1. LLI-AMETTE PAItMKK: SALEM, OKEUON, JUNE 11. 188G grange oinnu(. GIMNtiB IHItlXTO.tY. The Oregon State Orange. OKFICKKi). It. t. Boise. S.ilcln, Marion Clack Milattkic, Claakftttni Master Judgo Co., Ogn. Ovcracor. A. Luolling, am. Co., Ogn. Lecturer II. E. Have, Stailiiril. Co., Ogn. Steward J. V. Cook, McMinnvillc, amliili Co., Ogn. Awt. Stewml J. Voorhco, Wooillmrn, Mv rion Co., Ogn. Chaplain A. P. Miller, WilUburg, Clacka maa Co . Oon. Treasurer E Stronc, Stlem, Marion Co , Ogn. Secretary Mrs. M. J. Train, Alluny, Linn Co., Ogn. Onto Keeper. John Siinpton, Siusiaw, Lano Co., Oregon. Ccrct Mr. Annie Simpion, Situlaw, Lano Co., Osn. Pomona Mr. S. M. Cook, McMinnvillc, Yamhill Co., Ogn. Flora Mr. E. Knuell, Walla WalU, V. T. Lady Astlatant Stowanl Mii Lydia llrook, Salem, Marion Co., Ogn. PQMONA aitANOE AT BUTTVILLE. On Friday of Inst wook tho rogular menting of Marion County Pomona (Jrango was held at Buttovillo, on tho Willamctto rivor, nt tlio lower edge of Fronoh Prnirio. Tlio day was beautiful and rathor warm, and pleasant enough to call out a largo gathering of Patrons of Husbandry from various parts of Marion county. Early in Juno naturo wears hor emeralds and rivals in hor robes of groou everything (ho univoreo affords. Tho world was dressed and garlanded with beauty and our rido over French Prairie was liko an epic though without word or sound. Quito n party took tho oarly train from Salem for Woodburn, on the route to visit Pomona. Thoro were Judgo and Mrs. Iloiso, Mr. and Mrs. Flint of Cali fornia, Messrs. John Minto, Klisha Strong, Adam Slovens, and daughter, I. M. Wngnor, J. IT. Itoork, Charles Miller of Jefferson, and ourselves, all Patrons, and interested in tho success of tho occasion. Wo reached Woodburn soon nftcr eight o'clock in tho morning and found Bcvoral teams waiting to carry us in comfortablo carriages to Buttovillo, which proved to bo ton mile's distant. Thcro was no liasto necessary, bo we journeyed loisuroly on towards tho west over tho most nourishing and beautiful portion of French Prairio ; lands that wero among tho earliest sottlod by tho enfranchised servants of tho old Hudson Bay Company, fully half a century ago. Our convoyanco wob drivon by Mr. Jacob Voorhcs, of Woodburn, or rathor from that vicinity, for wo passed a lino farm and beautiful homo n milo or two west of Woodburn, that belong to him. Ncaring tho rivor wo camo upon many hop yards, for this section or locality is famous for hop production. Tho prico is hardly elevated enough to encourago tho planting of now yards at this timo, but tho owncrp of plantations bear in mind tho profits thoy havo mado in by gono years, so thoy romombor tho motto : "Hold on and growl." An hour's rido brought us to tho homo of Willard H. Iteos, tho pioncor of 1611 and messmate and confedcrato in plains travel and advonturcs of John Minto. Learning that Mr. ICoca lived thcro wo got Mr. Voorhos to drop us off and wont in to havo an hour's chat with tho voteran of "tho forties." Mr. Minto was in n wngon boforo us and had taken tho samo viow of matters, only "more to," as ho has a