Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 27, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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Jhe latife Jirde
Hay I como in again sod eo you all
And greet my friends both great and imall,
To enjoy your imilea and kindeat wiahca;
Jaat oat tho kitchen where I wih the dishes?
I think 1 can tell by tho (rill of her cap
That Grandma now ta taking a nap.
8och dull brain aa mtne you cannot enrtchen
80 tho dear old aoulaentme to tho kitchen.
Of all homo-work thero Is notonedutyaorlpo
Aa dish-washing; I've practiced it all my life.
Was it her injunction to nae no alang,
Nor above thinga abont with a chatter and
Well I'll try to be quiet, but who ia to blame;
Some of yon leave thinga musty ''all tho
Mollte, who cheated aoma one pumpkin pica;
I think is a small woman with merry brown
We'll not wait to havo tho corn and our feci
toga shocked I ween,
Hut juat bring them in and cook them green.
Here is Chcrrie, with tho black eyes rougish
and small,
But who ever heard of a cherry having any
eyes at all.
That alcnder form, with eyca so cheerful and
la patient Pcnaic, in loving deeds aho takes
I seo a bright complexion with golden hair;
Is that Pat O'O. with hii lady fair!
Can't 100 Gradma's eyos, only her uoio and
My she's waking! gucis I'll havo to skip;
Juut now is tho timo to Imd ns tho
Tark peels readily. Last August I put
a few buds into n very thrifty but com
mon rose, ono of tho kind that blooms
but onco n year. Thin eummor I havo
had soutu lovely blooms of choico roses
to pay mo. I now have put in buds of
every color I could get, and if nothing
prevents I will havo n boquct of growing
roeen in tho yard. It !h not considered
to bo dcsirablo by omo to bud, as tho
budn after awhilo lone their individuali
ty and blend with tho stock. Hut it
certainly gives n pleasant employment
and gives pleasure for a time. I wrap a
vory narrow picco of old cloth around
tho budding placo and take it ofl' after
tho growth is assured. To any ono liv
ing in tho country, ono who has timo to
fipend this is a delightful occupation.
Now ono ought to plant pansy seed, tho
littlo plants will como up and bo ready
for spring blossoming. All bulbs phould
bo put out in tho fall, and ect rathor
deep, too. My plants and flowers havo
given such comfort, I would like to hnvo
others try to find tho sanio satisfaction.
nome Training for the Children.
A mother') fnco brightons n homo liko
sunbeams or shadows it liko a thunder
storm. Kxort yourself to bo pleasant
and good-tompored, nftcr a littlo it will
become habitual. Never let any of tho
family seo that thoy can annoy or fret
or worry you. A inothor's looks aro
children' looks, her lifo their living
poem. You cducato your children mor
ally by your looks and manners. Tho
mother should bo an optimist, should
always seo tho silver lining to tho dark
cloud. Whon clouds of trouble over
shadow tho littlo faces her f.-tco should
bo sun shining through.
Tench religion at homo ; teach mor
als and manners at homo, if you mean
they shall have good ones ; but don't
do it by dogmatizing. Havo order and
system, but don't havo too many rules.
Pon't depend on church and Sunday
schools to teach tho children religion.
They aro helps, but no good unless prac
tice at homo coincides. Utiles are no
benefit if allowed to bo broken. Ono is
enough if enforced, namoly: "lo as
you would bo done by," and never lot
an opportunity pass to illustruto it by
practical example. Enforco promptness
and diligenco in work and study. Culti
vate reverence in your family, reverence
for ago, for persons in authority. Rev
orenco U tho foundation of good man
ners. Ola Fruit Cans.
Empty tin fruit cans may be utilized
in a number of ways. For pails, open
on trie ei-ded end, cutting within half
an inch or less of the outside odgc. Lay
on a block and with a hammer pound
tho half inch left down flat, making a
ice rim; punch a hole on each side and
put a wiro bale in. Or, if too much
trouble to fix tho edgo in that way, put
them top down on a hot stove long
enough to melt tho rim off; whilo hot
ecrapo off all surplus solder. This way
does not make as firm an edge, but docs
Tcry well for ordinary use. The gallon
eixo makes Tory handy paila, as also tho
quart ones. For flower pots, open on
the smooth ond ; heat on tho bIovo till
rim drops off, then turn on sealed end
and leave just long enough to melt off
tho small round piece. A littlo practice
will soon cnablo a person to unsolder
them very fasL When putting plants
in them, cover tho holo in tho bottom
with a picco of tin, glass or anything
that will fit ; put in tho plants, and fill
with earth. Should you wish to remove
tho plant at any time, placo a stick (a
spado handlo is as good as anything) on
tho picco over tho holo, and press up
ward, holding onto tho can. Tho earth
will slip out leaving tho roots all undis
turbed, ready to bo transplanted. These
are nice for putting tomato plants and
starting cucumber and squash vinos in,
as thoy can bo removed with so littlo
troublo that tho plants novcr know it.
