Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, April 02, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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T -H1 f
yinrtni jtitcrafur
Ho tfrowla nliorit his boarding placo
JIq growl alioiit his bed ;
He lrr 1 -li ' m f "Vi-rt thing
lie wair.s boiiio'Iiui uliu iiiktc.vl.
Ho qrowls about hi laiiiiilryinan,
Ho growla about bin tailor,
Ho growla about tlio fit of tilings,
Like .lack Tar 'board :i whaler.
Ho pjrnwJa about tho daily nnwr,
Ho growla bccittao il' now,
Ho growls about nrj article
That doesn't auit his viow.
Hn growls about Ilia daily uork,
Ho growls liccaum it's labor;
Ho arowla became ho'a not bnrn ric'.i.
As wis his next door nriglibor.
Ho growl bec.visn hn ba no wlfi-;
llu growls about the l&dbis;
lln growla about tlio atylo tliuy wear
Coixiifiis them all to lla.lip.
Ho growla when ho to thottru goo,
Ho growla about tho tuitf,
Ho growla about tlio play agr.in
To ovcry one ho mceti.
Ho growla about a legacy,
Ho growla because 'lis too amnll;
Ho grouts as If it wua hia rlylit
That ho ahould get it all.
Ho growla about tlio Holy Writ,
Ho growla bcuiiiao he can )
Ho growla bectuao ho'a bound to growl,
Ilu'a auoh n cranky man.
A Severe Lesson-
Tho tenm of well-feed, sleek-, lively
hornet) stood lcforo tho rnnil wagon at
Jnon Jii6ter'n door. Kuriiicr Muster
was going to the market town, and IiIb
wifo was jjoing with him an event
which occurred about oneo in live year.
Mru. Master was nevor invited to go;
no ono beenied to think that she needed
to no, either for hnsinesH or ploiiHtito;
and it wni only when she mouldy stig
geslcil that nlio intifit ptirehase Home
absolute iiecinsity, that ln was given a
K'lit in tho wagon which went to town
always twieo a week, and sometimes
If Mis. Mustor luul heon hlee.-ed with
daughters, no doubt her lifo would have
hemt tnudo nioro oiidnrable ; as it was,
witli three half-grown sons, who (liko
Ihoii father) uovurpivo a thought to tlio
posHihility of her over-working, lifo he
rniuo ulii'ost too loveless and monotonous
to heendmod.
The Master farm wan imiowiiuil in tho
neighborhood for its nourishing con
dition. No htock could he better kept';
all the latest labor-Having inventions
were in use, and Master wtisonvivnd by
all tho farmers in the country round.
Hut his enterprise hhowed itself out
'side of tho homo oidy; inside hit wife
drudged from morning till night, fiom
year to year, with no hired girl and no
lnliortaviiiL' inventioim; slie drudged
uneoiupluiningly which wan not to her
credit. I have no pationce with those
uicok women who dtudgo on forever
without n protest martyrs to the
thoughtlessness of their husbands. I do
not believe in frottiug and scolding, hut
I do beliovo in exhibiting some spirit ;
it not only brings the desiied remdt, hut
it inspires genuine respect. But many
a woman will give up all attempts to
reserve her rights for tho sake of pence,
and will go on shrinking until hur
identity is completely lost.
It was nearly live year.-, since Mrs.
Master's last nip to town. At that
time alio had bought n black cashimuc
dross, which hud been her best ever
cilice. During tho week before, she hud
Attended the funeral of it neighbor,
and had found her heavy easluneio
insulVerably warm; it was then that .ho
formed tho daring project of having a
black grenadine. In all tluwi live yc-ira
she had bought nothing but calicoes,
sending for thorn by a neighbor. She
knew that tho crops had been good, tho
yield of butter and cheese greater than
usual, and some surplus stock sold to
advantage, and she reasoned that the
time had come to purchase tltr coveted
diess. Hut how should it W uccotnlishcd?
