WJLLLA.METTE fARAUsK: SALEM, OUK'tHN, APRIL 10 Pottltnj. OEO. I). OOODtlfC, EDITOIl. If you have no tnto for fowls other wise than whnt is cooked nnil put In your mcuth, you liiul hcttc- never try to keep chickene. You arc suro to full. Pigeons Iny tvo eggs. Instances lmvo been known where tlireo wcro supposed to lmvo been l.iycd. Tho eggs hatch In eighteen days after tho last ogg is layed. Tho best food we liavo found for young chicks is coareo graham Hour, mixed together with soda, sour milk, a littlo salt with eomo meat fryings added, stir into a stifT meas and bake in an ovon. When chicks aro Ihrco weeks old plenty of wheat and a littlo sour milk, is all thoy need if they liavo freo range. Tho owner of tho Wyandotto cockerel which won tho llrst premium at tho Indiana Stato Fair, and the St. Louis Fair, refused ono hundred dollars for him. To tho poultry fraternity in tho northwest this scorns liko i fabulous price, but to Eastern fanciers it in not n largo offer, wo lmv known high scor ing birds to sell as high as ono hundred and fifty dollars each. Nearly all broedors of Wyandottes aro now brooding them darker thon stand ard requirements. This wo think is right for it is our impression that tho next timo tho standard is revised tho collor of "Wynndottcfl will bo judged very sovcrcly. Just as it is now. with tho Plymouth Itocks. Wyandottos wcro all bred rather light, but since they havo been admited to tho Htandard. All breeders havo turned their attention to breeding darker plumage. Tho Pokin, or Cochin-Hantam is a bantam that is Bomoting inoro than an ornamental pet. Thoy aro usoftil for incubating purposes, in fact tho finest setters and mothors wo over had any ex perience with, and wo havo tried many variotios. Thoy will covor ton good sized eggs, and will set anywhero with content. They aro very small yet thoy look largo for a bantam from tho fact of thoir great abundanco of feathers. Wo think ono of theso odd littlo fowls has mora foathors 911 thorn than a good ii;ed Plymouth llock. Sodccoiving aro thoy in sized that nnyono who is not acquainted with tho brcod would guess at thoir weight doublo what it is. Thoy aro foathored to tho end of tho too?, and no amount of cold, rain or snow, seems to affect thorn. ( Thoy aro tho hardiest fowl wo havo over bred. Wo havo scon them walk nround on top of tho snow and appear to enjoy it, whon our othor fowls could not bo induced to loavo tho warm hon house, and they nro equally as industrious when it is raining. Whon thoy havo a young brood of chicks, thoy havo a great inclination to wander and rustlo for tho littlo ones. A TEW HINTS ADOUT IUTCmNO. CHICKENS. As chicken eoason is closo at hand it may bo woll to givo personal oxperionco for tho benefit of others. To bo suc cessful in raising chickens tho stock bird must bo two or thrco years old, for al though young fowls nro moro prolific in eggs, still tho eggs from older birds aro strongor and will hatch moro vigorous chicks. A cockerel a year old may bo used, ono of good health and good stock. Tho common sized hen will cover eggs bettor and will not bo so likoly to step on eggs or kill tho littlo chicks as ono with big heavy body nnd feet Elovcn eggs aro enough for early hatching as thoro is a better chanco of getting them to hatch in wot chilly weather. Later in tho season put