Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 01, 1886, Image 1

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C)pftgl applied far. All rljhU reiarvetJ.
KomlalsjjaoiJ of William Martin, Bhorlff o
Umatilla County.
William Martin, present shorifT of
Umatilla county, Oregon, was elected
forty years ago under tlio provisional
govornmont of pioncor days shcrlfT of
Ohampocg county, whoso northern
boundary was tho Molalln river nnd
southdrn tho Coast Fork, including
what is now Marion, Linn and Lano
counties. As ho expresses it, ho was
tho first mid is tho last sheriff oloctcd in
Orogon. It is not often that a mnn is
elected to tho samo ofllco at nn interval
of forty years. Mr. Martin was living
in Missouri in 1812 whon tho Orogon
fovcr seized tho Waldo family, nnd on
gagod himself to work with Waldo for
ono year, which timo included tho jour
noy to Oregon and six months after
arrival here. Ho and his cousin, James
P. Martin, camo with tho Waldo outfit
Ho also remembers that in tho winter
preceding his doparturo from Missouri
tho nows camo in St Louis papers that
Mr. Whitman had arrived from Oregon,
and gave notico that ho would pilot an
emigration ncross tho plains, nnd tako
thorn through to tho Columbia with
wagons. This oncouraged many to
mako tho journoy who would not other
wise) liavo como. Tho dotails of tho outfit
and journoy liavo boon often told nnd
nood no recital, savo as Mr. Martin ro
members incidents that nro new. Ho
possesses a kcon eoneo of tho humorous
and tells many trifles that aro amusing,
of lifo on tho plains as woll an in Oro
On tho l'latlc, bof oro thoy woro woll
used to lifo on tho plains, thoy saw a
company of trappors coming, and sup
posing thoy might bo Indians tho alarm
was given to corral tho train, which was
dono by drawing wagons in a circlo and
putting caltlo in tho center. Whon tho
othor party drow noar nnd proved to bo
whito mon, tho boys raado lots of fun of
tho incident. T. D. Kcizur was chief
actor in tho defense and thoy named
tho placo Fort Keizur in his honor.
It wns reportod on tho plains that
ono of tho mon in tho train had struck
his wifo with his ox whip. This caused
gcnoral indignation and thoy concluded
to servo him with enough of tho samo
to act as a lesson. Tho culprit was
called up to stand trial nnd was shurp
enough to toll them ho was willing to
leuvo it to his wifo if ho ill-treated her.
"If sho says so I will tako a whipping,"
said he. Sho was a Spartan wifo nnd
exonerated him from blamo and they
rather reluctantly acquitted him from
judgment. Thoro was no dieposition
among pioneers to permit womon to bo
abused. Thoy would havo mado an
oxumplo of this man, but his wifo took
Iiij side.
Somo started with insufficient supplies
and becamo short before tho journey was
half over. Tlint was not so much mat
tor whilo they woro in tho buffalo
country. Ono family had started with
short supplies and had wasted what
they did have. It was a common event
for thorn to cook "slap jacks" in such
excess that thero wero moro than tho
dogs could oat. On tho Sweotwater it
was found that this family and somo
otheis wero short, and tho Applegates
genorously proposed to mako a division
of supplies. Jack Heed, sheriff of tho
company, got on a wagon wheel and
announced this proposal, but it was not
kindly received. Some men who said
nothing drew out their guns and stood
by, "Action spoke louder than words."
Thero was no division made, which
would havo only given these wasteful
ones supplies to throw away ngnin. It
was finally docided that thoso who had
a surplus should givo it to thorn in need
as ncodod. Thoy could havo stopped to
kill buffalo, but as tho majority had
enough to got through on, thoy would
not consent to loso tho time. Thoy
woro already Into and thoir teams grow
ing thinnor. Carnifox, who camo to
Orogon in '12, nmdo n remark that was
very true, "If thero was nny dog in n
man it would bark on tho plains." Tho
dogiueomoof this train barkod occa
sionally, but most of them had no "dog"
in them. Tho proposition to divldo
caused n great excitement. Prudent
men who had provided well for their
families hnd no intention to rob their
children for tho benefit of pcoplo who
would squander what was given thorn.
Yet thero was no meanness shown and
no ono was nllowcd to Buffer.
