Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 15, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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he Ijfjotiic ircle.
l'vo traveled far and wandered wldo
And many places teen,
l'vo skimmed ma o'er tho bright blue sea,
And danced upon the groen;
But all the pleasures yet I've bad
Cannot with trth compare
With those winged moments wo did share,
That night upon tho steps.
Tho August moon was beaming down
With sweet, effulgent grace,
And liko a Baintly halo crowned
Her dainty head and face,
Whilo from tho grass tho crickets sent
Their musio to our ears,
And silenced quick all doubting fears,
That night upon the steps.
And wo'vo been married many years,
In joy and sorrow too,
For lifo is not all pleasantness,
Though youth says this is true;
But still for us tho moonlight shines
As dearly as of old,
It's silv'ry recollections hold
That night upon tho steps.
If thou art falso as thou art fair,
And falso tho fairest fair may be,
Again tho wondrous power to snare,
Again tho siren's soil wo see,
Thczo'ii danger in those dimpling smiles,
It glances from tho witching o'o,
And ho who would cscapo thy wiles,
liust quickly from tho tempter flee.
For better far, as sages tell. ,
From flcklo fair to bid adiou,
Than fall beneath tho magio spell
Ot charms tho heart may over rue,
Bowa.ro, if false, of beauty bright,
Bowaro that luring bea:on'o ray,
For, oh I tho lovo that trusts its light,
May drift a wreck cro dawn of day.
But if thou'rt truois thou art fair,
Art kal In heart though seeming gay,
Wouldat ever-constant prove, and no'or
With faithful heart all faithless play,
Then thou'rt a gem worth mora than gold,
More precious than tho ruby rare,
Moro to be prized than wealth untold,
True heart enshriuod in form so fair.
John A'apier.
Rough Handling of Children,
In passing along tho stroets of cities,
and oven of our country towns, ono
often sees distressing casea of rough
handling of children. A tiny child,
hardly largo enough to walk, was lit toil
on a forry boat tho other day by ono
arm, and swung over nn obstruction,
with tho remark: "Hero, you, why
don't you got nlongl" Tho child's nnn
hung limp and painful for a moment,
and ho cried and patted it. I liavo ofton
Eocn mothers givo their childron sovoro
boxes on tho cars enough to denfen
them for lifo. A writer on this subject
Bays :
"Tho caiibcs of joint discasos In child
hood aro frequently obscuro, but this
much is cortain, that tho rough bund
ling which children reccivo at tho hands
of ignorant parents or carolcsa nurses
has much to do with this mattor. Stand
on any street corner and notico how
children aro handled. Hero comes a
lady with a threo-yonr-old girl ; sho is
walking twico ns fast as sho should and
tho child is ovcr-oxorting itself to kcop
pneo; cvory timo tho child lags tho
mother gives it a sudden and unexpected
lurch which is enough to throw its
shoulder out, to say nothing of bruising
tho delicnto structures of tho joints ; a
gutter is reached, instead of giving tho
littlo toddlor timo to go over in his own
way, or proporly lifting it, tho mother
lifts it from tho ground by ono arm, its
wholo weight dopends from ono upper
extremity, and with n swing which
twists tho child's body a far around as
tho joints will pormit, it is landed, after
a course of four or livo feet through tho
air, on tho othor side.
"Hero isa girl twolvo years old with a
bnby of n year in her nrms. Tho babo
sits on tho girl's arm without support to
its back. This would bo n hard enough
position to maintain worotho girl stand
ing still, but sho is walking rapidly, and
tho littlo ono has to gather tho ontiro
strength of its muscular system to adapt
itself to its changing bases of support,
to say nothing of adjusting its littlo
body to sudden leaps and dartB of tho
wayward nurse. Somotimes during a
sudden advanco you will seo a part of
tho babo a foot in advanco of its head
and trunk, which havo to bo brought
up by a powerful action of tho muscles
of tho trunk and neck. Probably not
one child in a hundml is properly
bandied." Apple Blossom.
"doing to Bed" Etiquette.
It is always a debatable point of eti
quette whether hostess or guest makes
tho first movomont to go to bed, and
thus breaks np tho evening gathering.
