W1LL.AMETT FARMER; SALEM, OREGON, APRIL 1G, 188G ffyht 3fji)iijt irclc. una HAnmoT t. clarkk, kitoi TUAT BOY. Is the home turned topsyturvy J Docs It rlntr from ttreot to roof t Will the racket still contiuuo Spito of all your mild reproof ? .Aro you often in ft flutter? Are you sometimes thrilled with joy? Thn 1 bavo my grave suspicion That you hate at home that boy. Aro tho walla anil tablet hammered ? Aro your nerve mid ink upset? Have two oyoi so bright and roguish Made you every care forget ? Have your garden beds a prowler Who delights but t destroy? These nro well known indications That you have at home that boy, Havo you scon him playing circus With his head upon tho mat, And his heels in mid-air twirling For his audience, the cat ? Do you ovor stop to listen, Whon his merry pranks annoy (Listen to a voice- that whispers, You wero once just like that boy. Uavo you hoard of broken windows, And with nobody to blame? Uavo you aocna tronsercd urchin Quito unconscious of the same? So you lovo a teasing mixtura Of preplexity and joy? You may have a dozen daughters, But 1 know you'vo got that boy. CHOICE RECIPES. Lemon Pics. Mra. M. L. Parker gives tho Pnclflo Iturnl this rccitio for lomon pics: Ono cup sugar, ono cup Bwcot milk, ono tablespoon flour, two eggs (whites for top), juico and grated rind of ono lemon. Stir juico nmt sugar nnil nild oggs nnd milk. Coffoo Oako without Eggs. Ono cup cofreo, two of sugar, half cup butter, tea spoon soda, all kinds of ppicos, nnd thrco cupe flour. Molly. Graham Holla. Throo cups grnhnm flour, ono of fluo flour, ono of inolnsscs, two nnd n half cups milk, ono egg, ono teaspoon sodn dissolved in tho milk, and a littlo salt. Uavo tho gem pans hot. Con. Corn Starch Cako. Ono cup butter, two of sugar, ono of sweet milk, ono ton spoon soda, whites of sovon oggs , mix thoroughly, nnd add ono cup cornstarch, thrco of flour, and two toaspoons cream tartar. Mock Oystor Soup. Propnro tho brains of oithcr n hog or bocf ; and put on to stow in n cup of wnlor with littlo salt and poppor ; put on ono quart of milk to boil, add nlump of buttor; when tho milk comes to n boil, pour in tho nlrcady cooked brains, mid orvu hot with crackers. Sonio say it tastes pre cisely liko oysters. Chess Pio. Tho yolks of four eggs, ono cup ench of sugar, cream and pro Ecrvos, nnd a half cup butter. Beat tho whitos to a stifT froth, stir in n half cup sugar, and flavor with lemon ; whon tho pio is cooked, spread this over tho top and roturn to tho oven a fow momonts until a light brown. I prefor n plum prcservo for this pio, Old-Fashioned Spongo Cako. Six eggs, ono cup white sugar, and ono cup flour; flavor to tualo. Boat tho whites to a stiff froth, then bent yolks, adding sugar nnd beating well 5 next add whitos, then flour, nnd flavor with lemon or vanilla. Tho pan must bo groused woll, nnd if your cakes hnvo been in the habit of stioking, cut papor to fit tho bottom. Bako twonty minutos. Pumpkin Pies without Eggs. Cut up a good dry pumpkin, stew dry as for ordinary pies; mash and boat lightly with a fork. For each cupful uso ono nnd a half pints of milk, and pour boil ing hot ovor tho pumpkin, stirring briskly all tho timo. Add throo table spoons each of sugar and ndd good mo lasses, nnd a tablespoon each of cinna mon, allspice, cloves and ginger. Bako slowly. Applo Jolly Cako. 1'aro and grnto three apples ; add two-thirds cup sugar, nnd ono egg ; mix all and cook, stirring to prevent burning; when done, cool and ndd two teaspoons extract lomon. Cako : TJont tho whitcsand yolks of thrco eggs, ndd ono and ono-half cups sugar, half cup butter, half cup milk, throo cups flour, and thrco teaspoons baking powder. Bake-in sheets; uso jolly whilo hot. Xover roprimand a child in the pres enco of others. It may shamo and mor tify him for