Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 08, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    . .,.lt1l.
jjJfciu'J eatihncitt.
Btat-o and Territorial News.
Tlio AUmny public schools contnin
350 pupils.
Linn county is out of debt nnil bns
.$15,000 on lmml besidos.
Bakor City Masons contributed $1"
to tlio Clinrleston BufTorcrs.
Tbcro nro 520 cliildroii enrolled ns
public school pupils in Wnlla Wnlln.
Tho roitlntul Mechanics' Fair Is in
session, nnd will continue- until tho 23d
of October.
Mrs. Cnwninli, of Glcncoe, 'Wnshing
ton county, hns u C-inonths old Joreoy
heifer thnt gives milk.
A new post ofllco hns been established
in Washington county, called Glcnwood,
with A. E. Catching ns postmaster.
Tho fruit dryers of Vancouver, rlnrko
Co., W. T., havo finished the prune crop,
which turns out a third more thun Inst
Tho O. & O. It. It. terminus for tho
coming winter will in nil probabilHy bo
at Strnwborry valley, eighty miles from
Charles Prim, of Jacksonvile, Oregon,
hns been appointed n storekeeper and
gaugcr in tho internal revenue disttict
of Oregon.
Tho Prairie City, Yamhill county, dis
trict will start in soon to erect tho now
school houso, which is to bo n building
to cost from $2,500 to .$3,000.
Tho Oregon Presbytery of the Cumber
land Presbyterian church will moot nt
Fairfield, Mnrion county, on Friday, Oc
tober 15, at 11 o'clock a. M.
Chitioso merchants in Portland offer
.$100 for the conviction of nnyono who
is caught blowing up any oi their conn
trymen's houses nnd endangering life.
In Portland tho Chief of Polico is
raiding gambling houses. Gamblers are
boing prosecuted in both Portland nnd
Salom, but in tho latter town thoy nro
not convicted.
Tho exhibition nt tho Clnrko county
fair was but a niodornto success. Tho
racing was all nmong homo horses, free
from jockeying, nnd created somo sport.
Negotiations nro pending botween
John A. Crawford, of Albany, Or., nnd
KiXBtorn capitalists for tho purchase of
tlio bantiam canal nnu tlio iungnolui
mills, valued nt fully srju.im
Ellcnsbun;, W. T., New Era: A uieco
of gold-bearing qunrtz was found nt
camp o. i, near uio jiyuriiuiiu iuiiiiuk
company's claims, by n boy. Tho quartz
was purclinscu oi tlio lau lor ? iu.
Tlicro is somo anxiety nmong settlors
in tho Sprnguo river country lest tho
killing of Uio Indian by Alunz may
lend to somo troublo bolwcon the Indi
ans nnd whites, but it is not likely that
nny serious results will follow.
Grcnt quantities of penra and apples
aro being shipped to iuontnna and tlio
East over tho Northern Pacific. Thoso
fruiU como from tho valley. Tho Bound
is nlfio making largo shipments of hops
to tlio I'.ast.
Pcto Grant, of Astoria, has been
matched to run a 150-ynrd foot rnco
with Nolan, a lawyer of Astoria, two
weeks bonce. Grant has come to Port
land to train and Nolan will attend to
that part of tho business at home.
Cnpt. Duughmnn, of tho stonmcr
Almotn, says tho Snnko river is lower
than ho over know it at this season of
tho yoar, but says ho can tako 200 tons
of wheat from hero to LowUton, and
beyond there it would bo almost im
possible to tako moro than 125 tons.
G. H. Babior, Jack Godfrey and It. P.
Tibbcts wcro bound over for tho murder
of Willis Skiff in bonds of .$5,000 each.
