WILLAMETTE &AJRMER: SALEM, OEEGON, APKIL 10. IbSG J I $jurrtni Tfcitt ratttr. TUB IRONY OF TIME. If wo could remrrcct tho years again Wlrn lif li mi Mio wane; If wo could luirn by many a bitter truth Tho valuo of oar youth, Ere, tho IncxornUo hand of Timo Had hirvcatod ourprlroo; mcot How wo should drain Irom every Uower wo Tho lat drop of its nwect I Wo rcorn tho present hour, and try to borrow Same foretaste of the morrow; Tho morrow has its mo'row and tho pain Of hopo deforrod again: So waste tho cars, till Afa dctcatcd stands, Desolate, with empty hands. Pilgrims on paths our fathors trnd heforo, Wo trace their footsteps o'er; On every height, in every vale wo meet Slices of thiir tolling feet Gashed on thoroclc ami wounded by tho thorn vVhrro we were stung and torn, What was It that tliryaoitRiit? 0 burning cj'cj, Fixed on low Western skies t Tho beckoning shapes that icom so fair to you Wear tho aamo datzliug huo seas That lured tho Viking through tempestuous Heyond tho Hebrides, Toward pnrplo tiles of peace ntid golden lands To dlo on freezing strands. Timo has no precious troaauro stored away Hovond our grasp to-day; Karth has no social pinion of delight, Hid from our hchlnu heart. Too Uto wo loam tho humblo highway flower Is lifo licit Kilt and dower; Tho light that kindles in mock, maidon oyes Is love's divinost guiso ; Too late, too lata wo find thcro is no more, On any sea or shore, Than thoso rich olliiring we lmvoovet thrown, Pursuing tho unknown, Nor any road by which wo can attain Youth's vanlshod grace apalu. Dr- Spondoulicks- On tlio night of tlio Vnluntino party, which wn Biven hy Hw, Spoil d'Oulix, I prcsontLMl inymoK nt hor parlor door in tho Arlington hotel for mi evening cnll. This wiih my plan to bo present, though without nn invitation. I entered tlio room mid found it partly filled with gnosis. I gnvo n Mart, quito vlfulblo to Mm. Hmii d'Oulix, convoying tho idea that I wiih overcome ut my uninlendoel intrusion. I then hegan in nn under tone, for I did not wIhIi anyono oleo to lumr, to make profiiHo apologies for my want of observation. I then made aa though I would retreat. Thin obliged her to My : "I beg that you will remain, nir. I thanked her, but twill that I could not intrude, although at tho sumo timo I stood still. Then she wan forced to any : "I would really have Hcnt for you if I had known your nddresd." She might have added, "and had I known your name , I kept 11i!h tip for several iniiiutw. I pulled back to make her entreat, until at last hIio broke out with : "It in your own fault, nir, that you were not ipvltod, sinco you luivo never called to give mo tho opportunity." Thiu wiih all I wanted. I yielded at hint to her rctpiot, and accepted my Jnvi lation thou and there, sinco I had been the delinquent and had not given her the whore ahoutd to ncm.1 it to me. I now diHinlttscd from my mind that part of tho affair, and passed further into the room to enjoy the necno. I stood at a distance, and critically observed Miss Spoil d'Oulix. A passing 1kw to her was all that ho far I had allowed myself. 1 found her a charming picture. Sho was lithe, thiu and English blond, with a small hoad, well shaped. Hor comp lexion was glowing with tho health of roses. She was clothed in an exquisite lilao cropo, and held in hor hand violets and lilies of the valley. Could anything have been more lovely? Hut hIio was howl at the waist. She had adopted that latest universal Knglish custom. As a professional man, how I could havo said to her : "Mademoiselle, in time your nose will Ik) red, your sliouWor blades will pro tudo, your pretty shoulders will soek your ears, your chin will be thrown out." Hut none of Uicju horrors has happen ed as yet. Her lovely littlo pink