Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 16, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    WlL-LAaiKT'lE "AJUMhr --Abr-.M UlKGON, .ll'LY 10, 1880
fflcwa jjjpqiartmcu..
Telcxrapble Hews
Jublico Field is very sick and fenra
mo cntortmncil that ho will not recover.
An attempt to ditch a tniin ciurying
."00 Orangemen, near Ottawa, Canada,
was frustrated.
Dyer Bros., owners of fast bowes, havo
alroncty won tfiuu.wu, and mo season
can hardly bo called as commenced,
(tarlnml will stirrondor his tclcnhono
ftock. He had $150,000 worth, and it
is worth the paper it is printed on only
Crop prospects in Germany, especial
lv for rico and wheat, aro nielily satis
factory, also for oats, barley and pota
The Washington dispatches give re
ports that Mrs. Snrtoris is badly treated
by hor husband. Sho won't como home,
Honry Villard will return to Now
York this fall, having scttlod with his
creditors. Ho will havo no mora to do
with his Pacific Coast vontnrcs.
At Ukiuh, Cal., 00,000 pounds of hops
wcro sold at a prico about 22ccnts per
pound, llrcwcrs who would not pay lfi
cents a few weeks ago now pay 20 to i!2
Tho Sovoroign (Jrnml Lodge, I. O. O.
V., will meet in Boston on September
i!0tli. It promises to be tho grandest
gathering of I. O. O. P. ever held. Al
ready $100,000 )mb been raised for tho
purposo of entertainment.
Latest returns of tho wheat crop con
firm tho formor estimate- that it will bo
tho largest ever piodticcd In California.
From tho figures it is shown that over
sovonlv million bushel will bo hai-
vostcd, and that thoro will bo n surplus
f over sixty million bushels for expoit.
Dodge, staliscian of tho agricultural
department, says concerning various es
timates made from his rejiort on tho
wheat crop, that though tho average
condition of spring grain on tho first
day of last July was 00, it fell to SO at
tho timo of harvest, which is only thrco
points higher than tho present condi
tion, and represents a loss of 00,000,000
bushels, as compared with tho result of
last year's harvest Domago occurred
last year in tho last two weeka of July,
And lator. There is great rh)k of further
damago during July and August, but
that already roportcu mcana only a loss
of 0,000,000 bushels' in spring wheat ami
5,000,000 in winter wheat, or a total loss
of 11,000,000 biiBlicls in wheat during
tho month of Juno.
Tho Senate has passed tho Mexican
lcnsion measure. Jiy tno provisions oi
this bill tho Secretary of tho Interior is
directed to placo on tho pension roll
tho names of surviving officers, enlisted
men, including marines andmilitia,and
volunteers, who, being duly enlisted,
actually served sixty days with tho army
of tho United Btatca in Mexico, or on
tho coasts or frontier thereof, or en
rou I o thereto, daring tho war with that
nation ; or who woro actively engaged
in battles of said war, and worn honora
bly discharged ; and to surviving wid
ows, provided that such widows havn
not remarried. Tho pensions aro to bo
$8 per month, payablo only after tho
passage of tho act. Where perrons on
titled under this law aro already receiv
ing pensions less than $8 a month pen
nons shall only bo for the diU'ciowo up
to .$8.
' Bute ul Territorial Nwi.
Lane county has $12,5-12 in her treas
ury. Tho hops mound Bucna Vista urn in
tino condition.
Sheridan, Yamhill county, is to havn
a .f U7t) school house.
Douglas county owes 19,000 and has
Y7.7U0 in tlio treasury.
Immigrants aro arriving at Eugene, in
Lano county, almost daily.
W, F. Si Co. havo established an of
tlco at Nowport, on Yaquina bay.
Shail weighing four pounds havo been
caught in the Columbia, at Astoria.
Itain has fallen in Klamath county,
but not enough to help crops much.
A farmer in Yakima county has 1010
trees of pcachcB loaded to tho ground.
Marion county has a mini word" va
cant scholarships in Stnto university.
