WMUjAMFrm PAKMKK: SALEM, OREGON. APRIL 16. L8SG - och. Horcdltaty Tempsri and Habits. Not on trutiiiinisMiblo tlma nay of thoso iiistingiilsliing chirftotcritics which bolonx t poraonul appearance, aro pocuHnrlliesof tamper mul hubiti ro milting from thorn. What humun pa rent of childrwl nlil onougli to display their temper thnt is to say, their aov cral inclinntiuiid of pernmnont temper has not observed as utrong Ilkono3 in thoso "propnrtioj" as in form or feature, to ono or inoro than ono of tho chiltlrcn'a parentH or ancestors? Tho dog and tho Iiomo aro both strongly impressed in ro gnrd to tho transmission of temper j cat tlo aro Bcnrct-Iy lo so, ulthougli their peculiarities may not como quite bo much under observation as thoso of an. imals upon whoso cliarautoristic tompofs tho valtio of thoir sorviccH to man in grent iiicnBttro must dupoml. Wo havo novcrlholobs, known a family of cutllo to acquiro, appnicnlly from n rostlcts, dis satisfied turn of well, wo can scarcely call it init.d, so let us say from a. roBtless tamper tho habit of finding out how to oicn gates and doors, and of wandering at will; another family which no physic could roach, because, although gontloin gcnoral temper, thoy would never allow any ono to hold their heads; a third family, rcmarkablo for its vivacity, and ii fourth for its denso stolidity. In each of thoso, excepting tho second, tho to culiariticH bocomo modified, and in somo instances disappeared under tho infill enco of sires differently contUitutod, yet remained, after opposing inlluencos woro introduced, long enough to show how stubbornly hereditary peculiarities of tempor may bo. The socond caso re ferred to was of longer duration than tho others, and no change of slro scorned to allVct it in tho least degree. Tho sumo bulls wore used with that family in with all tho other families of tho herd to which Itbclongod.buttholuhoritanco remained in that family, and in that nlono, without percoptlblo diminution during tho period, extending over sovcral generations of catllo, in which it was under our observation. In that llnoly constituted animal, tho horse, how important it is inheritance of temper. Not only in tho sense of vici ous tamper, or temper frco from vico, but in that of spirit gonerally. Tho ac tion, and tho poworof ondiirniico, doubt loss depond as much upon that as upon structure and inusclo. If tho mora- m a sluggard, hor colt or Ally will seldom display inuoli animation, tho faint-hearted sire's ollrtpring seldom prove "gamo" unyielding under prolonged fatigue. Shelter tho Cattle-. Cowh should not bo exposed (o tho weather; they may ho turned out daily to water in sheltered yards. Not moro than flvo should bo turned out together ut one time, to,avoid injury from goring each other. Never allow tho cow out long enough to cause them to shave and hump thomselvM. Thoy must bo al lowed a liberal supply of water, but it should not bo ico wulor. Tho dairyman who will furnish temporal r topid water for the cows in very cold weather will savo feed and increase, his profits, as well as promote the comfort of tho cows. Attontlou to Now-lttrn Foals. Many foals aro lost through want of attention at tlio moment of birth. When tho functions of respiration uro not promptly established in tho mnv-bori foal. elVortH must be made to excite thorn by blowing violently upon tho iiiiiz.lo and Into tho mouth, and by briskly rub bing the body with a wisp. If breath ing is but hlowly promoted, ti few ton spoonful of brandy and water, given after tho first fow respirations, will be of material twviai to invigorate tho low vital power.. As soon as the iiwro has recovered from the shock, the material instinct should U encouraged by allowing