Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 01, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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A Dctcctivo Story.
Lady Iluyward wus expected every
minute nt Iluyward Castle, and the jjreut
entraneo doors stood wide open, spito
of tho cold. There, wero tlirco or four men
men servants standing in the linll, wldlo
tho gray-lieuded butler took up liis posl
tion on tho steps. lrd Iluyward camo
and stood by film a few ceconds at a time,
nnd listened for the wlieelt", and then
went back and fidgeted about the hull,
whistling to himself. Evidently he wuh
Tory uneasy about something or other.
Nobody suppowi for a moment that that
something or other was connected with
Lady I lay ward j sliohud never given him
a moment's uneasiness. Klic wus the
moHt prcclso and jwrfect of women, al
ways in the right atid fully aware of the
fact; nnd Lord Hay ward, who wuh it very
good fellow, uccustomed to regard him
self as not overburdened with bruins,
was very anxious to talk to her about
something that worried him.
Tho houso party was a largo one; In
fact, tho castlo was full. Hut everybody
was upstairs, tho first dres9lng-bell hav
ing rung. If Lady Iluyward was much
longer there would bo no timo to sjioak to
horbeforo dinner. Why, queried Iml
Hayward crossly, wero tho down trains
on that confounded lino always lalo?
Lady Iluyward had been to London to
bco her lawyers about some urgent lumi
nous, and, leaving Jjotd Iluyward to en
tertain tho guests, hud gone alone, or
rather with her maid. Kho hud stayed
tho night In town, in order to bring with
hor u new dress for u ball which was to
Ihj given at tho castle tho following even
ing. At lust tin carringo dashed up to tho
door, driven very fust, for tho coachman
know it wus late. Tho first person who
emerged from it was nn exceedingly
quiet-looking, well-dressed young woman
Uio muld, evidently. Hho quickly dis
appeared and wan followed by Lady Iluy
ward, who seized her husband's arm and
began to scold him, no mutter about
what probably because tho train wr
lato. Hho scolded in tho mutt ladylike
wny; hor voice wus clear nnd slightly
shrill ; she herself wus like u pretty doll
just out of u baud-box, always dressed
according to tlio latest 1'urls fashion, al
ways perfectly neut ami in order, and
quite nwaru of her own good looks; in
rammers and morals absolute jterfectiou,
and quite uwuro of thut, too.
"I want to HjHiuk to you," said Lord
Iluyward, "before you dress; there's
Just time."
Ho followed Iter up to her drosslng
room, where tea wus served on u little
table by tho fire. Lady lluywurd's maid
hud juit put nn easy wrapper temptingly
ready, and wuh busy getting out u dinner
dress for her mistress.
"I will ring for you in a few minutes.
Tuylor," s.itd Lmly Iluyward, and tho
IHtrfectly trained servant vunishod at
I wonder whether It's thut girl aftor
all I" exclaimed I)nl Iluyward; "yet it
Jems impossible."
"Don't talk enigmas," said l.udy Iluy
ward ImiHjriously; "there isn't time.
What is tlie matter?" Sim was pouring
out her tea us site HHko, and now begun
to sip it.
"More thlngH have disappeared," said
l.oril Iluyward, in n low voice, "and this
time it is worse. The old DuchesH has
lost u big diamond ring, and your sister's
diamond necklace is gone."
Ludv Iluyward puldowuhortcu.
"Vernon, this is awful," sho suld.
What nro we to do? Who can It lie? It's
absurd to talk about Taylor; she was
with me in town."
'.Mi, but wo can't tell exactly what
time the things weie taken; she may
huvo got rid of them In l.oiidoii. It was
when you took her to town with you lust
that your diamond brooch wont,"
".So it was," said Uidy Iluyward. "Hut
thut makes no diiloroiico. Tho brooch
wus taken while we wereuwuy. Hesides,
tho tJilniz'subsuid. Tuylor Ih uitovo huh-
iicioii, I know the girl so well, vtliy,
t'oriioii. she went with me all throueli
Franco ami Italy, when 1 joined you In
Homo; we wero always logemor, mm i
ucd to talk to her a grout deul. Shu is u
t-ry HUcrior girl. No; it would lw most
unjust to susjH'ct Taylor."
