Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 21, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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fjflxt H0l mt.
mrb Harriot t. clarke, editor
I am tired of planning and tolling
In tho crowded hlvo of men;
llcart weary of building and (polling,
And spoiling and building again,
And I long for tho dear old river,
Whtre I dreamed my life oway.
For a dreamer Uvea forever,
And a toiler dies in a day.
I am i:k of tho ahowy seeming,
Of a lifo that la half a lie j
Of tho fnsca lined with scheemlng
In tho throng that hurries by;
From the alccplcaa thought's endoavor,
I would go whero tho children play.
For a dreamer lives forever,
And a toilor dies in a day,
I feel no pride, but pity
For tho burdons tho rloh enduro.
Thcro is nothing sweot in tho city
But tho patient lives of tho poor.
Oh, tho little hands too skillful,
And the child mind choked with weeds!
Tho daughter's heart grown wilful,
And tho father's heart that bleeds 1
No, no! from tho street's rude bustle,
From trophies of mart and atage,
I would fly to tho wood's low rustle,
And tho meadows kindly pago
Let mo dream as of old hy tho river,
And bo loved by tho dream always
For a dreamer lives forever,
And a toller dies in a day.
John Boyle O'lttUtt.
Sortnon to Boys.
"D'yo know tbo rond to poverty?
Turn in ot any tnvcrn Big-i."
From tlio Gorman.
The old German poet wns right; ho
hnd scon "tho road forks nry side," nnd
know woll enough which way to go.
One turned in nt tho tavern sign ; tho
other branched towards tho holy hills of
Life. Would you sco what turning in
and drinking lias dono? Look at tho
bloated old man and tho young vnga'
bond ; noto tho unstcad step, tho coarse
jest, tho fumes that poison tho air in
their wake. Tlicso mou "know tho road
to poverty" and tho way to early graves.
Do you ovor bco mon with ernzed brains
and iiery eyes? Do you hear their wails
nnd calls for help? Tho poor fellows
turned in "at tho tavom sign," drank,
and drank, and lost thoir senses.
Ilavo you scon woo-worn womon,
whoso "eyes wcro hoavy and red?"
Thoy, very likely, wcro hoart-eorobecauso
thoir precious boys or foolish husbands
spont so much timo and money whoro
tho tempting cup goes round. Will
our boys turn in at tbo tnvorn sign?
Will our oyca bo red with weeping bc
causo thoso wo lovo havo tottered and
tumbled into wretched places? What
say you, boys?
Do you over sco littlo tattered Bturvo
lings going through tho streets asking
alms, bogging for bread? Do you over
sco children in winter days with bare
feet, nnd jackets out nt tho elbows, shiv
ering with cold littlo things fearing to
ask for a placo r.t your liro? Thoso hu
man waifs havo boon starved and
frozen out by tho "tavom sign." Toor
Hut thoro aro other roads to poverty
other signs that lead to death. Tho
brimming beer mug hanging out; tho
sign "frco lunch;" tho long rows of
bottles labolod "elixir," "extracts,"
"bitters," and various othor tompting
nnmoj, aro all guido posts loading to
poverty, shamo, insanity, death. Shun
thorn, boys, and tako tho rotid to tem
perance, to health, honor, nnd a green
old age.
The Kind ot Apples to Have.
Many peoplo buying fruit trees do it
, with very littlo knowledge nnd aro
hablo to rnako vory serious mistakes. As
such an investment is a permanent ono
it is worth while to tako timo and exer
cise care, l'oor apples or other fruit are
almost worthless, while good ones are of
immense vnluo whether for coiibumption
at homo or for sale. On the solection of
apples tho Into M. R. Batcham, for a long
timo secretary of the Ohio Horticultural
Society, onco said as follows :
Wo find that wo need threo clnes of
apples to bo in condition for use during
tho whole season. First not less than
two distinct nnd first class dessert or
eating varieties, always in mellow or
ripo condition, for tablo use or for visi
tors, to send by children to schoool, and
to give to less fortunate neighbors. This
will roquiro about n dozen varieties for
tho season. Second, one or two rich,
sub-acid varieties, of good size, for cook
ing in various ways, and for drying.