her to perforin the oflW of nurse to her prog env, which will Iw physically benefited tlirobv. If the dam refuses to dry and cresrt'her offspring, a little tlour sprink led over the back of tho latter will some tinitM mtiiici her kindly to it; should tliis mcium fail, the fo.il must be dried with soft tl.uuiol, conducted to tho teat, and assisted to obtain its first ailment. It is sometimos necessary to protect the foal from th ill-intention of a peevish dam ; but after the nuie has permitted the foal to uck, ami has evinced mater nal holieitude for Us welfare by licking and caressing it, no fears need bo enter tainod that she will subsequently Injure It wilfully. All the moans briefly re viewed its neeMsavy for tho preserva tion of tho newly-born foal and for the comfort of tho mare, aie to bo continued for n period moro or less prolonged, as their condition', and surrounding cir cumstance indieiUo.-Keynoldson Draft Horses. The dlandart street nustaii Bttaxi. Tho I'aciftolUiral Tress tolls of a man in HuniMdt county, California, who recently died nfter a fow days illness of glander caught from a hoio. A vet 1 1 nury Hiirisoon was summond who soon found fifty cumjs among borsei, which tho county oommUBioners ordered killed. A meeting was called to examine stables, who reported several horses were diseased. A millibar of cases havo de veloped in Su Francisco. In view of tho foregoing facts, there is manifest nerd of great watchfulness and promptness of action on tho part of thoso who own horses or have to do with thorn. The incurable and virulent nature nf the disorder and the danger of hum in beings contracting it, not only justitv, but uemana tho most active ana radical treatment wherever and when ever its presence is recognized. Tho in fected animal must bo killed at once, the stable thoroughly disinfected and fumi gated ami everything possibly talnte.il with tho virus burned without delay, for tho virus, oven when dry, retains its pernicious vitality for months and some times yoars. If owners are too poor to boar the loss ulnno thoy should bo reimbursed from tho public treasury, as was done in Bodio recently; but every beast contaminated should be swiftly slaughtered. Wo hopo tho authorities throughout tho State aro awake to the exigencies of tho timo, and will act to gether, intelligently and vigorously, to circutiiscribo and stamp out tho loath some plague. Those who havo used tho Uos.s Zinc and JiiiATiinu Coli.au Pads and Anklk Boots say they aro tho best and cheap est, because most, durable. They will last a lifo timo. Sold by Harness makers on CO days' trial. I)i:xtek Cujitis, Mad ison, Wis. llucklen's Arnlcn Hultr. Tho licit Salvo in tho world for (Juts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. Salt Ithomii, Fovcr Sore., rotter, Chappod ilandi, Chilblains Uirnn, anil nil hkln Krtiption, and pomivcly cures Piles, or no pay required. It U guaran teed to glvo porfect satisfaction, or money re funded. I'rioo 25 cents per box. Tor alo by Port & Son. The I'ttst Itlrcrai n Commercial Hlliu'ny. Thu I'.i.st Hlvur is a most Important factor In the connm-ruinl prosperity of the cities of New York and Brooklyn. Us shores form a large portion of the water-front of both cities, and n fib id snaco for many miles of docks. Its channel is scoured by strong tides, which keep it puniianeiitly free from shoals of sand and mud. It connects tlio waters of New York Hay with thoso of Long Island Sound, and Is the most Import ant avenue of coastwise trade hi the United States. Since tlio partial re moval of the obstructions in Hell Gate, a very heavy foreign trade has taken this route, notably the petroleum tralllc, and, with tlio completion of the designed improvement, tlio