Mail between Salem and Porrydaln is
reduced from daily service to twico a
Japanese ttuilents havo arrivod at
I'ugeno for tho purpose of attending
A discnx', supposed, to bo blackleg, is
killing cattle in some parts of Umatilla
Tlin tntn iicii'liprtt iixsrMuiitinn Mint
met at Ya(iiina last week, was a xery
enjoyable afl'air.
Farmers about Kclio, in I'niatillu Co., I
aro harvesting their grain, which is a
littlo over half a crop.
Sterling band, of Portland, has been
designated as tho Regimental kind for
tho first regiment O. S. M.
Thoro aro now two vacant scholni
lips in tho State university from Polk
county, ce tho school superintendent.
Tho liraml Lodge A. O. U. W. for Or
ogon, Washington territory and British
Columbia, is now in session at Portland.
A man, supposed to be Saunders the
fleeing murderer, was captured at Wnlla
Walla, but he was a veritable chestnut.
Hereafter the Steamer Olympian will
leave Portland on Tuesday and Thurs
day at 8 A. M., and on Saturday at 1
o'clock P. M.
The contract for building the now
fridge at Salem has been let to a San
Francisco firm. Tho work will bo com
ple;cd in 90 i'ays.
Tho Holiness tiampiueeting will con
vene an September 21, 1SS0, at Lebanon,
Oregon, lly oidcruf O. W. Hunt, chair
man of committee.
X. Hendricks, a third-ternn'r treas
urer of Umatilla county, i $111,000 short
in his cash account. Hi bondsmen
will make tho sum good.
Gov. Squires, of Wiuhim;ton tonitory,
has let the contract for boring artesian
wolls in Adams county, to a Chicago
firm. Thoy loouw o.')0 and $;l per
foot for all work siib.cquont to the nrt
100 feet.
During tho past week the editor of the
Timcs-Mouutaincer has converted with
persons from dillerent parts of Wasco
county and learns that the crop is much
bettor than expected. The average per
aero will bo less but tho increased acre
age will itiaku the harvest equal to any
former year.
Thorn aro twenty-two thousand more
men than women in Philudolphia.
Tho channel at Santa Barbara, Cal.,
is said to be fairly alive with shoals of
There is said to bo more undeveloped
land in the State of Maino than in any
Western State.
Tho settling of buildings at Virginia
City, Xovnda, creates alarm among some
of tho residents.
Tho girls at Vasoar college aro said to
bo so modest that they will not work on
improper fractions.
Birds arc raising havoc with the apri
cot crop in Santa Barbara, Cal., outing
tho fruit as fast as it ripens.
The cnnip at West Point this year will
bo named "Hancock," in honor of tho
deceased general.
A labor coin out ion to nominate a
Pennsylvania State ticket has been wiled
to meet at Harrisburg, Aug. 18.
Tho majority committee of tho Pan
Klcctrio investigation completely exon
erate Attornoy-ttcnoral Uarlaud.
At Connoaut, Ohio, thoro is an ex
emplary organintion of young boys
whoso motto is "Politeness and Kind
ness." According to the "ow York medical
journal one-half tho adult men in Amer
ica living in our cities aro bald-headed.
It is axpectod thntMr. Domingo Genu,
now Chilian minister to Brazil, will be
appointed minister to tho United States.
A rcsidont of Amador county, Cal,
has applied for a patent on a proco-a for
making buttor by boiling tho cream.
Timothy-grass soven feet ten inches
long and with heads six and a hnlf in
ches in length is grown in Napa valley,
Bluo grass has tho reputation of being
tho best singlo pasture grass in exis
tence, and it well desorvos it. But wo
bcliovolt is not yet sufficiently valued
by farmers for this uso nor woll enough
cared for whon it 1b used. Too often
a good thing is spoiled in tho using,
and a good reputation is lost and a bad
one gained without deserving. A pas
turo is the worst used and most neglect
ed part of an American farm as n rule,
for tho grass is not put to this uso until
it is no longer fit for hay, and it is then
merely nod as n temporary nmkoshift.
A bluo grass pasture, properly pre
pared and ccdcd and liberally fertilized
and top droned with fine manure and
eonipot, would outlast tho farmer who
made it, and its verduio would delight
his son who inherits it, and such a pas
tille is one of the most prc-sing needs
of agricultuie at this critical period.