in tho usual 13, "for thcro is luck in odd numbors you know." A box filled partly with dry sand is tho best sort of a nest. I.ico do not thrivo in sand. Havo n comfortablo coop ready for them when tho chicks conio, for ono day in tho wot will do great harm to tho chicks. Eocd tho hen well with coarso food for 2 1 hours nf tor leaving tho shell. lioil two or thrco eggs hard, mix with dry bread crumbs ; feeding this to them tlireo times a day. This should continuo a couplo of dnys, then chop up a littlo grocn stuff with tho food, adding a littlo onion. Then keep plenty of wheat for them screenings from tho mill. Corn or cornmeal is not good for chicks in this country. Wo .alway8fed fowls with it in tho East, but thoy do not thrivo on corn hero. Keep them warm and dry, that is necessary. If. T. 0. A Few Oood Breed. So many aro expressing views as to tho best broods of chickens. It seemed good to mo also having somo experience to write a few words on this subject. It is strange that one having the Brown Leghorn, Houdan, or Plymouth Rock should complain of scarcity of eggs. Theso breeds have laid every day this winter in ray yards. I think a breed that would stand the test of tho sovero cold of this winter and not flinch could bedoponded on as good layers for any winter. It is true the Brovn Leghorns aro tender on account of their largo combs, but tho freezing of tho combs of the hens can bo easily pre vented if kept h-nscd. However the males combs and gills frcezo almost in variable. This Injuro their beauty but in no wiso effects tho quality of tho birds. For a southern climato it seems to mo the Brown Leghorn cannot be oxcellcd ; but to thoso who desiro good layers of the non-seltinir breeds, tho Hnudan precenl a favorablo claim. It is hardly large enough for n tablo fowl, and a very fine layer. Not having had tho LanghshatiH Inn:; enough to give them n lair test as to l.ivintr dualities. I will only say that they aro tho easiest chickens to rear I lmvo ever handled. Thoy Bland heat, fold, wet and dry weather bettor tnan any fowls I havo known. They provide their own living from the timo thev are deserted by their mother until tho outli is mantled in a garmont of white. ThoPartridgo Cochin will lay during tho winter if properly cared for. But if I could tieded safely at all times over the first two months nf tins Bronzo turkey's life, I believe- I should select that department of tho poultry yard as a business. I do not think, as many do, then; is a fnrtuno for all in tho poultry business. But ns nnn depart ment of tho farm, I think it can ho made to yield good returns for capital invested But work must bo tho watchword of whoovcr undertakes tho business. Journal of Agriculture. Tho Winter Caro of Foultry. Thcro is a good deal said and written about tho caro nf poultry and its boing good work for women and children. But when wo havo n week of such weather as wo have had recently, I think it means business, cleaning out tho rooms, at least thrco times a week, and providing some thing dry for bedding. Anyono who did not lay in a good supply of dry earth will find a very good substituto in saw dust, for they must bo kept clean and dry, or thoro will bi nothing to down in tho credit column. And next conies tho feed, for no amount of feed will produco eggs in wet, dirty rooms. I feed