Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 11, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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hc 1tnitc 4rtt.
MRS llAnniOT T. CLAUKE, Kditor
To him that ovcrcometh,
0 word divinely strong,
Tho victir's plm, tho fadoleia wreath,
The grand immortal song,
And his tho hidden manna,
And his tho polished atone,
Within whose whttencta ahinea tho name
Revealed to him atone.
So him that ovorcomoth
Ah, what o( bitter attife,
Heforo ho win tho battlo'a gago
And anatch tho crown ot lite I
What a whirl of crosting wcapona
What n steam ot Hashing oyea,
What atcrn dobato with haughty foca
Muat ho beforo the prize.
To him that ovorcomoth
Shall triali ayo befall,
Tho World, tho Flesh, tho Dovil
He needs muat face them all.
Sweet sirens of temptation
May luro with ailver atrain,
And copo ho mint aubtlo foca,
And bUnch 'ncath fiery pain.
To him that ovcrcometh
A. mighty holp ia pled god j
Ho wields a aword of purest mould,
Uy use of cycles edged.
And prophets and confessors,
A matchless valiant band,
Have vanquished earth and atormed aides,
With that triumphant brand,
To him that ovcrcometh.
0 promise dearest dosrl
Tho Lord himself who died for him
Will evcrmoro bo near,
Hero, dust upon hli garments,
There, robes that royal he,
For "On my throno," tho.King hath said,
"Mino own shall ait with me."
To him that ovcrcometh,
O word divinely atrong!
It weaves itaolf through woary hours
Lllco aomo rejoicing song,
I'or his tho hidden ininna,
And his the namo unknown,
Which Christ tho Lord ono day of days
Will tell to him alone.
Over and over again
This was tho aong he sang,
Up and bayond the grand old hills,
And loud through tho wooda it rang
"Goo up and geo hoi
Don't go too alowl
Twill be night beforo you know itl
If you have got any amart in your boots,
Now ia the timo to ahow itl"
Over and over again
This waa the aong he sang;
And the oxen, rolling their loving eyes,
Quick to their hard work aprang;
"Gee up and goe ho!
Don't go too alow!
'Twill be night before ynu know it!
If you have got any a nart in your bonei,
Now ia tho time to how it!"
Over and over aqsin,
After the lapse of ynara,
Tho aong ot the aturdy farmer' boy
Kept swinging in my ears:
"Gee up and gee ho!
Don't i'0 too alow!
Twill be Might before you know it!
If you have got any amart in your bones,
Now ia the time to ahuw it."
Orer and over again
Says I to myself, aaya It
"Not ouly to beasts of burden, but
To Man will these words apply:"
"Gee up and gee ho!
Don't go too slow!
Twill be night beforo you know it!
If you havo got any smart in your bones,
Now is the time to iliotr it!"
Many ladies of Loa Angeles liavo in
stituted a Flower Festival, tho object of
which is to build a homo for women
who must support thcmsolves on small
salaries. Last year at tho firfit oxhibit
50,000 roses were shown, beside, other
llowcrs. Two thousand dollars was tho
result, eo a houso was rented and fur
nished, and opened under tho chargo of
a capable woman. Tho houso is full:
and preparations are being mado for
larger accommodations. This gives
women and girls of modorato means a
homo for u small sum. They anticipate
a library also, making this homo a con
tor for women's work, and all that is in
tho interest of woman. Another ilowor
and fruit show was had at Santa Barbara,
which was wonderfully toautiful in tho
display, also oranges, strawberries, ban
nanas, etc., in tho greatest variety and
Oregon, of couibe, can novcr rival Cal
ifornia in those productions, but she can
raako n fair showing, and it scorns ns if
tv little public spirit was shown in this
way would have a good influence thesp
bard times.
It is btated that during tho past thrco
years thirteen million sheep havo died
for want of water in Now South Wales.
Drugs at Port'-, lOOStalo street.
Chocolnto Frosting. Boil together
until strings from tho spoon, one cup
light brown sugar, and one-half cup
water. HcmoYO from stovo, and stir in
rapidly tho whites of two beaten eggs to
a BtilT froth, and ono-quartcr of a cako
of Baker's chocolnto, finely grated. This
is sudicient to Bprcad between thrco
layers of cake, and on tho top. Sproad
whllo warm.
