WILLAMETTE FARMER: SALEM, OREGON, OCTOBER 1, 188G URB UARIUOT T. CLARKE, Editor OVER THE RIVER. AUNT KATTIK. 0or tho river thoy beckon to me Loved ones who'vo crowed to tho further side; Tho gleam of their snowy robes I sco, Bnt their voices ara lost iu tho dashing tide. Over the river tho boatman palo Carried ono, tho household potj llor brown curls waved in tho gentlo galo Darling Lonat I can seo her yot. Sho crossed on her bosom her dimpled hands, And fearlessly entered tho phantom bark. Wo felt itglldo from tho silver sands, And all our sunshine grow strangely dark. Wo know she is safo on tho further side, Whcro all tho ransomed angels be; Over the river, tho mystlo rivor, Iiy houshold Idol is waiting for mo. And there's one, whole worth cannot bo told, My husband, so kind loving and true; Ho crossed mid storm-clouds grey and cold, And the palo mist hid him irom mortal view. Wo saw not tho angels who met him thoro, The gsto of the city wo could not seo; Over the river, just over tho river, My husband stands waiting to wclcomo mo Ovor the river tho boatman palo, Camo for another, my noblo Fred, His song grew faint as he crossed tho vale The echo I hear, for his lifo has lied, Yes, none roturn from thoso quiet shores Who cross with tho boatman, cold and palo, Wo hoar tho dip of tho goldon oars, And catsh a drain of tho sunny sail, And hot thoy havo passed from our yearning hearts Thoy cross the stream and are gono for aye, Wo may not sunder tho veil apart. That hides from our vision tho galea of day. Wo only know that their barks no more May sail with us o'er lifo'i stormy soa; Yet somowlioro, I know, on I ho unseen shore, Thoy watch and beckon and wait for mo, And I sit and think when tho sunset's gold Is flushing river, and hill, and shoro, I shall one day stand by tho water cold And list for tho sound of tho boatman's oar, I shall watch for a gleam of tho flapping sail; I shall hear tho boat as it gtius tho strand; I shall pass from sight with tho boatman's pale, To tho better shoro of the spirit land, 1 shall know tho loved ones who aro gone be fore, And joyfully sweet will the mooting bo, When o'er tho rivor, tho peaceful rivor, Tho angel of death shall carry mo. A Closet Ohelf. . If Micro ia anything that adds to olio's comfort in nn omorgoncy, it is n closet eholf prepared for emergencies. That is clear. Accidents, ncrvousnoss, eudilon pain, midnight calls for help, parcols that want doing up, brokon crockery or ornaments, all find a ready answer to thoir calls on this carofully prcparod shelf. It Is so easy to-proparo and kcop in order, can bo small or largo, as ono decidoa to onflno its contents to a fow things or cnlargo to many. I intend to givo a list for tho smallest ono that I think it advisablo for any ono to keep, bo bIio kcoping liouso or boarding. First of all como tho things that aro to bo ready for illnoss, sudden or otherwise: Camphor, for faintnees, headacho or a suddon attack of diarrhea, although, for tho latter, thoro is nothing equal to a tablospoonful of raw flour in a glass of cold wator, to ho takon in two dosos, half an hour apart. A closely covcrod littlo box of raw flour is easily kopt on tho eholf, to bo often renewed, lest it get musty. A small tin can of flour and mustard, mixed in oqual parts, ready to mako into n pasto for a mustard plustor, is to mo a ploasantcr arrangement for a hastily required mustard plastor than tho "mustard loavos" ready at tho drufj stores. In a littlo box besido this can should bo old linen and cotton rags for tho other half of tho plaster, as well as for cuts or bruises ; also a strip of flan nel a "linger" broad and three-quartors of a yard long, to put upon the outoido of a cotton cloth, eoverul times folded nnd wet in cold water, for a compress for a sore throat. Keop your caeo of court plaster in this box of rags, and a spool of whito linen thread, both conveniently noar tho necessary pair of small ecis Bora. Camphorated oil, which is host when mado at homo by dissolving camphor gum in warm olivo oil until no inoro will dissolve, is invaluablo for soro throats and chests or a cold on tho lungs. Rub in well, and there will be no cold taken afterward, as thoro is after tho old-fashioned "gooso grease." Vaealino is good for this purpose also, as well as for many others that every ono knows about. Thcro is nothing