Somo of tho ox tonms wero not very
well brokon, and tho Stouts, who after
wards settled near Mohnma, in Marion
county, had n team quito fractious. On
tho Hig 13luo thoy ran nway and
brought up against n sapling that bent
under tho wheel. Hugh Stout was
driving nnd somowny got straddlo tho
troo and was shoved up into it beforo
tho wagon stopped. Eli, his son, ran
nnd shouted: "Run horol run herol
dad's n killing I" which was tho joko of
tho season, aa tho old man wasn't hurt
by being run up tho tree
Towards tho end of tho journoy somo
of tho emigrants becamo nlittlo demoral
ized and forgot tho laws of incum nnd
tuum. Tho Waldo's stopped to rest
their animals at tho foot of Pylo'a
canyon, as thoy ontorcd tho beautiful
Qrando Itondo valley, and whilo thoro
somcotio helped himself to n sido of
bacon from Waldo's wagon. A certain
party was found milking that family's
cows about thorc.
Matters wero n trillo unpleasant. Thero
was a road to nmko ovortho Dluo moun
tains to tho Columbia, and tho parly
Buspectcd of tho delinquincy wont
ahead and cut out tho road. It was
thought then that it was dono to get
away from tho pending difficulty. Tho
others considered it was worth all it
cost to havo tho road mado for their
11 80.
Thoy had no trouble with Indians on
tho plains, but near tho DesChutcs tho
Indians tiioro stole somo clothing hung
out to dry, and ran off somo ponies.
Somo of tho families had stopped to
wash up and neglocted to tako in thoir
clothes whon night camo.
Tho Indians had n peculiar way of
catching jackrabbita above Tho Dalles.
A numbor of them would commenco
running round in a circlo, half n dozen
or so to a rabbit. Tho animal watched
thorn and becamo confused, usually
being caught by hand or shot down by
Two woll known parties got into a
quarrel in tho Grand Itondo valley, and
ono began to choko tho other, when
others camo to tho rescue Nq ono was
much hurt, and tho mon sensibly mado
it up and wero friondB. Hut tho nick
nomo "Choko" stuck to tho man who
was on top, so that even his wifo used it
in emcrgoncy. Such was tho caso in
crossing tho DcsChuttcs. Vornon was
with his team and they commonccd
drifting down stream, when his bettor
half culled from tho shoro: "'Choke,'
you turn them oxen's heads up stream
or you shan't havo another bit of my
wheat bread." Wheat bread was a
rarity, because flour was scarce. Tho
boys enjoyed tho sceno, especially as
"Choke," by desperate effort, turned tho
cattle up stream, and sq saved his bread
as woll as his bacon.
And wero building tho first log house,
tho family occupied a tent, and had a
brush camp. Tho latter took fire, and
in saving tho contents ono of tho
daughters, A vanilla, was badly scorched.
Waldo had thirty-throo cows, twolvo
oxen, four maros, nlso n black stallion
named Martin Van Huron, so called
becauso won on an election bet. This
was tho property of his son David.
They had n rather choico bull, and tho
rapid incrcaso of this stock mado Waldo
a wealthy mnn. Good crops helped
him also.
When tho provisional government
wns organized in '11, James P. Martin
was appointed sheriff of Chnmpoog
county, and served two years. Tho
first election wns held in '-10, nnd Mr.
Martin wns elected. Martin made his
headquarters at Waldo's, and thero
were sovoral justices who hold court in
their own houses. "Hilly" Hughes was
county clork, and kopt tho records at
John Forco's placo, two tulles north of
Salom. Court was hold whenovor tho
justices announced. F. X. Mathlcu
was justico of Lower French Prairie
Dan Waldo was justico of tho Salem
precinct, or what is siuco tho Salem
region. ,
Ono famous trial was n enso of ono
Drown, charged with stealing wheot
from ltoubon Lewis, tried beforo Waldo,
Mr. Drown gavo tho sheriff (Martin) a
heavy blessing when ho arrested them
Nosmith prosecuted and Harnett do
fondod. Tho wheat was ground at
English's mill, and thoy provod tho
presenco of shavings in it and that cats
had campod in tho wheat bin, but tho
jury could not agreo that tho Drowns
woro guilty. Thoy wtiro so elated at
having escaped conviction that thoy
wanted Nesmith to i:o after Itubo Lewis
for malicious prosecution, but "Xos"
tola mom tuoy wero in big luck- not to
get "cinohod" as it wns, and ho saw
nothing in fur.hcr proceedings. Thu
Drowns found it an unhealthy country
to live in, and moved to California.
iiECTqu's capk or NON-surr.