"Well, there's no one else," n.tld Lord
I lay waul dejectedly, "except poor little
I oho Munncring."
"Poor little Hose Muniiering" was the
governess who took charge of their out)
little girl.
"Absurd !" suld Ijidy Hnywiml. And
so it wus, on the face of it. They knew
II oho Munnering's family well; slio was
n lmly. and little mure than u child.
A silence followed, during which both
looked into tho tire for Inspiration. All
tho servants in the house wero born of
families who hud been (or generations on
tho e.st.te. The idea of suspecting any
of them wus too painful. Taylor was the
only exception, ami sho had boon with
I ady Iluyward two eais.
"I begin to Udlove," said Ltdy Hay
wurd, "Ihut it is one of our guests."
"Wood heavens, Kate, what an Idea'"
"fun you suggest anything olto?"
"No, I can't. There is homo infeinal
deviltry ut work, but, lw.it my bruins
howl will, I can't see whore it comes
"I tell joti whut we must do, Vernon."
Mid lidy lluywurd decisively. "We
must bo very curelul, not frighten any
one, und keep our own counsel. Hide
over to the town curly tomorrow morn
ing und telegruph to Scotland Yunl for a
detectio to come down dWgulscd to tho
ball. There will bo so many jn-oplo tho
servants won't have timo to notice him.
lie must stop as a lsitor till ho Units out
"That will do," exclaimed lord lluy
wurd. "Now go." said laidy lluywurd, ringing
tho bell for Tujlor; "1 miir-t dress at
As ho wont out ho met the muld in tho
doorway and gao her u more anions
look than ever. Tho result was only to
give up tho idea uh preposterouH. Sho
had u very gentle, good face; her soft,
brown hair, Wushed smoothly over her
rs, gAo it iu almost I'lirituute look.
Lady Iluyward had made something of a
friend of her, and tho girl lind nover pre
sumed in tho least upon it, but hud ul
wuys retained her subdued, sweet man
Lady Haywud scrutinized her, too,
during tho process of dressing, but she
shrank from tho thoughts in her own
mind. She had grown fond of her treas
ure of a maid, nnd felt ashamed of her
self for horqurckly suppressed suspicions.
Marly noxt morning tho telegram was
sunt to Scotland Yard by Lord llayward,
who rodo over alono to send it, and wait
ed for tho nnswor. Tho reply seemed to
please him nnd ho rodo back in good
spirits to n lato breakfast. Ho even
faced, with moderato cheerfulness, Lady
lluywurd's oldeBt sister, who was in a
frightful statu about hor necklace This
lady was ono of his pet avorsions ; sho
was not pretty or clover, llko his wife,
but sho was more irreproachable, more
moral, moro jicrfect, and she was an old
maid. Probably sho was tho only person
In tho world of whom Lady llayward
was afraid. JIIss Colletto wus n sovero
censor in nil tilings and kept her eye
glnsses well fixed on her younger sister,
who had an imtxirtant ircsitlon to fill bo
fore tho world. At present Miss Colletto
was very angry becauso sho did not
know whnt was being dono nbout tho
thefts, and sho held thut sho ought to bo
ono of tho council. Hut Lady Hayward
was obstinato ; sho had found out before
that tho exemplary Cecilia could not
hold hor tonguo. '
This oxtremo discretion having boon
observed, tho Scotland Yard dotcctivo
arrived, ns a visitor, and no ono paid any
particular attention to him. Ho was
very quiet and adopted tho character of
tho man who docs not dnnco, or talk or
do anything, and 'it nqswered admirably.