Hast HIver will af ford a convenient access lor transatlan tic steamers. The value of this en trance to Now York Harbor will be still further enhanced by the opening of the Harlem lMvcr to the Hudson, thu preparations for which aro now hi pro grew. Thu unobstructed navigation of tho Hast Hiver would also have an import ant bearing on the question of national defense In case of war with a foreign state. It would render the blockading of tho ixirt of Now York a task of dou bled uillleiilty, and would open tho bhoros of Long Island to our larger war vessels and to ironclads. For these reasons the problem of re moving the obstructions to thu frco and safe passage of vessels through tho Kast HIver has engaged an Increasing dogroo of attention for a considerable time. These obstructions woro all accumu lated within a short distance of ono an other, in a narrow strait called Hell (iate, and were occasioned by numerous reefs of rocks encroaching on the chan nel ami the violent currents to which they gave rise, making navigation ex tremely hazardous for all kinds of vo3 ols. (lateral John Scwton, in Popular Science or February. Ail Indexible Juror. 'There are some infernally obstinate men hi this world," said Frank Fiinal the other day, "but I struck eleven of the worst specimens last week I over came across." "How was that?" "Why, you see, I was on the jury. In one ease I'd no sooner laid my oc.s on thu prisoner than I made up my mind he was guilty, and tho testimony only horved to strengthen that opinion. To my surprise, I found, when we went out, that the other eluven Jurors were unani mous In favor of acquittal." "And of course you gave in." "Not much! 1 had a dutv to society which I had sworn to perform, mid I determined to do it if it took all night. 1 icasoned with them calmly, tearfully, prayerfully, but It was no use." "How did you brim: them around?" "Finally 1 said: 'Well, my mind is mind up. " When you fellows get over your dashed obstinacy wake me up." And I just tipied my chair back and settled inyselt down for a gooil nap. Then I snored. liver hear mo snore? We nil expressed regret because wo had never enjoyed that pleasure. "Neither had those fellows. In ten minute they were wild. Some of them wanted to jump out of the window, but couldn't get It open. In ten minutes more eight of litem gnvo in. and in fif teen minutes they waked mo up and said they were atUlicd I was light. Tlio Judge promptly granted the prison er a now trial on tlio ground that the verdict w;ts against the evidence and common sense, and discharged tlio jury . that lets mo oil jury dutv year, .uiiimery inuic tor tho term for nuoil er Uivicr. The billowing is ono of the unre pealed laws ut New Jersey, passed while the State was a British colony; "Thai all women, of whatever age, rank, profession, or degree, whether virgins, maids, or widow., who shall after this act iinic-o upon, seduce, and betray into matrimony mix t lit ma jesty' subjects by virtue o: svints, cos metics, washes, paints, nrtltlctal teeth, false hair, or high-heeled shoos, shall in cur the penalty 'of tho law uow in force aguliiit M.tc.ierjft ami like uiUdo-iuoaiiors,M WIT AND HUMOIJ. Tho Land of tho Man in the Moon: Thoro's n country rcmarknuly quaint and qucur. Where tho nlr won't support a balloon, m overythlmr's Just ns It isn't tnre TIs tho I.hii 1 of tho Mnu in tho Moon. There people don't liothorwlth "parties" nt nil, Tlio crop of front statesmen's exceedingly mull, Hank nrtlccrs never tlco townrd Montreal In tho Land of tho Man In tho Moon. Tlio Indies nil make most dolhrhtful wives In tho Lund nf the Man In tho Moon; Hnf-cullty'it published, and honor thrives In tho I.nml of thu Man In tho Moon; The milkmen