Pressed Veal. Boil vool till tho meat
will easily slip from tho bones. Tako up
tho meat, chop it fine, season with Bait,
pepper and a littlo mustard anil lomon
juice, and boil tho liquor with tho bones
till strong enough to mako jelly, then
again add to tho meat. Thoroughly
mix and turn into a mold until tho noxt
day. Garnish with parsely or eclory.
Delicate Cake, To three-quarters
cup of buttor, boatcn to a cream with
two cups powdered sugar, and throo
cups flour sifted with two teaspoonfuls
baking powder, ono cup sweet milk, ono
tcaspoonful of eseonco of almonds, and
tho whites of two eggs that havo been
boatcn to a stiff froth. Bako in fiat tins,
well buttered, and covered with icing
when cool.
Cream Short Cake. Sift sulllcicnt
good flour, rub in a pioco of buttor and
lard to mako it n littlo short and mix
with good Hour cream into which has
been stirred barely enough soda to mako
it foam ; tho usual amount of salt of
course. Bako in a quick oven and let it
bako until well dono.
Rico Custard. Boil somo rico quito
soft and whon dry mix with a boiled cus
tard ot thrco eggs and n pint of milk fla
vored with vanilla. Add a littlo stowed
fruit or jam and halt a pint of whipped
cream. Mix thoroughly, pour it into a
mould, sit it in tho ico until firm and
then turn it into a dish and serve.
Knit on thrco stitches; knit across
First How Knit one, throw throad
over, knit two.
Second How Knit two, knit ono loop,
purl ono loop, knit one.
Third How Knit five.
Fourth Row Cast o(T two, knit thrco.
Repeat from beginning.
Cast on iivu stitches and knit across
First How Knit ono, throw thread
over twice, knit two together, throw
thread over twice, knit two.
Second How Knit two, knit ono loop,
purl ono loop, knit throe.
Third How Knit ono, throw thread
over twico, knit two together, knit four.
Fourth How CaBt oft two, knit flvo.
Repeat from beginning.
Thoso knit edgings arc very useful as
well us ornnmontal in finishing tho
edges ot garments. Thoy givo fineness
to tho bonis of skirts, sacqucs, aprons,
and many other articles, and can bo knit
of silk, wool, and linen or cotton throad.
When knit'of wool thoy can ho roudored
mora attractive by having an edgo of silk
stiches crocheted on them. Tho follow
ing patterns given uro for very narrow
lace, pretty for edging ruflles. Cat on
eight stitcho, knitting across plain.
Firxt ltoiv Slip one, knit ono, thread
over twico, purl two togother, knit two,
thread over throo times, knit two.
Second How Knit two, knit first
loop, purl second loop, knit third loop,
knit two, thread o;er twice, purl two to
gether, knit two.
Third How Slip one, knit ono, thread
over twico, purl two togothor, kuit soven.
Fourth How Knitsovon, thread over
twico, purl two together, knit two.
Fifth Row Slip ono, knit one, thread
over twico, purl two together, knit soven.
Sixth Row Cast ofl" three, knit three,
thread ovor twico, purl two together,
knit two ; repeat from first row.
Open Fires.
Nothing f-o delights tho soul and
sheds such a peaceful glow ovor tho
present and futuro years, as plonty of
light and warmth in tho fumily living
room. It gives a keen dolight and is
never forgotten by tho child whon
grown to maturity. It U ono of tho
8implo homo pleasures that no fnmily
can aflbrd to disponso with. Dio Lewis
says :
"But lot us have tho open fire. Let
us go without silks, broadcloths, carpets,
and finery of all kinds if necessary, that
wo may havo this excellent purifier and
difiuser of joy in all our houses. In my
otvn houso I havo thrco open grates,
and tho expense is very largo, and it it
wore in any other department of houso
keeping, I should feel I could not afford i
it; but in this I do not flinch, so impor
tant do I deem the open fire."