chin was thrown Mimowhat into tho air, but it give her n piquauto look, and Lavator says that a protruding chin in a woman with the head a littlo to ono side is a sign of tho power of loving children. That is always a protty thought, so I took no further practical viow of the mntter. Advancing: toward her, 1 Hnid in an undertone (it made me appear intimate) : "Well, madomohollo, do you find tho men in Washington any younger?" "Oh, indeed," Buhl she, blushing- at tho remembrance of her former con versation, "I think they are charming, and they are all young. I am sure that I must have commenced among Senators and judges. l'qu brought letters to so niuny or mom, ami wueu no icit wo knew no others." "Have you found theso men only to llirt with them?" "O, what a shamel" cried she. "Of courso not ; they are ho amlablo and agreeable that they put strangers at their ease at onco." "What about tho mouoy question?" pushed 1, laughingly. "I can truly say that this is tho only place tf n America) whore I havo been that I havo not heard money discussed." One or two young men s.vuutored up, ami she continued; "Wo camo by Australia to tho States, and from San Francisco straight on. Wherever wo went I heard everyone talking about monoy. It seemed to mo so odd and dreadful." Ono of tho young men said : "I imngino that this would bo tho case in California, as tho pursuit of gold is la raison d'otro thcro to that Stato, and porhapsalso you might hear it through tho West, but thero is less reason for it ut tho Kast, I do not know why it should bo such nn absorbing pursuit whero thero is need of tho professions, whero tho easy intorcourso with Europo brings other interests into lifo : but, in fact, as a nation wo nro all daft for J monoy, tho best years aro consumed in getting it, and then a restless, rickety old ngi has it, which is full of nerves, and it continuos to hoard it. The pleasuro of other onjoyment has never boon dovoloped in their natures." "I am bo glad to hear you speak so," said Miss Spoil d'Oulix. Another young man said : "Knoh ono of our citios is said to havo n diflbrcnt standard for social success. In Washington they wont you to bo a Kencrnl, a statesman, or n colonel at least. In short they nsk, 'what titlo has this man? "In Philadelphia thoy ask, 'who whs your grandfather?" "In Boston thoy nsk, 'whero did you como from?' "In Now York thoy nsk, 'how many millions nro you worth?' "And in Nowport thoy say, 'como and spend them hcrol'" "I think said ono young man, "if all four credentials could bo given it would compass very noarly every roquisito, and would lcavo littlo more to bo desired." "Except to cscapo from spending tho monoy nt Newport," cried tho othor. "Oh, that is dreadful hornsy,1' exclaim ed Miss Spoil d'Oulix, I thought Now port was a hoavonly resort." "It is, if tho popular idoa of hoavou is tho right one." "Do you mean tho damp clouds?" laughed tho other. "Yes. Tho pleasuro seekers livo on n damp fog bankall tho summer, and thoy uro too bored to ory 'hallelujah I'" Wo nil laughod. "I hoar," said tho other, "that tho fashionable drive in a straight line evory afternoon for miles, ono car riago crawling aftor the other, with only ono thing which they can do to rolivo tho monotony, and so shake themselves up for it." "Yes? What is that?'' "Thoy can bow once, nnd no moro to a friend, oven though they meet him a dozen timos. Fashion says that you must look iiuo'hor way after tho first meeting." Wo all wore greatly amusod with this description of Jiowiiort'soxcitoiiionts. "Did you tako tho phobia of driving in lino when yon wcro thero!" "No, indeed ; I tiicd it, but found that boating was too onjoyablo to loso ono afternoon oven in this crawling. Tho sun sots are glorious in