Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 15, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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i ,
grange o!iuni.
Tbe Oregon Btato Granite.
Master Judge R. l Boise, Salem, Marion
Co., Ogo.
Ovoneer A. Luolling. Milwnukle, Clack
amas Co., 0n.
Lecturer II. E. Hsyes, Staironl, Claokam
Co., Ojo.
Stewar.l J. W. Cok, McMinuvillc, Yamhill
Co., Ogn.
Asst. St9Wnl .J. Voorhect, Wooilburn, Ma.
rion Co., Ogn.
Clwplain-A. F. Miller, Wiltsliurg, Clacka.
mas Co . Oan.
Treasurer K Strone, Silcm, Marion Co.,
Secretary Mrs. M. J. Train, Albany,
Linn Co , 0n.
Oato Keeper. .fohn Simpion, Sius'nw, Lane
Co., Oregon.
Ccros Mrs. Annie Sunn on, Simla--, Lane
Co., Oan
Pomona Mrs. S. M, Cook, MoMlimvillc,
Yamhill Co., Ogn.
Flora Mrs. E. Kussell, Walla Walls, W. T,
Lady Assistant Stoward Miss Lydla Drook,
Salem, Marion Co., Ogn.
Q ran (to Thought.
It has bcon said that moat men have
greater plcaauro in accumulating wealth
than in Bponding, or oven in tho onjoy
mont of nilvantngc8 that amplo means
may supply. If this bo n (net it has
philosophical explanation in tlio tri
umph every man (eels when purposo is
attained, ospocially when nchiovomont
is difficult; and accumulation of riches
is novor easy, oxcopt in raro innlnncca
whon fortunnto accident opons tho wny
and londs assistance, always precarious
and vory noldom onduiiug. Tlio re
wards of labor in every llold of industry
nrohutlittlo aboo cost of comfortnblo
living, and it is therefore, necessary that
thoy bo husbanded carefully if nnything
is to bo saved for tho inovitablo rainy
day that comes with age, or perhaps
earlier through adverso futo. At tho
most great riches nro novcr attained by
labor alono, for tho order of nature is
equalizing in its oporation, bo competi
tion soon lovels rewards in any branch
of industry or production that for a timo
gives Inrgo returns. Great fortunes
very seldom represent honest eflorts of
persons who hold them, although it is
truo that factitious aids supplementing
high skill nro in tho combination potent
to cfTect accumulation far boyoud aver
ago reward. This is scon most fre
quently in trade, in manufacturing, or
in interests that ovcr-rido ordinary
rulos, but never in straight-forward pro
duction of soil products whero natural
law is tho ono unbroken rule. In this
field of industry moderate competence
is tho highest attainment of physical
rewards, and this may bo the reasonable
expectation of ovory person whoso labor
is well applied through a long scries of
years blessed with health and strength
adequato to ovory roquircmont.
Duties or Patrons.
Tho below correspondence of tho
Dirigo Rural hits tho nail upon tho
head pretty equaroly. Thero is very
littlo doubt that tho decadenco of tho
grango in this and other states is owing
to tho fact that tho duties havo bcon
altogothor shirked by tho members and
left to tho ofllcSru. And thoy with bad
examplo could hnrdly ho expected to bo
very alert in lusuiuhir them. This writer
nays: '
When wo tco a tirango, after electing
and installing its officorx, stand back
and expect them to do all tho work, it
reminds us of a littlo nnccdoto wo read
a short timo sinco. A littlo boy said to
his fathor- "Papa, what do thoy do
whon they install a minister, do thoy
put him in a stall ami feed him?" "Oh,
no;" says tho father, "not a bit of it.
Thoy just harnosa him to n church and
expect him to draw it ulontt." Now tho
oflicors of a tJranco cunnot mako it
huccessful without tho hearty co-opora-tion
and assistanco of all its membors.