are honest, tho liquors uro pure, No nirciits besot you with plans to Insure, Quack doctors don't promlso each ailmont to euro In tho Land of the Man In the Moon. Itufus Hood. A beautiful woman, with an artifl-clally-hightencd color, onco said to Gen. Shields: "How Is that, having obtained so much glory, you stilt seek for moro?" "Ah, madam," ho replied, with moro forco than politeness, "how is it that you, who havo so much beauty, should still put on paint?" San Francisco Argonaut. First passenger "I havo been over tho country a good deal in my time and I think the Groat Eastern & Western lino Is tho best ballasted of them all. Tho track is perfect, sir." Second pass cngor "Commercial traveler?" First passenger "No, sir; I am an actor." Sccoiulpasscngcr "Alt, yes; I see." A'. 1'. Times. Jim Wobstcr being onco moro before the court, his Honor asked: "Haven't you boon in lull for stealing chickens onco before?" "No, salt; no, indeed I hain't, l'ralse do Lawd foah His in fcrnit goodness and niussy, nobody hain't cotched mo yit. Hit seems as ef I was protected by do higher powers." Texas atjumjs. Tho King of tho Samoan Islands has sent as n gift to President Cleveland n jug of liquor, a drink of which will kcon n man drunk for throe weeks. Wo violate no conlldouco in stating that tho President will not open this pig until tho next delegation of Missouri olllco seekers strikes the White House. Phila delphia Press. It is stated that President Cleveland will open tho American Exhibition in London next May "by means of tho telegraph wire." This "idea is not now. Wo havo heard of a man opening a store bv means of a nleco of wire. Sometimes tho feat Is performed with a nail. It is against the law, though. Xorristown Iteratd. Manager of star actress (to hotel pro prietor) "You can toll tho ropo-tore that Mile. Zam Zant has forty trunk. i the way, one of which is filled with dia monds." Hotel proprietor (with u look of relief) "I am very glad to hoar It, sir, but wo don't want the trunks for publication; wo want them simply as a guarantee of good faith." xV. i. Times. When- Dluk Thompson, of Indiana, was made Secretary of tho Navy somo one called upon Mrs. Thompson to con gratulate her upon hor husband's eleva tion to thu head of thu Navy Depart ment. Shu could hardly bclievo that tliu uuws was true, and said to her visitor: "Why. Klchard isn't lit to bo Secretary of the Navy ho can't oven Ym."Dctroit Free Press. Young Lady (visiting hi Kentucky) "What a number of colored people there must havo been at the political meeting last night! I see bv the morning paper that nearly all of tho vice-preldonbs woro colored." Hostes.s "Impossible, my dear. Let mo see the paper, looking nt tho paper: O, 'Col.' don't moan colored ; it means Colonel." JIarjer'n llautr. Bagley "You are looking for a short cut to lortuno, I believe?" Do Guy "That's Jint what I am looking for." "Hero's your chance. The queen beo lavs M.OOO eggs hi twenty-four hours." "Well, I can't help that,'1 "Hoar mo out. Fnt your wits to work and get up tt cross between thu queen beo ami thu barnyard hen, and you will bo a mil lionaire in a year." Philadelphia Call. That young man will yet make his mark In this world. His forethought is wouderful." "What is rcmarkablo about him?" "Why the vory day ho popped tho question lie first stepped into u lawyer's oilioo to know what a divorce milt would cost. Ho Is indeed n re markable man, mid novcr makes a movement of any i-ort without stopping to consider tho cot." Philadelphia Item. Lady Midas "And wo wire buttled Into the train mixtion-, my dear Mrs. do r-impkyns; and onlr imagine our hor ror, when the train had Marled, at dis covering that we were actually In a