WILLAMETTE FARMKK: SALEM, OREGON, FEBR VARY G. 1885. grange fahutu GRAKOE IMREGTOKY. Tho Oregon Stato Orange. OFFICERS. Matter Judgo It. P. liotic, Salem, Marlon Co., Ogn. Ovcncer. A. Luolllng, Mllwaukie, Clack amas Co., Ogn. Lecturer II. E. Hayes, Stafford, Clackamas Co., Ogn. Stoward v. B. Thomas, Walla Walla, Wash. Ty. . , Assistant Steward. F. C. Yoomaus, asli ougal, W. T. Chaplain. A. Schumvayt Gratifioville, Idaho Co., Idaho. Treasurer U. 1. llurcli, Independence, Polk Co., Ofin. Secretary Mrs. M. J. Train, Albmy, Llun Co., Otro. Oato Keeper. John Simpson, Sittslaw, Lano Co., Oregon. Ccrcr Mrs. Harriet Cooper, Wilbur, Douglas Co., ORn. Pomona Miss M, J. Harris, Corvallis, Ben ton Co., Ogn. Flora. Jcnnio Miller, Scllwood, Multno mah Co., Ogn, Lady Asst. Stoward Mrs. I. I.. Hillcary, Turner, Marion Co., Ogn. Washington Qronze. Thq following nvo tlio ofllccrs elected for tlio year of 188J, P. G. Day, W. M. ; Wax. Bayo, "V. 0.; Chris. Buyer, Y. S.; "W. Onto Keeper, Sis. Emily Day, W. Lecturer; Mrs. Annio Hyde, Ceres; Mrs. M. J. Sltolinn, Pomona ; Mn. 12. Payne, Flora; Josopbino Houstcn, Lady Asst. At tlio last regular meeting of Ilntto Grango No. 118 tho following ofllecra woro elected : M.. S.M.Kelso: See., C.P. Tiirard; L.,Tho9. Paulson j 0., W. Pollard; S 0. H. Dunno ; A. S., A. K. llontli; G. K., Chap, Sister Kelso; Troas., Sister Pnulson; Pomona, Sister "Wood ; Cores, Sister lldimol. Flora, Sister M. A. Tigard? L. A. S., P. K. Marion. Tho following is a list of tho ollicerri of Charity Grango No. 1011 for tho yenr of 1885; S. U. Fcnrl, M.; V. II. Wijrle, Ovcr.;J.D.Wiglc, Lee.; M. P. Print, S. ; A. G. Wnggner, A. S. ; Eli Mielinel, Chap.-; .TckIo Pearl, Treas.; M. A. Wag gnor Sec. ; D. V. Michonl, G. K.j 2J. 13. Kizcr.P.; Nancy "Wiglo.; I'mma Michael, 0. ; Cnllio Pearly, L. A. S. Charity Grango meets from Nov. till April at 11 o'clock and from April to Nov. at ono o'clock on tho ltd Sat. in each mouth. Shoulder or Mutton. Hub it over with salt nnd popper, fill tho insido with a savory forcemeat of herbs, with plenty of parsley nnd no eggs; roll it up nnd skewer it into a a neat oval form, or hind it with n tapo: lay.it inn stowpau with two onions, two carrots, hoiiio horb., n buy loaf, popper, salt and a little broth or water ; stow it gently over a slow llro or in tho oven, basting it often. AVhen nearly done, tako olT tlio cover nnd let tho meat brown in tho oven. Hoforo serving, take up tho meat carefully, vcmovo the binding and place it on it dish to keup warm whilo you strain tlio gravy ; tako nil tho fat oft' and boil it down to a strong glazing. Pour this ovor tho moat Mew Yalclraa Tho railroad company nro ovidontly dotormined to strain every ncrvo to tear down tho old town and build up the now, nnd, as wo havo beforo predicted, wo still beliovo that tho Yakima pcoplo must succumb to tho inovitablo, no matter how unpleasant nnd unjust it may bo. Things nro going ahead with a rush at tho now town, corner business lots selling at $."00 or moro. As yet rcsidenco sites may bo had cheap, but ns tho population increases so will they. Uusmess housosof all kinds nro going up, and Icttore of inquiry nro coming from all sources. Itailroad construction will bo pushed on toward tho sound rapidly as possiblo.and Now Ynkima will bo headquarters until it is finished, Tho famo of tho Long Tom is already wldo-spread among tho rivors of tho world, and now, Mr. John