Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 09, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    WrU.A.MCTK gAKM&K: SALfcLM, uREGON, JULY 1), '-G
tivn lqjaijtmiHtf.
Telegraphic News
Cholera bns nppenretl nt Vionn, Aus
tria. London dispatches of ."July Cth say
that the outlook for home rulo and Cilncl
(tono is gloomy.
Senator Mitcholl has introduced a bill
for tho relief of John lloach in tho sum
of about SG0.000.
Sales of real estate to pay tnxos so far
in 1880 in San Francisco has reached
tlio enormous sum of $7,700,000.
Yalo and Harvard contested n boat
nice on July 2d ; Yalo won ; time, 15 :2.'J.
This beats tho record nbont ton seconds.
.7 ml go Sanderson, lately deceased In
Sim Francisco, left nn cstato of .$100,000.
Ho leaves a wifo and four daughters.
Tho public debt is $1,750,115,205; dc
creaso of debt during tho month, $0,
001,897 ; cash in treasury, 102,917,171.
Fitz-John Tortor has been nominatod
Colonel in tho 1 S. army, that bolnc
his title in 1801, whon he was dismissed
from the army.
Several enrgocs of wheat hnvo recently
Scared for Australia, says a San Fran
cisco dNpntch. This is tho first ship
mont in twenty years.
Wells, l'nrgo it Co.'s Express Com
pany aro no longer operating on the
X. J'. It. U. Co.' lines. It will throw
tl fly mon out of employment.
Tho American League has sent $83,000
to 1'nrnoll to pay tho campaign ex
penses. This iuiiUo $1,000 for ovcry
Irish nicmber who voted for homo rule.
Edward Cowly, who stole 150,000
grain sacks, was airnigned for tho thoft,
but as it bad been committed some six
vears ago it was dismissed on account o'
Homier says Maud S will endoavor to
beat licr record at Clevoland this Hum
mer. Slio is 11 years old and is in bet
ter shapo than over before. John Mur
phy is handling her.
Uccchor created a furor in Loudon.
Tho numbcro who applied for Admission
to Ins locturo woro immense. It Is esti
mated that 20,000 pcoplo wcro turned
away. His locturo, "Tho Greatest of
theso is I.ovo," is highly spoken of.
A strong shock of carthquako was folt
at Stockton and Redwood City, Califor
nia, on July 2d. Tho vibrations wcro
from north to south and lasted fivo sec
onds. This is tho strongest shock folt
in theso sections siuco 1808.
Regarding tho tariff bill now beforo
Congress n recent dispatch says that
whilo Randall estimates a net reduction
of customs revenue amounting to $7,
01 1,151!, if his revision bill bo adopted,
Morrison and his assistants cstimato that
it would rosult in a net iucrcaso amount
ing to $7,218,315.
State and Territorial Noire
Rain is needed in Spokano county, or
a drouth is lioblo to follow.
By August let tiro O. fc C. R. R. Ca's
lino will bo at JjOwor Soda,nnd fifty-ono
miles from Yrcka, California.
A gontleman nt Walla Walla recently
killed a rattlo-snako throo feet long,
having nino rattles and a button.
Ono thousand doltars is ofiTcred ns a
reward for tho capture of Saunders, who
oscaped from tho Linn county jail.
A Hhip loaded with tea is now en routo
from Japnu to Portland. Tho Orcgo
nian claims that this in tho most direct
route. Another ship will follow.
Thero will bo a meeting at tho OyB
tcrvillo Court Houso, on Friday, July 0,
at 4 o'clock r. M., to consider tho advisa
bility of holding a county fail this year.
John Campbell, a convict and pris
oner of tho Seatco pcnitcntiarj'i oscanod
from that institution last Saturday.
Fifty dollars roward is offered for his
Chris Krotzer, of Jockson county,
last wock found a fine nuggot contain
ing both gold and nntivo silver on his
inino on Snivoly gulch. It is valued at
about $00.
There appours to bo plenty of work
m tho Cascade branches of tho N. P.
II. R., as a call was lately niado for
5,000 men. This is a chanco for tho
idle men in tho country.
Tiio high water in tho Columbia is
bringing down quantities of driftwood.
Tho peoplo living along tho Columbia
aro thereby enabled to "catch" their
upply of winters wood.