Slut hail not a cent to her name; her
husband never gave her money volun
tarily, and it was only when her eahcoca
weio absolutely ragged that she voutnmt
to ask for a paltry sum. If she could
only have the money for the week's
butter, she could buy the diess, ami a
bonnet too ; she had been ill at ease in
her old-fashioned attire all the time at
tho funeral. It may have Uen wicked
to think of dress on such an occasion,
but she could not help it ; indeed, sho
came near crying when alio contrasted
her own appearance with that of the
women aionnd hei, and failed to find
any dIUeionee between tho dress of her
husband and that of the other men
On the morning referred to, she arose
eailier than usual, for tho work must l
done, and what she left undone that
morning must bo done after her return
at night, for she had made up her mind to
goto (own. She tried to muster courage
to announce her intention, hut failed.
However, after breakfast was over, she
donned her only suit, and when Jason
was ubout to dine oil', appeared, saying,
almost desporatoly . "Jason, I am going
to town with you."
No one could have been more aiu priced
than Jason, indeed, ho wan too much
astonished to protest, and they drovo off
together. They talked very little on.
their way to town (it wan their custom
to talk very littlo now, except business
required it) ; indeed, Mrs. Master was too
much excited to trust hor voicn, oven if
sho had had tho courago to say any
thing. It was onl wuon they roichcu
tho store whoro their produco was to bo
sold that Mrs. Master said : "Jason, I
want Koino money : I should liko to have
this week's churning for my own tun."
Jason opened his oyos in astonishmont.
"Humph!" said he, significantly.
Thoy went into tho store, whero tho
butler and chcoso wcro immediately
bought and paid for. (.Mrs. Master's
butter always brought tho highost price)
Jason pocketed tho money and walked
out of tho store, leaving his wifo stand
ing with a tlncd expression on horfnec.
Sho know not what to do whether to
follow him or remain near tho wagon,
whero sho could hco him again and
make another appeal. Just then tho
clerk asked what ho could show hor,
and sho answered, "Ulnck grenadine."
As sho looked over tho goods laid boloro
her, she wondered what sho must do.
Should sho givo up the dross on which
sho had sot her heart, or should sho havo
tho drcs pattern cut oil and trust to
gotting tlio monoy from Jason to pay
for it.
Blio was desperate; sho would tako
ton yards, sho told the clerk. Atsovonty
flvo cents a yard, that would bo sovon
dollars and fifty conts, mid the butter
ami cheeso woro worth at loast ton
dollars. After tho goods had been out
and tied in a neat package, sho told tho
clork that sho would call again for it,
and left tlio store to wander aimlessly
about in tho vicinity of tho wagon.
Her unusual exertions of tho morn
ing, her unreasonable lire's, wero tolling
upon her ; she felt as if she must sit
down, yet sho could not sit utill ; sho
see 1 1 icd burning up, yet chilled through,
and sho wondered if her head woro
burst ing and hor heart breaking.
After two hours Jason Master return
ed to the wagon, lie had bought three
cigars, one ol which ho was smoking,
and had drunk two glasses of beer; the
produco hud sold for more than ho
expected, ami he had indulged him-elf
Mrs. Master hurried toward him.
"Juon," said sho nervously, "giro me
the money quick; I feel sick ami must
get home."
Jason's smilling countenance (-banged.
He put his thumb and finger into his
vest pocket, and after fumbling some
minutes, drew out (as reluctantly as he
would havo drawn his heart's blood) and
olleied to his wife, n dollar.
This was the climax, and Mr. Master
would have fallen to the ground if a
man passing had not caught her. Jason
muttered something about a sunstroke,
and they placed the poor woman in the
wagon and drove home. A doctor was
summoned, who, finding his patient de
lirious, proscribed a good nurse as well
as medicine.
A stout woman for the kitchen was
also found necessary, and Jukoii did not
fail to notice that his household ex
penses wew Multiplying frightfully.
The doctor told him plainly that his
wife had worn herself out, and that
nothing but the moat careful nursing
could save her life. Janson Master had
plenty of time to think as his wife lay
ru ing during the hot summer days mid
nights. The grenadine diess and the
almost fatal dollar wero the burden of
hor delirium. "Tell the clerk that I can't
pay for it ask him to tako it back1 And
tho dollar oh, givo that bar-k toJusoti!
