Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 15, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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stock notch
Hoard's iXiiryinun thinks that it U a
drcndfttl olioico to make J but butween
tho Bour clicoto that docs not leak, mid
tho soft, imfl'y no that wobbles nil
nrouml tho shelve, mid crawls out of
tho box when put in, give us a sourono.
Thcro is n ghost of a chance for it to
Improve tho otlu-r has started to rot
nnd cmi't bo rtoppod.
Sifted coal iuIiim -prend in the drop'
bohind rattle, wiyn a contemporary, aro
nn oxcollent ubsorlwnt and if any wood
nshes aro mixed with them they will bo
Bnvcri. TJno plaster f reoly about tho tstu
Ides to absorb tho ammonia and keep
them swoet and clean. Hut wlioro will
tho average farmer or dairyman get the
Whnn wn en to u furmor'n nhico wo
want to hoo his horsed and other Htock
como to him and tlmiut out their heads
to bo petted. Kiiulncris in tho great law
with all kinds of Htock. l'rairio Far
mer. Tho ago of a cow has much to do with
hor value as a milkor. A cow with her
first calf nover milkM an well an with her
third or fourth one, anil for a dairy ani
mal, as a rule, unprofitable For this
reason euro should bo taken in buying
cowh for tho d.iiry to obtain those with
their second or third calvoi.
An experienced farmer warns othors
against giving cotton-seed meal to breed
ing cows or io young stock of any kind.
It Ih very tlililuiilt to digcHt, and fed to
cows often ciuioch abortion. Cheat care
must Ik) used hi getting animals accus
tomed to this food, which cannot bo fed
in large ipiatililities, even to stock ac
customed to it. Young cuIvch fed even
a little havo been killed by it. LiiiM'cd
oil meal is now cheap enough, and with
Northern fanners will continue to have
tho preference.
Tho fattening of sheep should ho com
menced before the grass fails, anil half a
pint of giain a day is enough for a
uheep at llrst. They should have roots
or vegetables of wino kind every day.
In thro months they can hear two
quarts of grain a .lay if they aie brought
to it gradually, and have green food
enough to keep their Htomachs in order.
Marketing half-fed sheep is wasting
what you have given them. Tho last
few imiiiihIh aro tho cheapest to tho
feeder and add to the valito of the whole.
Do you know tho weight of each of
lOurhoivesY It is quite a satisfact
to know just how much each horso
weighs, and as plentiful as Heales aro in
tho country there is no excuse for not
Marcs in fo.il should not bo confined
too closely to the stable, but havo ex
erciso in open IiiIh, where they can pick
up biles of grass every pleasant il.iy
Hosidctt this their food hIiouIi! not bo
heating but of a laxative nature, no that
it will keep the system in a healthy con
dition. The colt will come in a much
butter condition, and bo prepared to
grow the more rapidly if the marc is thus
cared fur.
Horn's" hard at work need untor fre
quently. If a handful of oatmeal is
thrown in a pailful of water, and oueor
two swallows given two or three times
between morning and noon, or noon
and night, it will stimulate them to re
newed exertion and keep them ficah
all day. Vhis sort of stimulation has no
had after elleets, as does that which men
often take in the harvest Held. The
work of harvesting with self-binders in
now as severe for teams as cutting
grain was in the old times for mon
when done by hand labor, and it is a
time whun grain feed for horses has
been mostly used up. With tho labor
thus thrown on tho teams they need
proportionate good caie.
Naturalists have various theories as
to tho origin in the primitive brood of
sheep. On this the rcriptures are silent.
Of their form, however, they mention
tho ram was horned. Tho color, Dr.
Shaw says, was tawny or dingy black.
At tho protent there is a tendency to ro
turn to tho original hue. When Jacob
bind himtcH to l.aban for bis daughter,
n condition was that ho should receive
as his share of the sheep a certain color,
and ho obtained tho color bo wanted. 1
do not say by what means whether by
fright or by bcientitlo breeding. Wo
havo several instanced in tho biblo that
speak of sheep being white. Hut ueithor
tho history of man nor tho zoological
character of sheep aro' relatlvo to our
subject, tuul wo only state that from tho
earliest period in tho history of our in
habited earth sheep aro, and always
havo boon, essential to tho wants and
comfort of man, and yet tho population
of the world is more than double the
whole number of sheep. Wo have many
distinct bro-'dc, and theso may havo
sprung from the (lock of Abel. Sheep
are found in all parts of tho world.
