Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 16, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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    sVlLljAAlliT'Ifi AltMLI.
.v.y uilM.UN, APRIL 10, t8G
A FArmon' Opinion of tho Causes of the
rresent llard Times
Asa-tone, w75TMali 11. 1880.
Editor Willamette Fattmr:
It ia n coutniou tiling nowa-days lo
rcntl in tho paper, nrliclcs ou "The cle
plorablo condition of tho Fnrmcr."
"Cause und Curo for lmr.l Times."
"Communism, its ltcmedy," etc. The
gist of tho most of them ia tho fust liv
ing and reckless cxpcudiluro of the
njrriculluraliut, and over-production.
Now, Mr, Kditor, I tiilfor from any of
thcao writers, and hog it small spneo in
your or our paper to givo my views :
That tho farmers as a class live fact,
ia false; that their expenditures are
rocklcsa is falso ; that tho present pres
sure of tho laboror is over-production,
is falso.
To provo tho first two assertions let
anyono who may differ with mo visit tho
homo of tho banker, lawyor, merchant,
or doctor j lot him notice house, furni
ture, conveniences nnd especially tho
dress of tho occupnnts, and compare
theso with tho farmers' homo and fami
ly? Let him stand at tho door of the
theatre, opera, ball room, festival or lee
turo room and tco who enters ? Let
him visit tho ehnrches in tho city, nolo
thoir architecture, tholr furnishing, tho
dress of thoso assomblod. Then go to
tho country and noto its churches ami
assembly ? Let him visit tho school
houso in tho city; obscrvo tho comforts
and facilities for tho advancement of
education, and thc tho country school
room and sec tho sons and daughters of
tho farmer after thoir tramp through tho
mud or tlw dust as tho caso may be,
and then think over tho problom nnd
When I began farming in Linn coun
ty I could natno threo merchants and
llvo lawyers who had no moro ready
cash than myself. To-day theso eight
men aro each worth from ten to forty
thousand dollars, whilo I have barely
hold my own, nnd 1 know at any timo
from that day to this thoy havo had in
their homes many times tho luxuries
and conveniences that I havo had in
mine. Thoir wives havo lind their help
whilo mino has done her own work. Tho
prico of any ono of tho pianos in six of
thoso homos would purchase all tho
machinery I owned. Tho causa of this
differenco is my dayB labor avoraged mo
ono dollar, whilo if tho mcrchnnt sells
mo au axe, augor, pair of brogans; or if
tho writos a mortgago thoy get for ton
minutoa work tho samo without an acho
or a pain. Hut it may bo said to do this
business requires years of proparatWn,
which may bo granted, But to run a
farm successfully requires equally as
much study and preparation. As to tho
third nccusntion that over-production
is tho CUU80 of tho present doprcssion in
agricultural products, lot anyono who
seriously bellovca thin get tho agricul
tural jcports of 1881 and 1S8.'i; noto tho
wheat raised in Russia, India, Australia,
Now Zealand and South America, (our
competitors) tho amount thoy export
nnd tho amount thoy oxport and tho
amount of flour used annually through
out tho world, tho incroaso in popula
tion, and SCO if tho wheat supply of '85
oxeceds greatly what should bo con
sumed. Or to stato tho mattor plainly
in a fow words: tho manufacturers aro
holding back tho vrhont to keep flour
up. Let us bring this mattor in anothor
nhapo to our own door, that wo may seo
tho principlo of tho wholo Bchomo. Tho
lino apples grown in Linn county, Ore
gon, woro put aboard tho cars at diHor
ent stations for 25 cents por bushel and
thousands of bushola rotted for want of
demand, whilo at Lowiston, Idaho, and
adjacent towns theso samo apples sold
for 1.80 por bushel. Now as to Oregon
it could bo truly said, thcro was an over
production. Hut us to Idaho and
Washington Territory thero was a scar
city and hundreds of homes did without
that for which thoy hungarcd, but had
tho truo principlo of oconoray been
practicod tho nwnors of theso orchards
could havo disposod of all their surplus
and thereby paid all tho incidental ex
penses of tlicir farm, and tho upper
country farmers could havo had ono of
tho many luxuries of lifo onjoyod by
tho rich. Tho samo may bo said of
vinegar and dried fruits. Vinegar foils
at Assotin, W. T., for $1 a gallon, whilo
tho Willametto valley dried apples fell
for 12 cents per pound, plums H cents,
prunes 10 cents. This too, whilo in
Portland and up country towns thero
wero thousands of pounds waiting ship
ment for want of market. At tho last
sheep clipping timo morino wool sold
for lSc cause of this very low price
was said to bo over-production. Yet,
when wo purchased our Bupply of wool
en goods for tho winter wo word not im
pressed with tho idea of over-production
in tho manufactured articlo as tho six
teen pounds! of wool for which wo re
ceived $2.50, was returned lo us in a suit
of clothes for $20.