Uoblor was successful In hecuring bonds
men, tho othor two men havo sincobceu
lying in jail. It is expected that tho
caso will bo triod this term, though it is
very uncertain,
E. B. McKlroy, Stnto Superintendent
of Public Instruction, will lenvo in a
short timo for an extended visit East,
during which timo ho will visit many
of tho principal schools of the Eastern
States, in order to moro fully familiar
izo himself will tho manner of school
Tho fall meeting of tho Northwest
Coast Dairy Association will bo held on
Thursday, October 11, in tho Council
Chamber in tho city of Portland nt 1
o'clock p. m. Business of importanco
will como before tho association, and it
is earnestly requested that every mem
ber make it his especial business to at
tend. Tho 100 yanl foot rnco betweon Ed
Bca and George Noland for S500 a side
took placo nt Astoria Saturday nnd was
won by Boa in 10 seconds. About
3,200 wore up on tho race. Im
mediately after another rnco of 150
yards was arranged between Noland
and Pcto Grant for .$500 n side, to tako
placo on October 23d.
About 5000 men aro at present cm
ployed by tho California it Oregon rail
road oxtonsion and it is expected that
tho road will bo completed to Sissons, a
point eighty-eight miles distant from
Ashland by tho end of tho present
month. It is probable that through
connection will bo made in ten months,
ns much of the hard work is over with.
Particulars of thekillingof a Klamath
Indian by Fritz Munz. who is now in
jail aro as follows: The Indian ran
Munz's cattle off tho reservation by the
agent's orders. Munz asked him why
ho did so, to which Peto replied that he
would run them to h I next time. At
this point tliey both began fighting,
which ended in the Indian being shot
in tho head and killed almost .instantly.
Munz is under arrest.
Telegraphies News.
The Now York apple crop is a failure.
Senator Gorman is on n visit to Cali
fornia. The Kentucky tobacco crop is badly
The Colorado Democratic Convention
is in session at Denver.
Tlio now postal delivery sorvieo is n
splendid thing.
Charleston is receiving contributions
from cities everywhere.
Senator Mitchell's wife and daughter
are homeward bound from Europe.
Many lives wcro lost by a steamboat
explosion nt Chicago on Octoler 5.
Tho cleariiiR house returns havo in
creased over 21 percent, in the last year.
Fourteen shins arrived in dan Fran- J
cieco in ono day. Thoy aro grain ships. J
Tho Central Pacific company havo.
located their road as far ns the Klamath '
Tho Knights of Labor nro holding
their tenth annual convention at Rich
mond, Va.
Mackoy, of tho now cnblo and tolo
graph company, is expected in Portlnud,
Oregon, Boon.
During September, 188G, loss reported
by firo insuranco companies amounted
to .$0,500,000. '
Tho N. Y. TimeB claims Schwatknhad
discovered a river nnd was thcroforo
right in naming it.
Tho Knights Templar warn tho G.
A. It. people not to nttend tho encamp
ment if held at St. Louis.
A San Frnnoisco dispatch says that
tho salmon catch for JboO on tho l'acilio
const is 000,000, or one-half of thnt of
Pluro-micumonin 1b m-ovalcnt in 111
iuols and is causing much trouble.
Somo vctorinnry Burgeons claim that it
is not correctly named yet.
Mr. Quincy A. Brooks, latoly from
Klamath county, has boon nppointcd
Collector of Customs for Pugot Sound
On Oct. 1 the public debt statement
snowed a reduction oi tho debt oi lU,
027,013.17 for September; cash in trcaH
ury, 5105,375,7 13.03.
Tho Knights Templar from Califor
nia who havo returned Homo nro loud
in their denunciations of their treatment
whilo in St. Ixmis. They wero poorly
outcrtaiued and invariably overcharged.
Gen. Miles' annual report, embodying
tho surrender of Goronimo, has been re
ceived by tho acting Secretary of War.