The United Hunes htands forth in point
of numbers, having at the present day
130,00,21:1, while tho number las' year
exceeded this 20,:iS:i At wh'it time
sheep weie intiodueed into tho United
States we have no means of knowing,
but suppofo they weie brought from
F.urope by the colonists. Notwith
standing tho InrK' number wo now have,
wo have never pioduced suflicient wool
for homo consumption.
Sheep-husbandry it an industry essen
tial to the pro-H'iity of our nation in
producing tho 11 1 fh-food for the GG.OOO,
000 of our people, as well as tho wo"l to
clothe them.
The profits of keeping shoep aro de
rivedfrom the wool, tho carcass, tho in
crease, and the foitilizing qualities of
their dronplnus, and in some localities,
in subduing in the fluids and woodlands
noxious weeds and briars, and also by
their feeding and thriving on uutilhi
bio hill slopes, thus aiding and making
overy foot of land produce for tho out
lay. Tho qiiosiioii i, what hroed will givo
tho largest return for the cost of keep
iug? Opinions of men dillcr, and tboy
ohoosu tliuir favorite breeds. It is not
our puriio&o to say in this ussny which
is host, but to uuiko some suggestions or
Wo remark that climate, soil, and lo
cality must bo well considered, ltuudall
says i "In selecting a breed for any
given locality, wu must take into con
sideration, first, the fcod and climate, or
tho surrounding natural circumstances,
nnd second, the market facilities and 1(
mund. We should then mako choice of
tho breed which, with the advantages
possessud, nnd under all circumstances,
will yield the greatest net value of mar
ketable products." It Is true that com
petition in fruits and tho dairy products
on high-priced laud, especially near
cities, may kill out sheep-raising.
Many farmers, owing to thoir zeal and
want of experience, without giving tho
busluoss of slicop-rnising duo considera
tion, make a mistnko in choosing a
breed, and becomo discouraged and quit
tho business with a loss to themselves.
There Is a tendency to breed larger
uheep at present in order to incroaso the
meal production, and at tho same time
to keep up the intrinsic vidua of the
lleeco; therefore, sheep that aro likely
to pioducu these results will bo sought
Hcforosicaking of tho different breeds,
I icinark tho owner or breeder imirt
"look well to tho stato of bis tlock," if
bo would mako sheep-raising pro 11 1 able.
If ho has no experience, let him begin
with very few, and civo them good at
tention. Hheep will thrive by handling
kindly and seemc thorn everyday.
Whatever breed a man selects, they
Bhould bo healthy, vigorous animals, of
good size, clear azuro eye, tlorid skin,
healthy gums, mid teeth fast, lino brisket,
good bone, round-shaped barrol, all in
dicating health and activity.
There are, perhaps, over 11 fly distiuct
breeds of sheep; wo will refer to only a
fow favorite classes.
Long Wooli
The (Jotswold is tho bust known in tho
United Htates, anil is bred principally
for mutton ; those grow- up rapidly to a
large si.e, and also givo a large, hand
some llivce, and are always fat, and if
not loo fat, are prolific bi coders, their
limbs are strong, and in a few months
aro ready for the market.
The Leicester is also a favorite breed ;
the wool is longer and opens nicely, is
ImiiiUomor Hum tlie cotswold iteece,
having a beautiful crimp, hut from my
observation they are not so hardy. I
have seen some that weighed nearly !t00
pounds, and Cotswolds have exceeded
this weight.
The Lincoln, without doubt, produco
the bet wool of all long-wool breeds,
and some place them in point of merit,
where early maturity, sie, quality of
mutton, luster, weight of lleeco, and
length of staph) aro bought for. Of
tho.-r 1 have handled I could not hut
admre do uniform size and make;
these who a great improvement over
many 1 have seen with lank, panther
like frame and long legs ; for some rea
sou this breed is not generally popular,
yet they possess idl the good points
sought by breeders.
The Mltldlo Wools.
Tho Southdown, sometimes called tho
Sussoxdown, aro remarkably active, al
ways on tho watch, with an intelligent
look, of line make, very hardy and do
cile, take on fat very readily, and ma
ture ourlyi tho wool is rather short mid
coarse, rnoy aro mo most numerous
of downs aj many as sixty will thrive
. , it-i ..I .i
in a mini, which ih iuh iuu chso wiiu
Tho blood of the Southdown nnd
somo of their good points enter largely
into tlio nmue-up ol ottier downs, lor
this reason they stand pre-eminently
at tho head of till tho downs, always
healthy and strong.