for chapped hands equal to glycerine and tincture of hydrastis, fifteen drops of tho latter to an ounce of glycerine. "Wash the hands in warm water thor oughly, and, beforo wiping, rub in a littlo or good deal of tho mixture, ac cording to tho nocd. Tannin, a dry greenish powder, is a great comfort where a sudden sovoro nosoblocd occurs in tho family. Onco enufllng if up well into tho nostrils generally onds tho trouble. Tannin forms, with wator, n good garglo for a soro throat, as it is a healing astringent. It is tho bost thing I know of for sovcro chafing, especially for infants. Tho ofTcct is almost magical. On principle, my omorgency shelf always holds olivo oil, alcohol and ammonia. Hot summer days and headaches find me gratoful for my bay rum bottle. The Bedroom. A hardwood floor is tho best of nil ; next, a stained or painted one. If tho floor Is of hardwood, it is an easy mattor to chooso rugs and lay them down; but a bedroom furnished with rugs docs not havo quito tho cozy effect which wo aro scoking for, and is hotter adapted to a summer residence than a winter ono. If a carpot is docided upon, it should be, if possiblo, of Wilton or Brussels, as thoy do not let tho dust sift through, and although tho first cost is greater, thoy aro choaper in tho long run. In Binnmor a straw matting should bo substituted; this, of course, necessitates changing in spring and fall, but in tho end it will bo found to pay. Should it bo docided to carpet tho room, havo tho floor painted, from tho mopboard out, a strip twolvo or fourteen inches wide all around tho room ; if thoro aro bay win (lows and reccssos, let them bo painted too, and havo tho closet floors dono to correspond. You will then havo a squaro or oblong enrpet to lay down, and will eavo much cost in cutting, fit ting and putting down, and nioro labor in taking up ; it can nt any timo bo turnod end for end, and tho breadths oasily changed. Tho color of tho lloor will dopond, of course, upon tho furnish ings of tho room, whothcr thoy aro to be light or dark, nnd tho furnituro of walnut, chorry, mahogany, obony or ash ; but tho darkor tho floor tho bottor it will throw up into roliof tho bordered carpot. llcforo painting, all cracks should bo carefully filled, and tho last coat of paint should havo an equal amount of varnish added. This may seem much troublo to you now, but tho saving in cost of tho carpet, tho saving in wear and tear in moving heavy pieces of furniture, and tho indescribable freshness gained by having no dusty corners, will amply repay you ; besides, it is in tho corners nnd around tho edgos of closely fitted carpets that thoso pests, tho moth and buffalo bug, lurk, and tho sight of salt or insect powder strown along is not suggostivo of neat nc8S or elogauco in your housekeeping. Good Housekeeping. CHOICE RECIPES. Chopped Picklo. Ono peck of grcon tomatoos, two quarts of onions and two of poppers. Chop fino, separaloly, and mix, adding threo cupfuls of salt. Lot them stand ovor night, and in tho morn ing drain woll. Add half a pound of mustard eood, two tablcspoonfnls of ground allspice, two of ground cloves, ami ono cupful of grated horseradish. Pour ovor it thrcu quarts of boiling vin egar. Sweet Tomato Tickle. Ono peck of green tomatoes and six largo onion?, sliced. Sprinklo with ono cupful of salt, and then let them stand overnight. In tho morning drain. Add to tho to matoes two quarts of water and ono quart of vinegar. JJoiI fifteen minutes ; then drain again, and throw tho vinegar and water away. Add to tho picklo two pounds of augur, two quarts of vinegar, two tablcspoonfuls of cloves, two of all spice, two of gingor, two of mustard, two of cinnamon, and ono tcaspooufiil of cayenne, nnd boil flftcon minutes. Savory Potatoes, Minco n quarter pound of fat salt pork, add a teaspoon ful of minced parsley, eight potatoes, pooled and quartered, covor with wator and cook until tho potatoes aro done. Drain, mash, mound on a pio-plato, sift crumbs over them and brown in tho oven. Tomato Soup. Two quarts of toma toes, poclod and sliced ; threo pints of broth veal or chickon is best ; ono ta blespoonful minced parsley and tho same quantity of minced onion, ono teaspoon ful of sugar; peppor and salt to taste; browned flour thickening; tablespoonful of butter, fried bread dice. Stew the tomatoes in the broth