n hot mash in tho morning, composed of tur nips, boots nnd potatoes, boiled, nnd wheat milddlings mashod in whilo hot, nnd for their supper, somo kind of dry grain, composed of equal parts of oats, barloy and wheat, which makes a very good feed. I am not in favor of feed ing much corn to laying lions. And next comes tho shell timber in tho form of ground bono, oystor shells, lime, etc., and look out for lice; provido a good dust bath for each room, and keep tho roosts clean. I uso movablo roosts mado' liko a enrpenter's horso, about ton fcot long, nnd thrco feet high, so I can easily movo thorn to clean them and clean out under them, nnd supply them with plenty of clean water to drink. I warm their wntcr cold days; I am keeping about two hundred this wintor, mostly Plymouth Bocks. I havo one room of roflo comb Whito Leghorns, consisting of twclvo millets and a rooster, which I prizo highly; thoy aro laying finoly. lix. Poultry on tho Farm. Farming is mado up of many homo industries, nnd to neglect poultry as ono of tho sources of incomo is poor economy. At cortain seasons, whon most of tho other products nrn disposed of, eggs nnd early broilers in tho spring and summor, and roasters in tho fall, pro in tho aggro- gato quite an item, nnd many furnish all tho storo supplies needed. Wo havo always maintained that tho farming class havo vacilitios and advantages over tho ordinary villago poulterer in tho way of range and keeping thorn choaply at all seasons of tho year. It costs very littlo to keep n Hock of fowls on tho farm. Thny usually provido tho greater shnro of thoir own living from tho stable, tho orchard, tho stubbln field and tho straw stack. Tho grain nnd tho seed which thoy pick up, if loft untouched, would bo of no earthly uso to tho far mer, and tho worms, grubs nnd ineoots thoy destroy would iniuro his Krowincr crops, vinos, fruit trees, etc. A Osod Feed tor .Poultry. Toko a pioco of liver, rough beef, or oven blood, about a pound, nnd boil it to pieces in half n gallon of water, add ing moro when too much has evaporated. Whilo boiling, add half n pint of soakod beans, thp snmo of rico and tho snmo of linseed meal. When tho wholo is cooked, add salt to taste, and thicken with two parts ground oat, ono part bran, ono part middlings nnd ono of corn meal. Add tho mixed ground grain until tho mess has thickened to a stiff dough. If it burns, a littlo or no harm will bo done. Then stir in half a pint of ground bono. If milk is convenient, it may also bo added, either as curds, buttormilk or in any other shape. When boiling, add a tablespoonful of bread soda to tho water. This food may bo cooked in tho shape of cakes and crumbled for the fowls or fod in tho soft state. A tablespoonful of this is sufficient for each hen. Ayer's Cathartic Pills are suited to every ago. Being sugar-coated they nro easy to take, and though mild and pleasant in action, nro thorough and searching in effect. Tho efficacy in all disorders of tho stomach and bowels is certified to by eminent physicians, and many of onr best citizens. wit and nuiurm. A SUaitT MISUNDEItSrAXDINO. Ned pnos to tho ctrcu with Giimdpn, And Fits on n nlco curhmiicd wilt. Where ho l?nm upon tho ix'rfnrmers With n ttnllc, contldlii? nnd sweet. Hut lifter n while he Brown rrstlrs , And thi'ti lit- aoftl- iiliiorveii "ir tlic-i' nro n'cfurvo ":. rirnnJiui. Why don't l hoy lnij thp tnvprv'"f'' -ilc-Mte Chand'.tr, in St. Mi'linhw fir KU). VALENTIN!'