I can't use it it burns my hand! Tell
him to put on his thick coat this hot
day and ho will know why I wanted a
grenudino! Grenadine! Did you say
grenadine for v- dollar? Do get me onul"
And so sho raved, day after day, until
Master felt that he must lose Ins own
reason, if she did not soon iccovcr. In
the interval, he lealized tho Hollishmiss
and thoughtlessjin.ss which ho had
practiced toward his wife for years, and
ho resolved that nothing should bo too
good for her, if sho recovered.
And ho kept his word. Mrs. Master
is no longer a drudge; a strong girl
does tho kitchen work, and Mr. and Mrs
Master are often scon riding about the
country on summer evenings.
She is not obliged to ask for umuey
now; tho dairy money is all her own,
and she spends enough on dress to mike
heiself attractive to her unsound and
The bovs annrccinto their mother as
they never did before, and to-day then-
is no happier household than that of
Jason Master.
The slight cold you think so little of
may piove the forerunner of a complaint
that maybe fatal. Avoid this result by
taking Ayor's Cherry lYotoral, the best
remedy for colds, coughs, citarrhs,
huuichitK incipient consumption, and
all other throat and lung diseases.
uratttns Wax.
1 should like to know, through the
Country lienllctnan, how !. K. I'ackaid
ip. 10M makes his grafting wa for graft
ing grapes. The commo 1 wax used for
grafting apple trees seems toUiiujuious
to the vine. -J. T. M. Kelley's Island, O.
Mr. Packard did not givo the compo
sition of the grafting wax. Probably
more depends on doing llu work well
than on tho character of tho wax ; but
in making a selection, choose such as
retains its concrete from bos.t, or in
which Iwswax is a constituent. Thrco
navts of rosin, throe of beswa and two
of tallow make a good composition.!
llurklrn'H .Irnlra ftaltr,
l'ho Heat Salvo iu tho world for Cut,
ilruiaea, Sort-. Ulcere. Silt ltheum, Vtvtr
Sore, Tetter. Cnimvit Hands Chilblain
Corns, and all Skin Virnptisna, ami poaitive ly
cur a Pilot, or nn pay rftpiireU, It legtiaran
teOil to gtvu perfect rntialaollnn ni nmiit-y re
funded Prico S.1 oentj i '' i.n.
Pur ale by Port k Soo,
Stonewall Jackson's Pillage or Man
nssns Junction.
Allen C. Redwood, tlio artist, was
"With Jackson's loot Cavalry at tlio
Second Manassas;" and from his ac
count in tlio February Century wo riuoto
n follows: "All tins thins we liotl tho
vaguest notions as to our objective; at
llrst wo had expected to strike tlio
enemy's Hank, but as the march pro
longed iUelf, a theory obtained that wo
worn r-nliio- n (tin Vnllnv. Hut u-n
'threaded Thoroughfare Gap, heading
eastward, end in tho morning of the
third day (.Aug. 27) struck u railroad
running north and south -Popo's 'lino
o? communication and supply.' Man
assas was ours!
"What a prize it was! Hero wero
long warehouses full of stores; cars
loaded with boxes of now clothing ui
route to Goiieral Pope, hut destined, to
adorn tlio 'hacks of his enemies;' camps,
sutlers' shops no eating up' of good
tilings. In view of the abundance, it
was no easy mutter to deterniino what
wo should eat and drink and where
withal wo fliould bo clothed; ono was
limited In his choice to only m much as
he could personally transport, and tho
ono thing needful in each individual
oaso was not always readily found.
However, as the day "woro on, nn equit
able distribution of our wealth was
ell'ccted hy barter, upon a crude and
irregular tarlll' hi which tlio rule of
supply and demand was somewhat coin
iillcated by Iluctuatlng estimates of tlio
Immineiico of marching order". A
mounted man would ofl'er large odds In
shirts or blankets for a pair of spurs or
a bridle; and while In anxious quest of
a pair of shoes I fell heir to a ease of
cavalry half-boots, which I would glad
ly have exchanged for tho object of my
search, lor a change of underclothing
and a pot of French mustard 1 owe
grateful thanks to the major of the
Twelfth Pennsylvania Cavalrv, with re
grets that 1 could not uo his library.
