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About Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1886)
WILLAMETTE FAKMEK : SALEM, OKiSGO.. OCTOBER 8 188C I uGtti lamicd every Week by tin fXriLLAMETTK FA KM KB PHIII.IHHIMJ CO. V y TMUIS OK SUIlSCHIIliO On year, (PoetMfe pW), In advance t i.00 Hz months, (1'oaURO paid), In nil unci) 1.2ft Um than six monthi Mill be, per month t ADVEIISISIN'O HATES t Advertisement wltl lie Iniorted, providing th are etpecUble. at the following table ol rate t On Inch of inace Mr month . nM Inehee of mace tier montli 00 I De-half column per month 15.00 On column per month.., ...... 30.00 VikSample eoplee lent free on application. fifteen yours without its cvor being re newed in nil thnt time. Wlien wo ob jected to pasturing meadow land in wot weather and quoted tho fact thnt timothy lias a bulb at tho surface that is liabln to Ijo crushed by ho.ivy stock, or eaten by switio or sheen, ho explained thnt when lienvy meadow was headed it loft two tons of straw, or stubble, on tho land, and this protected tho roots from being injured; that ho did not allow sheep or swino on tho meadow, but kept ealtlo and horses there, nnd found that such pasturago kopt bin meadow in good condition, whilo tho meadows of his neighbors detciioratcd. At the same thno it is ovident that without tho pro tection of tho heavy stubble left by tho Salkm'u bridge across tho Willamette "cnuor " "u " ' "T, will ivitlinllt I u" "u u"0"i "" uviuuiiujr iui, uiiiiiu THIS PAPER 3' kAJ AVBJ.Bnl I nnnl" In Philadelphia nt tho Nowepnprr Ailver tlilnir ARpncr 'it MPMra. H. W. AVER AOON.uurttulhorlicd ngenta. is progressing rapidly, and doubt bo completed by December 1st. Tin: Oregon Klato Agricultural Socie ty has not yet niado its report of recolpts nnd oxpondiluroa public. They nro looked for with considerable interest. rnurr GROWING. NO. III. October is tho month when you should plant your trees, and you will tuu your self first of all: "How shall I plant them?" As tho time has arrived when tho ground should be put in order, we will loavo tho discussion of varieties, for tho present, to consider what methods for planting trees is to be preferred j nnd horo, let us any, is tho most important fact with regard to orcharding, next to uavmg tno best vanotios. uoou vane tics will not avail unless they arc prop orly cared for. If n man had the means to spond $50 to $100 an ncro in preparing his land, it would bo tho truest economy to ex pond whatever is necessary to put tho land iu tho host condition. A yourg did not. so treat tho portion of meadow frJCnil in Portland, n professional man, Tin: ruriT ohoweiih of tho Northwest country had n meeting in Portland, Oc tober fi. An interesting address by 0. Dickinson, of Hnlcm, upon tho best va rieties of trees to plant, was delivered. A committee was appointed to investi gate tho codling moth, and to securo tho necessary legislation to suppress them. Fruit marketing was thoroughly discussed by numorous growers present. Wo shall hnvo n full report in our next issue. Many iti:o.ui:sis for copies of this pa per containing Mr. Clarke's articles on "Fruit Growing" aro received. Wo can not supply back numbers. All who nro Interested in this mibjoct should sub scribe nt onco. 4'- ppr yem-- Wi: iiavi: been promised it series of interesting articles on bees nnd how to fowl them to keep them strong during tho winter,!!) also tho necessity of giving tho bees ail attonlion necessary to IIvo this wintor, by Mir. KauMhian, of Needy, Oregon. Tho well known experience of tho gentleman will insure tho articles being n timely ones. that ho cut for hay Timothy does not afford much pas turago dining tho summer, ns it makes no growth until fall rains come. It is probiblo that pasturing it when tho soil is dry nftor fall rains hnvo started tho now grass may bo an actual benefit, but as a general rulo it is snfo to say that wet meadows should not bo pas tured, and timothy should never havo shcop or swine running on it. Thoro is nn advantage in clover, becnuso it will mako somo growth nil summer, nnd if not cut for n second crop of hay, or seed, will aflbrd pasturage for swino and keep them growing. Orchard-graBS is Mr. Smith's favorite grass lor pasturago, uccnueo u tunes in so easily on upland. Of this wo havo proof in tho fact that it is thick enough for hay and grows high and rank on the borders of our orchard, which is red hill land, and tho liordors wcro novor plowed