33ZZ3Z, '..jfM.nw.y WILLAMETTE ?ARMEK; SALEM, OREGON, AUGUST 27, 1886 -ass: f .' hi, IS ' v rv . iU-i r Ii $jjeiira jjjjcpiilmcut Telegraphic Hews Tho California Ix'gislnturo 1ms ad journed until Thursday, Sent. 7. Thrco Nritisli Hclioonors liavo leon poized for scaling in Alankan witter. Sim Frnnuisco wheat market U ml vanccil ns high as $1.37 per cental lms boon paid. Tho Apstoho Indians nrn sueing for for ponco, and tlicir lendor, Ceronnno,ls said to bo crippled. TIipv limn nominntctl rt prohibition ticket in Nebraska. Over -100 delegates woro in uttendanco. Grover Cleveland and wife nro having a Hplendid timo in tho Adirondack?. Ho catches n eolmon trout cvury any. Thero has boon rt heavy fire in San Francisco, destroying several blocks. Losses estimated at fully $2,000,000. It is probable, that nnothor call for $113,000,000 in iJ por cent, bonds will bo mado (luring mo eoconu yyuok hi dciiu:iii bor. FloodH liavo provnilcd in Mexico, and a town of 700 inhabitants Iiiib been washed away. Great damage to crops and loss of lifo aro feared. Official estimates of tho Prugsiiin crons stato that tho wheat yield will equal 05 per cont of an avorago crop, ryo of, nancy vi nun onts iui, Tho issue of standard dollars during thn pnt wcok endod August 21, was 017,727. Thero wcro issued during tho corresponding ponoil last year ;., mi. A six and ono-half foot man who reg istered in a Now York hotol as "O. II. Lnmburt." blow out tho cos, and it toot- nix houni trcalmont to bring him out all right. Tho cashier of tho Bonom.i Hank of Vntnlnmn. Imu lirrm nnumi il of annro- printing 37,000. Ho denios nil claims to having dono so, and says it will bil anco yet. Cholera is raging in Coren. Twenty thousand dcnlhs nro rcnortou in Kei uliotlo alono. Tho natives call it a divino visitation and rofuso to givo medical ns Histauco to tho pntionts. Victoria. Texas, has boon visited by n great storm. Considerable- dnmngo to lifo and property is reported. 75 build ings demolished and 110 more or less injured. Joss $ 1UU.UUU. A. K. Cutting, tho "rat" printor who triod to got up notoriety in Mexico, has Dccn rcipusoti win is uiiuk in uiu um Statoi again. Ho will find ho wnsn Hignnl failure as a troublo-makcr. Tho WorM's Washington special says : Tho chaneos nro that Treasurer Jordan will soon rosier! and return to Now York to rcsumo his duties in tho bank, whero ho was Iwforo his appointment an treas urer. In Knclund in a running foot-rnco bo tween Oeorgo and Cummings, bi'x miles was run in 1:11. This is tho fastest timo on record. It is estimated that be tween 0,000 and 12,000 peoplo witnessed tho raco. According ton S.in Francisco dispatch tho Oliicniro and Northwestern Itnilroad will liavo n through lino to Oregon insido of two years. 1 hoy nro reportod also as backing tho Ynquinn road. Tho postolllco department has iptmed miscellaneous ndvortiscmonts inviting proposals for carrying mails in thn ntatos of Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Iudiuna, Illinois, Colorado, Orecon and California, and in tho Territories of Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Washington. Princo Alcxandcrof liulgarhi has been deposed, and it is creating much com ment on tho Continent. It is claimed that tho poonlo desired it, nnd that Itus- via will now assist thorn. So secretly was tho ovorthrow planned that it fell