Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, February 25, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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    j!JU.liii'J''r.jijriiJJicjrarmarimatT3a j
Tbe Cow'i Cud
In all discussions it is important to
define unci understand clonrly tbo terms
used. Wo ubo llio term "cud" to do
Bcribo tho term pollcU of food which aro
brought up from tlin stomach to bo thor
oughly chowod. Tho cow in grazing
Bwnllows bor food very im perfectly mas
ticuted, and then nt hr leisure bringfl it
up to tho mouth ngitiu ntid cliows it up
finely. Any one who bus watched a
cow must have observed tbo moreols of
food coming up the gnllot when tho nni
mal mnkes a kind of oeluhing effort.
Animals that chow tho cud aro spoken
of in tho Biblo, and known us such by
mankind at Iiirco. '1 ho "cud is some
thing that is chowod must bo in tho
mouth, and cannot bo exclusively in tho
stomach. AVodo notsuppoo that our
correspondent thinks tlnit tho object
that enrno out of tho cow'h moutli was
was habitually or oven occasionally in
tho cow'h mouth its accidental pros
enco thoro choked the animal. It
could not bo n "cud," whatever it might
bo. Tho walls of an animals stomach
aro muecular, and in tho contraction of
these muscles koopstho contents of tho
stomuch stirred and moving. In this
wav tho cruder. nndiRestililo portions of
tho food may somounic no roncuup to
gether into masses. Halls of hair aro
somotlmes formed in this mannor. A
nucleus thus Htartcd may gathor earth
ly matorinls gradually around it, and
thus tho "mud stones" found in tbo
stomach of tho doer may bo formed. Wo
presume tbo object you saw was ono of
thcHO conglomerations of indlgostlblo
matter. Its peculiar nhnpn may havo
boon duo to its being lodged in ono of
tbo folds of tho Htomao LoBing tho
"cud" nieaiiH losing Ihn muscular pow
er to bring tip portions of tho swollowod
food back to tho mouth. Tho animal in
iiciflth has tho power of folding tho
walls of tho stomach so ns to make a
channel or tubo for tho food to como
tip through! and a simitar arrangomont
for swallowing tho chowed food, so as to
makoit puss down into a dMoront stom
ach from that from which it canto,
somo disorders of tho stomach interfere
with these movements, and tho animal
cannot bring tho food back into tho
mouth, and cannot thoroforo ohow tho
dueraary Cow tor the Dairy.
"Within tho last llvo years I have
adopted tho grado cows of this breed by
tbo ttBo of thoroughbred Guornsoy bulla
to my liord of high grado short horn
cows, thus producing a bottor class of
milkers for butter making, tho short
horns not being always up to tho re
quired standard for that object. Not
that tho short horns in their original
condition wan not satisfactory dairy
cows for many years after their impor
tation to our country, but running so
much and early to llcsh, and cultivated
uioro for tho latter purposo, tho milking
quality has been neglected, and tho al
most oxulusivo milking broods lately in
troduced here, as tho Ayrshire, Jersey
and llolstoin, havo partly taken their
places with dairymon and private
iirivnto fumilicH. Thus far, my short
oxporiunco favors tho Guernsey over
either of tho others, of perhaps a liko
origin witlt tun .Jcrsoys in couturies
back. I profor them to Jcrsoys for tholr
great sizo and hardihood, robust forms,
carrying moro ilosh and equal quality
and quantity of milk, according to hi'zo.
Not that I at all undervalue tho Jcrsoys
in tho npinioiiH of thoso who nrofor
them, but their dimiuutivo sizouiid lean
nc88 of flesh do not suit my fancy. Tho
full squaro udders, good sizo of tholr
teat, oasiuctu of milking, and lymphatio
tomtwrment of my half and throo-quar-ter
grado Guornsoy cows equal my ex
pectations. "I intend, as timo progresses, with n
continuous uo of thoroughbred bulls,
to breed tho grades fltill highor, it hav
ing boon fully proved with thoso who
luvo long ubwI both fluoriiHcya and Jor-
m',vh thut well graiUHt cows ot thoso
Hoods givo as rioli milk and high quali
ty of butter as thoroughbreds, at much
Irs cost of purchase than they. Ayr
fib ires are valuable for cheese-making;
so aro llolsteins; but tho lessoned quuli
ty of milk of tbo latter, compared with
tho largely superior quantity, givo mon
ger weights of button Yet for mipply
of milk for city, village and ordinary
family use tlioy may ho superior to somo
others. I do not wish to depreciate
Cotalnx Mutton.
