Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 08, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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ffyht oi,t jfyivtlt.
I hear thorn tell of far-off climes,
And treasures grand they hold
Of minster walls, where stained light falls
On canvas, raro and old.
My hands fall down, my breath comes fast
But ah, how can I roam t
My task I know, to .spin and sow,
And light tho Arc of homo.
Sometimes I hoar of noblo deeds,
Of words that movo mankind;
Of willing hands that toother lands
Bring light to tho poor and blind)
I daro not preach, I cannot writo,
I fear to cross tho foam.
Who, If I go, will spin and sew,
And light tho flro at home?
If y husband comes, as tho shadows fall,
, From the fields with my girl and boy,
Eis loving kias brings with it bliss
That has no baso alloy.
From tho now-plowed meadow, freih and
I catch tho scent of tho loam ;
"Heart, do not fret, 'tis something yet
To light tho fire of home."
Great deeds aro trumpeted, loud bells are
And mon turn round to soc;
Tho high peaks eoho to tho pains sung
O'or tomo great victory.
And yet great deeds aro few. Tho mightiest
Find opportunities but now and then.
Shall ono alt idlo through long days of peace,
Waiting for walls to soalo?
Or Ho in port until somo golden flccco
Lures him to face tho gait?
Thcro't work enough, why idly, then delay!
Ills work counts most who labors every day.
A torrent swoops down tho mountain's brow
With foam and dash and roar,
Anon its strength is spent, whero is it nowf
Its one thort day is o'er.
But tho clear stream thatthrough tho meadow
All tho long summer'on its minion goes.
Better tho "toady flow; tho torrent's dash
Soon loaves rent track dry.
Tho light wo lovo is not tho lightning flash
From out a midnight sky.
But tho sweet sunshine, whoso unfailing ray
From its :alm throne of blue lights every day.
Tho sweetest lives aro thoso to duty wed,
Whoso deeds, both OTeat and small,
Are closo-knlt strands of udbrokon thread,
Whero lovo ennobles all,
Tho world may sound no trumpets, ring no
The Book of Lifo tho shining record tells.
Wo wish to givo nil tho Irionda our
oxperienco in a fluid that will help to
mnko tho washing easy. Wo know, for
wo havo triotl it, nt n cost of only fivo
cents a gallon: ono-lmlf pound of eal
eoda, fivo cents; ono pound unslaked
limo, which costs nothing, if only ono
can find it; boil in ono gallon of soft
water, sot away in somo carthon vessel ;
ono cupful to a tubful of clothes in soak
will help much ; rub out lightly, then
put a cupful to n boiler of water, and all
stains or'strcaks will disappoar. Soap
must bo usod, too, of course. Calico
clothes will bo npt to fado in this wator.
A bottlo of this standing handy to tho
kitchen tablo will bo a help in wash
ing out dish towels, nnd in scrubbing off
said tablo or benches. Each lady friend
must try this simplo holp. Wo havo
not noticod that it hurts tho hands in
using it
Dried bflef comes very handy in tho
country whoro a variety is not easily
got. Tako tho thick of tho thigh, pocl
to tho bono, cut longthwiso into thin
pieces, put it into n brino ; for ovory
thirty pounds of meat ono teaspoon of
saltpetre, ono quart of salt, mixed with
molasses enough to give it a light brown
color; rub each pieco well, letting all
stick that will, pack in a barrel so that
tho picklo will cover tho ment ; let it
stand forty-eight hours, then lay to dry;
Bomo lot it lio a couplo of weeks ; smoke
it a week, or according judgment, put
in papor bags so that ilios cannot get
to it.
Another picklo is mado with four gal
Ions of wator, six pounds of salt, two
ounces saltpetre, ouo and one-half
pounds sugar or ono quart of molasses,
either is good, having had a trial. Al
most every family kill a beef in tho fall,
and even after "swapping" there is a
glut of meat, and it is well to dry some
of it.
Can some ono tell how to cook "jerked
venison," or is it to bo eaten dry.
Fried Pork.
Western peoplo generally make side
meat into "bacon," but Eastern folks
put up this in salt nnd wntcr, calling it
pickled pork ; it is nicer this way, wo
think, and is moro economical, for noth
is wasted in trimmings; then it does not
got a rank tasto if it is properly put up,
at bacon is euro to bo. Ham and Bhoul
dors should bo smoked. Salt pork or
ham is moro delicate if broiled over
conls, cutting it thin, dipping each pieco
in cold wator occasionally as it is cook
ing; then for a variety mako a thin
batter of an egg and a littlo milk
nnd flour, dip each pieco in tho batter ;
nftor it is almost dono put it back and
lot it brown in tho gravy, or pour off
nearly oil grcoso after frying; add a spoon
ful of flour and pour in cream or milk
nnd mako n thickened gravy, pouring it
on slices of cold bread.