. Captain' t'orlnnale llrneiy.
Capt. Coleman, eclir. Weymouth, plying
between Atlantic City ami X. Y,, had been
troubled with a cough o that he was imahlo
to ileep, and wi induced to try Dr. Kins '
New )ico very forConiumptirm. It not only
g&vo him IniUnt relief, but allayed the ex
treme aor dcsi iu his breait. llu children
Mere slmiliily alluded ami a untie doio had
the aame happy fleet. Dr. Kioi ' New Un
cover)' i now the atandard remedy in tbe
Coleman houietiold and on board the leliooner.
Free Trial Bntlea of tlii Standard JJrme.ly
at Port k Son' Drug Store. 4
Tooth brushes, all kinds at bottom
prices at Port's 100 Stnto street.
r't Tim--
, it'll If
litre Connection
Oni:.iim. rn ! ph wiui
ma pun ui; ronr
tl.lt f Tl ltt.Mll: &3.1M.1.
Xt I'lfilpnittilf'
Short ff !
Hours EiCSs Time
foil mid Saf-H I'.ift. kill Vlt Ihl mllrh In,
man u; iij oilur rumr l.tcu all i li ti In tf
Willamette v-lici anil I ,iiicico
JiMT Onlj Uptiir In llirl I'liiiii.iir MimrnM
Wluti Icr ueileiatr epciiK oi iimni i
Fi r m'nv hatiiivu
II FISHING IN lll Ml AM lil.OuK'!,
i: HEKP SEA risllI.Vd '
Tfl Fli vi lintel, anil lettir no.firiu.o.hlli llmri
t ny other Summer mort en tl.f comt of Oitkfm.
Inlly ruriiger Train rrril unilnj..
L(.icCotalHt (txiciilsmili)) at 4 I' M. s
Liv 1n,iilu, (execit suiilt)at T:10 A 11.
O, fc C H. It trulna (Wett Slilt) cennrct at CorxllU
O. AC 11.11. tralnKCut Sldr) vimncct at Coriallla
UhUgf from Albany at MO 1 1 M.
t4.Honnd Trip TIcbrK nt I iiirl-ii rnle
gouil until Hrptrniber Iioiti.
TAII' l'ittfiiC'i'i.lllanJ Sii Truiil. .
Turt' tlklUinl Ul.lii. (Ill )ll! inJ Punof , IP JS
' Itf k-l.t t ikIutI mil mo ir:r.ti
wy nsu a i s-TKAM-mi- y uiia sail-j
&tnnUv .Jnli 17 1'ililai
ThUHd.1 . .. .July VllW.lll'ilv
Turfdnv .. Aui. 10ili.ml
S-imlii . A iir SS.'al tu
Pie Cen (up) romrt thi nt' it lo
iiiov himio:
July sn
.Auk-. 4
A.IC 10
I kr lAlll'lf
tl I'vr liiflhn I iini.tlci ,!'
A I.
I im V. Acti.t.
Orcjrou IJuiImmj itnd .avlir.
Hon Compniiy,
Tnntlrr ti tr ninnrollnr nltii .tln.ii Kaiiria
Ut Ai S,f,t.r.il, I'ortlmul, lrilj t at .i.Ml I'.al.
Th (' Id. hinf. rrhr l fn'ti.n.' t'nlh it
100 1'. M
l'ulliiiHiiliriliii'nrriiii Hiri-u.h loM.Faul,
Icuinil llluri., tml liton, ami v'o '-cuiu'otioin
uuilevltli IniiIi Nrttliirn IWtt mul t ii'ui "a,-IBc
tralna at tl.nr r.ittrm tinnliil
Itflwrrn I'lirllKiKt nml Nkii t'rmirltrn,
LtattncAliivvoitl. Hhatl at inl.liilcht, folio r.
rrM rORTliMI. i
but batuiday, June 10 iiiikuii. fml)
Oregon, Thtirdy
(Vilumlila, TutJj
nir, lun'iiji
Amleryattfii. lhtrnllf until fttiturr notlor
(Hf.M HI ,MAnlO.
10 K M
Jur.e I.