sec-ond-clat. carriage!" Grlsby "(innocent ly) "Dear me! Yes! Very awkward indeed! You'd taken third-class tickets, 1 Mtppose?" Horror of Lady and Miss Midas, who generally take a'saloon car riage all totlicir.sjlves! London Ihinch. "Poor follow!" said tho female friend of tho fallen; "but probably your homo surroundings were not pleasant." "You're out there, mum," replied tho IntereMing criminals "there was a bll-Hard-room not door, a bowling-alley light across tho way, and half a dozen saloons within a minute's walk. O, yes, my homo surroundings couldn't bo beat. I'loasant? Well, I should gur gle!" ISoston Transcript. In Malta ihtsohs aro forbidden to come to tho opera "in short sleeves or with naked feet." Wo can understand why there should be an objection to short sleeves, but why should b.o feet be excluded? Some of these notions of etiquette are too absurd for anything. A society young man doesn't want to stay away "from the oora simply because his only pair of boots aro at tlio" shoemaker's getting half-soled. Xorristwn Herald. Mr. Faupas (to young lady) "Ah, Miss Charmante, 1 liave just cvnuo from the side of Mrs. Smith, who has been asking me about tho beautiful young lady at the flower table," MissC. (ap peaVlng to busy herself In arranging sortie tlowers.) "Have vou never known how 1 iletest flattery?" Mr. F. (who thinks ho may have blundered! "O, but really, you know, it is dark over where sSm is sdt nij. One can hardly see jou." i'iirjv - a llnsar. Use and Praise Of Hall's IIaiii Kenkwhii havo always cona together. Private recommendations, liv pi'roin for whom It Iiai restored roiitlifiil color to (rrayund faded hair, or cured l:ddiies, dmdruu", or dlseaies' of the Krnl und Iinlr, havo been Its best r.dvertlsenient, mid havo created Rrcat demand for tt even wlicro Its proprietors have inndo no cllbrt for Its Introduction. It never falls to do all that It promised for It. HALL'S TZ"3gBtablB Sicilian HAIR RENEWER Cures nil diseases of tho hair and scalp which cauo deterioration and Iom of hair, nnd a a drcsilng Is Infinitely superior to nil other preparation. It contains no nlcoliol to mako the hair dry, harsh, and braidiy, but keeps It always glossy, lus trous, und soft. rr.rr.inED or K. P. IIALTj & CO., Knshuo, N. II. Sold bv all Dealers In Medicines. SEEDS: SEEDS MILLER BROS., Seedsmen. KEEP IS STOCK AT TUB Oregon SeedDEQL ! No. 309 Second HI.. 1'orllanil. Or. A Uryo and varied tuiortmoit el all Modi of Field, Flower, nml Seeds, Vt gctablo Freth and trut to nme. tlio FMJIT TIIEES, TF.U TILIZEUS, OAHDEX IMPLEMENTS, etc, turnlihcd at the low ei t ittrt. IMPERIAL EUO FOOD kept conitantly on hind. JcT CUloifuei on ppllcatlou. Mention tlits paper when writing. WflODBURN NURSFRY. Keeps tlio Largest stock of Fruit. Shade, Ornamental and Nut Trees I Noilh.f rnlltornli, at tin very lowest rater, No Al'IIISur othor Inmct nests whlcli arc rulnlnir mist of tin Nurseries. SST 8KND FOP. CATALOGUE AND PIUCE-LIST. Address: J. II. KlirTLUIII WK. octln.O Woodburn, Oregon. MAPS J MAPS ! ! MAPS OK OltKUOrV A WASH INGTON TBIiltlTOKY. fTEIlEArTEn WE WILL HE AllLE TO SUPPLY JTL copies ol mix of Oregon and Washington at following rates. The maps are. put up In convenient (nrm to cary In tho pooket. Encloiixl In a slifl board rorer. They cau bo nlitalncl at tht following price: Jlnp of Orrc'iii ' Map of WnOiliiutiHi, Oregon mill Wnstilnuluii Combined. I.to fjrllemlt by Poit'l Order or iL-gtiterod Lciin Poittge stamps will not U tAkun. Addrcas t wiLF..Mm: i'Ait.niu itii. to., Draw- s Pnrthnd Orevnn (Q -sSsv -SD TILK IiUAI.Vft fOll I'AKJIS and Olt II.1KIM. Drklnago Is so Important for the tarnis and orchards of Oregon and W.ahlngtoii, and III drains wall laid practically ne er wearing out