Tho citizons of Yaquiua bay complain
of their mail facilities. Although they
havo rail communication tho mails aro
etill carried by wagons. This is an im
portant mattor and should bo looked
Mr. W. Uisbop, of Chimacum, in
forms a Port Townsend paper that owing
to tho dry weather of lato, there will not
bo more than a two-thirds crop in tho
valley, and in somo cases only about
half a crop.
The building of a brunch road from
Med ford to Jacksonville is now a settled
fact, rb Jacksonville business men havo
agreed to take nil tho stock without ask
ing outsido aid. A meoting will bo held
next week when it will bo decided
whether to rim it to Medford or Central
Saunders, who murdered Campbell at
Albany, and who was recontly convicted
of murder in the first degree, has made
nis escape from tho Linn county jail.
He sawed off the rivets that secured the
lock and bolts and lilted their places with
somo dark wood, so that on July 1th,
about midnight, all he liad to do was to
break tho wooden rivets and depart. He
left a note for the Sheriff thanking him
for his uniform kindnes during his incarceration.
There are 4,000 women in tho govern
ment departments at Washington and
among the in aro some of tho best-looking
and most Intelligent hulles of tho capital.
They come, as a rule, from good families.
Many of them aro the widows of noted
generals, the daughters of ex-governors
and ex-congressmen, and now and then
yon will Ibid tho relative of a president or
cabinet minister. M.mv of them havo
tiavcllcd widely and the" great majority
aro educated and refined ladles. They
do all kinds of work unil receive, salaries
ranging from $7-0 to$l,sjOa year. As
money counters they are much more ex
pert than tho men, and the rapidity with
which they can count thousands uxn
thousands of dollars without making a
mlstako makes your brain whirl as you
watch them. These inonoy counters get
about $75 a month, and they count mill
ions of dollars every month. At one
side of each ono on tho tablo He great
piles of greenbacks, dono Into packages
as they come from tho press. I am
speaking now of tho redemption bureau
of the treasury. Theso bills aro old and
dirty. Tho strip of pajwr around each
packaco of 100 bills states where they
came from and who counted them In tho
country. Tho young lady takes this off
and, moistening her fingers with a wet
sponge in front of her, she counts the
bills like lightning, and if the p.ickago in
not right sho reports so to tke chief, and
the hanks from which pic bills come
must stand tho loss. The tdrls seldom
make a mistake, and If they do so or pass
a counterfeit without noting it they must
make the mistake good, and the amount
is taken out of their Hillary. They can
tell, however, a bad bill simply by feeling
it, and a bank cashier will make a hun
dred mistaken where they make one.
From a Washington Letter.
Sai'Sdkiim Stii.i. t L.ukik. At latest
accounts, Saunders, tho murderer, was
still nt lar:o. Tho woods and brush
about Albany are being thoroughly
searched for him, but us yet nothing now
has (leveloK.'(l. I Wore Saunders let, the
jail ho wrote a very tiolito note to Sheriff
Charlton, thanking him for his uniformly
courteous treatment during his (Saun
ders's) confinement, and regretting ex
ceedingly that he was thus unceremoni
ously called uj)on to ahusehio considerate
hospitality. IIo also wroto a letter to his
fiancco, Miss Minnie Allison, bidding her
a tender adieu, and hoping that they
might meet under other and different
coti'iitions. u appears that tlio iron
bolts in tho hinges of Ills cell door had
been filed off for somo timo prior to his
emeuto, and their places had been filled
up with wood. It is said by somo that
Jamison, tho prisoner who escuped with
him, and who was confined for illegal
voting, was put in jail just for tho pur
pose of assisting Saunders to escapo.
Jlut that is only a matter of speculation.
Tho officers of Linn county made an ef
fort to sccuro tho services of Sheriff
Mluto, hut ho is forbidden by law to leave
tho county upon other than county busi
ness. There is no doubt that Saunders
will mako a dcserato attempt to c6caic,
and that ho will fight to tho last, as it is
death for him either way. Tho only way
that ho can bo captured is by stratagem,
and this his pursuers will probably en
deavor to do.
