE PEARLTOP And Insist fl3jljlv Tnis With S5i- CUIMNEX rat0ctTw;i883. The PEARL TOP is manufactured ONIjY by G0, A, MACBETH M0n PITTSBURGH, PA. RUPTURE Abooluflr turtxl In ft) to 0 Uyi, by l)r llttvx IWnt Alsurtifrtla 1 kit la Truii. VatTiiitilthonlrleatrIyrruBa inlhawtirlil kiillrelvdlrirnntrroia It other. Perfect UcUinar. an dli wow wtiheRnJ comfort nlgto toil tW 7 Our4 in irasiwnrti iir, ! nuiiiiitj uiovw iute nt buadrttlturt-trirrt New IlIuftrttcJiiAu nhlctt 1Y0. tTonlslnlnxfiilllnfiiniiKlloiL. NLTIU tUVSIIU THUS CUMHANYe UW Bis U MX ramiit I ban yraaelaoo. Cat. VI! M CMdlUOIHI EDIDAL Nervous chronic Frivatc Q DISEASES ISPENSARY YOUTHFUL FOLLIES 6 EXCESSES SPEEDILY CURED. HlvkVitkiou Cheapest nt Port Drug Co., lOOStiUoBtroot. TAD A nnnriTr V f ' K,Tr View Stock Karat. W.r m mPmd aN1ilii y 'gVe? esBaEBs'"tA 1?" JS' aHsWflMlHBT7iMrB4i7 JS.H arlh IS now (or aale at Pitilunu CA , a ip en id 1. 1 i .lerman uerrioi n-pir: dtrom rrancu. tMMt lot ever brought to tha e aat Initn tin . purchaMr 111 n t manty hjrcall ngon o-( J lre-ln; 11. WILSKV. or JAM. A. 1EKKY,mu l or l'u. lunu,Cat. ia.Send tor CaUloua, nrlicl Ohio Improved Chesters HinimwicBiiipmvrMir. Uzvnu PTfiU. Wins lai lru In lb. Mates and For etfn IXtunlrte. SI M risked ariO lb. btnA for de,crtp- ou htwv aUo fnwla TUk t. a. aiuaa tu., cttnUai. o. Nto -v Jp Oregon Kidney Tea rrmeUte ail. Try it cure when il other .NcriotivDetilllty, .SmliitU YTrnUiHN, I'.xliaiiito.l Vltallt v,IHt Uluiiliitoil.andall the teniblc elTectt of self-abuse and oceuca in maturer ) ears, such as nocturnal emissions, lots of memory, dim. not o( vision, aversion to society, the vital fluid pauine unotuerred in tho urine, and other tymptomtthatleaJ to insanity and death. YoiliiKniluMlilillcfttrtMl Men sunrrine from the above should consult us at tjsce. Cure Kiiiiriiiitreil In nil Niirli ciki-h. .s).SlIi;r.VT10. rilKb Chemical Analyai., indujing thorough microscopic examinations oflho unne, $. An honest opinion Eiven in all cases. We furnish Tlio Urrnt KiikIIhIs Itrinnly, Kir Antley 'uojHr'a Vllnl Iteoiorutlve at $j a bottle or lourtines the quantity, $ro. N.aiii.K norri.i: iiikk to anyone statute symptoms, sex and age. Address KNUMNII SfklllVAI, IlINfKNNAUY o. it Kruruy Kt., finu 'rnuciro. '! ORGANS. Highest Honor at all Great World' Kihlbltlont for flnetren year 1CU stylra, ta te tail. 'or Caah. Kasy 'ayuicata, or llented. Catalogue, 44 pp., tto, free. . PIANOS." Tlie Improyed Method of StrtnirlnkT. Introduced and perfectnl by sUtow A IUnt.iv, Is cunrnli-U liy rum. petent Juiure to constitute a radical adtanco In Piano forte conatruetion. Itonot require one-quarter aa much tunlntr as llano evnerally. Dverlptlt o Catalosrue by ntalL iTremoaBt,BesteB, llOWaoashATeCWeago, . p E,14t,Bt.raaIonEq.),N,T. 1 hae ateam rtriraaea aud eery facility for lift ami rapid execu tion Of Hoot ami J ob friutlna. as low a It on be had In the State. I also teen a Isrseatocs of I.IOAI. Ill SKSfor rtr'iri.Cn.iiitv.Prvbataanil Jl sTIi K'rirnurta Reud onier I'jr lxtal card for Trie List and litalfiiue K. M w V1TK. Bleam Job Printer. r9iiLi i WnRlf '"n Xhl' '10 " xrrkand eipense. UUllfV pM. a liable outfit ard partlcuUrsj free noieu.it f. u. t It Ui:tll, Antusta.llalar.