or oven jjruoDcd. urcnaru-grass win too, hnB securod ton or twolvo ncrcs tho hills n few milos back of that city for his future home, nnd wishes to be como a fruit grower. Ho asked us for information, described the lay of his land, nnd wants to know how to go to work. We looked at his vigorous youth nnd said : "Tho first thing you should do will bo to put your ground in order, and wo say, positively, never plant n troo until you do so." Ho looked disap pointed; ho is an enthusiast nbout fruit growing, nnd said ho would rather bo n successful producer of what tho world needed than hold the highest oflico in tho land. Wo cannot do bettor tlinn repent, for our lendors, tho advice wo gavo him. It was: "Tncro will no nn immense summer nnd winter, disintegrating tho bed-rock of ninrl, thnt constitutes tho 8ubtnnco of tho Itcd Hills of Oregon, and that crumbles to good soil on ex posure. Lotting air into it causes it to slack and .it loosens and becomes soil, and the trees send down tholr roots into it and thrive. Without subdrninngo they could not thrive, oven if thoy man aged to livoat all. It is possible that trees grow well un til n very dry senson comes, when they show weakness. Hero, too. sub-drain- ago is n saving power, for it makes tho ground moist In summer nnd winter. Drainngo for orchards is not so expen sive as for gardening, as it is not neces sary to put tho drains so close. Wo ox poct, when able, to consult Mr. Drown about our own ground. Wo shall adopt his plan whon flnnnciallv able. "',!... . . .." j noau not nositnto to nuviso tlioso man iu iiiiiKu uiuiuuuiug u success, iu nt least get him to see tho land and ex plain its needs. Near Snlom tho sub soil of tho Hod Hills is n species of mnrl thnt soon becomes soil on expos- uro; other localities havo clny hard pan ; different localities havo different conditions. It is tho business of n -farm ing cngincor to know how each soil shall be treated, if ho makes agricultur al work his business. But supposing that you cannot afford to uiuler-drain, and wish to plant orchards. You must mako your plow do as much work ns possible towards accomplishing what drainngo does. Plow deep nnd fallow with, n sub-soiler. Go down, down, down. If you can by any mentis Hcrnno profit iu fnvor of doing good work ovor ftWn' another inch at tho liottom of tho doing poor work. roots down to tho must prepare thnt lowor toil for their rPtn.u en tul tlmir sub-Koil, nnd you or inun KruuuLii. uiuraiu-yi ""1180. TJlO Wliy to (10 tlllS IS to llior- keep stock fat and growing, but thoy . ouglily ttndcrdrnin " Ho interrupted will any timo lcnvo it for growing tim othy if they can got at it. Timothy ev idently has attractions for cattle and horses greater than almost any other with, "Why, my ground is a hlllsido," and was astonished to learn that this did not mako drainngo the less but tho i more necessary, as tno olinncos nro Hint OCTOBER WORK. October is tho most delightful month in tho year iu Oregon, for tho fruition of tho year has then boon accomplished and tho farmer enjoys his sense of iks cession with full granary and lipeuod gnnlcn ami orchard. And now thero is work to ho done of the most imperative need. If not already done ho must put iu Ills slimmer-fallowed laud, must plow and seed for wintor wheat, must turn tnor land that he expects to cow in the cpriug, becnuso two plowings aro almost as good us n cummer-fallow. Thou thoro is hardly a farmer who hint not grass cectl to sow, and Octolwr is tho fall month for such work. In somo lucidities, and with come varieties of grasses, it is advisable to bow iu February, or as coon as winter breaks, but the best way is to sow grasH-ceod early in tho fall if it will do to sow in tho fall at all. However, that is it point which each must de termine for himself. Wo have lately shown, in logard to tieo planting, that thero is great advan tage in Hotting out nil trees iu tho fall, because they become firmly cet nudsond out rootlets in tho wintor from four to cix inches iu length, that mako tho cpriufr growth double what it can ho if planted any time after January. Wo urgo again that October in tho mouth to plant orchards, nnd with ground iu or tier you nro sure to ieali.e it good growth for your trees. As to grass-seed, it is a pleasure to learn as wo do from Herdsmen that tho .ales of grass-seed aro increasing largely every year. The value of grass as a crop is not ' matter of conjecture, but of eoita'nty. Wo continually