far moro intimnto as sociation with Mr. Bees than wo can possibly possess, from tho fact that they bivuacked so long together so long ago. Travel across tho continent moro than two scoro years ago mado warm feelings of friendship or tho contrary as men camo to know each other and booamo feubjectto trial and temptation for selfish ends. Theso wero "times that tried raon's souls" and as was aptly said by a pioneer : 'If thcro was any dog in a man it was huro to bark on tho plains." Wo mado a ploasant call on tho Itces family, for Mr. Bees took much interest when wo recalled tho incidents of "long ago." Ho furnished us with valunblo books and documents referring to tho pioneer era that will materially assist tho work of making Pioneer History that wo havo in hand, as seo tho first pago of tho Willamette Fakmkb in every issue. When wo woro ready to leave wo found a team at tho door, for our generous-minded host did not mean that wo should foot it to Buttcville, two very comfortably fixed thcr1, everything is done for pleasure and comfort and nothing for style. It HCcniB invidious to namo the ones wo recollect bocniHO there aro o many wo cannot rocall to mind, .but wo feel liko calling over tho old friend we met and eomo new ones mmk1. There wero Judgo (Irccu, P. X. Mntliio'i and Wm. Case, thrco inrii who havo boon in puhlio lifo and ant among the oldest and most honored citizens of Marion county, Mr. Oeer, son of the veteran pioneer who died recently, not far short of a contury in years; John Dotchcllu who counts among our older friends and Mrs. Botchcllu who came over tho plains in '51 in tho biuiio c.trringo tho Homo Circlo rodo in. Tho Master of Buttovillo Ornngo is Prank Feller, nud ho is in ninny rospects very clcvorly named. J. S. Vaughn, I). J. Pendleton, J. C. McCrca, and scores of others we cannot name, were prcsont and made thcmsolvcs felt by kind attention to their visitors. Mr. Jacob Voorhcs is Master of Pomona Orango in Marion county and with over a hundred in at tendance it can bo nnsurvdly described us in a flourishing condition. It scorns to bo conducted in tho happiest manner its to disintorostcdncesand general good fooling. Tho day passed in attending to some business matters and after that in ngrcoablo discussion and in addresses from various persons. Mr. Flint, visit ing dclcgato to the Oregon State Grniuro from that of California, and Stato lecturor thcro, talked pleasantly concerning Orango mattors at home, in California, and whilo ho kindly gavo sonic advico ho complimontcd tho order in Oregon upon iUsuccoss and thorough comprehension of tho work in hand. At noon thoro was a divorsion from tho regular routino of Grango business and thoy look n rocoss. .Most of thorn found n rccesw in tho lower hall, that had long tables Bprcad with food and such lluids as oven tho prohibitionists present (and thcro wero soveral of them, let mo tell you, and thoy wero determined to bo seen and heard), did not hesitato to imbibe. I havo no talent for describ ing victuals, but modestly securing some cold meat, a littlo chicken, somo bread and fixtures, including