WILLAMETTE IfAKMEIt: 3ALEM, OKEGOJN, OCTOBER 15. IScG. orlinilfnnd. HOltnCULTURAL MOTES. As ft trilititc to tloeniecil dniBioH, Nil turnlint 1'ringlo enys thoy nro not linlf npprcciuk'd. Thoy nuvor fail in a dry season, and tliry jjrow mid thrivo on soils whcro other forago plmiU could not ex ist. Cut early, and cured quickly, thoy nro sweet mid nutiitioiis for cattle mid horscH, mid all kind of stock eat thorn with a rolixli. Tho Rural Xuw Vorkor has n field of I !!!! ncros of oru, iijmi which it ex poets to secure over 1 12 bushels per acre, Jt is of the Chester county mammoth variety, Tho hind hud been in clover mid timothy, was plowed last fall mid dressed with twenty tons of cow manure mid six bags of fertilizer, the corn being planted one foot apart, tho rows being four feot from each other. The best cider npplo is tho old, well known crab apple. It still holds its plnco us the best for that purpose mid for preserving. It finds a ready salo when nmrkelod, ami i'h being moro ox tonsivcly grown, It iri not u very sour apple, as many suppose, but is rather tart, though well flavored. One kind of clover plant in as nearly worthless ns any plant that grows. This i'h tho common sweot clover, which grows thriftily by the roadside on tho poorest land. It is a great pity, for it starts early grows luxuriantly. Kvon when young and lender cowh will not eat it, nor will any other Htoek that wo know of. It is fair beo pasture, but not bolter than while clover or many other plants good for other purpose. For Hour, wheat is generally cut be fore tho grain iH thoroughly ripn; but Heed wheat should bo allowed to stand in the Hold until ''dead ripe," and there after bo kept thoroughly dry. After gathering, wheal for seed hIiouIiI Ikj kept in a dry cool place never dried in tho sun, but put in shallow vessels and kept in the shade. It should not bo allowed to rrMv.ii, which it may do if not thorough ly dried beforo cold weather. A Hiiiidy loam is rich in vegetable matter and in one of tho lc.st and most productive coils wo have. The great trouble with most sandy soils is their lack of vegetable mutters thoy contain nothing to ab.-orb mid retain moisture, mid are consequently dry, and in their natural state Imricu. They Ix-ar only shrubs and brushes which servo to shade tho soil ; otherwise even these would dry up and wither away. In imitation of nature, clover is the most profitable crop for such soils. Klein's inference from the lesults of special trials with maniacs containing Hulphoeymiidos iri cautionary. Water containing per liter .1 gram ammonium sulphocyanido proved fatal to well grown plants of barley and oats. Vouug plants perished under the application of even .01 gram. Tho introduction of superphosphates containing sulphocy iiiiiiku should therefore ho discounte nanced, or li used at all elioiiltl tie ap plied to the laud some weeks lieforo sow ing. Thee.xporiiiiee of every farmer who has a garden is probably to the effect thai vegetables dry up mid cease to grow, mid even become unlit for use, moro quickly (ban other crop. In view of this fact mid die great desirability of keeping up a stock of vegetables it would bo a good idea In imiloh at least n portion of those crops that dry coon t Hi. It would not be much trouble, and would pay splendidly in such a season as this!. Small FrulU and fertiliser! Amateur fiult growers, that is, those wluwo ellbitrt desultory mid in u cure less way uro very apt to overlook some important points in fruit ciiltuie, and, theiefoiv, fail of the bot results. Those who grow fruita in a small way surely have no excuse for not doing the work ni the hot manner. One of the most important and quite frequently neg lected features in this connection is to Hiitlleiontly fertilize. The Colorado