hold up for consideration tho importance of cupplanting wheat ciops with cultivated pustuios, at least to some tutent, be cause wo ceo constant evidence that glass pays ly actual letuius mini stock raised on it, and also brings tho laud into good condition. Cropping to grain exhausts, while pasturing with any kind of ctock icstorcs soil to life and vigor. bat week we met, at the s"od store of Miller tiros, Portland, Mr. Darling Smith, of Utislon, Washington county, who believe iu stock nnd keeps good herds of thoroughbred and grades. He has K0 ncivs iu timothy, besides p-isturo land in orchard gins. Ho doe not have confidence iu clover, because it is dangerous to let stock cat it too freely iu a groou state, and is liable to winter kill on tho bottom-land of Tualatin river. He cuts hulf, nt least, of his meadow for teed, using u heador, and then pastures it through tho winter. He lus had land in timothy for ten to grass, hut that doesn't show thnt stock t,0 bu3t 8UrfllC0 BOj wj wash woyi un won't thrive woll on other grasses, Wo asked Mr. Smith, ns n man of cx porienco with stock and grasses, what ho considered tho best pasture-grass. Ho grows limothy and orchard-grass al most exclusively, because thoy suit his location. From what wo havo gathered by observation nnd tho oxperienco of others, wo ngrco with him as to tho value of those two grasses orchnid-grass and timothy but wo bcliove that whorover clover will do well farmers should tow it. Sown with limothy.tho clover will ripen a week or so in advance of tho timothy, but orchard-grass and clover ripon to gether and innko excellent mixed hay. On tho island, so-called, ccarco moro than n stone's throw from our Salem homo, across n slough, Mr. Minto giows cloter and alfalfa iu perfection. It is certain that on sandy liver-bottom land both will reach perfection. tHo feedi his sheep on clover liny, and after years of ho doing is satisfied with tho results. Other grasses have attracted attention, but up to this timo timothy, orchard grans and clover are tho most reliable. Hluc-graci is good to mix with other seed. English rye-grass (porouninl) is liked by some. What was known as inccquito grass (hut really was volvot grass) proved to bo tender and winter killed, and stock did not always take well to it. Lincoln grass, ns grown by Mr. Win. Townsond, of tho Hod Hills, is tt vnluablo grass with him, for it makes art oarly hay crop and grows rapidly, furnishing summer pasture. It is good for n fair crop of hay in June, and then grows until frost kills it down. It comes up again late iu tho spring, and in a month is fit to cut for hay. It bears trampling, wet or thy, and holds its own ngainst eery thing but it hard frost, which only kills it down for tho winter. J udging from M r. Towncond's experience or se oral years, it is a valuable gns and deconos to U extensively piopa gated. Anyone who can give us valuable ex pc.ienco concerning pastuio-grases will confer a public benefit. We hao hay- graces that cannot be excelled in our timothy, oichaul-gnihs and clover, but tno wealth of agriculture iu Oregon would be vastly increased, if not doubled, could the stoekraicerdecidoupongrawes for pasture as valuable for that ns the oiIums named are for meadow. To return to our text, this is October. In t few weeks winter will bo upon us, ami now i the time to do much impor tant work. We know the vahio of some things, but do not mmiu to carry into practice that knowledge. Human na turo is always "shutting tho bain door after tho horse is stolen." Wo are nut to bo "n day after tho fair." A benificont providence gao us October to prepare for tho winter and do much important work, so let ns improve it and not look back on it and wish we had done to. less tho water from every rain-full enn escnpo by undcr-drains ; but that is tho fact. Wo advised him to consult Mr. G. I). Drown, civil engineer, who makes n spocialty of till-drniuing, nnd who Inst senson drained a similar piece of land in tho Portland hills for dipt. Lamsou, Clerk of tho U. S. District Court, with woiuleriul results. Wo commend any reader of tho Pakmcii to Mr. C. Ii. Drown, Portland, who is reliable, and wn think will give tho best ndvico as to preparing the ground for troo-planting. A young man cannot afford to hurry such work. Wo hnvo seen tho need of it in our own orchard, where in different places tioes dio, b!x or eight together, and where in come parts thoy thrive much hotter than in others. Wo