liko a thnndcrliolt. England seerus to bo powerless to assist or interfere. At Simla llosa, on Aug. 21, there was r froo-for-nll trot. Tho entries were Adair, Guy Wilkes and Antco. Adair won tho first heat, Wilkes second, Anteo third ; timo, 2 :20. Tho second, third and fourth heats woro won ensily by Guy Wilkes; time, 2:221, 2:10J, 2M, tho timo in tho last boat being ono second better than tho best stallion record undo on this coast. A San Fraiicisco dispatch says . At n meeting of federated trades hold bore, a resolution wns oflercd warning nil union mon nnd tho public generally Against a cortain stylo of stovos called "Tho Success," which is being oflercd for salo in this city. This particular tovo, it is alleged, is manufactured by convict labor in tho Oregon Stato Trison. Tho resolution wns adopted. Niagara Falls special says. Iouis E. Cooke, of Forepaugh's circus, is here, nnd says ho is making arrangements to place- an immenso ropo across tho Niagurn river, jiibt nbovo Whirlpool rapids, for tho purpo&o of giving n most novel pcrformunco. Ho says that Adam Foropaugh, Jr., is determined to inako bis famous Iilondin homo walk across on September 1, and that tho only ques tion ol safety to tho animal lies in tho possibility of securing proper nnchorago on tho ea.st side of tho river. Tho anarchist trial has been concluded in Chicago and the the jury has found tho defendants, August Spies, Michael Schwab, Samuel Fielden, Alfred It. Pur wns, Adolph Fischer, George Engel and Louis Lings, guilty of murder as charged in tho indictment, and fix tho penalty at death, and found Oscar Ncebe, guilty of murder in tho monner and form as charged in tho indictment, and fix tho penalty at imprisonment in the penitentiary for fifteen years. A mo tion for a now trial has been made, The jury agreed on tho first ballot. State and Territorial Hews. Pacific University, nt Forest Grove, begins studies on September 1st. Tncoma is enjoying 2,000 water melons sent thero from Hoguo river. Albany complains of being almost overrun with tramps and toughs of all description. Tho Ashlniul Woolen Mills arc run ning night and day nnd yet arc sonic whot behind with their orders. It is e-timated that fully 20,000 peach trcos will bo in bearing noar Ashland, Or., next year, if frost does not inter fere. Tho Willamctto University will re sumo studies on September tlth. The prospects nro very favorablo for a large attendance. At Tacoma, W. T, a "trci.tl school tax of $7500 has been agreed upon by thn taxpayers of tho district by a vole of 147 to 77 and a scattering. Work is being pushed forward vigor ously on tho foundation of tho medicnl rollego being crested for tho Willamctto University at tho corner of Fourteenth and C streets, Portland. There has been more substantial im provements mndo iu Ashland this year than at any previous time. Eight brick stores liavo bcou built and a number of lino and costly residences. Ezra Meeker states that there will bo no trouble regarding an adequato sup ply of hop-pickers this season in Pierce county, iih of his own knowlcdgo fully 200 white porsous can bo secured in Lewis county nlono. Articles of incorporation of tho grand lodgo of tho Ancient Order of United Workmen of Oregon and Washington lias been filed with tho Secretary of Stato by Win. Armstrong, George II. Durham nnd W. J. Pymale. At City View Park, on Saturday, Aug. 21, there was it trotting raco for a purse of 1000 bolween four of Oregon's fast trotters namely, Juno L, Kitty Lynch, Fred Hamilton and Altuinoiit. Tho raco wns won by Jano L after a hard stiugglc. Tho best timo was 2 :28!. Pierce county, W. 