tho harbor; yet you would hardly beliovo it, it is tho most unfashionablo thing that you can do to take an afternoon's look nt it. To sail is considered stupid. When tho yachts como in as n squadron, then grand Junchos and dinners aro given on board; but nothing moro simo tempts anyono from tho nvomio or ocean drive" "Will you bo thero this season to try it, .Miss Spon d'Oulix?" "No, I think not. Most unfortunately, we will bo baokin England; but I would want to seo Newport did wo remain. My curiosity has boon greatly aroused, moro ho now than ovor." Tho guests wcro now all assembled mid oxpectant, A folding door was thrown open, and thoro wcro discovered rows of chairs as in a lecture room. At tho head stood a table and lamp, and hesido it was placed a.would-bo post ollice, consisting of n lingo basket, covor ed with a white cloth, into which, as eaoh guest had passed through tho hall, thoy or sho had dropped an anonymous Valentino with somo small gift attached to it. When tho fullness of the baskot was seen oven to bulging sides, when packages were obtruding ntul mya torioiiH shaped parcels wcro peeping out in nil directions, then tlio sight put all into groat spirits for tho frolio and thoy tilled in ami took seats on sofas, otto mans, chairs or whntovcr they could Hud. Silenco reigned. Tho readors be gan. Thoy wero Mr. Kasson, former minister to Berlin; Mr. Herbert Sattcrleo, privato secrotary to Mr.Evnrts(whoalso wrote some of tho most clover and amus ing valentines) ; Judge John Davis, Mr. Blair Leo and Mr. lJrico, both leading young lawyers of Washington, and Conn. Aloonslebon of tho Gorman lega tion. Thero wcro sovoral French valen tines, of which the best was to Mine. Spon d'Oulix hor-lf from Uoutonant Sargent of tho American navy. Tlieso gentlemen all read well, but 1 fo't that I could havo done better, and I certainly should have so managed it that I would bo persuaded, as a great favor to thoso present, to tako charge of tho reading iiad it not been for that damnable necessity just of keeping out ol tho fore ground. Taking it all in all, howovcr, it was n charming evening. Your bncholor President was made to appear to havo written many a pretty valentine to tho young ladies present, which causciUv great merriment, as it generally understood that ho discourages Mastor Cupid. All of tho bells of Washington wore present, and how pleasantly every thing would have ended had it not been that I saw Mr. Helynr walk in! For the first time, then, I felt that I had pushed my presence too far. Ho recog nized mo; and lato r on I saw him whisporing with Mrs. Spon d'Oulix and glancing across at m e. I dared not mo his look, nor dared I stay longer; so I molted away as tho snow and disap peared. Tho noxt morning I wr.s not surprised to receive a cnll from Mr. Ilclyar, who simply stated that ho had brought a re quest from Mrs. Spon d'Oulix that I should visit her that day at an appoint ed hour. I agreed to do so, and kopt tho appointment. As I entered mndamo's parlor I saw Mr. Helyar sauntoring through tho hall. Sho aroso and said : "I beliovo I ad dress Mr. Olaptrco?" I spoko not. "But I hear that you call yoursolf Dr. Spondoulioks?" "I hope, madamo, that you would not rob mo of my title as doctor, sinco I havo como Honestly by it." "I do not wish to rob you of any thing, but simply to givo you whnt bo longs to you ; and tho namo oi Spon doulioks docs not belong to yon." "My mother's was a Spondoulioks, madam." "But your father fathor was a Chip tree, as wo all know to our cost. Your poor mother was tho daughter of a linen draper of that namo. Sho novor claimed any connection with Sir Charles Spon d'Oulick becauso thoro was nono; yet your fnthortbcsot us, aftor ho had run through youf