Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 30, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    l ( I M 10 IT K KA R.U '. V S V 1 . EM , Oil EGON. APRIL 30 1 88G
jjhuial "jfjijitorih
Tho Rolatloas of the Furmor Thereto. -How
they Originate and How to Depose Them.
Tho Ichneumon Fly is ti four-winged
fly which is parasitic upon different in
sects. Mr. Glover snya of him : "These
insects nro characterized hy unusually
long mill slender bodies and tho long
projecting oviposctors of the females.
Thoso ovipositors are often very long,
and arc protected by a sheath of four
stylets of tho samo length ns tho truo
oviposetor. Tho head is usually rathor
square, with long, many jointed nnte
mne. Tho larva U a soft, cylindrical,
fleshy, white, footless grub, tho rings of
tho body convex, and tho head ninn.ll.
Tho eggs aro laid by tho parent, cither
on tho outside, or within tho caterpillar
or other lurvno upon which its young
is destined to feed. When hatched, tho
larvao devours tho fatty portions of its
victim, until it gradually dies. Tho
family, as a whole, i one tho members
of which nro of imnieiito sorvico to ag
riculturalists, ii do'troying great num
bers of noxious insocts.
There aro numerous vnriotio of this
fly, varying in size from a fourth of an
inch to ono and one-fourth inches long.
I have a specimen of tho lattor length,
with an ovipositor twico a long.
Thcso ichneumon flics deposit their
eggs iuthoboilicsof a great variety of
insocts: caterpillars, tho army worm,
grasshopper, etc. That tho cut worm
is often tints destroyed, my own obser
vation leads mo to bcliove. although tho
nocturnal habits of this worm greatly
protects him. lint the ichneumon goes
for the diurnal feeding cotton-worm, in
tho Southern HtatcH, with a freedom
that should charm tho heart of tho cot
ton planter, and euuso him to count tho
ichneumon among his best friends. Ho
is nono tho less n friend to tho Oregon
farmer, and deserve4 liii consideration
Tho Inst insect that I shall mention
is tho Asibus fly (robber fly, or beo kil
ler). I do not know this fly, nor if he
is in Oregon. Ho inhabits tho cotton
states, and also Nebraska, and other
placos whero I am not informed. Ueo
men probably know him, but I can
only condense- what Glovor and others
uny of him, loaving tho question open as
to his boiug useful or otherwise.
A lnrgo buzzing fly nn inch or moro
long, with long slender abdomen, nud
thick hairy throat. They aro among
tho most rapacious of insects, but not
only aro they indiscriminntingvs other
predacous insectn, but. sonio species
scorn actually to.prcfor beneficial insects
ns a steady diet. There is almost no
enemy that tho apiarist fears moro than
thcso beo killers, as somo species aro
Tho ihilus attack and kills almost
every insect which ho can ovorcomo. It
is probablothat ho doo3 not relish bees
moro than other insects, but becauso ho
finds tl'.cm in grcator abuudanco, and
therefore gots his food with least e.
ortion. And as largo as thoy are, a
singlo ono will perhaps destroy a hun
dred bees every day. Thereforo if this
fly was common, it would cause groat
loss to beo men. Thoy appear most
abundant in Juno and July. When in
pursuit of his prey ho makes rapid dash
es, capturing tho beo upon tho wing,
and when ho has it secure, seeks a bush
or tall wcod upon which ho alights and
dovours it, sucking out tho fluids and
dropping tho empty shell upon tho
Tho a?ihi8 fly deposit their eggs in
tho ground, and tboir larvae, a yellow
ish whit maggot, about throo-fourth of
an inch long, aro said to bo vegetable
feeders. When about to chango to tho
perfect fly, thoy como to tho surfaco of
tho ground, and leavo their ompty shells
sticking up whoro thoy shod theiu.
So much for tho Asilus flies. Jlr.
(ilovor regards them, as, in tho main,
beneficial. From tho description, I in
cline not to concur. '-But all may think
which way their judgments lean 'em.
(To lo continued).
Miss Belle DuBoise, Orogon's Prima
Donna, who has just returned from Italy
whero sho has completed a thorough
courso in music under tho ablest teach
ers known, will appear boforo a Salem
audtonco on Wodnesday, May 5th, as
sisted by loading Tortland talent. Her
concerts given recently in Torlland,
was one of tho most thorough homo
wolcomings that has over bcon accord
ed to anyone. Tho concort will bo given
at tho opera houso, and wo trust that
sho will receive such a reception ns hor
talents should commend. Popular
prices, and reserved seats at II. I).
Iloon'a l)ook Moro.
Buy him- vitriol nf Port'".