Whisky wa, of course, at a high pre
mium, but a keg of 'lager' a drill It less
popular then than now went begging
In our companv.
"Hut our brief holiday was drawing
to a eloe, for by this tillio General Pope
had some Inkling of the dWastcr which
lurked in Ids rear. When, some time
after dark, having set lire to the rem
nant ol the Mures, we took the mad to
C'cntrovillc, our niy.stllleatlon as to Jack
Mill's plans was" complete. Could he
actually be moving on Washington with
Ids small force, or was he onlv seeking
escape to the mountains? The glare
of our big boiillrn lighted up the country
for miles, ami was Just dying out Avliiu
we reached Ceiitreville."
m - i
How, ami How lnn- to Sleep.
It Is often a question among or.-ont
vlio are acquainted with the anatomy
ami physiology of man, whether lying
with the head exalted, or even with the
body, Is the most wholesome. Most,
consulting their own ease on this point,
arguo in favor of that which they prefer.
Now, although many delight In bolster
ing up their heads all night, and sleep
soundly without injury, yet wo deelaro
it to ho a dangerous hallil. Tlio vessels
through which tho blood passes from
the head to the heart, are always loosen
ed in their cavities when the head Is
resting in bed higher than tho body;
therefore iu all eaes attended with
fever, the head should bo nearly on a
level with the body; ami people ought
to accustom theiu-elves to sleep thus, to
avoiu iiangfr. ,!. uonrntu.
Do j on know how much sloop you
need? N when you iimuiIIv go' to
sleep and annul when you usually wake
up. and count the time, lew" people
gel abmg well as a rule, on less than
seven hours sleep; few require ten hours.
As an average most persons need eight
or nine hours of sleep. If you sleep
eight or iiluo hours and gel up tired
and depressed, very likely you are sleep
ing too much unless, vorj haul work ac
counts for your feeling-. Find out on
what number of hours vou feel best and
stick to your standard. Iacs of sleep
kills as surely, though more slowly,
than loss of food. A recent medical
writer has said: -'Tho value of sleep to
brain-workers cannot be exaggerated.
Iu a recent lecture Dr. Mtiliit, a famous
F.tigllsh physician, said that the brain
loquires twelve hours of sleep at four
years old. gradually dliiihu-lilng by
hours and half hours to tea hours at
fourteen, and thence to eight hour
when the bodv Is full grown and formed.
Gicllic, hi Ids uioM active productive
k-rlod. needed nine hours and took
them: Kant, the moM laborious of stu
dents, was strict iu never taking less
than seven. Nor does it apjH'ar that
tluHo who have systematically tried to
cheat nature of this chief right Ikivo
liecn, in any -eiise, gainers of time for
their work. It may be a paradox, lull
it U not the Ies i"f truth, and what Is
given to sleep i gained to labor."
A Seir-t'iintnlneil Apolli).
One of our iuu.it eminent stage hertH3
wa travelling by train iu fcwitcrland
a few wivki ago! Opposite him at a
couple of haiid-ome voimg ladies, who
not only fairly flared" him out of conn
teiiauee, but made liini the topic of their
whUiK-reil eonveixitioii. riattereil at
tir.-t bv this delicate attention, the actor
good-fiuuioivilly Mibiuitted to it, but in
the long run he beirau to get tired of
thiM Mirt of thing." mid determined to
nut a Mop to it. When iu the tunnel,
befoie reaching l.auMiuuc, he imprinted
a few audible kls.-os on the back of his
hand. Alter tint train emerged lrom
the tunnel the actor sat calm and impas
sive, a-, if nothing had happened, while
the ladies iiit stared at each other and
then began a erie.- of recriminations on
the enormity of tlicir conduct in taking
Mich hticrticx with the hero of the foot
lights Of coiiro, each blamed tho
other, unit tin' dispute lasted until tho
train reached Caii--iiue. Hofore leaving
the ear the actor la. mil to the ladio,
hat in hand, and said: "ladles, tho
great attention you bestowed oa mo
during the journey makes mo naturally
anxious to learn which of you gave mo
in the tunnel so striking u'nroof of vour
affection ' Ho did notWait for a reply,
but left the ladle to tlidr retlectloiis.
i'c-t i j a':.
grange olumi(.