a fow time3, but ho will soon become hardened; and a hardened child is about as good as lost from tho standpoint in which you view him. And, another thing, it is disastrous for ono parent to criticise tho mothod of other paronts in dealing with a child, in tho presence of tho child himself. Bo serve such mattors for privato and kind consideration. Get your blue vitrol at Port & Son's drug Btoro, 100 Stato street LAUNDRY HINTS. To remove mildew, rub common yel low soap on the damaged article, and then salt nnd Btnrch on that. Hub woll and put out in tho sunshino. Tea and coffco stains : Dip tho stain ed linen in boiling water nnd lot it stay a minuto or two ; stir n littlo, nnd lift out with n Htick ; wring, and wash in tho usual manner, and yon will bo sur prised at tho result. To wash doubtful calico: Put a tea- spoonful sugar of load in a pailful of water and soak tho calico in it fifteen minutos bofore washing. To sot tho color in bluo cambric, dip it into n solu tion of snltpotro, using two or throo cents worth to n pailful of water. Salt injures tho fabric. Staroh should bo boiled from ten to Al teon minutos. A good tablcspoonful of coal oil added to each quart of starch boforo tailing and stirred thoroughly whilo boiling, will add nnico gloss to tho clothos and provent tho starch from rubbing up whilo ironing. To wash black cashmcro: Uso warm wntcr containing considorablo spirits of ammonia. Rinso in well blued water of about tho samo temperature. Bemovo from tho lino boforo ontircly dry, and nnd iron. Do not fold, as that will causo moro wrinkles to bo ironed out than if ironed directly from tho lino. A friend has this to say of silk socks : Wash in n lathormndo of soft water and castilo soap. Do not wring, but drain them out of this wator nnd rinso in two or throo waters. Then placo in n towol nnd twist tho ends of tho towel until nil tho wntcr is out. Hang up to dry be tween two towels. On no account hang in tho sun unprotected. Do not iron. To wash very dirty rag carpot : BIp tho scams and tako ono width at a timoj soap tho groasy spots, and thon put into tho boilor with plenty of soft soap in which coal oil has beon mixed, (half a cup of oil to ono quart of soap) and warm soft water; boil half an hour, thon rinso in sovoral waters, each titno pound ing tho carpot with n stamper, and put ting through a wringer. You will bo surprised to seo how nico your old carpot will look. Matilda, Dak., tried tho experiment of pouring hot suds ovor her whito clothos, letting thorn soak whilo alio washed tho flannels. Thon sho merely "sudsod" each picco tip.nnd down, and put through tho wringor without rubbing. Sho thon boilod and rinsed as usual, nnd thoy lookod just at whito without any of that hard rubbing. Clothes ought to bo put to soak Sunday night, if washod on Monday, but who cnmlo it with hor host dress on? Statistics show that ono-quartor of nil tho insanity in tho world, and in Paris ono-half, is caused by drink. In tho de partment of tho Soinc, in Franco, thoro aro six times ns many lunatics ns thero wero in 1801, whilo tho population is only thrco timos ns groat. Tho chief of tho "physical" caused producing mental disoaaod is oxecssivo drinking, which is responsible for 602 out of tho 1,007 ad mitted in tho yoar. Of tho "moral" causes "domestic troublo" stands first, with u'J casos, and after it inordorcomo monoy losses," alarm, surprise domestic affliction and religious mania, which last appenrs to bo comparatively raro in Paris. That is it ovory whore; drink lendH as a causo of disease and crime. The drink ourso is moro fatal to human wol faro than war, famiuo nnd pestilence combined. A lettor in tho Lancet saya: "As tho morits or domorits of tobacco appoar to bo coming to tho front again for discus sion, I think tho following