n cup of coffee with cream and a bowl of strawberries smothered moral times in cream, T de voted myself to do them justice. Tho Pomona Grango meets about once a month in good tlmos of tho year, and its meetings aro held in different locali ties so that tho various neighborhoods nnd districts in tho county can bo favor ed. Its inlluenco is good as to social matters ; it is through this branch of tho order that business enterprises aro organized and attempted nud thcro was somothing of harvest matters and machinory attended to at this meeting. Thcro wero prcsont last Fridry many young persons and it is a noticeable foaturo of tho present growth and proi pcrity of the order in Oregon that many young people aro joining it, and so im part now lifo and vicacity. Tho efforts of tho Indies of Buttovillo Grango made this meeting such a success. Itarklrn' Arnica Saltc. The 111 S live in the wtuM for Cut, Uruiset, Sort-, Ulcer, Sdt Khcum, Fever Sore, Tetter, Chapped Hinds, Chilblains Corn, ami all Skin Kruptinns, ami positively cure l'l!e, or no pit) required It U guaran teed to give pon'ret satisfaction, or mnney re funded. l'rien 'W cetits per box. For tale bv I'ort k Sum, tosr nn ion' utt.i. An old physlcUn, rulr-d I cm practice, Imliix had paced In hit linili by an Est India mlmlonart tlm formula ol simple vcirctab remedy Icr tho speedy anil permanent cute ol i on.tiniption, llto chill", Cat airh Asthma, and all throat ami Lung Affections, alio positive and radical cuto (or Ntnoiii Debility and all Nervous CompUInt", alter hivlm Uat-d It wonderful curailie powers In thousands ot ivn Iim felt It his duty to make It known to Ills suflcrli K f-llns. Actu ated by this motive and a desire to re lev human suf fering. I III send tree of ct aiye, to all who desire It, this rcclne In German. Ennllrli or k"rnch. with full directions for prernrlnir and uelnr, Rent by trail by im sianip aim naminir mis r"icr. w. . HochcsUT NY n9ni addressing l timp and namlnir this imiht. W. a. .....-. i . .. .-..-.. ...... .-..--- iuw3 isu ruwera iiiock RUSSELL. &CO.'S st-rtar-wi.-, Alaska is said to havo in ita forostc, nt tho lowest estimate, 5,000,000,000 feet of lumber. SOMETHING NEW! ON HECEIPT OF 11.00 WBWILL8BNP TO AUV address auv one of the following collec tion of plants or for li.OO wa will stud the lit e collec tions and one fine Ilex Jlegonla. Kcr :t 00 wo will tend thrco collections ami one new (leranlum Freak ct Naturo: t'OHIXTIO.V.NO. I. Two Flowering- Begonias, a ioicus, i bictu, i ruensu, i ucraiiium, i new usr Izold. CULLVCTIOV ,0 1 -One Ilex UeonU 3 r letiea Coleus 1 frlmu's, 1 Paris Daisy, 1 Artillery Plant. COLLMTIOVN0..1. One Lady Washington (ler anlum, 1 Uom Otrinlum, Abulllon, 1 Sniilax, 4 var letlcs Cbleus. rOLLIXTIOXNO.l.