Salad Dressing. Mix well tho yolk of
ono hnrd'boilcd egg with ono teaspoon
fnl of mustard flour and a quarter ditto
oach of pepper and salt ; then Btir in,
drop by drop, somo flno salad oil, till it
is as thick as butler. Stir in carefully
a toaspoonful each of chilli, tarragon
nnd malt vinegar (if liked, also ono each
of Harvey and Worcostcr Bauccs), ono
tcaspoonful of good cream and onn of
pounded BUgar. Always stir it ono way,
or it curdles.
To Orystalizo Fruit. rick out tho
finest of any kind of fruit, lcavo in tho
stonos ; boat tho whites of throo oggs to
a froth, lay tho fruit in tho benton ogg,
with tho stems upwnrd ; drain and boat
tho part that drips off again ; solcct them
out ono by one, and dip them into a cup
of finely powdorod sugar. Cover n pan
with a shoot of flno paper, plnco tho fruit
on it, and sot it in a cool ovon. Whon
tho icing on tho fruit becomos firm, pilo
thorn on a dish and set thorn in n cool
Rico Tudding. Ono-half cupful rico,
ono and ono-halt pints milk, one-half
cupful sugar, largo pinch of salt, ono
tablcspoonful lomon rind chopped flno.
Tut rico, washed and picked, sugar, salt
in quart pudding dish. Bako in inodcr
ato ovon two hours, stirring frequently
first ono and a quarter hours, thon per
mit it to finish cooking, with light-colored
crust, disturubing it no moro. Eat
cold with cream.
Cottago Pudding. Eithor of tho fol
lowing will bo good : (1) Two cups flour,
two tcospoonfuls of baking powder, ono
cup of sugar, ono tablcspoonful of but
ter molted, ono cup of milk and tho
grated rind of a lemon. Uako in n
good oven and servo hot with sauco.
(2) Ono pint of flour, two tcosnoonfuls
of baking powdor, two cups of sugar,
ono cup of butter, ono cup of milk and
two eggs. Servo hot with a hard sauco.
Coffeo Cako. Ono cup of brown su
gar, ono cup of butter, ono-lmlf cup of
molasses, ono cup of strong, cold coffeo,
ono tcaspoonful of soda, two teaspoon
fuls of cinnamon, ono toaspoonful .of
cloves, ono cup of raisins or currantB
nnd fivo cupa of sifted flour. Add tho
fruit last, rubbed in a littlo of tho flour.
Bako about ono hour.
Lemon Cream. Peel threo lomons
nnd squcezo out tho juico into ono quart
of milk. Add tho peel, cut in pieces
and cover tho mixturo for a fow hours ;
then add six oggs, well beaten, nnd ono
pint of wntcr, well Bweetoned. Strain
and simmer over a gcntlo fire until it
thickens. Servo vory cold.
Ambrosia. Pnro and cut (or pull) a
ripo pinoapplo into small pieces. Put a
layor in a dish; sugar well; cover with
gratod cocoanut ; lay in moro sugared
pineapple, and so on until tho matorials
aro usod up, covering tho top thickly
with cocoanut. Pass spongo or other
light cako with it.
Ginger Nuts. Half-pound buttor, six
ounces brown sugar, ono pint molasses,
half-toospoonful salt, two tablespoonfuls
each alUpico and cloves, ono tcaspoon
ful caraway seeds and ono pound and a
half of flour.
How Time Is Measured.
How tho hundredth part of a second
is measured is told in tho Washington
Post. It says : "Tho chronograph, as its
namo implies, is a typo-writer. With
out it tho division of timo into a, hun
dredth part of a second a division so
small that tho mind can hardly appre
ciate it would bo impossible. It is a
revolving cylinder, bearing a fountain
pen attached to a magnet. As tho pen
dulum of tho clock swings its seconds,
it sends tho electric curreuU to the
magnet Tho latter gives a nervous
cliok and the pen marks a small but
distinct break on tho papor. These
breaks distinguish the seconds, and tho
spaco between them is measured by fine
divisions on a slip of steel. A Eocond
in time measured by epaco, is about as
long as this : ."
Kcopl.a Fow Hons.