quostion worthy of attention, viz : How far tho injurious effocts of tobacco nro entailed upon tho offspring of smokers? I can call to mind sovcral families of my ac quaintance who nro dolicntc, whoso fa tliors wero groat smokers. Tho effects of tobacco on tho heart and muscular fiber generally aro clearly shown in tho instances roforrod (o, in nn annotation which appears lately in your columns as having been practiced years ago for tho reduction of hernid and dislocations. May not tho cases which como boforo tho profossion daily of dclicato hearts in children be trnccd to this causo?'' neppner Gazette la Not a Clamt Neither is it a mountain oyster; but it is a wordly paper scribbled up in plain U. S. languago and printed on a sweat- power press in n part of hostern Oregon whero cords and cords of vacant govern ment and railroad land still lies out doors. It never stole hogs, but it is spmtimos borrowed by the neighbors. Samplo copy with description of tho Heppner hills country, 10 cents in stamps. No discount to bummers. It never bucks eggs. Address, J. W. Islington, Hepp ner, Oregon. Perfect soundness of body and mind is nossiblo only with pure blood. Lead ing medical authorities indorso AVer's barsapaniin as ttie best ulood-punuying medicino in existence It vastly in creases tho working and productive powers of both hand and brum. iw 1111 mi siwi 1 wwnn ni(;-iri if s-i rn 11 BABY'S LESSON. Written (or tho Wiluxctti Fluxes. Stand up babyl That's a darling, Mamma's precious little mau, Don't laugh at his funny motions, Daby doe the best he can. Seo him now, with ono foot forward, Hands outreached and face aglow, Stcns out bravely one, two, three, Truly walking, though its slow. But you sao ho don't stop trying, If he falls ho's up again; Oldor ones may learn from baby Just to do the beat thoy can, Sit not down dis:ouragcd, whining At tho dowdfall of yonr plan, Rise up nobly stand up firmly, Always do the best you can. IN THE riBBLIOIIT. Tho fire upon the hearth is low, And thoro is stillness everywhere; Like troublod spirits hero and thero The flrollght shadows fluttering eo, And as tho shadows 'round me creep, A childish trebble breaks tho gloom; And softly from a further room Comes "Now I lay me down to sleep?" And somohow, with that little prayer And that sweet trebblo in my oars, My thought goes back to distant years And linger with n doar ono there ; And as I hoar the child's " amen," My mother's faith comes back to me; Crouchod at her sldo I seem to bo, And mothor holds my hand again, Ob, for an hour In that dear placo Oh, for tho pcaco of that dear time Oh, for that childish trust sublime Oh, for a glimpio of mothor'a faco 1 Yet, a tho shadows 'round ms creep, I do not sotim to be alone Sweet muslo of that trebble tono, And "Now I lay me down to sloop!" OUR LETTER BOX. Aunt Hetty again must ask pardon of a good friond of tho Circlo: "Tho Old Boy," who takes such intorcst in young people Howovor, it has lost nothing by kcoping, for it is such n good lettor. Wo can only wish that our kind liriona may wnto oiton, and good caro fllinll bo tnkon that it is printed at its right date. Bolio sends another of her good lot tors. Wo can tell hor whero sho can got n canary, and a good singer for a small sum of monoy. Wo hope somo ono will answor her good quostion. Tho riddles sho sends aro always those of n high character. Bonjamin sonds a real boys lettor full of matter which shows his mind is on businoss. A livo boy ho is; wo should liko to got nnothor from him. Yes, its bettor to koop cats and dogs than to put out poison. A dog or cat needs to bo woll fed to mako good hunters. Somo think it is best to starvo ihom into ambition, bvt that rulo would not work woll with n boy and cortainly would not with Kizor. Alfred is ono of tho very youngest