Far mer says on. the subject . Fertilizers should always be ued on small fruits if quality is expected in the Ivrries. Theio Is a light and u wrong way to ue fertilizers, and, unfortunate ly, the wrong mode is most frequently adopted Tho proper way is to apply a small inutility of tho fertilizer for tho growth of the new canes and vines as soon as the harvest of fruit is over. Tho object should bo to get aH much healthy grow'th and roots as possible, oven if tho new wood must bo trimmed, first clean ing away tho graas and weeds with a cultivator. It is not necessary to apply u largo quantity, but the now growth khould bo assisted in order to provent taxing tho soil. Early in tho spring, beforo tho frost leaves tho earth, cut nway all old and surplus wood, cleaning in among tho now canes thoroughly, and again uso tho cultivator and, if ncc ossary, tho boo also. You may now ap ply na much fertilizer ns you wish, scat tering it around tho plants of blackber ries nnd raspberrios for about two feet or moro dinmotcr of surface, nnd tho to raiim will carry it in. A hotter plan is sow broadcast tho fertilizer over tho cntiro surface of tho field, nnd then cultivate both wayH. In selecting fortilizora san dy soils should hnvo n larger proportion of potash. Tho nitrogenous fertilizers will do best whou thoy nro used in tho fall, or early summer, ns thoy stini ulato growth of wood. It would not bo a loss to pick off inferior berries from tho canos if hoavily loaded. The object in using fertilizers is to sccuro as much size ns possible in tho fruit. Noxious Woods. I regard tho following as tho worst woods wo hnvo in tho order named: Velvet leaf, burdock, cocklo burr, yellow dock, jimpsoti. Thon of nnothcr spe cific class or adapted to different soil are tho wild morning glory, sovornl other cropping vinos, nnd burrs nnd thistles. Tho llrst named is called but ton weed. I know not tho Latin namo for any of those, but do know that thoy all Bcrvo to verify Scripture, if no other good purpose, sinco to keep them in suhjoctiou, when surrounded with farm ers ns ornary ns woods, wo "earn our bread by the sweat of tho brow." Other men may hnvo dilTcrcnt opinions ns to tho relative meanness of these weeds, nnd some of these may bo moro incorri gible in some places than othors, sinco tho Canada LliWtlc. which proves almost fatal down Uiist, gives no troublo to Wostornor. Probably tho most univer sally despised of this fraternity in tho West are tho cookie burrs, on account of their conspiouousness in horses' manes nnd tails, yet tho tony young mnn who desires to render himself conspicuous in fashionable vociety should not despair, since if you tako a pair of nhcnrs and cut theso off you have n splendid set of bangs. Thoro is no bettor evidence of a slouchy farmer than to scon fine "crop" of these nuisances filling his fence-corners and covering his fields. To expect to llourish and thrive ns a farmor with out these is as absurd ns to oxpect to ob tain something for nothing in any other way, mid it !h just as incumbent upon every good farmor to do his sliaro for tho general wolfaro in this way ns it is the duty of a good citizen to pay his taxes or his debts. I started out ouo day in wet weather to fight burdocks, and found that I had not only my own ground to clear hut that of six or seven of my neighbors, and the only encour agement I got from theso was to bo "hollered" at by mi old woman thatsho didn't '-want her mustard dug up" and to ho inquired of "what harm do they do!" Another neighbor lets his fence down to haul coal through mid leaves it down so that my cows get into his stalk field and it keeps self mid children busy until bed time to clean them of cocklo buns, this to bo repeated again next day. Also I bought :IOO loads of man ure several years ago from n dairyman wIiom) farm was well stocked with these burrs, and us u consequence I have hud to tight them over since. Thoro are farms adjoining mine which maintain "well raised" young men, nnd dooryanls mid garden fences tilled with these fruits of laziness. Corn Fnrmors' Koviow. Proverbs for Bee-Keopers. Tho following wo find in tho Beo alennings, written by Kev. N . I). Ilul Bton : 1. Thownys of bec-kecping nre not nil tho wnys of plcuBnntiicss, nor uro all tho paths thoreof tho paths of pence. 