Another caso that created amusement
was whoro W, H. Hector sued James
Forco for .$230, tho price of a enrringo
ho drovo across tho plains in. Forco
didn't pay, so ''Undo Hilly Itoctor"
brought Hiiit beforo F. X. Mathiou. Tho
caso was sot for a certain hour in tho
morning and Force hurried to bo on
hand. Hector called at Wnhlo'n for tho
sheriff and Waldo went along for his
own pleasure Doctor was n man of
considerable ability nnd forco of char
actor, but rather quick tempered and
irascible When thoy woro near
Mnthicu's placo thoy mot Forco, who
told them thoy needn't go any further
as ho had got a non-suit entered against
them. It seems that Forco, as soon as
tho hour eot for trial arrived, moved for
a non-suit, as tho plaintiff wns not on
hand. This roused Hector's iro and ho
started after Forco as fait as his nng
could go. Ho had n heavy rnwhido in
his hand and used it on his horse, with
variations on Force's hack as often as
ho could catch up. Tho prairio was all
open land thero nnd tho two spectators
got in tho center of tho circlo dchcribed
by plaintiff nnd defendant. Hector
prosecuted his suit after his own fashion
until tired out, when thoy camo riding
up to tho others, Forco laughing good
naturedly at tho rago oi his antagonist.
Another suit begun and tho hack was
finally paid for. Suits wero not often
of any importance and wero souietimos
the cause of fun or gossip to tho wholu
A. A. Hobinson wns captain of the
military company organized in 1817,
which took part in tho war on Dattle
creek. Ho aftcrwurds went to Califor
nia. He was tho first whito man that
over ran a boat ovei tho Cascades. Ho
did good work hero and drillod tho
settlers to arms, 60 as to givo them con
fidence in caso of war with tho Indians.
Win. Martin took up a land claim at
tho upper end of Howell prairie, but
sold his rights to his cousin for ICO
acros in Missouri, intending to go back
and sell tho land to buy cattlo with tlio
proceeds. Tho discovery of gold
changed all plans, and ho never went
back as intended.
OCTOBER 1, 188(5.
Eight milos below Dayton, whero tho
present terminus of tho narrow gaugo
railroad is situated, is tho villago rf
Nowborg, around which, yenrs ago,
thero located n settlement composed in
good part of Friends, or Quakers, as
commonly called, and to-day exists ono
of tho most united and harmonious com
munities to bo found in Oregon.
Nowborg is closo under tho range of
hills that divide tho counties of Yamhill
and Washington, known as the Chohn
lorn mountains. Tho country is boun
tiful in its goncral features nnd tho soil
rich nnd productive. Within a very
fow yenrs tho foot-hills' hnvo becomo
more thickly settled, tho brush cleared
away, nnd many fino orchards grnco
tho pleasant knolls and ridges of tho
Olichalem rnugo that odor n natural
homo for tho growth of fruits.
For somo years past wo havo recorded
tho holding of annual fairs by this com
munity, nnd it is not "taffy" to say Hint
wo havo felt n strong desire to become
bettor acquainted with a pooplo who
could, and who actually do, sustain suc
cessfully such an organization nnd mako
such an exhibit; so it wns with groat
pleasure that wo received an invitation
from Mr. Samuel Hobson, secretary of
tho society, to bo n guest nt tlio fair hold
last week. A thlrty-milo drive took us,
via of Spong's forry nnd Dayton, to
Nowborg, whero wo found largo tempo
rary buildings crcctod to sholtor tho ox
hlbit nnd tho crowd, which was estima
ted at a thousand pcoplo, gathered chlof
ly from that locality, hut including vis
itors from somo distanco; all tho editors
of Yamhill woro thero In person.
In tho afternoon, as thoy depended
upon us for an address, wo gavo thorn a
plain talk about tho valuo of fruit-growing
and tho importance of making that
a loading Oregon industry, all present
bolug at liberty to como in with ques
tions and their own opinions. That
evening wo woro guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Cyrus Hoskins, who began life thero
nino years ago, and from n very small
beginning now havo ono of tho most
beautiful nnd thrifty fruit farms to bo
found in tho State. It was pleasant to
hear our host and hostosn narrate, with
hearty glee, their hardships and en
deavors, working for wages to get bread
and pay interest, and ho slashing tho
brush to mako n clearing. Ho burned
this off, fencing with tho polos, worked
to oaru seed which ho sowed in tho
mlics, not oven having a team to haul
n brush over it, and tho neighbors re
monstrating with him for wasting good
wheat in that rcckloss way. Ho cra
dled nvor l,r00 bushols of grain and
astonished tho good German, who ex
pected to have his land back, by paying
for it. Thon ho cold part of the laud
for moro than doublo its cost, and later
sold moro for soven timos its cost, so
that now ho occupies n lienutlful homo,
built with his own hands, and looks
abroad on knolls covered with orchards
that mako him moro than independent,
though not moro than nix years old.