mother's property, to sco hor, on tho pica of having a claim of re lationship upon us." "Oh, madam I" cried I. "Wo holpod hor, on tho ground of charity, for your father bocamo a roamor, nnd left her. Tho only thing that I know to his credit was tho amount which ho put on deposit of your moth er's monoy for your education. It was so passed over to ono of tho profossors that it could bo used for nothing clso. So that, though your mother sufTcrcd intenso povorty, you rccolvod an educa tion. Sho sorvnd you faithfully to tho last." "Indeed, madam, I fully apprcclato it," said I, my uttoranco thickening at tho romembranco of hor suffering; "and sinco you show mo that my uiothor was tho best inomber of my family which I boliovo from my soul do you wonder that I tako her namo?" "Perhaps not; but I do wondor that yon can tako my coat of arms with it." I had nothing to say. "I havo seen notes, impressed with wax in which you oflor to got invitations and introductions from mo." "Still I had naught to say in my be half, but I spoko for my father. "Cortalnly, madam, to give my father what credit ho ho deserves, he served Holland in it notoworthy act." "1 heard of that, too," said sho, "aud Sir Charles investigated it. Your fathor took a contract todigoutsuchditchos as openod into tho aca. Ho suporintonod It, I boliovo, creditably, and was given a copper medal for it; but ho took it to Paris and so ombclishcd it with gold mountings, brilliants and a ribbon that it lookod as if ono crowned head had givon it to another. I regret to say that your fathor was a well-known fraud, and you seem disposod to bo liko him. I must say to you, sir, that wo cannot havo you annoy us as ho onco did. It is for this that I sent for you." "Mndamo, I am an honest man, and am making an honest living. I am en gaged on litorary work for tho ox-Lieu-tenant-Governor of Now York Stato nnd I am hourly expecting privato instruc tions from tlio President of tho United States with regard to writing which I hope to do for him. (Pray pardon mo, sir, if I spoko too boldly.) "I am glad, Dr. Olaptrco, that you aro so logUinintoly employed, but I cannot pormit you cnll yourself related to mo, nor can I havo you dashing out on the Spon d'Oulix crest. It is emblazoned on your handkerchiefs, your noto panor, and daro say on your trunks? 1 know nothing about you but what nas stamp- od your father boforo you ns an impos tor. Unless you lcavo Washington qui etly I shall certainly toll tho truth. My daughter is just ontoring lifo, and I dc siro to bo enroful of everything con nected with hor." "I will tako n wcok to consider what you proposo." "I can givo you but thteo days, sir." "Thon I will decido now. I cannot lcavo Washington boforo a wock, and then I will only absent mysolf during your stay. Whilo I nm hero I shall not wo you agaiu. I yiold now tho point of tho coat of arms to you ; it is of no uso to mo in this country. But ns for tho namo of Spondoulicks, it shall bo my name. It was my mother's and this Amorican Congress can make it initio. I ask for a wook, becauso I neod timo to correspond with my editor. I am abso lutely without money." "If that is tho diOiculty," said sho,"let mo advanco it." "Novor, madam. You havo been too good to my niothor." "Dr. Spondoulicks, if Spondoulioks it must 1)0, sho cried, extending her baud, "I havo hopes for you." "Then, perhaps you will not wont mo to go?" 1 ventured to say. Her faco darkened. "Your position to mo remains tho same," she snid. "But madamo," whimpered I, "if I go will aught of this conversation bo re pentcd and get abroad? "It will not U it uepomts upon me, sho answered, and so wo parted. Srosnoi'HOKS, M. D. (load UriulO In Eiery rase. D, A. llradford, wholesale paper dealer of