Hon. .Miles, it is snul, roporta that ho iic
coptod tho surrenderor tho savage chief
tain, ngrcoing, as among tho conditions,
that ho should not bo surrendered to tho
civil authorities of Arizona for trial, nnd
that ho should bo taken nwny from that
Tlio glovo match betweon Jack Burko
mid Jack JJomnsoy lias been postponed
until somo timo in Novombor, Mayor
UartlctL having refused to grant a h
censo for tho match until after tho Stato
elections had been hold, which took
plnco last Tuesday. Burko will lcavo
for Sacramento ; thonco ho goos to San
Joso and Los Augolcs successively. Ho
will then return to San Francisco, and
later lenvo for Portland.
This neighborhood fair held its sec
ond annual exhibition on Oct. 1st and
2d nt tho now hall near Mnrquamsvillo,
Clackamas county. Tho exhibit was
ono of great surprise to us, not because
wo nevor thought Clackamas county
could produco such apples, grapes, veg
etables, etc., but because wo did not
know that a singlo neighborhood could
bo so united. Tho first day was mainly
devoted to tho entering and arranging
of tho exhibits, so that Saturday was
really tho only as well as tho last day.
Tho building is a nowly erected ono nnd
proves to bo about half largo enough.
Tho display of tobacco was an interest
ing ono to us and it brought tho qttory
to our mind why it could not bo mado
profitable. Tho fruit display was simply
grand, especially that of Mr. Win
Drake. The grapes shown wcro bettor
than any we have over seen nt tho Stnto
Fair. Miss Garrett showed soma whito
grapes that for sizo of bunches nnd
quality beat anything wo havo over soen
in Oregon. There was a fair showing
of pears and peaches, but fow plums.
In vegetables tho showing was creditnblo,
and for big pumpkins, squashes, pota
toes, etc., wo seldom sco u bettor layout.
Ono thing that attracted our attention
was a pair of elk horns, some dried elk
meat, and which had tho following story
to tell. Mr. Thomas, of tho Molalla,
mado tho gun, lock, stock and barrel,
killed the elk and had tho antlers nnd
meat to show for it. Tho stock depart
ment was not very full, and consisted of
only a fow head.
Tho attondanco waB fully 1,000, and
only 10 cents a head charged for ad
mittance, yet the association was able to
pay all demands, including premiums.
It was indeed a novelty to see the show,
award and payment of premiums in
one afternoon ', yet this Is just what
they did. The premium list was read
aloud and then a window opened and
all who wero entitled to a premium
were called for and paid then and there
in silver. No intoxicants or boisterous
conduct was seen. All was quiet and
plensaut. V met many new friends
and dusiro to ox to ml our thanks to Mr.
J. E. Jack and family for favors shown.
Wo nro obliged to cut our articlo short
on account of having so much original
matter in hand for this week.
Wo wish to call attention to Mr.
Kaulfmnn's showing of bees and bco
goods, which was excellent and met
with much praise.
Wo append tho following list of
awards ns Bent to us by Mr. Jnck, tho
Secrotary :
It. It. Thomas Wheat, 1st premium.
P. J. Hidings Wheat, 2d premium.
W. A. Jack Oats, barley and corn,
1st premiums.
J. M. Drake Oats, 2d premium; buck
wheat and orchard grass, 1st promium.
N. J. White Buckwheat and barloy,
2d premium ; beans, 1st premium.
T. Hook Corn nnd beans, 2d prom.
C. Harrington Carrots and tobacco,
1st prcm.
It. ThompsonCarrots, 2d prem; man
gel wurtzol ond cabbago, 1st prcm.
Sirs. M.E.ltobortson Beets, 1st prom.
J. M. Drake Mangel wurtzel, 2d
prcm; tomatoes, 1st prom.
E. Sklrvin Parsnips 1st, potatoes 2d,
squash 2d, water melon 1st, musk melon
1st, rutabngos, 1st prem.
L. Hook Potatoes, 1st prem.
Mrs. J. M. Drake Onions, quarter
busho), 1st prom.
W. A. Jack Onions, six largest, let
O. W. Drake Squash 1st, pumpkin
2d prcm.
Mrs. Jano Itced Tomatoes, 2d prom.