Then os brothers and sistors of a noblo
Order wo should bo united in all our
efforts and notions, striving to do our
duty, letting no enmity grow tip between
members, but in all our intercourse with
each other, let that spirit of fraternal
brotherhood prevail which characterizes
our Order. Lot our greeting bo always
friendly and cordial, oven to tho
humblest of members. Wo should seek
to know each other better, and to be
como moro worthy of oach others con
fidence and trust striving to bo true to
each other, and truo to tho pledges wo
havo given, never by word or deed to
wrong or defraud a brother or sister of
tho Order. Wo have promised to aid
and not injure our fellow patrons, there
fore tho good namo of i brother or
sister should be precious in our sight
Harshness and anger have no place
among tho principles of our Order. Its
mission is one of peace, gentleness and
good will, and is designed to improve
tlio chnrncters nnd inc reuse ilio intelli
gence," tlio comfort and wclfato uf all its
mcmbciB. Hut let oh all bear in mind
that to luceivo its full bonolit wo must
nttoml its meetings regularly and strive
to assist in entertaining and interesting
each other, remembering tlmt n Grnngo
is just what its members mako it.
After nil it is good to lend and good
to borrow, when both lender nnd bor
rower are moved by tho spirit of neigh
borly kindness. And in farming com
munities there is usually readiness to
extend tho helping hand, whot'ntr by
loan of tools or means, even to contri
bute of labor whenever necessity ap
pears. Farmers nro proverbially open
handed with accommodations, one to
another, often to tho expectation or de
sire that it bo returned. They lend
costly tools nnd havo ploasuro in con
tompiating uenents conferred, only so
thoy nro duly appreciated. Hut thoy
do not liko tho borrower who depends
upon their genorosity, nor do thoy liko
to havo their favors abused. Tho safe
way is to bo ns nearly independent as
possible, becauso borrowing undor any
condition tnxca somebody ; tho borrower
if ho mako suitablo return, tho lendor
if tho service bo not rcoiprocnl, and
sometimes both in tho wasto of timo re
quired to shift, nrticlcs to and from
places of use. When a farmer finds a
nood that ho cannot supply without
putting upon his neighbor hardship, it
is timo to think about securing greater
degrco of solf-dcpondcnco, even if it bo
at some sacrillco. So far as tools aro
concerned it is certninly wrong to ex
pect that they will ho provided through
tho generosity of neighbors. Better
borrow money to buy what is needed,
for that will imposo spocifio obligation
that can bo mot moro surely and moro
satisfactorily than tho frequent inter
chango of accommodations that become
irksome through wasto that often falls
on both borrower and londor. Hus
bandman. Tho Way they to In New England.
Maine, hovcii now Granges. New
Hampshire, six now Granges, Vermont,
six Granges reorganized, Massachusetts,
eight now Grange, nnd Connecticut
twolvo now Grnnges, aro tho answers to
tho roll call of progress in tho Now
England States sinco January 1, 18S0.
Thcso arrnngemonts havo been going on
sinco February last, when Worthy
Master James Drapor, of tho Stato
'Grnngo of Massachusetts, wroto thnt
thoy proposed undor diroctfon of tho
Btato Grango to hold a scries of farmer's
field days and Grnngo festivals, "cover
ing tho old Hay Stato from tho Ilcrkshiro
hills on tho west to Massachusetts liny
en tho east."
Let ovory patron conunenco to make
his Grango interesting. Work, not, and
talk liko n Grangor, and if that does not
crcnto n boom, mako your vory boats
creak Grangcrism, only thoso that woro
posted know that a combination of
bucket-shops forced wheat down from
eighty cents to soventy, nnd only thoso
who havo enough calculation about
tliotn to mako an intelligent guess of
what tho farmors lost by this organiza
tion can ("lightly dream of tho vast im
portance of organizing. Indianinn.
An exchange, suggests that Grangos
devote more timo and nttcntion to
tabulating farm statistics. Tho matter
should bo brought to tho attention of
tho National Grango at its next cession.
Under its diroction statistics might bo
gathered from all parts of tho country
that could be relied upon. Tho Grango
organization should bo used for practi
cal work in ovory direction.
A standing nntidoto for poison by poi
son oak, ivy, etc., is to tako n handful of
quicklime, dissolvo in water, let it stand
half an hour, thon paint tho parts with
it. Threo or four applications, it is taid
will euro tho most aggravated case.
N. Y. Herald.
$10,000 Awarded.
"I was so sick and low spiritod I
would havo given anything to get well .
and if anyone had ensured mo the good
health produced by using Simmons Liver
Regulator, and charged mo a thousand
dollar", I would willingly havo paid it
in fact, $10,000 would bo less to mo than
what it has dono for me. Geo. F. D.wi
itETT, Macon. Ga."