Swnrts, ono of her enterprising sons, proposes to add another laurel to her wreath of glory by introducing beaver culture. Ho intends to enclose n field along tho banks of a small atroam with n barbed wiro fonco which the bonver can not pas through. As this animal subsists principally upon roots and brush, in which tho Long Tom abounds, it is probablo that Mr. Swnrts' stock will sutler no great loss from hard wintors. Tho bonvor, when taken young is easily domesticated, it increases rapid ly and its fur is valuablo ; and wo hopo this young man is engaging in a profit able business, in which we wish him success. Hogistor. voi Mi jikx:hi:.u iiii",. Tub Voltaic Belt Cc, of Marshall.Mfch., offer to send their celebrated KLtt-rno.VoL-taic Belt and other Electhio Ai'i-liancf-s on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) alllicted with nervous debility, lost of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, ucuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete restoration to Health, visor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred as thirty day trial it al lowed. Write them at oncu lor illustrated pamphlet free. Jjaly When you como to town call in at Port it Son's drug stor. You aro always lcoine. Ulins. u. Topping, ABBt. otownru ; u. r. llnlthvin, W. C; Mrs. 13. K. Topping, Son- H. Y. llvdn. 1-.V. A. Tantiinir. jar(ictiI.itraL OREOOH FRUIT AT MEW 0RLEAN3. Hon. M. Wilkin?, nt present in tho city, called Wednesday evening and informed us ho hod just recoived a letter from Mr. Allen, snying thnt he had taken six first class premiums. It seems that tho supply was short but it was thought best not to rob tho stnto display lo holp thy pomologicnl hall, so tho parties in chargo made up twelve plates of four apples each and entered them. Hut tho plates wero ruled out on account of improper naming, leaving only nine plates for competition. Is is a pleasant fact to know that Oregon lias dono so well. There is no denying tho fact that climate inlhtonces, produco great change in fruitjhenco tho reason three plates wero ruled out. Apple Notes. A correspondent of tho Lowiston Journal gives tho following interview with Mr. D. J. Uriggs, of South Turner, Me., on tho subject of applo culture. "My. Ualdwlns exceeded all my other sorts. I havo between fiOO and (!00 bushels of Ualdwins in one pile, and many thnt I can pick out aro as largo ns King's variety, and n redder ht I never grew. Apples colored up splondidly this year. My. Kings are also n pretty good lot. Thoro aro ovor 200 bushols of thorn in ono bin. My russets aro barrclod up nnd covered as tight as possiblo ; russets need to bo kept from tho air so thoy will not shrivel. I raise principally lto.xbury mul English rus sets. "Ono nmin point in storing apples is to handle them carofully and properly. My apples wero nil ploked in a padded basket and placed in u lined cart, so nono of the fruit would comp against a hard surface. I do not think apples need to 'sweat beforo putting in tho cellar. I carry my upplcs from tho orchnrd to tho cool cellar, nnd boliovo it better than piling them in heaps to be carried to tho cellar later. Uy feeling of my Ualdwins you will seo how oily thoy are. That U tho way I liko to havo them feel. I prefer putting apples in bins. About all tho apples that will decay in tho next two or three months will comnicneo within three weeks after they aro put