-One lUironli (MeUllca), 1 Acheranthut, 1 bllver Leaf (Uranium, 4 tarietfts Coleus, 4 Itecf Quilled Daslet. t'OLLEtTlit.VKO. i. -One Pronto Geranium, 1 Saeet Scented Ocranlutn, 4 arlelltaOt-leus, 1 Hang log Ilatkct Plant, 1 VirigaUd Leaf Tu'shla. Enclou 0 ceoU to coter postaxa on each collection or will tend larger plant by tprei.t your own e fwnse. IT nnjr use huy the entire collec Hun Ibrre Mill lc no duplicates. Address, MUS f. S. ItOCUKXl'ICLU, Klorl.l, loapr lm. Salem, Or , 1'. O. Cox 305. and a half miles away, as wo oxpected to do. There was no evading this kind ness so wo accepted it with good graco and wero soon whirling on towards tho river and roached there in good season, too. At Buttovillo wo found the Patrons of Husbandry iu possession of the town and running things after their usual fashion. They havo the upper story of a building for a Grange hall and aro A. G. DEARDORFF, Physician and Surgeon. SALEM, OKEOO.V, OFFICE OYER "WHITE COUNI'.U.". OnVhouri from 9 tl IS A VI.; 2 to 4 P.M.; and 0 to 8 een- logs. Kealdence at Mra, Itlcly. country promptly attended, XcTCalU freni the Icclltf C. W. JEFFREY, VETERINARY SURGEON. Treat the Disease cf Domestic Animal. ALL questions pertaining to the profession, ans wered by mall. CaatoraUng Cell and Iliirtllnx. a specialty. Office at the illnto lir.s. Urery Stable Salem, Oregon, JanSttf -3t P0RTAILE SAW MILLS, FARM A SAW MILL ENIINES, THRESHING MACHINE!, ETC. AT TIKST HANDS. SQeA llUY" ,he UEST ,IIU' in rni: woiii.ii 0ff frth money. Uatalocue and nrlc-llst unt free. Addrcx-t Ill'-HP.M, a t:t., nnrHiuC Cortland, Ortgon. EGGS FOR HATCHING ! I'ruiii irninl Pi lie M Inning IN D OTTES! Plymouth Rocks, Itrown liCt'liuriiSe SInpIc Comb Itrown Leghorn, and I'ckiii IMirks. U (lock I not surpistid by any Imdrr Satlificllon iruaranteed. fj0,hiirlus stock all sold. j0. IMJOOIHIIIE, Kaleiii, Oregon. W Y A Charles Gammerdinger. Columbus, Ohio, Hn.s the Lnrpest Poultry ItmiKO iu the World. BCklVKHS r.HTAIILISIIKI IN 1874. mi$E& TUTTJS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tho Qreatctt Medical Trlnmnh of tho Ago) SYrflPTOMO OF A TORPID LHVER. t.oaaofnppetltc, Iltmrta costive, l'nlnln the head, trltb n dull ensnllon In the back pnrf. l'nln nniler tho (boulder blade, Fullneaa nftrr oatlns, with mlle Incllnatlon to exertion of body ortnlnd, Jrrltabllltr of temper, Low aplrlts, with nfoelloeofhaTlneneileeted otuoduty, Wearinra, Dizziness, I'lutterlnc at the Heart. Ilota before tho eye, Headache oer tho right eye, Iteatltssne, with fltful dream. Illdilr colored Urine, and CON STIPATION. TOTT'S riLJ.aroepcllly ndnpteil to mob caies, ono iloio effect inch a chanpoffeollnfrMtnattonlililheautrorflr. They Increase the ArPUte,andcose tho body to Take ota Flealitthus the system la nonrlsheri.aml by their Tosslo Action en the ULBTeitlraOrfanailtfjrularMtooUara prolucxl. I'rk-e arte. isturray Ht.,rl.w. TUTT'S EXTRACT SARSAPIRILLA Itcnoratoa tho body, makes healthy ncah, KtronRtlicn tho wcaIc, repair tho waste) of tno lyiiem witn puro iiioou ana nam muaciet warn uio ncrrous Aysiem, inTuniraiea brain, and Impart tlio vigor ot I uom nruniiiui, 1849 1886 ..j S- tlM manhood. brain, and Imparti HI. HoMhvilnisv OVVIOB44 Murray St., New York. BREEDERS DIRECTORY. HMALL AlttKHTlHr.MF.NTH like the fal. lonlBR will be Inserted ! onr rolnmns, la their limner rlns.irirallan. fer 18 to tl a year, InrltidliiR copy or paper. v i-arger space rnsrxcii tor pro rata. CATTLE