Tho samo cans can bo used yenr after
TIiobo having fruit to pick can mako
a picker out of a quart can ; cut a V-
shapod notch in ono sido not quito an
inch deep; fasten on to n long polo or
stick by tho sido opposito to tho notch ;
when you pick tho npplo or other fruit,
let tho stom como into tho notch, givo a
little upward jerk and tho fruit is in tho
Nico bird houses may bo mado of
them. If for swallows or martinf, fasten
in rows pyramid-shape, leaving tho holo
in tho end just largo enough to go in.
For singlo housekeeping for wrens, use
ono can with a holo cut in tho Bide, or
unsolder tho round picco where it is
scaled; nail to a post, and if wishod it
can bo mado fancy by taking two pieces
of rough hark and forming npeakod roof
ovor tho can. l'nint all n dark brown
and you havo quito an ornamentnl bird
house. A wldo picco of bark or board
under the can makes a good placo for
thorn to alight whon going to nost.
With a littlo ingenuity, several Btyles of
"architecture" can bo dovlscd. Where
cans aro used for flowers, a cover can bo
mado of perforated card board worked
with whito zephyr. Mako it largo
enough to slip over easily ; then in sum
mer tho cans can bo buuIc in tho ground
and tho cover kept for tho Winter.
A Btruce tht Women will Blake
Somo day tho women will strike, jwr
haps tho sooner tho bettor, not for
tho control and guidanco of social life,
and we may live to see tho day when a
man who is not a gentleman in all re
lations of lifo will bo boycotted and left
to herd with his own kind. Thero Is
no excuse for n man who is n boor, who
is given to bad company and openly in
dulges his vicious tastes. Thero is a
placo for him, but it is not among tho
ladies, nor is it a compliment to a man
who tries to bo n gentleman, who offers
all possible respect to a lady, to find in
his society, on equal forms, a man
whom ho knows to be unworthy. To
taboo him is tho prerogative of tho lady,
and much as thoy may rail at society
and its failings, thero is no cut so deep
to a man as to bo advertised as unwor
thy to go into tho society of people
whoso respect ho does not comprehend
until it is lost.
Tomato Marmalade. Weight the fruit
and tako as many ounces of sugar ns
thero aro pounds of tomatoes. Put sugar
into n presorving-pan, set it over a gen
tlo fire, and stir it until tho sugar molts
and acquiros a light brown color. Add
three or four onions, minced very linoly,
and when these, too, are slight browned
put into tho tomatoes cut into piccos.
Season pleasantly with salt, pepper,
jK)v.dered mace and r rated nntmog.
ltoil all gontly together till tho fruit is
reduced to a pulp; thon strain tho juico
through a seivo, and boil it again this
time quickly until u little, put upon n
plato will stiffen. Tut tho marmaludo
into jars, and when cold cover in tho
usual way. This forms a most dainty
relish spread upon slices of thin, well-
buttered bread, and if nicely prepared
it will keep good for a long time.
Tomato Omelet Peel four ripo to
matoes and cut or chop thorn into littlo
dice. Make a heaped tablesponl of
flour into smooth pasto with a littlo cold
milk; add a littlo suit and iieppor, six
well-beaten eggs and tho tomatoes; beat
tho mixtnro thoroughly, and fry tho
omelet in tho usunl way. It may bo
folded over if liked, but it must not be
turned. It will require from six to eight
minutes to cook properly.
will find relief from their costlvenew,
swimming in tho head, colic, sour stom
ach, headache, kidnoy troubles, etc., by
taking a dose of Simmons Liver Regu
lator after dinner or supper, so ns to
move tho bowels once a day. Mothers
will have better health and the babies
will grow more robust by using the Reg
ulator, I f an infant shows signs of colic
nothing liko a few drops in water for
.jfotj $M lulilren;
When mamma was a little girl
(Or so they say to mr),
She never uicd to romp and run,
Nor shout and scream with noiiy fuo,
Nor climb an applo tree,
She always kept her hair In curl,
When mamma was a little girl.
When mamma was a little girl
(It seems to hor, you see),
Sho never used to tutnblo down,
Nor break her doll, nor tear her gown,
Nor drink her p.'pVa tea,
Sho learned to knit, "plain," "seam," and
Whon mamma was a littlo girl.