I know a man who proparod to follow
tho business of curing bacon,-who had
to quit because his hams' sold for 12c
whilo over tho tamo counter eastern
ones sold for 18c. I havo seen as good
homo made butter as over was eaten,
lefutcd at 50c per roll, whilo eastern
buttor was sold in samo grocery for 80c
por roll. 1 know of an Eastern Oregon
cltceso factory that shut down for want
of alo of its product.
Now tho above mentioned points are
some of tho direct causes of depression
in the fnrmera products on this coast.
I will now mention some of the indi
rect causes: First, tho population of
the cities is increae.ng at a greater rato
than tho country, consequently there
aro many needless vacations that aro
kept up at tho por cent, taken from tho
laborcH product, as banks, real cstato
agents, brokers, commission merchants,
lawycis, physicians, iusuranco agents,
drummers', etc. Now, just enough of
theso to cany on tho business of a town
at n per cent, thnt would only gain a
competency in a lifo timo is all well
enough, but when thU army of leaches,
make enough to support a toooftou ex
tiavagant family, and collect n fortuno
in a fow years and tho per cent, by
which this 'has comoenn bo traced in its
lineal tleeont to tho products of tho
laboror. It is high timo for him to cry
hold. Agnin a railroad is proposed
tluough n country; tho farmer ii wild
with delight; hois going to havo the
means to got off tho surplus ho is cap
ablo of producing. Whereas, tho fact"?
in tho caso aro that this supposed lich
company lins just money enough to
make a allowing. It issues bonds on a
threo times double cent, finishes tho
road and then starts in to pay thoso
bonds by charging tho Hhlpper a largo
per cent, abovo cost of transportation.
Tho wolf having thus got tho gooses
head in his mouth is doaf to all cries of
mercy. Agniu tho many useful inven
tions patented to lighten labor becamo
tho means of burden, owing to tho ex
travairant nrico and want of durability.
Theso machines with their nice coat of
paint, appear at flwt sight to bo groat
money faving implements, and would
be, wero the farmer to got them at oven
twcnty-livH per cont. abovo cost, but
whenthoy aro purchased at tho prico
asked by tho retail dealcrc, if tho length
of timo they are used, and intercut on
cost is considered, thoy too often aro an
enemy in disguise. Hut tho greatest
of iroublo to tho producer in high inter
est. I was onco au advocato of freo
money, but when tho Legislature of Or
egon reduced tho interest from 12 to 10
per cont. I saw that law-makers could
bestow great blessings, and did I need
further nroof of thocursoof free monoy,
its effects witnessed in Idaho would fur
nish it. In tho Lowiston banks money
loans nt 18 por cent., and if a man
wants to seo tho blight of this curso let
him familiarizo himself with tho farmers
in Idaho and Washington Territory.