This will tako eight or ten varieties.
Third, sweat apples of tho best class for
taking. Of these we use more than of
tho tart varieties, as we deem baked
eweet apples quite a wholesome luxury,
provided tho varieties aro of tho best.
To havo n constant succession requires
six or eight kinds.
Thus it will bo seen that our model
family orchard requires not less than
thirty varieties. On n farm tho uumbor
of trees Bhould not bo les3 than forty or
fifty, allowing for two or threo each of
tho market varieties, and to provido
ngainBt lack in seasons of partial failuro
which quito frequently occur.
Soloction of Varioties. In naming
tho following list of tipples for n com
plcto family supply, I havo included
only such as aro found adapted to most
localities in tho northern half of Ohio,
and tho trcos of which aro for salo at
most of tho nursorics. With but vory
fow oxcoptious, tho snmo kind aro
known to do well in Western Now York
and Pennsylvania, Northorn Illinois,
Indiana and Southern Michigan. A fow
nowcr varictios, I think, nro superior to
somo of these, nnd I should desiro to in
cludo them in a model orchard, but tho
trees may not bo oasily found. Sev
eral of thoso named nro not kept at nil
nurseries, owing to their slendor growth,
or not boing sufficiently known ; nnd
when trees can not bo hnd, it is well to
plant somo othor kind of good growth,
thon tho next year send somowhero for
scions, nnd top-grnft thorn. Tho varie
ties of ench class aro nnmed in about
tho order of thoir timo of ripening or
uso. Whero two nro namod in connec
tion, cither ono will nnswer for tho timo
nnd purpose.
1. Dessert. Yellow Harvest, Pnmnto
or summor Koso, Hononi or Early
Strawberry, Fall Wino or Jcll'oris, Che
nango Strnwborry, Porter or Lowell,
Ilnmbo, Fntnou80, Belmont, Seokno
further, Grimes' Golden, Johnnthan, Red
Canada, Golden llussct.
2. Cooking Itcd Astrachnn, Keswick
Codlin or Trenton Early, Duchess of
Oldouburgh, Gravonstein or Aloxandor,
Fall Pippin, King of Amorican Beauty,
Ithodo Island Greening, Baldwin, Peck's
Plonsant, Itoxbury Ihissctt, Virginia
Greoning or Willow.
.'!. Unking Sweot Dough, " Goldon
Swcoting, Sweet Swnnr or Sweot Green
ing, Danvcrs Winter Sweet, Tallman
Sweeting, Bontloy Sweet. This last is
tho longest kocpor of all good sweet ap
ples ; honco it ought to bo moro gener
ally known. Tho Tillman is tho best of
all baking apples, tho Sweot Swnar noxt.
Of courso somo of tho sweot varieties
aro occasionally used for dessert, and
somo dessert varioties for baking, for a
change. Nothing noods to bo said about
Ant el Cake.
Thcro seems to bo no whito cako so
popular at tho present timo ns nngol
cako, or angels' food as somo term it.
Why so cnllcd I can not tell, unless it
Io on account ot its oxtromo lightness
and whiteness. I havo not seen a ro
cipo for it lately nnd so will givo you
mine. To 1.J tumblors pulvorizod
sugar, or tho very fino granulated, tnko
ono tumblorful of flour, tho whites of
ten eggs, ono tcaspoonful cream of tar
tar, and ono tcaspoonful extract o
lomon. Heat tho whites to a stiff froth,
then sift tho sugar, Hour, and cream of
tnrtnr together four or five timos so as
to mako it extromoly light, stir in lastly
tho stiff whites, beating just enough af
terwards to thoroughly incorporate
them wifli tho other ingredients. Put
into an unbuttored tin ono with a pipo
in tho centre is preforcblo and bnko-10
minutes in a slow oven. Turn upsido
down to cool, but put something
tho odgos to prevent its lay
ing on a flat surface, or it is apt
to becomo hoavy. Evory stop in this
process is nocessary to tocuro huccoss;
and if followed, will produce a 'food"
well worthy its name.