Tin: EixcTiuo Lkihts. Tho company
which has in chargo the construction of
tho electric lights for this city has com
menced tho distribution of tho ocs. In
all thero will bo eighteen lights, ten of
which will bo erected at the oxpensoof
tho city, four of tho county, and four of
tho state. The last named four havo been
finished for somo timo, but for some un
known reason they havo as yet not been
lighted. Thero wus a rumor current on
the streets yesterday that tho lamps woro
to bo tried last night, but, although the
Htatkhman, with its usual enterprise, had
eight men and nine boys stationed in tho
vicinity of tho Stato I fouso, watching for
any manifestations of electricity, or any
other unusual demonstrations on tho part
of tho olcs, nothing hapienod. Three
men and two boys solemnly averred that
tho light on tho northeast corner was
started up, but after thorough investiga
tion the local editor gives it As his delib
erate opinion that it was tho planot Ju
piter that thoy saw. It is stated that
when tho lights an erected and in good
running order, thoy will be cheaper than
tho present system of oil lamps. If tho
honorable council will allow an humble
qulll-shovor to differ with it, iio would
venture to suggest that the oil lairps aro
as cheap as those produced under tlio re
cent caper of that honorable body, as
thoy have not lcen lit at all during the
last month or to.
OiiicKits (JiunEn. In tho office of
the, secretary of state yesterday, Capt.
Geo. W. Holt, of Indecndence, qualified
as district attorney for tho third judicial
district, which is composed of Unn, Ma
rion, Polk, Yamhill, and Tillamook, coun
ties. Mr. Holt's term will explro in two
years. In the ofilco of tlio county judge,
John W. Mlnto qualified as sheriff, M. N.
Chapman as clerk, Henry Warren as ono
of the commissioners, and T. Ii. l'attou
as assessor, of Marion county. Tho re
maining officers elected at the last elec
tion havo not as yet filed their bonds.
Thk liitiiKii:. -The petitions for appro
priations for tho bridge wero formally
1resented to tho commissioners courts of
10th Marlon and Polk counties yesterday,
but no action wos taken. Tho county of
Marlon is asked to appropriate $15,000
for this puroie, and Polk 17,500. It Is
quito likely that both counties will bo
heard from to-day, and roost likely tho
reiwrts will be favorablo to tho enter
prise. They cannot bo otherwise and re
main within tho bounds of reason and
To ins Childhood's IIomk. Mr. W. J.
Ilerren, of this city, will leave on next
Saturday morning for Grecuhun!, Indi
ana, from which place ho came to this
country forty-one years ago. Mr. Ilorren
has not visited the east since he first em
igrated from there to Oregon, and ho will
no doubt bo duly astonished at tho
changes that have taken place during his
absence. He will return in about six
New Hoi-he. Dr. Will Glesy, of Au
rora, is building for himself a neat resi
dence in that town, next door to that of
his father, Hon. John Glesy.
Registered Berkshire Bob for Sale.
We havo for snlo a Berkshire boar.
Ho is by KegNtered stock, nnd n choico
animal. Will sell for cash or approved
security. Address at onco :
W. J. Clakkk,
Salem, Or.
Tho London Gazette gives n good ro
cipo for making cream cliccso namoly
Tako a quart of cream, or, if nut desired
very rich, add thereto one pint of new
milk; warm it in hot wnter till about
9S degree; add a tablespoonful of ren
net: let it stand till thick, .then break
it slightly with a spoon, and place it in
a framo in which you havo previously
put n lino cloth ; press it slightly with a
weight, let it stand u few hours, then
put a liner cloth in the frame; a little
powdered salt may bo put over the cloth.
It will be lit for uo in a day or two.
.1 trulLIng Sllclrtiiu.
Mr K priuir, of Mvchnnictl'iirc, P .
writer! "I was nllliced with lung Imcr-ami
ntiacci8 (in lung. aii' reiluciil to i iriMwr
SMtto'i. Ooi ii free trial liottti f Ur. Kiugi
Now Phtotvry f r Contutuiition. which (fid
me iii Midi good that 1 bought a dollar bottle.
After uilii3 three htttlcf, l and tnyclf onco
more k man, completely reitiriil to hcilth,
with a hcartv appetite, nnd a twin In Hull jf
tS lli.
Call at Per: k S'li'x Pru,! Store nnd get n
freotril lit ! i.i tint certain ourr tor nil
Lung llltPiici. Lmc botiY I 00. .'1
Iturklrn'x trnlrii nUr.