Tc'.esr.iphle News
Senator Ul.iir has mado a speech for
prohibition to tho United States Sen
nto. Tho Inter-Stntc commerce bill is be
fore the Senate.
Tho Pronto has emiUcmcd C. W. Wet
as Governor of t'tah.
The Chinese Mit.Uier. jut rotir-tl, ac
companied by Seen tury U.tyanl, cdled
at the Whito Hoik- on Tuesday, and
took olllcial leavo of the president. Ho
expressed his appreciation of their
kind treatment.
Ex-President Arthur is greatly dis
tressed by inomnia. Ho is not dan
gerous, but yet ho is far from being out !
of danger.
Father Ityan tho poet priest is tl-'iirt,
and his remains were entered nt Mobile,
Ala., under imprissivo ceremonies. The
remains wcro followed by an immense
concourse of citizens.
Work on the California & Oregon rail
road i being unshed forward nt n rapid
rate. This extens'on will shorten tho
overland stage connection botwoon the
Oregon and California ends about
eighty miles. Stngo people say they
havo nut on now stock and conches, and
that they will arrange their time so as
to allow passongeiB to h'avo n daylight
view of Mk Slinstu, along tho skirts of
which tho rond runs.
"Miss Uussel," full sister to "Maud S."
has just arrived at Senator Stanford's
Palo Alto ranch, to bo bicd to "Klcctio
ncor." Sho was sent by tho managers
of tho most prominent breeding estab
lishments in tho Fnitrd States.
Tho frith aniversary of Gon. Grant's
birth was observed nt tho Metropolitan
Church in Washington, I). 0., on April
Jefferson Davis has mado a tour of
Alabama, and has been enthusiastically
received cverywhcie. Ho was quite
feeble, but although he could not address
tho people, yet he did considerable hand
shaking. In Missouri, a half-witted German
outraged a family, and the father went
crazy and killed himself. Tho neigh
bors caught tho offender and put a rope
nrouud his neck and tied it to tho pom
el of n saddle on n wild horso and left
him to his fate which was worce than
Statu and Territorial J.'ctvt.
Slierill' McOraw, of Seattle, has oiler-
ed 1000 rowunl for tho arrest nnd con
viction of tho persons implicated in tho
murder of John Grum, at Green llivor,
on the night of September 2(Jtli, 18S5.
Tho Knights of Pythias lodges
throughout JL'ngot Sound, ilro making
arrangements for a grand time at Sent
tlo tho second Tuesday of May. An
excursion is being planned to go from
Tacoum to attend tho jolillcation.
Tho Democrats of Morion county
nominated tho following ticket nn tho
27th : Stnto Senators, K. O. Norton, F.
R Fldridgo, W. II. Holmes ; Bopreson
tativos, John T. Smith, M. J. Egau, II.
II. Savage, B. H.Scott, W. F. Dugan,
U. F. Cooloy : Sheriff, It. 0. Thomas j
Clerk, W. It. Privctt ; Treasurer, Preston
Hamilton; Judge, Goo. S. Downing;
Commissioners, Frank Feller, Henry
Warron j School superintendent, Edwin
Shiel; Assessor, V. I). Simpson; Sur
veyor, Alfred Gobaletj Coroner, J. D
San Francisco parties aro buying
horses for that market. L. Sontlcrs of
Albany has paid out if-iO.OOO' for that
purposo nnd ho is only one out of somo
dozen buyers.
Tho Republican county convention of
Marion county has nominated tho
following tickot. Sonators J. I). Loonoy,
John I)im!ck,M. I,. Chambcrlin. llopre
sontntlvos J. T. Greeg, A. M. Jifollctt,
W. II, Hobson, bamuol Layman, D. J
Pendleton, and I). F. Hicks. Sheriff -John
W. Minto. OlcrkM. N. Chap
man. County Judge T. C. Shaw.
Commissioners Jacob Oglo and John
N. Davis. School superintendent Geo.
A. Peebles. Treasurer August Giesy.
Tho 0. it C. It. It. company will sell
tickets to Odd Fcllow'3 attending the
grand lodgo meeting at Tho Dalles at
at reduced rates. Also tho narrow
gauge system.
Elsowhero appoars tho advortiscmont
of Mrs. C. S. Itockonflold, Salem's pop
ulnr florist, who offers collections of
wotted plants that aro lwth rare and
beautiful. The prices asked aro very
rca'sohablo and our lady friends can rest
assured that they will receivo good 'rcat
incut nt her bauds- Let lhoo who de
tiro such plants apply at once, or what
is bettor, call in porson nnd tco them.
Tho weathor now is simply perfection
nnd formers aro happy.
