Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 08, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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ummi 3i. crafting
Ilo make his way, with pood and eaio,
Through woods that show tho noonday
Tho moiJ-jzrown trunks of oldest troca
Ilia lettered guldo-boirds are.
Tho tamnlcss bco he fillowa home
Ilo marks in air tho path It boats,
Tho hollow otk Hint holds tfm uomb,
With all Its trickling awvots.
Tho gnarly vloo no vintner binds,
To him swings down Its purplo hoard;
Tho ahado-ombosomed spring hounds
His drinking cup a gourd.
Licks ho a ruof? tho witho ho bends,
Tho bough ho pleaches overhead;
A couoh? tho fallen loalago lends
A soft and fragrant bed.
Ltoks ho a (Ire? tho kindling spark
He bids tho ohafod wood roveal;
Lacks ho a boat? -of blrohcn bark
Ho frames a lightsoma keel.
And that ho may not savage be,
Ho carves a iluto whoso yearning tones
Upon a summer ovo sot frco,
Wako lovo In clods and stones.
Dorothy AnrYs Sermon.
Tlicro was grcnt rejoicing nmong tho
littlo oiioh ntilio furrn when It wjw under
stood Unit cousin Jlctty, who lived in
tho city, was coming to mnko a long
vmiL Hlio wiih not very strong, so
mam urn snld, ami thoy must nit ho
cnrofnl to ho very kind, nnd polite, and
to boo thut hIio nlwiiyH had tho host of
ovorything. Tho litllo lnssio camo, and
thoy wero delighted with ovorything
about hor, from her pretty fair curls ami
white face, ho different from their own
minhrownod ones, to hor dainty dreescri
nnd Fronoh hootB. Thcro could ho no
donht that hor inniuiorH woro quito
equal io hor appearance, ho Jessie and
Tom and Tolly resolved to ho upon
their vory hohavior all tho time.
"Will you como out into tho garden?"
laid Jessie. "There aro lota of currants
and a few raspberries ripo. There will
ho plenty of raspberries noxt week,
though." Such a garden as that! N'ono
of your liltlo sovon-hy-nino scraps, hut
a full aero of ovorything which could ho
found in a liberal, old-fiuliionod country
garden. A broad walk through tho
middloof it wai bordered by bods of
bright-colored llowers, with rowH of
hollyhocks and tmu-flowors at tho em!.
Honeysuckles and morning-glories
climhod over tho fences, and in a shady
corner grow such pausies as tho children
beliovod only mamma knew how to
Miss Hetty tried tho fruit and said:
"I don't like currants; they're Niiir. I
like only raspberries." It bail boon
supposed that each one would eat a
groat many currants and n very few
raspborrios. Hut on hearing this, tho
others offered her all tho rinpborricri
they could II ml, and wero rather sur-
prised to seo that sho took them without
(coming to think whether they liked
t)ioiu, to . Slio kept calling for more,
and, when Tom i-crutohod his face and
Tolly torn her hIcovo pushing through
the bushes in search of thorn, very
quietly ale all thoy had, without so much
us a thank you. Then sho wild thoy
wero not half ripe, and unlit to eat.
"Mamma don't wish us to pick tho
p.iusios unless sho is with us," ventured
.lesslo, as Hetty began gathering them
ficcly, "because sho has some choice
ones bIio wanttt to keep for seed." "1
hko choice pauiiefl too," said Hetty, with
a scowl on her pretty face.