Graham Bread. Some ono has linked
for a recipe for graham bread, and horo
is ono I can rocommend : Ono teocup
ful wheat Hour, nnd .'t teacupfuls of tho
graham, 2 tablcspoonfuls molasses, 1
tcaspoonful salt, nnd yeast enough to
mako it rue. One-third of a yonst
cako would bo enough if tho compressed
yeast is used, or part of a tcaoiipful 'of
hop yeast if preferred. Mix and put
it into baking tins to rise at night. It
will bo all ready for baking just as soon
as the stovo is hot enough tho following
Ail Cud to llonr krruplug.
Edward Shepherd, of Harritburg, HI., sayss
"Having received so much benefit from Klec
trio Hitters, I feel it my duty to let sutfering
humanity ki ow it. Having had a running
sore on my leg for tight years; my (he tor
told me I would have to have the bone scrap,
ed or leg amputated. I used instead three
bottles of Kleotric Hitters and seven boxes of
Itucklen's Arnica Salve, and my leg is now
sound and well"
Electric Hitters are sold at fifty cents a
bottle and Hucklcn's Arnica Silve at 25o per
box by I'ort -fc San. 6
Drugs at Port's, 100 Statu street.
jfail j$M 4'"ll'refc
Well, first I had a Maltcso cat,
Snooks by namo and cunning nt that,
With fur of grsy and oyes of blue,
And paws with which she scratched mo too.
Sho had a pretty bluo silk bed,
A pillow soft to rest her heed,
And for her very charmlnp ways
I think my Sncoks deserves much pralic.
Sho was the dcarost friend I had,
And when sho died I felt ao sad
I dug for her a littlo sravc,
Just whero tho calla lillles wave
A silver fox my grandpa sent,
Hut to join Snooky soon ho went,
It caught its head within tho door,
And died right thcro upon tho floor.
Then I bought a canary bird,
Which of my pets was tho third,
It ato its sood from out my hand,
Whilo on my head it took its atanc,
Ono night it flow up in tho gas,
And thus It died, alas! alas!
I put it in-a pepper box
And laid it bcsldo my cat and fox.
I had a dog that said, "bow, wow,"
Ho never loved mo much, somehow,
But whon at length my doggy died,
For nearly throo long days I cried.
Then noxt I got a parrot green,
That all day long did naught but scream;
Uecauso I gavo It fish to eat,
wrapped it in its winding sheet.
I had somo speckled fish of gold,
And onco when it was very cold,
With water hot I filled their dish,
Which put an end to my poor fish.
A pretty striped Jerusalem rat
Was oaten by a Yankee cat
A thing of which but fow can boast,
Of all my puts I loved It most.
And as for mico I'vo had a score,
Hut liko tho rest they aro no more,
Whilo all around my lilies now,
Aro fifteen graves or more, I vow.
And now I do most firmly say,
Hereafter all alono I'll play,
For pets aro always suro to dio
And mako my lifo so sad thereby.
Cat. Patron.
It is not too Into to wish a happy
Now Year, so wo thank Annio for hor
good wishos, cvon though thoir fulfill
ment is impossible.
To tho young, happy girl, wo hopo
may como a kind future Yet as wo
mon aro not tho arbitrators of thoir own
fortunes, lifo may bo sad for hor in tho
future. As long ns Annio stays with
father and mothor, nothing can mar hor
happiness or lifo. To holp mamma, as
sho says sho does, brings comfort to
both. Then thodoar littlo baby and tho
bird holp to fill her young heart. Can
not Annio toll tho rost of tho girls how
to Hwcop well, for thcro is a right way
as woll as n wrong way to do this every
day affair; tell us just how to com
monce, and what to do first. Wo think
nil stray articlos should first be put in
placo. Thon every ncnt, dainty girl will
wish to havo a swooping cap to covor
tho hair from dust howovor wo will lot
Annio say first.