(. W. H. Couk, foot of Yamhill street,
Portland, opens this spring with a good
assortment of ugiiculturnl machinery
for the coming harvest, nnd is diiHml
to inrrerso tho trado ho is rapidly build
ing ui in Oregon and Washington. Ho
has tho H. A. Pitts Sons threshers, en
gines, horsepowers, etc., the Jnrison
company's Victor mower, and tho poj
ular spring tooth harrows and enltivu
tors. This last havo become it standard
machine in this valley and aro l-ncom-tng
well-known east of tho Cascades.
Woljaveono of them at work in our
orchard and lend it to tho neigh
bors, and aftor five years hanging about
and doing proiniscous work has novor
boon housed from sun or rain, and is
now as sound and serviceable when
wo bought it.
By tho uso of Buckingham's Dyo tho
whiskers may bo easily mado a per
manent, natural brown or black, as
I rr Alt Dive ate of the
Liver, Hidacys, St:inc:h and Spleoa.
This tit, ri-lyvrBrlnulo pre-
t'ir.ll'on, i ow to celebrated as a
"annly Medicine, trlgln-ted In
the South In 18rt. It nct
rrntl en the lljurl aid
Kliliiiyi and corrcrt the
action ci the Uver,nnji, there
fore, the lit'at preparatory
medicine whatever the tick,
res may prove to le In all
common diseases It will, u,l
tiMMi'il hy any ether me.
cine, effect n upccily cure.
1 he Itegttlntor It afe to administer In any
r-nditton tf the sjstem.and tintlrr no rlrcuin
:niiCfit vnti It dti Imrtn. It will Invigorate
M:en class of wine, but is no Intoxlcatlnc; (lever
age In lead to Intemperance; will promoto til
j;rllon, illnlpnto hratlaclip, mill Ki'iirr
ullvtouo tip tlio syatcin. IhedoseU imaJ,
not tuipicnamit, and its virtue unjoubted.
Nolomiof time, no Inter
rupllon or toiiit;u of
bualnra while taking the
ChltJren complaining rf
Colic, llpnilnchr, or rtlclc
Motcncli, a teatpoenful or
more will give relief.
If taken occasionally by pa
tlentt txpoied to MALAKIA,
ill expel the poison and protect
them from attack.
I ha c been practicing medicine for t enty yean,
and have never been able to put tip a vegetable
compound that would, like Simmoni I.lvcr ltrg'i
tator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to
action, nnd at the ame time aid (Instead of weak
ening) the digestive and assimilative povtcrt of the
iysttm. L M.lllnroN,M 1) Vahinr,ton,ArV'..
ni:k that Yormvt ft" r,::ixr.
J. . Zdlin & Co., i'hnadsiphis, Fa.
tutry the Ltriit stock in t!ie Nor times', el
Buggies, Carriages, Spring
Mligou Mild rll-rlrt ur All lilmls.
Tlie Vti iua!lt) ol work at teAtnnibto prices. It
llllj ymi to i ill mil no tlieni, nr wrlto lor t'tcr
tataloK'tti and tirloc-llc.
All rlili'lra Uiirrnuli'il tar Out' Year.
Willamette Valley lo San
Prancicsco via Yaquina.
YraliK on and alter I) u. 19,
ra(OirtalllTiiln),Thtirdty, SiturJaj, OA II.
Uue Ynij una U .ti'Isr, Wtilnc d.-t, 1'rl lay, 8 A. M.
riUlM PA1! rilllKlli
fn.Uy Marc'ilO
Tucad , SO
I'rldst April I)
Tiuulty, CO
Krld.it...... 50
vxom tauiIns:
Sunday, Mucli W
Wrdncfcli) si
Siin'Uy April
Wcdiittday Ill
Sundat, ii
TliuCompiny icf.'niithn iljlit to chango mlllnir
TJ U T.S between CvitV-illl and Ban Francllco:
Hr: Citn an I CxUn pa ilt .00
Klnt Clan and Bteera.- O.SS
Frc'k'ht at reducl ami moloratu ittei.
Willamette River Stoamboats
r'll connsct at Corvd'li. -I. iw fjref nd rate.
CS.Vor further Irf.i-tnntlon applj m
A. CI. f. an.ll'. Aeiit.
1' J. AltJISTIl'l.VO
JAS 11033
P J. Armstrong & Co.,
(Sccccmom to Kellv & Kn k'iit )
Ilorno-Slioeli'tf n'l Cleneral Jolildr nude a
itroet, Baleni, Orri'01. Til auiDll
i-ioksf: bills.