The Uet S ilve In the iroill f. r Cull,
Hruiarr, Sor , Ulccri, Silt Km nut. Fever
Sorer, Tettir, Cnappcil l.iitl, i hilMnitu
Cornii. and a I Snin K'upti n, r,d noeitively
cures I'i'u , or no rn rrcpitrtit ItUcunran
totd to guo perfect intUtaciion cr id iiey re
funded. Price 03 crntj per box.
For le Iiv Port .t Son.
An Open
Tho fact is Troll under
stood thnt tlio MEXICAN
by far tho host external
known for man or least.
Tho reason why becomes
an " open secret" whon wo
oxplain that "Mustang"
penetrates skin, flesh and
inusclo to tho very hone,
removing all disease and
soroncss. No other lini
ment docs thi8,honco nono
other is so largely used or
docs such worlds of good.
bldrrtt Mir (me ol the following collec
tion! t ilnt or lor i 00 o Mil Mml tli lUe cullce
tlonond onaflnr Ilex IltjronU. Krr MOO ho will
end three collectlonn ml not nc (xmnluui I'rok ot
'OLLi:tTlUV . I. Two r'loticrlni: Hcfonl,
3 Coltui, 1 Merle, 1 ruc.tle, 1 (ftmiluni, 1 new Utr
I fold.
I'lrLLVI-TlOV .Mi 1 -One Ilex iKlnU ;l Mr
Iclim Coleui 1 liluiua, 1 Cine luto, 1 Artlllcr)
CLLi:CTIO Ml, ;l -One Ltd) Wwhlnk'ton (lei
iilum, 1 IIom (lemiluni, i Abutilun, 1 SulU, 4 t
ietlra Coleill.
COLLr.criUNAO. 1-One lUcuiie (UeUlIra), I
Achtrmthui, 1 Slhtr Leal (iera'luin, 4 varieties
Ccleu. t lied (.'ulllul Oatite.
COLLCCrioN Ml S - One llromo (irranliiin, 1
Sweet bcentetf Oeranluin, 4 rlttlti Ccleua, 1 I lane
Ing llaikct riant, 1 VarU'iUd Leal l'u ihla.
RiicIom 0 cent to coier pootaire on tach collection,
or Kill tend larccr plant! I) oprraa at your own e
penae. If imy our liny Hie entire rolleelluti
there Mill be nit ilupllralrx. Ad.lrtu,
MltH I' . IMMkr.Nt'llXII. I'lnrlal
lCapr lm. ball in, Or . 1. O. On 302
oo(l Fanning Luiuls
Within 4 to 0 in lea ol railroad and liter, near
Alkali, (ill lam .ouni . 40 it Ilea licm The
Dillee; I'.'i milta licm Portland.
At Uooal Innil Claa Kail f I lie 4'aarndri
Mill be Kulil on aery IntornbleTerme.
Y7"E AKE I'ni:rAHEH TO TAhK intending
T T purchaer wm Imd. nectlcr lor aali.
IlltOl V .1 lit Mllll in, Alkali, Orrfon;
Or llurrota A Oliver. ) Waahlerton at , Toitland.
Or to the WILLAMETTE I'AIIMEK, talrm, Oregon.
Giocers and Commission
111 A III Irimt M., rnr. Imlilnglon.
Ciot'NTKV ritonrcK handled to r.m ad
anui;e on lOmmlMloa, a
rainlly (iro.-erlta lurnlihrd t" ( j( imliittn t)
package at lovt eat j'ltllni; pure.
AUn. e are ; ot lor Iradiiu-1' I UK INlL ItANCE
(,'O'i. I'arm lull Irf" iniur d a' U ratea.
AtenUlorTIIINt.VALLA LINE c( Oeean Steiro.
era Utmin Ni York and bundnai.
Ocfj'i aiu) Ilaiitiay tUketi at lot ratia.
Draltaand Uone) Orirr drawn en 'cun.llnailin
cltlca t K. S. Larten, lui.uli Met Conml.
Kranillnntlan Money lluuclil.
m ai'niltl
llano. Orian. Voice. Theory, all Orrhettral and
Hand liiatrnwMtii Modern Mniruaifea, Kl(ullun.
MI'ECIAI. UUI.II MKIIAI.Sl i,r frovrraa In
llano. Organ and Voice, VAI.ITA III.i: VHKK
('L,AMNEJI. ftronaeat corpa ol Teubere In the
Weat. IllnlUfor.Oleeanni. I'uidlarereirelutany
tine, lall term heglna Meet. . bend (or Calendar,
0F MUSIC BoBton, Mass.