nro satisfied thnt, with good undor-drnlungc, tho whole tract would bocqunllyhcnlthy for trees, and that we should now have hundreds of thrifty trees whoro vncitn cics hnvo occurred. Not only so, but wo fully believe that tho wholo orchard (con Hidorcd vory healthy nnd fine as It is) would bo iu much better condition nnd in much heavier bearing, and would have borne much oarlior and much moro, had it good systom of under- draining been practiced iu the begin ning. This year we in common with tho majority of fruit-growers had n light crop, not a quarter of a crop, iu fact, kvauso tho cold rains thnt enmo from tho fth to the 15th of May, for ten days, blighted tho fruit. This resulted from the roots being Hooded, causing snp-fiow to diminish, so that tho fruit was not cupplied with food, and far tho want of it, blighted, as if a cow should dry up its milk, and the calf dio for want of it. Tho roots stood in cold water, probably, but sitpposo their lnud had been cub-drained to tho depth of four feet, so that tho surfneo water could cink to the drains and pass off, and tho ground hino remained warm and coin paratively dry, then we could hnvo real ized $i!,000 more from tho crop. This cum would have drained the land in the beginning, and it would have paid for itcelf over and ovor iu tho six years tho trees have been bearing. We givo this personal fact Ixvaiuo we consider it to bo the fact, and that it illustrates practi cally what wo wish to show. In places where trees dio in bunches, six or eight together, it is generally be cause tho sub-soil is dishing and holds water, to that tho roots remain too wet in winter nnd too dry in eummor. Draining will obviate that, as it breaks through tho rim of tho bowl and ntfonls an outlet. In another place it mny be that the soil is too thin, to that tho sub soil, or bod-rock, comes too near the sur faco. Here, also, sub-drainage comes to tho rescue, for it lets the air into tho sub-soil, and it works night and day, nirrows, uo so. 11 you enn possibly go down eighteen inches, do so. Thero is much to bo nccomplishcd by good nnd deep plowing nnd thorough pulverizing. When you havo plowod nnd tub-soiled ns doep ns possible you can mark off your land by heavy doublo furrows, llun as tlcep ns possible nt tho exact distance say 1(J feet, or ono rod that you wish to plant your trees. Tho ground should bo thoroughly harrowed at every plowing and turning of tho soil; then inn your dead-furrows accu rately and plant your tieos iu them, and you will savo much digging. Set tho trcos nt least ono inch moiiiai than they grow in tho nursory, and thoy will sottlo to tho propor level. Wo havo planted thousands of trees in this way and thoy Btnnd, nt ten years old, as well ns possi- bio nnd hnvo always grown woll. A good hand can plant 2."0 in a day. Ho should pulvcrizo tho soil under nnd nround the roots and tho tree will do admirably. Wo tried this way of plant ing on tho very summit of a high and dry hill nnd it succeeded woll. Apples nnd pears will uo doubt bo profitable in n fow yenrs, and as they need abundant room to grow in, wo suggest tho follow ing as a good plan to try for a perma nent orchard : Plant your trees aimlcs and penrs '28 feet npnrt, nnd sot ponchos, apricots, plums nnd prunes botween them, each way, 11 feet apart; then you will have ."," apple trees and 10,") other varieties on an acre. As timo passes your other tiecs, being comparatively short lived, will disappear, and your apples nnd penrs, nt 20 to 25 yenrs old, will need all tho room thoy occupy. Fourteen feet is room enough for your other treos, if you keep thorn cut back nnd don't let them sprend out too much. In this way you will havo n permanent orchard planted that will last for gener ations, containing tho best variotios of winter apples and pears. You can socd it to clover grass nnd innko it productive of grass ns well ns big apples. A UoberU-Clothins About this timo of tho year tho young men and boys, at woll ns their elders, provido good winter outfits and fix up for cold weather. At this timo clothing dealers fill their drawers nnd sholvcs with now goods. Wo recognio that October has done its best nnd gives us tho fruitage of tho passing year. Mr. Amhew Hoberts, on the corner of First and Alder streets, Portland, is tho oldest nnd most icspected of dealers in Ore gon nnd keeps a supply thnt cannot bo excelled. Mr. Doberts has everything a man needs 4o wear and ho certainly takes tho lead