Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 22, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    J .11
Sjjeitfs jglepqtmitttf.
Tolosraphlo News.
Salisbury, M(l.,liiuT a $1,000,000 lire
tliis week.
Barbers in California arc organizing
for self-protection.
Inaugural ceremonies of thoBartlioldi
etntuto take placo October 21.
.f 801,001 standard dollars wcro issued
in tho week onditig October 10, 1880.
Yellow fever is raping at Biloxi, Mis
sissippi. There nro 270 cases known.
Henry Villnrd bns sniled for America.
JIo will rcsido lioro permanently liorc
after. A Jnpancso princo is on this coast.
Honrrivod in San Francisco on Octo
ber I).
Frosidcnt Clovolnnd will visit tho
Fair at lticlimond, Indiana, on October
Ono of tbo "boodlo" aldermen of Xcw
York has forfeited $25,000 bail. It was
Abram S. Howitt bns nccoptcd tbo
Tammany nominotioh for Mayor of Now
Frinco Louis Napoleon is traveling in
tbo East. Ho was at Denver on Octo
ber 17, and left for Chicago.
Tbo dispatches from tho Fast say
that tho foroign difficulty hnngs firo on
account of tho scarcity of money.
Henry Ach, an attornoy of Fortland,
Oregon, has bocn admitted to practico
before tho Supremo Court of tho United
Kcano Bros., whoso failure was an
nounced somo days ago in San Fran
cisco, havo compromised by promieory
notes at 52 pcrcont. on tho dollar.
Miss Clovcland has resigned her odi
torial position on tho Chicago Literary
Life Sho wanted mor of tho profits,
which havo increased very much since
sho took charge.
For somo timo past a striko has pre
vailed in tho Chicago stock yards,
among tho beef packing establishments.
It has finally ended. Tho men will
work ten hours.
Two peanut firms havo failed in Cin
cinnati. When it is stated that their
liabilities aro 150,000 our "peanut"
friends will bo surprised at tho mag
nitudo of tho business.
Tho Chicago and St. Louis Browns
aro playing a scries of six games of baso
ball for tho championship of tho world.
Tho first game was in favor of Chicago ;
score, G to 0. 0,000 pcoplo witnessed tho
Although no formal order to that of
fect has boon issued , an imprssion pro
vails at tho War Department that Qoro
ninio and his follow captives will shortly
bo removed from San Antonio, Texas,
to Fort Marion, Florida.
Following is tho official statement of
tho visiblo supply of grain in storo and
afloat on October 10, as issued by tho
Now York Froduco Exchango : Wheat,
53,828.539 bushels, an incrcaso of 11,
101 bushols ; corn, 13,755,07-1 bushels, an
increaso of 178,032 bushels; oats, 6
135,215 bushols, nn increaso of 110,155
bushols; rye, 511,215 bushels, n decrcaso
of 25,133 bushels; barley, 2,075,730
bushels, an incrcaso of 20,000 bushels.
Btato and Territorial News.
Summorvillo is to havo n public
Eight inches of snow covers tho Bluo
A Fortland furrior Bonds furs East to
railroad magnates and others nblo to
wear such articles.
Lakoviow has ordorcd a hand firo en
gino and fivo hundred feet of hose, hoso
cart, buckets, etc.
Tho sum of $800 has bocji subscribed
toward tho erection of a South Method
ist church at Heppner.
Light frosts havo visited sections in
Washington county.
Steamboats have
bogun to run upon
tho waters of tho
This is good nows.
upper V illumettc.
A wngon road from Forest Grovo to
Tillamook is meeting with financial
favor at Forest Grove.
Tho Fat Stock Show, hold in Fortlani
tho past wcok, has been well attended
and proved quito successful.
A Jackson county, Oregon, man raised
over 1,500 gallons of blackberries on
about an aero of ground at his placo in
Ashland this season.
Tho American ship Benjamin F. Clio
noy has cleared at Astoria for Monte
video with tho largest cargo of lumbor
ever taken from tho Columbia river
closo on to 1,000,000 feot.
Silvcrton, Oregon, has a Chineso fam
ily. Tho father placed tho two eldest
children in tho public school and tho
citizons remonstrated, but tho school
board decide'd them oligiblo and entitled
to school privileges.
Farmers in Yamhill, Folk and Wash
ington counties aro Eelling their applo
crops to good advantage. Wo hoar of
many who aro taking caro of their
orchards and as a consequence aro
getting their monoy back.