As to tho rcincdios, they aro fow and
simple. Whilo tho farmers aro dream
ing of things as thoy should bo, tho
business men of tho cities and towns
aro Bhaping mattors as thoy arc. Thou
wo must awako, prcparo for tho conflict,
tako moro timo to read nnd obscrvo and
study tho situation. I rccommoud the
plan for farmors to form lodges, procuro
nil publications that givo information
they need, na a progrostivo farmer's pa
per, n commercial journal that gives
wholesnlo prices of all products of labor,
railroad nnd milling news, etc., meet
without fail every two weeks, havo a sec
retary to read such articles no aro perti
nent for tho momont, discuss and weigh
thorn, and thus becomo prepared when
you ralso anything to bo ablo to proxi
mato its full cost, whon you tell any
thing to know what you should recoivo;
when you purchaso anything to know
its cost ; to bo ablo whon told ovor-pro-duction
is tho causo of low price ; such
nnd such things aro high, because of
freight or combination, etc., etc., to bay
it is falso, and provo it, can dictato to
our representatives, comraard what is
just and havo it Wo havo a forciblo
lesson of what determined pu -poso can
accomplish in tho "Knights of Labor."
Thoy aro demonstrating to tho rich
that thoy havo brain, end ca.i uso them,
hnvo homes and Intercut to protect,
wives and children whom thoy love,
and tho freedom to onjoy lifo, liberty
nnd pursuit of liappmcsi, was not in
sorted in our declaration of independ
ence for tho rich alone, that tho many
blessings this govornmont was instituted
for, and is capablo of bestowing, must
descend to all nostority alike. Xow,
shall tho farmer bo tho lowest, moat con
temptiblo of workers? Shull ho who
furnished so much for mankind lecomo
a brainless nonentity? Simply n ma
chine, to hand over tho result of his
labor without question as to remunera
tion. I for ono say no, moat emphatic.
Tho farmer can control the legisluttuo,
tho ballot box, and jurio and thoro is
no reason why forty million American
citizens should not gradually bink into
peasantry at tho will of as many thou
sands of her schemers, and thoro is
something radically wrong when a man
uneducated nnd penuiloas can etart out
in tho field of busiuo'sand in tho courso
of forty years accumulate as tnuny mil
lions, or two dollar for every minuto of
his business life. A. HuTsi.N8riM.nit.
Last week wo wero in John Hughes
btoro Salem, when a country man
brought in his butter. It was packed
in a neat box which had sliding shelves;
each roll orrathorsqunro for tho butter
was packed and shaped by a square
mold-was neatly wrapped in clieoso
cloth and tho wholo out tit Inula delight
fully fresh and sweet smell. Tpon each
pat of butter was branded tho words
"Looney Farm," with a big "D" in tho
centre. It was Jenscry butter mado by
D. II. Iney, of Jefl'erson, and it would
bo needless to say that ho always gets
tho best market price.
Easter egg dyes, all colors. Big Jot
at Port's, 10U State street.
Tor nil Dlieaiei of the
Liver, Kiinj:, Stomach ani Spleen.
Thl purely VCRC-Inlilp pre-
Paration, now so celebrated at a
amlly Medicine, originated In
the South In 1H38. It icti
fently en the llowrW and
Ciilnr and correct the
action euhe Liver, and Is, there
fore, the beat propnrntnry
inrillrliic, whatever the slcv.
net may prove to be In all
common rilwaic It will, tin
naalstnl by any other me, I
cine, rflVct n apci-ily rttre.
The Ilrctilnlor It afe to administer In any
condition of the ) stem, and tnulrr no ctrenm-atnuci-4
enn It do linrut. It will Invigorate
like a glut of wine, but l no Intoxicating bevtr
a;e to lead to Intemperance i will promnto ell
piKlliin, ilUnlimtu lirnilnrlir, and cciirr
nlly totin up ilie) ajetcill. 'Hie dore is mud,
nut utiptrnsntit, and iu virtue undoubted.
No loo of tlmr.im Inter
ruption or atoptiiRU or
luulitrm while taking the
Children complaining ef
Cnllo, llcniluclir, or Mrk
Moinnrli, a Icnpocnful cr
more will give relief.
If taken occasionally by ra.
tlcnti eapmed to MALARIA,
w ill expel the polion and protect
them from attack.