of our circlo, but ho can writo n letter thai us old folks enjoy to road. Thoro is no doubt tho visit at grandpa's will bo full of fun. Grandmas aro moro iudulgont than mammas and its n lucky boy that has theso dear homos to visit. Salkm Pjuikie, March 2, 188G. Kditor Home Circlet I too somo of my schoolmates writing to tho Circlo. I am not going to school this term. Wo havo got somo of our gardon in. I havo not got mnny flowors, I hnvo a fow houso plants, and somo seeds to sow when it gets warm enough. I huvo not got a canary bird, but I want to got ono. I havo not scon tho answor to my riddlo yet, eo I will answer it: Tho nnswor is n man. In tho morning of lifo or babyhood ho goes on all-fours, nt noon or manhood ho goes on two, and nt night or old ago ho goes on throo, that is ho walks with a cano. I will answer Willio Millors riddlo; tho answer is throo sheop. I will close by sending a riddlo. "Ilcnesth the skies a creature once did dwell, So sscred writers unto us do tell, He lived, ho breathed in this vain world 'tis true, 1 bough he never sinned or any evil knew, He never shall in Heavens high kingdom dwell, Or e'er bo doomed to feel the paogs of Hell; Yet in hltn an immortal soul that was, That must be datn'nd Or live live among the just." If somebody don't answer boforo long lot Aunt Hotty try. Your friend, Bell Osnoiur. BrtKNTS, W. T., March 2, 188C. Kditor Home Circle: Tho farmors aro going to bogin plow ing in a few days. Tho ground squirrels aro coming out of tho ground, I and my brother drownod out fivo tho other day, I havo been putting out poison, thoy do a great deal of damage iu this country. Wo havo 28 hogs, and abouCH) chickens wo get from zv to za eggH ovory day, wo sold seventeen dollars worth of eggs last winter. Papa and my oldest brother aro going to work on tho railroad this BUmmnr. Wo huvo 0 head of horso?, wo milk two cows. Well as all the littlo boys nnd girls tell about their pets, I will tell about miiio. I havo a littlo dog is nntno is Kizcr, ho a groat littlo fellow to catch squirrels and mico, wo havo two cats they can't bo bent catching gophers nnd squirrels nnd mice. I will try to nnswor .Tamos A. King's riddle. When tho clock strikes thirtoen it is timo to get n now one. As I cannot think of anything that would bo of interest I will close. From your littlo friend. Benjamin F. Oaiipentkk. Salem, Or., March 17, 1880. Kditor Homo Circlo t I wonder if any of tho other littlo boys who writo you lcttors liko to visit thoir grandpa ns well ns I liko to visit mlno, wo nro going on tho enrs to-morrow to grandpa's, and I expect to havo lots of fun. I was going to school 'till tho first of April, hut my teacher got sick so I don't go now. I will bo eight yenrs old in May, and I am half way through tho second roadcr. My littlo brother is two years old, ho 1b vory cunning, ho tries to jump off tho stool, but Btopsoffand says "dump," ho thinks ho can jump. I am reading "Swiss Family Bobinson," to my mamma, tho words nro all in ono syllablo so I can read them oasy. Your littlo friond, Aixiikd. Aumsville, Feb. 10, 1880. Kditor Homo Circlet Very gratefully I accopt my wclcomo to tho Circlo, and do not proposo to ho open to tho criticism of brevity. Min nio loves to feed tho birds. Good. Lot othord do likowiso. Thoro is moro ben cflt in feeding tho wild birds than tho "nico timo" it affords, or tho "blessing that goos with kindness." Kindness toward created beings, and n lovo for tho bonutiful in nature, has a roiining nnd olovnting iulluonco upon tho mind hardly found clsowhcro. llcsidcs this, tho birds which Minnio fed, and which "disappeared" as soon ns tho snow wns gono nnd thoy could obtain n supply of thoir natural food, nro now making for hor (nnd hor neighbors) not qulto diein torostcd ly porhaps, but doing it nil