in tho cellar. Hy and by wo put them all up in barrels and sort out nnd throw out those that are do fective. "I beliovo in feeding my orchard as much as I do my sheop or cows. Tho fruit is larger, is a hotter llavor, with a moro plentiful supply. Ucsidos, tho trees will bo moro constant in bearing if tho orchard is properly fed. Careful Transplanting In orcharding, careful planting nnd propor preparation of tho soil aro to bo relied on as lending to ultimate success; thorough work in these nro necessary to insure abundant returns and rowards. This, probably was not so c.sential in tho early practice of jwinology in this country. Then wo had n cliinato much moister and tho dements of plant food and fruiting abundant almost to excess. Nursories wero few nnd limited in oxtent; seedlings wcro tho main reliance, and the planter had only to uso his mattock in digging and preparing shallow placen for his trees. His young trees wero taken from ono plnco and immediately planted in another, or thoy grow up accidently nnywhoro nnd recoived such shallow cultivation ns wni then practis ed, not only for trees, but for tho coroal and other crops. Tho trees raised in this way wcroloth healthy nnd vigorous, nnd many attained great sizo and great age. Thoy wero generally set near buildings, whoro they also had the ad vantage of tho extra food that abounds about farmhouses. Thus wo seo the chango of climate, and other circum stances attonding tho opening of tho country and gradualy oxhaustiou of tho virgin soil, forco us to manure and prepare tho soil in tho best manner, i-o as to secure humus nnd nioisturo nnd give our trcos the food naturo intended for them. Cloth for Hot Beds. A correspondent onquiros as to prepar ing such cloth ns wo hcrowith give answer to canto from a correspondent : "I havo used simply cotton sheeting, but for earlier uso nnd to tender tho cloth air tight and wanner, uso tho following preparation : Ono quart raw linseed oil, onco ounce, pulverized sugar of load, nnd two ounces pulverized rosin. 1 fo.it in an iron kettlo till nil is diwolvcd, and apply with a brush, whilo hot, to tho muslin whilo 'stretchod over n. frame, Endeavor to apply when two, euccoMivo clear days can bo had to dry it well be fore placing it ovor tho vapor and heat of ii bed. Ueady for uso, tbeso cost in monoy $1.25, nnd in labor enough to mnko tho cntiro cost nearly equal tho interest on glnss for ono year. In careful hands thoy will servo three soasons. They do not gather heat so rapidly during the day ns glass, nnd hence there is less dnngcr of. burning or drawing plants; nor do they thrown heat so fnst nt night, and so need less covering. Fitting tight to the frames they admit of no drafts undergo no sudden chango, and slitter, little from dninponingolT. Old gardeners nro usually prejudiced against them at iirst thought, but I notice after once try ing them thoy annually incrcaso their nunibor, finding them a cheap way of increasing their beds, causing no break- ago liko glass in careless hands, nnd nro stored at less expense, nnd answer ninny other uses during tho yenr." rroat Action ot Plants. A German investigator, H. It. Goppert, hns mndo somo experiments to de termine whether, ns had been previously stated, plants, bulbs and roots nro killed by sudden thawing, nnd not by tho preceding freezing. Ho submitted po tatoes and tho bulbs of hyacinths, narcissus, etc., to u