The guest may bo overcome with fatigue
from a day's journoy, tho host may bo
fidgeting under tho strain of entertain
ing, and longing for tho guost to show
Bomo signs by which ho can gracefully
and hospitably suggost "that it is get
ting late," yet noithcr quito liko to ap
pear, as they think, impolite In fact
many visitors havo suffered agonies in
trying to bo ngrceablo, whilo tho host
and hostess wcro doing thoir best to
suppress thoir yawns nnd to "mako con
versation" until chanco ollerod a solution
ot tho difficulty. Thero is, howover,
but ono rulo to bo. followed in this re
lationship of host and hostess, and tho
hour of retirement. Tho host and hos
tess must always tako tho initiative and
say an appropriate word as to tho late
noss of tho hour and tho desirability of
going to bod. A Boston lady who has
ontcrtaincd numerous "houso parties"
relates it as her cxpcricnco that tho
visitors sho most dreads aro "owls," who
liko to sit up till all is blue. Many is
tho time, sho says, sho has regretted tho
days of her childhood, when tho nurso
appeared at tho drawingroom door
promptly at 9 o'clock and carried hor off
to bed. How gladly would sho now
wclcomo tho apparition of tho nursery
tyrant when obliged to find entertain
mont until midnight for pcoplo who
wcro as anxious, perhaps, as hcrsolf, to
go to thoir rooms.
Hints for Young Ladles.
Bo natural ; a poor diamond is bettor
than a cood imitation. Try to bo
accurate, not only for your own sako
but for tho sako of your sex; tho in
capacity of tho woman's mind for ac
curacy is a standard argument against
tho equality of tho soxes. Obscrvo tho
faculty of observation, well dovclopcd,
makes practical men and women. Try
and bo sonsiblo; it is not a particular
sign of superiority to talk liko a fool
Bo ready in timo for church ; if you do
not respect yourself sullloiontly to bo
punctual, respect tho feelings of othor
pcoplo. Avoid causes of irritation in
your family cirolo ; reflect that homo is
tho placo to bo agreeable. Bo reticent ;
tho world at largo has nn interest in
your privato affaire. Cultlvato tho
habit of listoning to others; it will
mnko you an invaluablo member of
socioty, to say nothing of tho advantages
it will bo to you when you marry; overy
ninu likes to talk about himself. Bo
contented; "martyrs" aro dolcstablo; a
cheerful and happy spirit is infectious;
you can carry it nboiu with you liko a
sunny atmosphere. Avoid whisporing ;
it is as bad as giggling; both aro to bo
condemned; thoro is no oxcuso for
eithor ono of them. If you havo any
thing to say, say it; if you havo not,
hold your tonguo altogether; silenco is
Tact in Baby Management.
Tho way to keop tho baby from bo'
coming "spoilt," sayH "Babyhood," is to
lot it cry as littlo as possible. It will
gain Btrongth of mind to enduro its nec
essary ills all tho sooner if it is allowed
to sudor as littlo as possiblo from ills
that can bo avoided. Its wants should
bo anticipated, its sources of discomfort
should bo removed as soon as thoy ariso,
without waiting for it to cry ; it should
bo provonted in ovory way from crying
study its expression; when it is tired of
playing on tho floor tako it up and
danco it about tho room, and let it look
out of tho window for a fow minutes
In a littlo whilo it will bo glad to go
back and play on tho floor again. If it
is necessary to resort to discipline, bo
careful to scizo tho right moment for it.
If you want tho baby to loarn to go to
alcop without hoing rocked, chooso a
day when it has been unusually bright
and happy nil tho morning, wait until
twenty minutes or bo after tho regular
hour for its nap, then givo it a cup of
milk particularly sweet and warm and
nice, mako its littlo bed soft and cosy,
lay it down gently and sooth it with n
littlo kissing and patting, and, if it is
not already too much spoiled, it will only
bo too happy to closo its eyes in tho
swootost kind of sloop. If it docs not,
its fit for crying will bo almost always
as brief and as littlo injurious as it can
Too Great Variety.
Mothers often mako tho mistako of
satiating their childron with too great
variety. As soon as tho child tires of
ono toy, for example, thero is nnothor
substituted, and discontent is certain to
result. Tho mother of four children,
of whom tho oldost was eight and tho
youngest two, told mo she had never
had any troublo in amusing thorn, bo
cause thoy wero taught to play a varipty
of plays with tho leant possiblo number
of toys. 8ho feared a collision of inter
ests if each child had a special set of
toys ; and on this account gavo each one
a doll, with tho necessary belongings,
and a fow other toys each possessing
almost tho same things. .Tho finer toys
wero understood to bo mothor's proper
ty, and wcro kopt in tho cupuoard apart.
Thcso wore only lont to tho children on
special occasions. Thero was always ro
jolcing whon mamma's toys wcro
brought out, each child vicing with each
other as to bohavior, so that tho treas
ures could bo kopt as long as possiblo.