But grandma says, It must be true,
"How fait tho seasons o'er us whirl!
Your mamma, dear, w&s just liko you,
When aho was grandma's littlo girl!"
Our bright Ilcssie comos again to
liven up tho column with one of her
good lotlcrs. Yes, Aunt Hetty helped
to pack thoso plums, but little
thought that Bossio would enjoy any
of them. It is tho nicost business
thero is to raise fruit, to handlo it, look at
it and enjoy tho delightful fragrance of
each sort. It is nice to pick it off tho
trees ; ithaso bo handled very carefully,
for ono bruiso would spoil any plum
then ono spoiled plum would ruin each
other plum next to it. Then tho trees
must bo carefully used. It will not do
to gather fruit roughly or so oh to injure
the bark of tho trees or break tho tender
fruit buds that are forming for anothor
Aunt Hetty is very anxious to go to
Spokano, and no doubt sho will do so.
Wo shall havo to send up some of our
beautiful llnrtlctt pears soon. People
from tho East can hardly believe what
nico fruit wo have freo from blight
and worms. Wo seo by tho papers that
great numbers of people aro coming
hero whore tho climate is so perfect and
whero no drouth hits ever yot happened
to ruin crops. Indeed, this year most
farmers havo found that tho yipld of
grain has been larger than expected be
fore threshing.
That is nico of Ilesslu to send patch
pieces to littlo frionds. Dish washing
is one of tho mod important of housu
duties; it is not considered quito agree
able, still if ono would just determino to
mako it nn art it would Itwo much of Its
unpleasantness, no at it with tho de
termination to seo how well it can be
done ; bo sure to keep tho wiping tow
els swoot and cloiu. A doctor said
onco thoro was ofton "death in a dish
rug," but that was not ono of Iltwaio'H.
Si'okank Falls, Aug. 1 1, 188G.
Kditor Home Circle:
You seo I havo changed my duto
again. This is a beautiful placo with
tho great pino trees all among tho
houses, tho magnificent falls and tho
lovely river. You will havo to como
and seo us now, Aunt Hetty, when you
como to Spokano in your trnvels. Wo
have been having splendid plums from
your orchard for weeks past, and I al
ways think of you every ono I eat. I
think Clarke's seedling is just delicious.
I would so like to soo Irene's littlo kids.
I send hor some pioceH for her crazy
quilt to Lcaburg, Oregon, this mail. I
like to sew too ; I made my last dress
myself on tho machine. I am eleven.
Here is ono of my namu cards for Aunt
Hetty. June und 1 Uku tuodinh wash
ing turn about; I'm always glad whon
it is over. Wo havo h "Lively Mechan
ical Hoy" at our house too, ho has just
cut his hand. Yours truly,
Dkhsik Hirrron.
Pretty Edging-Cast on Nine SUtcncs
First How Knit .1, nurrow, over, nar
row, over, knit 1, ovor, knit 1.
Second How Kuit 1, seam I, knit 1,
Ho.im 1, knit l,Mam 1, knit 4.
Third How Knit 2, narrow, over, nar
row, ovor, knit 3, over, knit 1.
Fourth How Knit 1, seam 1, knit U,
ceam 1, knit 1, seam 1, knit X
Fifth How Knit 1, narrow, over, nar
row, over, knit f, over, knit 1.
Sixth How -Knit 1, wiam 1, knit 5,
seam 1, knit 1, Beam 1, knit 2.
Seventh Row Knit 3, over, narrow,
over, narrow, knit 1, narrow, ovor, nar
row. Eighth How Knit 1, seam 1, knit 3,
seam 1, knit 1, seam 1, knit 3.
Ninth Row Knit -1, ovor, narrow,
over, knit 3 tog, ovor, narrow.
Tenth Row Knit 1, seam 1, knit 1,
seam 1, knit 1, seam 1, knit 1.
Eloventh Row Knit 5, over, knit 3
tog, over, narrow.
Twelfth Row Knit 1, seam 1, knit 1,
earn 1, knit 6. Repeat from beginning.
Plenty of gravel is an essential part
of poultry diot. Seo to it that your
(owls aro fully supplied.
Watch tho thormomotor. Look alive,
or butter will becomo too soft: cream
will over-ripen. Don't trust to senso,
but ubo a thermometer.
Cows should bo milked by tho samo
milker, and as quickly as possible, and
good, pure water and salt placed in easy
A force pump throwing a spray is
used by some poultrymen in throwing
white-wash and othor lice killing liquid
into tho cracks and croviccs of tho poul
try quarters.