2. Man is to cat his bread in the sweat of his fnco, nnd thcro is no exception mnde in favor of tho bec-koepcr. 3. To work successfully n mnn must work wisely. To work wisely with bees ono must know their nnturo nnd habits ; those can bo learned only by careful study nnd observation. 1. "Wo livo in progressive times, nnd tho truo bec-kocper must bo progressive. 5. In bon-kceping, ns in othor things, the diligent nro crowned with success. 0. Tho obstacles in tho way of suc cessful boo culture nro ignorance, care lessness, being too eager to incrensc the numbor of colonics, nnd cold wintore. 7. A fair knowlodgo of bees, faithful attention to tho npiary, nnd n thorough nnd timely preparation for the honey flow, swarming nnd wintering, will ninko nny mnn or woman n successful bee keeper. 8. A tyrannical Pharaoh demnnded of his workers tho full taloof bricks, but furnished thorn no strnw. Do not de mand from your littlo workers tho full tnlo in pounds of honey, whon thcro Is nono in tho fiolds, or when you rcsidoin a region poor in honoy-yiclding plants. 9. Cnrcfully lay up your honey crop where thieves (especially robber bees) cannot break in and ttoal, and your empty combs where moth worms will not destroy them. 10. Profitable beo-keeping greatly do ponds upon n gathering up of tho frag ment, Hint nothing bo lost. Fragments of timo can bo used in caring for bees, fragmontH of lumbor in making hives nnd frames, fragments of comb for wax, nnd every drop of honey is useful, oven though mixed with dirt, it can bo fed to needy colonies. 11. Somo beckecers seok their prof its in raising boos or queens to sol) ; but remember that tho truo aim of beo kcopers is to mipply our markets with delicious honoy. 12. Livo not for self. Mnko your knowledge profitable to others seeking to learn bee-keeping, thnt tho coming generation of beo-kecpers may excel tho present, increasing in numbers nnd in knowlodgo, until ovory pound of honoy Rceroted by unnumbered flowers of our land is gathered. Kulos for Highways to tako this enro 100 times than crushed by n locomotivo once by noglect. Country Gentleman. Straightforward, opon dealing is tho truo wny in all commorcinl transactions. This docs not imply necessity for ac companying ovory snlo with full state ment of cost nnd nil clso relating to tho articlo or articles transferred, for the buyer may ho prcsumod to hnvo some knowledge. But it does menn that every proposition, expressed or implied, be true. Censorious persons allege, with ovident pleasure, that farmers tako much pains to cheat in their produce, but the chargo is not truo in a general sense. Ihore may bo dishonest farmers, us there nro dishonest merchnnts nnd man ufacturers ; but farmors, ns n class, dc- ecrvo bettor rcputntion, for they deal honestly. It is not easy for them to client in soiling grnin, oven if thoy would, nnd it is wholly unreasonable to Bny thnt thoy dosiro to cheat, although now nnd then n farmer disgrnccs his fellows by seeking every ndvanlngo whon marketing products nnd practic ing deceptions thnt show innate deprav ity. Such n farmer would bo a rnscnl in nny other business, nnd ho has his counterpart in every othor trado nnd profession. As a rulo, fnrmers nro suf forors by tho iimiimcrnblo