temperature nf about thrco degrees below freezing, nnd then suddenly to fifteen bolow freezing. This killed all tho bulbs, whether thoy wero afterward thawed cither slowly or rapidly, but nono ot tho bulbs wore damaged by cxiosure (imply to three degrees below freezing, tho potatoes only being frozen. Certain Mowers which wero tried wero killed directly when frozen, and could not bo revived by gradual thawing. Tho buds of some woody plants boro a temperature of zero, or n few degrees bolow, nnd sub fcquont thnwing nt sevpnty-soven degrees without injury. Weight per Bushel. For tho convenience of farmers nnd others who havo not the infoimjition nlwnys accessible, wogivo tho following table of weights to tho bushel, as adopt ed by tho Merchant's F.xchaugo of Nash ville, Tenn : Apples, green, f0; driod, 2(5; Ueans, dried, 0; green in hull, .'10; Harley, IS; ltrnn, i!0 ; Uuckwhcnt, HO ; Clover seed, 0; Corn, shelled, "id; shucked, 70; Flax seed, fifi; Grass scod, blue, l-t; Orchard, 11 ; Iteil top, 11 ; Land plaster, 100; Lime, unshicked, 80; slackod, 10; Turnips, fiO; Wheat, GO; Millet neod, fiO; OnH, ft!; Onion, (); KotH, 1)2; Pens dried, (!0i Peachos, )0; Potatoes, Irish, 00; Ityo, ot); Salt, fiOr .Sorghum seed, I'll Timothy seed, In ; Tomatoes, BO. Tho Mail nnd F.xprcsi says: "Tho report of tho American consul nt Calcut ta, ought lo Im reassuring to wheat growers in this country. Tho wheat crop in India for 1881 is 2IB,000,00() bushels, raffed on 20,000,000 acres of laud, or ninn ami two-fifths bushels to tho acre. Tho I'liited State' nvernge last year was thirteen busjiols. The I'elln price is 60 cents per biHhol ; cost of transportation from Delhi to Calcutta 101 cents; cost from Chicago to New York, about IB cents, nnd Now York is half the distance from European markets that Calcutta is. Tf wheat can bo raised and sold in Chicago nt 80 conts per bushel, thoro can bo no competition by Hast India growers. I brnko ii)i it piece of prairie sod with the Acme Pulverizing Hnrrow, Clod Crusher and Iovclor, and worked it down so thnt a nersou could not tell whether it was old or now ground. (Seo pngo 11 vo of this paper.) pairii anil ijoiilfrg. Eottlnx Hens. Although every precaution is somo times taken to mako tho setting hou us comfortable as possiblo, tho eggs often fail to hatch. Tho difficulties aro of a character that cannot bo discovered, but much depends on tho conditions regard ing tho management of tho laying hens. If n hen is very fnt.sho will lay but few eggs, anil tho eggs from siu-h a hou will often fail to hatch. When cocks aro allowed to rango with too many hens, the vitality of tho chicks is lossened, nnd thoy d!o in the shell. Fowls thnt nro fed under ft forcing process, produce weak offspring, and thoso that have been bred in nnd in aro not to ho iclictl upon to givo good Imtchos or produco healthy chicks. Tho lion that stenls hernoit is generally successful, but why this is 0 has been n puzilo not only to tho fanners, but U scientific jneti us well. Ono thing wo know is, that her eggs nro never disturbed, and they aro surrounded only by tho puro and uncontminatod utmnsphorc. When wo place eggs under n hen, wo know nothing of them, n.i a rule, and if thoy contain fertile germs it is only mntter of guess with us in selecting llio uost, but tho hidden hen's egg- aro always impregnated. Tho nosts should bo (collided, and in a plnco which will bo