8 vrit.MMKTTK FA.KMER; SALKiM, OREGON, APEIL 16. I6c6 ' t Wmmm 'Q.nmittcrdal. l 4 1t t t JtCJ'VHT. mnii: I'tmii, ii M.wittKi. Tlico ijuoU io. jiv for Po'tUml.) l'h following .piw.iiit whold'fclb r.st-fi com prodtlcurs ir L'lt mt.itn WHKAT '.Vidla V !:.,, .ir VuSlny, (l.SOitl.&l per cel.tui KI.OUK 3.7fi. t.i..lir.l UAKLKY 3I.I0&I I "J. AT8. ,1C(i9'IOa CMION8, lu ,rt.r mmiiJ. MIDI)LINU:i-$&2'$.i .!iort, 317. I1KAN $12&16 UACON Hideo, (Inn 7 8j llnmit IdoW) Hot Shoulder, 7H.; coJiitr. ihohIs 'u tu I'l'MvUi'iiipiiii uk-orcuised liy lurgo iiniviW from ill" E it ; (junto city-cured hum, D($10i': do liiiuoa, 0J7c; do whouldei!, 6fiV: country-cured gcuor 'illy i Jl '"i Kiftcrn Imuh, lO.Jc; do lrrukftit linc.nn. Uh, nominally. Host EiHtPin Innl in titw, 7jQ74c: do local, j i n (!, coinui'iti mem in inrgc pncK- Uricil fruit quotable with more flrin-iK-r-H iind choice (jiiulititM find u good iimikot nt the following quotations: .Sun diicd (juiirtutvil apples 3lc, flicod !"', factory ofJc; mm-dricd (ju:irtpicc penrs (ic. lic!l 7c: factory 8c; jiitlcii plum', (i8c; Oregon prune Cc, French 8c, grit tied 7(?8c; cotntnon peueho 74c, i-nloil 1 1 f? 1 2c ; driod K ni f-M 5J(g'5c; choice ralHitif $2.25 per l)OX. Kjju" owiin; to largo arrivulu nnd heavy , stock ate weak at lOQliUo jior doz. Hide, Skins. Quoin wet Halted 7c lo lower. QI.JC. urv KiOPic. J'uirf uarK, uoavcr, liAHD Eiitvrn ia!l. II llv: Onifi.u.iii .M..WA(V,tJ.), vallov minimer deoraiuus tins, 0OJcj In Imlf Inn. In, 10llo. I 20Q2oc, (lo winter 200250, E;i uiii.i'.ai'.. uii moj unun, i io v n. JOHN G-. WRIGHT 557, 220 Commercial St.. Salem, Ore, GENERAL AGENT FOR THE CEO. STARRETP Garden WALLA WALLA s. For Western Oregon and Western Washington Territory. POWDER Absolutely Pure. ()ii'"(ni mimmi HONKV-ln wml,. iSa.'Uuj otraincl. mi f, winter 12ir)c, olkskiiH 15c per pound. MKBsOft. no, to.. Tho folic A 8(!11 by tlio akini Blaok iicnr -pi iivuiv, uroiYii no, 'ivvtiyyu, ujuk Thll nawder ntr tarlea. IStCl'U I itrcrKth and h'ilomcnj. Mom i-cwemlcal thn en A marvel of purity. iff Jf Jtt 111 tjl 1. , VOUIiTKV. ChloUiiin, WOO to n.COj liilior .f2C0rt?fi, palodo r0c$l, Hllvor turkryi, 10 to 10c, liv wtight. i fox !ffi25, cross do 42(3", red do 70c 'OTATOKS. -20'a.lOj .r lii $1.00. lynx :i7i00c, primo durk marten nHnKHr7300, -. .. , n. i2.i7Gc, dark mink 1010c, land otter IIUUS.--.Uvfi might, 3oi .Jlttof.tt, 31w,j1oori.BO , wolf 374fi0c, wolvcrino jlrcMoil, lu. i ,-,0rf7Tr.0 ' RKK.-:iif(44j .n foot ooTl.w. IHI'il.f.- llrcax wiht, 'Jo on foot. 7j:AL.-8tolOo I WIUK3. lJiitohi'M' liulon, dry, lll.'i ip .1,wirWtw lrirthon., ,1n Ihi orJinry kltiiln, ii'l ctnnot li '.l I III competltl ,..?,- 1,,(1S-' U. Hl'h themulllfi.l n( low Lit, short weight, ilura C, OlkttkilHlOC per pOUIlU. Ihophat pna.ler. Hold only hi can. HOY; uAninu rifw unit ii',, jufinAiisi.n l ouintry cincil, dry, lfi.": oulu olf, green IiIiI.ib. niltoJ, 7o; country ilitto, 7() iljonkint, Jry. 