A Fine Farm for Sale.
We have had placed in our bauds for
salo a choice farm highly improved,
about four inilos south of Salem. The
placo contains 120 acres, all of which is
cleared. Thero is a growing crop of 52
acres, consisting of barley and wheat.
Thero aro good buildings and an orchard.
This place yielded thirty bushels of
wheat per aero last year. Apply soon
and obtain a bargain. Trice $35 per
acre. tl
Best drugs at lowest prices at Port's
drug store, 100 State street.
The Greatest Medical Triumph of the Ago!
I.oaaofnppctltc-, llotvelecoatlve, l'uln In
tho lienil, with a dull icnanllon In tho
back pnrt. l'nln under tho .boulder
blnrle, I'allnesa niter eating, with mils
Inclination to exertion of body ortnlml,
Irritability ofteinpcr. Low aplrlte, with
nfeelloEofhnYlnir neglected .onto duty,
Weariness, Dtz7tnca, I'luttorlni nt tho
llenrt. llota before tho orei,lIcndacho
orer tho right ere. lleatlcaaneae, with
fltfUl drenme, Highly colored Urine, and
TTJTT'S riLI.S aro especially adapted
to such caios, ono dnao effecta audi n
body to Take on Kleali.thu the aMem la
nonrLlteil.nml bythelrTonlo Action on
tho lleitlvoOrun.ltritulnrHloolro
rrodnn-il. ITIcnafto. l(urrayHt..W.Y
Tney inrreaae inn apikiucikin cause tuo
Henovntes mu uouy, manes nroiiny ncan,
etrcugthena l'10 weak, repairs tho wmton of
tho Bj-ftcm with pure blood and hard muscle;
tones Uio nervous eyatom. Invigorates Uio
brain, nnd Impart Uio vigor of manhood.
SI . Bold by ifnimrUt.
1'PICK -I I JTlttrray St., Now York
Dealer In . .
Groceries, Provisions,
Cutlery, Crockery,
GlanswuiT, Etc.
Tobacco and Cigars a Specialty!
Will t'll at chop ary itore In the city,
I CUt I and nee mo on Commercial lrcct, between
Kllnjrtr I. Ilrck'i new Uewery and the Chcmekcte
Hotel, Sale ,Mron aullf
.(ml nil Hurt, or
House Furnishing Goods.
AIo malie a S hltv el
Hairy and Orrumcr.v oIs,
And Sola lUnujcturcr ol
Sttttc.Mimn A Cole's Steam
An Orffon Intention, Ihtt lll reuihitlonliebtrain
loner tha otlJonr.
IM I'ronl Hlrrrl Co l!W I'lral Ml reel,
i'outl4m, ki:;ov.
New tubicrSbcra fo the
Premium Announocmet !
Two I'lmcm for tlio Prlfo of One,
or Four Pajicrs for Los.s
than the l'rlco of
An excellent
farmer' ptiper
with the
clven unny
Till: AMKIIIOAN l'AHMUlt, it aUteen.
pace iiRrlcultiiral nag.itlm, iuhllihi'd nt
fort Wnyne, Iml., I one. of tlio leading
.tKrlriiltiiral Jmirniiln of llm rounlry. It la
devoted eaclualvrly to tho lutereata uf the
I'urmer, hloek. breeder, ll.ilrjiiian, (lur
ilener, anil lloiuehulil, and overy apeelea
of Indiutry connerted ullli Hint Bruit jmr
tlun of people, Uio farmer. I'arinrra run
not uell Kt uIoiik without It. It put new
Idea In their mind. It tearhea them how
In farm with pro lit. It make the home
happy, tho yoiinc; folk cheerful, anil the
Cruwjer contented. The iibcrlptlnii prh
of tho lMUMiai l$l per) ear. It In pub.
lUhed inoutlilytxelio niimher n )ir.
To ull new aubacrlher to tho ll.ill) or
Weekly KTATUSMAN who, after Aii;iit
1st, IHHfl, ulxcrllie nnd ay ono )ar'a
tubicrlptlon In udiante, thu American
I'lirmer will be ent ou je.ir fieo of
Oldaulm-rlher to the. STATESMAN who
pay up nil nrrearnse nnd one jiar In ail'
tanco will reielto the Aini'rli.iii lariiiir
one year f re e of hnrcc.