mtf LAD & REED, W 1'OStl.AKP, OlIOO. f Inipaslrr aail Harder t t Sliort-Horn Cattlo. OotsHOld and Leicester Hheep ami Clyde-dul Horses. H. II. LOONEY, ImtNirter anl Prteiler .JERSEY CATTLE. tXT I hav a few Choir, llclfsra and nd Hulls for sa'e. AiMira or ca'lt Ji ftrrson. Or. aamvi Courteou e. Active, -s' Liberal. may good forttino follow tho roadora of The Daily Alta Tbo foremost nowapopor of tho PaoUIo Coftat, whloh prcaonta both sidos of all matters of publlo lntorett No onomlos to pamaa or inonas to pot, but fair and truthful with all. The Weekly Alta Preaenta tho strongest posalble claim to family circulation. It to Oiled with good reading, stories, fashion notes, and pays Intelligent attention to the House andFann. Splendid premiums with the Weekly Alta. TERMS OF THE ALTA. By Mall, ro1r Tn, In lh United Stat and Dally, (la clndlaa Sunday) Ono Tear ft 00 Dally, - Ono Month W BundayldlUon, OnoYeax ,, 3 00 Weekly Alta. On Year 1(0 Bead postal card roquestfor free sam ple copy of Sally or Weekly Alta. braita, Cheoka, and other remittances should be made payable to the order of the ' ''alta California feu co. San Francisco, California. e-2.1 :TH. JKrcE It. W. OAIKKV. Halem, Orrcen Polled Angus Cattle. Call and see my at.rh G. W. DIMIOK, Hubbard, Or, miLr.ur.H OP Moej '-A'aajs, -"fSt!t fiKi6t: SHORT HORN uud .IERSHY ALSO POLLED ANGUS Cattle. Yourur Block for sale at reasonable rati, a stotk ol Mine nuallty can l-o gutten tlehere tWjrftUlC. M H II CI'.P. k is nnsF.oiNo ovek owl for sale the wholo er. ceo ninns this aexion. JO tarietlesdhldeil In 10 lane yards. airtfa lor naicniog durloir snrlnif. for a full deicrtptlon it my buildings, yards and fowls, etc. endS one cent stamps and Ktth finest and best Illustrate! an iteecrlptltre cataloeue et lUDinnea tiy any tircMer in in states sit Bill other. III paves. Address aa above. incniti published by Ineher, 10 pagM Mention this paper. 3CI3NTTX3E5, THE SPECIALIST1, No. 11 Kaarny St., San Francisco, Cal. Taut jtu, CimoKic, KrtciiL xo Pritatk Dismum uil Woxriarii, Scccix. THE GREAT ENGLISH UEMEDY 1 I a certain eurr lor .Yen oum Itrblllty, lAtnt AlUBhOiHl, J'llWIHdll' horn, and all 'Jio el II tfl-u of j-outhful tolltc and cvcimc, and In lrlnkhi;f liitaxlenthip; Ihiuarx. Jn Jllntlf, who la a n irular .li l Ian, Knuluato cf tho I'nltir. sltyfaf l'tiinsjlwiila, will Krco to forftlt if-VM for a raw of lids kind tho I'lul Jtrrtonitlw un- dcr hi ajicctal tulrico and treatment) will iiot mrc kl.CO a bottle, cr four time tho iuantltv -', aint to any addrra on receipt of lirlcc.orC ). I. lnprlato trtino If ilcaircl, hy Jr Mlntlo. It AVi.ni M., .v, l Oil. Iknd for list ot iiucttlomt and )uiidiUt, HAMiT.i: jiorrr.t: vm:n will l ent to any ono applylnir by Idler, atathii JVona, ex and oi;e. htriit aurvcj in riv'"' 'Uca transactions. PaM JOHN MIM, Hnlrnt, Ogn. Dreedrnf IHI'llOVKD AM EltlCAN tlKIIIMWcf V nil linpoitallon ad crors breeds of the French and Spanish stocks knonln Or eiron as AMKltliiaN ur. IllMO. A cood lot of Kwes for hale sa ttell ss llaros. Price In accordance with the niaiktt Cornpot.i! t ni e lolldtad. W. HUNT, Whltraktr, Or. Drettler cf simopsniRE Down Mikt, an.l r.HHr.x Hit in f, Corropoiidiriir snllrt cil. Younir slock for saleou nasonatli tents m!