It would be n good plan it all tbo
sheep growers in tho country would sot
tho oxamplo ot eating mutton to tho
farmors and tho world. For some rea
son, wo cannot divine what it is, mutton
is not nearly no popular ru it ought to
bo. Its digestibility and nutritious
qualities certainly ontitlo it to moro con
sideration than it moots. As a way ot
making mutton a more desirable moat
(or use on tho farm in respect to keep
ing it, etc., an oxchango suggests that
it Ih) corned.
Farmers should tako advantage ot tho
cheapness of ohcep, compared with boot
cattle, and buy a small dock of sheep in
good condition to grow into mutton for
tho use of thoir families through ttho
winter. Mutton will kcop a long fresh
oa any other kind of moat, and perhaps
longer. A fow sheen can bo kopt along
to kill as they may bo wanted, arid they
will bo growing bettor all tho timo. An
excellent plan is to kill and corn, or
to salt tho carcasses down in a weak
brino. A vorv fat Bheen is best this
way, and corned mutton will bo found
to digest well and bolter than when
frosh. Tho moot inav bo tmckcu in a
clean barrel or in stono crocks, and tho
brino poured ovor it. Fivo pounds of
salt to 100 pounds of moat will bo about
right in cool weather. Tho blood should
bo drained out of tho necks, and any
bloody portion by soaking it in water
boforo tho meat is parked. Soaking six
hours Insufficient. Tbo hams may bo
smoked and cut up liko driod bcof, or
they can bo boiled. Both ways tnoy aro
excellent. Tho corned mutton will
mako n good clmngo from stuaago or
Bparo ribs. A good deal of tho peculiar
mutton tasto is taken out ot it when
mutton is corn od.
Sore Toati in a Cow.
Hub tho teats onco a day with an
olntmont of ono draohm of Vordigris
(acotato of coppor) to ono ounco of lard.
This is an excellent application to sores
gouorally. One of tho bost for "scratoh
cb" in horses.
I). 11. Livosay, of Clackamas, has a
couplo of fino Horofords from tho fam
ous Millor hord of Illinois. They cost
him nearly f 1000, and wo aro pleased to
learn tlioy aro wintering well. The
valtio of breeding from good stock is in'
calculable, and wo hopo to boo our farm
ers turning their attention more in that
line. It pays. Orogon City Enter
prise. Even tho organ grinders thnt furnish
tho music on tbo streets of Now York
city havo a trndes union of 882 mem
bers. Unliko tho Grango, and somo
other Organizations, thoy aro in favor
of a "grinding monopoly."
"Tho Order of Patrons of Husbandry
is the grandest organization tho world
has yot soon for tho olovntiou and edu
cation of tho farmers and thoir families.
Its good work is moro apparont year
by year." J. W. Lang, Executive Oom
mittco Main Stato Grange.
Tho Hatch Experiment bill appropri
ating $15,000 yoarly to each Stato in tho
Union towards sustaining oxporimouts
in all matters pertaining to practical ag
ricultural has passed tho Sonato. Tho
National Grango and tho various Stato
Granges havo given thoir itctlvo support
to this mensuro. It now becomes tho
duty of all good Patron and progroasivo
farmors to soo to it that in Homo of our
Statos this monoy doos not go tbo sanio
way that tho appropriations mado by
Oongroi! many yonrs ago havo gono j
boing nbsorbod and overshadowed by
othnr collegoi and agriculturo vory
much loft out. Patrons, rumombor tbo
plank in our platform which says: "Wo
especially advocata for our agricultural
and industrial college, that practical
agriculturo, domestic sclonco and all tho
arts which adorn tho homo, bo taught
in thoir courses of study." It is easier
k havo tho appropriation for Export-
montal stations sturfc,' right than it will
bo to got tbo niouoy away again whon
it haH once fallon into other hands. Act
now and act all togothor.
Konttra Hor Youth.