Books for painting, with colored cray
ons, wcro an important adjunct, as, when
thoy tired of play, tho children wcro al
ways ready to paint. Tho oldor chil
dren wero taught that they must doviso
somo play for tho younger ones, and
thus a happy timo was tho rulo in tho
nursery. A storo of harmless bonbons
was kopt in mamma's drawer, and a
singlo ono was put into tho mouth of
each littlo ono after tho evening prayer
was said. "Sweetness and light" aro
powerful adjuncts in nursory ethics.
onoion RECIPES.
On taking boiled eggs from tho kettle,
chip tho shells on tho cuds to let tho
Btcam out and prevent their cooking
1U IIIUllU BIIUIll llUltB 111 lIlUBlUllllfc)
ueo ono part plaster of Paris and thrco
parts lino sand; mix with cold water
and apply with a caso-knifo.
A very good cement to fasten on lamp
tops is ineltod alum. Uso as soon ns
melted, and tho lamp is ready for uso aB
soon as tho cement is cold.
Applo Pudding. Pulp of two or
thrco laigo baked apples, whito of ono
ogg, ono cup powdorcd sugar. Boat
tho ingrodionts half an hour, and sorvo
with boiled custard poured ovor it. This
is very nice.
Haw Tomatoes. Pool with a sharp
blade, slico and season on tho tablo with
sugar, salt, poppor, oil nnd vinegar;
sprinkle bits of ice botwoon tho layers
when you dish it, draining off tho wator
beforo seasoning. Tho colder raw to
matoes arc, tho moro delicious thoy will
Corn Oystors. Ono cupful of Hour,
half a cupful of moltod butter, throo
tablcspoonfuls of milk, two tablespoon
fuls of snlt, one-fourth of a toaspoonful
of popper, ono pint of grated corn.
Pour tho corn on tho flour and beat
well; then add tho other ingredients
and bent rapidly for thrco minutes.
Havo fat in tho frying-pan to tho depth
of about two inches. When smoking
hot, put in tho battor by tho spoonful.
Hold tho spoon closo to tho fat and tho
shapo of tho oyster will bo good. Fry
fivo minutes.
Lemon Jelly Ciko. Ono cup of Biigar
mixed with bultor tho sizo of an egg,
ono cup of milk, ono egg well beaten,
and flour enough to mako rather still',
sifted with a heaping tcaspoonful of
baking powder, nnd bako in throo jolly
enko tins. For tho jolly, tako tho juico
and grated rind of ono lemon, ono
small cup of sugar, tlireo tcaspoonfuls
of com starch, mixed smoothly with a
littlo water, and ono cup of hot water.
Lot all boil together until thick, and
spread on tho cakes. Tho quantity
makes two layers.
Lou til Soup. Tako ono pound ot
lontils and wash them in many wators,
until thoroughly clean and froo from
wcods. Soak all night, thon add as
much moro water as will mako '2
quarts. When this boils, add carrot,
turnip, parsnip, two oninns and a small
pinch of carbonate of sodn. Boil two
hours, thou strain, washing all tlior.
oughly except tho skins ot tho lontils ;
season, and sorvo. Lentil soup requires
no meat, but a email piece of bultor
mixed with flour is an improvement,
nnd servos to bind tho soup together
instead of separating into thick and
Ueef Stow. Cui underdono roast
beef or steak into inch-long pieces.
Havo roady in a saucepan a cupful of
skimmod gravy or broth, a quarter
onion, minced vory fine, n tcaspoonful
of minced parnloy, a pinch of maco and
a tablospoonful chopped cucumber
pickle. Lot it como to u boil, season
well, thicken with a tablospoonful of
browned flour, put in tho meat and set
in boiling wator, elosoly covored, at tho
sido ot tho ran go, for 20 minutos. If
tho meat bo lough, chop it instead of
cutting it up, then proceed as directed.
Sorvo hot.
A happy rural homo id tho brightest
spot on earth tho oyo of God looks down
on. Lovo and pcaco in his homo send
sunshino round a man wherever ho goes;
disordor and trouble, thoro is misery
everywhere. Thero aro few worries of
lifo which a man cannot now and then
shako off, but who can shako himself
free from tho worry in tho household ?
It blisters tho heart. Selected.
It seems only yesterday Summer was licrol
Tho landicapo was greon, and tho sunlight
Tho flowers wcro garbed in their paudicst
And happiest harmonies all tho birds
But now hath the maple a gold that it spurns,
And cast in tho dust as tho Beaton draws
That ushers in Death to tho year, and returns
To earth all boauty bogotton to die.