'i, has mndo thn following levy for 188(1: Territorial 2J mills, county 7 mills, school 0 mills, nnd road 1 mill. In nil 10J mills. The tax is thrco-nuurtcrs of u mill hichcr than last year, the reason being that lnt year there was no demand for pcniten tiary purposes. Col. 1 J. Parker, of Walla Walla, lias been apiKiintcd by Gov. Squire the com missioner to represent Washington Ter ritory iiuxi. yuur lit uiu jmiuiiuiiu ex hibition at lOtidon, of which ox-Minister Washburn Is President. (Jongress will be asked to impropriate tho sum of 810,- 000 for each Stato and Territory tho next session for the purpoiu of giving a good representation. In Hpoknno county, W. T., tho har vest is much better than expected. From persons who liavo threshed their gram wo learn tlio yield lias been about two-thirds per acre In comparison with last year. As there has been u much larger acreage in this county sowed to grain this year than any former one, it is fair to oxpect that this section will ex port as much wheat as last season. Dr. Carver's appearances hero Thurs day, Sept. 2 with W. W. Cole's circus, will bo tho last opportunity to sco this celebrated innrkniian in this city, as ho has perfected all arrangemt nts to take his "Wild West" combination to Europe, opening in IxhuIou next October. Such an enterprising undertaking involves, of caurse, somo financial risk, but Carver has received so much encouragement from prominent men of the iMiropcan countries, that ho feels sangnino of brilliant success. Ho has already an established reputation in England, hav ing defeated nil the crack shots during his sojourn there a few years ago. Vitriol, flit on pounds for one dollar at Port A Hon's, 100 Stato street. No Equal for Shingles. Youmisiown, O., Slay 1, 18S5. Mu. Hikam Duunktt Dear Sir: Your Impervious Lime Paint has no equal for shingles as a fire-proof paint. i ours, etc., Wis. idcii, Insurance Agent. Woodward Hroa. aro agents for Salem. Yuu ran find thorn at Mrs. Sargent's Iwarding-hoiiro. Farmer's Attention! It is n well known fact that the man that buys the cheapest can ufl'ord to sell the cheapest. Thnt'rf what's tho matter with Port it Son, Druggist", No. 100 Ktnto street. lucLlen Arnica Haltr. The Heat Salvo in the worM for Cuts. limisej. Sorts, Ulcer, Hilt Khcuui. Fever Sore, Tetter. Cuappcd Hand, Chilblain Corn, ami all Skin Ktuptiouo, aud positively curri Pile-, or no pi required. Ithnuaran. teed to give perftct mtimction, or money re- mimed, rnoe renu iKir uox. For tale liy Poit A. Son. Aytnt forth DouioClr, Hoaorhold, Wbltr, anil Amrrlrn tMtlnsr Machine, oil, MralUt, nd Attachment and ilachlna part (or all machlnta. UjcMnt rcialrrl and wuianUxl. Uome cr mix! fur (arilruUr. SjlU(ctln guaranteed. n!tf $10.00 will !ht DAISY New Style Cora Hkellrr, Tlie ran riMiu tb Coru a It comn out. The UimiU I Ackrd why w Mil our Ktiellrn a cbeap. AMweri W build tlif in In win. ter after our Clover II allcr trade 1 over. All are warranted to do food work or no aalr. NKWAKK MACHINE CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO. jHBi f HflillB DR. FLINTS HEART REMEDY A mTfflotnmnm Wli . 