Tbo Oregon BUto OranEO.
Master .Tudgo II. P. HoUe, Salem, Marion
Co., Ogn.
Ovoraoff. A. Lucllinp, Milwaukle, Cloek
nm Co., Ojn.
Lecturer II. K. Hayta, Stafford, Clackamas
Co.. Oct. ... .. .
Steward W. B. Thomas, Wall Walla,
Wnah. Ty. , ,
Aasistaut Steward. F. C. coinans, nsh
ougal, W. T.
Chaplain. A. Schumw.iy, Orangcvillo,
Idaho Co., Idaho.
Trcaaurcr B. F. Burcli, Independence, Polk
Co., Ogn,
Secretary Mrs. M. J. Train, Albany,
Linn Co., Ogn.
dato Kcopcr. John Simpion, Siusiaw, Lano
Co., Oregon.
Ccrcr .Ir. Harriet Cooper, Wilbur, Diuglaa
Co., Ogn.
Pomona Alias M. .1. Harris, Corvslli", Ben
ton Co., Ogn.
Florn. Jennie Millor, Scllwond, Multno
mah Co., Oirn,
Lady Atat. S""ird Mra. I. L. Hlllrnry,
Tomer, Muin.'i Co., Ogn.
"How aru wo ovtr r'ing to get through
our spring and summer's work? Wo
aro all run down, tired out, before it bo
gins." So say many a farmer's family.
Wo onswer, try Ayor's Sarsaparilla. This
is just tho modicino yon need, nnd will
pay compound interest on tho money it
costs you.
An old I'lijilchn, mtlrctl liuui practlcf, having had
paced In lila handtliyan Emt India nilmlonsrr th
lortmiU ol a aim-do v-ifolalile runtdyfor tlio apcaly
and permanent cure nl 1'rti'Mitiptlon, llro'ichltlf, Cat
arrh. Aitliua, ami all tlirtMlbim Liiiik Atlcctlcm, alto
a potltli e and nulloil ruto (or Ken ou. llclillay and all
N'crvout Coinillnt- Mtr hathi tckUd IU wonderful
curuthc power In ificuaamla of cana. has felt It Ill
duty to make it known to Ida aurfcrli.e fcllowa. Actu.
ated bv llditnotlvoand adctlro to redcteliuman inf.
Ifrlnc, Iwlllirnd freonf charire, to all who delimit,
thla rerlpe In (Urmnn, KukIIiIi or rrmcli, Willi full
illrcctlmnfor prcpirlinr and uilnir. Hmt ly icall t)
anurcitinif unn turnip arm
NOVKS llfl Power' block
amp and namliur thla lmiwr, W. A.
ItocliciUr .N V liOiu
.Ml',. nun. niMdla-aitisI and oM. tul or mirrlod,
alula I wlioare nllTirlli: with 1.0 ST M.IMHHII),
Ninon iliddlliy, spctiual'uiliijn, seminal l.oM,Seie
ual ik t. I alluiir Miimr),WiML eyes Stunted lleicl
cpinaiir, l.rk cl Knriif. Init.lilied lltcod, I'lm.
'i, ln.Huunrrila to Jlrrlr; a'i Ulnmi ar.l Salu
l4CJM. Mldill l. Ml'hllln. Krui'tl'i'H. Ilalr Falling
Vlt I'ulna, swtli.nir. bn'u Tluoit, I'lecrf, K.Terta of
Mint- j, li Id, e mid lllaildir Troul lr Virak Hick,
lliirnlnti rlur, iiiroiitlneni-,(.oiior l.aa, (it, it, Strict
lure, roilu:, aiarcldriK treatment, prbinpt relit f and
euro for life. Ilitlll si l i-onanlt eimrt Icullal.y.
If In trojl!e. c,d r utile IMiijeaaru Uani-arotli
Ciillatnri-o a;, jnra rprlrm-u. Tri'lila I'liali.