Tho llamnshiredown spring from a
cross probably with tho Cotswold iu
connection with tho original Hampshire.
These shear a largo fleece, fatten quick
ly, and possess valuable points, mid aro
tho favorites of many lino breeders.
Tho (ixforudowns are also n breed
highly nrizod. largo and well formed
dark legs and face, nnd show a tuft of
wool on tho forehead like the Cotswold.
.. a a a . . n . I 1
TliU breed has IU origin from the South-1
down crossed on tho Oxford in connec
tion with the Cotswold. This breed, for
length of staple and line caicass, is be
coming popular.
The8liropshiredown are lnrgo-lodiod,
very handrome, and originated fioni a
cross with the .Southdown and so mo
other black faced sheep, In connection
with long wool breeds, Leicester and
Cotswold. I have sicu these -o frit they
wore hardly ublo to rise from their beds,
and weighed three hundred pounds.
They are not so dark in tho faco and on
the legs as the Southdown. Thoy have
l.i rgu lloiccs.
The down breeds I havo mentioned,
as well ns some other downs I havo not
mentioned, aro now contesting their
merits in tho mutton markets with tho
delicious mutton of tho Southdown.
Thoy nil far surpass tho Southdown in
I como now to speak of tho Merino.
Tho commercial valuo of tho sheep in
the United States is largoly in favor of
tho Merino and their crosses. They
produce tho clothing nnd tho delaiuo
wools, and furnish the Urge hulk of tho
mutton in the markets, and outnumber
all othor breeds combined. They uro tho
backbone of tho wool-growing industry
of tho United States.
The Spanish or American Merino has
for nearly half a century stood at tho
head of all breeds. It is almost incrod
iblo tho weight of lleeco they yiold ; it
is not uncommon to find a whole Hock
nvoraging twelvo or fourtcon pounds per
lleeco iu tho grease; thoy have tho
"golden hoof."
A test of their mutton with other
breeds was made at the late annual
meeting at Heaver of tho Statu Wool
Growers' Association, and the ono hun
dred judges who surrounded tho tablo
were unablo to decide which was tho
hot. All animals prepared for tho oc
Ciixion weie juicy, sweet and delicious.
When tho lleeco of this breod is very
greasy, cau-ed by abundant exudation,
and sometimes ovcr-ubundant exuda
tion, such sheep requiro liberal feeding.
The Merinos of the present tiny that aro
recognized us pure and line-bred, aro
registered in a book authorized by an as
sociation of breeders, of a distiuct and
separate variety, and tho same may bo
B.ud of tho mutton breeds. Those who
have kept stud Hocks havo had lino
profits iu supplying for breeding pur
poses, but that day of prollt from this
source alono will remain in tho hands of
only a few, wlio will be obliged to soil
at lower ligures.
Tlio Saxon Improved
1'roduccs tho finest and best wool in tho
world. It sold last year at 65 conts pur
pound, brcok-washod, averaging ovor
four pounds. Their mutton is perhaps
flnor than tho Southdown when ripo
nnd well fatted. Wo havo also tho
Muck-top Merino and the Dulaino Mo
ri no. These are largo and smooth.
Throe old wethers averago 1!)0 pounds.
Some individuals havo weighed ns high
ns 200 pounds. They are vory hardy
and yiold largo lleeces of very long
Btaple, and are regarded as tlio largest
Merino, yielding the largest lleeco or
amount of wool.
I have now named the loading breeds
of our country, any of which are well
adapted to the soil and chniat" of our
The farmer who would make the
sheen industry liny will havo dilllcultics
to outlive and overcome. 1 ho llrst duty
required of him is close attention and
perseverance and indomitablo energy.
In handling sheep for profit, ho must
keep them in good condition and nover
The long-wools, or tho downs, will bo
more desirable near cities, anil will bring
a good return from tho meat product
alone. The Southdown will do well in
tho mountain districts. Tho Merino
vv ill thrive on tho hill-slopes nnd pas
ture-lantls of tho State, and do better if
remote from tho mining districts, vvnero
dogs abound. Tho enemy of sheep is
tho dog.