But why cxponsivo? Why tho neces
sity of sacrificing othor comforts and
luxuries for tho ploasurcs enjoyed nt
tho open fire? Fuel that ennnot 'bo
manufactured easily for tho stove,
stumps, otc., always lying around in
country places, may bo utilized in an
open fire, thus saving, inBtoad of entail
ing expense Or if it conies to dispens
ing with "finery" for tho sake of a fire
placo, much moro is gained than loit by
tho sacrifice.
An artist could paint no prettier scono
than tho members of tho family, old
and young, grouped within thn red
light and warmth of nn old-fashioned
fire. Compared with tho room with n
closo stovo it is liko going from tho
"realms of light" into "outer darkness."
Matrons, aro you to hnvo a now houso,
insiat on tho open fireplace. It will
provo a pcrpctunl dolight and your chil
dren and children's children will novcr
forget to thank you.
Hints for the Housekeeper.
To polish a stove, rub it with news
paper. Salt increases tho boat of tho wator in
tho boiling of potatoes.
Half it cup of vinegar in water will
mako an old fowl cook quickly.
Lard may bo mado porfectly swoet by
boiling iv raw pnred poUito in it.
If nutmegs aro good, whon picked
with ii pin oil will constantly oozo out.
Tho wings of turkeys, gocso and chick
ons aro good to wash and clean windows,
ns thoy lcavo no dust or lint liko cloth.
To keep insects out of bird cages, tio
up a littlo sulphur in n bag mid suspend
it in thocago.- Rod nuts will flco from
n closot or drawer, it a small bag of sul
phur bo kept in thoso places.
Ironing Items.
Much labor can bo saved in ironing by
folding tho clothes right. Fold tho top
and bottom hems of sheets together,
then fold again through tho contcr and
iron without undoing. Tho top half of
sheet will thon bo nlcoly ironed and tho
lower half prcssod smooth. HonTy tow
els for kitchen uso and tea-towels can bo
folded smooth and ironed without un
folding. Too much ot many n frail
woman's strength is wasted in tho use
less attempt to do nil things with equal
I havo good success with shirts dipped
in cold starch, by using soap-suds to dis
solvo tho starch. Roll thorn tight, and
whon your iron is not too hot, rub tho
bosom thoroughly with a clean wet cloth
to tako off any dry starch adhering to
tho shirt, and iron from tho neck-band
toward tho bottom. M. II.
Washing with Soap Powder.
At night I dissolve flvo tablespoons ot
powdor in hut wator. (This is for n
family of flvo persons.) Pour it into tho
tub, with enough vory warm water to
covor tho clothes. I then put in all tho
best white clothes, leaving tho very dir
tiest for another tub or pail, and putting
somo of tho suds on them. In tho morn
ing I put thain in tliu loilur with sudi
cient cold water and boil twenty or thir
ty minuU's. Wash in ono water, rinse
well in slightly blued wator nnd hang
out. I seldom need to uso any uonp.
My clothes look as well an when washed
in the old wi. Colored clothes can bo
added if desired uud tho colors left to
souk a few minutos boforo washing.
You can soon tell just how
much iowder is required. I sometimes
omit boiling, and wash in two wators;
but prefer tho formor mothod, as tho
dirt is moro easily taken out. Pleneo
try my way, somo one, and report. Tho
powder can be obtained of any grocer, I
think for fifteou cents n packago or two
for twnnty-fivo cents. Do not let any
ono frighten you by saying it rots tho
clothes. I havo used it noarly twoyenrs,
and I think my clothes wear Justus long,
if not longer, than before. It certainly
does not woar them any moro than tho
extra hard rubbing and saves timo and
strength. Kotunt.
An Knglish farmer has mado tho dis
covery that his carefully kept farm ac
counts in which ovcry transaction is
noted as it occurs, and everything
necessary to tho calculations which had
not actually been bought or sold was
valued at market pricos, having demon
strated that, nftor inokinij allownnco for
tho largo doath rate of cows, rhcep-kocp-ing
has paid him bettor than dairying
by about thirty per cent.
Safety In Epidemics.
"During tho last torriblo yellow fever
epidemic I stayed hero waiting on sev
eral fever sufferers, burying others, and
being exposed at all times; but, owing
to tho continued uso of Simmons Liver
Regulator, I weathered tho storm, and
now eny it saved my lifo. T. J. King,
Bartlctt, Tonn."