'Jjj l' Hi; il ilioo jiolu oiuli lSat.00i)ry oil:, 20o twirlli. TALIiO'A' Quotublo at 0:. j.or lb. UAY$7ffl8 for Iwli A. VvOOL liantcrn Dnynii, 12.il-u WIN Imontto Valloy, 1217! Uinpijua, ir17c HOI'8-Can IiHiik OHc. HKIII) -Timothy, 75Hjj rod oiovur, lflC 10c. UKNUUAL "UllfH l!4.Mlllii;. Kl(n:.Cliiua Hi. 2, 84' I Hanliuh (xlamlR, IQlOJo. TKAH. .lajuu. MWIOs lllaok, 40y.7.r-o 4rean, flS&SOu. OOKKKfC Cotta Hioa 12153j Java, 20 22o. dtJOAUS. Cruhoil A 7(fe7io OnMeu O, CJijOo, in Imrrcln) Tu in halves; Dry Granulated 71c. 8YHUl Flvo galloni 70o RAISINS. .California, 2.7B 83.2525 lb 0ANDLKS 12lCo. BOAl'a. OcxhI, 75c1.7S. OILS. Ordinary bramli of coal, SOot htch iraJoa, Downo( k Co., 37ioj Ilollod Limccd, 50 1 dito lUw, 77o; lmon oil, OSoj Turpen tine, 70o Pure Lard, ft 30) Cantor, fl.2.1 11.40. SALT. Stock, bay, $10 V tout Carmen (ilnd,?121t Coane Livorjool,$in) Finn inial. 'iV, JlfiW-'Oi Ailiton'a dairy, ditto, 8:10 CQMMCROm. Tiiuiihii.w April 10, 18S0. Thoro hurt bccti no tnalcrlal advaiico in tho jiriccH of tho various conioditicH. Tho weather hnH boon jiorfoct and in a coiMcquenco furniorH throtiRliout the country luvvo hoen able to put in lnr;cr oorcajje. Tho outlook for wheat tho coming year U not ho had as last tcitHon nml tho price will bo no lower. ThU ehowory weather that ia now over tho whole of Wmlorn Orogon will insuro a Kooil crop. 1'iwtera Oregon will huvo a larger nurpliu than IiihI year as her do main's aro being nipidly sottlotl upon. Karteru Oregon Ih tho jioor man's section of tho Northwest as Imr laud can be more easily and cheaply obtained and nt tho same tituo is more readily oulti vated. The fruit prospect, aro good and theio is a heavy setting of fruit buds. Vo hear of many nnw and extensive or--tilinrdrt being Htarted this reason. Mr. lloskins of Nowberg, Yamhill county, informs us that there are many persons lu'coiniug intorosted in horticulture and ijioke of one man who had jilautnl ten acres in fruit. This will in time become, au cxlentivo industry. Tho needs of this country is a cannery, conducted by Homo cajmblo person. We heard a wealthy man blato that he would fur iiish tho capital if an oxpcriouctd man would tnko tho matter hi hand. Theio is a splendid ojuming at Salem, whcie several very elejjiblo buildings can bo procim d at a nominal cot. Concernintj the wheat market, advices are of a quiet but steady market abroad, tho l.ivorjiool market Iwinj; poorly hiiji plied with spiingaiul rod winter. With us tho market is steady and oven tlrm. Interior holders mo tillering but at prices abovo buyers' viewr. One round lot ol Walla Walla sold at what is said to be ft very full figure. To buy any quantity now piuohiior would have to pay $1 15 to 1 25 for tho two grades. Oats continue steady with a fair dt maud at !Sg3Uc ivr bushel. There Is no change m tho hop market and tho outlook is not hopoful. lteceljits of this years clip from Kustem Oregon aro coining forwnul and bhearing is pngivssing as rapidly as possible. Quote It to 10c for Kastorn Oregon. Kggs have during tho just week look ed up and sold for as high us loo per dozen, but present quotations will not bear uuoh a price. Slarlc iino ItovHw. I.ondo.v, April 12. Tlio Slark Lano Kxpios, in its weekly roviow of tho llritish grain trade, says: Wheats are growing very fast, and trado has not imoroved. Sales of Eng lish wheat during the week wcro 00,001 ouartors, at IJOs Id. against 12,bU! quar- j ters at