A number of other men with Biicrb
shirt-fronts hung about tho doorways and
looked bored; Air. Hawk was admirably
go ton up for tho purjiOBO, nnd had only
to mingle with these others nnd look ns
bored as they. Lady llayward was do
lighted at this excellent oH'accmcnt of
himself und kont her oyo on him witli
great interest. Hho managed to 8cnk to
iiim very luto, when the party was break
ing up. Ho had discovered nothing so
fur not ovon n "cluo," und sho wont
to bed disuiKIn(ed.
Visitors at 1 laywurd Castlo breakfasted,
of courso, ut any timo during the morn
ing, but tho family nnd household always
assembled to morning prayers at 8 M,
and breakfast formally begun directly
utter wurd. Mr. Hawk hud learned this
nnd was in the breakfast room early the
only guest present. No ono olbo turned
up but Lord and Lady Iluyward them
selves. Hose Munnerlng, who always up.
pea red with her chargu at this time, and
tho servants. Hven AiissCollottowastoo
tired to come down, though no one was
stricter, theoretically, on the subject of
family prayers. How graloful was Lady
Hayward, half an hour afterward, that
her sister hud been luto that morning.
".My Lord," ho said "may tho men
servants watch tho windows of this room
outside for u fuw minutes? Don't ask
me to explain; tliero's no timo to lose."
Tho old butler cumo in at that moment,
carrying u sllvor colleo-iiot. Lord Hey
ward gave tho ordor.
"And tell them to keep their eyes
open," atldod Air. Hawk. "Wo'vo got
to deal with tho lightest pair of heels in
the kingdom."
Ijuly Iluyward listened und looked,
her heart in iter mouth. What was coin
ing next?
"Your ladyship," said Mr. Hawk,
"may 1 send for your maid?" tonl Hay
ward rang tho bell instantly.
"Why should you sttstHJct her?" pro
tested Lady Hayward. "Sho is a most
siqierior girl. Sho lias traveled with mo,
and I know her well. No suspicion must
full on her unless you have proofs."
Mr. Hawk arose and went anxlously
lo the door. Tho order hud been given,
but scarcely a moment hud elapsed.
"Do you exK'ct her to como in less
than n moment V" asked Ludy Iluyward,
u little crossly.
Just then Taylor appeared nt tho door;
thn butler was behind her. Sho camo in
and the door was shut, tho butler remain
ing outside. At tho first glance Uidy
llayward hud mum a curious look on tho
girl's face one sho hud nover seen there
liefoie. Hilt immediutely sho wus her
self iiguiu, und now she stood before
lunl ami Ijidy llayward nnd tho detec
tive, erfeclly quiet, without a quiver on
jier face.
"John," suid Mr. Huwk,"thiH in really
very wrong of you. It in an infamous
trlcK to have played. For two years
you've been wanted, nnd I know you
weren't out of tho country; but I'd no
Idea you could Ik) doing such n thing an
While ho stHiko Mr. Iluwk hud ap
proached Tuylor und put n Nilr of hand
cutis on her. There hud leen u little by
pluy tlrnt. Tuylor had scanned the win
dows und iiiritiintly saw they were
"So tho gumo'H up," she said sullenly.
"Yes, my lady's muid, to tho tune of
fourteen years," nnsweri-d Mr. Hawk.
"What does it mean?" cried Iady
Huvwurd; "I enn't understund."
Mr. Hawk snatched tho dainty little
Parisian cup and smooth brown wig
from Taylor's bend und flung them on
tho lloor. In an instant tho gentle girl's
face became a man's, smooth and mal
leable as was. It wus not nice to look at
just now. Tho hcud wus covered with u
durk, very, very short growtli of hair.
ljuly lluywurd uttered a shriek and
fell back into her chair.
"I'll tuko him oil'," suid Mr. Iluwk.
"It's too much for her ludyship."
"Mr. lluwkl Mr. Hawk'" cried poor
Lidy Hayward, "put on his wig and
take him away us a womunl I'll give
von anything un thing if you'll do thut."