I ha e been practicing medicine for twenty yean,
and have never been able to put up awgrtable
compound that would, like Simmcni Uvtr Keg-i
lator, promptly i nd effectively move the I.lvrr lo
action, and at the name time aid (instead of weak,
enjng) the dlgctirc and antinllatlvc powers of the
system. 1. M IIinton, M 1) ,Wahini;ton,Atk.
ei: that YoiMlrr thk up.m'ink.
J. . Zoilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
rflHrY i .
Tl VZl ii m Tlf
&!,) the liia'uL iHckI In Wiv ortlitoott of
Buggies, Carriages, Spring
Wnuniia iin. I liltirl- nf .lit iilml.
Tho but ipu'llyol ork nt uni.t , prl is. It
will pi) yu to ell and I'uUi in, nr wilti lor their
eaUiciriie and tticllu
Alt iWilrlc Mnrinuti'il fur Our rnr.
Willamette Valley lo San
Francicsco via. Yaquina.
Trains rn and after 1 r 16
LcaioCnnlllTnra,l),'riiiirdi)l NiturJa), UA )l.
Leae Yaijmua l mliv, Wrdue da), t'rlda), 6 A. M
rami: nsi: .1 1 tbajmiii' vuihim sails
mou VAunrx:
mih hax nuvcitci):
"lid.i MarclilU
TucmI j, 30
rlldvx Anril U
fiindty ilarcli U
Wiilncs.la), 74
Bundsy, April 4
Wrdnwdaj' 14
Sundat -
Tuoil.y, SO
Krldn SO
The Compiii) imcriii the r (,-tit to charce salllni;
T ATI'.H betnern 0rlll an I ban Francisco;
First CI us and Callu psstar (14 00
First Clan and fitccrajre 0,84
r'rc'jiht at rrducnl and modcratu tatr.
Willamette River Steamboats
ulll connect at Oirvillls. -Iiw farts and ratca.
tfl.Kor further lnfi'matlon appti to
cnAs c. noGUE,
A. (I I. ami I'.'Ajent
P J. Armstrong & Co.,
('Successors to Kelly k Kn'tlit )
Iterx HhoelnL' and Oenerel Jodldri; made a
tS" At A. KELLY'S o'd a-jiad i-ri Coiiitntrclal
itrvtt, 8alrm, Oregon, tti auiutf
Wu arc prepared to print
All St) Ics of Korse Kills at tho
Lowest Trices. Call and see
our Prices and Samples.
We have the National Reg
ister of Nomina Horses and
will write out Pedigree.
ADnilU'e or cil upon
caIsib. tirf.iiii.
JIoucj In I.unn IIIiiiut Criuiiulskloii.
In sums to suit uu rsat ca'ate ur. upn'oml security.
1'urcbaMrs bt So'ti, Coiinty and hj' Warrauta,
Jlortk-ao lin bivle on ' hr e t riv. jt tl time
tH l tu: ifreyiruns lwk, SnUoi, 0't,-on.
(vb& moii
IriilKHS KKOS., Pniprietors.
GiiM:u.tx hTA;i: ornti:. rw toh to
and Irom the house. ?. hauililv Itoouis
fur I'ummcrrUI Irutrlrra.
A Farm in Howell Prairie.
Containing 160 Acres.
la under tlow: the balance In timber wl Ii a
.illnv. imcki and u.lik house! a r.ew temporarr
barn; runniii water wi. ir ujim. nyytjvu ,ui
prcicisciu) (dtti; jamli t.orr.
, s ""' """ - Jiff- p
Oar 801 W&rehonscs. tho lAnwit In
Kcw Voik, aro fitted, tin with every ap-v
piunco lor too prompt and uuonUvsJiUllllfAmerloa.
filling ot orders. xJJUSllanui.