Mr, l'huilio Chesloy, l'oteraon, Olay Co.,
Iowa, tell tho following remarkable atory,
the truth of whioh i vouched for by the re
UrnU of trie towiu "I am 73 year old, have
been troubled with kMuey complaint and
lamenca (or many year could not itrea
myiolf without help. Now I am free from
all pain and soroneai, and am able to do all
my own homework. I owe my thank to
Ktuotrio Hitter for liavluitrouowed my youth.
and removed oomplotelyalldiieaieaud pain."
Try a bottle, only COo at the Port Drug
Co. 4
O.fgm Kiduuy Tea cure baokaohr.
Harper's Periodicals,
lUsrsi lima ooaitlnee th choicest literature
and the Hunt att Illustrations with th UtMt (uhlona
and th most umIuI (amity revile;. It etorles.poems
and eeeays ar by U beat writers, and lu humoroua
eaetche art unsurpassed, lu paper oa octl eti
quette, decorative art, house keeping In all It branches
cookerv, tic., rusk it tuilsprtuabf In every house
hold, lu beautiful luhlonpUtee and pattern-sheet
upplcrusnU enabl ladle to mt many time th
cent ot subscription by being their own dressmaker.
Not a line 1 adnilttoJ to Its column that could shock
th most atUdlou tut.
rr tear.
IIAlir-KH-S RAZAH l 00
lUKI'KIVS alAOAZlNK, . ... 4 00
II.Utl'Kiea VYKWU.Y 4 00
MMU'Kira YOUNll l'KOl'LK, t 00
Ou)ear, (M uunibcrs),,,.,, ..... 10 00
I'ostsge fre to all subscriber In th United 6Ut
or Canada,
Th volume ot th lUsir begin with th first Nam
ber lor January of etch jreer. When no time It men.
Uoaed, It III be aiueritood Ihst the subscriber Uhe
tororomsnee lth th Number mat alter the receipt
ol order,
Th but Uire Annutt Volume ot Harper IUsir, in
. -!-.. ..I- U -llll . ... .11 ...... .1.
um ciuiu Uiuuing, mil vm mvn 1 iut,, mv pl4
or by sprre. Ire ot (ipwu (proiMed the lrei(ht
doe not aceed on dollar xr volume), for 17.00 per
Llo'h raaCoracn toiume,ullaM tor blndln;,
III be tout by mall, twelpald, on receipt ol It erh.
lUtuUtmcee ehouU be mad by foet oino Money
Order or l)rIt. U anld entnee ot loet.
Nepapre ar not to copy thlt adTertuetnent with1
out the eiixett order of llanwr 4 tiro.
-... ..............a .....
me okpn
iiAtirr.na ukutiicks, new Tore,
The Amounts Which Hare Been Dis
bursed by tho Fourteenth Ses
sion of tho Legislature.
(From Salem Btatcsmaa.)
i Iho following aro tho amounts of tho
appropriations for further dlsbursomont
and for claims for past work, improve
ment, etc., which wero legally author
ized by tho legislature to bo paid out,
yesterday :
For salary of governor . . . . $
For salary ofprlvatoflccrotary
to tbo governor
For Bulary of secretary of stato
Forclorlcal asslstanco in tho
ofllco of secretary of stato.
3,000 00
2,400 00
3,000 00
Octohor 1878 3,000 00
i'or salary ol stato treasurer. .
For Halnry of clerk to stato
For salary of superintendent of
public instruction
For salary of stato librarian .
For salary of prison inspector
1,600 00
3,000 00
3,600 00
1,000 00
400 00
Sec. 2. For salary of pilot
commissioners 1,200 00
For salary of clerk to pilot
commlssionora 1,200 00
tor nalary ot hoaltlt olllccrs. .
For salary of Janitor and assist
3,000 00
3,240 00
1,400 00
1,800 00
400 00
5,000 00
Traveling expenses of supt.
public instruction
Pay of night watchman at
Contingont oxponscs of state
l'urcliaso ot books for Btato li
brary ....
Pay ot teachors and expenses
ol miito Bcnool, lor audi
tions, improvements, etc.,
thoroto 13,
700 00
ray of teachors and expenses
of blind school 8,000 00
Purchase vol 13 Or. sup. court
roporlB 1,800 00
Addtl. clorks in ofllco eoc'y
Btato 3,000 00
Clork to Biipt. pub. inst 1,000 00
Stato board of agriculturo 10,000 00
Protection of dairy products. . 5,000 00
Lighting public buildings. . . . 10,000 00
Kelioi oi Oregon pioneer asso
ciation . .