Allio lms been to visit grandma. Wlrtt
a nico thing it is to havo ndoar grandma
who is always rondy to pleaso tho chil
drenwhoso heart is so loving to all, and
who in Allio's caso was glad of hor
holp in busy times.
Georgo answers Earlo'it question.
Then ho asks a good ono. IIo ought to
bo proud that ho hnd two grandfathers
in tho war, but Goorgo will havo to toll
us whothor it wns in tho Revolutionary
war or tho war of 1812. Questions of
our own history aro good to ask. Tho
answer to N. IL's conundrum a
couplo of weoks ago is clothes pins.
Nkwiikro, January 1, 18S7.
Editor Home Circle t
A happy Now Year to you, and tho
littlo folks whowrito to tho Faumkii.
I lovo to read their letters, and I thought
I would writo too. I am ton years old
I have been going to school, but it is
out now, so I help mamma bake, wash
dishes, sweop tho floor, nnd take care of
baby brothor. His namo Is Cecil. Wo
think ho is nice. I havo a bird. His
namo is Cappio ; ho U n good singor; ho
loves to play with mo. I havo somo
houso plants that I tako caro of. Wo
ate our dinner at our uncle's to-day, and
had a splendid timo and dinner too.
Axnik 13, Ho-skinh,
Hoskuuico, Jnn. 0, 1887.
Kditqr Home Circle i
As I have never written to the Fakmkii,
I thought I would write. Wo ciunot
havo school here in the winter on ac
count of bad roads. I am a boy twelve
years old. I will answor Earl Harbro's
question . Tho Hlack Hawk war was
fought in 18.32, uud I Mould liko for
somo oiift to tell mo when tho Dritish
war was fought. My two grandfathers
wcro in that war. Wo havo not had
any cold weather, and stock is looking
woll. My sister is going to writo to tho
noxt Farmkr. My father takes tho
Farmrr, and I liko to read tho letters.
I hnd n nico timo Christmas and Now
Years. Well, I will closo for this time.
Yours truly,
Pleasant Hill, Jan. 0, 1887.
Editor Homo Circlo t
I am a littlo girl eight years old.
This is my first lottcr to tho paper. I
havo two sistore. Thoir names aro
Ollio and Mnbcl. Wo hnvo got a pot
bird; his namo is LinnoU Wo hnvo
boon to eco grandma, and stayed through
hop picking. I helped hor wash tho
dishes nnd sweop tho floor, nnd mndo
tho beds nnd churned. Our school is
just out. Allib WiriT.vnv.
Sudden Death.
Dr. Flint's Heart Remedy will pro
long lifo by preventing thoso sudden
deaths from heart dUcaso which bring
untold griof to familios, often plunging
them into povorty, bocauso of tho un
timely dcccnuo of tho broad-winner. At
druggists. .fl.fiO. Dcscriptivo trcntiso
with ench bottle; or address J. J, Mack
& Co., S. F
Free Trmlr.
Tho reduction of internal revenuo
and tho taking off of rovonuo stamps
from Proprietary Medicines, no doubt
has largely benefitted tho consumers, ns
woll ns rolioving tho burden of homo
manufacturers. Especially is this tho
caso with Grcon's August Flower nnd
HoscIioo'h Gormnn Syrup, as tho reduc
tion of thirty-six cents por dozen, has
been ndded to incrcaso tho eio of tho
bottles containing thcro remedies, thoro
by giving one-fifth moro modicino in tho
70 cont sizo. Tho August Flower for
Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and tho
Gorman Syrup for Cough and Lung
troubles, hnvo perhaps, tho largest salo
of any medicines in tho world. Tho
ndvnntago of increased sizo of the
bottles will bo greatly nppreeintod by
tho sick nnd alllicted, in ovory town
nnd villngo in civilized countries. Sam
plo bottles for 10 cents remain tho samo
sizo. 2
OJiU do l"gyg-ry "fee
Vowr 4fu$iVselli it.