until thoy are broken all to pieces, add herbs and onions, stew twenty minutes, rub through a colandor, season, thicken with a table spoonful of browned flour, rubbed in one of butter; bil two minutes and pour upon the fried bread in the turean. jfoij hf luhlreq. WHAT RULES THE WORLD. Thoy say that man is mighty, Ho governs land and sea, Ho wields a mighty sceptro O'er lesser powers that be; But a mlghtor power, and stronger, Man from his throno has hurled, "For the hand that rocks tho cradle Ia tho hand that rules tho world." fn deep, mysteriou cocclave, 'Mid phllosphlo minds, Unraveling knotty p.obloms, His nativo spheroman finds; Yet all his "ics" and "lims" To heaven's four winds aro hurled. ,'For that hand that rocks tho cradlo Is the hand that rules tho world." Behold tho bravo commandor, Stanch 'mid carnage stand. Bohold tho guidon dying, With tho colors in his hand; Bravo men they bo, yet craven When his banner Is unfurled; "Tho hand that rooks tho cradlo Is the hand that rules the world," Great statesmen govern nations, Kinqs model a peoplo's tato, But tho unscon hands of velvet Theso giants regulate. The iron arm of fortuno With woman's charm ia purled, "For tho hand that rooks cradle Is tho hand that rules tho world." OUR LETTER BOX. "Whon Aunt Hetty had that littlo talk with her friend, Mrs. Shiploy, bIio did not expect to hear so soon from it. Why it was like tho bread wo read of iu tho Dihlo, that como back after many days. Wo may foo just from this tho inllucnco of a timoly word, spoken in season, it brings its own fruit. Iloforo writing further will not somo ono of our girls explain tho meaning of that verso of scripture qnotod abovo ; it mustalludo to somo common occurronco iu that Eastern country. Wo nro pleased to get Efllo's good long lottor. Sho must learn to shapo a stocking woll ; it is quito an art to,do it; it is said that n foot will shapo its own stocking, but wo doubt it. Ono that is not knit with good judgment is not comfortablo to wear. Knit goods nro so cheap now that few euro to have homo-mado hosiery, but for children homo mado is tho best. Then hero comes Winofred "it never rains but it pours," and such n good let tcr it is, too; tho words como just ns if Aunt Hetty was listoning and watching as they fell from tho lips of our happy littlo girl. 0, it is so uico to bo young and happy, to havo no caro but to mind mamma and watch tho dear littlo kit tons play "hide and go seek." Yes, wo do think that animals havo littlo games, certainly dogs will often play with ap parent mothod. Nkw Era, Sept. 21, 1880. Kditor Home Circles As it has been a good while sinco I wrolo to you, I will try and write again. I read Aunt Hetty's pieco in tho Far mer and thought it very good. Ah there wore no letters iu tho last papor, I thought I would writo and muko ono. We havo not many flowers now. I havo been ovor to Mr. Shipley's, nnd staid with my nuut whilo Mr. and Mrs. Shipley went to tho fair. Mrs. Shiploy said sho saw you, and that you said you wishod tho children would writo some. so I told Mrs. Shiploy that I would writo ns soon as I went home. Aunt Cassio is canning tomatoos. Wo havo a good many tomatoes this .your. Aunt Hetty, I don't oxpect you can guess how many cats and kittens we havo. Woll, I will toll you. Wo havo four cats und six kittens. Just think, ten in all. Wu havo no dog at all. Whilo I was ovor to Mr. Shiploy's I wont up to their vino- yard nnd had all the grupes I could cat. I would like to sco Aunt Hetty real well. Effio is sick. I went by Aunt Hotty's houso once. Our littlo kittens aro real etito. Somo of them will run nnd hido and the others will look around for them. Wo havo got a good many grapes, but tho whito onoi are mil dewed. Undo Tom set out somo grape vines down on tho hillsido and told us children that wo might havo thorn if wo would cultivate them. Ho said ho would trim them for us. Eflie is going to writo some, if sho is sick. Undo Tom is at New Era attending tho spirit ualist camp meeting. J havo not been over to tho meeting yot, hut 1 guess I will go beforo it breaks up. Aunt Cassio has got through canning tomatooH and has gone to sleep. I,pm making a crazy mat for my doll. Effio is making a crazy mat for a chair. Well, Aunt Hetty, I will have to close, hoping to hear from somo of tho young folks. Yours truly, Wi.nnijred K. New