tho snmo ; doing work which must bo dono, and which Minnio could not do, to savo her lifo ; that is, catching tho bugs nnd worms that would otherwise devour tho fruit, flowors, "gardon truck" and form crops. And, byo and byo, whon tho borrics, and cherries, or tho grain, or other seeds aro ripe, theso samo littlo birds, having left thorn cloar of insects all summer, will como for their shnro. Thoy will not como nnd stoal. Thoy will como boldly, taking what is thoirs by right, and will pay in music and en tortaining antic at tho samo. Mon, por hnps Miuuio's prnctirnl fathor will get mad (after tho manner of men general ly), nnd call tho birds bad names, and her big brothor will shoot at thorn, and her littlo brothor will throw stonos at them, novor reflecting that woro it no'. for them thoro would ho no crops or fruit at nil. But I expect to havo nmro to say nbout this byo nnd byo. Oh, yen, I havo just happcuod 011 11 lettor by Bcssio May Sutton, of Basktt Mountain She also feeds tho birds, nlie ny "thoro nro throe hluo-juyH, two buld honds and 11 big mugpio." I do not know what sho culls "lmld-hciidi," but tho jays nnd magpies 1110 a bud set. Thoy aro tho thiovea and robbers among birds, and Bostdu' big brother should shoot them. Bella Osborno answers Clydo'd question, "Whorodoos tho spirit go after leaving tho body until tho ro surroction," by roforonco to certain pnss- agos in tho Biblo, which sho thinks "will bo satisfactory." Bollo may bo sur prised porhaps to bo told that only about ono-tenth of tho peoplo in tho world nc copt or boliovo in thosystom of religion taught in our Biblo. How will hor an swer Hatisfy tho othors? Clyde's other question, "Why is n dog nblo to follow tho track of his master," no 0110 has yet attempted to answer, although Aunt Hetty says It "is quite easy to aiiftwer. It appears to mo that Clydo has, per hatw unwittingly, sprung tho "boss'' co nundrums. How camo a cumol to Ikj hump'backod? Can anyono toll? T. 0. Hoy. RUSSELL & GO'S t?crffr PORTAILE SAW MILLS, FARM o SAW MILL ENGINES, THRESHING MACHINES, ETC. AT FIRST HANDS. r.OAA UYS lbs DEHTUILL IN TJIKWOIttli tJtiXJXJ fur tli money. Catalogue sun prlce-lut cut tit. Addraw: lUBgf.LL A CO., noTlSmS roitiaiul, OrK" OUR BERRY BASKETS WO OLI .atfBkw. berry cxal are (tia Uit m aHTn made. Indoned tjr allB CLIMAT. rssrv irTi 1, i. KtVjSi VjUii.C J ." m lewtlnf berry growers. jnua q 1 aiaioi-ua ,, DJBHHUW MTUW). Jbll An Efficient Remedy In nil ciimm of Ilroiiclilul mid Pulmo nary AflVetlons U aykii's Ciir.intv l'nuioit.H.. .HMivliltH rvi'UKiilzi'il nnd nrwiibril Ii tho medical profi-mlon, rud In many llmttiuiuN of families for tliu iut forty transit liiw bcoiuviturdcil a Ml lnvnliwlilo liotiM'lioltl remedy. It U 11 preparation IhaUmlv rciiulm to bo tul.i a In vi-rv Miuill inmntltlex, nnd a fcwtlno of ItmlmliiMrrrd In tliu cnrly slaws 01 ti colli or eonuli will ollVct n Mimly nnv, and tiny. vvv ixniltily, uvo life. Tlierv I1 no doubt wlmtcUT tint Ayer's Cherry Pectoral lias prMervrd tho llvciof croat numbers of pcrsoiH, by nrrcntlnir tho development of Lnrytifiltls, Jlroncliltlo, Pnouinonln, mid l'liliiioimry Consumption, mid by llmciirnof llioo dancerous innlmlle. It iliould bo kept rciuly for uko In every fninllv wliero thero nro children, ns It In 11 medlelno far MMicrlor to nil others In tho treatment of Croup, tho nllovlntlon of ItooiilnKCoiiRli, nnd the euro of Colds rniil luiliioiirn, ailments peculiarly Inci dental to childhood nnd youth. Promptl lliilo In dealing with nil dlscmcH of thli eliiHt i of tliu utmoit Importnuco. Tho Insi of 11 sIiikIo dny may, In many cases, entail fatal consequences. Do not wnsto lireihiiH timo In experimenting with medicines of doubtful cillcncy, whilo tho malady U constantly pdalng a deeper hold, but tako nt ouco tho speediest and