Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 15, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    WlbAiaftlETTfi FABMEK: SALEM, OREGON, OCTOBER 15, 1886
$jiira euaijfmcut.
Stato and Territorial Mows.
Albany, Oregon, claims 3,000 popula
tion. Stevens county hna raised tlio liccnso
on saloons to $200.
Work on tbo penitentiary nt Walla
Walla is being pushed rapidly.
Ono hundrod and twenty-fivo German
immigrants will mako homes in Denton
There will bo a special torm of circuit
court in Union county, commencing
Doccmbor 12.
Ono hundred and forty students aro
learning to shoot at tho Stato Normal
School nt Monmouth.
At Seattle, Tliursdny, Chief Justico
Green held that taxes for street improve
ments can bo colloctcd.
Fourteen vessels sailed for foroign
porta from Pugct Sound in September
with cargoes worth 500,000.
Tho canneries along tho Umpqua and
Suislaw rivers aro unable to linndlo tho
enormous catch of salmon.
Tho total valuo of taxable property
in Washington county is $2,858,180, an
incrcaso of $81,000 over last year.
Tho taxnblo property of Grant county
for tho year 1880, amounts to 2,757,
880, and tho levy will bo ton mills.
Albany has paid for railroads during
tho past fourtcon years $120,000, and is
now beginning to reap tho benefits.
Albany has raicd tho $10,000 neces
sary for tho O. P. It. R. Co., to guarantee
tho shops, so that enterprising town is
Ucing unable to get lumber, work on
tho now Presbyterian church at Ln
Grando is not progressing as rapidly as
might bo desired.
Tho asessabIo property of linker
county is valued at $2,a 18,000, on which
a tax of !!0 mills has boon loviod. Pretty
big tax tlioso hard times.
Tho citizens of Coburg mot at tho
tcliool house- Saturday Inst nnd voted a
tax of $870 to run tho Cobuig public
fchool during tho coming winter.
On Saturday tho Union county grand
jury indicted Ilobicr, Tibbottu and God
frey for the murder of Skill, their verdict
being murdor in tho first degroo.
Adam Jensen, tho bridgo carpenter
who fell from tho bridge, is improving
in his bodily condition, but his mind is
still dark in regard to many matters.
Hon. G. W. Webb, tho Stato Treasurer
elect has rented tho proporty owned by
Mrs. Mattio Scott, of Salem, Oregon, and
will occupy tho samo at an early day.
Tho repairing of the bridgo ncross tho
Umatilla rivor abovo Weston has lcen
let to L. W. Picrco, of Ccntcrvillo, for
$1)95. Tho work is to bo dono by
S'ovembcr 15.
Most of tho Pendleton saloon-kccpora
aro fined evory Monday for keeping
open on Sunday. Tho weekly receipts
from this sou re o amount to about $-10
on tho average.
John Lnycock has sheared his band
of sheep in Hear valley, Grant county,
and sent tho wool to market. Ho
sheared oarly in tho spring, therefore
reaping two crops of wool.
In Gilliam county, Oregon, trado is
booming and all aro happy. Whilo
many places cry dull times, Arlington
businces men aro busy from morn till
night selling piles of goods.
Whilo Kdward Loylo was working in
Foreytlio's sawmill at Clmmpocg eovcrnl
days ago ho accidentally run his hand
into n saw and had it horribly lacerated,
nearly tho wholo of tho hand being
hnwou away.
Tho Albany Domocrat publishes n list
of over 100 taxpayers in tho county
that aro assessed ovor $8000. Tho
Dundee Mortgage company leads tho
list with $110,000. Jaeob Kees comes
noxt with 79,000.
Tho cxecutivo committeo of tho Ore
gon Stato Hoard of Agriculture had a
meeting Friday night at the oflico of
J.T. Gregg, secretary, and ll bills' out
isUnding against tho Stato Fair of 18S0
wero audited and ordered paid.
Tho gross assessable proporty of Uma
tilla county, according to assessor
Davis's totals for 1880, is $0,587,508.