Eccuro from tlio approach or intru sion of man or fowl, with tho surround- ings freo from nil impurities or odors, nnd every convenience afforded in the way of dusting, food and water. We liandlo eggs too freely, approach the nest too often, nnd disturb tho ittihg hen whon she should be easy nnd quiet. There are birds that abandon nests after tlio eggs have been disturbed, nnd this may partly teaeh us to place tho sitting hen alone by herself, with freedom of action, the eggs being from good strong hens, of wlifh only n few havo been mated with a vigorous cock. Avoid sotting hens if they are nervous or qunrielsomo. Such hens are never careful, and break their eggs as well ns tramping their young chickens to death. A medium sized hen is the best, and of different breeds, the Urahmns nnd Coch insure nro the most presistcnt sitter. Milk ror Chickens. An old poultry raiser, who believes in milk for fowl, says: "It is both meat nnd drink. Somo of tho finest chickens I ovor saw were raised upon tho free uso of milk with their food. Hens lay as well or better when furnished with this than upon any other known article of food ottered them." Another poultry-raiser says: "A neighbor of ours whoso hens, to our ex nspcration, kept laying on when eggs weio forty-live cents a dozen, while ours persistently laid off during tho same season, on being questioned revealed the tho fact that his had a pail of skimmed, porhaps clabbered, milk each day, and no other drink. On comparing notes wo each found that our management of our fowls wasjilnuwt exacily alike with this single difference n dilleivnco that put many u dollar to tho credit side of liis lodger, whilo our own was loft blank during tho snmo period; nnd this thing had been going on for years, with the result nlwnvs in favor of a milk diet' Sour milk, sweet clabbered milk, buttermilk, nro all excellent for every sortt of poultry at all ages, and whoever IS HllUUlCd HO IIS l() L-UIUIIIIIIIU II KUllll supply, is favored with one of the eleinonts of succes in keeping fowls in thrift. It is especially valuablo to givo to poultry koptHhut up, ns it is nearly equivalent to insect forage. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. Tho boit Salvo in llio world for Cuts, llruls c, Sores, Ulcers, Silt Itlirum, Kuver Sores, Totter, Chnpprd llaudt, Chilblains, Conn and nil SkinKritptions, and potltivoly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to jjivo atisfactlon, cr money refunded. Pricu 'J.lo per (mix. For sale by Port ii Son, ly coHi!triiu. tui:i. An oM li)lcUii, retired f rum practice, Imlmc Iml placed In lilt hand by an Kut India mU.loii.irv llm formula ot a tlmjilo torlalilo remedy lor tlio r?tnly and permanent cure ot roimnnptluii, !lrncMtl, Cut rill. Aitlima, and all tlirn.it and I.uiik Allictlon., alio a lliu and rudlmluim for Ninotit llilillil) and all Nervnut t'oiiiihliit, alter Imlu ttitid It mindcrliil vlimho pott era III lliouiand ol I'aart. Iiai lull It III duty tomaloilt knoMii to bit utfcrliir lelloi. Actu ated by thlt'notlte and uilu.lru to ruiloto biiman tuf ferlui;. I will tend freu ot el aru-c, to all who denlre It, till, rcclpo In (Itrmin, KnulUh or r'rencli, ttlili lull direction, for rc)urlii and uilni;. Sent liyuall by addri'ulni,' ttlili ataum and namtmrthlt "r, W. A. NOYK'4, 1 ID '..tter' Illock. Itoclicittr. N V mini TAKB Ml. IIIsXisKY'S Dandelion . . a rr.u ix ci'itp. rou . Malaria, IndljiutloD, Dyapopsin, IiOhs of Apiiot.to. Norvousuoas, Gonornl Debility, Through ovcr-ooik, ami all ill urderauf tliu Stniniuli and iJtrr. Tblilt liut tbv miMi'l tlie trir ttbeu tlio Tonio Hot imatluiaMo alil. It'll a Hilm: ami hummer inoutlu iUl.tl t u prctatcnt and nut frtla laninild and ilruwty and Ucjirimtd ulibnut knotting villi, llio ttateni I ml, toning and intliroratlmr Nothing I, k Uleitual at IIK.M.VJ IIAMIKMO.V TONIC. Ati your druiralit lor a bottle, and tike uolbtiuf !!, lU.MU'.l.lliV TONIC CO,, laprdui lOHTI.A.NIi, OIIKOO.V Vegetable Seeds, Flowor rand Troo Soorio, Grass Seed, Seed Potatoes. Onicn Setts cris taius, oistru c;t:iVA:::s, :. Cdlnloijiia .Utillrtl l'rve t nil. .titttrcia IMiANT SKK COMPANY, OI2 & 8.r H. 4th St., St. Louis, Mo. DEDERICK'S HAY PRESSES. thecu.iuiuer krei'lUKtlioonu tiiit tails ..w .! AM . " .V.raOY -V n ..fRltrffeW? I M viiy.""' v-1--ti! JinV'il'it. ..J)t'-i " -i c'aii.l - , , ! .i niMrr-;s rr circular and location vt t r h Kitni-rii hiiirehnuut ami Airenta. !. DCOZTUCA a CO., Albany, N. Y. K Ty 3,lfiluUiy runtl in i M li )zS Za?netlu EiUo Trust, VairrAi)ttillhf!on1vIf(tirloTruisi tiithei wiirlil hiillrclvditlt-rfiitlruiii ' iio;iitr, iflecwieiointrtnti.i ;rn i XulthrasQ&tiilruiijti rtrnjctilihilitiy CurtU i;t (T-jwnr i't m r i ji m ti ,i, w i "t, riilliURiirtrliut i. S I.itraUiJ jttiii rtilrlfrca.i i"i"tjfm nitrf mti n MAONETIC ELA3TIC TIIUS8 COMPANY. , 25 YEARS IN THE POULTRY YARD. IClli Kdlllon, lid rKH,eil.lu ililf lha entlrf, builneai. IJtea vim. tuina and 111 rtninlln fur alliliM-aMt. AUi-uavellluttraua taltlbvue, All for lie lutuiunt. A. .11. I.VNO. Covn Dull'. I.U Co. ICy. THE BEST 13 CHEAPEST." IhrsePoifri 'irMPoifll liH tOll bnO riaitrDtlltr Cloier Dillfn iSaliJta)kviiou. Wrliotprfici KIUiu.l'iuuphlt jk! I'rkvt U'thw Aulirna fjlr lo- yiu.B.iJ, Ofalo. $3 hl! Eotnbllshotl 40 Yrs.wsj i Cr J3tt UEMABIK .3 ffJU USKaV 1 jt EnW'-Jnt t' II rE5BKS fiJrSH h J$tnfJb Jll, C DR.SANFOp'S INVIGORATOR J. just what its name, amphes ; a jPurcly Vcgclablo'Compouudy. thai RCtamrcctlyupontheiJivcr; curing IheTnanydbcascsiiTcidmna Utatmi.' portant organ, and pTcwmting the no? tncrous ailments tKijarisc.' from lis deranged ornrVac.tIaTi sacTx.ag TJppcpsiw'fT:Wjulice, Dilionsncss doswcncssMwlarin, Sick-Ticaclache, Rhcajnuctc. Itfis ftlicreforoa fsmlAr ' To liavo dood Hcaltll thcIwcT must be kept in order."' SB. SANFOBD'S IIVEIt INVIOOnATOR Invleorntc9 tlio Liver, Itefiiilates tho Bow-' els, Strengthens tlio System, Purines tlio Ulood. Assists Digestion, I'rcvcnts Fevers. Is n Household Need. An Invaluable Family Medlclno for common complaints. DR. SANFOBD'S LIVEB IKVIOOBATOB. Antrperirnct of Forty ytart, ami Thou. tands of TtttimontaU irotc Ht Merit. ron b w.r. nv am. rn:At.i;ns in medicines. For full Information tend your ndclrctt for IM rswBook on tho "I.Iyer nnd Its Olwatet." to Liuaisrono St cau t., kew toint DR. JAYJST3SfS AGUE MIXTURE. A CERTAIN AND EFFlfCTUAL REMEDY rem j'ever ami Ayuc, Intermittent ami Jlemltteut A'cvvrs, ilV. Tliliel.inof illic'ct to ru'Sunoti In nil parti of tho World, ond cicei.itljr jirovntcnt In rua farlout tllitrlctt nnd tlclnno of nlvr-cuurie, nro almost Invarlulily mvuiuinnlod b tmirv ot lcj. derangement of tlio liver, nnd fwiuvntly It n itcfeetlvv nctlun uf tlio illative nrxani. The mere brcnkliii; of tlw Clilll Ii but a.ttori tuwnrdt comjilctliijc n radical enrol tlio riirlui organi uf