S'sS.' K.L!:.,." SEEDS
nPTPB IBtraUi7iiBnnMBi
reicn nunuRH&un
- - -w w m m w m m
Will tsuJi Cleaner, I Jlr, and with Ltm Injary to
nny lnanufartiirer tn rrodnoo it Mtrr Washer.
livrrr ninrblnn Wnrrnnlril I'lVli Yeara.
ktht thnt ran lo cl mixl In ntif tzr
IhI. Ilk aU.lnmw t.1 rt tvtkl tn-O tl1
lron.ialTanl7cd,nnilxNUl outlast any two wooden
ruacitnen. ArtrrvinwnntPil. KiiIiisIts Tcrrl
tory. Our airrnMiiMoviir uio oouuiry an maainir
from ntoC3u rinonth. ltrtall irtoo,Q7.
Bm'lotoa.wiit. 4i Alroourcckbralod
nrmUra v Mrtrr la editor of Uila ucdcx.
The Mnrhluni are
Esmsexszsasm THE KEY
vtyNSaf ivn KX! f- J3 mm
rMrriiniiiii;, atimirai in
rrMii.i an.
127 and liO
Catharlcs Street, lV
rsiLicxLTnu, n.
,t X'Wheel.lloM, JPl
al j ami iioiiuw Bieei qA ea-faaSMaasadaW
-rl. V rmva" r a vbsuaVaSalaBBliiBBVBBafa.
V Vjji nd Cnllltatum. Vxt lo all. w . 1 1 jfMf
w A.m,
f?f" J fVI' P4 aW Kj"1 fll0JiT"i PAe ' " tt-jaaap.aMai.aj i sl"T
ofSKO-Qi?; VBsRSs? sPtKH5 "SsSRg : -
r?7,?Jf' ag
In't i Iw i-..ni p'lrjtoie wlrn frnroln tire. Ul Uriinii not..vcf1t 'tlthont linrbn. Pon'l
Injiti . i , 'i..rn itiics, ilx, ahrpp ami tnmltry, nawcll aaln,ri Mir 'l'",,"'l"',,r,,
'urn Tr. , iniunn Mi.irk llnhrin, mill ItallrnaiU. Viry ncnt, pretty st) n. I'.ufca, rtrliml;
lull an1 iS- iu., c vi-riK llirtit'irif ikilnt rr inndeii'snlniilu a i.i'letrM. It "III
ini.i"..i i ii tiritrr than tio.irdiir linrkiil lrr in i wry naHrt nn rnir trtiii ii ivim
wtar i snr i, ti"i. TIih Hrdcwlrli (Into iniliiit nrixnilil Iron ilronnd alcvl U'lrc-.thl)' nil
liint. tin
. i.l.t or', immiIih'fh, rtriiiKlluii it
worn .ir i-, i,n nntnr.mtli- irHcir-'iprnliic
in'i..',i tyi... "iri'iprn'r. t inline i-nrrx
llurdbr Iili-I.ti rr 'nMrifH mi iitlrnlnit I1H
lliulway and Navlsn
tion (Jomiiany.
Itansltr atraii'er cfinnectlnir with Atltntle Kipirss
lca ra Atli Mm rt lull, I'ortlaii'l, ilall) , at 3.IK) l'. il.
The 1'atlrid luprcii arrltit at I'oilltud, dally at
10.SO P. M
I'iiIIiiiiiii slrrilnc'iiikiiii thri'iiih toht t nut,
Council llluria, ai.il lutlun. a'ul t"ts, CMiimitl.-iu
made with hoth Nirlliiin Ccuflc ai.il Cnlcii laol'.i
trains nt the'r ursUrn tirmliil
tlrmeri, I'urtlatiit nml pmii lrnnrlri
l.enlni; Aliuoitli Wharf at trlditlirht, a. lollonr:
ranM rtiatLixu.
raoaaii loxvcisro
"lK'i NVicmsdaj, ATl4
Stan. Moiiilsv Il)
htate, 1uc.li). ArlM3
Columbia, fiiim'ay, . Ic
Oregon. Krldsy sr
Sute. Wediiesdo SH
(riiinilda, saiuidaj ... 24
Ormoii. Thiiiitlay VI)
Coliiinlda. tlendsy .llsy J
iaie, iinwav, , v s
Tlirnuala TlrUrla sold to all points In the Wnltid
6tatos, CanAila and Europe,
llcat If it r a Port'and for the Caradeeand 1 ha Dillns
st 7 A. M.dMly, except bupilay, Tlivlt.l(.Thonisoni
"o'.d. Ilred" Ira) o Portland at Ii A. M. on altrrnatr
daji for AtUirla and na point
WiUamutto IUycr.