Thoy wont to the swing, whore Hetty
grumbled when tho others wanted to
tako a turn. Then to tho croquet
Krouud, where things went smoothly as
long iih Hetty was on tho winning side;
but if tho play went against her. sho
grow sober, then sulky, and finally throw
down her mallet and refused to finish
tho game. long More tea-time, Jessie
and Tom and Telly began to wonder if
it was so cry delightful a thing, after
all, to havo a cousin bom tho city visit
them; and before, the first week was
gone, ocrylody on the place had fully
decided that it was not. Hetty could
ho very sweet and pleasant while things
were exactly to her liking, h less
oho could have her own way in every
thing, nor Irowus and complaints were
ready at a moment's notice. She had
never boon taught to take any thought
for others, and nor little cousins foiim.
it very hard to endure all her whims
and ill humors. They were very duti
fully anxious Io heed all of mamma's
lomiuders that it was their place to give
up to their guest, but she hcrsolf could
net help seeing that Hetty made sore
demands upon their pat'onee.
Ono day there was a picnic, to which
all tho children looked forward for days,
mid for which great preparations wero
made. When all were ready Io go, it
was discovered that Hetty was wearing
a pair of thin Blippors. "Oh, iny dear,"
aid mamma, "you must put on your
thick shoes. There will bo rough
ground, and perhaps damp places, to go
over to-day." Hetty made up her mind
to woar thoBo slippers, and was not
inclined to change them, but still quite
determined to go to tho picnic. So sho
said, "Then I boliovc I won't go."
Tho other children wero as wofully
dismayed as bIio hnd expected them to
be. "Oh, Hetty 1" cried Jessie, "you
must not stny at home. It's lovely out
thoro wild llowors and vino swings"
"And a crook whoro wo fish and wado
and sail. boats,'.' said Tom. "And such
good things in tho' hnskot." whisporcd
Tolly. "Hurry, dear," said her aunt,
conxingly. "Wo aro nil waiting you
see." "Don't wait," said Hetty; "I'd
rather stay at home." Hho wont to her
room, much enjoying tho commotion
sho was making. From tho back of it
sho could look out of tho window nnd
soo what was going on. Tho children
got into tho big spring wagon and sat
looking up nt her windows. Then hor
nuntcamo out and called cheerily up to
hor, "Como Hetty, wo'vo got a good Boat
for you." "And I'm to liavo tno wiiip,
and I'll let you havo It half tho time,"
Bhouted Tom.
Hotty camo to tho window, and said,
"Thank you, Aunt Emily, hut I'd rather
not go ;" and then watched again from
tho back of tho room, wondering what
they would do next in tho way of urging
hor. Aunt Emily got in, and to Hotty's
great astonishment tho wagon was driven
away. What could it meant Thoy
Buroly would novcr, novcr think of such
a tiling as going without her. Thoy
must bo going to turn back for her
perhaps tnoy woro doing nn errand first.
JJut thoro was a littlo misgiving at hor
heart, as sho slowly walked down to tho
kitchon and askod Dorothy Ann, tho
maid, "Whoro aro thoy all gone?" "Why,
to tho picnio, of coursol Scorns to mo
I'd a gone, too, if I'd been you." "flono
without mot" Hetty stood in blank
iimnzcmont for n fow moments, thon
Hung hcrsolf down on tho floor nnd
At tho first howl, Dorothy Ann
quietly took a chnir, folded her arms,
and sat looking at Hetty ns if sho woro
Bomo very Interesting natural curiosity.
And Hetty screamed louder, and kicked
until her bronzed slipjwrri woro ns badly
oil' as if thoy had gouo through half n
dozen picnics. And tho louijcr bIio
Kcroamod and tho hardor sho kickod,
tho Htraielitcr Dorothy Ann looked at
her. It was vory perplexing for Hetty.
Hho had never kicked and screamed
boforo without everybody being fright
onod for fear bIio would injure herself,
and coaxing and potting her, and oiler
ing her ovorything sho wanted, includ
inir her own way, if sho would only
stop. Hut horo was Dorothy Ann look
ing as if sho would not mind if it lastod
all day, and not a soul nnywhero near to
do any coaxing. Hetty was nonplussed.