ChatUnoca. Tenn.. writes, that he waa se riously atUicte.l with a severe cold that fet tled on his lungs: had tried many remedies without benefit. Iking iuduecd to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, did so and was entirely cured by use of a fow bot tles. Since which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with beat re. suits, this is the experience oi thousands whose lives have been saved by thts Wonder ful Discovery, Trial Pottles free at Port & Son's Drug btor. 6 grange oInmn. GRANGE DIRECTORY. Tho Orogoa Stato Orange. OFFICERS. Master Judge P.. P. Boise, Salem, Marion Co., Ogn. Overseer. A. Lnellins, Milwaukie, Clack amas Co., Ogn. Lecturer II. E. Hayes, Stafford, Clackamas Co., Ogn. Steward W. B. Thomas, Walla Walla, Wash. Tv. Assistant Stoward. P, U. Ycomanj, Wash- ougal, W. T. Chaplain. A. Schumway, Orangcville, Idaho Co., Idaho Treasurer B. F. Buroh, Independence, Polk Co., Ogn. Secretary Mrs. M. J. Train, Albiny, Linn Co., On. Oato Kcoper. John Simpson, SIubIaw, Lano Co.. Oregon. Ccrer tirs. IlarrM Coof cr, Wilbur, Douglas Co., Ocn. Pomona Miss M. J. Harris, Corvalll", Ben ton Co., Ogn. Flora. Jennln Miller, Sollwood, Multno- innh Co., Ogn, Lvly As't. Steward Mrs. I. L. Hllloary, Turner, Marion Co., Ogn. Oranjo Picnic tor 1880. Tho committeo of nrrangcnionts ap pointed by Linn County Council mot in Albany on Thursday, April 1st, thero present S. Fromnn, S. A. Dnwson, Hon. Oharlos Millor, McMinn Dodson, 0. G. Fislior, A. J. Zumwnlt and S. S. Train (proxy for Hon. J. Voorhocs.) Tho mooting, on being called to order, elected Hon. Chnrlos Miller chairman nnd S. S. Train Fecrotary. It was decided to hold a picnic on tho old picnic ground on tho south bank of tho Samtiiim, noar JciTcrson, in Linn county. Tho following ofllccrs wero appointed : Chief Marshal Hon. Charles Millor. President Hon. John Minto, Sr. Vico-Prcsidonts A. J. Zumwnlt of Lanes 0. 0. Fithor, Polk; D. L. Hussoll, Washington Territory; J. W. Cook, Yamhill; John Ilrynut, Linn; N. P. Nowton, Denton. Chaplain Ruf us Thompson. Committee on programmc-S. S Train, J. Voorhees, A. C. Jennings, S. A. Daw son, Charles Miller. Tho timo of holding tho picnic was fixed for Thursday Friday and Saturday, tuo lutiuuii, awl xu. oi June, irau, Tho following committeo on reception was nnnomtoil : . JI. liooiioy, Ji. U, Loonoy, M. A. Powors, I. L. Hillcnry, L. A.'McConnell, X. J. McMockcn, Mart Millor. Wo will givo tho program in full when tho timo comes. Already wo hoar of many who intend attending, and it promises to bo a grand succoss. arango Flcnla. Tho grangers of Yamhill county havo joined togothor and nro preparing for a threo day's encampment at McMinn villo fair grounds on May 19, 20 and 21, grounds free. They hereby invito nil grangers in tho Stato to assist in pro- crram. Also a general invitation is ex pended to all. Tho Grange of Mnrion county will bo represented in tho Stato Grango of 1SS0 by Mr. and Mrs. J. Voorhocs or Moiion Pomona, Mr. and Mrs. X. II. Loonoy of Chohulpum grango, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hatcholor of Itnttcvillo grango. Tho next mcoting of tho Pomona grango will bo held at Jefferson, on Friday, May 7th, at 10 o'oloek a. si. All patrons nro in vited. CO.tSl'MrTIOM CtUKI). An oMplijilcUn, retired from practice, having hid paced In his hinds I)' an Kut IodU mliilouirr ths lorrauh ol a tlinpta VfwotiMe remedy lor tha sixthly ami permanent cure ol loututurtion, Uroi chltla, Cat' arrh AUhma. and all thruat and Lung Atloctloni, aUo a poime and riuiicalcuro lor .-venom Dcbiniysiui an Kenout Complaint. aiUr litvln; ttiUd lu wonderful cumite powers in thouuuJi ol eases, has felt It his duty to make It known to hit sulferlitr fellows, Actu. ateu hy this notlte and adeeiro to redeye humn suf. Itrin.'