Old Biilinerlher who will pay up nil ar
rearage anil one year Inadi.inee, may auh
acrlho for iiuothvr copy of tho Wiekly
hTATUSHAKfor $1. no, anil IheAmirliaii
1'ariuei' will alo lie ent to tho new uamo,
thu cUIni; four paper for lethau tho
price of two) hut the uddltloual name
miut be that of kudu pertou who I not a
BUhaerlher to the Mate. man a new auli.
acrlber. If you are not a aubtcrlher, anil
you hate a friend who LaLo not a nuli.rrl
ber, you may each recelte the Weekly
KTATI1SMAN nnd the premium paper for
$3.80, which I SO cent lea than the price
of the fcUte.nmn alone. Send the Weekly
ami the premium to frleml In the cut. It
will be nppreclatetl.
Tlita premium uuuouuceineiit refer only
to null aubacrlbera.
Tlila propoaltlou hold good only till
January lit, 1887, after which date no
ubacrlptlou will be taken on theae term..
AP-Subacrlptlon prices Dally STATUS
MAN, per annum, 0 Weekly bTATKH
IAN, per annum, $3
Kulcin, Oregon.
K.w book ol Fancy Wcrka with IM
Itluau.tlona, I J New fctlubea. It
spl10fltr. IH Witura DoUetlu
is coL atory paper, all for 4c pott
.NATIUNAh UAZll, T W rouiiry,N.
MILLER BROS., Seedsmen.
Fruit Trees in Season.
.No. oo He eonit HI., I'nrlUnil, Or.
Altention,Bee-Men I
ttmtier I will tell
SO KlaniU or Italian Iter
At the low price ol ten dollar (110) each. Thla In
cudea ono of my bent Itnprotcd hlvre, the prlca ol
hlch alone It Ore dotltrt (IS). The-a beaa all have
tcated qtiecni bred thit iruon Irom pure linttortcd
U.ck, and are first (Una In etery reipect. 1 hie In
the tame kind ol an ouUlt aa hai been eoM ilurlnf tha
(tiring amlenrly tumrair tor flltccn dollar(ll5). VI y
object In aolllnjr Is to rcdiica stock anil get ready for
nest aca'oni wcrk I now havo over One hundred
TA. In livery (ne 'nh Mint Arcnmpanj
the. Order. K. Y. t'lltHK, Proprietor,
Willamette Valley Apiary, 8altm, Orctfrn.
J lace to make ch'cee. Tho beat ol recotntnen.
datlone Riven, I would like to itart up a factory.
Uorrrepondcnc aollcltcd.
FIIEU. LUETIIY, Zoar BUtion, Ohio.
ScptlOSm. i
In the Circuit Caurt ol tka Stat ol Oren, lor the
County of llatlen.;
Z. P. Moody, Governor, It I Karhatt, Secretary til
HUte, Ivlward lllrich, Slate Trauurer, conttltut
Inif c x ofllclo the Hoard ol OouiDilloncr for tha
Mle ol achocl and unlvrnlty lamia, and lor tha
Imcatmant ol the lumli arl.lnir therdrom, plain
tllli, va. ramuel A. Clarke, Harriot T Clarke and
M. K. Jeviup, dcltndante. bull iu eiulty to lore
tloat mortipHte.
ToM.K Jeaaup, the above named da'emlant- In
the name el tha HUte ol Offfron you are hereby turn
moncd and rtqulrod to appear and aniwer the com
plaint filed ah'alnat you In tha above entitled ault lit
the tint day ol the neat annilng term ol Mid coury
after tbe t ubllcatlon of ttili itimmona, to-wlt; on tha
aecnnd Monday In I'coruary, US7.and If you fall ao
to anvwer for want thereof, tha plaintiff will take
a decree mralcatjou for the relief paycd for in their
complaint, to-wlt: For a decree anlnt you ajjudrf-InK-thattheclaltr.
which )0U havii or claim to hat a a
mortgagee or otlierwlic, on the premleca di.crltnl
In plahi'lff' mortciRC, eha.ll be tiilweouent to ami
tubordlnttet) the lien ol plalnllOY mortiK at aet
lorlh In Mid complaint.