W. S. Jack Water melon, 2d prcm.
Martin Ilobins Pumpkin, 1st prem.
Miss Ann Garrott Grapes, 2d prem.
W. A. Jnck Grapes, 1st prcm.
J. M. Drake Poars and peaches, 1st
prcm ; finest di'play of fruit, 1st, prom,
ono year's subscription to Wiiaamkite
J. It, Iloss Apples, 1st prom.
P. J. Hidings Pears, 2d prcm.
Joseph Mnthows Fruit, 2d prem.
B. it O. A. Dunngnn Brackets, 1st
E. Hupc Shovel plow, 1st prom.
Pcto Sherlock Cultivator, 1st prcm.
J. W. Thomiib Homc-mndo gun, 1st
John N. Davis Calf and buck, 1st
E. Skirvin Colt, 2d prom.
J. M. Drake Colt, 2d prcm.
It. Thompson Pigs, 1st prcm.
Ladies' Department.
MIbb Ella Drako Hop yeast' broad,
thrco pios nnd thrco cakes, 1st proms.
Misv Eva InasMosor Cake, 1st prcm.
Miss Ncttio Jnck Two ounds fresh
butter, 1st prom, nnd ono year's sub
scription to WlLLAMETTi: FARMER J best
vnrioty canned fruit, 2d prcm.
Mrs. E. Skirvin Two pounds honey,
2d prcm ; assortment of dried fruit, 1st
D. KaufTman Two pounds honoy,
1st prem.
Mrs. C. W. Drake Thrco glasses of
jolly, varioty canned fruit, 1st prems.
Miss Nellio Taylor Thrco glasses jol
ly, 2d prem ; variety preserves, 1st prom.
Miss Ella Drako Variety preserves,
2d prcm.
class l needi.s work.
Mrs. O. W. Drako Hand-mado quilt,
2d prom.
Mrs. It. A. Bosh Hand-mado quilt,
1st prem ; display millinery, 1st prcm.
Mrs. Jennio Boss Bag carpot, 1st
Mrs. Dr. Wolch Bug, 1st prem.
Miss Nellio Taylor Aortmont needlo
work, 1st prem.
Mrs. E. Skirvin Knit lnco, 2d prcm
Mr. Honry Long Knitlaco, 1st prcm.
Miss May Coolidgc- Crochet work,
1st prcm.
Mrs. C. Engnl-Tidy, 2d prcm.
Mrs. I I). Houswjau Tidy, 1st prem.
Mrs. M. E. Hobertson Skein yarn,
1st prom.
Mrs. I. O. Kuerel Display of milli
nery, 2d prem.
Mrs. Jano Heed Crochot skirt, 1st
Mrs. Todd Pillow cases, 1st prcm.
Mrs. Mary Manjnam Ornamental
work, 1st prcm.
Mrs. J. M. Drake Assortment box
flowers, 1st prem; boqnct flowers, 2d,
Mrs. L. C. Welch Assortment box
flowers, 2d prem.
Mrs. C. O. Boynton Boquet Mowers,
lstnrem. J. E. JACK.
Secretary Butte Creek Fair, j
Excitement In Texas
flro.t excitement hm luol onie.l in tit"
vicinity of Paris, Tox , by tno ruuntkabluic
covery of Mr. J. B Corley. who was so help
less ho could not turn in bed, or ralso his head)
ovoryhoily said ho wnadyi'iot Consumption.
A trial bottlo of Dr. King'n Now Discovery
was sent him. Finding relief, ho bought a
largo bottle and a box oi Dr. hinirs iSew
Lilo I'illsi by tho timo ho had taken two
boxes of tho Pills and two bottles of tho
Discovery, ho was noil and had gained in
llesh thirty-six pounds.