At last, when her tbront aclicd nnd
her face was red nnd hor wholo Bclf very
badly tumbled, sho sat up on tho floor
and looked at Dorothy Ann. And then
Dorothy Ann spoko. "You'ro a nlco
child now, ain't you?" It was not
spoken snoeringly, nor in anger. Doro
thy Ann was a pleasant-faced. Hard
working woman, older than Aunt Emily,
and her words always had woightin tho
family. Altor a pauso sho wont on in a
slow, earnest way : "You'ro n nico child,
I say! Don't you think it's nico to ho
ii-makiu' yourself a trouble and a tor
mont with your cro, crabbed, cantau
korous ways? Don't you think it's nico
to como where folks aro so glad to seo
you, and their hearts just warm and a
ruuiiiu' over with kind feolin's to you,
and littlo ones that's always a-givin' up
to you, and you jtiet for all tho world
like u lmz.!n' wasp or n stiugin' ucttlo
or a prickly chestnut burr that every-
IxMlys glad io get away from or drop
out of their hands? Don't you think its
nice to keep them children all rasped
up with your tantrums, and to keep
your aunt in n iret all the timo botweon
her wish to do ovorything that's kind
by you and tellin' her children tho same
likewise, and you a-goiu' on liko all
Hotty stared at Dorothy Ann, bo
wildored at words tho liko of which sho
had nover heard before, and slowly
through her mind camo tho idea that
tho next thing for hor to do was to feel
vory angry. "Hoiv daro you to talk so
to mo?" she cried. "Mamma won't let
you. lint Dorothy Ann noticed her
auger as littlo as she had her screams.
"If you goon to soo your mamma, don't
sho think it's nice to havo a little girl to
buy pretty things for and to tako good
care of, and then t have hora-snappin',
land a-snarlin', and a-tcowlin', and
a-makin' people wherever sho goos wish
sho was a thousand miles away? Don't
you think she's proud of bavin' such a
child? Don't you think it's nico to see
your pretty blue eyes all red, and your
forehead all crumpled up so you might
iron it out, and your mouth that was
made to smile and laugh all puckeied?
Don't you know there's wolves a-lookin'
out o your eyes when there ought to
1h) lambs and doves Don't you know
the words you speak are like so many
snakes and touds a droppin' out of your
mouth f And what do you a'poo"
Dorothy Ann's voice grew solemn "the
good liOrd thinks when he looks at that
littlo heart of your'n that ho gave you
to keop full of Bweotness and levin'
kindness, and to mako you a comfort
instead of a trial to folks what docs
ho think, do you s'oo, when he oees it
all blotted and stained up with all sorts
of hateful thoughts?"
Hetty had nover taken her eyes from
Dorothy Ann's lace, and now ns sho
seemed to have said her say, and went
back to hor work as if nothing had
happened, it camo over her very strongly
that tho next thing for hor to do was to
feel very much ashamed. With a littlo
soli or two, bIio got oil tho lloor and
went out aud lay down under an apple
tree, Thoro Dorothy Ann found her,
an hour lator, last asioop. "roor little
Vlviiivi sv-v vtit vi
Dorothv Ann had for somo days boon
"hilin' over for a chance to speak her
mind," and having now had it, felt vory
kindly disposed. Sho slipped a cushion
under tho poor littlo rumpled head, and
when dinner timo como, Hetty found a
dainty puddimr. iust hie enough for htr,
baked on purpose And during tho
long afternoon Dorothy Ann told funny
old stories and let her mako molasses
candy to pass away tho timo.
"I do declare, I'm most afraid to bco
Hotty I" said Tom, ns tho picnio party
drow near home. And tho other mem
bers of it felt vory much eo too. But
Hetty was subdued, and as tho days
went on croiy ono wan amazed .it tho
chango in hor. And nobody could over
guess how it camo about, for sho noyor
told of Dorothy Ann's sermon. I wish
all spoiled children could hear of .such
an one don't you t Tlio Congregation
alist. fyht !wrj.