Indebtedness amounts to 1,873,!I91, and
exemptions to $501,718, leaving net tax
nblo proporty to tho amount of 1,213,
129. Uunchgrass Iilndo: Sheep which
liavo beon driven out on tho prairie
ranges aro not getting rut. mock
owners who have not driven out of tho
mountains already, think thoy had
bettor keep their sheep in until forced
out by the snow storms.
William McDowell, residing near
.Soda villo. was arrested Friday by Deputy
Sheriff Humphrey on a charge of un
lawfully killing deer during tho closo
period. Ho was indicted at tho last
session of circuit court, but had never
leen arrested. Ho gave bonds for his
appearance at tho next term of circuit
Tho following aro tho assessment
ttatistics of Curry county: Acres of
land, 79,710: valuo, $210,338 town loU,
value, 19,130; improvement, $23,382;
merchandise and implements, $18,280;
money, notes and accounts, $101,730;
housohold furniture, $13,729; horses
and mules, G38, value, $20,407 ; cattle,
4551, value,73,635; sheep, 22,248, value,
$22,248; swine, 670, value, $1953; gross
valuation, 577,794. Indebtedness, $99,
703; exemption, $57,0115150,710.
Total valuation, 122,075 ; as equalized,
414,C07. The average valuo of land
per acre was $3 07 ; of horses and mules
per head, $4148; of cattle, $10 16; of
sheep, $1; of awine,$2 24.
Tho Umatilla Wool Growers' Com
mission company havo effected a per
manent organization by electing Jacob
Frazer, prcidett; B. Soiling, vico-
F resident; .7. 15. ltay, trcasuror; and
Icrman Met7j;or, secretary and man
ager. Thult pr'nclpal oflico nnd warc
hoi"o will bo in Pondlcton, but thoy
will alto havo nn oflico nnd warchouso
in Echo.
Telegraphic News.
$931,883 standard dollars wero issued
for tho week onding Oct. 11.
Washington dates of Oct. 11 stnto
positively that Secretary Manning will
resign soon.
The Episcopal convention is in session
at Chicago. Considerable work is being
Seamen aro seeking employment in;
San Francisco and ottering to work for
$20 por month.
Tho remains oi (Jliioi Justico Uhruot
havo been exhumed and removed from
Washington to Cincinnati.
Eight hundred striking stovo mould
ers havo been ordered back to work by
an riBscnibly in Pennsylvania.
8. S. Cox has returned to Now York
from Europo and rumor says ho is it
candidato i"r mayor of that city.
A BoBton lawyer is churged with cm
bozzling 100,000 from a client Failing
to civo $20,000 bonch, ho is in jail. Ho
says ho is innocent.
Gov. Hill, of Now York, has pardoned
tho Boycottcra of Thicso. Thoy wanted
to parado but tho polico would not at
low it, so gavo a banquet.
By an abstract of Gen. Miles' report
to tho war department Geronimo was
given no terms to surrender except an
prisonorH of war. But promieed to tco
fair play.
A striko provails at tho Armour stock
yards in Chicago. Armed detectives
guard tho workmen. Armour and other
packers aro bringing in men to supply
the strikers.
Tho Now York Sun ridicules tho idea
that Lieut. Schwatka had discovered a
new river in Alaska, nnd devotes several
columns and oven produces an old and
rnro map to provo it.
Tho Governor of Montaun, in his an-
mini rcjKirt, just forwarded to tho Secre
tary of tho Interior, savs tho population
of that Territory is now 120,000. Tho
population bv tho census of 1880 was
Tho twenty-second annual muoting of
tlio llnnk oi (Jnliforuln was Held Uct.
12. Net earnings for tho year amounted
to $100,020.40. F. G. Nowlnnds wns
uii'UiVM uiiwiur in milium tl in. oiiuiuu,
Mrs. Gon. Grant has received another
$150,000 "check ns the second payment
on her siinro of. tlio protlta ol her hus
band's book. This makes $350,000, and
tho publisher thinks her profits will
reach $500,000.
Sales, entries and selections of public
lands throughout tho United States for
tho fiscal year ended Juno 30 last,
reached a total oi Ztt.WlJUY acres, and
of Indian lauds, 1,132,590 acres more.
Tho incrcaso over tbo proccding year
was 1,129,000 acres.