Harper's Periodicals,
lUm-tKk IUuh loiuliliic lliit choicest literature
anil the finest art illustrations with the latest fanhlon
and the root uatful family reading, It. toiiii,xtm
lid e-e ar by the be.t writer, ami lu humoroiu
sketches am uuurud Its ur tin suelal til
quelle, dworatlie art, housekeeping in all Its hr-neha.
lO.keri. etc , make it lulltprimble In eery home
hold I'll beautiful faihion-platet ami tl-rn ihtct
supplements enable ladle to u nun time. Ihv
cot of uUi'rlii'.lon b) UtIiib llnlr uwrnlreun-akirs
Not a line In aduilttod td lt icliliiiiu that c illil lh(H-!(
the most a.tldlous taste
IV r tritr.
IMHI'KK'li .IAOAZINI...... i 00
Oo itr, (tii iiiia.Ui.) 10 00
I'ort lit frva 19 al! iuIikiHicu In the 1'iilM Bute A
or Canada . - ,4
Theoi!iineoi the huh bliriii with the lr.tJii pricoH by mtum mall, or bavo ono of oar
bcr for January of oath yew VWien no ttn'
Honed, It nil Uuinu.too.1 lliit tlie'"'
ol OTdr",t"",,h "" s'",nU."fto nny diwatisfiiction in your tlcnllnga with ournolvca or
The Lit three Annual Vciits all tlio factn and wo will bee that ample jnbtico in dono you.
."te MJbhavobeon crpcciallv built (or Uiia trado of tho boat material
does not txcctdoiuiurably made, finely finished
cio-ii eases All others ol tlicir claui manulacturetl in tho united DiatcbV.MsVM
"'itemitunc'-l I)0i uy JurnUliinjc you tho best goods, by fair prices, liberal terms,
or.ieror iirteoiu and honorublo troatmcut,
wii..r- CrnAfl?.I JP, ,WTAT.Tn?P
ACf U X X-a. T J
208 to 214 Front Street, Portland, Oregon;
Ad. Wildmer Nelson,
(Nov Foitofflce, Salem, Oregon-)
Steam Dyeing & Gleaning
Children garment!, Laces, Ribbon, Silks, Volrcl.
Woolen and inlxid goals cleaned and djctl In anr
lhade or color. Fur. Shawl, Ulanketi and Carpets
cleaned and mada to look Ilka new. LadltV Drno
cleaned, dyed and prcaaod without ripping or shrink.
Ini. Gents Clothing cleaned or dyed without shrink.
Ing The cleaning o( blanket, ladle and gents
clothing a speolaltjr.
Agriculural Drain Tile !
Drain Tile, Chimney Pipe, etc.
and burned hard. They aro verr tough and
not eaMly broken. They can be hauled or ibtppod
with littlo or no loan, and ara superior to anyotuer
In this country. The farmer can not afford to tixo
Inferior tile. Use what Is reliable ami pennant, as It
It tht cheapest In the end.
fa. Offlco and yards, corner Vlllh and U streets,
Portland, Ctegen.
Henrtfor I'rlrr llf.
firnlinni l'lour Corn, (mho
vJlJfeiaaty B 1(M prrcrnlt PIT" mart
Tho following valuable looks will I supplied from
tho offlco of the Fasmir. Anj one or morn of then
books will bo sent post-paid direct to any of our
readers on receipt of tho regular prlci, which Is
named against each book)
Asparagus Culture, (flexible cover,). ...,.,$ M
Harry Krnlt Oarden, (new), ,. ,.3.00
Duwnlng'a Fruit and Fruit Tree, ,, , S.OO
Dadda Modern Horse Doctor, , 1S.0
Hop Culture, (new edition.),,.., j
Kami Comonlencet, ......,,,,,. l.Do
l.awn l'la.-llng... , 2b
Laws' Fanners Veterinary Adtlior 3,00
Jennings on Sheep, Su Ins and l'oullry 1.!