IY.U ol during tho corresponding I week last yeai. Flour is steady. Thcro is no new feature in tlio foreign wheat trade. Two cargoes arrived, ono cargo was held mid one was withdrawn, none remained and the mnrkot was stagnant. English wheats aro (5d dearer. Foroign wheats weak and Hat. Corn lid dearer. Hurleys were dilllcult to sell. An Offer. To till amateur breeders of poultry who will send us their names and fifty cents and agree to exhibit at tho Oregon State Fair it leiiit ono pair of fowls; wo will place their n:ini on tho niomuor- shij) roll if the Op'gon Htato Poultry Aroi'iation mid p.iv tho iiiitatiou fco of fifty cents. To nil iiuuitours who aro inoinbern. or who v r.l becomo memlwrs of out AsMciatiou and will agree to ox hibit as above of each vaiiety, wo will make a leductiou of forty per cent, from our circular latcs on egg. At least ono jair from each variety must bo exhibited at the Statu Fair. (Ji;o. I), (looimui:. HOY At. uecty STRICKLER BROS.. Denleri In STOVES AND TINWARE ! Espcciul imins (akvn witli He pairs of all Kind'. ITIirmrrt nml other who tii) htv roiiilrlii tan reft n'nurod tint It will I a ilorio ai irnintoJ Call at tho old ttiti I of lien. Sir IK. CoiuiiirrcUl treet, Hattm, Orienn. STRICKIjIIR BROS. THEY ARE GROWN IN THE NORTH. BEST ADAPTED TO THE CLIMATE. They nro guaranteed to bo Fresh and True to name and grown from tho Choicest selection of Yegulublos. They can be found for Sale in nil tho Principal Towns In Oregon and Washington Territory. I3f" Ask your Merchants for them nnd if they havo not gotten thorn send your ordors to n n JQHN G. WRIGHT, r. O. Box 127, Ucnor.il Agent, Haloni, Oregon. t& Catalogue Sont Froo to all upon Application. Wo Ma nufacturn tho Best 4-SprJng Hack on tho Const for tbo Monoy, i f!.. . ,r- ". Till- PKOIintri0 C0NVESTIOH Tho Prohibition party met in con vention at I'.ood's Opera House, Salem, and )r(K'codtl to uotuinato a full State ticket. The iui'tiug was harmonious and well atiend-i by delegates from all parts of the State. Tho ticket placed in field is as follows: (ioveruor, J. E. Houston, of I. inn county; Secretary of Slate. A. C. Kiuney.of ri.iisopjTioasuror, J. I.. Williams of I) Mrflin; Congressman, (I. M.Miller, of lleuton; Suiiorintomlont of Public Instruction, W. I). Lyman, of Wanhuigtott; Judge of Supronio Court, 1). It N. lllaekliiirn. or Linn; Stato l'rinter.l It Sliepard. o? I'.ilk Tub Wn.iaMKHK 'AiiMhi; is the only jiajK-r in the N.irth Wi-. that furnishes its leader!! uiin mi tdii oinl ioultry do jmrliuent. An I i deer ing of the sup ort of every ioiiliryiuan in this section. The columns of this dejurtiuont aro al ways filled with good pr.ictic.ll reading calculated to instruct t!i amatuer and to give such iuformati.m fanciers as will promote thoir welfare ami keep up public interest. Friends let us hear from you once in a while. l'oit's iMjutrrol iitl gopher poinon is Miperior to all other-. Mireileath. Made bv Poit t Son, Salem Charles Gammerdinger. Columbus, Ohio. Has the I.av;,'eJ Poullry Stance in thi World. IlltJU.x. 5.