Tho oighto2nth annual meeting of tho
American Woman Suffrago Association
is announced to take place in tho Houso
of ItoprescntativcB of tho canitol, To
poka, Kan., October 20 to October 28 in
clusive. Many distinguished oxpononts
of tho causo aro expected to bo present.
Gov. Pearcc, of Dakota, wants that
Torritory admitted into tho union. Ho
says: "I renew my rocommondation
most earnestly that this great pcoplo
bo no longer kept from their rights, but
bo pormittod a share and voico in that
govornmont thoy honor by their public
spirit and sustain by their industry."
Dakota is claimed to havo 500,000 in
habitants. Gon. Miles, in his report argues at
somo length tho question of punishment
and calls attontion to tho fact that horo
toforo in such cases removal of tho sav
ages has been deemed sufficient. Ho
suggests that Goronimo and his band
bo treated as other Indians havo been
treated undor similar circumstances.
Ho compliments Cnpt, Lawton, Lieut.
Gatowood and officers and soldiers gen
erally for their meritorious conduct dur
ing tlio campaign.
Tho report of tho deoartment of agri
culture states that tlio nverngo crop
yield is 121 bushels per aero upon 37,-
000,000 acres. Oats averaged 20.0;
Barloy, 22.4; llyo, 11.8. Thcro wero
453,250,000 bushols of wheat: onts 000,-
000,000; barloy, 00,000,000; Bye, 20,-
000,000. Oregon's nverngo yield of
wheat is 12.5. Something loss than
formerly. Now York has jiighost aver
age, being 17.
Urace I p.
You are feeling depressed, your appetite
is poor, you are bothered with ileadach, you
are Idtjety, nervous, and generally out of
sorts, and want to brace up. Hrace up, but
not with stimulants, spriuK medicines, or
bitters, which have for their basis very cheap,
bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an
hour, and then leave you in worse condition
than before. What you want is an alterative
that will purify your blood, start healthy
action of Liver and Kidneys, restore your
vitality, and give renewed health and strength.
Such a medicine you will find in Klectrio
Bitters, and only 60 cents a bottle at Port k
Son' l)rug Store,
Indigestion or Constipation
A few ILumuno Figs nro all that is
necessary for the euro of tho severest
cases of indigestion or constipation, and
one taken occasionally will provent tho
development of those affections. 25
cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack &.
Co., proprietors, 8. F.
Vitro!, fifteen pounds for a dollar
Good times nro abroad in tho Eastern
States, and tho New York Times thus
puts it: "If them in any cloud anywhere
in tho linnncinl sky it manages very
thoroughly to hide itself. Thoro has
beon no hint of it in tho week past.
Trado is booming, merchant aro crowd
ed by custom, and manufacturers nro
driven to fill orders booked far nhcad ;
overy man who wants work has it, and
ovory dollar not locked up is showing an
earning power. Tho farmers of tho
West and South havo crop that pay for
tho first timo in years; tho railroads, in
all their history, havo never boon called
nnnn in Iinmlln minh n vnat trnflln Tl.
lustrations of the increased earnings of
tlio railroads oi tho country wero given
Inaf. U'piilr. Thn nnmn afnfn ,.f H,i.a
continues, with but tho ono difference,
that the pcrccntngo of incrcaso is oven
larger nov than then. Tho result is un
precedented. Tho prosperity betokened
reaches in evory direction."
M Jlcad ma tor tny Cause, Mad bo pttleut Coal
yo via? rract" Siuaasnuaa.
Mankind is Man.
And who e'er his wondrous frame doth scan, ponder
and devlso to euro an III, whether by device, Irull
or pit, on equal benefactor Is he; and w haste, tho
Inventor of a Cathaitla ol delicious tut, to do him
honor. Who remember not how the distressed
mother, her child's entreaties trie to smother, tint
tho Insist not tho horrid doso t taken, tho remem
brance e'en now does nausea awaken, and lond father,
to bo witness of his child's torture, would rather 17
hljh prlco, If money could purchuo Calhsrtlo nice.