Hen Ice ol thi aummona It made on thedtfcmlant,
M. K. Jrtaup, by virtue ol an order of K V. llota,
JuJitc el iild lOuit, dated thefth day ol Hrptcnibcr,
a.u. mo.
V. II n'AItt V, Attorney lor Talntini
Ad. Wildmer Nelson,
(Nevr rc-etolT.ee, HaU m, (irricon)
Steam Dyeing & Gleaning
Chlldrtna panntnU, Mcca, Illbhont, f-lllr. Vthil,
Woolen and nilxd Knoda cleaned and ii)cd I" any
ehatlenr color. Kura. Fhawl., Illanktte and Cmpeta
cleaned and made to lo.k like new Uilbi' Drtiiwa
cltantit, cljid ami prr.cd without rlpplngor alnlnk
In?, (lent C cthloi; clrannl or dei( wlihnul ahrlnk
Imr The cleaning ol btanktla, Uilie. and tent,
clctliln a apcolalty
Agriculural Drain Tile I
Drain Tile, Chimney Pipe, etc.
an I burned hard, thry are very toutrh and
not ell) broken. They can be hmlcif or ahlfped
with little or nolo., and are ni.rlcr to any other
In thla country. The farmer can nt aff.ird to u.c
Inferior tile, I'm what I reliable and rnuiH, at It
la the chtaprtt In the end.
to. Olrlco ami jardi, cointr Fifth and I) .trtita,
I'orlUnd, (lrei;n
Heudfor I'llre Lll.
will U r.U fee ..j lrl Pa .1
mm ill. iau cw.a 4 lw
MMh Ural .. hJ li. d.t .
aar l'trat MUN Alit II 1'U
iJKtwl KenaraUr ll..
e at liaprvtrd tfarw
.eailll aLkti . o.i ibt.a.
1-lla.U.liulM ttr.
Oaliualiiu. Oata,
A lara Alia, aillu est and
Miudrra buoM-j. uMlag (run
AlUUautOa0.UU(l. friLuitltf
ttuitraiiav fryttyiliu& int.
y Miaginai kiei. iioum uupi
1 to X1 cUmAtr dcritei.
I Tt Utml. Uwt,Uail only clui
uitu4, puitm taiu.ttiiiuui
" MUll IiUljlUDtal tit ni, iy IIUU.
tX-S r-i ml fur imn
" Hlnl Illutlraleil ( ululi'n.. f
jfc a w (vnfj a (Hwe) ' I l
fj lraAJwrwHlretilf MUUrHU
H.ltf, vlV fctiliJIfcl, tlMlllLAU, o-
The Xer MiiRsillon Tlireslicr
la the greafeat iiralo aavlnif machlita cl the prcaent
century, liullt aipicaaly I r Pac.fieCoaat work, with
doutl fana, heavy I raxo work. Iron truck whale, ate.
CsllmJUU In capacity and uuorpaaacd In wora, Cat
Ionia and rice Uet taut free,
Adrreaa. BL'BBELL k CO ForUand, Or.
D- "Sjlli- 4P -ty
O 'JBaangy
Stnitoontrnftlio flnofitnnrllirtitntxk
Ify oftJliiMM lor xtliliNtntidlnic heat
Evory nootl thinrr lo Oountor
foltoti, nnd conauraora nro CAU
TIONED rtrrntnut lnTATIONS of
thoBO Ohlmnqya mtitlo of VERY
POOR GLASS. Boo tlmt tlio oxrtct
ln,bol in on onch chlmnoy nanbovo.
Tho Portrl Top la aUvnyu oloor and
bright Qlnoo.
JlniitiDu'lttrcil ONLY by
GEO. A. m AC3ETH & CO.
nttaliiirirli I.cntl JIiih-v Work.
Sttn JPnnwisco, Cut,
.Send for ciiTiilars mid testi-
monlalaj atlvlriir full infortaatlon.
Ghoap Lnntlm lino cllmattil plenty of
watori ony terms I roKttlar Boaaons.
No Import or Export I) titles, and no
Taxes for Ton yearn. tlollinO
Commission Merchant 1
DKAI.KIl IN . ..