cheats prac ticed in nil clnsscs of goods bought by them. This, however, is no justification for nttempts to recover through chent ing. It may bo ncccpted as n fact that farmers deal honestly, nsn rulc,und thoy deprccnto rascality in commercial trnns- notions when dovcloped ninong thoir fel lows. TAKEN UP, Anour the middle of july, one white Hoar, rattur lengthy and poor; at my place rant of Salem, about 6 miles. Anynne hating lost such an animal will please call anil pay expenses am! take the animal an ay. J, 1). LEHMAN. Salem, Or., Aug. 87, 1S?0. RRFY.MAN ISItOS., MONEY BROKERS! .Honey In Loan Trillion! t'linimlstlon. In sum to suit on real estate or appro cd security. Purchasers ol Notci, Count and State Warrant). Mortgage loam made on three to five ore time. tdT OJlcc: lire) man' Mock, Salem, Oregon. fcb5 3 moa STRONG'S RESTAURANT. SEIIVES THE I1EST OF MEALS for 25 CERTS I Oyilcrj In every atylo. Candle, Nuts, Cakes, Ties, llrcad.etc. TP.OPIOAL FllUITC, etc EVERY BODY KNOWS That W. P. JOHNSON tho PHOTOGRAPHER Commcrcltl Street, Salem, Oregon. TAKES THE LEAD IN THE rit'TUKK IIUrtl.VKHH. Portraits, Cop) Ing, Enlarging, Coloring, etc., etc tfi. Views taken In city or country. Bend It you, ocrs, thry will be promptly fllltd. Koports received ns to tho condition of the Texas wool clip nre very dis couraging. The yeai ly nvcrngo is about 10,000,000 pound-, ami this year's clip is safe to ho about lfi.OOO.OOO pounds short. Thousands of sheep hnvo died in the drouth-stricken districts for want of water and grass. Thoie will bo no mutton to ship this year. Kateru wool buyers who went there to purcluise, nro unable to obtain anywhere like tho usu al amount of wool, and all purchases are said to be made on private terms. The fanner's motto should be. "Let no weal ripen its eed ;" but while it would not be eay to follow out the prin ciple literally, it is comparatively easy to grtNitly reduce the number, and a half dozen years of careful cultivation will get a field to tolerably clean condi tion where no weed seeds aro carried out in the 1111111111-0. And it is equally truo that one year of neglect will make another half dozen years of hard hoeing. Ayor's Tills nre a convenient remedy to have always at hand. They nre sugar-coated, easy to tako, sure to bring relief nnd cure. Thoy are effectual in a wide range of diseases, causal by disor ders of the stomach and digestive or- Vitrol, fifteen pounds for a dollar Make tho public rands neat and smooth and pleasant and profitable to travelers and in driving to market. Xovor throw rubbish of any kind into highways in order to get rid of it, nor deposit cord wood, logs or timber at roadsidos to frighton passing horses. All owners who build their hotues facing sipiaro tho' publio roads should show at loast the snme respect to theso roads thnt thoy do to their own fields I by excluding nil weeds. llemovo nil looso stones from tho wheel-track onco a month, ami nil fixed stones which striko nnd break tho wheels, jar the londs, rack tho harness and tire the horses. Where fixed stones ennnot bo removed cover them witli gravel or othor road material. Komemiier tnat a uxed stone may strike dillerent wheols 1000 times like a sledge-hammer, and cause $100 damage. To remove it might cost f cents. Never make a highway of muck, sods or soft material scruped from tho siilo ditches, which is worked into deep mud in wet weather, but draw them into the baru-ynrd for the compost heap. Where the road-bed hns not n dry bottom cut a ditch in tho middle three feet deep, and lengthwiso with it, with side-eseniH) ditches at depressions, and fill it with gravel or broken stone, eoarr-o below mid finer near tho top. Plant ehndo trees three or four rods apart along the lino to allow nir to cir culate, sun