Caro of Baby.
Mothors, don't forget tho coinfoitof
your littlo ones, now tho busy part of
tho year has come. I know your
thoughts havo to bo in ninny places at
once, but tako timo to givo bnbv propor
care, oven if tho work has to bo neglect
oil Babies seldom if over cry unless
thoy aro sick, uncomfortable, or want
something. Do not let them lio iu one
position too long, they get tired and
ennnot sleep; turn them gently when
they begin to get restless and thoy will
sleep as long again. To looson their
clothes, lay them across your lap nnd
smooth their little backs with tho palm
ot your hand, will often quiot them when
fretful. And above all things, don't
neglect to givo them water. A good
rulo is to oiler them n drink whon you
tako ono yourself. I havo known babios
undor two weeks old cry for water, just
ns if thoy had colic. Qivo them a ten-
Bpoonful nt n timo until thoy hnvo
enough. Catnip tea mado fresh ovcry
day is a good drink for babies that aro
subjoot to colic, and tho host remedy I
over tried is thrco or four drops of
good brandy given iu n tcaspoonful ot
water, llopeat tho doso in fifteen
minutos if necessary. If you go away
from homo it is best to tako such reme
dies with you as you aro liablo to need.
If a baby rubs its oars and cries, it has
earache. Warm n few drops of olivo oil
nnd drop in tho car. Or if subject to it,
tnko n lavel toaspoonful of powdcrod
opium, and put iu two ounces of alcohol,
shako well, then let it sottlo ; put sixteen
drops of this into half an ounce of best
olivo oil, shnko well each timo boforo
using; drop .two or thrco drops iu tho
ear whenever nn attack comes on.
hnvo scon it used twice or mora n day iu
bad cases. Often nftor tho cars achu n
matter will run from them, which makes
thorn raw or soro nnd causo intense
itching. For this, wash with whito
castilo soap, dry thoroughly, and dutt
lightly with cornstarch.
Whon washing, bo suro to wipo them
perfectly dry. Bo vory enroful not to
lcavo tho insido of tho ear wet, as this
frequently is tho causo ot their itching.
Tnko a small hairpin, fold a soft cloth
over tho round end, press gently around
on tho inside of tho car. It is n good
way to wipo them. Lot tho child wear
whito flannel nightcaps to sloop in, and
cotton ones in tho day time if thoy aro
thus nfilictcd in wintor. I novcr know
tho hearing to bo affected whan treated
as above.
Mako baby's uudorwoar of tho finest
whito flannel ; novnr uso colorod flannel
noxt to them, as it ofton poisons thorn
and causes sores and pimple all over
the body and limbs. Mako flannol shirts
with slcoves to como to tho wrists. Let
thorn woar their nltirts wrong side out
n tho senilis will not bo noxt to them.
For tho young infants, it is generally
better to have littlo short-sleeved under
shirts of very thin whito cotton goods.
Havo soft, loose whito wool stockings.
Fordundrufrand scales on tho head,
put six drop camphor iu a pint of warm
rainwater; uso just u littlo fine soap,
and wash tho head with, then dry with
soft cloth uud put on night i ip until
tho hoad becomes perfectly lr,. Thin
provcuts taking cold.
When babies chnfo, get Mire mound
the ears, and under tho arms wash with
somojnv milk in it; dry caiofully mid
dust with cornotarcli. 1'nt staroh in it
littlo bug mudo of thin whito cloth mi it
will hilt through nicely. But the very
Lost remedy I over used was "petroleum
ointment." nronarcd bv our fumilv
physician for bed hoi en. Aunt Catherine,
in Ohio I' armor.
To Regulate
warranted not to contain a tingle pat.
tide ef Mercury or any Injurleus tub.
tur.ee, but la purely vegetable.
It will Curo all Diseases caused
by Derangement of the Liver,
Kidneys and Stomach.
if your IJcr Uout of order, then your
whole system It deranged, 'lhc Muodis
Impure, the trcath (Tensive, you hate
headache, fl languid, dltjiiiileil and
nervous, To prevent a moro scilaus cou.
iilloii, laie at once Simmons
TllTIllTl KrX.Ul.A10K. If jnu lead a
.11 KM sedentary life, or suffer with
ill I eUelt Kidney illst-lliiii, avoid
stimulants and take Minmout Uvcr KeguUlor
burc to relieve.