Celnit Ma, M n'nrxlar W
Stall, JIoiuUj ....tfi
Orrpou Satuiilt), Jul)
ThroDKh Ticket icM toallrtliiU la It Volt
ettr, Cinn' anil Europe.
Beit lf I'ott'aud for the Cr.lnnJ llu Dllta
at7 A. M. llly, except SunOay. Tlie ILILTIiomrtou A
"S. (1. Heed Ic.ve Pcrtlaiiil at ll A. M oil alternatv
!) for Aftotla aud way poSnU.
To Astoria, Ihvaco, i'lntsop,
mul Cnnby.
fllYMPIAN'V1' A,n treet t lA.lt.on
ULI ITinnnTutMijaiiidTliurMtta.anilatsr.M.
on SiujJh, rJU!i.ii liho.it tranifcr rr tcppg
direct M Aitvrla, Tort 'nly, and llo, luimrdUle
connection Ukde Uy Olimrltn with '.raiuirt and
lUar for Catp btach.
WHIamottc Rfvcr.
Cut lea I'ottland T A. M. cu iloniUii,
Wtilnl) and Satunlaj, for Dtou and nay
joint. lUtnrn.r.rlciM Iliwoi , TudaThiirtdjt
and tHurJ),
General oniera-l'or. Trnnl una It hi.
.4.1. IfAVUTI t. Tlrk.t .-.. I
JNO. J UVIlNK,(lr..l'M. amlTlekctAct.
tlnll lor M'e.
Iwnnrf rand Ilrredtr
tXT 1 ha a fcM Cnolc lldfira and
AiMitM cr call' Jeflcrvjn, Or
many perron that ran furnlth an
tomatle Snlarlar Straw htaratr
that can do tcttrr Hurk tnan tho
that ne sr tuildlnir. Kcnd for
circular and prlcollai which will
1m, tnmllfl tref. All ,m Ufir.
ranted to do cool uora. or no aale.
NEWARK MACHINE CO., Columbus, 0.
saV Al
Holsiein Fresian Bull.
T I'lHlanOuU, 'lrl8huti,"Bn; 1MU (Ireau
old), a httt another thoio'ulibrrj bull ol the
aame treed. piketiOO. Alto, k'rad con, hclftrt and
bulla for tile. Addrri,
n i ndCAi. .i:kii,
lUrrlic. fcthciton, or.
K.UISKV a ni.;iiA.!.
OrUwoM' tiulldlnc, 'ilein, Oregon
and Note and Ae.ojntt tnlltcted.
Money to Lou n Mlllmut I'uuiliilolou,
Iu um to ulton rt catat or approiedaecurlt)
I'urcham cl NoU. Count.- nd State Warrant.
Mortice bunt mada on thrrc to nic)tiu time.
Xr"ii.tci iir.nun block, Sileni, Urryon.
ffl.i u mci
snnti. Tiir. iilst or
0) ti in ntr it"t andlta.NnU, Calt, Plea,
rr.ad.et THOpICA' Ul IT?, etc
A Farm in Howell Prairie.
Containing 100 Acres
ONE llli.NTi.ir-.D ANU TUE.ST r"IVKof hl(.H
under plo . fie UUic In tnniN-r mi Ii
de'lliji', inioke and lUlk hoilM r.rw Uraporary
barn, runnlnir water the rar around Aptly on the
p etui..., to (iK-.'itf JAMKl Loi'r
Manufacture) tbo Beat 4-Spring Hock on tho Coast for the Monoy
;rfwij' "t, ;
u ,.-,, -.. ...... l,lfu,J,..,.,yJj.,l1.y. !) ' i rrrH "J
sBjf " vv3i3FC3Br3Pff5ff';v I 11
i Mf 'Ti tf lrHWBllii imT I m3lUniiiMl
" iVa10TllHE Q
P S9s!!SEinBSHBe!99nB9BBIHH9B9BHaflHalBBSHaBHi vt
ItOYAL (Absolutely rurep.
GIHNrs (Alum rowder a WKtKtmKmmKKSKSSSXSB
lll'XrOUD'S (rhotphatc frib.