All empty hivo which has held foul
brood may bo disinfected by inverting it
over a firo until it is scorched inside.
It is said that thoso who havo suffered
intonsoly from nsthma havo found al
most instant rolicf from a singlo tea
spoonful of warm honoy.
Novor chango tho location of hives
nflcr tho bees havo commonccd their
labors for tho season, as beforo they sally
forth to tho woods nnd fields thoy mark
well thoir surroundings and aro be
wildered and often lost if their homo is
removed during their ubsenco to another
Most of our apiarists ngrco as to tho
superior qunlitios of nlsiko ovor othor
clovers for pasturago or honoy. It is
claimed Hint as great yields may bo ob
tained from it as from bnsswood, nnd
tho quality of honoy is much superior.
If when a queen bco's wings havo
been clipped nnd sho is returned to tho
hivo tho bees attack her, thinking, from
her unusual excitement, or from somo
strange odor attaching to hor from being
hnudlod, that sho is a stranger, tilaco
hor on another comb, whoro sho will
havo access to honoy in opon colls. Sho
will usually hecomo quiotas soon ns sho
has satisfied hor appetite. If that docs
not help, cngo hor for a fow hours.
When clipping a queen's wings is
practiced, it is necessary to keop a closo
watch of swarms, as tho queen inny bo
caught by birds, toads, or by largor in
sects, or may outer n wrong hivo nnd bo
killed by bcos. Tho owner should thoro
foro toctuo hor ns Boon as she is out of
tho hivo, and to aid him in doing so ns
spcodily ns possiblo, tho ground in front
of tho hivo should bo kept frco from
grass and weeds during tho swarming
I havo timed boss many a time, says
Mr. J. 1L Andre, when working on
syrup, and it takes them from ten to fif
teen minutes to mnko a trip of half a
milo: add to this livo minutes mora
when working on tho llowers, and
twenty more for a distancoof live miles
(for no heavily ladon beo enn fly two
miles without stopping to rest on tho
way), nnd it is solf-ovidcnt that not
much surplus will bo stored if tho boes
havo to go a distance of two miles for
First rrlnclplei In Beo Keeping.
1. Docs gorged with honoy novor
volunteer an attack.
2. lleos may always ho mado peaco
ablo by inducing them to accept of liquid
11. Bees when frightouod by smoko
or by drumming on thoir hives, fill
themselves with honoy and loso all dis
position to sting, especially if tho mo
tion jars their combs.
1. In diatiicts whero forngo is abund
ant only for n short period, tho largest
yield of honoy will bo secured by a very
moderate increase of managing hoes.
f. Quconloss colonies, unless sup
plied with a queen, will inevitably
dwindle away, or bo destroyed by tho
bee-moth, or by robber-bees.
(5. Tho formation of new colonies
should ordinarily bo confined to tho
season whon boos aro accumulating
honey ; and if this, or any other opera
Hon, nuu-t be performed when forago is
tcarce, tho greatest precaution should bo
used to prevent robbing.
7. The essence of all profitable bee
keeping is contained in Oottlo's golden
rule Keop your stocks stroug. If yon
cannot succeed in doing this tho more
money you invest in bees tho heavier
will bo your losses ; whilo if yourstocks
are strong you will show that you nro a
bce-mastor as well as a bee-keeper, aud
may snfely cnlculato on gonorous re
turns from your industrious subjects.
How I-. Lnngstroth.
Blue Ymuoi. Tort Drue Co.,
Stato street, is tho pluoo to get It,
Wliat la Honey Dow 7
A writer in tho Prairio Farmer says in
a positive way thnt this dow is produced
from tho aphis which is found on barks
ol trcos,and which aro apparently horded
by small black ants, nnd who enjoy tho
ntom of sweet exuded from tho body of
tho aphis. A gentleman whom wo mot
at tho Ncwbcrg fair, nnd who is authori
ty on matters connected with tho apia
ry, says tho dow is Jproduccd from somo
peculiar stato of tho atmosphcro and is
not an animal secretion, and gavo somo
Bonsiblo theories about this dew. Wo
would liko to call out discussion on this
Wo recently bought somo good-looking
honoy in tho comb, but it wns so
bitter that wo woro compelled to throw
tho most of it away. What blossoms
would produco this result, or wero tho
bees fed on sugar?, This is a fino bco
country, nnd thcro is n growing interest
in nil matters pertaining to its production.