Boworago additions and nocos
Bary improvements, and for
Industrial dopurtmont at
tho Oregon blind school. . . .
Wirolng publlu buildings for
tho olectric light
Electric light, from Oct. 1880
to Doc. 31, 1880
lllanks for public schools. . . .
Pay oIT. A. McHrido as at
torney In pllotago caso. . .
Uollof of T. O. Powoll . . .
Pay of Wllholm & Stroboll for
Pay of J. Q. A. Uowlby
KellofofW. W.Travillion. .
Stato militia oxponscs
For additions, repairs, etc., to
insano asylum
Support ot Orphans' Homo at
500 00
2,000 00
3,700 00
1,250 00
2,700 00
250 00
103 20
240 00
300 00
1,028 40
501 22
65,550 00
3,000 00
3,000 00
COO 00
5,000 00
10,858 50
401 00
Support of Homo at Portland
Preparing accounts for claims
of state against thogonoral
gOTornmont and for other
ox(onsos of adjutant gonor
al'H department..
Siiportof state agricultural
college ,
DoflcioncicH in appropriation
for prison and capitol im
provements ...
Pay of Albert Olingor . . .
Convoying insano patients to
tho asylum (doflcioncy)
Pay ot J. A. Stratton
Two cisterns for capitol
Pay of reward to John Thom
as and Win. GrlflUh.forar
rest of Henry Harvoy for
killing Kobort Grant
Purchase of 1,000 copied of
Hill's codo
Capitol improvements
Improvomont Orphans' Homo
Purchoso of portraits ot gov
ornors ot Oregon
Payment of oxponsert of Q.J.
050 00
40 00
700 00
500 00
10,000 00
30,000 00
2,000 00
3,000 00
ltogors, tieiegato irom uro
gon to attoud Oattlo Grow
ers' association ut Chicago
Koliof of W. L. Wado . . .
Advertising stato wurrants.cto
lhirchaso of sot of surgical in
struments for poniteutiary..
Forstilaries of supromo Judges,
circuit judges, prosecuting
attorneys, and clorks and
iMllius of supremo court. .
For pay of miloago and per
dtom of inembcrti and On
cers of tho legislative assem
bly, and other nocessary ex
enses of tho 14th blonnial
soaslon of tho legislature, in
addition to amount appro
priated thorefor by act ap
proved Fob. 2, 1887. or bo
much thoroot as may bo no
150 75
240 00
400 00
100 00
70,000 00
(1,000 00
Forlightd, fuel, water, post
ago, oxproBaage, telegraph
ing, expensed of stato toach
era' institutes, stato stamps,
pay of laborers, messengers,
and other incidental oxpona
en of tho exocuti vo, adminis
trative, and other dopart
menta, and ot the supremo
court, or bo much thereof as
may bo necessary
23,000 00
ForjNiyof ofllcera, tuuployeoa,
and other neoctwary oxpon-
oca of tho Oregon Insano
asylum . 150,000 00
Hotunilni; patients to their
homes . . 1,000 00
tNoANK t'VM.
For conveying insano and idi
otic ixsmons committed to
the Oregon insano asylum. .
Soo. 8. For the transportation
ol convicts . ....