Mr. Iluwk seemed suddenly to un
derstand. "Your ladyship may depend on me,"
ho said solemnly; and ho put the wig
und cup on again with tho grouted
"Vernon," exclaimed Lady Hayward
hystericallv, the moment tho door was
(hut, "promise lou'll keep tho Focrot
don't tell any one don't tell Cecilia.
Wriinn. urn inn a brute" 1 believe vou
are laughing I"
- .. . - -
Insask Patik.st. SherllV Hentlej, of
I'lnutillu county, brought an insane col
ored man to tho Asylum last night. The
"eraxy" wusu cook in tho Hluo moun
tains, and "cleaned out the ranch" wher
ever lie upoared. Fourteen men tried
to arrest him, but it remained for ouu
woman uud u stranger to corral him
Olvo tho young turkoys meat tlirco
times n week, nnd lorco them in growth
na mucli as possible, in order to secure
largo sizo by Thanksgiving.
Incubator chicks aro increasing in tho
tnnrkets every season, nnd yot tho prices
nro still very high during the period
botwecn Christmas nnd Juno.
Whitewash tho hen-coops now in
order to clean thorn thoroughly and to
rid thorn of lico. Uso carbolic acid
with tho whitewash ub a disinfectant
nnd preventivo of lico.
Snnd is not a substitute for gravel in
tho poultry ynrd. Tho hens usunlly
pick up tho sharpest nnd most irregular
pieces. When oyster shells aro pro
vided they should bo broken into pioccs
tho sizo of grains of corn, und not
ground to n fino powdor.
In tho absonco of incut, potatoos
hoiiod in milk, whero thoro is plenty of
the latter, ia an ndmirablo preparation
for feeding to young, growing chicks.
A mixtnro of ono-third corn-menl nnd
wheat brnn with tho above will mnka
tho young chicks grow wonderfully if
given fresh ovory day. Tho best feed
for setting liens ia plenty of good, sound
wliolo corn. They Bhouid linvo plenty
of fresh water to drink.
Rearing Chicks and TurVys.
A North Carolina correspondent
writos to tho Country Ocntloman :
It requires a long timo to find out
tilings. I huvo been kcoping fowls,
ducks nnd turkoys' moro or less for
noarly forty years, nnd novor lost u
chick from thn prevailing and much
complniuod of disonso called gnpos,
until this season, nnd so far huvo lost
but ono tho only ono lost out of 85
hatched chicks. I havo had chicks by
hundreds, und ono year by over n thou
sand, nnd nil without any nppenrnnco
of gupes. Tho chick which died of nil
tho apparent symptoms of tho disonso
known ns gapes, had no worms in tho
throat, but tho bronchial tubes wero
thickened nnd filled with n frothy nil
liesivo liquid, nnd tho lungs wero much
inllumcd. It ia n very common thing to
find tho trichcnl worms in chicks which
huvo given no indications of tho disease,
uud whilo thcro is no doubt of many
sullering from theso worms, yot many
undoubtedly gnpo from other causes,
and gasp for breath, when thoro aro no
worms to trouble them.
Tho sumo disenso troubled turkeys;
nnd from what wo read of tho focding of
tho young turkeys, thoro is littlo reason
to doubt that most of tho ilia which
afl'cct tho young broods result from
ovcrfocding, just ns the mnjority of
fatalities nmong young chicks are pro
duced by tho same cause. It. E. snya
that ho gnvo his poults curds, crumbs
und hard boiled egga (moat indigestible
food), uud tho chicks nro fed on cookod
feed, wheat, corn nnd scalded meal,
with red peppor and gingor in tho feed
nnd copperas in tho water. S. J. in
quires nbout tho best food for his young
turkeys, nnd tho good appetite they
huvo indicates tho probability that they,
too, Bullor from oxcess of food. Now, I
hnvo learned that it is very easy to feed
too much, becauso fetich small animals
need only very littlo food ; and in our
desire to do tho best with them, wo overdo
Tho staplo food of my young chicks
has always been coarsely ground corn
und cracked wheat or ryo mixed, and
crushed wheat only for tho flrHt week.