Era, Sept. 21, 1886. Editor Homo Circlo i As I haven't written to tho Homo Circlo for somo timo, I thought I would writo to-dny. I haven't been at all woll to-day, nnd so hnvon't been working. I feel too bad to work. Wo havo a troo that is liko somo children, for it is crooked, ns somo children aro, because thoy wero not trnincd when thoy wcro young. Wo havo boon trying to train this trco up straight, but it is too lato now. It should have been trained when it wns young. Tho namo of tho trco is tho holly. How many boys and girls boloug to tho Hand of IIopo? I do, and I think it is real nice to belong to tho Band of Hope. I think it would bo roal nico if ovcry boy and girl belonged. will tell Aunt Hotty and tho littlo girls that I am knitting my first pair of stockings, nnd I know how to mako n scam stitch. I guoss tho littlo boys and girls wcro too busy to writo much tliia year. I staid over to Mr. Shiplcy,8 with my aunt whilo Mr. and Mrs. Ship ley wcro at tho fair, and when they camo homo Mrs. Shiploy told mo that sho had seen Aunt Hetty, nnd sho wondered why we didn't writo, so I thought 1 would writo. Ab wo do not Hvo near any church I do not got to go to Sunday school, as I would liko to do. As it is nearly timo for autumn leaves to bo nico for winter decorating, I expect our coun try boys and girls will Boon bo busy gathoring tho nicest of lcnvos to deco rnto their country homes. I think I shall gather somo this fall to decorato our homo with. Thoy nro nico for pic ture framos nnd n good many other things. Wo haven't many (lowers In bloom now. I liko to livo near tho river, for I get n good many boat-rides, and besides, wo get to see tho steam boats. Thcro aro somo boats on the river nearly ovory day. Woll, as I luivo written quito a long lottor, I will closo for this timo. Yours truly, ErnK Kaufpmax. Marketing rowls. As tho Beason for shipping dressed poultry draws nenr tho following good ndvico from an exohango as to dressing and shipping fowls will be seasonable : It is always bad policy to ullow stock of any kind to go oil' tho premises in poor condition. Feed is cheap and thoro will bo no good excuse for farmers nnd poultry keepers sending loan, slab sidod, scrawny poultry into market this season. In hot woathor it is almost im possible to fatten fowls, but in cold wenther thoy havo good appetites and if well fed will "plump up" in a short timo. Now corn is bettor than old for fattening purposes. Wo know of nothing cheaper and better for fattening. It should bo tho staplo food. Corn meal mixed with milk fed once a day, and cracked or wholo corn tho rest nf the timo with an occasional feed of vegeta bles to koep up tho nppotito, is a capital diet. Coarse sand or gravel should always bo supplied to chickeiiB fattened in confinement. A tabloHpoouful of charcoal to oach ten fowls given every othor day iu the soft food will also bo found very benolieinl. Turkeys fatton very well while at liberty, but ohickons do bettor in confinement iu a coop, Every poultry raiser should havo a good fattening coop The best fattoncd fowls may bo spoiled iu tho dressing and we aro sorry to say it thotiritndH of dollars nro lost to tho farmers overy year by the cnreloHs manner in which this work is dono. Wo know of no market whoro dry, picked poultry does not command two or luroo cents mo'o per pound than sculdod htoek, and yet farmers in some soctious continue tho practice of scald ing, when dry picking is just an easy and expeditious It will pay nny farmer who raii-os a hundred dollars worth of poultry for market to learn tho best method of preparing his products. It is in tho fow extra cents that are ob tained for the product of prime quality that tho extra profit lies. Exchange. Lico usually swarm in myriads during this mouth, and union somo oxtra hard work is engaged ia they will not be oily d'-stroycd. In using whitewash un excellent mode is to uto it hot, and havo it of a comittency that it will flow through tho noo, from tho nozzle of an ordinary watering pot. First thoroughly clenn out the ioultry house, put a tea spoonful of carbolic acid to every gal lon of whitewash, and then sprinklo it freely everywhere, even on tho ceiling. This forces it into the cracks, and if tho floor becomes envored with it so much tho bettor, (iivo fresh dust baths, clean nests, und dust insect powder in