'ffV ,uiiOUAiriuti ADDRESS THPATTCP JJ.MACK.&Ca niEE. if Whenever ywi t yH an ttneatlneci In fho rcclcfl of (he lieart, fieliitht pala In tho houlilcr.um oruinlorths iIiouUci- Uido, or tv.Va oa fed younelf thort of niiui wiicu ciorcuinir.oryour heart ha itrloli t( bcallnf fMt,yol luto heart dicraM, and hould laXo Dr. Hint' 1 Icirt Ilcmeil'. 1.6a UcecrlpUvo Irutty with each bolUo, or willtd free HAMBURG FIGS. Tlicro U no rcmoly which can rival Himrxirjr Tfi for tlio euro of liiblliul conjunction, InJiccttlon and ttck-hcattiKho. Ihclr action I prouil and e01clcntaitliclrtatoltpleaianL SSceuta. At all DrurcUt J or aadrcea J. J. MAOK & CO., 0 and II Front Ot., 6nn Frnnolseo, Onl. OrcRou Knilvray nnd Naviga tion company. THE ONLY ROUTS TO THE EAST. Tranaler tUamer eonneetlni; with Atlantic Kirirn lec Ah Ftrt wharf, 1'ot tland, dally, at 3:00 l'. M. ino i-acuio r.irxtei arrive ai roiutnu, uaiiy at 10:30 I. 11. rnllinnti Sire (iliic 'r run throajh to bt. Taul, Council lllult, and Davton, and clo.e connection niadd llh liotlt Northern faerie and Union l'aciflc tralm at their wotern tcrmlul. . BAN FRANCISCO LINE. Ili-turcii INirtlnml Hint Mnn rrnncUre, Lavlnir AltHwottl, Wharf at mlJnlkMit, u follown raov roHTLANp, Stlinlirlit State, Wt-ihiOHfay,. Orro'i, fatnnly Ciilumlila, Tliurway HUlo, TnraJay,., "roo",Miinla (JoluinliU Krl 'ay. raonaai raANCiaoo, 10 V 51 'Onlumi Ii.t7l2ay,. He L S Htate,Wednclay. 8 Orrtrtn, Uomlav. . 13 OolumMt, Saturday IS Htlte.llmilLv. 31 Hep 1 i V . .14 . .10, JtlOreironrueiiliy,. 5S Suir, Wediittday aw i And eeryflftniy thtrnfter untiTfiitthTr nntlce Tlimmh TleUeH iotd to all point la the Uhlud State, Canada and Kurope. RIVER DIVISION. Il(wt letvr Port and far th (Mea.l(iiand 1 he PMtc at 7 A. M. dally, except Surday. The It.lLThoinixon A -8. (I. Ilcr Live I'ortUnd at 0 A. tl. on alternate di) fcr Aitorla and way point. To AHtoria, Ihvaco, Clatsop, anil I'anby. niVMDIAM u' A,h ,lr'cl at H.COA.M. on ULI lllrlrlilTueadynd Thuraltyt.andat 1 I'.M. on 8tiidi, running without tranalcr er ttopiK illrrct 1 1 Aitorla, I'ort O nly, and lloico, lininc Ute c-Minrctlon luada by Oljrnplan with itramcr and Uii for Cat p beach. TO OKKI.O CITY AMI DIXTON. Touching Intcrmedltte point, uteamfr leave Poit'and dally (rarrpt Hurlaj)it 10 JO A. VI. acd 4.30 1. 11. Leave Oiexim City at7UWA. II, and 1 I'.M. Illrrct connection made lor Daiton ou Ilonday, Wednc. andrrldaj. " ' General omee 'r. I'ranl ami n Ml. A. L. MAXWKI U Tlektt Ak'tnt JNO. J. ilYUNK, (Icn. P.m. Dd Ticket Act 1S51. IHHiU WANTED ! l-O-O-O New auto rrllKM for the WEEKLY STATESMAN ! -THIS YEAR. KALI, Two PancrK for thn Prlco of One, or Four I'liporH for IiCBH than tho Price of Two. . An cirellrnt farmers' paper ulveii aivtuy with thV STATESMAN. Till: AMKItlOAN I'AUMCIC. u aliUrn. piik'o uirrlrultural nuifiulup, iiillllifxl at I'ort AVuyne, I ml., I ono of tlio louillnt; Uffrlcullurul Journal of thn country. It I ilct otrl ricliulvrly tit tlio InterriU of tlm I'nrnior, Htock-lirriHler, llulryinun, Oar ilrnrr, nnd llouaoliuld, and story K-tl-H of ludiutry ronnretrd with Unit Krout por tion of people, the farmer. Fanner cull not well get ailing without It. It put new Ideua In their lnluil. It tenchi-4 them haw In farm wllh prollU It niuke thn Ikome happy, tlio younB folk cheerful, unil the Krtiwlrr