.?. The Sun nnd thp Moon nro miles rt;inrt, MIlMotiH nnd tnllit'iu. tin; Hut If thnt old liodi i bud hnir n fcmrt, Thoy novrr cu!d ffiinrt It hi fur ni rt, I Know 1 c tildn't cm d ut Hut I lmvo JitKt ho.nrd mnd I tM-.k rV rtpht Whnt the dp.tr i Id Birth i"i" i Thnt the Sun shines down on i:i (ptich nljrht. And a hoots them lilt, when they're n I v d urijtlit, To thp Moon for villpiitlnel W. W. II, In St. Nlctmuis t. r rctiruniy "How to bo Happy Though Married." is the tltlo of a iiew'Eiicllsli book. If the work is not a fraud a few million cq'lcs can tio sold on tins stile. Earl Carnarvon says ho was struck with tho vast resources of tho west of Ireland. Previous viceroys have usually been struck with brioks.'.or II ( itiuu. Gentleman "If tliu world owes every man a living, as vou say, why don't you collect yours?" Tramp "I can't do it. Tho world has too many preferred eredl- tors." A'. Y. Sun. A street-car brings the ItaughtlrM man down to a common level. Particu larly If it starts suddenly before the haughty ono has had time to pick out his scat. Fall Jlivcr lkrM. A professional reader who appeared before a "literary class" of voting ladies in New York was asked If tliey wcro ap preciative. "Why," ho paid, "not ono of them paid tho least attention until I reused." Clerk (who has been vainly trying to employ his timo) to employer "Shall I answer this letter now, sir?" Employer "Certainly not; if yon do they will think we are doing no business. Wait four weeks." Humbler. Tho President's slstcr.has put her fair veto on smoking hi the White House, nud (Srovcr has now to tip tho wink to Dan Manning when ho wants him to come out ami have a pipe In tho wood sheil. Full 11 i verlkruhl. A student of tho dimo novel-"Coma now, Bertie, kls your littlo sister nnd make up with her," said mamma to her 10-yoar old boy. "What! tho Pawnee Chief bow low to palc-faco Crv-Baby! Mother, you ask too much." Tulbitx. A medical authority says: "Persons have been bitten by liiad-ilos nnd havo not gone mad." Atitl then, again, mnno jiersons get mad by belnir bitten by ti dog tlintls not mad. They get mad enough to kick tho animal In two. Korrialown Herald. "Jn.it borrowed S900 on my note," said young llardnp, "and I foul liko a great man'B monument." "How's that?" said his friend; " 'c.uku somubody elsu has to pay for It!" "0, no; not exactly that; but I've got such a good start on paper." Jlrooklyn Jingle. Esmeralda LongcolUn I believe, Mr. McGlnnW, that you think I nm a stupid creature. Hostettcr McGinnis O. no, nothing of the kind. No ono, can bo called stupid who can so accurately ill vino tho thoughts of another as you liavo tlono mine. Texas Sitings. Tho Chinaman is not hicapahlo of humor. Gin Fun, a .Sacramuuio hum dryman, has joined the Autl-Coolio League, and posts over tho door of his wusheo house the sign: "The Chinese must go. Nono hut Mollcan man cm ployed here." Saw Francisco Alia. A lawyer in an eastern Mate, whoso reputation in tho community was not very high, mot an old gentli'man and said to him: "Do you know, Mr. II , that 1 am a direct doocuiidaut of Miles StiindUh?" "Js It posMblo?" was tho reply. "What a decent!" Argosy, Teacher to boy whoso father keeps u corner grocery "Johnny, if your father has a huudrud eggs and 'twenty of them aro bud how many docs ho loso?" Johnnv "Ho don't foo any of them. Ho sells tho bad ones to tho restaurant' keeper to make omelets nt."