Sec. I). For thn arrest and re
10.000 00
14,000 (V)
turn of fuglttvcsSfrom jus-
tlco 3,00000
Deficiencies in oxcoss of post
appropriations 2,733 85
See. 10. For public printing
and binding 25,000 00
Deficiencies in oxcess of p.-tBt
appropriations, 14,093 10
Sec. 11. For tho support of
non-resldont poor in tho
sovcral counties 3,000 00
Deficiencies in excess of past
appropriations, 0,708 05
See. 12. For salary of super
intendent 3,000 00
Salary of wardens 4,200 00
Pay of teamster 000 00
Pay of four guards in shop at
$00 00 per month 5,760 00
Pay of turnkey and book
keeper 1,000 00
Pay of day chapol guards 1,200 00
Pav of guards 12,000 00
Salary of visiting physician. . 1,000 00
Pay of principal night watch
man 1,800 00
Pay of inside night watchman 000 00
Pay ot outsldo night watch
man 1.200 00
Tho purchaso of flro wood. . . 1,000 00
Keoping prisonors and goner
al oxponscs 33,000 00
Tho erection of a brick bnlld
ing for laundry and addi
tional workshops 0,000 00
Hydrants hoso etc 1,500 00
Erection of brick building for
hospital and sanitary pur
poses 0,000 00
Brick machlno, etc 1,000 00
Iron fenco 0,700 00
For salary of olerk of board of
school land commissioners. 3,000 00
Incidental oximmisch in salo of
school lands 3,000 00
For incidental expenses in salo
of stato lands 2,400 00
For attorney's fees in foro
closing mortgages, oto 300 00
For oxponscs Incidental to tho
mangement of unlvortilty
lands nnd funds 300 00
For ropaymont ot nmountH
ujKjn cottillcatos of salo ot
swamp lands declared void . 33,000 00
Solocting, viewing, and hear
ing proof ot swampy char
acter of dwarap lands 3,000 00
For tho return of monoy to
purchasers of collogo lands
to which Btato cannot givo
tltlo 250 00
For tho roturn of monoy paid
on laml purchased to wmcii
state cannot idvo tltlo 1,500 00
Return to Philip llltz ot pur
chaso money paid for lands
which were subsequently
sold to other parties 100 CO
For tho roturn of monoy paid
on land to which Btato can
not givo tltlo ... 1,005 00
717,733 09
oflorod for salo roprosontod
aa good as tbo Famous
dad liko aUCoHnterfelta Utckthst
RemnrUable LASTING QoaUltlea
PaLOct. 80 , 1883.
jricittttfacttired ONIjY by
riTTLSBuitan, pa.
Welch only Fm lbe.. and
can bo carrlr.1 In a small
vallee. St 1,000 lUwaao
roa m Sonsuoa. Wai.
Inar made lixht and ear.
The clothe nave that purs
wmieneea wnsoa no otner
mod ot washlnc can pro.
duca. So rubbina mjuind ;
no frtctlon to Injure the
fabric To plac It tn every
ACMK. Pat. April If, . gXeTSadTl S.dU
not found satisfactory within que month from date
ot purcnaee, money refunded, lee KzpreM charge.
Send for circular. Arret wanted.
N.U.-atachlnee wtllbe ehTpped from Kocbeeter. t.Y.
thu aavlag U. 8. duty. llu mentioa this paper.
AbMlttttrU curr4 m Ut M
U;, br Dr. Htm i lWu
IfjvfTnailA KlaVaUia TniAsm.
irimiiijd the) OBlrKlMtlrtATVUAA
1a LSsi wustVI. CdsUmIv iLfittmltrom
sill other. PrVol E4tAl&r. n4 la vorm
wUh tAM and cnoWurt ulibt w at 0-ni
tSsa rvtkiswnsxl I J.Mjnrai oNfW York.
tud biuklnaU f Hit. v IUujtriJ Mn.
sP pUsrt frs, suleliur full 1 aArmUioi.
Agents Wanted.
ketla Mtk si eeck,
ssstn to stain niv
Xlade CtMSf by Aarenta Belling
and RoraEHOLS ABTlCUea.
leiisree Urmt. kUSfcl tw..l. li
ft Cllllrw. SMilSHUyMui
eeee. i, K. aMCtAltB OssOmUmII, a
and Insist ysrJy. THI8
upon jOftttti Exact
them jLBiHVy on Each
ffijr I
i . J A i is' M'5
Fever and Ague, Intermittent
and Remittent Fevers, Cc.
Thlclof dlicdsoj io common In all part
of the World, and eapoclatly prevalent in ma
lartouj dlitrlcti and vicinage of water-course,
are almost Invariably accompanied by mom or
lea derangement of the liver, and frequently
bv a dofectlve action of the dlgcatlvo organs.