We luvo It now I And crrat lis Paatt'a name, ap
pears upon tha scroll ol Kaculaplan fume, for alter
Ionic stu.lT what would suit, has hit upon dilitbut
fnttt to euro our Ills. Away at onoa with draughts
and pills; for whither It bo Indigestion, llrcr com-
Elatnt or coniUpallon, or any dlsraao to which flesh Is
elr, ho hero with prlds does boldly declare, and on tho
assertion will wager bit;, tht It can bo cured by a
t aim tl ckxts a mi. at bmtoowts.
J. J. MAOK & CO., Propr'o.
o and 11 front St., Don rrasclico. GaL
m:aleiii ik
Wiiifons, ItuiiKit's, s0 Vu rlatrcs.
Hinder ThIiic, netting Oils
Supplies of all Kinds.
too, liio, 2I2, S I'ront Stmt, 1' rlland, Oic;oa
Cany tlio largest stock In the Northwest of Machin
ery and vehicle. All stales; fully guiranUcd. it
will pay joh to call aod examine cur icimxIs and ob'a'n
our price', or send for our hindsomely lllustrstej
Catalcvue and price Hit before purchislni; elsewhere,
American Fruit Evaporator
Is the Drat Jloner Itaklua Machine to tho
market. The product of orvKon'i orchards In the
shape of KSoritcd stock Is worth uvrs per pound
than any othtr farm product, wool only caccpted, an J
Is susceptible of Indefinite extension snd demand.
We earnestly aik tint all wron Interested lit this
sut jeet will rlte us for cur
ma.mul or riair i:t.trouATio.
Which contains much practical Information uj u the
subject not found elsewhere, and alM a full dewrlp
tlotiof the Amrrleau I'rult r.tuporaforsnd tl.v
profits accruing fiom Its use
Portland, Oregon,
MaiiufjutJiw im I'talrr In
Harness, Saddlery, Whips
and Robes.
UvlnzUught out theHUick
sudOood wlllcl
J. I. Jordan Vrl Son
I hope lint their ciutomtr. will
cittiid u n.e the .sine liberal
IMtrcmire that they did to them.
1 will tell only the IllbT quality
and st) lei of
Tr-aiu. Bug) and Carriage
Ilararas aud Maddlery
.n tt wni Awn tnV . .ul ftt
price I hit cannot be beat by any
firm In the huts. Call and see.
Think lr r irr old customers for thtlr liberal natron-
tie In the lt I hope that tbty will continue the
hid. iq tu luture, nu i w w,,t,w
These od. katlar htm bought at a low
price I am prepared t gl bargalas.
At the "Old klaod," 7 roauoerdal street.
$111 fe
The Royal Baking Powder Declared Superi.-r
to all Others.
Tlio fact that Royal Baking Powder is, in all respects,
tho best baking powder offered to tho publio has beon
established beyond question.
Prof. H. A. Molt, when employed by tho U. S. Govern
ment to analyzo tho various baking powders of tho market
to dotermiuo which wns tho best and most economical, after
an extended investigation, reported in favor of tho Iloynl,
and it was adopted for government uso.
Prof. Mott has continued his examinations of baking
powders sold at tho present, day, and now affirms it as his
deliberate judgment, arrived at after most thorough research
and a careful examination of tho principal brands of tho
market, that tho Royal is undoubtedly tho purest and most
reliablo baking powder offered to th" public. Prof. Mott, in
his recent report, says :
"Tho Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure, for 1
havo so found it in many tests mado both for ihat company
and the U. S. Government.
" I will go still further and stato that, because of tho
facilities that company havo for obtaining perfectly pure
cream of tartar, and for other reasons dopondent upon tho
proper proportions of tho same, and tho method of its prep
aration, tho Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly tho
purest and most reliablo baking powder offered to tho
public Dit. HENRY A. MOTT, Ph.D."
lat U. S. Uotcrnment ChtmUt.
I hea Urce stock el I'rult ami Ornamental
Irtet fiow ono to three jrars old
comlttlng of
50,000 Apple Troes !
40,000 Plum .and Prune I
20,000 Cherry Trees !
10,000 Pear Trees !
10,000 Peach Troes I
25,000 Shrubs and Plants!