1 havo n brood of twclvo young turkeys,
reared by ono turkey hen, of which two
were killed by accident in moving tho
coop, leaving ten, nnd their food has
been corn nnd ryo cracked together,
with what they will pick up in a grass
and clover field over which they rango
by day. Thero nro tome wild turkeys
in my woods, which of course have no
curd or hard boiled eggs, or even cracked
corn, nnd I huvo seen n brood occasion
ally which seem quite ns forwnrd na the
tumo broods, and lly already quito us
lively. My young turkeys or chicks
novor had any eggs or curd only the
plainest food, and thai measured out to
them nnd I attribute their healthful
ness to this carefulncN.
In this locality, tho farjuers rear
quite a number of chickens, which nro
small but hardy, und tho bona leur
largo broods; and theso fowla got their
living as they can, ranging tho fields
! and woods, and getting no corn at all.
1 havo not heard any of tho farmers
complaining of gapem carrying off their
chicks. It is well known that parasites
infest the weak and sickly animals, and
that children whoco digestion is weak,
nnd whoeo habit ia unthrifty from eating
sweotH and candy, aro those which
suffer from worms. Is it not tho case,
too, that wo overfeed tho chicks, nnd so
weaken them that they becomo n prey
to parasites which Btrongor and healthier
ones rosist successfully?
Keeping Eggs
A gront many plans nro given for
keeping oggs, but tho safost modo is al
ways turn tho eggs. If they aro
turned threo times a wock nnd kept in a
cool placo, no packing material will bo
necessary nt all. Tho reason they
should bo turned is that when an egg
remains in n certain position for u
length of timo tho yolk approaches nnd
adheres to tho shell. It is not necessary
to turn each egg separately, but to pack
them in u box and turn tho box. They
may bo packed in n barrel, nnd tho
barrel turned half round, with tho sumo
results. To kocp eggs without going to
tho nccossity of making any kind of
composition uso fine, clean, dry dirt or
ashca, either from wood or coal, but
thoy must bo fino. In n box or barrel
first lay down a layer of tho dirt or
ashes, then a layer of egga, caro being
taken that tho egga do not touch each
other. Fill tho apacc8 between tho eggs
with dirt or nshes, nnd thou put on a
layer of dirt or ashes nn inch thick.
Itepcnt tho process until tho box or
barrel is full, and boforo closing bo euro
everything is packed in n tight nnd
closo mnnncr, so that tho contents will
not shako whon tho top ia put on. Turn
daily if preferred, but twico n wcok at
least. 13o euro and uso none but per
fectly fresh eggs. No other kind will
keep no matter how well thoy mny bo
packed. You cannot got fresh egga by
pnrchnso, ovon from your neighbor, for
ho will sometimes bo untiwnro of tho
prosonco of thoso that might bo stale.
A sing'.o bad egg will somotimcB spoil
all. You will havo to keep your own
hens in order to Hticcccd in preserving
egga. Tho egga from hens not in com
pany with mnlos will keep twico na long
na thoso from hens running with tho
males. Poultry Keeper.
Feeding Condiment!.
In die endeavor to indtico tho hens to
lay, many poultrymcn resort to forcing
processes, and feed in n mnnnor some
times unnatural. lied peppor, sulphur,
Hafl'ron, gingor and all kinds of egg
foods nro resorted to, and if there ia nny
virtuo in such thoro ia no excuso for
tho best results. Hut it may well bo
stated that whilo such nrticlcs mny serve
na stimulants, and temporarily invigoruto
tho hens, thoy nre of no possiblo vnluo
whatover to healthy fowls. Tho hens in
their natural condition simply scok a
variety of food in order to derive thoso
elements thut nre essentiul to the
formation of thn eggs, and to supply
body wnste, nnd tho best tonics consist
of wholosome food. When egg fooda
und condition powders aro givon tho
benefit from such is duo moro to tho
fact that thoy supply something which
tho poultry man neglects to give, such
ns salt, for instance, rather than to nny
sttbstanco contained, thut induces laying.