Ono of tho Mired plant for profit is to
nnrehaso cood. stromr. urado Merino
ewes and cross them with a long-wool
ram, feed them well and havo tho lambs
come early; craze tho ewos every fitduy
on a rye held. Sell the lambs at four or
fivo months old; they will bring high
prices over $: per head. Tho mothers
will fatten iu timo for mnrkct, or if
retained to ubo for another crop of
lsiiibs, their wool ought to par tho cost
of keeping. Very little risk is run iu a
trial of this kind with grade Merino
owes. Those who prefer the Knglish or
mutton breeds will alvvnys havo a mar
ket for fat lambs and fat sheep.
There is another item I will mention
the cost of keeping, ni.il will leave out
the cost of tho land and buildings. This
will not seem to bo much iu summer,
for sheep will do well on thickly set
short gras, and a variety of weeds and
biiars are chosen before tho tamo
gnibs.biu when wo como to hou.o them
tlio cost increases. Taking bay as the
standard by which tho quautity of any
daily food is determined, if we wish to
grow nice wool, wo must not increase
tho llesh and fat at tho oxpeuso of tho
wool or any of its properties. As a gen
eral rule, tho quantity fed t-hoiild bo iu
proportion to tho live weight of tho
sheep. Matured, healthy animnls al
ways eousumo in tho ratio of sizo. A
sheep of 70 pounds live woigbt will ro
quiro three pounds of hay daily, and
one piut of corn and cits mixed. This
amount will keep a sheep in good thriv
ing coudition. but whon threo or four
iMinnds of notntooa and quantity of
cabbage leaves tiro fod, what thoy will
wit, thoy will tako on fat very readily.
Somo estimate two and one-half pounds
of hay per day, and this amouut, if
Rood, with a daily ration of corn and
oats, is sufficient for Merinos. Saxon
Merinos requiro less feed than the other
It is a nice question to detcrmiuo how
many pounds of wool and mutton com
bined can bo raised off nn acre of
ground, nnd the rott will vary according
ns the price of feed varies. Experience
is given by some who have tested their
breed, but no competition test has been
made of tho different breeds.
We must bear in mind "hint it re-
3uires nn equal amount of food to pro
uco n pound of llesh or n pound of
wool, without reenrd to tho sizo of the
sheep or tho breod." If thoro is nn ex
ception to this rule, it is with the greasy
Merino. To explain further: tako n
Southdown tliat weighs 100 pounds; it
will require thrco nnd one-half pounds
bay daily, whilo a Leicester that weighs
150 pounds will roquiro fivo pounds hay
daily. Thcso will bo equally profitable.
o find animnls in flocks Hint outstrip
oincrs, ami grow faster nnil larger nnd
produco larger Ueccos. Others having
tho snmo chnnco make small growth.
For want of titno I closo, leaving this
part of tho subject of cost unfinished.
John McDowell, of Washington County,
Pa., in Thoroughbred Stock Journal.
llmer or bad Uite In mouth
toneue coated white or
covered with a brown fur ; pain In the back, tides,
or jointi-often mistaken far Kheumatism; Hour
tomnclil lo of appetite sometimes nausea
and waterbrash, or Indigestion; flatulency and
add (nidations; bowels alternately costive and
lax; liendache lost of memory, with a painful
sensation of having failed to do something which
oucni to nave becnuonef ueonnri low t pints j
a thick, yellow appearance of the tkln and eyes j
a dry cough i
I fever! restlessness: the urine is tcantr
and high-colored, and, If allowed to stand, deposits
a sediment,
It generally used In the South to arouse the
Torpid Liver to a healthy action.
It net with tixtrnorillnnry efficacy on tlio
- - and BOWELS.
ifftuuu memo ron
Mnlnrln, Dvipnpsla,
L'ontlltiittlnn, llllltiuaiioa,
Sick llentlnclip, Jaundice,
Mutism, Colic,
Mental DcnroMlon, ltmvel CoinnUlntl,
i:ic, i:tc, i:tc.
Endorsed by the use of f Million of Dottlei, as
Kor Children, for Atlulte, and for the Aced.
.out raorairroM, PHILADELPHIA, PA.
l'UIOK. 81.00.
MM l I.I. .Uil,.HTI'sHiir.NTrt like, the roi.
lotting stilt be liitrrtnl In our column. In
tltrlr rnirr flnislllrnllun, rr IS Io fit) h
year, liirlutltnst ropy or imprr.