& aaLBLaL D. M. GUTHRIE. Dallns, Ores. Importer and Breeder Hpantah, 1'rencli or Ameritan Hi r Inoe. Beitl for I'rlie etc. SWIKK. PURE BERUSniRES. U.tJ.HALLKY Halem. Sir.. ftJBllBP?5llasa thcrouiihlred Itrlstired Pit,' l1 "u,S3 Oal I or send tor my ptkes, farm is live miles south ol Ualeot on old sUfe road MisCKltANKOUa. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Yon ar allowed afrtt trial e thirty day of tho pao of Dr. Dje'a Cclebratul VollaC) licit wltn Klectrlo Buspenaory Aiillanre, for tho speelr ri'll"f and ermanent cure of trnxa DttHlilv, Ida of Vitality and ifanaowl, and all klndnttl troubU. Also for many ol her tiUetuu-u Complete restora tion to llnUin. Vigor and Manhood iraaranteml. No risk Is Incurred. Illustratdianihlctlnil(d (nnlvjwi mallnl frc. hraddreaatnit V0LTAI0 BELT CO,, Marshall, Mich. Or. JO It DAIS'S Museum of Anatomy- III Market Ktrcel. GO AKI) tEAKN HOW TO AVOID dlscae, and how wonderfully you are made. Private Oltice, 211 Utarybt. CoiuulUtion on Lost Usnhood and all disease of Women. Bend for books. sn313 FRET'S Nil! TILE a Dirir machine uniuii BSBBBBBSV a Xo ravolTinc cora pin or nracxei. is made with or with out Crusher. Poor different cutting uicu iu, MH'eafaaaw'-'viTVvDVava eatnattems. P THlfltBIBDiT VKKY.rJUE0KLEKaV'UO0VEK.la7rB4a Ad. Wildmer Nelson, (Xer Pcstotllw, Halcin, Oregon.) Steam Dyeing & Cleaning WORKS. Children k-arrnenta, Lice., Kibboiis, Bilks. Vtli el. Wooltu aui ruUtd i-wls cleaned and djed In any hade or colcr. Furs, Hil, Illankets and Carpets deased and made to lo k like new. Ladies' Drews clcabed.d Kd and pressed without rlpplnjfor shrink ins, Geot Clolhlajr cleannl or dyed without shrink ln 'fl-e- cleaning of Uanktts, ladle and vent clolhinf a (peolalty. sawaar- V.VAK o. goooiiiii:, SALEU, . OHKOON, 'ThoUadlnrWVANIKlTTKandimoWN I.KUiioitn breeder oi tnoMrllmtst. Unclo.e stsrnn for clrtular Vfl. Jrrary t'nttl" for hnlr. Send for Prltv I4vt 1 1 Clydesdale and Eng lish Shire Horses. 'mo only stud In Ameri ca contalnlnir the vary bet eiwimcne uf both breeds. I'rlie winners at Chicago r"air,th World's Kalr at New Orleans, lh Itnyal Society uf Kn land, etc. lra Impoc latlon arrived AiiBUftlJ, and mnrs .to follow. Ourhujlna f acllltlM be IliK unoiualled, there BWUNA8MltJ,'JT?l' ;,iT.,rml i.l. .where, to ro'ura til si tlass anliunls of cholce.t brrcdlnaat Very liisrrt fries.. Ksery animal i illy .rcoorded ami nunrnnl4rl. Term. In suit all customer. I'atalotiui'a mi apillrntlii IAI.niCAITIIUltOH.,.Inncallle,Wla. MEXICAN- Ciiati Co. A. L Apiary Supplies ITAUA UKt H ll OIlLCNh. tildres. t i ' 'Av-e I). KAL., Nssur, Clackaiius , .