-Tcxaa Sift inya. It was a littlo girl tit Maiden, who, having been naughty, and having re ceived a punishment from her mother, said this prayer fervently when she wunt to bed that night: "O, (fod, ploat-o mako mo good; not real good, but just good enough so I won't havo to bo whipped." Huston Jlcconl, "Bobble," said his fathor, "you've sat thcro looking out of tho wln'dow and haven't moved u nuikclo for thirty-five mliiutw. Now, why couldn't you hit (.till that way this morning?" "Sit still this morning?" echoed Itobblo In amazc munt. "How could I sit still this morn ing? I was in church!" Ilurtkttc. At tt banquet sflvcn to tho visiting general by tho ntllccrs of a Miiall town, Knocdohiioyur acts as waiter. Ho passes the dumplings to tho general, who takes two. btill tho waiter holds out the plate, and when tho general looks Mirprlsed thj waiter whls)ers: "There aro three apiece, Excellency." German J'apcr. Tho Iter. I). It. Hawclssays that "A poem Incomes a hymn us It becomes "a lifter.' " "According to this notion," sayn a certain young man, "my girl's father is not a poem. Anyway, he doesn't bocomo n hymn when ho be comes n lifter." This may bo became ho Is opposed to this mect-hcr. Xorris town Jkrald. A hint to theatrical manager: .Miss Clara "Arc you familiar with Dante's 'Dlvino Comcdv,' Mr. Fcathcrly?" Mr. Featherly "No; 1'vo never teen it. The fact is, Miss Clara, I think this comedy business is being overdone. Tho sooner tho stago returns to tho legitimate drama the better it will bo for the profession." JJarpcr's JIazaar. Murccd County, California, can boat of the largest man in the statu in tho person of McKenn Arcblbnld, a natlvu of Nova Scotia, llo in over soven foot hich and built in iroportlon. llo wuar a Na 16 boot and carries' bis own last. TUTFS PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Medical Trlninf h of the Age! SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LQVER. J.oiKofnrpetltc, lloirrUcoatlre, 1'nlnln tho bend, with n dull cnnr.tlon In tho Imck part, l'ntn under tho haulder lilndt, l'ullnoci itfkcr entlnc, with milt, lncllnnllon to cxpKlon of bnilr or mind, irrllnbllttr of temper, Low ntdrlt", vrltli n fcellnc of hnrltiir nrclected lotno duty, WenrlnrM, Dizziness l'tuttcrlng nt tbo Heart, Hots tiofnrotlio eyen, llcnducho oyer tho right ryr, ItcMlciianeii, with mruldrenmn, Illchlr colored ITrlnc, and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'S FILLS aro especially adnitteil to tucb cases, ono doso ctrocts such a chtinRnorrccllnirnstonitonlalithosuaeror. body to Take on yirli.lhu th tjntm ti nourUliil,nnit by their Tonic Action on Thnv Inmntit !. A.tttlti.ftnt CAIltn f hl tho IHfreitlTeOnrnnntltrBulnr stool ro rroiitiem. iTiewan-w. -n nuirrny M..m.T. TUTT'S EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA ltenoyntvs tho IkhIj-. makes lienlUiy Moth, strengthens tho vas. tvalnitho taU of tho gysU'tn with puro blood and hard muscle i tones Uio nervous iiystcm, lnylzornten tha brain, nnd Imparts Oio vigor of manhood. SI . Sold hv dnnrithits. Fl'ICI! 4 I Murray St., Now York. BREEDERS DIRECTORY, MtALt .IDVr.RTIsr.ttr.NTtt