The mero breaking of tho Cblll la but a atep
toward completing a radical euro; tho vjirlom
organ of the body, ojpeclnlly tho itnmach f -liver,
muit be brought to a healthy nnd vigor
oa condition before a permanent cure can be
Mtabliihed, and this fact ha been iprclally
kept in rleir by Dr. Jayne In bit treatment of
those oomplalnU. The uso of Jayno' Aguo
Mixture, In conjunction with Jayne' Sanative
riUj, a prewrlbed In the Direction tiblch
accompany each bottle, will not onl
but rcitore the yitem, more particularly the
Urer and itomach, to a lound condition, and o
provent a relapie of Fever and Ague by thor
and the belt evidence of thl li the Invariable
ucccm which ha alway followed'the admin
titration of theia rcmedlea, a attested by th
certificate published annually In Dr. Jayne'
Almanac, and the widespread popularity of the
Ague Mixture In those dUtrlct of the United
States, where tho disease, for which It I
adapted, most prevail.
For Sal b) Soell, llltthu 4 Wojeird, Portland.
cninAi T
NrronsIflbIIitr, Kcmtnnl Wrnlinefta,
KxtiaiiMtoil Yltnlltr.IVoMt SlnulKMiil.aad ell
the terrible cflecu of telNabuie and enceuea in maturer
yean, such as nocturnal etnlt!oni,louofmtmory,dim
nest ol vision, aversion to society, the vital fluid pasMns
unobserved in th urine, and other symptoms that lea
to Intuttvand death. YoDnsrsuitlMlUclIrwasrrxl
iner symptoms inn leaa
Mou suffering from th above should consult us st
Cures srnnrnntoed la nil aucat tatn.
'ATIONFHEE. ChemcalAna vtii.
iTIOHIKEE. Chemical Analysis,
including; thorough microscopic ciamlnaliontot the
urine, f 5. An honest opinion Riven in all cases. We
furnish Tho Jreat Enclifth Hrmccly, Nlr
Antler VoorvFr'n Vital Kexstoratlva at t) a
bottle or fourtisnes the
lourtisnea the quantity, f 10.
to anyone statini
mi, aex and ace. Aridrru
inn -'rnnelssco. Cnl
No. 11 Krrtnsy Nt
niehest Honor at all Greet World' Kxhlblttons for
Ctnrteen yrere. 10 J stylee, IS to ftul. Kor Caeti, Kasr
ajments, or llentod. CaUlofue, W pp., tto, free. .
Tha Improved alethod of BtrtnirlnsT, Introduced and
rrfeeted by Maaox A IUmliw. is conceded by con).
Ttcciou VJ MAiKin n iihi.iii. , iwivnn vj will
tent Judirr to coosUtuto a radical advanco In llano.
lorto construction,
Do not rcqutro onMuarter a much tuning a rianot
Bcnerauy. ucecnnuvo uauioi
iloirue by uisiu
TrsmoattrLtBoatoB. liOWabaiaAnObloago,'
48 B. 14th Bt. (Pnlon Eg.), W, T. "
roR ALL. 130 a week and expense
paid. Va'uabl outfit and paitlculsre Ire.
r. O. VIVItKBY, Aaamata, Halae.
P. J. Armstrong & Co.,
(Successor to Kelly & Knight.)
Horse-Shoeing and Oeoeral Jobbing tnad a
5 At A. KELLY'S old stand on Commercial
street, Salem, Oregon. S& aprttt
Floral Guide
FOX 1887.
Mow ready, contains J Colore
Plate, ounareda of lUostr.
Uon. snd neariy M pace t
Knainmc to Garaeninc an4
owsr Culture, aod over U
contaminr an lllustraud last
ef eeariv all ih riOWUI aa4
TUlTaiua rrevn. iia d.
rvcttea hew tajrrowthem. wnsre the Met HKEOH.
PLAHTli, Artn ItULllH ran oe procorM. with
prices of each. Tola uwa mallea free on receipt of 1
cent, and th 1 ceota may be atdorud fmm the ftret
order eent os. Kveryoneintertiinasaraea.orwBei
desarea good, freea seeds, snouid nave inu wore. Wa
refer to sne millions of persona vim nsv pleoied our
seeds. Btrroatr Vira'shixneev llriixrssrraaa.
Iter eraier, IL Y.
Apple, Pcmr, I'cck,ClierTy, Plstsss,
Um1bc4 rtrmve,rrT. Kssnberrv.
"l . .-.
lUckbcrrv, ilarranta, Sirmpcs.
berrte.ae. OetKtturUstalasra
J, 8, tXlLLIKIs, iMnstsis, JL .
a ua i,m-).
msaaam. sAs I iSWIUs.