Nevor feed a horso with liny from a
rack located abovo his head, as a
draught beats down which is injurious,
and tho dint is liable to injure his eyes.
Cows should bo kept in improving
condition. Cows In falling condition
havo troublo in calving. A fat cow, de
clining in condition at time of calving,
will not do as well as a poor one.
Card tho cows. Help nature to got
rid of the old hair covering; it roliovcB
them from a great amount of discom
fort. A goal carding cannot bo substi
tuted for more feed. Cows liko it.
For inflammation or caked bags on
their cows, writes a correspondent of
Hoard's Dairyman, tho worst caso I cvci
saw was comparatively curod in four
hours by thoroughly soaking and rnl-
bing with tho juice of tho pic-plant
Horse-radish shonld lie dug out in tho
fall, and on no account should it bo left
over for another soason. If this bo done,
tho main root will become partially rot
ten, and assume such a woody totturo
as to rundor it ontirely unfit for use.
Milk must nevor bo allowed to stand
in cans after being roturnod to tho farm,
and they should bo thoroughly washed
in warm water and thon scalded with
water boiling hot, and thoroughly
scoured with salt at least twico a week,
Soap, soda, or such alkalies should not
lo used to clean cans or pails.
Tnko two teacups of Hour, ono table
spoon of butter, ono salt spoon of salt;
milk to mako dough. Knosd with tho
hands for ten minutes. Hrenk off
into pieces tho size of a walnut and roll
as thin as pajwr. Stick with a fork
thickly to prevent blistering. Hako in
a moderate oven and ynu will secure
good crackers.
Small tin enns, in which prepared
cocoa is sold can bo mado into vory
pretty match rccoivers by crocheting
with Florence knitting silk a cover to
lit tho box ; tho ordinary singlo crochet
stitch is lined with n finish around tho
top of a row of full sholls, draw tho
cover over tho tin and suspend with
bright ribbons.
Squash and sweet potatoo vines hav
ing rootlets that grow out from tho un
der sides of tho joint, which anchor
them and prevent tho wind from dis
lodging them, should bo lifted vory care
fully when growing, as tho rootlets not
only hold tho plants in place but nsiist
in procuring nourishment, and any
damage done in handling retards the
If tho currant worm put In an appear
ance dust tho bushes with white helle
bore till the foliage shows tho prcsenco
of tho powder freely, or tuo spoonfuls
of tho ponder can be stirred in a pint of
water end then applied with a sprinkler
whon the foliage is dry. Repeat as often
us worms are seen. The application is
equally good for gooseberry or roso
There are many recipes for getting
rid of muche. One as harmless us any
is to slice up cucumbers and lay tho
pieces in the way of tho bugs, An
other, not quite so harmless, but more
effectual, n to grind up wluto sugar
and calomel in equal parts and sprinkle
tho mixture over any sort of food or of
swonti tho roaches readily oat. It will
kill them, and mice too, if not rats.
Cure In mekllog Pork
Many a barrel of pork in lott by neg
lecting to kmi Unit tlioru in nlwayn a muji
ply of undituolvcd tutlt in tho bottom of
tho barrel or crock. Pork U nico, if
when imt to fry n d.wh of iMJPiwr, and a
littlo Hwoct cream bo dipped on oach
alico before turning. It ia alno nire dip
ped in boaten egg and rollod in broad
crnmbri, previoiw to frying. Wo profor
to ulwuyu nprinklu n pinch of Hugar
over pork when put to fry, bringing
back Bomewhat too natural ewce'tnotw
extracted by the freshening procoHu; wo
also think it nicer when freshened in
ukirn milk. When rollod in egg and
broad crumbt thu sliofH shonld bo cut
very thin.
Vitriol, fifteen pounds for ono dollar
at Tort A Bon's, 100 Btate atieot.
u n w
a r-ffjcjriiJr Vigor core baldacu.
AJC -liiJLV Ollalr VlKor rctore youth
ful frcahncs and color to faded ami gray
hair. It attaint IbeM remit by Ibo alia.
utallon of the hair root and color glaod,
it rejuvenate the T-r a rn and cleanse K.
It restore to the -aJ.iaJLI.VUiM, ellbsr by
reason of ago or disease of the scalp, La
become dry, barsh and brittle, a pliancy and
Clotty allien soflnrM of citrerue beauty.
There la no djro In Ayer's Halr-rT3iT
and the good It don I by the AUvVFXV
It Impart! to the follicle, and the clcaa
linen and hetlthfutne of the condition
In which It maintain tho tcalp.
a "r ip ?g Hair Vigor rrocw tb half.
i. X JUlX D Hair Vigor I the bct cur
known for Brashy llstr, Hcald Head, Itching
Humor, Tetter Hore, Torpid Follicle, and
II other dlieaie o( the calp that cans
the filling of tho TT A TT and It tiding.