I)l, ..N)10M-S(',li, I3iaml 1313d alritl
It 1'urll'iid, Onvon.
MEALS for 25 CENTS !
OjalrM In cicj ttvlc. Cin.tc, Nuti, Cuki-a, riea,
Krtad,iU TNOWUaI, I IlllTlf, ete
J. B. Congle
ilartifjiluur, Wholtmlo andjllctall Dealt r
iu all kind of
Harness, Saddles, Whips,
Itiidlt'H, liitslu's A Trunks.
"V''- ,us ' "" 'ronl Mrrrf, I'lirllnoil,
ll On won. AUokeepivn.raiitly tn hand alar;
uHirtmentot Loilliu and Siddler) Hardware.
iTVintloi lid paper in)stt
Apple, I'eur, Cherry, 1'lnn. Mulberry and
Ke rarrn Tr,
, ai wnnieiaio -ricra in email
uwDerrjr, naipoerrr,
erry, Cnrrcnl, Koaca,
line Nhrubbi-r and
f ilraMi Vlnea of Nlanra.
KmDlra Stale. Ijidr. Dolawaro
and all other new ami old aorta. Concord 1 rear
fromllO. tollS.v-rl.U"): lyear. Illtn H Artdreaa
UlooKlmliu, III., II tt. 11. HC'IIUUDKU.
a(abTuhcd PAY'S IBM.
Take tha lead i dona not ecrrMa Ilka I In or Iron, nor
daealtlwahlnaleaorUreoiiiDoaitlooii earIn arpljl
atfAnff and riarblr at half toil cnet nf tin, 1 auo a
1'o.t. OAlllU:1
liar rii MTKK r.t Illllf Ihp
ii.-ulU Um wear of OU Clotha, Oataliua ind hbdIn
na iiut.n pi aam mate
,, . S A m I.U., IAJ
i rwk i-o- cl
MUW, X. J.
Grind jfour own
UI: I IU jIn,,, oraler Hbclla!
R.11IAM I'loor .d I'crZ
(C. Wllaoa'a l-atentl. lOO nep
nh auiurjum twtttt ..
i rent, morn made In keenlnrnoau
rCKDHILlX. Clrrular and Teat monlale aenl
OS aopucatwu. V1 UtOS UKOS., lUtea.Vo.
Aa lairawd aid Kurn hj Mm Mrrfnli l-.iWIn it,
a. wiii ft turn, dr,r fvr lAlnr ru,. an vita ia,M ta
klr,. Ji.iiLtUr Arc tunable, oaartaala la
rMlUM auacul 4 IWfcflMi l ir, 4l,r rre
JOHN CaUUUIIt; ilnelaaall. O.
Sj crrit li eut filth that e can yo, oir niiTeter. tk
willmAileauufatocoAriacejou. t-Kt b sft.li; ttator-it
cjtnipai'Cut H.S-UlUlVJI4CUa(U.,,-ut.J.
ibley's Tested SeedJ
Catalojua ire n annncitiiia xi.. Ti
HlllAM SlllUKV CO.. (MS
Kocviitaa. S. Y. Cuic.m I. a
8 picket Flower See.UO. 3 pack,
ela VetMable Seed I Or. l-u,tiul(.
lalo-u4 tree. J.J. UKLUVilcJwjr, K. Y.
LTSr. IliebonZliM wrat l"
j and Collar IViU llu)
Ih-r lit. lining lloota
irvthetxt. l.SCt
K ilJSKV A !.IXJU.i.M.
Rnu! '.'a II I'Kllsx. Si'.;-j, Orron
Bis ms ix -i Mil c vi;t 8-'cirao
Mlol o'ta ltd An mil iH.irml,
:wrTaa::..':a... .
list op lmriAsi;.';
Harm and Scaldi,
Stlngaaait Illlen,
Cntaand Ilrultn,
ContracteJ JIuttlti,
Frott Bltea.
OF AM5l.lI.f!.