like the TU IomIpr Mill tie linerled In our rnlainna. In their nrnprr rlMfclflriilloti, Tor IS to llo a yrnr. InrliulliiR copy ir paper. esrlh-gtr p charged for pro rata CATTLK. LAI1 A ki;ki, Portlahd. Candor. JUST Importer nnil llrrrdrri of Short-Horn Uattlo, rot old and LtlccaUr Srftp ami Clyde ill lloraci. Ir. II. MHWEY, ImtvirtM ft nil ilfftlir irOKI "-l"" -"" -'I-- XB!!fZCFite.r I !m a fw Cholea II: font and and llulla lor a'e. AiUIicm or call! JcR.raon, Or. It. W. CM It BY. Bilrm, Ortifen. Polled .Angus Cnttlo, CUll anil tec my stock. G. W. DIMIOK, Hubbard, Or , UUFMH II UK "sMfetiaSrSE SHOUT l?OK. and .IKKSBY ALSO POLLED ANGUS Cnttlo. Ycuns Stock lor Me at aiMonUt ratciai .lotk ol urn. ipultty itn l.a k ttcn il-i-l.tio. H II K K P JOHN .III.VIO, hnlrtu, isn. rc.lrr I Ull'llOVCl) AM IUA MKIII.NO.iol bpaii Iiiiik'iuMciii and cron . lirrtJ. r.f thm trrnrh .nil !$v!9'rk"li kUnki ki.omiln Or. aSsMWH a. AMfclllCAM MB- lll.NO. A sooi let of I.t lur a; aa Htll aa llama i'ilccln arcorilincc with thoiiiaikit Conripoi.ili'iic. rouciicu. ti. V. HUNT. -T-vJi-, ...t Vih Wl.lliakir, Or. snnopsniuE IX-wn Mirrr, and :Hi:. hM'INC. l'oittiimliio lolic't- id. Vonnir aiock (or uiKcn rii.ibabieitrma !, DI. GUTHRIE. Ilnllnt, orre. (mnorter and Breeder !& ' . tr .. TS'Wnanlah, French or Atntilun Mcr. Incr, Bend lor Price tte. a V I SJ&. PURE BERKSHIRES. It. I'. lULtl.VHslriu, ir 6 r;.iu a tlierou'lihrvd Ilft.iltrnl I'll. '.jlCidl rr irntt for mv rrlc... l-'.riii 1. (Ivo mllo ro'ilh of hatom on old it.ce road, UI8CKLLA.Nf.0UB, avAK i). ;o(hihji;, HAI.KM, . OltKOO.V, ' Tli. Uwllrjr WVANDOTrB and IIHOWN I.KUIIUH.N i-rtturor tim .vcithwctt. Kneloi. ai.inii fr circular ;..lrr"irj- 'nltl- for Mnlr, Ucnd f' r I'rlc. Llitcl. Apiary Supplies ITALIAN IIITH and tJl'tlM. li!drr, ' r r,talir,i I. I. "nMN, Nrtuv, ti. ' A. L. BUCKINGHAM, Dial r In Groceries, Provisions, Cutlery, Crockery, GltiHHiuuve, lite. Tobacco and Cigrs aSuj' Will tlt a chwp ai any itcro in the city. rUOI)L'CE TAKKTtlN KXCIIAKaB I0IUJ00D8. I Call and .to moon Cfminmhl .trtct, Ltetn KTinKtr A lleck'i new Ireairy and tho ChcintktU llottt. Kalon-, Or. gon. aultl aUod Farming Liuuls EAST OF THE CASCADES Within 4 to 0 miles ol railroad and ritrtr. scar Alkali, (111 Inn count); to milea Irom Tho ' U.llti; lii mllta frcra foitUnd. Aa tJood iJinil Exlala Call of the t'atradrs Mill be Kohl on Very I'arorshle Ttrtua. WE AUK I'ltEPAltKU TO TAKE INTENDING purch.icri to ie Iimla offer lor mIc. HKOWN a- UL'ULIirUT, Alkali, Oregon; Or: Durroa It Oliver, 4) Waahlneton at, Fottland, Or to tbo WILLAMETTE PA KM Kit, galcm, Oregon. ManWanted' i' laliUIlllr. KLppalUo hom. lutennc ex. thnL UAYdeCU.,l!llarcUrHt.,M. V. Ti6?'r . .-tfl.-.7LIIK rWJWttWr' (ftsv. i'H(atf' in I'SfWitUiir iii RLti -rcil i ay.snotirfTJ XSSJiu?5SW7 fK-'".W.?X , tBIBuurKlli. BSBSBUSBiaSBSB ir- rJyL IMMUNITYfroHiANNOYANCE r o- mm v WrxtoonT.rofl'io finest nnd Tirstqaal tty otUltvn furwlttistnniUnfflioatt. Evory Rood thlnff is Countor feltod, nccl oonsuraors tiro OATJ TIOKBD G-alnat IMITATIONS of thoso Ohlsinoys mndo of VERY POOnQLASSt. Soo thnt tho oxaot lnbol la on onoh ohlmnoy n3 above Tho Poarl Top In nlwayo oloar and bright Glnca. aiiuuiftioCwrcil OJfLYby GEO. !i. JIGOKTH & CO. VllttlnirKli liil fllnaM AVorlm. FOU SALIl BY DEALERS. Clydesdale and Eng lish Shire Horses. 