or idling way; I have concluded tn ulio my tolo attention to Im Hiving laud with tiL) drain. Farmers and iirch.rJIils will do well to require Into tho matter. Prices low. Corns pondttico o-i'leltcd. Send (or clrcul.r. C. W. 1IH0WN. Agricultural Engineer, nvm U I'nlon lllnck. Portland. I'rr.nn FREY'S NW TILE ! IX DlfTir MACHINE wnivu io revolving cor - Xforavolvlnr pin or bracket. la tnadawllborwllh. out Cru.uer. four airraranl cutting M Mltarni. ""miU EBIBI3T irUEY.HUECKLKKcVlIOOVi;U,Bacynu.O A. G. DEARDORFF, Physician and Surgeon. SALEM, . . OKEOON. V'PICK OVKIt "WHITE COltNEU." Offlco hours f tromut13, 51.; I to 4 p.m.; and 0 to 8 even. lugs, ltentdenc'st Mrs. Illely's, coumr y promptly aiteiiui-.! tsT -ills Ir'in tho ICllltf SUM ffxCfiS. In tho Ccur ty Conit ot tho State of Oregon, for Hit County ut aiariou. J.lin Hughes, plaint Id, s J P SclirtxOel and Mary Sclmxrcl, defendants. r0 i. P. rCIIHOP.FFEL AXI MAP.Y SCIIP.i'Kt I ll Ills wI'd, defcndauis: 1 1. tlio inn r ( iiir Matoot Oregon yeu ai ri-oulnd ro pp ar aud an wer lhiroiii.li t R!r. ln.t jou i , nnabviom title.) lutioii, n r Ulora lli Til) dsy ol June. Lelnv tli Krt J'idlrld dtv ol tin. June term ot saiJ I'ouit lxmg ilia tir-t term after Hi csnratio'i i( ill time of the piihllmtlou (f this sun). iuon-;n'll tnufat'.olo a:irr fr want tlitrxf the I'l.li.tlff will uk jiij.-itnrr.t agalrst u i r KIJ.0O with interest thrrvnat the nt I S per cent ir annum Irom Janusry lsth, UK); and al.a for tii.ti with Interval thiroii tha raU ft 3 per rem, per annum trum Auti t Islh 1SS3; anJ Ui jr 11.13 with Interval thrrvon at Hie rito i-t 8wrcin lr annum from J uiuar l.t, lis J, .- iWlD paid J'r h 21th, lsi, acd lor all ccsta aud Jl.Lur.eir.urs of this action. rkrvlce rf tliU summons l made l')' pub Ic tlon In tie Wiu.ntnc.Fativr.iby lrluo of an order of the Hon. T. C Miaw, Juoge ol the tnj riilltleJ Court, wade on the Sllli dat 1 1 alrrUi, UH. hl'Ultlti- .V XKIMUDMIV turjtai At'cnxys f r Plslnttlf Adininistraitors Notice. "VTOTICE f HKKEiW fllVFXTIIATTHEUMiKr.. X sliudeaa reeu apclntet by the Hon Couniy Ccurt of Marian ruur.t) , Oregon, Adiulnl.liaior of the ttst ct Hariln M.U'er, d.co.ed. AM pcrw s hating clslins ag.u.tt said ol.te are rtu.strd to ) rr sent them to Mrs. r ll iir Wcldirat1.tr reldeuce, g tulles north rf Mlfcu, w thlnU uontht from this Cate, aud all rKr.s who art indebted to sal. eatate are rn)ura'el ti nana p.juent to uld tllannr Ulder without dclij. tiro, V. elilrr, Ai'mlnl.tutor it the eatate rf llairlscu Welder. d.acl Eccutois Not ico to Creditors. XT OTICE f'i HKP.EI1V OIVN TO ALL WHOM 1a tt tnsv 'oncent that Oeorge WlUams has Qtn ilul 'Kdntl eicutor of the lait will and tre tament of Audr.w Kelly, dicwcl, and all persons bavine claims acalnst the ett't ot At.urew Kelly, dt- cafl, are h'reby re-iulred t I recent thuit to tne at mretnoeln Iboritrw balero, Jlinoo count), Oregon, with the ur)uer tou.) icr. within six months from the daleot thlaio'.ict. FaUd tlLSdth d.vn! liich,li.l OEOKOE WILLIAMS, i:ecutcr of the Eatate ot A. Kill, dscuuei. -STEP'S lPPtin2?T CINCINNATI. OHIO. . CHPOOS SEE GO. ilZSJi m-mdf a lii fi. JcITcrsjn SL. Chicago. ;T 'T.I".lIV"!l7tottoMll)S, 83. kuuiaju ti tvivivr; iu-g iu.u UU1CC. 8&kF2dc?fon Seals, SS, fly.' 1 rr! r to Ai?nls and D..Vrei inud.-i.-vnl .iijs u-nj tulettc lacludlsg Co.nii', VliitforM, liny, CoaJ tlr-li, lilocu. luid Milt Bon lea. STun 'Vocoti rVrnl", OxlS, (JlOl C'ui, rv ill, '.