to rhino, nnd mud to dry. Keen :he roadside smooth, mow the grnss for hay, and thus secure a good tract wnen tne center nt me road is encumbered with impassible snow drifts iu winter. In windy places make the wiiulwmd road fences of barbed wire, to prevent the accumulation of drifts of snow. Never uiiiko the public highway a barnyard, nor leave wagons, plows nnd machines to encumber the road, Never endanger those who travel by driving unmanageable or fractious horses to frighten nnd annoy other hort-es. Sell tho unruly suimals, or put them to steady homo labor with other horses. . Never drive horses across a railway without first looking both ways, or, if iu tho dark, without listeniug. It is bettor It's indoors, us kills half tho people being indoors threo pnrls of tho days; nnd, next to that taking too much drink nnd victuals. Killing's ns bnd as drink ing, nnd thcro aim nothing like fresh air and the smoll of woods. There's tho smoll of tho enrth, too 'specially as tho plow turns it up, which is u fino thing; and the budges and tho grass nro as sweot ns sugar after a shower. Any thing with n green leaf is tho thing, de pend upon it, if you want to livo healthy. Tho Gnmekocpor at Homo. Spanish Merino Bucks! JIH Hred by Mr J II. STItOWIlllIDOE and sired by his Imported Vermont llcglitcred lluck. and out of hli premium Hock ot breeding ewes. TKItJIH ItlUHii.VAULK. Addrcs! .1IIM KXO HAYWAUDS, ALAMEDA CO,, CAL. P. J. AnMSTIlONO. JAS. 11083. P J. Armstrong & Co., (Successors to Kelly A KnlKhl.) Use and Praise Of Hama IUinltENKWEnlisvonlwari potto together, rrivnlo recommendations, by Person, for whom It Iim rcatoreil yoiitliftil color to pray ami failed hair, or cured liaklnes, ilnmlrtiu", or diseases or tho scalp mill hair, havo been Iu best ailrcrtlsoracnt, uiul hao created a ercat demand for It even whero lis proprietor havo mails no effort ror II Introduction. It ucver alls to do all that Is promised for It. HALL'S : ITagBtabla Sicilian HAIR RENEWER , Cures all diseases of tho lialr nnd scalp I which camo deterioration and loss of hair, and as n dressing Is Inflttltely superior to a I other preparation. Jt contains no alcohol to make tho hair dry, harah, and braahy, but keeps It always glossy, lus trous, uad soft. 1 rnirjinm bt n. T. HALIj & CO., Niuliuo, N. II. Sold b all Dealers la Medicine. ' rL.M'KHHITIII.U t.f liore-ghoelng .1 t'.OtUIAfir. HAIUNt;. and General JnhMnir mi,lA a special tr, ttr At A. KELLY'S old stand on Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. "Ut api'Jtt WOODBURN NURSERY ) Keeps the Largest slock ot Fruit. Shade, Ornamental and Nut Trees ! .iM?!Ln' raWornla, at the ery loe.t rates No t '"3J" other hwect puts which are ri inlnir most of the Nurseries. App'etrws.8J to S10 per IPO. IVar, IVu.h and tit per 100. lltmy ill.oount on lOOOIou. IT SKND KOU 1'ATAI.OQUE AND 1'IIICE-LIST. ..MA2Jr",; ' iI.TTUaiIMr:, K,lnjtt Woodburn, Oregon, JOHN KNIGHT, Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing. T.T AVI.NO OPENED AT MY NEW QUAUTERS, JL I No. SCO Commercial street, I am prepared to do all kinds ol repairing. All old patrons aro Intlted to call and I will file their work my bettcaro and attention. r 1 Jlnlic n HprcUIly or Horse Miorliu, inylK Dr. JORDAN'S Museum of Anatomy- 731 .Market Ml reel. ClOAS'DLEAItN HOW TO AVOID X illwue, and how nondetlully you are made. Private Oltlce, 211 Ui-arySt. CotKUltitlon on Lost Manhood and all diseases of Women. Rend for books. jtn313' DR. THE MEMO'S ACADEMY of the SACRED HEART- SALEU, OUEOON A Boardincr and Dav Schnnl for Girls. Thetwenty.fourthyetr will Ngln Al'Ol'hTSO, 1S1. Thorvmrh Inmruitlon the 111 Knglhh bracche, music and art. The languages. I.lecutlon and NdIcoik tauiiht free uf charge. Tor circulars or other Infor matlonapply to Mttr'.lC