WORLD 100Isittari,3UdbwdtsUlul ' Ttwr.
cvilh lanietlsa la Vocal aM Iwtranwaul Matte, naao and
OffaaTaauf.i'lM Aiu, Oratory, Lluralwe. FiaacJi, On.
caa andlullu LaaruJjM, tar."" tlniMltu.aymaaKka.
He. T.llci".tJWXili4uJrr'omi.kiialIilaiJ
tkrtrlelJtt,joi.j71trumi. FallTrnh(aap. ,
tta.UrV,l. rotllluKraldCalB3ar,wluriiUli-a,niialia, '
VtoCM, t. TOl'JUI-t, Vj , 1-rackUt M , UOSTON, Maaa.
Front, First and Vino Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON,
We aro Bole Apulia lor the MIowliiK relebnied. Implement i
1 f .
af.lKfcjBWIsTjfTlM'.f- Ffa vW-aaVnldaUataSI
SgrreW BBA; fiVTr
itBMtfiitlimHi im ii-"" iT t v ,S?rHMEMllBm4AMVJ.I-LlBE4MSlES
V e leaturee that mml itrlklniily dlatlnpilah the DucJiey Hatlorm Binder will be made otiytoru by artnan
at our llluatratlon. It li a lower, narrowor, and llirhter machine than the Klerator Under. UaaM
a In a atralfrht line through a ten and a halt foot gate, and will do the work en rtaaeo-
able ldo hill at m ill aa on level ground and It aa the only Hinder that win do IL
a Aaa AUo aou aearra t
Now Model VibratingThre8hQr,mBflTt?to
Hoilflo's Haines' Header,,!
KouimrniNO waijo.nk, niiions, Buxsm
trStui lor EeUl Clrculara lor the artkltedoeirrj. MonUon thla r. CIU8. H. DOB A OK.
eUaCfWaUAAN BOSt In TIlO 'Worlri,
mimmmmammammmaaaammMMMMLma M fja !?W
Tor larc e or imall came S3 calibre, 40 cralna powder i M tat. ft. i
adtal. COer.liAral.TO anill-Acr lhnitronmL thnAtlna ttftatnadfl
reflect accuracy coarintte d and tbo onlr abaolotely
aet. 1-rtcea an mm -. w flallrrv.Hnorilna anlTat,
teuueeu. -ar.arm. m iiinnn - ..i.M
fur tareet Bhontlne. huntlntf. atnl finollneKalietlea.
. -...-. . .7L. . w-- - - -
louriecn uincreni iiyiea, pint a ironi
Two tareeta made with on of onr
after fifty ahotabad alrradylVen Died
ahota. Tbrie trnnaeairv off nearly all
aie alwayi accurate aLd rcllai:r.
Wo Manufacture! tho Boat 4.SprjDK
Carriages, Buggies, Trucks,
Worla and lltpoiltory, cor Ttnty-Second and T
E m m fl ... ,.. ,,1. 1. I,., ii.,, ... n
kMXJBJLIl.i:. li.h.Laua'.rtul.At).
Portland General Hospital.
turner xecuuil ami Aali hi
Turkisli, Kiissiuu, Electric,
and Medicated Itaths.
Thla IruOltulio-i Ii C3aip etc in il it dtp itu.tut.
It la ccotulitO locaiid, And ttr) iBott .1 u.adi
toghe It tliealr, dl , iiurrinarwl couilorta ot a hcu.e
tTpecUl atlintlon la paid to tieatmtntil Chroiile and
Conatltutlonal d'a-aae by Eltctrlc Ititha and Inanalt
tloo ol OaygenUaa; no rtcogn!tl aa n.ctt tuciw
ful rtmaJlea lor Ulieniuallaui. ruraliclu, lula
rial Itl.eaaea, Atuiatua, llruurUHU, aid ad
Ulaeaata ot the Luiu, Uicr arul KiUl.r)..