Costs Itule Portland (1 A. II. hiliula)s, Uonda,.,
Wednesdays and Thurda), fer Cnria'lls snd way
? sluts. Itcturidiiirleaiu t'vitllislonda)s, TukiUjs
hurwlaaand rrldajs,
Iloats leave Purtland at 7 A M. Xomlaia. Wrilms.
ilaya, and rldate for Dsjton and way prima, return
Wlf .ucauajs, -iniiravs anil naiiiruajs.
;rnrrnl linirra-l'iir frmit nml D Hla.
A, 1.. UAXWKIL. Ticket Atent
J.VO. J llYltXIE, (ten. Paw, and Ticket Aft,
I'rnm t.rniiil I'rlir, Mluulnc
Plymouth Rocks,
Itrown LeL'IioniK,
Single 'oml Itrown
lie(,'liorii, and PeKIn
My Itcck is not suriusstd l.y any
Lruilir hatlifactloii iTimit'H.
nvliurpliis stock all sol.i
;i:o. ir.;o'MMii;,
aln. , . .
J. B. Connie
UaniifMturir, UholrS4le anillldall Dtalir
In all kinds (I
Harness, Saddles, Whips,
It rll Ics, IiiisliostV Triii'Ifs.
NO. ion mill 110 I'ront hfrret, Porllunil,
Orrfon. iAUo kteptoiKlaiitly en hand a laite
assortment cf Lcathir and Ma-llUry lltrdirare.
tf-l'nitlou this paper msjrtf
Commission & Purchasing
Aiiriiii.i rrii.v no iiiitta:M ou coiuiih.
hion uii.i, in; ntuai:ii ok kill
ii. ouiit.ltfi. All kinds cf rntriliindi )uifht
of reputable bouses fur Cash only. OPKICK: 1HJ
first blitet, (At ii, w. I'rsntioo mus:c Du.fi iron,
land. Oreiron. 'I"'",
Treat the UlseaKSOf Domestic Animals.
A th qaestlona rerulnlijr to the profession, ana.
f we red bv mail. Castoratlnir Colts and Itlftllnts
a specialty. Olllc at the llnto l-'rcs. Lirery btablc,
iJalcri.OriiiOn. an!4tl
', turruto with jJJ
Oni rllVWn.TlAt1aA I'tSktillalitnMHt aatV
Jersey City Is tho tnoat ettenstra la,
ua&l Biloe, SH
and PLAlMTd, 111 bo mailed or. r.clnt of
i m. or p. it n.Lii.u.ii piA
a isu. wu ?jlj yU"iu ou
m m M
Ana oujtiTinuvnccsiwiiiiiacuon
Addrtae V. I. ADA.11S &z CO.. Krlo. Ta.
Hrnit nnw If you are Interested
In tannlna', (IrdriiltiK,ir'irucklnir,
for our IHMtl Cnti,loi!in', which
, fully dwwrllios I'lir Hoei.lrlll,
--ajr IJ'wi!rg
JW' B " "feaM sjsk
aYHTvlH 4aTaalaaaa!g3aisawaa3iaaafcJ'Ejtf
QmmmmjHMiAL woe.
I. .S1J
"rrr iivmmav.
COnUUirO.IDKMCK SOI.ll 1TLD. l jJ$y7?MmH . , , ... , .,.
'iiirr ,r:ir' ,'.c-v.iv. .rr-vnT . .
"itrP'i "'W 'WJ.i.JflSivv3i5:
ilumlilllly Wi mak
-nl. nniltlietii'atrstrlieilron fenrrminvriiiaili
kf 1111
ln Ileal, chrapp't ii'kI iiulirt
pliitufilrAii fi,nf4i liniv mail t.
mm inut Auuurn.