Among tho live stock of every farm
should bo a fow hons. Who could think
of getting along without eggs! Tlicy
aro as necessary as buttor and chocso,
if not as beef and mutton. A hen not
only furnishes Bovcrnl dozon eggs, good
wholcsomo food in almost any form
thoy may bo served up in, but nt last
gives n carcass that, whon properly
cooked, affords a rclishablo and nutri
tious meal for a family. If tho eggn
aro not eaten, tho hon may hatch them
and turn out several ohiokons, all of
which havo thoir valuo on tho tablo or
in tho market. But if you keep hons,
provido for thoir protection and comfort,
tho sanio as you do for other livo stock.
Do not pormit thorn to run at largo all
ovor tho farm and through tho farm
buildings, roosting nt night on tho dash
board of your buggy. Thoy aro a
nuisanco whon running over ovory thing
and roosting on tho wagon, Loams,
racks, etc. True, thoy will in this way
pick up a good deal of their living in
docd, all of it in tho Bummer; but in
stealing their nests and exposing thorn
solves to tho depreciations of hawks,
owls, foxos, etc., thcro is moro loss than
gain. Besides, rangos can bo provided
for them without giving them tho whole
farm. At somo seasons of tho year,
thoy ought to run in tho orchard to
catch tho insects nnd worms that
doprcdato thoro. Tho hon-houBo may
bo so located that it can bo opoucd into
tho orchard ; and thcro nro times when
hons, especially young chickens, may
run in tho garden to advantago. Thoy
will consumo most of tho garbngo and
rofuso of tho kitchen, and tho screen
ings from tho funning-mill will bo
readily consumed by them nnd con
verted into chicken meat or eggs. Thoy
very much rolish lopped milk, and it is
good for thorn. In Bhort, with n littlo
thought nnd saving, a small flock of
hens can bo kopt for almost nothing,
and no tablo is properly supplied that
docs not frequently oxhibit oggs and
poultry nicely sorved. Next to tho pro
ducts of tho gimlet), tho product of tho
hen-coop aro a constant Bourco of rclish
ablo and nutritious food. By all means,
kocp a fow hons "keep" thorn, but do
not lot thorn overrun you and annoy
you nt ovory turn. Livo Stook Jour
nal. Guineas nro valuablo on, farms whoro
tho rango is wido, as thoy destroy a very
largo number of insects nnd do not
scratch up seeds. In fact, a flock of
twenty guineas will consumo a number
of insocts so largo as to almost appear
incredible, as thoy aro nctivo and ulwnys
Boarching. Thoy also consumo grass
and young, woods of undcairablo plants
and grasses. Tho hen lays about 120
eggs in a yoar, especially if thoy aro
takon from her beforo alio begins to sit.
Tho ilosh of tho guinea is rather dark,
but juicy and of a 'gamy' flavor. Thoy
may bo raisod to romain near tho houso
by placing tho eggs under hons, and
add a fow chicks to tho brood whon tho
young guineas nro hatched. They will
learn from tho chicks and bocomo tamo
and accustomed to tho eaino habits as
tho chicks, growing up with thorn. Tho
eggs require four weeks for incubation,
and nro usually hatched under hens in
tho poultry houso. Mirror and Farmer.
An experiment was carried out in
Franco a fow yoars ago to dotcrmino
tho rolativo valuo of hons and duoks as
egg producers. Threo birds of oach
Bort wore solectcd for tho trial, and bo
twocn tho first day of January and tho
last day of August tho threo hens laid
257 eggs and tho throo ducks -102.
Moreover, in tho autumn of tho previous
yoar, tho ducks had produced 21ft eggs
ufter tho hens had coascd laying alto
gether. Of courso ono bucIi experiment
doos not conclusively decido tho rolativo
merits of tho hons and ducks, but it
shows that tholuttcrisnot tobodospiscd
as egg producers, and thoy uro in muny
ways less troublosomo than chickens,
and nro of great uso to destroy slugs
and snails in a garden, whoro will do
no harm if young seedlings aro pro
tected with a fow thorns.
Ordinarily, six or eight per cent of
adult fowls will dio of "Discaso annually
when thoy aro kept for profit and given
a stimulating diet to mako them lay as
much as possible. This is not surpris
ing when we reflect that our domestic
fowls aro in a highly artificial condition.
Tho production of largo numbers of
egg is unnatural, being a habit induced
by man, and causes a great strain on
tho constitution. The artificial supply
of food 1b unlimited allowanco with no
necessity for exercise on tho part of tho
fowls, is a fruitful source of disease.
Married People would be Happier
If homo tronblcs wcro novcr told to
n neighbor.
If oxpenses woro proportioned to ro
coipts. If they triod to bo as ngrocablo as in
courtship days.