Nothing cleanse JLi-cxXXV 0f thcnulsanco
of dandruff to perfectly, and o effectually
prernt It return, a A Tin's Haiii Vloon.
In addition to the curative arxt restorative
lrtur pecullir to Aycr' Hair 7TflirYI
It I a toilet luxury. Tliallalr luVAV
I by far Ibo elcanllcl halr-drcwlng made.
It eauie the hair to grow thick and long,
and keep It alwaya toft and gloity.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Contain no deleterious Ingredient. It um
prevent all calp dlieatc, ecure ngnlnt the
Imlr growing thin or gray, and urly curt all
buldni'M that I not organic.
rncrAitiu ar
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mosa.
iSold by all Druggists.
Ladd & Bush, Bunkers
Salem, : t t Oregon
Transact a General Hanking
ler M on Nw York, Chicago. Kin t'ranclaco
I'oruana, in uaiie, r.ugin iitr, siwru, jiuwar
ivalll and other point In Oregon,
ttt.tttcra or Credit lucil Available 1st
tbe Rauilrrn State.
Draw direct on London, Uarlin, and Hong Kong.
J. B. Congle
Manufacturer, Whole) and.'lteUU Dealer
In all kind of
Harness, Saddles, Whips,
Bridles, LohIick & TruukA.
NO. 10S aat 110 Vront Street, farlUaal,
Oregon. Alo keep romtantly on hand a Urg
aawrtment ol Leather and Baddlery llardwar.
X" Went Ion thl paper. maySU
Will tell until dlipoed of hi entlr. itock of
Glassware, Crockery and
Lamps and China.
ttr At Omt deduction
III order to make Room Tor a
Now Stock to arrive from the
KiiHt. all and Examine be
fore Iluylng Elsewhere.
ii i7 ami iiHU Commercial 8t.
Saleui, Oregon.
Willamette University I
:0 rrofcBHorn and IiiHtructorH.
:r0 Students. ;t..r raduatcH.
Department of Lltratur, Law, Medlcloa, Undo acd
Art. Olrli board In Woman' Ujlleg with nlotl;
furulthcd room, II per week. lion and Younx
kl.n board 'n th Young Men' Hoarding Hall, a build
ing Jutt purchatad and remodeled with X) ruoua, al
fl.Wprr week. Th young men ar cipecUJ to
furr.Uh their Inrnlture, wood and light, and pay eae
Hollar a month room rent. Thl I th uot rr.
onabl lltlng to itudont which th Unlrertltv hu
ver offered Th I'redd.nt board lu th ball and
hu the tupertldon
Xfl. lint Term begin Mcpleinber (III.
Catalogue rlent free,
JulTOm'i I'rwIJtnt, Hil.oi, Oregon.
.MiihIciih eaHily purchased at a
distance of a thousand uiileH
from a music store as at
the hide ol' its counter.
IHmox&Co c.l I attention ti their wonderful
tern of tending mntlc and mu.Io book,, by tuall, to
any part of th continent I
Package fcf mutlc up to tb wtlht of foatr
found go rcadll by null,
Ditmn & Oo, ar awar tbtt a Urg portion of tboa
who tee and read ttell aderl!uitnt, lla l a ilia
Uuce from mu.Io tore All wbo love uiutlr will Bad
the ntweat nd beat niuttcbook faithfully tleocriboU
In their aditrtlument. UiU and calalo.nes truly
turnlthed, and all Inqutle cteertully amwertd by
their corp ol corresponding cltik
Understand that by tending tb Uetall Price by
Jlon.y Order, Itegliterrd Utter or 1'o.UI Not., (or U
tuull order I. Cage Hlm ,) u esu rteelr by He
lurn Mall, ny onf liliw" V thuuumUcf
mu.Io book or ten thouaind. of plerc of mutlr.
Do not ncglrct thl convenient way el tilling your
bout with the lett ol H0041, of I'Unu, Organ or any
kind of Instrumental piece.
Oliver DltHOHiS: Co., Boston,
491 and til Washington ttlttU
A Farm In Howell 1'ralrle.
ConUlslair ISO Acre.
1 oivj.r plow; Uu WUne la tuoWf wl a
dwelling, invok and avllk bou; a cw tauporafy'
bun; ruaalag water tba rar treond. Apply 00 ta
vf.ua.io (0-.tr; -AjiEKOrr