XiT Lanjer ice charnvd (or ro rata
Importer and llrer.ler
T6aJ2S,?S:. I !, , i.w Choice llelftr and
Hull foraalf. AddicM or call; JtHron, Or.
ly.iiHK tV ici:ei,
Poitusd, Oaiao.
Importer, nnd llrreder of
t short-Horn Ualtle,
Cotsold and Leicester Sheep and Clydesdale Horse.
It. V. AKHY,
Salem, Oregon,
Polled Aujftis Cattlo.
Call and lee inj atock.
Salem, Osn.
llrreder cl IMI'llOVF.D AM
KltlUANHKItlNOSol Span
till Importation and crori
tiretl.'of tha French end
K?!T9Spanuh stcl.t known In Or.
Sejon ai AMMUCAX ME.
UI.So A irooJ lotol Emc for Sale a v. ell a Ham
rrtneln acvordam-ewith the market Concanoudeuce
Dallas, Ore:.
Importer and Breeder
Spanish, French or Aturrlcao Mer
ino. Senl (or Price etc.
SlUlOrSSIIlr: MIEIU' and ESSEX 11003, Import
edandbrulby V. W. Iluul, Whiteakcr.Or
S W 1 N K .
11. C. U.1LLKV Halem, tir.,
ftBrillia a thoroughbred llrir'iitered Pic.
VjSr-. s-xMjiJ Call or end (or my prict-t. Farm T
rite miles toutti ol Salem on old stage road,
LK0110ILN breeder ot tno:ott!iet.
Kne'ose tuup (or circular
X-a.Jer.ej fntllo for unle.
Send (or Price LUtoI
Apiary Supplies
TALI IX liet'd and
Udreaa (or Catalogue
Kiidt, ClackamuCo ,0r
Dealer la
Especial pnius taken with ltc
pairs of ull KlmR
"fTUrmert and other who mtjr hare repairing can
1 rt ataurej that It U1 U don at promised.
(Ml at the old tuaj ol Bea. Stranf, Commercial
street, Salem, Oraron.
ijrf ' ffii
, g
Fevcv and Ague, Intermittent
and Itcmittcnt Fevers, tCc.
Thliclaiaof dlicatei so common In all part
of tho World, anil especially prevalent In ma
l&rloui districts and vlclnngo of trnter-couriM,
aro almost Invariably accompanied by more ur
less derangement of tbo liver, and frequently
by a dcfccllro action of tbo dlgcstlvo organs.
Tho mcro breaking of tho Chill Is but a step
towards completing a radical euro; tho various
organs of tho body, especially tbo stomach a'
liver, must bo brought to a healthy and vigor
ous condition beforo a permanent cure can be
established, and this fact has been specially
kept In vtoir by Dr. Jayno In his treatment of
theso complaints. Tho uto of Jayno' Ague
Mlrturo, In conjunction with Jayno's Sanative
Pills, as presorlbod In tho Directions nbtcb
accompany each bottle, will not onl"
but rcttoro tho system, mora particularly tho
liver and stomach, to a sound condition, and so
provont a rclapso of Fever and Aguo by thor
and tho boat evidence of this Is tho Invariable
suecoM which has always followed tho admin
Istratlon of thoio remedies, as attested by tht
certificates published annually In Dr. Jayno's
Almanac, and tho wide-spread popularity of tbo
Aguo Mixture In thoso districts of the United
State', nbcro tha discuses, for which It It
vlaptod, most prevail.
For Sato b) Hnell, llltthu A WooJirJ, Portland.
No. 11 Kearny St., San Francisco, Cal.
Tatars au. Cimoxic, Srrcut, aid riuvATH Dmuiu
Is a certain cure (or
AriTmn IMilllty, T.ot
MtinlioiMt, J'tMiliiton.
Intra, and all '.ho cill
etlccta of jotithful (ollle
mid execm.', and In
thinking Inlinli'ullng
Hanoi. n Mini le,
u hn In romiLir tilil alclan.
lirailmlu ol tlio Utilicr.
sltyol lVnnjUatila, will
airrco to (oiMt tV-00 (or
a eoao ol thl Mini tho
I (ill Jtrrhirathii (tin.
ilorhl K-clal udvlco and treatment) will net mm
el.fO n bottle, t-r (our time tho quantity c-', ncntto
any addrca on receipt o( price, or O. (). I. In private
namo II ileal ml, by J)r Mint If. 11 lii-nrny St.,
ti. I'. (L'tiL tiend (or Hat Ot iuettlon and jnuiphlct.