Filiate rooma are reatrrtd for titnt iletirinir
IrtaUnent h other than the Lfplul phyaleUna awl
tlu alihln.-totake a cojne ol KlMtrlc or Tarilil.
tUlhior Oxjirtn Uaa
The Hatha ate elevtntl) fitted up, and aie apprtei
ated both aa a uecteelty and a luaury, tatUli by
thoae luString from Ague and tthir Malarial lila
b) alclana art carOlalli mil td toilet aid ln.i t
thla InalltuUtn THJx WoOlt,
u)ll 3u, alanaitr I'ortUoil llup.'a Co
J .j .4biTr AST
j . .'it,' I ,' ill' ' m '( ' ' I ' '' ' '
Thee machine are too elt known to m.l
nent ThouaaiHli ol larmen here hare ul 'tank,
mil all apeak ol them with ynirr. They arv u. tutjf
way tho oe plua ultra ot llarteet .fadilma.
The teita ol Twctrr lURVMra liavr made inio.a&
the remarkable durability ol the 11UCKKYK, rvaoJOav
from Uie almpllclty aud erfccllon ol Ita mccluiwiia.
and an Inuneme tnajorlty ol the farmer liAlio IVaAilai
Xtateaand Tenltorlea nato (tlten the aauie eraunaa
the larmen In tttj lrt ot the world, whrm Oaa
Ituckey baa been uaeil, TnouiicJnj 11 to he
Tho onlyHarvcstlngUachlno that viUm)
Sntlro SfttUfactlon to the Furchistz,
aale rllle ou Idc r
- - -.. ..- --. Th. .i.o.i.m
All callbrea from M tn iS aiarfatti
- - ,--- - - . --..--i r.' '- .- : ''
io,uj v otua ivr iiiuitiatad lauaioguo.
Now Haven, Conn.
n rallbre rlrlea. twrnte eunaerutlveahou
and nocltaidnit duiln thetnttreaaTrnty
Iba tirlira at taree I inatchta Lecauaa Ihef
nai-s. TEaSEEEEV,
All (lie Latest Styles.
Ladies and Gents Boots &Shoe$
NKW .SOMll.TIlM IN ni'lHIKIl (lOOIlt t (!'
than etr l-f r Rtrrtl tl Salem, at
III Oiuuiriixl S rut haliin. Oi.g
naclt on hs Cunt for tlo rionej
Drays, Express Wagons
Html Take W.ieliloj,'ton or Third atreet Cara.
VOV.MJ HTUCU roiiauiitly n hand ami fur a.ilo at rra"inablo irkt.
A.XJdli:, NETIIIIUI.AMI, and MKIKIllir.H atralna lamely
rrprerented In herd At head el herd lh f I.kIcc IiuIIl' ored bull
lam ri "eeiwiea wel nl 1-aCri'e.e.Wia "ii'imtho i M,iiiieaiiUlilrlai.n.
ofl.Wu ! 'II aSKIlKAI.I.lNi laliioura, I'lllitmre ., .Mlaia.
,..-.' T'.ZAWENT
Ak'tli jUtn- ' nilti.loath
llttvr $ y a ! l sit fllt
r tl Ifilltikl'V H l.l 'ill.
ac U m it ru a,' " vin
I ttU. ti "lie. If n'lJyt
t,rtS1WlU(vlltt Sr-f. .4
1 li! t ks iiithing and Horse-
Hi. VI I. I'r.M'.H
r . a. Co i,rtitr
I , in. u. idiirifi
I'rM'.HAT MY KW (JlAltTKlrt..
1I1' altret. 1 am ,rrartd a
I cl I rutroni are IturUJ
to tall -i.l I
II their work my bnat car aaw
atUi, 1011 0
hlt.it In.,
I JluUe ii PiteeUlly r llara
Hols ein Fresian Bull.
ir.Tr aimi tn w: i .nn ii.se noiTi3k
1 leu It at T.fieililii.-Keif 1W5 (lve
1 1.1, a. .. li i u ) I ruuhbted hull ol U
iinj ,. yi. . 11 0 Alo.yradt cowl, heifer ad
hUla lot a... Aillrt.,
it C and C'Vli OKKIl.
.(.. I ii. Mheiton, Ot.
ley lo Luaw wlllieal t'etuutlaalea
In uui. to ault on real eataU or apiiroved aecunly
I utrt.eia ! M'i-, Count aud Htatt Warraatr.
Mk yave i...i, uiU on 1 1. ft fire yeart time.
tai lil.r hiejm.i.. hlock tUio, Oregon.
Mi J uoe