cnntentetl. Tlie auliacrlpllon prlro of the ailMr.lt U$l per year. HI pull-ll.ln-d iniinthly.twelvo nil in tier year. To nil now nlcrlher ti thn Daily or Weekly HTATIiSUAX who, nfter Aiifiut l.t, 1HHU, auhkcrlbn unil pity ouu year' uhacrlptlnn In mltiiure, the Aiuerlcuu I'uriner will ho tent ono yeur free of t ha rice. Old kuhacrlher to the 8T AT I IS MAN who pay up ull arrearui;e and one yourluud. ane will receltn Urn Amerlcun I'uriner ono yeur free of rharfre. Old uhncrlher who will pay upallur rearuse unci one yeur Inudvaiice, may aub Kirlbo for unnther copy of tho Weekly STATI'.SMANror 11.80, und the. Ainrrlran I'uruier will uUo he eiit to tlio now name, thu kIvIiik four puper fur lttlinii the price of lwu hut the uddlllnual name iuutbe thill nf aonio peron who I not a ubucrlber la tho htalcainuii'-.u new ilb fccrlher. If you ure not u ahaerlter, und you hate u friend who lalo iioIh anhtcrl her, you may each receive the Weekly NTATICSMAN uud tho premliiut paper for .I.no, which I HO rcuU lea than the price of the Btateamau alone, Srnd the Weekly und the premium to friend In the eul. It will he appreciated. Till premium announcement refer only to eaah nbcrllier. Tbi proiolllou hold a;ool only Ull January lat, 1887, aOer which date no (ubaerlptlou will be taken on thete term. jar-HubM-rlptionprlcei Dally HTATKS ilAN, per anuuiu, (Ot Weekly B"rATK.S MAX, per annum, 4 nirr.fjov statkhmaw. fjalciii, Oregon, J VfAIN mm ff IV mi.R TIIR llNMATflllUI) INNi Ml III UU1J1I) A111J UllllAXll JllAU 111UV IXliULt I Tho IcotioclAtt of tho amusement realm, ami tho ! CREATOR OF THE NEWEST FORMS Crowned n ml airplerrd wllh Cole's Now Colossal Slows ! - Apr' l all tholr vat entirety rain or ihlnc, at Salem, Thursday, September 2nd. Note Tho arrangement of tho American Hlmwincn's l'ooleil I.chriio will prevent any other circus from Wtdlltig Halem thti ncasoit. BIGGER, BETTER, RTCHElt, AND GRANDER THAN KVKlt. Champion rlJcr, aerobnta. vaultcrii, contortlonlt,inUl-alrmeteor', atrons men, lioxcra, fencerr, wrcitler, Kladlaor", jiUKler nnd hlgh-wlro perforniori from overy noted circni and amphl theatre ol Europe Imnonlnfteouireas of eclohratod Uusalan blcycllat. tiulcycllata and roller kkatcrs matchlcaa collection of atrange curio from tlio land of thn Mnntciuma Tho lallcit giant, tlio amalleit dwarf, mott phautnm-llao of living skulctona. and alio mott myilcrlnits of othor human phenomena unrivaled tchno) ot educated elephant, uoblo alalllon, clown oicphnula, onlc, goat, donkey and ro- brai Invinclhlo Arablanathlele,atuUap.tneaiugRlerannd wrcitlcra Socage nf earth' rarcit xoologtcal wcallh'Naturc'a mo.t capracloua production, a two headed cow Itcnroductloii nf tlio Itomati hip- tiodromo Vividly rcallntlo repretcntatlou nf life In Mexico and tho "Wild wcit," Introducing Dr. V. V. Carver, "ovll iptrltof Iho plain," audio) noted acout, conhoyi, ludlaut and vancroi. atStii liVtf'COLKSIPPOlDROMEi ,ft-r.W;qV fLEPHANTS. RACING SS hW. r"OTSMr JTMOiaiI- WT -' irfiirv'' iTi .' VVr'AaaWJTlMrV ' vy'ktaViW to.1ltSJarl)ir.', MyilB vjraw?c-nrwr-yrt ..' sttmw7E2ZWt!Z9KXii,iM. mmmmgm i '.if-iilS gSfrzax-M Stupendous Revival of lt)'JBa.Jajaaaa(Miadj.J iimvseJ Vft;SBaWlwjRrKllira(Vi - Of ancient tlrceco and Itumc. Ilorolf, Hotil.Sllilnn 1 Al-'atuoiiH JCNTO UIMl I I'lIpIIOUdl IllIUOIJU. CO Miimtca of Circus with 200 Meteoric, Jrforincra. ;)0 Jl