'meonlyaliid In Amorl rn ciiiHalnliiii Urn Terr lio.t apeelmcn of ImiIIi lirecU. I'rlisnlnnrrast t:hlc.iitoKnlr.thoVorlira Kalr il Nowl)rlemi,lho llnynl Hoclrly nt Kiiw Ininl. etc. lJirtn Innior tntlon ntrlyctl Aueuatll, Htnl (mirn Itl follow villiirhiirli'ic furlllilea too. "Ilia uiieouniieu. int-ni I- a.rt ..-.k .....ulHlltlll PBEAUNASHUIUJ I H 111. Pill, .l.'inM.u....; Ir iirTureil p .nwlinre. to tirocuro tlrat eln nnlinal of eholec.t britlnast err IikM irlce. Ktery nnlinid iluly reeonlot nnil Kimrnnlretl Tvrma lu mil all cu.toiucri. iNiiitlnuiieii mi nntilleallon. lAI.llU.llTIIllllUM.,iIaiiravllte,'ria. L11VI1TED. 50( BATTERY ST., S(Hi Francisco, Cat. Send for elmilm'H mid iosli- monlnls hlvlotf full Information. Chonp Lands; Una clltnnto; plenty of wntcrl onsy tornist ronulnr sensona. No Import or Export Duties, and no Taica for Ton yearn. ilolliiiU E. S. LARSEN & CO. .... wiiolwali: .... Grocers and Commission MlUiCJrAXTS, lit .V III I'm nt Ml., ror. Mii.lilniiluii, CloWNTUY I'llOllUOK IIANDI.KI) TO UEhT AD. j xsiiUks on roimnUalon, K.uilly (Iroccrlra InriiUlitd to our cu.tomeia by l-nvkno, it lomt Jubliltij; )rlec. Al.o. wo aro vnt. for IriulInK PlltK INsUlt MtClT, CM'ii, Farm biilljlngri Iniur-d at low rate. Ai;ti.UlorTIIIN(IVAl.L LINK (I Ocean Mown era Uttin Now York and Utandlnatla. Ocean ami Hallway tickets at lowcat ratei. Iiraltaaml Money Otiltn drawn on Hcandlnailaii (tllei b) K, H, Lanen, D.pldi Vice C'omul, Drnnillimvlnii Money llunuht, aprttll EVERY BODY KNOWS ! Tliat W. I'. JOHNSON tha PHOTOGRAPHER Commercial tjtrict, Htlciu, Oregon. riAKEH THE I.KAII IN THE X rillTrilK HUH INK UK. TnrtraiU, t'opylnir, EnUrgtnir, Colorlnir, etc., efc. ta.Vlt taken In illy or country. KnJ In tout una, thty will bo t-roniptlyflllid. MARK LEVY, Commission Merchant ! . DKAI.KIt IN i Kim s aii I'ltoniwi:. -10.ilti.tli:Tri rlOI.I('ITi:il. ll.vlliu lull j mate aciualuUnru with tho tnda of I'oitland and Hah r'rantdco and other itolnta, I am alilo to sell utatonable rodncti to but advantage, 4.liii"irllnlo Id-turn .Miide. MA UK LEVY, 122 Front Btreet, . I'oitland, Oregon. ma)btl A POSITIVE CUKE! MI'..V. )oun7, mlddlo-aged and olJ. tingle or married, ami all who aro lulfetlng with LONT M.tNIIOOII, Ntrvoui debility, fxriuaU)iihu;a,henilual Lowi,Kx. ual decay, railing Uimory, Weak eyoa, Htunti-d lievtl oiunent, Lk ol Energy. Iiucoveilibtd IHoo.1, 1'lin ilea, Imptilluitnta to Marriage; alao Ulood and Bkln Iilitiic, Hjj.hlllla, budillla.Eruttloni, Hair Falilnir Ib.iiti 1'aJnp, Hwtlllnga, Horo Throat, Ulcera, Ellecla ol Mtrie-y, Klddey and llladdtr Troublea, Weak Hack, Hurting urine, Incontinence, Oonorilia-a, Olcet, Strict lure, lectlvea aearchlng treatment, promi.t ralltl and cuiwlor lifer. IIOTII MliXtM eon.ult eonllJentUUy. II In trouble, call or wille. Uclayea aro dangeroui. Call at orce. J5 year ennorltnee. Teruia lull. 1,11 l'llTlinL-n,fin,,l -. ..-""'- i'im lAnnufluauAnj I . 132 and 131 3d atreat. li ruruinu, vrtnon. . .. .' WANTED. A CAPABLE MAN Oil WOMAN OK UVIIHItAIi OrV. energy to take tho agency ol thli or tome other county Icr loe Hlalorjr r t'alirorula. To tho light partr It will pay (rom 1100 to oa per meath. Addjeaii Y. I'ElUJON, Manager OoclJtntal 1'uhllali. iui( bgoiny, jv ouuir iwtel, ban rraaoleoo, 01. ri ti U n'-M b5ff W& 1 Pat. 0ot.30th, 1033. WB iwllkWlW wsmmmrs Colonization Co.