Tho Mew Agriculture.
Tho editor of tho Register, publishod
at Friendship, Allegany county, N. Y.,
has this to say of tho now agriculture of
Trof. Colo:
Not only can much larger crops of
largor and choico fruits and vogotahlcs
bo raised by this now system, but tho
waters as thoy bnbblo forth from thoso
trenches, nftor passing from trench to
trench, nro purified nnd infiltrated, and
equal to tho purest of living spring wa
ter, and it will bo within tho possibility,
through tho adaption of Fathor Colo's
trench Bystom, of every hnmlet, to havo
tho best of water works with a never fail
ing supply of tho purest walor. Tho
hills about Friendship, if properly
trenched, would produco enough water
to supply tho wholo country I And tho
supply would always ho reliable.
Uut Fnthor Colo docs not find it nn
easy matter to introduco his discoveries.
Ilo has followers who firmly bcliovothat
ho is tho greatest discoverer of tho day ;
but thcro aro others, moved from feel
ings inspired by jealousy, or from othor
equally or sonsoloss natures, who fight
him at overy opportunity and who in
some cases oven maliciously opposo him
in his labors. Hut Father Colo has
novor yet downed, and ho will yet tri
umph ovor his enemies, and both tho
"new agriculture" and "nquaculturo"
will como into gciioral use. Uoth aro
genuino and will provo upon trial to bo
and do all that thoir discoverer claims
for them. Father Colo is no fraud ; tho
"new agriculture" is no fraud.
Tho thousands of pcoplo who havo
visited tho now famous "Homo on tho
Hillsido Farm," at Wollsvillo, all bear
witnoss to thoso facts.
Three- years ago whito beans could not
bo raised on Fathor Colo's hillsido farm,
whoro all was hard-pan of tho most un
productive kind. To day suoh crops ns
aro nowhoro eiso grown in Aiiegany
county, as to sizo and yield, aro realized
from tho deep, rich and fortilo soil. Aud
all this is owing to tho "now agricul
ture." It will fully ropay fnrmora to
look up this mattor, nnd to adopt Father
Cole's now system of sub-surfaco irriga
tion. Thcro is no intorcst on tho farm that
requires more watchful attontion than
animals in winter whon thoy are do-
pondont for all sustcnanco on tho provi
dent caro of owners. Thoy must havo
enough to cat, water to drink, sholtor
against storms to insure thrift, and all
these must bo provided in tho best ,wny,
looking to tho comfort of animals. Thoy
may livo through winter exposed to
storms, but thoy will require more food
than with good shelter, nnd exposure to
cold storms will imposo upon tho ownor
penalty for his neglect. Tho merciful
man is merciful to his beast. This im
plies caro for comfort, as well ns abund
nnt biipplies of food at tho propor times.
Great improvement has been made in
tho caro of domestic animals during tho
past thirty yoars, and ns tho result, far
mers dcrivo creator profit from tho keep
ing. Thoy moot fower losses, and thoy
have more pride in wen-Kept animals
than in tho scrawny creatures that
years ago gavo in wintor visjblo ovidonco
of neglect.
To anyone who will send us a now
subscriber for 1887, wo will send any
ono of tlio?o articles o! cutlery ndver
tieed on tbo Stb pago of this issue.