( ' BUCKINGHAM, Dealer In Groceries, Provisions, Cutlery, Crockery, Glassware, JUlv, Tobacco and Cigars a Specialty! Will tell a chesp a any storu In tho city. PUOIlUCK TAKI'.X I.N KXCIIANOK t'OIUIOOIIrf. Call and m iuo on CouimtnUI street, between Klinscr As llcck'i new brewery and lh Chcmrket Hotel, Salem, Orteon, aultf wKM Grind 3w t i,.HJl,J.0't "Umu. KAHAU tlaur au4 Osn T TTTTBirTTlTi is war tr. Wliaon' 1'atcnt ueat). alaie utttojnvr&Hiiitkwribii. JT".f!,r1Ji,.V,i,i7LWS.J"l'u'o?"Jiot V myymtwm ww m .sv a ooI Farming LuikIh EAST OF THE CASCADES Within I to fl mile of railroad sod riser, near Alkali, (lllllsm counly; SO miles from The Dalles; 123 mile (rem Portland. Aa Voo La ml at Eltl East of lltr fasradr v 111 be Hold on Very Cos orable Terms. WE AUK I'llEPAiTED" TO TAKE INTEKDINO purchsser to n Isnds a oflcr for sale. HHOH.V Jk HUMLUIHT, Alkali, Ortgoo; Or: Ilurrows & Ollter. 1 Washington St., Portland, Or to the WILLAMETTE rAUUEJt, Halem, Orejon. ManWantedS In his locallir. ftnponalbla bouse, lief ereocn t hanl. JAVdiC0..1!illorrlayrt.,N.Y. IA L tVJ I T E D. 500 BATTKRY ST., San Francisco, Cal. .Scud for cimilurri mid tcHti- moniala giving full laformation. Oltoap Landsi lino clim.ttfl plenty of water; ens; tormai rotnlar atinsons. Vo Impart or Export Unties and tto Taxes for To u yunrs. dnlliiO E. 8. LARSEN & 00. WHOLES LE Giocers and Commission MKltCll.iXTS, IIK A III (rani M.. 'nr. Vm-IiIukIuii. afKitlhTKV Pl.ODUCi: IIA HI I'll TO IIEST AD Family (iioir-. InrciUliwI t" our customer by ikckstt. at lownt JnhMiii; price AIM. wu arn sir nl.hr Iradlmr KlltB IKfUltANCE CO'f). I arm lull Inir Insiir-il m lo rstiw. Ai:tiitllorTilN(IVI.LA LINE i.f Ocean Bteitu- tr Ivtwecn Niw York and ycandinatis. Oioauiwid llaluay tlcV't'at lowest late. Dralta and ilnnei Or' rr. ilrawn ihi Hcaudliiavlar. cltltris by E. b. Uir.cn, ll.r.l-h Vlco f.n.ul. Hritillnnlnn Money Ilunclil, apniltf EVERY BODY KNOWS lliat W. P. JilllNKON lh PHOTOGRAPHER CuimriiilO htrttt, Kalcm, Orrcon. riiAia.s tiik i.i:aii in the J i i c r i' ui: it n h i ,v r. h h . I'ortraiui, Cji)lii.-, lUilsntlu, Cidorlnir, etc., eta tfl.Vltws takM In ell) or country. Mend In ou. usrs, Uiry will ho roin tlj llllid. marklevyT Commission Merchant 1 UKAI.Mt IN PKUIT.S ,tNt iKia;;i:. COVHI;ti;Ms KOIHinir. Having- Int. J lusUi aculiiUiae Willi thu tradv of 1'oitland kiiilfoi Kr.ml-io.mlothir points, I am abl to sill rMiii..l,ie produitx to btst sdiantsk'ti. Kt liiinirillHlt' Krlurii lfnilc MA UK r.uvy, Vti hruni html, . Portland, i(n,-cii. ma)btf A i'OSITIVE GUltE! I1KV. ytjiini,-, middle a;cd and cM. sln(l or married, and all wlio are sulferliir will. L1IM' tl.t.MIOOU, Ntrtoiitdthllily, rptrmiitoiihii'i, beniinal lxa.Sex ual decay, rilin )lmoi), Ni.K e)e, blunted Devel (in cut, wck ol rtuir). Iiuivrilihed Jlloo.1, plm, pie., Inpedlm.nts to ilstil.ye; alwi lilootl anil HVIn liisesin, Hyphllll.. Mphills, Iruptlon., Hair 1'alllnif lUnis Pains, twthlnrs, feoralhroat, fleers, Effect of llene-y, Kldrey and llladdir Trouhlca, Weak Hack, UuroliiK urine, Incontinence, Oouori has, Olttt, Strict. tore, receive acarchlnar Ireatment, promit relist and cure for life, Itlilll Ht.XI'H icn.ult eonlldentlally, If in trooblc, call -r write. I'elayearadani;rout. Call stores. S5 years riperlcnee. Trriu t'nsli. OIL VANUOACIsOAlt, 182 and 131 3d street, II I'fitlnd, Orcicon, SoOFXG ITN-- r-lforprlrci "" i.nd IlluslralrdTataloituetir CINCINNATI (0.) CORRUGATING CO.