If you have eaten anything hard of
digestion, or feel heavy after meals or
sleepless at night, late a dote and you
will feel relieved and sleep pleasantly.
If you are mlseralle rtiiTcrer uith
Cunsllpatliiii, JJYnM'iaiu ami
lllllouaneiae, seek relief at once tin
Simmons IJver Kegulator. It docs not
require continual doting, and cottt lul a
trine, It will cure you,
If you ate up In the morning tvlth a
titter, tad ta.le In our mouth,
tin M fTll Slmtaont Uvcr Krgulalnr, It our.
I A K K "c" lne Ji'llout Stomach, sweetens
JL liUil the llrcath, and cleanses the furred
'longue. Children often need some safe Cathar
tic and Ionic tu avert approaching sickness,
Simmons IJver Ilezulator v. ill relieve Colic, Head,
ache. Side Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, awl
the Complaints incident ta Childhood.
At any time you feel your system needs
cleansing, toruni, regulating lihoulviolent
purging, or stimulating without lotoii-
caung, taut
J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa.
Simmon; Livor Rogulator.
nflects riTioiHly till tliu tllgcstlvo and
tuslmllatlvo ononis, Including tlto Kid
neys. Wlien thesoorgum uro to affected,
they full to extract from tho lilooil tho
nrlo nclil, which, carried through lhn cir
culation, causes llhcunintlsiis ami Neu
ralgia. Tho function of tho Liter arc nlo
nflcctctl by costlvcncse, causing
Bilious Disorders.
Among tho warning ajmiitoins of Jllltoin
iiett ere Nmnca, DIxziiip., Ilcmhtchc.
Wcnkiit'tsi Tcur. IMmnoM of YHInn.
Ycllowmx of Skin, l'lilne lit the Side,
llnck ami .Shoulder., Foul Mouth, Kiirirtl
TonRtic, Irregularity In tflo action of tho
Dowels. Yomltlng, rttr.
Tito Stonuich Millers when tho bowcN
arc constipated, mid Indigestion or
follows. Fetid Hrcntb, Gntrln Pains,
Headache, Acidity of lho Stomach, AVntcr
brnh,lS'crvouines, and Depression, nronll
evidences of thoiircscncotif tliM distress
ing maladv. A Suro llcllcf for Irrcgu
InrltlM of 'tho fcjtonwcli nnd nil conctnicnt
diseases, will bo found in tho uio of '
They Ktlmulnto tho rUomach, frco tho
bowel, healthfully Invigorate tho torpid
liver nnd kidneys, and by thtlr cleaning,
healing nnd tonic liropcrtlcs, MrciiRthcn
Mill purify tho wholo Nytcni,ond restore
it to a salutary and normal condition.
merman nv
' Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Muss.
Bold by all Druggists.
Tho only prsct'cul intchlno In uso tint niiVe tlio
fence In (lie flei I vthtrever wanted, mtkoi lho best,
strongest a it moil durante lencca for cencrtl use and
lrui nd t.vk iurMie wtiti any rise ulrket and
en) -Uo wlr Tho r c. will ttirt ttors without Iu
J my to stnii' I'or ca alogtia and full lititlrulari,
address M C. lll'.M.KY. Coin haiiu'acttirsr,
I'm tor , 5 l to Ml North 111 It st cot, llichmond, Ind
isstmt Mnrcli mill Kept.,
I c-itrli jrrar. Air-UNO IRts,
H!iXll' liieIies,vllliortr
' 3.COO llliietrntlotia
it-hole, I'lcturt! Cnllerr.
Z8jr nVK.H Wholesale Price-
tllrrtt l tniwtiiiirr on nil good fur
pcr-mr.iiil or family liar. Telia liovr tu
order, iiml Ijlvca rinct coat of every
thing yun liar, rM, tltink, wear, or
have fiu tvlth. Three) INVAI.UAULK
IttiOKH rottlnlu Infbrntntlou ulertiird
from the markets of tha world. Wei
Mill malt n copy FJlKIu to any ad
ilrcsa upon receipt of 10 eta. to defray
expense of inallltisr. It ua hear frona
yon. ntapeetfitlly,
m Os 1180 Wahaak Avesme, Calcasrv, U
T 'tha ImiI, diw ruit riiem.14 IlLn tin t Irun, nor
tlur firi'.tt r-r. aitiMlutf anddlu
It. 11' h. W'aL.l. .ll.,u.u..lk.lu.