Trial Bottles of this Great Dlicovory for
Consumption free at tho Pott Drug Co. 2
Coxsidkhiile prosperity is manifest
throughout Marion, Linn and Lano coun
ties at this time. Tho real esUto mar
ket at Albany is healthy, and several
heavy sales aro reported. In Linn coun
ty tho "boom" is brought about by the
railroad work now under way, but in
Lano nnd Marion counties tho 'boom"
if it may bo called such is caused by
nnturnl causes, nnd thcroforo more ro
liable. DR. FLINT'S
TSKB it 111 TinTO. pcarance o'f JeHmr, "how
countenance Is anxious, and who Is sulject to spells
of falntncas, is liable to sudden death from heart
disease. Let him take Dr. Puk- IIiurt Rihsst
keforo It Is too Hto.
Annnlmv ,)IU pukt' hurt ruhdt oum
Mjujiiur. ,lro prevented many catti of Apo
plexy, which Is ususlly dependent upon dlsraMj)
cf tho heart. If taken When first any unusual sensa
tlont were felt.
Rlfmino nf 8 flfn Pa. runt's hum its.
BIOoolliK Ul Oieep. r, ror the man or woman
wbo flndshlmiclf or herself unable 14 sleep nights, U
an InvslusUo medicine, which will not only procuro
tho blcMlrg of deep, hut will prevent a general
breaking down ef tbo system.
At Druggleta. fl.M. Descriptive trvatUo w Itli each
bottle; eraddrtvs
There. Is no remedy which nn
rival Hamburg "' 'or the curs
ef habitual conatlllon, iodine
linn uiil lok.brrulM'h. Their
artie-n la aa prompt and offlelciit as ll.dr tuts la
picuunL zo cents.
At all Druggists J or addrco
J. J. MAOK & CO.,
0 and 11 rront Ct nan Franotsco, CM.
Orcgou Knilttity mid NiiYlaa
tlon Company.
Trantfer steamer connecting with Atlantic Ktnieii
haves Aih Street whaif, I'ortUml, dally, at 3.00 l. U.
The I'arllls Kiprcst arrives at I'ortUnd, dally at
1030 P. 11.
rullniMi Meriting Cars run through tofiuraul,
Council llluITi, and Dayton, and etn connections
made with both Northern l'acilio and Union Pacific
trains at their weatern termini,
Between I'orllnnrt and Kan I'ranrlaro.
Leaving Alnsworth Wharf at midnight, as lolloe:
Oregon, hunday, Oct. 3
State, t'rlday a
raousii raiaciico,
10 AM
Colun.lU, Holiday, Oct, 4
Columbia. Weilneslaj 13
uregon, raumuj, u
Ktato, Thuieday, .11
Coluiublt, Tuwday, 11)
Otegon. Sunday. II
Oregon, Monday, ..lb
Htate, rUturdty S3
Columbia. Thunday , .28
Oregon, Wcdnetdy; Nov 3
State. Krldry,. . .., sa
Columbia, TiiutKUy.-Nov:)
Xnd every Olthday thereafter until furlher notlco.
rnrougu TleUeU sold to all points In the Utlud
States, Canada and Kurope.
Iloat leaves Portland for the Cascadesand Ihc Dalles
at7 A. M. dally, except Sunday.
floats leave Portland at O A. U, .tally (eiccpl Sun
day) for Aatorla and way points.
Iloats love Portland at 7 A. l Monday's, Wednri
dav's. and I'rld.vs for Davton and way nofnt.
Returning leave Da) ton at S A. if. Tueadajs, and
rnurauaya ana naturuayi.
General ontreaCor. t'ront and D HI.
A. U MAXWKM Ticket Agent.
JNO. J, IIYlt.Nr:, (Jen. Put. and Ticket Art.
. ... VIA
And Connections.
Tim ci Two and Ono Half Days.
Pare from rortbnd to San Francisco, 3i; to Sacra.
mcato, 130.
Clou connections roads at Alhland with states cf
the CilllornU, Oregon and Idaho Stage Corony.
KtsT HrniT"uiviiioi
HeCween I'or'luml uud Aeuluad-.VIall Train.
haleni . .
ba'uin, . . .