All ttcmn on htk'li dry soil and without Irrigation
t3r Iflrnrtniitl Ituit onHlundlim Needling,
notouCut llnoti. Therefore my tti'ta are healthy
and clear ol Insect.
tlynurMiyls ltuti-l20 minutes drive iat from
tho Ntaik itreet t'crry, on tho lu.eLlne road, near
jiu labor tail anil see my stovk oi litis 11 jou wi.n
to set an orchard.
My prlrrs nrc as low as any reliable I r cl
ean tie sold, Ur "are or ('limit Tree.
Address all orders to
II. Vi. l-HKTTk III V, Proprietor
ltillnd Nursri), Kt PorlUn.1, Mrigon.
U. W. SKTTMviIIKIt, Flop.,
Tan (rent, Linn Co., OroKon.
I would respectfully call tho stteMlon of thOM)
wlshlnr to set nut orchards, to tho fa.t that 1 hate a
LA mi c BIW.K oi very nice notxty Trees snd
(Shrubbery, tomntlnjr mainly of
Fruit, Shade, Ornamental
and Nut Trees.
arapc Vines, Small
and Koses.
hkh I will sell as ihesp as the chraptst
IC .1o Iri.ect I'esl In ty Nurxrry
Nend for cataloniv and Price-list.
Addliss. II, W. HinTI.KMIKll.
octlB i l Tangmt, Linn County, Orriron.
Weight only Fivk lti., un
tun Ihj r air 111 in a fciiiaU
vaIImj. H I.OUO llwAuu
rOH ITU HUlEUJOti. Wiuvl1!
Inur inula lluht and luir.
kTlt cloihe, isT (hat pure
iwmieuekfl which wjvimt
mode of wmMuk van pni
I ilLHti. A'i ruOt'lttu rtjuirelt
no frkllun tu lnjuiu tho
fstbrUu TnJsJueUJut)Terr
AtJIE. Pat. April 1J. "81. ,MU ,,llucU i3( ,,,,
not found satlifactory within one month fiom itato
of punhaM', money rt funded, lest t!aritliaraea.
tbmd tar clroulars. Au nts wonted.
KlL-ilachlii. w III Uishli'pedrrum Itocliriier, N.Ym
thus savloK C H. dulr. I'1iiu mention this
We offer for tha Kail tradaa Ursa and Una stock of
T ncnwKin or I'lciuraui umuiiit-nlnl
lll'.H, r-hruha, liuara, tliira, M.1IAI.I.
iilTik, Ilrdjif. I'luuia, Fruit Tree Herd.
riiui J7.. limn.
Iuica.aud Forest Trr
vue. I'all PM. mail
rrrnrrunuKs. rncmita.
uca in on apuuuuiun. Aalm
I""1 i lVlnM. Plants, ato.
Apple, IVnr, I'rorb.fberrr, Plans,
Salare, Ntrawkcrrr, Kiupberrr,
i.aMrbrrriM.. Bud l. OaUkarea
J. H. COLI.1MU, BaorMUwa, I.J.
TT'eworM-r.nowawJ SS sera I-OCLTSI Mat
or rain hum, thai n. ar a ncni of
tljCOOaaouallj.if hafiba'aA liuinenaa al.
tells about lMme. raua, lacutators. Lroi4.
rreaicSrosaA4epo. Cterrauui.wcuaa
an4 cblM ibaald rta.1 It I'rica He. Mim la.
fun. JlU.IUUU,MlaU.ft..CUeio.
...... YIA
And Connections.
Tlmoi Two nnd Ono-IIalf Days.
Faro from Tortland to Han l'ranclico, f J2; to Sacra.
mcato, (JO.
Closo connections roado at Ashland with states ol
Die California, Oregon and Idaho Htago Company,
Helnrrn rur'liiuil iiml .Islilniiil-Mall Train,
IVitland, 7J0AM
Halem 10.1UAM
Ashland DJOI'll
Kaleui, 12 mi
Salem 10.21AM
Ahland 4:18AJI
Halem 1MVU
I'otltand IMVU
.Mliniiy i:prrss Trnln.