tho feathers of tho fowls. Itopcat tho sprinkling of tho whitewash weekly. All loading patent medicines at Port Drug Co., 100 Stato street. Ml VoRotnblo HALLS hair RENEWER. Tho great popularity of this preparation, after Its test of many years, should bo an nHHiirance, even to tho most skeptical, that It Is really meritorious. Thovo who havo tuetl Ham's IIaih Kr.Nr.WKU lenow that It docs nil that Is claimed. It cntt'cs new irrowtli of hnlr on bald heads provided the hair follicles nro not dead, which Is seldom tho cwo: rcstorc-i natural color to gray or faded hair; pre serves tho scalp healthful nnd clear ot (InmlnilT; prevents tho hnlr fnlllnv; on or changing color; keeps It soft, pliant, lus Irons, nnd causes It to grow long nnd thick. II all's Hair ItnNKwr.n produce Its cacots by tho healthful Influence! of Its vccetnblo Ingredients, which Invlgnrnto and rejuvenate. It Is tint n dye, and Is a delightful nrtlclo for toilet use. Con taining no alcohol, It docs not cvaiv ornto quickly nnd dry up tho natural oil, Icnvlng tho hair harsh and brittle, ns do other preparations. Buckingham's Dyo ron TUB WHISKERS Colors them brown or black, ns deMrcd, nnd Is tho best dye, bccausolt Is harmliM ; produces n permanent natural color; nnd, being a slnglo preparation, Is inoni con venient of application than nny other. rntrjtnio nr It. P. HALL. &. CO., Nasliim, N. II. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines. Latid & Bush, Bankers Salem, t t t Orogon. ESTABLISHED IN 1869. Transact it General Hanking IlllslllCSS. SKI I IT KXCIIANOK AND TKI.KOIUl'ItlO trans lereotd on New York, Chicago, Han Krancleco 1'ortUiitl, li.o lHUee, Ktifftme CIK, Aetorla, Albany ivallle and othor points In OrtRon. tflLtrttrr ur I'rrtlll Incited Avnllnlilc I tlio t:nlrrn Stales. Draw direct on London, tlerlin, and Hong Kong. ocUOcowflw J. B. Congl Manufacturer, Wholeuls amlJIIetall Dealer In all kinds ot Harness, Saddles, Whips, Itrldlcs, Lashes & Truuks. No. I OH nn 110 Front Hired, I'orllnad, Oregon. Alto step rontantly nn hand a lugs aeeortnient ol Leather and Saddlery Hardware. MTHentlon tide paper. tnaySlt ANNOUNCEMENT I JOHN G. WRIGHT, Will sell until dlipoeed of hie cntlro Hock of Glassware, Crockery and Lamps and China. X1T At a Great Itcduitlon I In order to make Room Tor a New Stock to arrive from the East, fall ami Examine be fore Itnyliig Elsewhere. joiin a. wjtiauT, !i i7 and S2U Com movclal St. Saltan, Orc(jon. Willamette University ! :M Professors and Instructors. :T Students. :75 Graduates. Department of Literature, Law, Medlelne, Uuelo and Art Ulrle hoard ia Woman s iSMtf with nicely liirnlehed roorne, ij per week. lion and Youor lien hoard n the Younr Men's lloarrilnir Hall, a bulM Inirjuit purchased and rrmnceled with II ruoms. at sl.doiwr week. The younu men art expect-l to lurid. h their lurnlturv, wuod and light, and pay One HollMr a nnnth room rent. ThUls the moat ret. onahle lllinit to etudenle whleli the University bu evtrtfltrrd. The i're.ldent Loards In the hall and has the tuptnldon. TO. Flrat Term lualna Hrnlniilier cth. CalMlogura Hrut Free, THOS. VAN SCOY, jul30inli I'rcildcnt, Ntlem, Orfk'on. SHOPPINGJY MAIL I Music ns easily purchased at a distance of a thousand miles from a music htore as at t he hide of its counter. Pitkov i Co. cill attention it their wondirlul sys tem ol itndlnk inn.lo and inuilo hocke, by uiall, to any part id llm continent I l'aikai;4 ot mutlu up to the wilht of Four round, no rtadlly hy mall, Ditkox i Oo. araawaro that a largo l-ortlon ol tho whuteeand read tl ell advtitlnriueiit, lite at adl Unco from mutlc itorta All who love inu.lo w III Und the neae.t and Uat Inuilo hooka lilthlully dt.crlwd Ir, their admtlittuenL. l.liU and catalo nts truly furnlahed, and all liwjulrlt. clt-erlully arunertd ij thtiriorpa cf correaKndliitfclcik Underitand that hy eenillnir tho Urlatl frlre hy Money Order, l(e-l.te(rd Letter or I'catel Note. (r la email ordere I. e'ane htauin,)ycm can recti vo by lte lurn Mull, any one el IjItbux C'u'a thousands of muelc houke or ten thouiande of idects ol inuelc. Do not ntlct tide convenient way cf HIIIok yonr liouae with the heat ol Bonge, ol I'lano, Oran or any kind of inettuinental piece. fences CHTAPEST and BEST FEMCE FARMERS Z.OOBKQ Wbolraale and II.IhII. Aaenla Wanted Cataloiie free. HTAMrAltU .Mfd. CO., i.'laclnuntl, 0.