-.1 lU.ll!l.lt 1 ISM. EK IS UltKKUINO OVEIt MO IIIUOS THIS oakMi. JOviP.tic. t 1 11 In W'c)rJ. i... tcr -! the ll ini lc' lor I'ltchtn; duiitij irln,-. for lull df.i rli'tlnn r in butlJinje, jarJiaoJ jK rto.. fnd J op ifiit .t.uiptanj eel the ItDMt a4 bj.t Itluatrit-il an im'ile'U.. catalogue cr imMtthei b ii) Lidr In ih. .tjtc a'n gall lochr, S(J r,v', aoJc-m M abiie, Uention thle )vr, inch III W)i K4MSKY, (iv II. IIINOIIAM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Otl.olJ't UuiUInj, Salvui, Oregoa. BVSIN'tUSS IN AtL'IIIK COUtnS SOLICITED an J Nou t nl Acvnuule cuUxtod. Ad. Wildmer Nelson, (Notr rretoRI'e, SaiKtn. ' riroti ) Steam Dyeing & Gleaning ' WORKS. Children trnnenl, L -", )'.lhiv)i,, Sll'. e!i'e. Woolen an" inUid if i ! ilean.il nnd ! In any hade or color Kurt, luwl, D'anVft .iiii Cirpcte cleaned and made to In k I W new l.tdl ' Hrr,iiea cletiict ilvtil and prrfood vUhout r'iinir r Mirink ln Oentt Oolhlnjf rl-.fi d or .itel with ut thrlnk Inr 'Urn c'afdiii ol htutikrta lulu nml Kent clolhliu a iini.U'ti SSSSSSSSSSISSSSBS SSSSSSSBSSSSISS BHiPIBal zmtfzfwviPuiittamm DtfiTlViWK i mii i i m albiUlM' amB mm &ra?9mmmmmrmjmB m WIS ssm nhsdBHn THU III'KKM AMI lU'.K IIKIIMC. Willamette Valley Apiary. Salem. - ureion. Man a'jctura ai I aall I Uliidml .Ui'l'o'(:r I'M -lirviHrJ, lieo Hives ol' 2,utoM mid .Host .ipprovetl rut terns. SMOKEIIS. Kl)t'.MiA1IO C'lMII, KKK DOOKS, ll.-e., Ilallt'i que., a from linvir it u.n'hera, and ou'olli'Kfl n tho lino at rv '-'0 . r ant looi than laat er Kwhtncet ipwl lnwo.vland rther (atm rilivU. VMu mh oit i-ondcnce tonoirii i iiiap i-r..iiriir THE STAR A ifoMrauier kiipirllnu tlio rrlncljilra of u Doiuncratlo Ailinlnlatrutluii, Pulilli'iod l.i tfw Oty ef New York. WILLIAM D011S11E13II3U, Editor nnd Proprlotor. Daily, Sunday, arte i'sokiy Editions. THE '.."CLY STAR, A Z.wci 'i . wspnpor, lasuod . ( -'.tlnosdny. A .l.'.ui. i . '.iii;:t nml Intfitotiiii: F-A?.:;LYPAPER. Itrir.'.ln Oio latot nuu e, down to tia hour ot poll. t l'ri- : AQrlcultiirr.t) Mnrkot, Fashion, Household, Political, Flnnnclal and Commercial, Pootlcal, Humorous nnd Editorial lVtlmenta, all un-l.-r ilioilli.tlu.ii uf tinlnctl Jiiiirimll.ta of thv-liit'M.t 'tll t. Il 'H'n VAie Hill 14 flVtilll flOlMlvtl Willi Jftwd til. 11 (ruin betfinnins ti rint. (Irljinal (iiu-a liy il'atliuui.liiM Au.ciUall aua ,'orvljti r!'.cr uf Citluu. p - - - -d Carriages, Buggies, Trucks, Drays, Express Wagons Work and Rrpoiltorr, ror Twenty-Second and T Street. Take Wtthlnjton or Third atreet Can. pRFi FARM ANNUAL FOR 1886 Will ho aeut t'liia', in nil nlm nrllo flir IL It Li a lluu.lxiiiir iiuk or iss I'nzr.. Hllli liundrc.la r.fnMr llluiralinni, two Ciliirt-.t t'lnlr. and telLt nil -tlkl.lt Itin llv.t flDMl.n. a'n.t. ...i.t Vim... Iltllll. Illillt. Tltiirrtlierlihrr.l Mlnfc i.n.l anti a..liv. fi I. ttm "! v iiunpll iviniwnior tli.i kind luilill.iii.l. nn.l ili-vrfixn It.tlll". NOVIlIo 111 Jf ' .'" . ."'-.".i'T nun riAnviiiii. or rrai aluc, wmcu can not J n....ll'nlll .11. uhcr. Hrml ulil ri4 iit. h .uaIuI .a W. ATLIEE BURPEE A. fi- PHI1 AnFIPHIA. PA. SaH.HHkH.e.d .iinS4itiH . .- . -- - - T . . . . r oIKlAKI.t LftWnM 1. jnCVXIyt&SXfCXClUSZK: vv FA9R11SQUAIIE DEALING. mmmWM "-" '-.FlJa- V .. Il.l .L.aa '?ifetrnif'.