Heppner Gazette It Hot a Ciaml
Neither is it a mountain oystor; but
it is u wordly paper scribbled up in plain
U. S. language and printed on a sweat
power press in a part of Kastern Oregon
whero cords and cords of vacant govern
incnt and railroad land still lies out
doors. Jt never stole, hogs, but it
is somUrues borrowed by tho noighbore.
Sarnplo copy with doacripfon of tho
Heppner hills country, 10 cents in stamps.
No discount to bummers. It never sucks
egga. Auuress, j.w, tUHiingion, uepp-
ner, Oregon,
A Boarding and Day School
The twenty-fourth year will brgln AUOUST 30, 1866.
and art,
Tnorougn instruction ins in tngiian uritcnoi, munu
Tne languages, r.iocution anil rteeuiewora
taught free of charge.
For circulars or other Infor-
nation apply to
hisieu srrr.it ion.
New Singing CInss ISook by L.
0. Eliicrsoii.
Teachers of Singing Schools who examine thli, the
lait ol Mr. Kmcison's scrlti ot succeuful cltus books,
will generally conceile that It Is, In some degree, su
perior to any of its predecessor. Tho elementary ex.
erclics, the graded eaey tunes for practice, the part
rong) or gleet, and tho church tunes, anthems and
chants all excel in their selection or arrangcrrcnt.
I'rlerCO rll.. fnnrr ilntrn.
Specimen Copy
byMnll for CO cents.
Parlor Organ Galaxy.
A good and large collection ot llccd Organ Uusle se
lected and arrat god by W. F. Sudds. 40 good Marches
Otllons, Watties, Hondo. Bcholtltches, eta, and IT
popular songs, corerlng M sheet muilo site pages, yet
sold for the very loir prlco of to cent.
Heme nilier our superior new Sunday School Song
IljcW. Mnnira of l'ninlar. (SS ctil and our Utah
School Song Uook, Hour Creeling;, (SO cls.j
Oliver DltsonJd Co., Boston.
401 and 4S1 Washington Street
C. II. DIT80N & Co., 807 Droadway, K. Y.
Boar, rather lengthy and poor; at rojr place
east of Salem, about S miles. Anyone having lost
such an animal will please call and pay expenses and
lake the animal away. J, ll. LEHMAN.
Balem, Or., Aug. 37, 18SS.
.M.Y MorilLAR If
1KB I ItTlHESOt'i: 1 1
oirru ANCErt
Fait Timet Dure Connection! New Equipments!
25 Miles Shorter !
20 Hours Less Timo !
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VT Only Koute In Hint I'opulnr Summer
Where for medciato expense you can enjoy
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Iinlly I'nengrr Train except Hnntlay.
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O, & 0. It. It. trains (Welt Side) conned at Corvallle.
O. tt O. It. It. trains (Kait BlJe) connect at Corvallls
with stages from Albany at lfcM I1 M.
t&Nouml Trip Tickets a I Kxeuralou rale
Bowl until Hepirmber aoilr.
T ATK8 between Corvallls and Ban Francisco:
arcs-Hall and Cabin, III; lull and Bteeraje, $9.(8
Fre'glit at reduced and moderate letcs.
raou taquina : mow ian mahchco:
Thursday Sept J Wednesday Sept 8
Tueeday 14 Mondty .. 'to
Sunday id Saturday Oct 2
Friday Oct. 8 Thursday.... .. .. It
Wednesday 10 Tuesday, it
The Company reserves tho right to change sailing
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A. O. 1'. and F. Agent.
ritlV.lTi: DI8ii:rUUY.
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Conducted by Qualified rhjslclsni
and Surgeons ngular Graduates.
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More Mouth, Throul, Bone
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men, and all who need n.edlcalHklll and Kxperlenrt
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meat, medicine ean bo sent everywhere by express
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, knowing this, frequently recommend
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ally aollclled Female diseases successfully treated
Tne Doctor will agree to forfeit 11,000 for a case
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The reason so many ean not get cured of weakness
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Meat powerfvl electric bells free to patients.
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