Tho new firo engine ordered by tho
city of Salom has arrived and has been
tested and tho tests havo proved quito
satisfactory. It is bolioved that tho
engine will ontthrow anything in tho
State. Salem is well protected from firo.
R. Koohler, receiver, and J. Brandt,
general superintendent of tho O. it O.
It. Ri, havo returned from a trip over
tho west division in company with Road
master llabersclt. They mado a carof ul
examination of every bndgo on tho line
between Fortland and Corvallis, and
found them all in good condition.
Tho Southern Orfgon Hop Growers'
Association recently delivered to J. T.
Cochran it Co.. 17,fi00 pounds of hops,
which Vi're ciutrnctcd to them somo
timo ago t 30 cents a pound.
Tho waterway convention mot at
Vancouver, W. T., on October 14. No
work of any moment was accomplished.
Tho attendance was quite largo and con
siderable interest was manifested by
those in attendance They adjourned
to meet in Astoria on the first Monday
in August, 18S7.
Adam Jensen, tho carpenter who fell
from tho Salum bridgo about three wcoks
ago, was out on tho street tho other day
and visited tho scene of his exploit. Jen
sen is nearly rccovorcd from tho effects
of his fall, although ho is very soro and
stiff. Ho certainly had a very narrow
The Spiritualist Stato Convention will
bo held at Salem Saturday and Sunday,
October 30 and 31. Good speakers and
mediums will bo in nttendnuce, nmoiic
them Georgo F. Colby, of Florida, a
tranco speaker and test medium, woll
known on this coast as an ablo expo
nent of tho spiritual philosophy.
Two hundred and cighty-nino tax
payers in Jackson county pay taxes on
2,000 assessments. Tho O. & O. R. R.
pays on $125,780; bank of Ashland,
$30,000 ; O. C. .Beckman, 20,000 ; H. F.
Barron, $23,105; A. L. Rittcr, $25,200;
G. W. Coaksey, $23,082. Twenty-six
moro pay on sums in excoss of 10,000.
Tho managers and directors of tho
Oregon State Agricultural Society havo
been engaged in on endeavor to ascer
tain tho nmount of warrants and thoir
numbcrsoutstandingagaiust tho society.
Their objoct is tho laudablo ono of mak
ing an cllbrt to pay them off. Holders
of su"li warrants aro thorcforo requested
to send to tho secretary, A. F. Miller,
209 Second Btrcot, Fortland, a Btato
inont of their claims, on or before No
vember 10th next. Promptness in this
matter is earnestly requested.
Tbree Months Free.
Tho publishers of that excellent
monthly, Tun Houskkkepeh, Minneap
olis, Minn., ofl'cr to send it frco for
thrco months to any lady who sends
them tho postoffico address of twenty
ladies who nro keeping house Tho ad
dresses may bo at ono or sovoral post
offices, but must bo sent beforo Novom
bor 15th, 18S0. The HousEKKErcn is
ono of tho bost publications in tho
Beo Reports.
Sii.veuton, Or., Oct. 11, 1SSC.
Editor Willametto Farmer:
In tho F.rtMEn of Octobor 8th, under
tho head of "Beo Reports," eomo ono
scorns to havo given in my report for
1880, concerning "Bees, Honey, oto."
Perhaps it is to stir a brother bco-kccpcr
up a little. ell, then, horo is my re
Amount of surplus hooey from
each colony $2 75
Beeswax 100 pounds
Increaso 28 percent
This leaves my bees with plenty of
stores for winter and in good condition.
This amount is bo insignificant in com
parison with last season that I thought
it hardly worth reporting. Flcaso cor
rect tho statement that I am "footling to
keop tho bees alive, etc.," as I havo
never been compelled to feed my cus
tom invariably being to lcavo a sufficient
amount of honoy with each colony for
their winter stores, regardless of surplus.
I fully expoct my bees to givo you a
rousing roport for 1887, and would ad
vlso brother boo-kcepors to fix thoir boos
up for winter and prepare for a good
run noxt season, as I beliovo wo havo
never had two advorso seasons, ono fol
lowing the othor, with no honoy.
E. S. BnooKS.
Jlore Money far Your Work
if you improvo good opportunities.
Hallott & Co., Portland, Maine, will
mail, frco, full information showing how
you can mako from $5 to $25 and
upwards a day and live nt homo whor
over you aro locatod. Bettor writo;
somo havo mado over $50 in a day;
all now. No capital required; started
free JJoth boxosj all ages. Success
for ovory worker. Send address and
seo for yourself.