H.13UV.H JIOTTLi: I'ltl'M
will he tent to any one ai''I)l"ir by letter, ttatltvr
.j '-Tisonu, ex aim ace oimi wrcj- in rtyu" -
Isaiirtl Heist, mill Slnrc-h,
(sell year. 4aV- 313 poRca,
8x 1 lVt lnclie,vlth over
3,000 lllualrmllona .
whole l'lctiirti Gallery,
GIVES AVholcaole Price
iltrttt to toniumm on all rooiU for
iscraoiial or fanilly tiae. Tell liotr to
onlrr, ami ;lvra exact coat of every
thlni; you site, rat, tlrlstk, wear, or
hare fiiu with. TIicm I.NVAI.UA1II.IS
IIOOICH enntnlit liiforniatloii Rlcanetl
from (lie market of lite worltl. We
vlll mall n copy KltUI. to nny ail
ilreat tipois receipt of 10 eta. to defray
ciikiiso of malllssK, Itt tu Iscar from
yois, lWsprcffiilly,
liViT A; U.'U Wuhmh Avenue, C'hlcnao, III.
'.liffteiKVAfci HlfcrWiW
rrvi k)
Vfis-v: vvawEA a1Se
1 Hi. 1 r'sf'
Ttkei the lad. dom not eomnle Ilia tin or iron, rx
GMsr liao .binaries or tar cunipuituii, vaa to aj.iil.
str-nM.1.lur.l.t hal( the ct u( tlo. la al, a
NiJh.NTiTii;ri ,.,r ri.AHTi:u m nir tim
t'o.t. (t,lli:TH and HIKiN ol mbm,. double
tlWHrsrol oil rlMlia, C'slaUem and MlnnlM It,
v. 11. l'.vv ic tu., c.uiiu:.n, ft. j.
OiirtSreiil fi,ei '-ill) fa crowing and dlstnbDtln-itOSi:-4,VrIiaitA'ialu.i,Hii.r,.
;.n,.i ,ot,litn and Hhi 7,ia vri. y d.llier
Mrojf ltt llaxu aa(ebr by snail, at all M ofitti,
Your Cbolrr, till labeled, tat 9 Mm
HI(r8'Jl llllors.fl. Alaouther Vnrle.
lira, if, A. and 1!i (or Kl. (Ml. Mr..r.i- (., -u.
TIMtlJ. . ra, lyanil llfu.lr.tl, rfltt
Addn-M tiiiT iiir.i:i: a- (.thi Co.,
Hum llrowvra, VV'ct (.rote. Cliratrr I o., 1'a.
bulutflr rum! In 30 to 1
tUya, br Vr IVrcv'f ls.lrj
Murnello Elaatla Truii.
Vrraott?J the untv EaetrIoTruia
tnthcvur'ti LtitiiY.vilitlrrrnlfruiii
uotQr. ierieciuc.intr. tnuumora
ttbMiiuieumfortiili'bttiMld7 tun-i
Wa mh.u nl ti- t kl.....a . V n.k
itw iitwa isri !,, s-iiiuiii vi siw w a
niihuDtlrttii tf -thtr rv IllutrtU r-uu
tifilat iVAA.ri.tiiLiltiiriirfiillinfi'iriiiftlltin.
MLXMltltlUH, SI I.N.N,
Plane. Oman. Voice, Theory, all Orchestral and
llaml Instrument. Si.1ern ljink-uates, Klueullon.
HfllL-IAI. OUI.II MlUtlS f.r Vnwrea in
llano. Hivsq and Voice. VAa.UA 1II.K VllKi:
J'l.AHS W. Mronyest corps ol Teacher In the
Weal. J to IIS for .0 lessons. Pupils received at anr
time. Kail term beiMns Sept. v. K'ud lor Calendar.
CltAUL.tt II. HOUE, Director.
Treat the Platate c( Dom(stlc Animal.
ALL questions pertaining to the prcleaalon, ana
si ered by mail Cutoratlnff Colt and IUzellnctl
a specialty. Office at the Mloto lire. LlserySubl
8aJem, Oreiroo,
Orlswold' Itulldlor, Salem, Oregon.
aod Note and Account collected.
11 Aft