(SOI 4-Ton, Hill 06O. 2:aa T2 ja-J Brrji Bcata Iccloded. Farmers' Pcrlsblo Forgo, $10. Forst) anrt Kit or Tools. .. All 'i - l.n -tft fr j-It pairs. ' .vnvii.. vi.o. i jamner, Tonas, Jlrllii, Jlu.luivs and All Xbi of Mam Too!?, And liini!rtMSg cC u.eflit Artlelet Jlntitlnl lc. thin Wholeswlo .X'rlrot, Pornen Tor mil Itlnd. of h-n... Tvli'ovrrr T.i.thea and 'roolafordjirjr'P'-lslasiuallSliopa. liiinrsvc j Iron Gom-Shellar. IVelaht, lUOIb... prioe;, 80.50. .Bhelts e hush'La rnlnrt"t Fannin Mills, FeI Mlili. Farmers' Fvrd Cou'ter, tic titTeiaucvyandnadforcJruUar. A $85 SewiDg Hacllne For SIB, DpnikaT.-tiaf nrnfiiA. pi.. J)mwr, t'uter iii und nil ,ittjirfintnia. Jluy tho J.ii't.t. Anivot oud Ileal. AUMiil.iis wnimnud to glte t.Mlitf'.on. ThontatUisolX to - .V.'k'1 .j'IC'.I " ' 0.iitnirri. stvn Y.'i c I I u.i.-ciiiT sUdross CIClC J LAL2 CO., Clikairo. Ii3a WLM Q,0 DB. JAlKE'S AGUE MIXTURE. A CERTAIN AND EFFECTOAL REMEDY ron Fever and Ague, Intermittent and JicmUtcnt Fevers, C?. ThI. cliu.ofdlicn.e, to common In jI. ,jr'r of tho World, onil cepsclally prevalent tii um Urlou. iltitrlct. anil vicinage of uator.cour.ei, aro almost Inrarlably iccouiimnleJ ly more or leu derangement of tho liver, und frequently Ly defectivo action of the digestive nnjnni. Tho mere breaking of tho Chill i. but a Men toward, completing a radical euro) the various organ, of tho body, especially the tto.u.icli f liver, muit bo brought to a healthy nn I vigor ous condition leforo a permanent cure can be established, and thb fnot ha. been specinlly kept in viotv by Or. Jayno In bis treatment of the.o complaint.. The uio of Jnyno's Ague Mixture, In conjunction nlth Jayne'a Sanative rill., a. prescribed In tho Directions liWt accompany eah bottle, trill not onl BREAK UP THE CHILLS. flrK rostore tho system, more purtl.'ubriy the llvor and .tomrvch, to a sound condition, and u prevent a rvlipso of Forer anJ Acue by tbor. oughly ERADICATING THE DISEASE, and tho list vvldenco of Oil. I. th 'iHri-M. access nblch bat alw.ty. full-. a 1 1 uw n.liulu litratlon of the.'u ritnr lli', in i.tj.".l hv ij,s certificates publish' I ani'Lil't in !. Juynv't Almanic, andtlic k I i'Mprv.id f yit.t.'tiyof the Ague Mixture in t.i" ll'-icU uf tu '!ii'.t! Stito, vt'Ki ti.i- ;Imjix. ,r w.'.L-h i i vli.'i-l ii prviu... For Sal h Snelt, Hltxhu h Woodard, Portland. RW' RUPTTJBE holotfl tn In O) ti t JJaTTiUo SUitld Truii. i nrramLni theiunWEU AtrttVl'rutji h KcjuriirUt LtiiirtlydtCcrrhifruni X t o lf,iu('.itrlrfliuivldsjy, Cumt i r 'r j, Mr, nu ir?i Totfc, , . llirAicJa4Ul Sli1 li'ftnnitloo, T .COMPANY. , wii JrbottJ9 Ctls S 11 Sr y - . 'DEDERICKSHAYa JtfVaC- PRESSES. the customer kit pins tho ons jsEsTET best. M s- !SMm. j ! vBffiBCBbamn Order on trial, address for circular and location Ot Western and Southern Storehouses and Agents, P.K. OEDCRICK X CO., Albany, N. Y. Eatabllthed 1840. i mvtft Inoorpornted 1884. T1IK ItLXNUlTtU "BRADFORD" PORTABLE MILL C0U.WHtAI4.ma, twiii aiu. icm.ixm. Vci for i.rlrU Vina lar. Al-lm. atalatr 7heThos. Oradford Cc. til. ItC, II W, 8Ma4 6U CLNCIS.NATI, O. ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL. I II 13 naw ELASTIC TRUSS lOnaeimfliiF Ua a I a.1 ciuerent irom nn aillu.tins lulllnrrnter.ailifts ltMlt tu rJl portions or Ihd u.1vwkltA th hull InthtfCUD V . ., ,, .-- - . rasiias dock tns intsa i sehsiblijP XV B j '" W fines ftiat iia n person tlooa with thof Inger. vt 'a,'JhHwsatt teller, rli laneMaecarvlyd.y anil nlht.an a. radical run naln. lttiettsjr,darblnjrhap. Ktst ty null. Cif JSKm Irii. twaxsTUJ TKlfci CO., CaW, U. NsftWnaBBMBsH DELAWARE COUNTY CREAMERY Wrlto at odw for circulars and ipecl&l offer to tUst por chaser, Addreas Etlawut emu crsaeir Ci, llt-MOX UlUDOit, XICII. R fenziHiJ JH Daai'a White Mrtalllo Kar Marking Label, aiampd to order llb name, or came and tiddreaa and nam. bcrs. It U rcliALltf, chop and convenient. Belli at stjbt and give perfect aallafactlon. lUiulretcd lTloff-I.lst aud sample t rev. A gect vaatcd. C. II. DAX.1. Wet Lctxiiioti, a, II.