in tradoatour metropolis, where no cuts and tits to order tlioso who are particular, and fits from his stock in hand thooo who nro not more uico than wise. He can put you in shape to bravo rain nnd cold, nnd whilo you aro at the Mechanics' Fair you will easily find whero you can trade to tho best advantage. What Baking PowdorBhaU We Use. This plnin question comes homo to ovory housekeeper. Wo nil desire pure nnd wholesome food, nnd this ennnot bo had with tho nee of impure or poisonous baking powder. Thero can bo no longer a question thnt all tho cheaper, lower grade of baking powders contain oithor alum, lime or phosphntic acid. As loth as wo may bo to admit so much against what may havo bcon somo of our house hold gods, thoro ran bo no gainsaying the unanimous testimony of tho official chemists. Indeed, analysts eeem to find no baking poudor entirely froo from somo ono of theso objectionable ingrodicnt8 except tho Itoynt, nnd thnt thoy report ns chomicnlly pure. Wo find somo of tho baking powders nd vertiscd its puro, to contn'in, under tho tests of Profs. Chandler, Habirshaw and others, nearly twelve porccnUof lime, whilo others nro made from alum with no cream of tartar. This, wo prcsumo accounts for their lnck of lenvoning powor ns sometimes complained of by tho cook, nnd for tho bittor tnsto found in tho biscuits so frequently complained of by oursclvos. But nsido from tho inferiority of tho work dono bv theso tiowilnrs. Hin ulivsi. ologists nssuro us that limo nnd nlum taken into tho system In audi quantities ns this nro injurious. Thoy nro not decomposed by boat nor dinsolved in mixing or baking. Thoy go with tho broad, therefore, into tho stomach, whoro their physiological efiecls nro indiges tion, dyspepsia, or worso ovils. Tho question naturally arises, why do theso cheap baking powder nuikcis uso thoso thiiiKS? Alum is threo cents a pound, limo still cheaper, whilo cronm of tnrtnr costs thirty-five or forty. Tho rensons lor tno ciicnucal purity of tho Itoynl Baking Powder wcro recently given in tho Now York Times in nn Interesting description of n now method for refining nrgols, or rudo cream of tnrtnr. It acorns that it is only under this process that cronm of tnrtnr can bo freed from the limo natural to it nnd rendered chemically puro; thnt tho patents nnd plant for this cost the Itoynl Baking Powder Company about half n million dollnrs, nnd that thoy maintain exclusive control ol the riglits. Prof. McMurtric, Into chief chemist of tho Dopartmont of Agriculture nt Washington, D. C, in tho interests of commerce, mado nn examination of this process, nnd reportod upon tho results attained iu tho refined cream of tartnr. Tho following extract from bin report would seem to answer tho quos tion ropoated at tho head of this nrticlo, nnd which Is so frequently propounded by tho housekeeper: "I hnvo examined tho crenm of tartnr used by tho Itoynl Baking Powdor Com puny in tho mnnufaoturo of thoir baking powdor, and find it to bo perfectly puro, and free from limo in any form". Tho chemical tosts to which I havo submitted tho Hoyal Baking Powder provo it per fectly healthful, and frco from ovory deleterious substance." One teiieupful of oxtractcd honey, ono teacupfiil of vinegar (niado also from honey), a toaspoonful of ground ginger and half a gallon of water. It can bo used immediately, or will bo good nil day. I havo never had a man or boy who did not prefer this to water. The condimonts can be varied to suit tho tasto. Tho ginger is a good tonic, and tho stomach is notlikoly to got "sick" as when water alone is drank. Thoy nro not to linblo to overload tho stomach. When tnkon into tho field for hulf n day wnter gets wnrm and sickish not so this drink. It is good all day. Kugeno Sccor, in Deo Gleanings. ATEASPOONFUL OF in a (if fie mil cure f fmmedia<i Bm-klco't Arnica Salic The llest Satire in the worU for Cuts, Bruite, Sort., Ulcere, Salt ltheuru, Ketrer Sore, Tetter, Cupped HaaJi, ChilblaJoe Corn, and all Skin Kruption. and routivtlv carve Pile, or no ju required. It tiguaran- iea to give jxrlrct tatutaction, or money re funded. Priced cents per U, For .ale by Pott Sou. "Vhifc vSl'crmcuck, or CorrOplcant- TorSile eVev.hcr tyiVugjtil FRIER n ftoodUld'e CitO Poder Co. will a3, vrnj bv null In. ailaibl patkteaot their tamoua Catll lilr to cry Farmer vhoaiv PllK. It a.vMT)-ouhBBdre4asrlllar. Ail Jr.3 IMIImjtm siren, fklUdclpaU, rem. .'" m : tf; .' Vr, . IU VJ " "J n ti m vfl . rsK ls IS