A flood Opportunity to Buy a Stock Farm with
Large Out-Range.
A party has placed in our hands for
salo ono of tho best stock farms in tho
valley. This land is situated in tho
foot hill region of tho Cascades, and is
concceded to bo tho best adapted to
stock growing of any portions of our
State. It consists of 030 acres, all
fenced but 80 acres 200 acres in culti
vation i good houso and fair barns and
out buildings; 8 acres in orchard;
county road passes through placo; a
creek passes through one eugo, and
springs abound over tho ontiro placo.
Situated in Clackamas county. Small
timber covers parts not cleared. Prico
$8,000. Apply at onco to this office
Anyono meaning business will bo shown
tho placo free of charge.
UurLleu's .Irnlcu Salt.
The Bctt Salve in the world for CuU.
Bruises, Sorei, Ulcers, Silt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Conn, and all Skin hruptioni, and positively
cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guaran
teed to rive perfect satisfaction, or monev re
funded. Pnoe 25 cents per box.
For sale by Port & Son.
How Fruit drawing was Started In Eastern
Editor Willamette Farmort
Twcnty-fivo years ago, when tho first
effort to grow fruit East of tho Moun
tains was mado at Walln Walla, it was
considered that only tho most hardy
kinds would succeed and they only in
the most favored locationsbut by per
sistent experiments for moro than a
quarter of a contury it is now admitted
that the wholo Inland Empire is well
adopted to tho growth of all tho fruits
of the temperato zone, and a great many
localities aro peculiarly suited to tho
growth of peaches, apricots, nectarines
and grapes, even up to tho 18th parallel.
Five years ago I induced tho N. P. It.
R. Co. to let mo plant forest trees at
each section station between Ainaworth
and Sprague Now eoiho of theso trees
aro nearly twenty feot high, and at ono
place, eight miles from Ainsworth, right
in tho sand and sage-brush, tho grovo
has succeeded so well that last season
tho pcoplo of Pasco went out to havo a
picnic there I mention this fact to
show that trees will grow on tho most
dosolato looking laud in what may bo
considered tho desert country.
Sinco then fruit trees and grapo vines
hnvo been planted, and at various places
on tho peninsula botwecn Snako river
and tho Columbia I havo seen somo
most romarkablo growths mado this
season (which has been tho latest and
dryest for years) without any irrigation
whatever. I havo dwelled at longth on
this particular location, ns it was con
sidered tho moU unforbidden and barren
tract in tho wholo Inland Empire.
And what can ho dono hero may bo
dono in a good many other localities nil
over that country which to-dny aro con
sidered worthless. Tho fruit industry
in that country is just in its infancy.
I know that it will surpriso many when
I toll them that tho country along tho
Columbia river nbovo Fruit's rapids,and
up to and abovo tho month of tho We
natchic, or Spokano rivers, (all of tho
big bend of tho Columbia for nenrly 200
miles) is peculiarly adapted to tho
growth of peaches, apricots, nectarines,
grapes, melons, etc., and that tho fow
orchards there havo not failed to bear
for ten years in succession. And when
I tell you that n portion of this country
is north of tho -18th parnllol, it docs
seem strnngo that wo havo a country of
such peculiar characteristics. Now this
country is just in its infancy and is just
beginning to 6cttlo up, and in tho next
fivo years thoro will bo hundreds of
thousands of fruit trees and grapo vines
planted in this locality.
Tho samo can bo said of tho Colum
bia from Tho Dalles to Wallula, and on
Snako rivor to Lowiston, and still further
up on Snako nnd Salmon rivers, at Con
nor creek, Wcisor, Pnyotto, Malheur,
Owyhco, Boiso river, and on much of tho
upper Snako rivor as far as Hniloy and
Oneida counties, in all a distance of 000
miles from Tho Dalles. In many places
Micro will bo orchards on both sides of
theso rivers. In all of these places
peiohes, grapos, tomatoes, apricots and
nectarines will succeed finely, nnd aro of
tho bost ilavor. I mention theso fruits
as growing best along tho water courses
and small streams where thoro is moro
or less ennd and alluvial doposit. All
tho othor fruits succeed equally as well
in theso localities, as woll as all ovor tho
wholo country, but peaches do not do
well at an elovation of over 1,000 feet
abovo tho lovol of tho son.