7:50 All
. ..SJOI'H
. ISBl'll
Allian) Express Trulu.
I.KANK, aaaivs.
rnrtland 4:00PU Salen 7:11 I'M
Siliui TlUl'M Ubanon, V:iOI'M
Ulonou 4.4SA11 Silem, OMCAU
talom,. . ....CMTAU Portland,.. . . 10.03AM
l'ullunn Palace Bleeplcg Cars dally U'tMii Portland
and Alhland. The O. & 0. R. It. 1'irry make con
nection with all the regular trains on the Ka.t bids
Dlvltion, from the foot ol t. strtct,
iit hiui: itmsioN.
IteMtreu 1'urllaud a ml Curtullls.
Cortallla, UriU'H
PorUuid, ti.lM'M
Cortallle, . ..
At Corvalla connect with tralue of the 0 P fur Y-
I'llna hay. Kucunlon ticket, on mU fiomSaleinto
Yulns bavand ritum, via Albany, at W.'JO. Tickets
good to return until September HO, low.
lcavs. I aasivr.
I'ortUml,. , 6.00PM ifcMlnovllle, ...HdOI'M
MeMlnnville, .XOAMPortUnd, ..U.WAU
Local tlikets for sale and baggago chocked at rom
puiy's up town ortlce, our. Stark and Kocond ttre.U.
TtckeU for principal points in California can oulv bs
Orocural and b.ggags checked at companjs onU.,
or 1'and Pront stret, Portland, Or.
Freight will not b receive I for shipment after fl.e
uUxk V U on either the East or West Kid. Dltlriui.
R. Kt'EiiLKH, K. P. UOOK1W,
Manager. U. T. A Psm. Art,
Good Furmiug Land
Within 4 to 0 tnllea of rsllroad and river, aeas
Alkali, OlllUm county; 40 tslles from The
Dalles; 123 miles from Portland.
As Cad Land aa Exists East of Ike Cascades
will beMldan err ravarableTrrau.
purchasers to m. IukIs ws offer for sale
siss tv is as ssiasuiarr, Aiaan, uregoo;
A.. .... t, nit.,., it w..Lt.ut L...I..J
Or to tfc. WILLAMKTTi: KAllMltfi, Kalem, Oregon. I
JlfvmS f7j&
Keeps the Largest it0k of
Fruit, Shade, Ornamental
and Nut Trees I
North ef California, at the ery lowest rates. No
APHIS or other Insect pests which arc mining most
of the Nurseries.
Arplc trees, 3 to 110 per 100. Pear, Pm. h and
Cherry, 112 to (16 per 100. I lama and 1'imice, IS to
111 per UK), tlc.yy discount on 1000 lots,
Address: .1. ii. Ht.rri.r.vinu:.
octlmtl Woodburn, Otcgon.
Nctr subscribers fo tho
Two Innor for tlio Prlco of Ono,
or Four lNtnerH lir Lcsa
tlian tlio Prlco of
An excellent fnriiiera' imper K'vcn nveay
with Uio
Till: AMKUIOAK KAUMKIt, n alxtren
pHgo HgrlrnlttirKl liiiiKUiliir, pulilUlint nt
1'nrt Wnyup. Iml., Is ono uf tlio loading:
MgrlrulturHlJmirimNof tlm cuiinlrjr. It la
ilrvotnl rxclu.lvely to tlio Interval uf the)
runner, Ntocklirettnr, Diilryiimn, tlnx
ilennr, nuil llniiaehnlil, nuit every apecles
uf Imliistr) -miicctcil with tlmt great pnr
llon nf people, tho filmier, rnrmera run
nut well grtnlmig wlthiiut It. It puis now
hlena In their mluils. It tenches tlmm how
to fitriu wllh profit. It nmkiia llir homo
linppy, the. younu folks ctieitrful, nnd tlio
growler coiitenliHl. The) subscription prlco
of tho lUtMi:it I l per yenr. It la pub
II. lied monthly twrlvo numbers n year.
To nil new subscriber l the Dully or
Weekly KTATK.SM.ltt who, lifter AilRiist
1st, 1HH0, aulisrrllio nnil pny Olio yenr'a
suliscrlptlon In mlinnce, tlio Ainerlcnn
Tnrmer will bo scut ono yenr froo of
Oldsuliscrlbers to tho STATESMAN who
pny up nil nrrrumgea mill ono yrnrlnml
vkiico will recelvo tho Anmrlcun l'uriiier
ou year free) of clinrge.