W'v arc propurcfl '(t) print
All S(j!cs of IEor.sc Kills at the
Lowest B'rlces. Oall ami see
our I'rlces ami Samples.
We have (he National BJej;
ler of Nonimu !Iorses ami
will write out PetUyrees.
AIU)l!i:'S. rr 'al'ipon
wiu-Asiirrn: kakmch wu co.,
ilem, Orc.'on.
Money ( Loiui tsllituiil I'oniniUtloii.
In mm to Mil: jh re' tsutv nr tpnntod mwurlt).
I'ltrrnucrs ol I.'otn, Cninty tnd N'ate Warranti.
Jlortfi.-e bam maJ on 't r t- Hio .-ir tliuv.
00 ncv. ISrrm i.iok, mhiji.i, 't(cii.
I -S3 ino4
Ladd & Bush, Bunkers
: : OrcRon.
Transact a General Itttiiliin
(tr f'M on New York, ChWaj-o, Kin I'rancW-o
iv.rttand. The Dillei. Eiucno Cltr. Attjria. Albanr
CoitallU and other points In Orison.
DLLrllcra of Crrdll laurl Avallnlilr lu
llir l.'ntferu silalf
Praw direct on London, I'crlin, and Ilonir Ken.
Front, First and Vino Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON,
-lMroiiTKiia of-
.We are Side Agent lor tlm tollimliitf rrlebratol Implemenki!
Jlu" machine are too ell known to reed com.
unit, llnitiundoil tanner liore hve umkI them,
Mid oil Mi( ot lliem with mlse. Thry am in over;
.y tho no Ins ultra ol Harvest Machine.
Tho toiU olTxtriTV IIakvmtii have inmlo inAiilfesI
l.u nniiarKalilodurahllltyot thn 1IUCKKV11, resulting
out tnu aim, liclty and eriectlini o( It nicchanlam,
nd an lmnirti'-e majority of thofannora In tho I'aclflt
.ilo and lerrltoriei havo given the -uuna verdict a
10 farmer In oery (art ol th world, whero thi
K'kciu lias U'iiii unl, pronouncing It to to
t ho enly Harvcstln-jMaclilno that will givi
Entlro Satisfaction to tho Furohaaor.
lIUCKGVi: ON 1111. lU'At."
V c features that mint strikingly dltliitilili tho llmkovo llattonn Hinder wilt ho mswlo nhvloM by a stance
nt our illustration, it is n lower, Hammer, nun nirmcr mncnino man tne rjovator oinuor. ItwHI
u in a straight lliw tlirouli a ten atl n hail fixit irato, and wilt do the work on raon.
ahlo side hill as well a oil level p round and It I tho only Hinder that 111 do it,
ar aim swui loum :
MnAJ Mflllol VlhrntinnThroollOr Tt.otnit.fJetlvondU(TctulromlUt'oBfereJa
,uv mvuui iui uimj wwnwi ) ihk Krain ever ronstmcto.
Hnrlfin'o Ullnnc' Uonilni T'Otnost I)nrNndIJithtrl Draft Header anaJ; o lmprTi
nUUIJU U ndlllUS nUdUUI, lorlcS-OtliatltU.boyondquCTtlon.wlthotrtirrral.
aTaTScnd (or Epcclal Circular lor lluaitl(ltldtImL UcUion ltd lr.J CII1H. II. 1101)0 A CO.
W fef
js -
,r. rB,irrri ur,,Vi'T;.''UJrl --. l ? . . i"i ?nw K,wmxxrrtmit xii x
Xnlijrrl Mir Xull Its llio nrllmt ofll 'ilcrl rtts' 'i s !-, IH'-I t!- I'rill Inp. I.lfl-
In: ii fill iik tu nccxt Uy liuiililc (.iinu. "f '- ' unrr Iiiili-iim iiiiiiiu 1'ovi'r
CiiisIiIiii:, l.rtrllninnil I'nlt rrlrlnu iiiiliiinn till iniir ilnir I Mllii'S,li-imirlillr
ir hiirii-itTrtlti avoliN pnttliiK ruliM'li r!i imly tlnrniM ilini I'nli nir ltu 1'nllre
mirrurr uf Itio (iron nil.
We Make it Variety orsizi-s-rroin l lo I ft SVi't Wlilu.
Tun "ACME" I in pricticjl umi iit m 4ri nt(tlcitltiirnl county n thn Paoiflo Cont
nml iini proven ltt!t to lu jutt tun tool (or n- t.' Vluynrile, OrcJiarOw, Grnlti rioltla.
tV ei.nd lor.p-ioiph'ot i-vnUlniua llmiirinlt 'I te t no. UN (rout IHtiiitraand rrrlt rn .