HAMOItD'S, when fteb .,
nrniiKin's .wmmmimmmmnmmm
l'IIil!K(AlumroV(ltr 'MMMMnHI
AH1ZON (Alum Towiler ..
I'lONKLIIiBAnrrancIfcol . HinMBi
nn. pnirc'8 immmmmmmtmm
S0ir I LAKK(Orcf!'t, St. 1'auH
IUM 01II), when net (reali.
AMlUKUSAni. (contain. alum
(Milwaukee.) "Hcitnl.";
DCLK (I'owder fold looae) ,
IllKl OHD'S, when not f reab .
Ah to Purity ami AVIiolosoiitciU'im of tJn Iloynl IJiiklnp Powder.
' "Ihavrtcttedn phckoRe of Itotol HitMutt I'owilir, wlileh I imrchanetl tt a,0
.pen market, and tlml It (oinroml utrtitiiiiiiil uIii.Io.ihug iii;rctllcnta. Itlaacrcaiu
nt tartar jniwiler of a lilph iliRrtu of mcrll, rn.l iio, not eontalti cither alum or
I tioepliatee, or other Injurious, MiliManeiii. K, (I. Lo r, l'h.ll."
"It It firclenttllc fact Hint tlio ltuai liiihiir )i.ih r ia Rlralutrlr imrr."
"II. A. Mott, l'li.U."
"I liaTccxamlneilnpiickati .f ltn.u.1 H.n.if I'omlcr, purchaacil liynnatlf In
tl.i' mr.tkct. I nml It etitlrch In i- f nun i n ii ' u n'l'ii. tr miv other Injiirloiin aulc
MttTO. IlBNIir JtOUTON, 1'b.ll.. 'r. '.., lit , f Mi UM ItKlfllllC of Toflltllllogy."
' I linc af.nJyicJ t puokaLV nf Bin i.. l,Mnr I inviler. Tlio luutrrial of which
I. i ouiniHiKHl are Miri-nn.l vln.!iMiirn. . f.N IIaui-, time Affajir, . Mow."
Tliolloal HnVliiL; render icirheil tin- IiIkIiikI iinnl nrr nil inmpitltort at
the Vlrmnt WorhlV J.i.oMilon, JhTH ; i.t ttn l ( 1 irni.lnl, I'littmU'liibla, 18r0 : ol the
Atiicrlum Innllttite, BiiiliaMiulu I'lilm ll.rutichout tl; outitrv.
No other article of human fonil Iiuriiii luiHul nuh hlli, cmplmHo. uml unl
rrn.l rmloraomcrit from iliitliiut (IjCIuM., iIi.Moiik, nkt.til, uml llourila of
Jlinllli oil over Iticnorhl.
Nun:. Tho hImhc Ditoiuu IKuHntit ll u ininjllvc Morthnf nr!ou linkliu;
Vuwili ro, m limwi by Chemical Auilvt-li uml fx,rrlmrnta tnuito liy lrof. ydiodlcr.
A olio Hii:il enn of rnrli powiler na Iiiau., Ilm Au lein enlnj? kimt or voltima In
i arh i :i'i rnli'tilntt'il, the rrkuH I clui; as .m .ti it. Th! practical tret for worth by
I'.-of. Hrlicillcr only JiroMH Mhut Miry olmrtunt unifiimrr of tho Itojol Il.tkliif;
I'liivilrrkrionn liy iinrtlrnl cxjierli'iD't', t' Ml n- ) (inta a few cent per pound
muni limit ordinary Litid.i, ll la fur inoro i oiioiii.i 1.1, end, heidle, nlTorda tho nilvdn
tnco of better u.ork. A alrplr trial of tliu Vt llal.li.j: I'owder will couvlnco nuy
fair mlnilnl iiertun nf ll.ctu facta.
AVTillc tho illarram ihoa Mitmi of tluv iilum i'owder to I o of a higher decree
of itrcnjrlh Ihnn other jiowderu ranked tlow Hem, It I not lo bo taken n Intileav
Hup that they havo any vuliiet. All alum lunwu ns nu mutter how hlch their atrcnirUi.
tic to bo avoided u ilanci rout.
m fn,,Ti)in .Cr aCiiCfc
Front, First and Vino Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON,
imi'ohtkiui or -
We are Sole Agent for tin foltonlnr; eekbraUd Implement!