Lttml i ' .,t ' !! Artii We deliver
4ir is n uiuutf r sunn, scan ojm.
awv RP'
I Ymii
4' l (1 l.j
our Cttc.lre. nit labele-d, for aW
lie-, .',."., aat J JI,irl,W -! sa afe.
ix,v- M.r- ""'.T, i'rlsPfch.!
r'Mtft HitN.iii Aiaimuor Tarie.
Jo,iirv.i .) ,uir. 'hiee to., fa.
!frOR 7885.
1 Salt. laWtrallv U kasiVtl OfczJoBrlt. IUlr4 aWf Ii.
D. M. FEnny 1 CO., Detroit, Mlohl;an.
liM.I;ii( tOiioin. svllhtM
rnuravinvsi iiirrnani anil
IreliarvS anil
a. I lila Ae.
nriinll a'rnlla, itta. Ae,
tilt i liunrat ileMiliitlons
o tluhlvn Cjuceii llasilrr ,
uswmiii Pear, and over-Ilia
other I ruin, Itiitructlnn
valloli and inanaxemeiit.
with low. prlrra for
1aa nsi.t llautau
I-rteei lOr. Mills ejoluraxt
Klitlrai iilil.uut platra
e. 1-rlco l.Ula free,
I lie. H.iiJjrKU
I'll (ini"!0un.
Irooier ii
i lard.
t 'alotfiie
i much
v 'ii, U Infnrina
isi iunt.
1011 Ilroiilmi, OaVlainl, CallfomU.
ttill. fir laslr 1 LirSTRtTtD CiTllOCl t. lUw i
CS3 HOSfH Kojrn aiaisr, 8AINT LOUIS, MO.
Apple, l'rur, herry, llum, Mulberry nad
l:ersirreu Treea, at Whnlcaalo Prlcea In mall
Juantltlua. A" Ntruwberry. itusilerrr.
iouae berry, sllueklierry, Current, Hoaee,
fin Mhriilibery nnd llullia,
Ittt flfin "' llrapn Vines of Niagara.
,UUU,UUU Kmplrarltate, jsdr.lx)aviara
and all cither new and nld aorta, t'inrortt 1 year
(rum 110. Uilli.lxTl.UlJ: J years. SUtnS.Il AildreaS
llluumlnfc'tou.'lll., lllt.II. HCIlItUUaiK.
coo rtcnr.i.
s (. .. I'r-td" i I ii a'' i t ; r
,-,! i l ' i . J nr'i'i.
wimiI . .-i .i lit 1 1 ,i : ii, aim
J I ' Ms.
J l'f ,lt, " , "'?'.
, . i-L
ssr a
Xj 9 Bf ',I
B JUL if-Hf.ivi . 0 i fmm1 miMwtJ
VvVcVc-'C. WtefcW
1iir lltaenine ifaor tr v,nuvnifnii.riyiu appi,
'rrM') clur.l I at bait III ml 1 1 tin. I. tln a
NVJlKTjrVTJ! 1'ir 1'f.AHTKU 111 Half tin
i1'l. t'Wtl'liTH ami UIMlH ofaama. dooUa
IUjVi" iVM. t:.laliiM and Mtnplae r.
I,, .t. iv. v & co., c.oniLis, m. j.
B&ifcMx tfS
u 'ti v ::. tin i ;-j vn .
731' DtYttprrWZ
irt J U nsIM If I! PK U all spslUa.u, aa4 U stibsars a'
!ait Jf vnkirul irrj.ilsi Ik II caelts aWat tse aS"
eullulir.tU, pllle., tMWmtS.KllBlUM IM 111,!.'!
Slrsctl-as fj, .I..I'., l vvlxlM ,1 VKUKTAB1.K
'Mivr:n hi .'... iiut.ita.au. i.,u..u.
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