It is difficult to say whnt nro tho best
varieties to grow, as that depends upon
what uses tho fruits nro to bo put to. If
to bo canned and dried for commcrco,
then tho orchards want to bo of but fow
and tried kinds. If for homo use, or
shipping to Montnna, Dakota and Min
nesota, thon there can bo a larger variety
grown, from tho very earliest to tho
latest. Philip Ritz.
SlllPirln t neglect any tl tho many form
UUIUIUU tniert Uuse, though many iloio
rom iiiurui u. iieau u.. ti nil irtaiuo on Jiears
Ulscase, and II you, Into any symptom therein su
forth, uko Do. lima Hxiar Itaxisr.
Pfl9 SipVnnCQ D. ftuir'a Hurt Rratcr la a
MiwnnuMu, mixllclDO nlcn iks been founj
forticuiariy eilicurinus in case el Bea-tlckneas, as
t at once stop tho terrible voroltln?, throbbing In
tho ttn-plcs, aiul (.sable tbo patient to secure ripote.
I SK8 It 111 I Iffl8, naaranie cl' debility, whoso
louoteriaiiw U wnious, ami ho Is subject to spells
of fa!ntnesa. Is lUbloto sudden death from htart
disease. Let Mm take Da. Fust IIlut Itaxur
Uforelt Is too lte
At linnrsiste. f 1.60. Pcserlptlve treatise with
each bottle, or mailed free upon application.
roa ladles arid children whoso tasto eas-
net bo offended with Impunity, HAMDUlttJ
' FIGS form a remedy tor constipation. In.
'digestion, piles and llrer compUuu wni-b.
Is as vleasafit U take as It la effective la
us. Ucts.
At all Druggist ; or address
J. J. MACK st CO.,
B and II Front St-, San Franolaoo, Cat.
Wagons, Itnggies. tC fm riages.
Kinder Twine, licit lug, Oils
Supplies or nil Kinds.
MS, 210, 312, ill Front Street, Fortland, Oregon.
Cam the Urrett stock In tho Northwest ol lUchln.
cry ami vehicles. All itralce; fully guaranteed. It
Kill wiy on to call ami examine cur roods and ob'aln
our mice', or send for our hundsotntly tlluitratod
Catalogue ami prico lilt beforo pursuing cUenhcrc.
American Fruit liVuporntor
Is tho llrel .Moury MnhliiR Mnrlilnr In the
maikct. Tho product ol UrrKOn's orchards In tho
hspo of KvrtcU alock Is worth muro per ound
thin any othir farm product, wool only cucptcd, an
la auiceptlblo ol indefinite cxpamlon and demand,
Wo tarntaily ink tint all persons Inhrcited In lliU
sul Joct will rlto us lor cur
.it amu l or Htnr i:vAioitATK.v
Which contain much practical Information upon tho
subject not lound rltimhcre, and alio a full descrip
tion of tho Amrrlmii I'm It i:npornlnrandllic
profits accruing Imm its use.
Portland, Oregon,
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Harness, Saddlery, Whips
and Robes.
llaliiirl"U(ht out IhoHtock
and Goodwill of
.1. I. .Ionian V Sou
I hopo that their customer. Hill
extend tu mo the latuo liberal
patronise that the) did lo tlnni.
1 ullleellcntl- tlm lit STntulltv
and st) le.nl
Ten mi, Itugg) nml t'lirrlnnr
llnriiraa nml Mulillrry.
t'a. Ol my oh n mks sml at a
prlco that cannot bo boat by any
firm In the bUte. Call ami seo
Thanllne: my old cuatoiiurs for their liberal patron
ate in the put I liopo that they will conlluiio tho
samo in tlm future, and I shall viuliator to mult it.
Tlirrtnoli Imiliiif lirrii IiuiibIiI )l n Imr
lirlre I urn irrinrnl to uhr linrunlH.
At the "Old bUnd," 2)7 Commercial Unet.
.hi:i:v a nitii.it luur mi:s
lrKefiililn Ciuli-a, I'uii rurkcrs, i:ir.