IlirM maeblnr are too wrll known to need oonv
limit. Inouaindiot farmer tar hat iul tbam.
iinl all apraX of them wltli pralae. Tnry are In el try
nay th uo 4u ultra of llnet Machine.
The tcrta of Tvixrr lUarut have niulii mtnUcat
the reniariaU dunblllly it llm IIUt.'K KYK, reaultlnc
from th alnJlctty and -rttxiiou ol Iu niochuilnu,
ami an ImrnenM majority ol tho farmer. In tli l"dD
VMp3P7irMCwjVS(f&'vlin hUt aud TerritorlM iMra dcn th tun terdtrl a
hHn,BdWV3rQi '1 kJAwiatXi tlio larueri In airr irt ol tho world, wher lit
llutaty baa ben ud, uiiounein( it to lw
The enly nrTestlcgIiichlno that will givi
I1UCKEYB ON T1IU HOAU." s,wxt UAUifactlou to tno iTiToniior.
Il.c fiature thai moit triKlntfly dlatlnfubh the Dtvaey rialfprm Binder will L mad obtlou ty a elacat
tourtllottnUoa. It Ualowtr,iiajTuwer,llnauUnUui th ElTatirUadr. Uwlll
M In a tUaJfht tint tlvough a Un and a hall (pot gU, and will do th work on rtaaxn.
all U hill at well a mi Itc f round and II 1 Uaaonly Illudtr that will do It
wa axm Aiao twa umm :
New Model VibratingThreiher,.'!
Hodge's Haines' Header,"' To, iTM?
KOUiMU-iuRU 1til;()., iiuuuitti, hacks, Ma
ttttul lor fc'ptcUl Circular lor thv a, i I nmL Ututiau ttkj paper. CUiS. U. IMJDD 00.
a" liiafcafc Tlnet Tn rntt r V7Tr---.TI ri
Best JCxt O?jtto 75Toildl
t oriarraor tmall rme-a ralltrr.to train Dowd.n a ial.4
iUCaj. UJfff.t 4ArAl.7ll .n.l Mr Tl.ai...... .i.Min. tliu n...l.
. ' aceuracy guaranteed and tbo onlr atMlultly wit rluu uu U,k viZf,
::U .fi'-n" Ja T.T. IDTi allerv. Hvonlnc iind 1 .r.
vwl','v MM , lilrt.. ta.,.,1.1 ......u... tr ..
fcr tarctt lUntln,, huritlne, ana ttiootioz callrrlta IIu.IIth In.insiici i j, ,n
luurietn dintrtnt styles, priota Iroia f.Mu i.k Uni K, iiiutmioa ,u4k;-
MARLIN FiRE ARMS CO., - Kcw Haven, Conn.
Two Urrtla tuile with tnj ol cor n iK'Hre ".r.. tmt (onviiiiit. iiiil
after fltty aiiotsbad alrtadrtt'n Brniau-l uuiu.i.in Uurliir llmDllr-v.,iv
hot Ttfw roo carry eh marly all IU vtutx Urz.t ui.UI.ii kL.aLu, un
Vat airr-iiraf air.il I.I1I
i.r i 4TttS'TmmmmWVZ.'7a-
lvn, i.ljf BJr immmmWI
are lwaja accuut ar.U rtltal r.
Carriages, Buggies, Trucks, Drays, Express Wagons
Worl andRepoiltory, tor. Twenty .fkcoad and Ttr(t. 7a Wan:nrteo tl Tl.ird trfj('t
u. r '
1..1 'f M.J
WS Lailib:i.-MtGf-nts3ui;lScSSh09s
HJf Eh
."". I W V ,
J tlai .
in iii niiu. ui-
t io I Sllrw, .1
tin iiijMi V t, tilm Or ft on.
W W a LaLk V llu a. .! 1 . t. ..- la
1 i
mJkJkwjkmM i-
IU . !..). rL... I. A. 1 1 .a. l-.aWII., .raV
I, UlrfXdBmmmmJ