C10r4l(itl'ATri HOIirm.lr. Having Int.
j mat. acitiatntanco with tho trail, ol I'oitland
and Han Krancl-co and other iiolutt, I am able to tell
tnuonahle products lo biat advatita.
IfLlniiiirillnlii Keliirn Slnilr.
121 I'ronl Street, - I'oitland, Oregon.
II'..V. voiini,', nildille-C(d and old, aleulo or marrlrd
and all who are mtfcrlnif with I.4IM JI IMMHIII
Ntrvnii. dtblllty, peniitoiihim, hcinlnal li.-,Hca
ual decay. Falling Mi innry, Weak e)o,rHuntid Hotel
pinnent, lock of rCmrir). luioviilihrd lllcoil, I'hn
Idea, liniieilliuenta to Marrlacu', nlwi lllond and hkl
llaeaaea, rJ)ihlllla. bildlli, r"ru.inn, llalr Kallliu
lloma I'alin, Kwcllliipi, Horn Throat, I'lccr., rflittt ol
Mcrce'j, Id lecy and H'uldcr Trouhlca, Weak Hack,
llurniiia i rlnc, liu-eiitluciice, Oonori hua, Ultct. titrlct
turc, lecrltca acaithlnir trcatinint, ioiiit rtll'f and
turc for life, HO HI Kl l H coutult loiiriiUiillally
If In trouble, call or willo. Hclayraare dauvcioui
fall at or 10. IS )car ei rleiue, 'lerilla i'liali.
UK. VANtlll.NCISt'All, IS'iand 1313d .met,
II rcrthnd, OrtKOn
Dona's Whlto llctalllo Vm Marklnit T-ubcl. ataiued
toordir with name, or U.UII0 nnd luldna and num.
bcr. It U rclUblv, cheap und comiutiut. Hdlant
lKhl ami Kite H-rftct iuillfac,tkin. JlliuUattd
"lIcc.Ll.t and aaiuph f no. liilila wanttd.
1. II, Lt.V.NA, WoatLuhuiwiu, N. II.
in, i 1 1 no
Onlerontilal. mlurt-a lor a jrktilaruml iocjtlnn ol
Weed rn and Koiilhi ru rUnn-homc end AkciiU.
P. K. OCOCRIOK & CO., Albany, M. Y.
N. D. Other mannfartarcra cotntlned tRSlntt
the oiwlnal patents. (DuuaiilCK), to upprupnalo
hla eoutlnuoua bain LhaMiber. laUelr ouMltti chap
leuirta aud pieiuluuia over lledtrlc Uet any of
thrinlf you can, oa aiiyconilllloui, lo meet Iu the.
Held the luvrniiir of the preaa llier i opy, lit-derlck
iruarantera hit prrii Hi. U-tt.ur fallli.it will bur the
but fur the iii.tuuicr (mo the llntntl.r of ll.s
contlnuou pnra at lea.t a ompttltor' chance
durlOK thu limn for ,-ihRh hi p unit waa ifranted,
tuque.ilonblyll.uliiYialuubiirrcutly UuiDltcd
k..iia ai
I ltrf hJ
I .1 BJ Iu.
a. a
Ill itrt.tr c
WAi U..S(UO..U.ulu,0. U.li(JUutylMtfntlSt
SiOaOO wl buy the DAISY
"New Ht)l Corn Hlirllnr. The
I'aii cIi-mii iliu t'lirn a It come
nut. 'I lie iiueaiiuii i A.ueu
wby MoaelluurHhvlleraaociieap.
Anavveri W build tbumlu win
ter after uurC'lotter II uller trail.
I over. All uru warranted lo do
Kood work or no aale.
of MUSIC Boston, Mass.
WORLD UOInructon.aiJtludcUIil ;..r. Tbor
bgh luuuctUi la VtiealaiMl Ibtnimaul Mu.U. fUno aad
OicanTualDf, risa Am.OraUirv. Uuratura. f'.acb, ).
uaa and llun Lahiui(, l.ullf.li UrMae.Ujiuuiuca,
K. Tvlilua. MialBO'daiidr"ofqliklx.amllitlaiJ
i.krll Uf 1,1, till.. Vi inr term. Fall T.m '
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