M I'l.lHOlt. SIIKRWOODS Novely Steel Harness ! o Tusi or Mlilntctrcr lt,iulrril. lookl'irst Pivmiinii.s nt Xew Yftrk. Ohio ami Missouri Suite Fairs. For rule Sy .1 IK JORDAN . SOX, iUlcm, Oregon, Agents far DEL03 JEFFERSON Aral tor the Darurallr, lluuoehol.t, Mklle, and American bla? Uachsn.s. oil. Needles, and Attacunrnls and Machla parts lor all machines. VlwMnc repairrl and ntirante.1. Come or send for funiculars. &atlf.ctlsn guaraaterj. myltf PRKR v" FrouefleU's CttUe Powder Co. will X iViJ a, Mnj tv cuilt irt, a luabl package of (heir fimous Cattle Puwder to .very Fanner hu ap plies. It myare)ouksiiilrlaartllani. Ad drew 34 Blllwi airrel, fklUdclBkU, feaia. 1'utv.iTi; uiHii:.s.iuv. 00 Geary St., San Francisco, Cat Conducted by Qualified rhjslclani and Surgeons rtgular Graduates. sVrTbe Olilc.t Hprrlallst In the United Stales, whose Llnto.va 11 rial ucs, perfect method and pu,; medicine. Insure smsdt and r. MAMfT Cl'RM Of all Private. Chronic and Nervous 1) luiu, Affections of the lllnoil, Hkln, Ulilnrt s.Itlnd iter, Kriipllimi, I Irrrs, old Mores. rinellliiR of the Ulands, More lloutli, Iliiuiil, Hone l'nliis,ermanntl cured and erad icated from the sjstcm for life. NERVOUS te'iRKi Lostea, Hrxunl Itrruy. Itrulal and I'lijalral Mrnkiiros, I'all Inn Jlrinory, It rak tjm.Htuut. rillrrloiiiiriif,lnipeitluirnta Iu Ilurrlugr, rlr.. rrum rcri. r or joutlirul folllrs, or nny rauar. aprtdlly, aufrly auU iirltnlrly rurrd. YOU.SO. U1UDLE.AOED & OLD men,audalwihoneedmedlcaliklllandliirrlrure cuiisuh me om c.urocan i iijsHian ai once. Ills optn Ion costs nothing, and may sat 0 future misery and shame. When Inconvenient to Uit the city for treat, ment, medicine can bo sent eterj where by express free rrum nlxe Million. It Is self,eldcnt that a physician who gl ts his whole attention to a class of dtieaseiaUalus ureal aklll,andphlclans through out the country, mowing this, frequently recommend difficult cases to the Oldrst prrlalll, by whom etery knunu good remeily Is used. The Doctor's Age and Experience makes his cpiuton of supreme Imporlaiirr. tO.Thcse who call see no one but the Doctor. Con sulutloa FIIEK and aarrrdly rnulltlrnllal. Cases w hlch hat e failed In obtaining relief eUcw here especi ally solicited Female dlieue succes.fully treated llie Itoctor will agree to forfeit jl.ttoo for a cast undertaken, not cuied. Call or write. Hours. Dally ImiiSA, il.. to P. M., e to S eenlng; Sundajs, 10 to it only. S.d roa tub Simtasut Gust to lluuti ; Ssxt I'm. Address a abote. DR. LIEBIG'S WondorAtl Gorman Invlgorator ' Ptrmanently prevents all Unnatural Loes from the system, tones the nenes, strengthens the muscles, checks the waste. Invigorates the whole system and restores the affilctcd to Health and Happiness. The reason so many can Dot gst cured of weakness and the above dUeases Is owing to a complication, called PKOSTATOKKIIRA. which requires peculiar treatment. DR. LIEBIG'S INVIGOP.ATO1I is the ouly curefo llCMTATOxaiiiA, with peculiar Special Treat meat, mod at the LtEDIO DISPENSARY. VARICOCELE Or Woavi Vuat sf the Scrotum. Often the unsus pected cause cf Lost Vtanhocd, Debility, etc. Semlnsl weakness snd its compl cation Prosterrea. The above disease can only be eured by Dr. Ueblgs Invlgorator No. 2 and the I r. Llel lg Yarirocele Comprrstcr, JTITtrr artbr InsUaralur.tt. Cae ot six tottlc. 10. Sent to any address, covered secure! frcniob-erwicn. Moitpiwertvlelectrio bells tree to patlenta. ToPaoTBTUa Wojpianx Poiia or tmsINVIOOH ATOH A ti Dorru Gtrut oa Sivr FHEE. Consuitatior tree and private. CalloradJraar LIKB1C UISrE.r4AKY. 0O Otuj SUeet,baa Fraadsco, Cal. Ptiiate eotraace, toi Vtuoa si reel, four blocks up Orary Street from Kearny, Miio entianc Uuougr DUpsasary Drug Store l.JanSIU f I T" H-TR3SJ!'H! T "W '..:',,