Adilrcts: J JlO.-ihll A: SONH, I'l.rllan.l, Or
Is the best general purpose n Ire fenc-Pln use. It
Is a atroiia; urlrnrk avlthuut linrbo. IHint
Injuro tUKk. it will turn doits, plus, sheep and
iKiultry, a well as horses and rattle, 'I bo Im-m
lence for Farms, Gardens, Htoclc ltaiiKi s and Hall,
roads. Very neat, pretty styles for Jjtwns, parks,
HchooMou and Cemeti-rles. Oivrrtd with run.
liroof Dalnt. or made of ifalvanlzwl wlru. & uru.
rernnl. linllllaatn Iirn-flme. It I bt-iirr limn
boiirdu or Jitirbfil yrlrp In e ery rrp rt. 'lb
HrUmvIrk IJiitc mado of wrouKbt-lron ploanil
lUel wire, dely all cornielltloii In IlKhtnt-sa, neat
lieas, alrenKtli and durability. We mako tbe beat,
or elf-oiwiln ntr. and thn iit-iiiem rlieap
Iron ll-uro now iniiite. Tbe brat Wire
Hirrtrhera, Outllna-l'ili-mand I'oat Auairrs.
For price and partlculan ask llardwarg Uiuk-ra,
or address, mentioning paper,
SEDGWICK BROS., Richmond, I net
A Farm in Howell Prairie.
Containing 100 Acres,
is under clow! tho bsl.me in timber l h
dwelllnif.'tinck and atlk Iioum; a new temporary
barn; running Hater the vear around. Apply on the
premises to ' (dxctttf) 'AllEtJKOKl
We ofl.r for tba Fall trade a Urgo and fins atock (4
J.HIir'r. "'irMUa,
"n amnvwn u ruuirana (
. ran im, mauaa Inm oa apiJUatlua. Xadnm
'CJK I'sTaV n
JtdJI UaSjBBX ft
WE vIkm
laTJiliMii'iiffV"!!'''' I
jr, V(f,WBfj ' AjJ"' "" tl$K
lui twi ruiiiAU i--IT"-- "-' - 'J
Xotico or Final Settlement.
ilcrilgnnl has filed her final account as Admin
istratrix of the cstato of Eira J. Dcrens, and Monday,
Hcc 6th, 1?86, at 1U o'clock A. JI. is set ty Hon. T. 0.
Shaw, county JmUo, to hear nbjectlons, ll any, why
tho said account should not be accepted and the ad
mlnlitratrix discharged. LOUI-K A. 1IKVKNH,
Admldlitratrlxof thooatatool Eira J. llovcin, deceased
Tcr Scth It. Hammer, attorney.
V tho OrfRon Hlntc ARrlrultiirnl Society
aro reipustrd to send a statement ol tho amount of
warrants held by them, also the number ol the war
rant. Send by Nor. 10, liUO. Object, t ascertain
amount ol outslandlmr warrants, looking to pujlnjflo
part or who'oof aald rrnU Address!
A. F. JI1LLKU, KC O. 8. A Voclct)
oct22(2 fo Second Street, 1'ottliind, Or.
By N, D. Curtis, Prico $1.25.
llr. Cnrtli, wliono Oultar Method his long been a
standard, does real scntco to tho loo-s ol iti-od music
at home, 1" this thoroUKh'y ircod and c jtertalnlnir In
structor. No less than 75 diagrams llluitrato tho po
sitions ol tho (Infers. Hlniplo explanations and rcry
snect ocal and limtrumental mualo All a b xk, which
Is destined to make the elcirint modern llANJO still
more appreciated and opular.
Holds tho Held against all comers as tho chief book
for slnKlnir classes In If 7 8, flood mualo, sacred and
secular. Imprcrted Instruction. I,. O. Emerson, CO
cts , to per dor.cn.
font? greeting (CO cts.) for Hlr.li Schools; Poni; Dells
(Mcta)orloii Header (Hook 1,60 cts. Hook II, CO
cts ) tor Common School, and flcms for Llttlo Hinders
(HO cts,, (3 per dot.) form a coinplcto set ef muilo for
teaching In schools.
songs of ruoMisi;,
(Mfls.) Tenney and Hoffman. Is tho nencst !ookfr
Sunday Schools. Superior collection.
In press and nearly ready Anthems ol Fratso.
(II. 00) Is n treat fkorlto with good planiiti.
Hooka .Mnltnl I'rnmtly for Krlnlt met)
Oliver J)ltnon t0 Co., Jioston.
over lMFo California.
And Connections.
Timo: Two nml Ono Half Days.
Faro from Portland to Kan Francisco, f 32; to Sacra
mento, 30,
Cliwo connections mado at Ashland xltli stai.cS of
tho California, Origon and Idaho Stago Company,
i'.iht Niiti: iimsiiiM
HclHecn rnr'liinit mill Aalilnml-JInll Traj'ti.