Now flutter tho leaves from around tho birds'
And soon the bared branches no shelter will
Wbat wonder if sorrow should silenco their
But Ono thero is watching tho birds of tho
And is it His toaohiug thoy hcod till thoy
Of glory, of Summer, that welcomes their
And spreading their wings, so unerringly go,
Boyond this horizon, to lands of delight?
Tho tqulrrel in tho woods scorns unsatisfied
With storo for to-day, and he treasures n
For days whon no nuts ho will find on tho
Nor lifo when tho dead world around him
What wlsor is man with his barns full ot grain?
How kindly doth naturo his needs so supply.
Tho fruits and tho.harvests all tempt him to
Provisions for days in which all things will
die. J, J). )'amleriotl,
Nowi-Boys and Their Dog
In Bonnet streot, a narrow alleyway
running through from Sovcnth to
Eighth streets, below Chestnut, thero
stands against tho back wall of ono of
tho Chestnut street stores a box, ovor
which hangs a tattered American flag,
nnd in which, on a soft bed of excelsior,
lies a poor littlo "ynllor" dog, griovously
wounded, both his forelegs having boon
brokoti by being run ovor by a wntorlng
cart at Eighth and Chestnut streets.
Tho poor littlo nnimal was not with
out friends in his misfortuno, howover.
Thero is porvading tho neighborhood of
Eighth and Chestnut streets n gang of
young nows-boys and boot-blacks who
aro not. tho cloauost or always tho most
ordorly of God's croaturcs, but that
thero is a largo-sized spark of good in
tho breasts of most of tho gamins is
shown by their treatment of tho poor
mutilated nnimal. As ono of thorn
relatod tho circumstances:
"Yes, wo saw tho poor littlo cuss git
run over and tho man what owned him
was in a wagon and druv right oil'
'thout wnitin' to soo what was tho
matter; then us tollers picked him up
and got a box and fixed it so's ho could
lay easy, and thon wo all chucked in and
got a horso doctor to fix his legs."
"How much did you havo to pay tho
horso doctor!"
"Woll, ho dono it for us cheap, 'cause
wo hadn't much cash. Ho only charged
us a quarter. Ho said it'll be $ 1 for
anybody else."
"flow is tho dog coming on now 1"
"'ili! bully; ho kin most walk. Wo
all chucks in and wo gits him a littlo
milk ovory day and a lot o meat, nnd
he knows us all, and I guess ho'll he all
right now pretty soon. I don't know
who he'll bolong to when ho gits well,
but I know it I had my logs broke I'd
liko somebody to tako euro o' mo liko
wo took caroo' that dog." Philadelphia
Children who aro allowed to go baro
foot, says tho Lancet, enjoy almost per
fect immunity from tho danger of cold
by accidental chilling of the feet ; and
thoy are altogether healthier and hap
pier to thoso who in obediouco to tho
usages ot social lifo, havo their extrcmi
ties pormauontly invalided, and, so to
say, carefully swathed and put away in
rigid chsos. As regards tho ooror
clahhes of children thero can ho no soil
of doubt in tho mind of any ono that it
is comparably bnrefoolod than wear
boots that lot in Iho wot and stockings
that aro nearly always damp and fowl.
Tho constant fcoliug of Iwlng " played
out" and "used up" can readily bo ro
moved by using Aycr's Sarsaparilla.
Heppnor Qazette Is Not a Clam I
Neither is it a mountain oyster; but
it is a wordly paper scribbled up in plain
U. a. languago and printed on a sweat
power press in n part of Eastern Oregon
whero cords and cords of vacant govern
ment and railroad land still lies out
doors. It never ntolo hoge, but it
is somtimos borrowed by tho neighbors.
Samplo copy with duscrption of tho
Hoppncrhilldcouutry,10cents in stamps.
No discount to bummers. It never sucks
pggs. Address, J. W. lUxlington, Hopp
ner, Oregon.
Surface Indications
What a miner would vcrypropcrly term
"surface Indications" of want U beneath,
nro tho I'lmplcs, Stir, 80 ro Kyc,
Holts, and Cutaneous Krtiptlons with
which pcoplo aro annoyed In spring nnd
early summer. Tho effete matter accumu
lated ilurlnjc tho winter month, now
makes Its presenco felt, through Nnturo's
endeavors to expel It from tho system.