-?lKV ' ".' ,n.1 " wan naaueau aquarely wah lilt U I low HQEfaOflVS&tbk. men il)ialrniiiarihl. brat adverllMri, I lnlle all If XiC! "rDrnrZSimmV million ul hamiera, OarJeneraaii.l riantera who uava itfi v r.riin.--smmmm iieuiuein uuruiK uie p. fiVtm.'Utmm UrKe portion olHieaee.ii lTALOU"a 1886 rtfitoe-M aatt.i Iibu.k lifted tbriti ilurlnir tit ttt tblriv vt-jirai. lui.in ,. tarire norllatiof lL ieisiacil.l.i'rw KfUnim mia Kj, eJ llltV mill Ittll im ttnt aaa.t.mn l al.. Ifla. Jtfttft lo warrant (ai perf atftlojrnt ) yiflr rurlty and rreahneaa. rJeVi!K1?ifa1,Jil,,wrli:t for u Amonc an lmmnta rarletr, rarrrltndlif1talinil(nii!ati(Mieilbtr) miewdrumhrndCabt larsol JaaaaaJ.U, UrcsMTj.atblchtMU. Maxa. THE DAILY STAR Tho Daily STJincoiita.iienM tin- iicn uf tl .lay In an Mlrjclito form. In twt.-i "" -mi -.co liy cihlo ff""i Uwdon. l"Hn. Ihiliii, u-unt awl llnli'in it t i.'iuuuud .bio I'll tie. At WaU. ut.-n. AilMity, t.iul uihcrnena renter, llicablo.t C"".. uuii'Ut. roaib rcl.tnrl b the TiiKSrAR, (uriu-h iholatnimnaby lvkvrl- lu literary f cuiuiv aro unruirMl. Tho Vm neisl tint Market l!v are umituai: full nnd C"i.id.:.. .S,-tll tuinia untl fxtraurtllnnry lii.Iuro ineitta to UKfiits tinil niint. .so ml for clrv-tiUr. TCn.MO OF THC WEEKLY STAR to i Sea wi;irK;u, Jim or i-MTAti In tho llnilnl Malta aud uaudi, outUo tho Inui: uf Sw Vot Cily ! Ir.rr ? I t ...Mm . , J0JS l1; Hm of V'ifucu (xuj ono rsIM to oruilicil. u 0) TERMS OF THC DAILY STAR W Sen-K.ui-citi ; i:vry aav for one year (ineludtnsSandsy)....5rW Ut-ly, without uudy, oao jear oco Kuty iUy, an muntU. ..,..., '2jS lally,tlttioutbunday,lxBontb.,.. SO) ta ml US NorlU AVillUiu &t.. Nw York. THE VERY" BEST? DO)ou really roeut Ut Then doa t healute lonjer but torn. t lo.n and teo Jas. J. Dalry23a.pl o Tto Leading Dtalvv tnrt MERCHANDISE AND FANCY GOODS A FULL LINE OF GROC?X!ES. jrr. 1). sell tho cheapest when quality is considered. None but tlio bet class of stock kojit for sale. Call .nd s) for yourself. nj24tf MA MM OTH lOT d 3 00K! jSSie MjildftjB Alt tli all.4'ht M.lf. Laciiis and Gents BootsSShoes VRW NOVITifa IS nUDIlEU OOOWSI Cheane 1 titan r-c of. re cfleifd ti Saleui, at KR- USSE & KLEIN'S ill Omtueiclal Strctt, SalinilOr(voo. fessps "XWTMpr TXoErl mWff: zj&Q hubert the boll to the anion or n steel t'rutber nml Leeler, nud lo the rnttlne, Lin Ins urnluj jirornt by Double Canst or Vast Steel Culler Imturuie Cutting rower. CriutlUR, Letellngantl l'ulterlilui-performed at (be aaiue lime, llnllreabtenee orSplkra uritprlnsTrellt ntuldt (lulllu: up rnultltti. Tbt only Harrow dial Colt otrr Ibr Entire aurfsre uf Ihe Crtnud. WoJInko n Variety or Slzcs-From : to 15 Feet Wide. The "ACME" it in prctiol uie in nearly every agricultural county on the Pacific Coiat and ttat proven it. ell to bu jutt tlio tool for ua in Vinyaxtla, Orchards, Grain Fields. 1ST SvnJ I.t r-toipVe conulouv; th. utanda cl tett'ixonlaU from iSSutea and Tenltorln. K.B.- NASH & BROTHISR Manufactory aud principal otBce, MilhntjtoD, New J ertey. TilUge ia Manure, and oilier Kitaya," cnt free to partiea vrho name tbii paper. TOR SALE ON THE PACIFIC COAST BY : ARTHUR W. bUU. fan rranvt.; G. II AD 113 60.V, But Pabrld. Cal. STAVKK . WAlKKft, MxtUaJ, Ofi-on atul WalUi WaU, W.T. 1 r tw '