Sorea and (lalla,
Spatln, Crude,
h'cren Worm, drub,
Foot Hot, Hoof ill,
Sirlnar, Fonndera,
Spialni, fitralDi,
Sore Feet,
and all external dlaic,aDdeTcryliutt or accldcn
1'orgcneinl cac In family, ttableand 1lock7atd.lt I;
n. LiKitnrs
I'UIV.iTi: lllhlF..HAUl.
400 Ooary St., San I'randiio, C
Conducted by Quallrltd l'liyalcln
ami ourut-ona riRiiiar uranuaicf.'
tTTb Olilral Nprrlnllat In II
uniicu nuiee, hiiok i.tra-Loxo a
mum-ecu, perfect uiclliod and 'U
incdlclae, Iniuro arkaur and ir.
mixkxt ctRM of all l'rltate. Chror
and Kerroua I) atari e, Affection! )
' the III001I, rikln, Klilnoa,IIIa
lrr, i:ruplloa, I irrra, 01
Hurra, Mnrlllnsr Ihr Olnntt
rorr .tiiiiiiii, 1 11 ronl, II
I'ttliiN, crmaii ntly enrol ami tr
Icaud from tlio ayauin for life.
a.i-miniir. tiai.iii. im.h.
ncnvuui iVmv Hemiufl
Loaara, hrxual llcrny, Ilrnll
11 11 11 i-iijainu it rxkiiroa, mi
iiiKJirmorr, lrrnk Kjo.Hliin
rl llrveliiiuiiriil.liiiiieiliiiii'ia
In .lliirrlimr. rlr., ri-rim rxt-eH
ra or jnutiirul rulllra, nr iij
CHinr. ireilll.v, .nrelr m
tu iinwitriy rnrril.
u vol'mi. nii)i)i.i:.AOi:n & o
liien.amlkllolioiireilnedlcalHhlll and j;icrlcni
runaiut 1110 dim r.ijrujiriin injaiiian at once. 1111 cp
,1111 ivi ii.iiiiiii);, nun ma, aiTu iniuro iiueery a
aliaine. When iDconicnlent to vlilt tho cur for In
ment, cirdlclnu t.in bo tent ttirrvhere dy expt
frrr fniui ilirrilllin. Il It trtf-nl. mt thai
phyalctti who Klvia lilauliole itlriitloii to a i-laes
iilM'xctiillnlna ureal aklll,amlph;alclr. 1 ron
out ItitiUjlllitrv. hriOKlnir thla. frinuentlv i.i.. m
ililllcrt ct.ua to tba Olilral Hprrlnllal, by wr.i
every liiinttii cnml rritirilj'la utcJ. 'rhclloctri
.tuoami .t-rirnrr inai.cn lilii'pltiiontf niprc
nndcrukin, not ciliitl. (' r rlte. Iloura. Dj
fnmnA. l . U 4 I' II . I' to H cteiilnim! H.in.lJ
11 In li onlv, rV.li nut tier bMMUMir (Uina
iiialtii ; ar.M 1 rrr. Auurcaa it above
Woiiucrful German Invlo-nrnfnl
1'irn.aiciilly pretcnti uil Lmulural Ixvca froiri
aiaicni, 11. lira ino nirvca, urenaiiicna the ram ft,
rliackallis vtaate, Intliroratra tho Hhola ataUm id
reatori rue aiuictoi 10 Health ami llappltitaa. I
Tlio rciaviao rruny cannot u-ct cured of tteallii
nn tie aoovo ineeaaea la owlei; to a corupllcil
t-auru 1-uuaiAitmiiiir.A, anicn reiiuirea pctlar
trcatinmt. Hit. LIKDIO'S iNVinOIIATOKIa ll.cllt
euro for I'aoarATOKaiiaA.Hllh peculiar Special T t
ment, oM at the LIKIIIO DISl'KNHAUV.
OrWowr Vmaef I ho 8cr..tnin. Olteri tlmuiit
peeled eauaa cf Ixiit Uanbocil, Dil.lllty, etc. Sei ill
ealinaiaiid IUcoinplcallou Proaterrea. Tln)i..i
illtcoea) can unly boeiirnl by Dr. Llcblua Indjcftor
,u. miu iiiv it. i.ici 1; tanrccnie uoinprt-eecr.
ttrtrieti iiTllir lnlsaralur,(lf. Caio 0
noiucajtJiu. aant 10 any itldrcae, cottrrd tci
hpiii ivfcrtauoil.