Tho hen only lays when sho is capnblo
of supplying tho materials for forming
an egg, und red jwpper contributes bnt
a small proportion of nny substaneo
that is necessary. Hut thcro nro thoso
who do find such things beneficial at
times, but it is when tho hens aro do
bilitntcd, und requiro stimulants. Even
when tho buna nro urged to lay, should
their appetites bo increased by such
means, tho egga nro soldom fertilized,
nnd nro almost worthless for hatching
purposed. Thero is no necessity for
treating fowla differently from other
slock, but they kliould receive all tho
euro necessary for their thrift nnd pros
perity. Farm and Garden.
.... 8ALEM, OREOON. ...
A Boarding and Day School
for Girls.
Thotenty-fourth yor will tnln AUOUMT39, 18S0.
Thorough Inatructlon the in EnglUh bratthei. muiw
and art. The laniruigei, Elocution and Needlework
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mation apply to SIS1 Kit HI I'EII 1UR.
rf t
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order on iri.il. iwrtrr r rinuUraml loeai.nn t
WiKt-rn anil southern Stnroiioit- and Ki nU.
H. K. OCOGRiq O. CO., Albnny, N. Y.
N B. -Other maaafae tarert combined icttmt
Mia ortintl patentee (DiDiaica). to appropnat
hla coauouooa bale chamber. (aUely pubuan ctal
lewce aa4 premium orer iMilertca. Uet aoj of
them If joq cad, oa any condition, to meet In the
Belli the larator of the preaa ther copy. Dedertclc
(carantee hla prcta the beat, or f alUsf will bar the
bat (or the customer, lllve th Internar of tho
eJnUnuoua prrt at Irani a competitor' chance
ilartci the tlm for vnlea hla patent waa aranteU.
Oniae loaaW; Ua ta cUou ha grt atljr beoctUud
iYew Siuginp Class Hook by h.
0. Emerson.
Ttachen cf Singing School who examine tlili, the
laat of Mr. Emcraon't icrlet of aucccatful claia book,
will generally concede that It la, In aome degree, in
peilor to any of It rrcdeeeiecn. The elementary ex
erclaea, the graded eaiy tunes tor practice, the part
tonga or gleet, and the church tunca, anthems and
chants all excel In their selection or arrangement.
I'rler GO rl., taper rinten. Specimen Copy
bjrjlnll Tor CO cents.
Parlor Organ Galaxy.
A good and large collection of Reed Organ llualc CO
lee tod and treat ged by W. P. Sudds. 40 good Marches
d.llopa, Waltzes, Hondo. Schottltchet, etc., and 1
popular eongs, covering Oti sheet mutle sire page, yet
sold for the rery low price of to cents.
Ilrniemlier our superior new Sunday School Song
nok, Hong or Promise, (SScts) and our High
Bchool Song nook, Hong ClrretltiR, (00 cts.)
Oliver DlttioUiS; Co., Boston.
491 and 4S1 Washington Street
0. 11. DITSOK & Co., 807 Broadway, N. Y.
ewe v,U:vy&1
E3aatBBBBBiKa!a" u
&fflH9Msa?k 0t:
I IPflWt-aJ"
f ti laSMsV
MVSa Vi, Hi
A Farm in Howell Prulric.
Containing ISO Acres.
1 coder plot, th balance In timber l h
dwelling-, stneka and nllk hout; a new temporary
earn; running waitr mear arounu. Appiyon in
(drczsir; 'Aura tun-"
Dear, rather lengthy and poor; at ray place
eatt ot Salem, about 6 miles. Anyone having lost
such an animal will please call end pay expenses and
take the animal away. J. II. LEHMAN.
Salem, Or., Aug. 37, ISf 0.
NLV lafoi'tlLAK ft
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rueauar, 20
Tho Company rceenee the right to change sailing
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Condu, ted by Qualified PhyilcUnl
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wCC United btitcs, whoa Lin-LOao u
rtnuMt, perfect method and puj;
mcdlclce. Insure ariinr and rtt.