I'nr irki Jiind linrtli'iiliitiuk
BHOS., Richmond, IneJ
... . VIA ....
onw.'ox a oamfoknia km.
And Connections.
Kant from l'orthnil tn Hun Krancirco, tst; lo Hicra-
mo a In, JO.
(1iv ninniitloiK h'n.L at Ashland kiIi iU;ci ot
tin' I'allfur'ila, C'rrK'in and Idtl.o Htav Company,
llrlnrcii I'nr'lniiil iiihI Asliliinil.Uiill Tniln.
Halt in.. .
Ashland, .
Halt in, .
S4lrni,. .
Allmny I.XH(-m Irnln.
4 001'W
Pert la nd,.
lUi.ou .
Hili in,., .
lullinan PalareSlttn'rir Cars ilillvhtt ceil
and Ashland. The H. A. C. II. It, Kerry ma
ncctlon with a'lthe rrvular tmlua in ih K
kes oon
st hldi
intition, icm ci r, strut.
ur miii: nniHiov.
Ittlurrn rmlliiiiil nml t'urAlll
L,r. I jiaana,
PuitlJiu) OCOiallCorvallls, 4S01'ir
Conallh ,1iM )! Pol lis lid 9.20PM
tana, I aaatM.
Pcrtland t.00PM lllrJIIninlllr S.OOrtl
Ucillniifllle,. ' ,ft:nAMPoitlaiul b.SOAll
bl tliketa for sale and bairiraue chscketlat com.
iii'up tOMii clllre, i.r. htaik and Hccond streets.
11citKr pilnrlu points In California can only be
procmiti and ! mtw iliecked at ronipan'i cilice,
L'or I" and r'r lit strrtls, Portland, Or,
rrclt,ht willnnl .errcrll for shipment after fire
icluk I'M cm Itlur tin Kstnr West tilde IMvl.lon
It. Ill'KllI.Kll, P.. P. KOOKlta.
klaniKcr . 0. Y, . Pais. Agt.
Great Overland Route !
'fill. ONLY MM! III. VMM!
E'lillmni. Palace .Sleeping arh!
afaiiiifluiit Day Co4(hrs siul Kleuant Kruljrrant
hlifplni; Cars, with Lertbi free of charge.
From Washington & Oregon
PclnU to tho EAST vl
T. TM,'!, and MHVNUAPOLE:?
'I lie oiny TransTontlnental line running
I'.ilarr Itlulut; 'ura (incalt ?&)
FuvtcHt Ttma liver MtuTo !
uu ilia Coast orcr the Northern Pacific rail-
re l toHloun City Council lllnlfs, fit, Jescrh,
AUhlnmn, l.ravuiwi rth. lianiu Clt),
IIiiiIIijkk.ii and tjulnry.
And ll it Ints llirouli ti.n I.'a.t .nd b'.utli
Unt ill St. Paul and M nneapolis.
to The Oily lllie runiiliiKTIIIUirnil KMIOItANT
KLKKI'IMICAHI 1'ilOU PdllTI.ANIl and hauled oh
nciilar Kspuss trains ovtr tl o entlru lu.flh cf the
Northern tucillc Hallroad
l.iar Portland at 1.34 pm. dally; anlvo at lllnne
a)ioll or ht. Paul ut 12JD p rn,, (loon) fourth day,
Umuictlorainadea'. bt Paul and allnncupolis and
all pnli.ts Katt, riouih, and Houthviut,
Trains lisle Portland, 0 2b a. in arrlvo at New Ta
icina tl.M p iu lonntctlni; with O, II. & N. Co.'s boats
!tr all pclala on I ut'ct found.
A D. CIIAltl,TO.N. (IcnT Wtit'n Pax Ajt.
21a Watbliiftou street, Portland, Orik'ou.
Oysters In every style. Candles, Nuts, Cukes, Ilea.
Crtsd.ttc. TltOPICAI, KKUlTr, (to.