Johnson's Practical Poultry Keeper, (paper).. 1'
King's llee-keepers Tett nook, . 1,0
Ilatidaira Sheen Husbandry, l.W
llllcj "a Potato Peels, (pips- coer.) to
Treat's Irlurloui Insects, ....1.00
Tobn-co Culture, . .
copies of mapsot Oregon and Washington at
following rates. Thcso mapa are put up In convsnlent
form to rary In the pocket. Kncloaed In . stiff board
coer. They can be obtained at the following prices:
.Mupnf Oregon,.. ,, ,..f
Ifniiof Wnthlngton, , .,,...,,,
Oregon nml Washington Combined. I, SO
trltemlt by Postal Order or Registered Letter
PotUge stamps will not bo taken.
Addreaa I
M Itl 4Mi:TTK t'AHMnt I'l'U. to.,
The Fountain of Life (
Nothing known to science eipiili our M.EUCiir
Hlilrlda fur His curs of Consumption, Diphtheria,
lUlirht's Disease, Kplltpey, Paralttlr, Lumbago
Rhettuiattani and Fcinalo Dlirlciiltlts.
Our Magnetic Irel has no equal on earth for
the curt o! 'Consumption, Djsprptl and Paralysis.
Our Kidney Hell cures all dlscaavsof Kidneys and
Mplne. Our Magnetic Inaolra cuiee lameness and
Rhnun.atlsni In feel and ankles and keep your feet
warm. Try pair. II 00 to any address by mall,
hend for price llrt of nur Appllauce and book, "Plain
lload to llialtli." Free, (loo) agent wantoj lu
cicrytown on the Paolflc Coast.
(Icnrral Agent Chlti'gu Magnetic, shield Co.
Ho 10)1 Port Street, Sn rrauilsco, Cal.
Tlist W.
Commerclil Hlrett, ti'lcui, Oregon
I I'M' Tl'lti: IH'HIXIihh.
Portraits, Cup) Ing, liUrglng, Coloring, etc., etc.
td. Views taken In dly nr country. Kvnd li you,
lars, they will l promptl) flllid.
Foreign Legal Busines
-1.IH0.S'H HAN() I.KdM, IIUKl.NrJ. IN
Great Itrltufu, IitIiuiiI or
,'au hat. It atU'idd toon appllcilinii la the under
sluned, wholiate .peclil f.illllln far looking aftei
nine. JlrlMIM.it, .V HUM IK,
iltcltf Allomr), i'urtUu , Origon,
Nolitui oV Final SHtlimmnl,
1 Urrtgiwl
W lht e'iof
gnl Adiiil'il.traUir wltn the will aouefrd
.....I I. ..II.. 1Ib. .1. .... I l.m M Mit I 1.1
u. ,,v..vu, .,, mi, ."'i i, ii' ,.... i.-v i. m ,ii.
fliiatan-O'int aeadiuiiilttritoi and the Cuiltl lia act
Mbiia Pehruirt l.t. IW al 10 .iln.k A l. at the
Court l'i In iltrl'jiioiuii-). 'iri'iii for tha hear
Ing tin - ' A ivron tuviU" Jxtontl aald
count an n lifted ft priM'-t iliriu m said tin
plwe JOIIN OillOlt.V, adiuliil.f
PEN?. YR0YA.I n-
Cl ICIinsROnl, oxamino ourgooun
iiir i moftowlioro nnythiiiK you may
Silt "1;i1h
fo writo in what you wish to purcliaeo
and painted, and guaranteed equal or
to ttecuro your ontiro patronage..
- iAt XJ T T X3-.-LJJU-.-L4.-LtV