If each would remember tho other
was a human being, not an angel.
If each was as kind to tho other as
whon thoy wcro lovers.
If fuel and provisions wcro laid in
during tho high tido of summor work.
If both parties romombcrcd that thoy
married for worso as well as for hotter.
If mon wcro as thoughtful for their
wivoB as thoy wcro for their sweethearts.
If thoro wero fewer silk and velvet
street costumes, and moro plain, tidy
houso dresses.
If thoro wcro fowor "pleaso darlings"
in public and moro common manners in
If masculino bills for Havanas and
fominino ditto for raro laco wcro turned
into tho gonornl fund until ouch timos
as thoy could bo incurred without risk.
If mon could remember that n woman
cannot bo nlwnys smiling who has to
cook tho dinner, answor tho door bell
half n dozen times, and got rid of tho
neighbor who has droppod in, tond a
sick baby, tio up tho flngor of a two-year-old,
tio up tho head of a six-year-old
on skates, and then got an eight-year-old
ready for school. A woman
with all this to contend with may claim
it as a privilngo to look nnd fcol n littlo
tired somolimos, nnd a word of sympa
thy would not bo too much to expect
from tho man who, during tho honey
moon, would not lot her enrry ns much
as n sunshndo. N. Y. Mnil nnd Express.
Agricultural Points.
Thoso fond of peas, frosh from tho
vino, tuny soon sow a fow if an autumn
crop is dcsirablo.
When squash and melon vinos begin
to run over tho ground a littlo fertilizer,
wood ashos or flno manure, should bo
sowed botwoon tho hills nnd hoed in.
It is not uncommon to find peoplo
taking off tho leaves of tho grapo In or
dor that tho Btm may color tho fruit
Grapes color bolter under tho shade of
good, healthy foliago than when that
foliage is romovod.
Tomatoes trained to stakes givo tho
sweetest fruit nnd remain in bearing
tho longest; but many cultivators, who
grow for sizo and quantity only, boliovo
thoy havo tho host results when grow
ing them on tho lovol ground.
Neatness ntout tho farm and build
ings promotes health as well ns improves
tho looks of tho prcmisos.
Keep a fow tools and learn thoir uso.
It may bhvo stopping the mowing ma
chine and taking Bovcral hours for a
trip to .tho village
Plan to tako n fow days' vacation after
haying for a trip to tho mountains, tho
sen side, to famous farms or dairies, or
to chcoso or butter factories.
Tho proper systematic feeding of
young animals will tond to prevent
stunting, which is ton frequently ob
sorvoblo in tho young stook of (armors.
DomcHticatiou softens tho whole or
ganic Htructuro of auimnls. In tho
feathorcd species tho feathering is not
as dc n bo nor as hard as on the wild
Clover hay should bo socurod when
tho plant is in tho bloom. If allowed to
stand until tho blossoms go to seed
thoro is littlo loft but tho baro toad, as
when too ripo tho leaves fall off while
Colonol F. D. Curtis says: "I had
rather chooso a hog that I havo got to
catch to kill it for my own uso than to
cat ono of thoso helpless, fat thiugs that
could not got out of your way, and, if
turnod on its back, would stay there till
it died. This is ideal 'early maturity,'
and it is dyspepsia by tho barrel."
Scrofula and all forms of rcrofulous
diseases, aro rapidly purged away by tho
ubo Ayor's Sarsnparilla.
Unnecessary Misery.
Probably as much misery comes from
constipation as from any dorangomrnt
of tho functions of tho body, and it is
difficult to euro, for tho reason that no
ono likos to tako tho medicine usually
proscribod. Hamuuiui Firm wero pro
pared to obviato this difficulty, and they
will bo found pleasant to tho tasto of
women and children. 25 cents. At all
druggists. J. J. Mack & Co., proprie
tors, 8. F.
A Pine Form for lale.
Wo havo had placed in our hands for
salo a choico farm highly improved,
about four milos south of Salem. Tho
place contains 120 acres, all of which is
cleared. Thcro is a growing crop of 52
acres, consisting of barley and wheat.
There aro good buildings and an orchard.
This placo yielded thirty bushels of
wheat por aero last year. Apply soon
and obtain a bargain. Price $35 per
aero. U
Surface Indications
TThat n rolncr wbuld very properly term
"surinco Indications" of what Is beneath,
aro tho I'lmplcs, Sties, Soro Kjc,
IIolls nnd Cutaneous Krupt Ions with
which peoplo aro annoyed In uprlug nnd
early summer. Tho effete mnttcr nccumu
latcu durlnjr tho winter month, now
makes Its prcscuco felt, through Nnturo's
endeavors to expel it from tho system.