La ax a.
Fortland 7:30AM
Salem 10.-2AAM
Ashland (UOi'M
baletn lr.'ll'll
Salrm lOIAM
Ashland 1.1SAH
(Ulem IXll'at
i-ortianii, :u'N
Allinuy l'.irra Trnlii.
Fortland 4:00 I'M I
Salem 7:16l'll
Lelianon 4:ISAM
talcm 0:17AM
Salem 7:lm
Ubanon 0.101'M
Hatem 0:10 AM
t'oriiaihi, iu.voau
Fullman l'alaco Bleeptrg Cars dally between Fortland
and Ashland. Tho O. ft U. 11. 11. Ferry makes cou.
nt-cllim with all the regular trains on tho East Side
Mtlelon, trom tho foot ol K. street,
Ilelxren rnrUnml nml Cortnllla.
Lsava. I AIIIVI.
Portland 7:30AM Coralll, 12.13m
Corvallis 130AMi'ortland (1.161'M
At Corvalls connect with trains of tho O.I fur Va
liilnabay. Kscuriloii llckuta on salo from Salem to
Yaiiiilnabavand return, via Albany, at ft, 30. Tickets
gootl to return until September 30, lt&0.
liavk. I Aaivr.
Fortland fi:00l'M McMlnmllle, 801'M
McMlnnvllle,. . . .4 .MAM Fortland, U.WAU
Ical tickets lor salo and baggago checked at com
im 'a up tOHnottlce, cor. Stark and Second streets,
lleaets for principal points In California can only Is
procure I and baggago chocked at cornpau)e otllce,
t'or F and Front streets, Fortland, Or.
Freight will not bo receive! lor shipment alter five
o'cloik F M on either thn East or West Sldo IMililou
Msnsger, 0. F. . Fan. Agt.
OKIM.ON f Kit 1(1
.NLV l01'ILAU !
i:u I in i itrxur. I"
Ul'l LA It Icui'TIi
in i itrxur. a.m;i:h
FutTiine? Suro Connocllonl New rJiulpmcnlsl
:i:tr MIIch Shorter !
?:() IIonrH Less Timo !
XX. fort and Hafwiy Fares aud Freight much less
tliaii by any other route between all points In Hie
Mlllamctto valley and San Frauclsco.
Tho ONLY route via
Itnlly I'naaenger Train rxreplIHuiulny.
Leave Corvallis (eceptSuida)s) at IF. M.
lxt laiiulna, (etcipt buudays) at 7:10 A, M.
O, A C, K. It. trains (West Side) connect at Corvallis.
O. .V U. It. It, trains (East Side) connect at Corvallis
with stagie from Albany at Itoi F. JI.
raow TAi'a t
raoM san rAcio:
Sunday. . .. Oct.10
....Oct 4
rriuay. .. , -it Hatuniay ...
WelnesIay Nov. 3 Thursday
Monday 16 Wednesday..
Saturday 17 Monday
Tho Company reserves tho right lo change salllna;
tal'or further Information appli in'
U, F. and F. Agent
Groat Overland Route I
riillnian I'alaee Sleeping C'arfii
kfsgnlQ.xnt Day Coaches snd Elegant Emigrant
Sleeping Cars, with births free ol charge.
From Washington & Oregon
FoInUto tho EAST via
The only Trans continental lino running
I'ulacc lltulug far (meals 76o.)
fun tent Timo JJvev Made
From the Coast over the Northern Pacific rail
road to Sioux City, Council Illulfs.St, Joaeph,
Atchlnson, Leavenworth, Kama City,
llurlington and fulncy.
And all points through the East sml Bouth
East via St. 1'aul and Minneapolis.
1-jr The only line running TIIHOL'UII KUIORANT
regular Eipress trains over tbe entire length of the
Northern raclflc llallroad.
Leave Fortland at IM p m. dally; arrive at Mlnas
apolls or St. Faul at MM p.m., (coon) fourth day.
OooKtlODamadeat St. Faul and Mlnoi polls acst
all poluts Kait, South, and Soutbsast,
Tralns leave Fortland, 0.24 a. m. arrive at New Ta
coma CO! p.m., connectlog with 0. 11. & N, Co.'s boalt
for all points on Fuget Sound.
A. D. C1IAKL10N, Oeol Wwi'n Fas 4t.
No, Washington street, Fortland, Oregon.