most certain to euro, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ritEr-AMCD BY Dr. J, O. Ayer & Co., lowcll, Mom. Sold by nil Druggist. IIESLKtft lm'KOYEn ir.NCE MAC'HIVt: rtnUd Tha ontr nruVul mulilna In UM tht nukM lilt lonco In tho float wherovor wanted; tnikci tho btit, trotijcit ml moit durable tenets tor -ntrl i nj tnrm and tock mrpoi; wmvoi snjr ilio picket nJ try lis wire. Tho fisc will turn stock without In jury to samo. Kor raialoiruo and full particulars, addrtii It. 0. IIKNI.EY,8oUilanutactnrr, I ,-ctory, 023 la (33 north 10m itrott, uicnmonu, ma. OTha nUTKIUV GTJIDK is Uaaed March unit Bepf., cch)rrar. J-10 pagta, BKH1.S lucliea,wlUorrr 3.0OO lluatrUoii a wliola Picture Uallerj-. GIVES IVlioluale Prior dtrtt lo etntumrrt on all K0Mla fur jxraonal or family use. Telle how to order, anil Rtrra exact cost at vcrjr thlng yon , cat, drink, wear, or hare, fim vrlliu Thm JKVAIMXUU: HOOKS contain Information gleanex! from U markcla of tha world. AY will mall a caps' FIIKI5 to any ad Araaa Uon rcccliH ot 10 eta. to defray axpaasa of malllas;. bat us hear from you. ltaancctfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO. 97 4!31OWalal.Aenaa,Ctleu,llL PRIOE'B POWER 8CED SOWER la WAKIANTSD u fotlowii To tow 1(0 leet wide. with (atmoti) tnatho. niaiicai OTennraei 10 tfcd alow whea tho rtHm walka alow, and futwtienltwalkirutt loaowallicralnKlnclad. Intfuet tluMtonrd wheal) wttliout ciioklnm to auw rmm a pound I lo M) iwuudtper acra (at Itio will of tho operatorlt lo auw xn acrea per dajr, l'rlce, 3. HIilnnlnirwflsht.aJUiHJUDda. Bent anywhere In Uio United flutea on trial. ArlJrox (jecalalogue, SAfOH rulilC, law I.niao. CmroBiiu THE DZNOCC ft OONARD GO'S UUAIITIFUI. KVUIUIIIAIOIIINU KtlKlWllCRf t and dletrOmtinw nv Umndt-r4l$. TIm .r-v; li ru itfiii ir wall, at all JW vjfltmt. I Awli44 mJ ;a Ttt4 Hurt Vfa lUHiar BPUiWDIO VARIETIES lakld. (or ' 0. Al)olfcer Yarlr- ' Kjlnii.-tDCCi' Till AiLlnM Tf UaHUrvwi t, H'ut (Iravo, Cltralnr Von la. :?;HrMrfc3 .wwwsisac Mm 7a80..t! Virl t, ntIM y IIKE U all apalUMit, uitoitiluoi,' u all. MiLllf Vt llUl.k O.fd.,.. Mm4 b. ii D. M. FERhY A CO., Dotrolt, Mlohlsui. Ii a l.k ol 70 pave,, llh tM eiiKravliiKaoliire-liurd ami iiinii vruiia, nuiiL art lllvea Uonral deiciliillooa ollluMen (lueeu JtaUriy. Lawwn l'tar, aiiiuer4UO other Krulli, Instruction, for plaiilln(f,prunlnir,full. vatlun and inanawiiiMiit. wlti, loir. "irlrr for Treai untl B'IkiiLb. rlrei 10. with Colurenl ulalrai eellUoul iilalca 6c I'rlco Llala frv. TIIKIIALSTEIi Incubator Company I'rleo fromeCOuii. Wo.li! hrooder ii and tinward. eii.(.ircatali2ue tuiraiilii tnui.li v.liml,j Inrorma tlinfts. Illcn, (lU'eSni 1011 ISioadway, Oakland, Cal fsrnU, ruvNT si:i:u cosii'any's nELIADLE. Vrll rW tk.lr I Lll'StBtTCD CiTilOCCI. KSreu I fJf-AMT SEED COMPANY, m Hmitii Fcuiiim Srmr, OAIHT LOUIS, Ma ( JI.t'ofilMirar.) 000 ACRES. Ii CtltCf. ICIyVMu WsnlTrrforlhci I'all Triul I'.ko .ui.l Ii j tH ' rrery dt'rlHlnu of IViil: ..ud (i.h a.u ill 41 p...ir i ItuM-i. Vlnre, hmall I'rnif. H -.i -. I'iim. Irnlt 'in H.nlllnim and iret T.i ,slli,i4. r,l-.i il . lutftie. Kail lU. I.l.illul ri3 i'l ai-ill.-ut.i. A"'r 0L00MINQT0N (PlfoWIX) NUKSEP.Y, KatiBU.utu 1U1 CU.COM;, JCTJll, iL- m srfesruffa w l'"tr lleturei, and 22 e!- "HIJllVV1" Uarda In (Jilt Mil. HI1K llllllllll''lw. Hidden Name. Ac. 1 WaTVIIsWl4HinE,leMIMl'rlieluiiU,and tsarlorKamii. all lar lOeti. (lameot Aulbor.. I0.ii, . . IVORY CO., Cllntonvlllo, Conn. fneCK7SEnsaBlQ ffeSJ 'iSsaaaMiB ROSES I. Jnatmitu ft jr (W3& ( s( fesflsOinfil vtmWtiteaa. ms fc ,mw Tsi a LOVETflM Mmmj X v&mmfCL y i XajallNvx sTrjiltt L ":-5tii inilM 1 191 THE MODEL. Jtfl M I2tt3 lllf-tltUlArnn. taVilfl I HiI tiium. m19 ! prsvChruinrttor ii Hid Iwi r.me I'urdr, niueoii,l(e )'" MMndnt and t.rni e lldlet ',.vra - (V , Nnitliford,