. i w in terni iree oi cr.tryc, loiim no umro ii, this recipe In Otrun, Kngllili or Vrtnch.wlih full direction for iirriuriiitf nd uiliif. Sent ty u:all by atldrewlnir v.1 nil tump and naming this (niter, . A. aunt and KOYKS 119 lVw.r' mock Itochettir XV nm .We-Wl'itf! ' nrvwtTVv.rr m iivi m iri hfiav m RSAB H H H ' I mmYiiiim rtjr Vt.s,- tvi.v3iVv'e,a ?."ci6N iira tnv i3au, www ui swtvub itsvo ua cr uvu, nrr ravny lisv kbintltM or Ur uuupaHitiooi, vtj to skT fnaifnJ aurts t hsvlf i bo rosjt cf tin, la aUti a r.fitvrrr.vi'H tr iiamtkii m Hair n.o C'l. V lVKTS and Ht'f Sri cf am. douLU -...A'.. .. 2 .. i.i iJv GRAPE VINES! Apple, rear, inerry, num. atnioerryanu KTcnrrecnTreee, at Wboletale lrlce In small quani; titles. Al 8Pttberry, KmpHerry, ooaebcr ttae Hhriibbery unil llulb. im-v. lllackiHrrry, current, ii I nnn fnrot Orape Vines of Niagara. Ss cnipira ewi jAur, iivikiii and all other new ami M aorta. Concord 1 rear from 110. tolla.perl.uu): 1 rears. UStoUX AddretS Uloomlnstuo, III., UU. II. MCUUOUKJi. Grind yur own w, V'IU lifol, Orster Sk.11 U-ITIAM LhetKuxx limp aid on (t. Wflwn'a l'aieno. n thf mti iiVTVX BXXXOi lOO Mr lrJl5J'4L"l?.?0WU.MIaJLi and V-tjUC rML nnra m Da application. WHJMl.X MKUei., fmuua, fa. x st&u aaaftL. i-ircaiara nti Tetttaiofilut cot s ibley's Tested Seed s Catalofo ire nn aprnration. Ntn4 tor It. 1I1HAU SlUilKV t. CO.. Uocutsrta. N. . n Cuiciuo, Ut, SEEDS 8 packets Flower Seed 10c S pack. 11 V.SClibl SmI IOw. llnAl.1 ttloffue tree. J. J. UELL.Vlodor. U. V. CATARRH SAMPLE TRUTMENT Sa rrtxt It mx fUUk tiM v c cur rr. iiu nt . ttut tUsaultiM2tild(Mttc)rMi. 1-Rfc.H. Sstol tc ftUsmr It) (UTCf CIpCOM A aAt&. U.UI PUUIllTU lUUtf aaEZZsaswyx&vixtzsxssMm LIST OI? DIMt.lSXS ALWAYS tl'KABLB li'i I'SIXO MEXIOAM" STi G LINIMENT. ofiiuju.n ru:sii. Ithentnatl.m, Ilarntand KmMi, Ming and 111 t cm. Cuts and IlruUri, Kjirnli.iniiilStllclien, Contracted Mutclts, SIIITJoluts, Bttknclic, Kruptlom, Frost Win. OV ANIMALS. Scratches, Sores nud (lolls, Spatln, Craeli, Strcrr Worm, drab, Ftiotllot, Hoof All, Lsrueneii, Snlnur, Fanndert, Sprnlni, Strains, Sntf Feet, StITiiCM, and all esternslillicatcr.aridtecry hurt or accident. Iforccncrol lc In fnmlly.iliblcand stoclc-yard,ltls mi: ncsrov all LINIMENTS THE a Ilt. MEMO'S 14 PKIVATr. IiIM'EXHAUY. O ' Oery St., San Francisco, Cal (p. Conducted by Quslltlid l'hjtlcltni .Ul mi surgeons n ituiar drunusxci. JS-Tho (Illicit Herlnllt 111 thf United btatce, wliota Lim-LOXO sr. rsKitxcK, perfect method and pu, medicine, Iniuro srstnr and rrn maxknt cl'rks of til I'rlnld. Chronlo and Nervous I) testes, Affections of ' tho Itlootl, skin, lihlncjs, lllnil tier, l.'riiplloni., I leers, Old More. mrrniii nr lite (iinnus, Kore Month, Tlinint, llnnn fnliis. rrmni ntly cured and erad icaior rrnm trie rjiitm rcr lire. NERVOUS ,?S?rrfi."!Ki Loaaea, Ke.Minl Urmy, Alrutnl mitt I'liyslral lTrnbnraa. 1 nil liiK.Mriiiory. Wenk lo.Hliint ril lcclnpiiiciir,liiiirilii!iriita lit Mnrrlnjjr. etc., rroitt exrraa es or you Hi nil rolllea, or nny rntiae, icrllly, tnrrly unit iirltnlel)' rnrril. YOU.SCI. MlllDLK.ACF.I) k OLD men,andslllioncelii edlcal Mid 1 1 and Kxpri lenre consult mo our r.uruprnn i njai.iari i dine. Jill opin Ion coitt nothing, and may nvo future mtaery and shame. When Iricomenlciit to lilt tho city for treat ment, mcdlclnu can be tent cwrjwlure by cxpreti free from nlitvrwillnn. It li ilfcl int that a pli)-tlcKn who irlvtt hit whole attention to a cliitol dlicitct nltiilnit Krnt t all III, and phje'Hani. through out tlio country, knowing tld, frniiiii,t,. etommend dilflcuitcues to tho olileal rijirrlnllal, py whem every Itiinu n (tonil rrmrtly l mcd. 7hc lloctor't .lernmi lAperleurcuiakctniirpinioner