Whllo It remains, It Is n poison ttint festers
In tho blood nnd may do clop Into Scrof
ula. This condition cninc derangement
of tho digestive ami nlmllatory organ,
with n feeling of enervation, lunjruor, nnd
wearlnes often llnhtly spoken of as "only
spring fever." ThciO nro evidences that
Nnturo Is not nblc, unaided, to throw off
tho corrupt atoms which weaken tho vltnl
force. To regain health, Nnturo must bo
ntitcil by n thorough blood-purl fylnjc med
leliio; und nothing clso Is so ctfoctlvoas
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
which Is sufficiently powerful to expel
from tho system oven tho tolut of Hered
itary Scrofula.
Tho medical profession Indorse Aran's
SAii9Ai'Aiiit.LA,nnd many attestation of
tho eurcs effected by ltcomo from nil parts
of tho world. It Is, In tho langungo of
tho Hon. Francis Jowctt, ox-Stnto Sen
ator of Massachusetts nnd ex-Mayor of
Lowell, "tho only preparation that docs
real, lasting good."
rnnrAHED by
Dr. J. 0. Aen A Co., Lowoll, Matt.
Sold by all Druggists: Price fl;
Six bottles for 0.
Ladd & Bush, Bankers
Salom, t t t Oregon.
Transact n General Hanking
fer sold on New York, Chicago, Hn Krancleco
1'orlUnil, Tho Dalle, Kugen Cltr, Ailorla, Albany
tvalllt aiu' othrr point In Oregon. .
Y0.1llrr at Credit luiied Available la
Hie Knalrrn State.
Draw illroct on London, Berlin, and Hong Kong-.
J. B. Congle
Manufacturer, Wholeeats nj;rteUII Dealer
In all kinds ol
Harness, Saddles, Whips,
Itrldlcs, Lashes A TruukH.
NO. los nnd 110 Front Hlreet. I'ortlantl,
Oregon. Alto keep constantly on hand a lugs
aaortment ol Leather J Saddlery Hardware.
gJTllentlon thla paper. inaylU
Will sell until dliroted or his entire stock of
Glassware, Crockery and
Lamps and China.
iff- At a (Ireat Induction I
In order to make Room Tor a
Now Stock to nrrlvo from tho
East. Call mid Examine be
fore Iliiying Elsewhere.
ii ?7 ami iiiii) Commercial St.
fjalom, Oregon.
Willamette University I
UO Professor! and Instructors.
.,50 Students. .175 UraduutcH.
Department of Literature, Law, Modlcln, Mnalo and
Art, Olrle board In Woman's Ujlleg Willi nicely
fumlahcd roonit, f r week. Hurt and Young
lien board 'n til Young Men's Hoarding Hall, a build
Ing Juet purchased and remodeled with XI room., at
ll.Uiitr week, The young men aro eipected to
furnlth their furniture, wood and light, and pay One
UolUr a month room rent. ThUlt the moat rea.
onabla living to etudente which the Unlwiltr has
evrr ottered. Tho 1'realdeiit boarde lu tho lull and
hat the lUptrtMon.
X-O. Ilml Term begin Meplemlier lh.
i'nlnlogur He n I e-'rrr,
JulSOuiJ 1're.ldent, Hilem, Oregon.
Music, as easily purchased at n
distance or a thousand iiiIIoh
from a music, More m at
the hide of Its counter.
lUTaox & Oo. call attention to their wondrrful !;
tern of tending innalo and ruuelo books, bjr until, la
any partol th. continent I
Package of mu.lo up to tho weight of Four
round go readily by mall.
Ditmm fc Oo. arii .ware that a Urge jortlon of thoae
who.ee end read Men adeeitlatiueut, lite at a die
tanca from inutlo store. All who love muelc will find
the naweat and Ut muelo book faithfully decrtod
In their adiertUemenU. Uat and catlont frtcly
furnlthed, and all Inqulrle cl eerlully amwered by
their corp of coneepundlug clerk
Understand that by tending th KcUII Trite by
Money Order, Itegteterrd Utter or I'oatal Note, (ur la
email order I'i stag Stamp,) you can receive) by Key
turn Mall, any on ef ItltaoK 4 Co' thouaandtof
inuelo book or ten thouund of pieces of iflualc.
Do not neglect till convenient way of filling your
bout with the beat of Songe,of Itauo, Organ or any
kind of Inatrumental piece.
Wholesale and llttall. Ar.uli Wanted Catalogo
free. HTANUAKU MYU. CO., Cluclonrttl. O.