Mr. Hoskins is n rich man, though
comparatively a young man, and nny
man who will plant such orchards as he
has cannot fnil to succeed. Wo may
trespass on private grounds in tolling
this stnry without his permission, hut it
ilhif tratos the results of good endeavor
and good management, and shows what
thu soil of Oregon will do for those who
really cultivate it; as nU indicates tho
character of tho community about Now
herg, so we trespass and hopo for par
don. Tho lesion of such success is
worth tolling to encourage thoso who
nro struggling onward.
Inside tho pavilion wo found a hand-
somo collection of fruits, grains and
vegetables. Wo leave tho children's
part, tho ornamental, and tho art de
partments to tho editor of tho Home
Circle, aud will note the range of farm
J. Lewis Hoskins showed broom corn,
NO. 34.
and thinks somo varieties of it can bo
mado a profitnblo crop; also Marble
hend squashos raised in 1835, Baid to ex
cel tho Hubbard. In tho vogotablo lino
thoro wero line molons, squashes, pump
kins nnd nn assortment of garden pro
ducts that would not lose by comparison
with tho exhibit nt tho Stato Fnir. Of
grains there was excollcnt corn in stalk
nnd car. A thirty-acre Held was planted
this year not far from Dayton. Tho
genuiuo Fully wheat, raised nonr by,
was also thoro. Ourold-timo subscriber,
Mr. D. J. Wood, showed u sack of
beans that wero of tho nicest quality.
Ho gives his experionco to provo thnt
thoy can bo mado a profitable crop,
Thero wero about ono hundred entries
of farm products.
Tho show of fruit was fino and would
stand any comparison. Fall and winter
apples and pears ponches nnd grapes,
(tho ponches were most seedlings aud
very fino) mado n superb showing.
Our host is a boo-mau as woll as nn or
chardist; ho has over sixty hives nnd
soils much honey. Ho wns in chnrgo
of tho bco dopartmont nt tho fair, with
n hlvo of bees, an assortment of bco fix
tures aud somo Simplicity hives. This
vicinity producos as fino houoy as can
bo found tho world over, as wo proved
ht his tablo.
Speaking of fruits, Mr. Wm. Hobson,
tho vonerablo Friend, fnthor of sovoral
of that name, gavo us his experience of
growing poaches nnd nprlcots, nnd says
ho has grown both in porfoction. This
is valuable information, for tho location
of oxtonsivo canning works in Oregon
depends much on tho country being
ablo to produco thoso fruits, thoy being
in greater demand than almost all
There was n show of stock in yards
adjoining, including sovoral high grades
and ono ptiro Shorthorn, n bull throe
fourths Shorthorn nnd ouo-fourth Jer
sey , a cow nnd calf one-half Shorthorn
and onc-hulf Holstoln, enough to show
that thoro is an effort for improved
stock that is worth following up.
Thoro wero sovoral good entries of
horsos a Hnmhlotonian-Pilot stallion,
a two-year-old Hnmblctonian-Mombrino
colt, a choico draft maro. David Ham
soy showed a dark bay HngliHh draft
stallion, 17 hands, weighing 1,700 lbs,
that would command attention at any
stock show. J. L. Kinney, of Lnfny
etto, had n in nro and hor thrco-olghths
Clydo colt, four mouths old, very largo,
aud promises to bo a very good horse.
S. M. Woodward, of Nowborg, showed
a very good lot of Kssox swiuo that
camo from our friend G. W. Hunt, orig
inally, and havo not lost under his care,
for finer pigs are not easily found. Mr.
Woodward thinks this breed proiltablo
and intends to rniso them for sale. Ho
already has a numbor worth attention.
We have to ackuowlcdgo tho receipt
of kind attention and hospitality from
friends at Nowborg, and trust the ac
quaintance thus hogun will strengthen
int) a iermanent regard.
Indtzestlon or Conttlpatton
A few Hamiiuiio Fins aro all that is
necessary for tho cure of tho severest
eases of indigestion or constipation, and
one taken occasionally will prevent tho
dovelopmout of thoco nUections. '2ti
cents. At nil druggists. J. J. Mack it
Co., proprietors, 8. F,
Does your neighbor read tho Farmer?
If not, toll him wo will bond it free of
chnrgo until January 1, 1887, to all who
will rend us their address on n postal
A I'lns Farm for Sale
We have had placed in our hands for
sale a choico farm highly improved,
about four milos south of Halem. The
placo contains 120 acres, all of which is
cleared. Thoro is a growing crop of 62
acres, consisting of barley and whent.
There arogoqd buildings aud auwhard.
This placo yielded thirty biifLcla of
wheat por nero last year. Apply soon
aud obtain a bargain. I'rlco $:ifi per
acre. tl