Portland,. .. 4.001'M
Kalcm, .... 7.161'M
UUoou .S.45l
tslcm, ....OilTAU
-Weill 7:lrif
Uhaiioci 0:10l'H
H lien CilAAU
I'ortlaml IU;(AJ1
Pullman Palara Hlcepti v Cars daily Ixtwscn Portland
and Atliland Tlio O A C. It. IU 1'irry makes con
nrctlon with all the regular trains on tho Hast bids
DUUIon, from thotuolof K. lUeit,
i:nr huh: iimsio.v, .
Ilrliiren rnrilmiil anil Cortallla.
I.KiNs. I aHir,
ISirUind 7:0VMComlll l.'.ttl'U
Consllli, UWAllroitliiid (I.IM'Jl
At (!orvall connect llh trains ol tho O.P, fur Ya
iiuluabay. Kucunloii tickets on salo from Hjlem to
Ysiulna W and rtttirri, via Albany, at SO.aO. Tickets
k'iKxl loriturn until EepU'iulicr 30, IbsU.
Portland, . . .6 001'JI
llcllluuvllle, ,0AM
UcMlnmlllv 8'OOril
loriianu, (V.iwau
lcal tickets for salo and lntif'L'S checked at com.
panr's iiii town olllce, cor. Stark and Second streets.
Tic lets fjr principal points In California tan only lis
procure I and bammo checked at compares office,
Cor V snd Front streets, Portland, Or,
Knight will not bo recelvol for shipment alter Ave
o'clock P l on either thn Kastor West Side DlvUlou.
Usiisk'er. 0. V. A Pass. Aft.
Oregon Kuihvuy and IVuvlSB'
tion Compuny.
Transfer steamer connecting with Atlantlo Kipirss
leavrs Ash Street wharf, Porlhtad, dally, at 3.00 P. II.
The Paclflo Kiprcst arrives at Poitlsod, dally at
10.30 P. U,
I'ullrnaii KlreiihiB Cnra run throuth to St. Paul,
Council f IlutTa. and luyton. and closa connections
made with both Northirn Paclflo and Union Pacific
trains at their western tirmlul.
Itetween 1'ortlainl anil Han Franrlsro.
Leailmr Alnawoith IVhaif at mldnhtht, as follows;
raox roaruxo, raon aai rsiscisto.
Mldnlirht. 10 A M
OrrKO'i, Sundi), Uct, 3 Colun.tla, Honda), Oct, 4
Stale. Krlday
Columbia, Uediiesls)
Diiirck-ou, raiuruai, ... u
'ISuUi,'lhurla 14
IM.Columbls. Tundav. . Hi
iircKon, jioniuy,
htate, haturli) S3 Oickoii, hiimlay, 21
Columl.la, Thurxlay ItllHtale, Kildry W
Urceon, Widjitadjyii'ov SColuinbla, Thursday.NurU
And eiery fifth da thtreafur nntlf funlur notlco.
through rirltru sold toallpoluts In tho United
States, Canada and Kuropo,
to ArimiA.
Iloat li-avea Portland for tho Cascailesand 1 ho Dlls
at7 A. M. dally, ciupt Sunday.
lioaU leave Portland at 0 A. U, dally (ucept Sun
da)) for Astoria and way points.
floats loive Portland at 7 A, M, llondsy's, V wines.
day's, and Krid'is for Dayton and wsr points.
Ittturnln Itavo Dajton at II A, M. Tuesdays, and
Tliurwla) s and Saturd) s.
Venerul flfllera Cur. I'roul anil II His,
A. h. JIAXWKLUTltktt Alfent.
JNO. J IIYII.VK, (isn. Psm. and Ticket Aid.
a'uud Fanning Lands
Within to ( mile of railroad and river, near
Alkali, Ultllam coun(j; fu miles from The
Dailcsj 126 miles from Portland.
Aa Caed lausl aa BalsU East or the Cascades
will be Held on Very Favorable Terms.
purchasers to see lands wa offer for sals.
BBUWM at Hl'KLBCltT, Alkali, OreKOo;
Or: Uurroaa a. Oliver, 41 Waihlogtoo st, Portland,
Or to the WIIXAMKTTK r'AKaltft, SaUm, Origon.