Mojlpuwerrt'l electric bclla free to lutlenta.
.ToniotaiiiaWoiDrari'browaa or tiik INVlMt-
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free aitlprli ate. I
Calllraildreaa- I.IEIIMi IHIllHUl1
. , 4C0 Oiaty blrcct.San lYanelico, iJ.
I'lltpo entrance, 40i Uaaon atrrct,four bloc J up
(Jcary Street from Kearny, Mtln entranca thaUyf
l)liieirv 1'nnr Rtorti l,an94tl
No, U Kearny St., San Francisco, Ca
TaxAtiAlL Ciiaoxic, Srecui. axd 1'aiVATK Dial iu
la a rtrUIn cine Iter
JVt uih llfhlllty. h't
MjiJhmh, J'l'rllt"f
Aiw.1. and all 'JicJctll
elTecta ot )cutl.fal nllca
ami cxtvaMa, aii. In
'ililnklDr liiiulrJlue
illQuotv, Hi; Mliile,
I uliolalrtM-itLirliliviitan.
KruluaUi of tho llhi-t.
any 01 remit) ivaiiu. ill
Urro to forfeit r).y) lur
a t-aao or una kiui inc
Vital J.Vrujuriit iun.
ilerhli ihtUI advlco and trealmcut)lll not cure
kl.W a otllc.cr four time the n,iiintlty.l,'c,l(to
any adi raet on receipt of price, or U. 0, H. In privtto
iuiiio I deaircel, by l)r Wntlr, tt Kramy .v.,
. I '. lt. tkn J (or llrt ot quettlona and )aniiblA.
s.t.wr.t: narrr.K ;
IM ho ent to any ono applying by Itlur, atatiri
O' Voai, aex and aje. mrlct wtwj hi rcgir'
'ai tranaactVuna.
You al allowed afttt trial 0 IMrty daw of tbo
S? Si T- Dt't -lbrate. Voltaic Itelt wltn
Uectrlcbuipentory ApplUnce. for tho apeedy
"-".';.' H lrraanent euro of brnxHU DtbUUi,ou
ot I ltalt and Xankoat, and all kindred troul Jea.
Alao fortruwr other cUaKiaea. Complete rratora.
t Ion to Valtb. Vlijor anil Manhoo.1 truaranteed.
NorHkllncurreil. Uluatratnl pamphlet In aralcrf
TntvfwnallMlfrw. liyaditreaalnit
V(LTAIO BELT CO., ilartball, Mich.
Museum of Anatomy-
j.11 jiaraici mitti.
T ilUcaje, and how aouderfully you
i-ma.l. Priratd Office-. Sll Uearybt.
liaaulutlon on Lott Manhcol and all
laeaaei ot Women, Send (or boola.
taVlvlMfr,XiTUutirttoiu, 4UI
lainiruaupav. (VtntAlns ruL, of our
nfCui Corr-oiwirQCtf aanrredli' privala. lr
UM rVittl &i.a4.rM 24 tUtt U lUeraX(tH
DlonaJLat-lnLCtat ABti TratlmtiLiiia.t,
" etA4 u aw taturvM ktft mp,
PtrfM4U MHtr Mly t Inli rm.
ftft4tta,U laT rVUttlU. UkU aWaaU.
llll,..rilllll Ti J
XQ.11iCo hn rail teo no one but the. DocV r Vi
aultalioi FKKK and aurrrtll, rmillilrllf Inl. t. ,)
which hate lallcd In olitalnluirrilUf clohcrc If
ally aolicllcil Femilo I'llu'ia tncera.fiillt- ttnu,
llic llot-lnr lll auric to fotfe't ai.ixni for a .4
PfCy Jma,aW'aKVaal
Wfcmff rai V.VA Wil
Iwf; r CaOKv iimi
Tarn. kaiUUeHr. x. B. O&rdur.