inutos of Theatre -Kilty Actors and Specialists. HO Minutes of Jl ippodrome Jtaces,',!!,!!;::1"!!' ,ock"y,, " HO Minutes ol Wihl"Wct,ntH,M,;n 80 'Minutes for tho JruseuiirtVwiriSJT1 'narvc'0'HI""mMu"'"ll"au" 0 Minutes for tho aitMiauerioSattX'" 1-2 Hours of Solid, Unapproachable Entertainment. )'oUlvoly your lot oppottunlt)' to tvo Iho Wliard lilllcman, MM I mm nnd His Great "WILD TOT." 100 wcttem relehrlllen In atArtllng plctn, of frontier life. Ite illatlo In vtery dvUil. Carurcninuiiiitniru Kumpo clr.lrr.i him next ear Samso Til ii it Tlili aldo of ft'JW I ATlme tho ruot marnlftccnt, ipeetacular atrcet parado over aecti In aiiy agunr cot ztJ X J try, panaiiis In grand review buforu cheering iitullltude at IU a. li. dally. j ADirLSSIONcninljViiVrhi"ivrMSl Itenerved ctuhloned opera chair at tho initial illght advance. 2 EXHIBITIONS DA I LY. MORS OPEN AT 1 and 7 1'. M. 1'erformaiico hcu I in otiu hour later. WII.I. Al.M) i:illlllT lit rnrlland, AiikukI VO und 'JT Allmiiy, Krlduy, Neploui- lmr 3 1 ilretrnn Ity, t diiradity, ht'ptintir, nlli. DAVID COLE & CO., IIILALLHS IN HTOVFAi ANJ TINWA lth ' And all horl or House Furnishing Goods. AIvi maku a Epecialtf of Dairy ami Creamery (aooriv, At.d ci Uanufacturer of StuteMiiau A; Cole'n Steam Generator, An Oregon Inttntlon, that nill reblutlnl HUuui loitti llx wciW ever, I'J.1 I'ruul Hlrrel lo Itri llnl Mreel, fOUTLiuMI, OIIKCOV. Ad. Wildmer Nelson, (Kir Putcfflte, Kalim, Oreyon ) Steam Dyeing & Cleaning WORKS. ChlMrtn rMtoeaU, Ui, Rlbbo-u. Bllki. Velvtl, Wuoltn and uilxil irovil clcantd and died Iu any had or coler. fun. rul, lilanktt nd Carpet eltaaed and mad to hxk like dw. Ladka' lirott eltcd, drtd and prMj without rlppiav Cf alirlnk. Iiitf. ItinLa Clotblnir tkranrd or drJ wltnoot ihrink. In-. Tl, eltanliiK ol lUiikett, Udit anJ arctiti I deiusg (M.uuiy, OF AREXIC EMERTA1NMEN7S ! ! it poputiirlly n widens ino uiinrrne. na ON n MILE TRvCK. . .? PWWftfltW &.-. K',rl. .1HM ..,... ..ni-.t. ' ii. i 'i .K 'V. 8!V'.lt " . --t-TaV ti ' I' 3; . on -7JL the ( Iho Orient . Nlii vVIi'ra'nr Akv)0 (jVjl 1 b. n iui Heaviest iiiliaiil HOLSTEIH-FRIES! AN CATTLE. tiii: ciiou.'imt iii:ici wkht or m:v toitii. Ytnr.sri nTIM'U. ron.UMIr on band ami fur rule at reasonable prl. .t.UKIIi; .VKTIIIlItl.AMI, and .IIKIHflMM'.H itruln largely re;reH'i tullubird Atl.eudiif lienl the rliolro tuttir trod bull NETHERLAND CARL (3279)- I arm Mlr-Oro mm weal of ji('ru.e, Vli.,oiiboiitliuriiMliiiieaoln DItUIoh oil l Aft I' II II ,ir:itKAI.l.lN, lalniiiii, miiuiu-n ., .Ulna. RUSSEL&CO'S ENGINES and SAWMILLS Tlui New MaHslllon Tlirefiher I tlie troatcat irraln aavln uiachln of the prtteot itntury. Iluiltcaprrwly I r l'aciflc C'oait work, wllb itoutil Ian, heavy fram woik, Iron truck wheel, lc UnliiniUU In oapuity ami uniurpaaavd Iu work. CH lojue and prlo Hit lint Iree, Akref hTboKLb k CO., rortlanJ, Or. Agricuiural Drain Tile ! Till. OKEtiOX POITEKY Co., MANUrACTUMlKltS OK Drain Tile, Chimnoy Pipe, eta OUR DHAI.V TII.K AUK MAUK OK KIllKCLAV aiul burned lurJ. They arv tcry IoukU aj-l nutvully brokan. They can U hauled or ahlppol with lltilacr noIOM. and ar turxriorto anyotbei In thl vouDtrv. Tim l.rnier can not afford to tw iulirlor til. Um what I rtlUUe and pcruunt, a it la the chteput in tin ml. t Orttd and )rd, ccrntr Mfih and U Ircttv I'onUiid, orei; u. Nend for I'rlee Lltt. vn 1 1 i,iiif