Old aulncrlbors who will pny up ullnr
reurrjgea nnil ono year In uilvnncr.inny sub
scribe for nuolhor copy of tho Woekly
HTATKSMAN for 1. no, nnil Uio Ainorjcim
rnrmer will also ho sent to tho now iiniuo,
thus giving four puwrs for leas Until tho
prlco of two but tho nihlltlonal niiino
uiuattin Unit of sumo person who I. not a
uli.rrlber lo tho Nlntesuliiu n now sub
scriber. If you nro not it subscriber, and
you has en frlenil who Unlao not n subscri
ber, you may enrli recelvo tho Weekly
HTATKHMAN nnil Iho premluin paper for
$3.(10, which 1 0(1 rent lea than tho price
of tbo htuteaiuuii iiloiio. Komi tbo Weekly
anil the premium to friends lis tho euat. It
will benpprerliitvil.
This premluin iiuuouucviniiut refer only
toruah subscriber.
This proposition holds good only till
Jauuar) l.t, 1HH7, nftor which ilute no
subscription will be tukcii on thoso terms.
CaVSubscrlptlon prlco i Dully KTATKS
M AN, per nullum, 0 Weekly bTATKS
MAN, perniinum, $3
Suloni, Oroijon.
Great Overland Route I
tim: om.y mm: ui.vm.nu
riilliiitiii I'alacc Sleciiliif,' Cars!
Ifagnlfltwnt Day Coaches snd Klegsnt Emigrant
Bleeping Cars, lth Urlhsfrtacf charge.
From. Washington & Oregon
1'olnU to the KAbT via
The only Trans-roiitlnerital line running
I'alaro Illnlug Car (meals 76e)
FatittiHt Timo Ever Mado
From the Coast oisr the Northern Pacific rail-
f(.l toriloux City Oouncll IIIufTa.Ut, Jrttph,
Atcbluviii, lvruurth. Kan.as City,
Iliirllngton and (ulniy,
And all p-liiti through the Kaat ill Ssuth
1U1 lit Paul and M litiiMp'llh,
tr 'Ilia only llnu running TllhOLdll KMIURANT
HLKKI'I.NdCARH PIIUM PuKTLaNllsid hauled on
regular Kiprm trains nier the entird Iccgtli cf thv
Nor tin r n I aclflo Railroad
Lc.t. Portland at 1:30 p in. iUi'j i arrive at Jllnne
Sll or Kt, Paul at I'i.M p in., (i am) feurth day,
UinnictlOL.uiadeat bt P411I and illnm-apolli snd
all niiiU Kat, rkiuili, and Houthuut,
Tralns live Portland. U:Z5 a. m arrive at New Ta
coriu COS p rn lonnvcllng with O. R.&N. Co. ' boats
lor sll iKiluts on Puget Hound.
A D. CHARLTON, (itn'l Wot'll Pais AgL
No. Wathlngton strcel, I'crllanJ, Ongon.
$10,00 will buy the DAISY
New Htyle Corn Hheller. Tho
W U eieiII. IIIO uiru A. niuujn
out. The (luealloa Is A.ked
why we sell our Hhellen so cheap,
Anawrr i We build them In win.
la over. All nro wurauteu to do
gowl work or no sale.
u. .u Ul. km, T. ft. Oardur.
,..... . . i. ."i
Wkuftr, rwe Balulai, CU.lM.4l, O.
lf,V-' Bend for price
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