iiircuie liiiliortiinrr. ni.l'he.ao who call teo no one bill tho Vr-' r Ten tulutlon FIlKKand anerrill) rnnlltlriitliil Ccact whtih have tailed In obtaining relief eltcwi :v fprcl ally aollcltcl Feinalo d!eact auccetifully treated, The lloelor will ap-coln forfeit il.OOO for a caie umlertakcn, not cii'xi Cull or write. Hours, Dilly frrmOA. if., ti 4 I' II., 0 to 8 eicnlnpa; Sundays, in to It only. r-KNn na tiiii SAXirAtisr Giidk to IIkaltii ; ir.M Faitx. Addrrtt aa abovo. DIl LIXBIG'S Wondt'vAU German InvlRorntor I'criiinncntly prccnta all Unnatural Loacs from tho litem, tmict the ncrret, strengthens ths niutclet, check ilia watte, Invlironttct the whole tytUm snd rcatorct the atlllcted to Health and llapplnoit. Tho rcatnn to many cn not iret cured ef wrakncit ami thu above dltcaaes It owlnir to a complication, railed rUOSTATOUItllKA, which ruiulrcs iwullar treatment. I) It. f.Ii:Bia I.NVIOOItATOIt It the only cure fo' 1'rotatobhmk, with peculiar f ucclal Treat ment, uied at the LIKI1I0 IllSl'KNRAUY. VARIOOCELB OrWoaxr V'Eixsef ths Scrotum. O'ten thountut pectcd caute cf Loit Manhord, Ucblllly, etc. Scmlntl weaknoattnd Its corapl cal Ion Frottcrrco. The above dlteatet can only bo cured by Dr. Uebtn Iniljontor No. 2 and the I'r. Del lir Yarlrectle Oompretter, XiTI'rlro or flie Iitvlcornlor, W. Caie cf tlx bottles, 810. Sent to any address, covered securely frcniobtertation. Moat powerfvl electric belle free to utlenlt. To Pkovb iii Wovuirml Ponan cr tux 1NV100U. ATOH a ti uottli Oivax OR HiNT FREE. Coniuitation free and private. Calloraddretsi tlF.lllfl IllHl'KXHAHY. 400 Oearv treet,ban Franclaco, Cal. Filiate entrance, 401 Maton ttreet, four blocks up Geary Street from Kearny, Utln entrance throusrr Dltpentary rrug Store UJanSltl lUETJST'T'Xtt, THE SPECIAMST, No. 11 Kearny St., San Francisco, Cal. TaxATS au, Ciiaosic. HrtxtAb ad FatvATit Diausca Vint woxpxiuvi. Si-cvaaa. THE GREAT ENGLISH HEMEDY I Is a certtln euro for AVrt or IMilllty, T.t Muuhooil, J'jmr.itcir litH-a, nu all the evil eflftctn of youtLful follies aikl excc-M.t, niul In ttrltiklag lnlo!r.itliix liquors. Or. Jllntle, w ho It a rcjrular l h U Ian, Croduato of ilu I'nhcr altyof IVrnsvltama, uill axrec to foifelt ?) for a cao of thts HrJ tho I'llul Itei-unutlxa .un der hla special udrico and treatment) will net euro el.fO a bottle, cr four times tho quantity (1, tent to any addrcas on rvcelpt of price, cr CO. li. Inyrliate namo If desired, by J)r Ulatlf, It Kearny tt., S.1'. Otl. Bend for list oi questions and pamphlet. B.13UT.H llOTTT.H I'ltKll vrill ho sent to any ono applying hy Utter, atstlns J Tsoms, sex and ajre. ttriit a.ial rvcj in revar' xi transKtiona, NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Yon are allowed afrt trial cftUriy dayt of the nae of Dr. Dye's Celebratea Voltaio IWt wttn tlectrlo Butperuorr Appllanres, for tho speedy relief and permanent cure of KrrvoiuDtbilUu. Iom of Vitality and Uanhooti, and all kindred troubles. Alao formanr other diaeaam. Complete reatoro tlon to neolth. Vlir and Manhood uuarnnlevj, No rlak It Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet InteuItJ tnuwj mallnl fre. byaddrvtalna VOLTAIO BELT CO., Manhall, Mich. Dr. JORDAN'S . Museum of Anatomy- Ul Jlnrhet gireel. GOANDIIUK.N HOW TO AVOID dltcase, aud how wonderfully you aienuda. Private Oinr,Sll Uear'St. Coii.-ult.tlon m, Uxt alanhtod and all dluMs el Wimen. fendfo' bookt. taeSla CR.! TS OF LIFE Tats9VlvUs?r.MinQBtr&tiuEk1.aJl .Wnt PREFf IVriVJ, Ivi. t.noniAjrwA. lVintAln svtni4 tt nnp of Cur. l)iTvafpoii4ac a?iJly pnralt, Ur DlnLntnAai lVrlflral sttwl TaallmrLnlala Mi V II W RE 4S OBLONG LOANS, O ?.. laafllU ly S Uaerwa. w aM4t.aa4niMUfa. LoaalD.a& '.uhuih. T.S.Oaeaaa Xup, ralwt aaiUlaf, Clulautl, tA