Whilo It remain, it Is n poison that testers
Intho blood nnd may dc clop Into Scrof
ula. This condition causes derangement
of tho dlgcstlvo and asMmllatory organs.
with a feeling of enervation, languor, nnd
wenrlncs of ten lightly spoken of ns "only
sprlns? fever." Tlteso nro evidences that
Naturo Is not nble. unaided, to throw off
tho corrupt atoms which weaken tho vital
forces. To regain health, Naturo must bo
nldcdbyii thorough blood-purlfjlngmcd-Icluoj
uud nothing clso is so effectho as
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
which Is sufficiently powerful to expel
from tho system even tho talut of Hered
itary Scrofula.
Tho medical profession Indorso AYF.n'fl
f)AUSAi-AitiLLA,nud ninny attestations of
tho cures effected by It como from nit parts
of tho world. It Is, In tho Innguago ot
tho iron. Francis Jcwctt, ox-Stnto Sen
ator of Massachusetts and ox-Mayor of
Lowell, "tho onlv preparation that docs
real, lasting good."
Dr. J. C. Aor & Co., Lowoll, Mass,
Bold by all Druggists: Frlco f 1; f
" Six bottles for 3. .- '"
Ladd & Bush, Bunkers
Salem, : : t Oregon.
Transact a Cultural Hanking
(i'm'l on New York, Chlcsgo, Sin Kranclaco
Portland, Tho lutles, Kuirmo Cltr, Astoria, Albanr
mills ami ollirr paints in Oregon.
TiLlXIrr or Credit Issuril Avnllnble In
llirt l.nnlrrn Hlntm.
Draw ill roc ton London, Itrrlin, and Hong Konjf.
octSOeon flw
J. B. Coxigle
Manufacturer, Wholeaato am) detail Dealer
In all kinds ol
Harness, Saddles, Whips,
Ilridlcs, Lashes & Trunks.
NO. 10H nii'l 110 I'runl Mlrrrl. 1'oMlnnd,
Oregon. Alto keep ron.lanlly on hand a largo
assortment ot Leather ami SaOtllcry Hardware.
aMTatontlou this paper. maySU
Will tell until disposed ot lit entlro itock ot
Glassware, Crockery and
Lamps and China.
liT At a (treat lledmtlon I
III order to make Room far a
New Stack to arrive from tho
Fast. L'ull and Examine De
Core Buy I ii,' Elsewhere.
!i i7 and 230 Com mcrcial 8t.
S'ilnn, Ofdfon.
Willamette University !
UO Professors and Instructors.
:tr( Students. :?." .radnates.
Department t Llteraturo, Law, llodlclne, Mntlo and
Art UlrUtoarU lo Montana Ujllrifu with nicely
furiiLhrd room., S3 per wttk Ikitt and Young
II tn lio.nl n tlie Youne Men's Hoarding IUII,a build
liiffju.t puriliaied and rrinodilul with 23 room., at
II. to iwr week Tho young men are expected to
furnlili tlitlr lurnlture, wood and light, and pay One
IliillNr a month room rent ThUle the moat reas
onable lit lmr to aludcnm which the. Unlteritty liaa
ever offered The I'mldent board lu tho hall and
has the iupenlloii
to. Ilr.t Trrm litulu hrplrinlirr fllb.
Cntulogur benl frrrr,
JuUOm'i 1'realdent, Stlem, OrtKon.
Music ns easily purchased at u
distance of a thousand miles
from a music store as at
the side ofils counter.
Dn" ti Co cll atttntlon to thilr wonderful aya
tern ot tindlni; mn.lo and muilo bouka, liy mull, lo
toy put ol lha coiitlnuit I
1'ackaifea ol iiiu.Io up to the weight ol Four
I'oiiuua go rtadllj by mall.
Dithon & Oo. aro aware that a larjto ortlon ol thoaa
Mho.ro and read tl en advrrtl.einant, lle at a die
Unco Irom inutlo atorea All who love rau.lo will And
the nef.l and beat muvlc books fallbfully decirJ
In lli.lr advertWtinenti. I.I(U and calalo.nea Irtcly
furril.lied, and all lnulrlea cleerlully antwered by
thilr vorpa el corresponding iltik
Understand that by pending the UrUII Price by
Money Order, Itigl.ternl Letter or 1'o.tal Note, (or la
mtll ordcre rcetage rjtarui,) ou can reccivo by Uc
lurii llnll, any one el DlraonA Co' thouundact
mu.lc booka or leu thoua.uda ol plecta of music.
1)3 not neglret this convenient way ol nillog your
house with the Le.t of Hongs, ol 1'lano, Organ or any
kind ol Instrumental pieces.
Wnolrul inUteUII. Arnta Wanted Catalogs.
free. HTAMrAUIr .llPd. CO., Clnclopnll, U.
e mi4U- m U.ii. Ujh&cS1 .tlJ&iAh
Irfu. -i