Ulhi.f rPIH nt .11 l.riv.l e-hnnl
V3J1 and Nervous D seasea. Affections ot
in. tiioou, nam, aaiuarja,aiiau
ilrr, Kruptluna, lleera, old
Mores, Hwelllug or the tilanda,
More Moutti, Throat, Uone
rnlnt, permanently cured and erad
icated from tho ststem for life.
toaaea, Hexnal lleeoy, Mental
nd I'byelral Hrabuea. Fall.
IngMeuiory, Weak tyet.Hlanl
edUevrlopmcul, Impediment
to Marriage, elr., from excess
es or youthful rallies, or any
rauae, speedily, safely and
prltately cured.
mtn.auj all who need medical Kblll and Kxperlenee
eonsult the old European l'hj sklan at once. Ills opin
ion coata nothlnz. and may uve futnra misery and
shame, ft hen Incont enlent to visit the city tor treat
ment, mcdlclno can be sent everywhere uy express
free front observation. It is self-evident that a
physician who gl ts his whole attention to a das of
dlseaiesaltalna great aklll,andpbslclant through
out the country, knowing this, frequently recommend
difficult cue to the Oldest Speelnllnl, by whom
every known good remedy la need. The Doctor's
Age and Kxperlenrenukesnla opinion of tuireme
VMLThCio who rail fee no one but the Doctor. Con
sulfation FKEB and tucreilly confidential. Cases
which bat failed In obtaining relief elsewhere especi
ally solicited Female disease successfully treated
The Doctor ill agree to forfeit 11,000 tor a ease
undertaken, not cuied. Call or writ. Hours; Dally
from U A. (.. to 4 P. M., to 8 evenings; Sundays,
iu to n oniy. titan roa tub naxiTaauT ucict to
Hbaltii ; 8tir llir. Address a above.
VonderftU Gorman Invigorator
Permanently prevent all Unnatural Lowes from the
t)ttem, tunes Ibe nenes, strengthens the muscles,
check the watte, Invigorates the whole sjstcm and
restore the afflicted to Health and Happiness.
The reason ao many can not get cured ol weak new
and the above dlieaae la owing to a complication,
called PKObTATOIlHHEA. which require, peculiar
treatment. UK. LIEBIG'S INVIUORATOH I the only
cure to I'toniiioxaiitA, with pecnllar Special Treat
meat, used at the LIEIIIO D1SPENSAIIY.
OrVfoavv ViiNscf the Scrotum. Often the unsus
pected canst cf Lett Msnhocd, Diblllly, etc. Seminal
weaVncsisnd its eompl cation Prosterrea. The above
diseases csn only be cured by Dr. Lleblgt Invlgorator
No. 2 and the t'r. List lg Varicocele Compreetcr,
tirvrlt at Ibe Invlgorator, M. Ca of six
bcttlr. J10. Sent to any adireee, covered aecnrel
from oUena!icn,
itoet powcrtvl alectrl: belts free to patient.
To Provb vua WoxDsam. I'owia or tub INYIOOR
ATOU a Bonts Civu ob, Sixr FREE. ConsuUtlor
free and prlvat.
Caller address' lir.IHC ItlNrKaHARV.
400 deary fitreet,8an lanclaco, CaJ.
Prltata entriwe, 40i llason street, four block up
Geary Street from Kearny, Main entrance through
Utsxnaary I'rug Store l'.JinSIti
000 ACRES.
Woffrfor th. Falltradaalaxtwand OMatoekol
rr,tMcttMka of VUU1T and OrDamr.tal
I i'ri ;l-M' Itcaav.. Vine-, NMAIJ
f It I, lit,.! ledarl'iaaia, IfruU ro rred.
liua-orr,tTrreeUlliiBa. fttctdOata.
I.ca. fall 1ms, maUad fra en appneatioa. AddnM
.4 J