llio mAy, enpeeliill tlio ttoiuaeli :ni liver, uiiitt bo brii,r,lit In n licnllli,v nnd rljir out eundllion beforo n imminent nirc ctin b erhbllilieil, nnd Hilt f.iet lint been tjirflntly kept In ictr by Dr. .Inynr In lilt Ircntnicut of tlieie coiuiiiliit. Tlio r.o of .Inrno't Aua MUturo, lin'onjiini'lliiii wllli Jnyne'ii !.initlvo l'lllt, ni prercrlbed In llio Dlrvt'tloni wtttcU aoconih.in)' culi botllc, ulU not only BREAK UP THE CHILLS, but rrtluro tlio ryitem, inure .:irli-u:.i(ty t!n liver nnd ttom.ieli, b n hiuii.1 --ii lltlun, an 1 1 jircrent n rvlajnouf IVvrr and Atuu by thor oughly ERADICATING THE UISEAGE. and the tiet rvMi-u "f i. '. U i.. u'raUU tueei.4. ttliWi !i ill., it i ' ..I ''., taiQ. ttr.itiii f IIiom- .! ' . a ut.'tfl " tb) cottltU'.itct .iil-:.rUv-d uii.i . . v in I'.'. Jarotl'i Aliiininc, midlluMtll.-ai.r.M d qmlal'mf t!j A;(ui' Mlxturr In I !.! .'t'lil 'l ! lii) '.'riitel St t... vrbi-c I .' "i. Til i'Ldi i tf dll '"!. II ml iivi ' For stlo liy lloilf, Davis k Co., Agunts. Dr. Allen's I'RIVATK IIIHl'K.VHAUY, IS, Kenriiy Hirer t, knu s-'ranrliro, t'nl. riMiei Kipert Htierlnllai, Dr. Allen, It a rrcular X Krailuattd l'hjlclin from Hit Uulrtrtlty of illcld- San, lit bat deroti d a lifetime to tin ttudr of SiMK'ltl Itcutt. von.vti .mi:. And MWDLE-AOKl) 1KN, bo ire t:Oerln from tht eltett uf Youthful lnill.'ietlon or Kieeiwt la niatureryrart.NKItVOUtl and I'JIYfilCAL UKIIIUTY, LOST MANHOOD, ttc., rtmeuibcr that, by a comlloa. lion of remedies of vrttt curative owec tht Doctor bat to tritncod bit trtatmenl that It will ust only afford ImmidUta relief, but permanent cure. MY lIO.il'lTAL i:.l':itlA('K (n.vlng been aurijeon lu churre (if t n Uadlmr liotplUIi) eoabltamt to tntttll prlvt m.i llh ticclUnt rrtulti. I ctilin to le a tklllful I'll) tlclan and Uurjnou TIIOllCCOIlbY Informod In my tii.clall) IIIStMMKS UY Jl.t.N. All will receivoiny boiutt oiilnlonof their eomplalnts woeutrlnicntinK. On.uftatlont raasaud ttrletlr rlval I'lnr.M leaaonatde. Call or addrew: DK. ALLK.V, C Krirny M. San t'rtncltoo, CI. Otlkt bourt, U to 3 da I, 7 to 8 irenliiy, ljnltf DR. MINTIE, HperUIItt ml Clrailuale. TVTC- II KKAIINY bTUKCT, Han Francltco, Cat, iil Treat, nil ill route. Hprrlal and rrlrats blitatM trIIU Wonderful Murcrat, THE GREAT ENGLISH UEMEDT. It a ctrtaln Ciaa for Nut. oi't Dttiurr, LOHT HAN lliioii, l'aoTiiuaa, ttd all tht tvll tOxU ot Youthful lolllni tioeiiea. IIII, JIIMIK. who U Itwiiia I'uTticiiv.aaAH. vais or tub Unit aunt or I'snamvAku. will tnt4 to forfeit I.1UO for a eaat of tills klnltbattl VITAL 'tZiiAVHimnfl bU tneclal adt lea and treat it .:upan t . u.a a . . iwuu. nunij win no. ir ifict,i, a ooiuej tour twta tht quantity, t. , Stnt to any addrtat, ceufld.nUJly, UsilraUaddretf dttlrcd, by A. K. Ml.NTIK, M.D , 11 Kearny Ot, B. T., Cal. tVU.ud for pamphlet and lilt of quta'ioni. Hliilfltl iioitlk ui:n Will b tint to any out applying by Ittterj lUHnf OTuiDtomt. tex and azo, all butlnt.t trantactlout. BWici tcray in rtgara . JtuilU LHJDINQEE&GONARDGO'S llllAUTIFUI. l'.Vi:U.II.OO.IIIMl .. - OL J ROSES I lur I i rent Mprrliill y Ua-mxlnc and JUtritjulliu ltIHI'.S-wa d4l?vrlitin !' l'l."', .ult.LU Ijt MM.Wiai. blurjui. tafuly by it.il at ail l'uat O01i:w. OTHER VARIETIES 1,& If. FOR SI acevidius to valu. Band fur ?r No w ti tilde, It pp elegantly Ulaa. aad clu.w .VO'.r SOU ttnoat wirta IUmv Urvtrcn, AYral .t'licatcr Co., I'av. k ""V ' 1. trr-