M iinii.iutury m. i jt iii'ipnl olllcf, .Millini'toti, tlw Jrrsry.
X H-"!i - I."iiiin-. -ii I other !' , t fnt free to nartios tlio nnmo thia p.ipor.
AKTIIl'll I 11. I ' nilsco; 11,11 AltAJlN fc hO.V, Emi Oahrlol.C!
STAM.U ,v WAI.KKIt, rvitmim, ( ir.-uu ard V.al.a Wilis, W.T
EDs aiii. PLAN 1 1
Our Ocd Warehouse, tho Unrest In
(Tctr Voii. aro ntlwltinwltliovcrr ar.
P'.cco for tho rreiupt nod careful
uiieqdi orucr.
Onr nfWn.hriTittit l'tAhllfefitnAnt nft
Jfirur Cltr U tho rnnat oila.fnlvA In. I
AmnrtcA. Annmt fUlrji 1t MIIHnnH
. --- -- mrm I S ....-., ,
Ojr Ciblonuo for 1000, ol 140 pigei.contalntog colored platai, description) and llluslratlont,
ol tho NEWEST. BEST and RAREST 8EEDS and PLANTS, will bo mallod on receipt oil
l 1 lift ll.MMtl lA M... Hllll... ' I
1 0 ctt. (In ttampi) to cover poitiga. '
riUUtfW-U-AiXN ,. -Boat In Tlao "World
For lstrf e or imill e&me M calltrt. id (trtim powder i M ral. M gr.
40 CAh GU tr. t AS tA. 7(1 and M or. 1 ht mtrnnwAt atii-ittin-r rllla nii1n
lrfi-ctarciir.rv irnArinttf ami Ihn nnl titWilnif Iv ufa fltlti utitnn
ktt. Trices -v mhh -m w. -in.... u...nn...jn
i.duoeu. jna.LiLtTltt.lJ Vr,Ur!r.,lVluVuoV(.cT Th..t.ndard
itir irei uooiin. uuntmir, uj tiooiin(Kiierie. .vnicaiiorearrom'Uloia. madelp
louriecn utneicDi ttyiei, prut iroiu ii'.uj ui. ocun lur Illustrated itlogTio.
tMARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., - Now Havon, Conn.
I Two tarcet mada utth onn of our 9 rallbrft rifles, twentv ronu.rullvhnt
falter nil V ahotaLad alrradvtJen flreil anil Du elfablnif ilurlnif tlinrfitlfnaiivrrilv
' (hot. These hods carry url nearly alt L prUt at tariitt iuajchi iccauto lUl'J
ore alirav accurate and lelltWe.
&,.. CA!BHS
T-?JS, i?r?rttTi ss.
.it lia dealt finiarilv wiih hit f. iim.
In, U-ol adti litters, I lli.llo ail
ii naiaiueutiiiy et'iiaainoli"
i '"rtHWhi -Tif'rt. ' ' ' "'. rilHwra ami II nil wl. . '..
W ymtVtfffi&W ' '"I Ml.e.J...I.I.(f... v..l . ., . .
J tt s v i j I wd i rn flri ttMtiii i in i
Msf. '- sV-tiraiil (a it r raUloitd') II .ir tjn v hi I t i -1U
iiw ,ui lal , mid I low I v iN mIuiia ii ' r A-- it i
it i.t III.'K M fail wlo wrtit(or ll Armnu an 11.11 . i
Inv frit ihIm'm ill flint -ii ll f mImI In ii(ii(illif i I ii in iv il mm ,si I u ,
) MLt Jiiit uLciil r. tailv lit iiilif-jtii'i. Iia iii.irlt tttli- ui
lurtfu Jumii J. Jl Vrvytuvyt JlitiMclunil, jiuu.
Wo fllnnu'nc'ur tho Hest 4-Spr;u: Hach iii tho Comt t)v tho Mnoy.
fr .Mi ' jv
l il' It l v ',' ,f i i .it . ,' &.
.- uEsr-r. i"-"'--" - rwaaTrT--:-Tr-"---T- -"itffr vmmv5&
1 . nr-afiw-r, V" - '"inrMfn'i n lAl etSOIBiSm rr, yWIB.: BPVi
. avsaau. j-rrc .?Tw.r"-r A.x,3ns" wu:rf in- .v.iii - -,a-a-
w 7T" in TfTi "w "l"Vi t fWf '-- jjtfaaifJ itfjT--- It I
Carriage?, Bugles, Trucka, Draya, Express Wrigons
tt ik ar.ait i.t r
!n -"lo'i or slur.' rtrivt Cars,