Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 30, 1885, Page 6, Image 6

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ilfS-T " Js. T7r.T-
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Lis Wlii ,
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of tlio .i . 1' iiIi.imi t'if H'lin r.n.n
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Whenever tlioXorninn 1 fordo in fount!
in Amuricn, tlio niiiiio of Dillon is
known. Tliu Dillons wore pionuoru in
this lino, ami, in will lo boon by tlio
fiictw k'ivoii bolow thoy Htill continuo to
do rtloiicunvoik. I hiving tlomoiistrulctl
boyoiiil u qtiotiou that tlio Noriiinn
Iloreu cio3s"d with tlio common pro
tlticoa tlio ideal draft homo for farm and
drafl ui poxes in tliu noith, and iiftor
having demonstrated I" their own
Hntiefuution that, it would lo equally
valnablo in tho south, they luivii ungnK-
in an tinturpiiso in Toxus which it
simply iiiiignillconl.
Thoflo gentleman in connection with
others purchased a twit of laud in
tShiuildoford Co. Texan, embracing 2,700
acre, ami in addition to this aro en
titled (o7:MXnur(MlcHidcis;;iviiigtliuiii
a riiligo of over 100,000 aeie.-, 'J.700
of this la undei fence. On llii.s ranj;o
llioy liiivo placeil -1,100 horses, priuci
itnlly niilivo marcH, tliiw Ihoy aro breed
ing to Norman Stallions us fast as thoy
can omro tlio utallloiw fiom their home
HlahlcH. They have mado one shipment
of !lfi HtallioiiH.
Tho objection that hoiiio horrieiiion
have urged against tho Norman Horses
in that thoy would not endure tho
.....ii ii 'i'i... i:n...... i .,
Mititlium chuiate. Tho Dillons liuvo
proved thai thin ia not true. Thoy
havo demonstrated that tho Xor
nmn will Htand both Hummer and winter
fully as well as native flock, and that
roltH will thrive fully an well iih at the
north. Five two year old Norman
Miirt'.t all with foal weie fhipued to
thoir Tomis It.iiu-h, all fo.dod,aud Marcs
and coltH were doing well.
Wo need hardly say anything about
tho rcsponciahility of thin linn; guaran
tee all hornet iKiught of them to l
breeder and to bo just as ivpii'MMitttl.
Their beatdiful illustrated catalogue of
Norman llorres, giving list of aiiinmls
imported and lacd in is I, amount of
(dock on hand, and much useful infor
million concerning the Norman Horse
scut free of charge.
Tlio SLomica of tlis Horso
In soverul pails of his anatomy the
horso ia one of tho moil inlercaling of
existing luauuinds, but none of his
orgiuiri shows more marked peculiarities
than his stomach. The first noticeable
foiiluro in thia organ in the hoie is its
rolatixely hinall hi.e. Tlii is moat
strikingly brought out by comparing it
with tho riloiiiuolin of the other do
lueaticnled anliuuls. The capacity of tho
ulouiueh in an average-sued hor.so is
about three gallon". The stomach of an
ordinary dog, hucIi as u ollio or a
lotriovor, will hold more tluiu half a
gallon, and that of a pig nearly two
gallon!-. The o ami the sheep have
four c.ivitiei that are generally termed
dtoiniu'hos, and one of these the
paunch has a capacity many times
exceeding tho i-inglo caity of the hoiso.
Another interesting feature of tho
horso's stomach is noticeable until it is
cut open. It is then een to havo two
quite dilleieiit kinds of lining. Thus,
its left half tho one at which the food
enter is lined by a white, thick mein
hiuno like that of tho gullet ; while the
right half, by which the food leaves,
has a soft, pinkish-yellow color. Now,
from tho inlciucopic Mructuro of these
two parts of the lining membrane, it is
known that tho loft half takes no share
in tho manufacture of tho gadrio juice,
tliefoimatlou of which in tho main duty
of a btomuch. It thus happens that the
serviceable luit of the hotos stomach
is even one-halt les than would appear
from looking at tho outside of the organ.
A third peculiarity of the stomach of
theliotvo is that it is mi coustiuctcd that
it is nlino-H or iiuito impossible for the
animal to biing food that has once
entered the utoiunch up again by tho
gullet; in other wordr, to vomit. Every
body haa soon a dog vomiting, and the
net U performed quite easily by tho pig,
Tho o mid sheep vomit as a normal
part of tho nrooess of preparing their
food tor digestion, for rumination.
Tlio relatively small bizoof tlio horso's
btonmch points to its being vory active,
nml recent olervntion3 aeem to show
that wUorcna in other animals the
Htomaoh forma gastric juico only wlion
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a meal has been lakeu, in the horse it
forms it constantly.
A consideration of the anatomy of tho
horse's stomach all'ords soino useful in
dications regarding feeding and watering.
When convenient, hordes should bo fed
at cboit rather t'mn nl long intervals.
This is an obvioun indication, for tho
small size of tho stomach precludes (ho
horso from rapidly digesting a quantity
of food sulllcient to servo him for a long
period This applies with even greater
forco to watering.
It is n very common practice to water
horses only three times a dry, the water
doiiik y sumo given oeiore incus, unci
by others afterwards. "Whichever of
those plans is adopted, the system is bad;
but it in wor-o when tho latter mctlud
adopted. For when tho hors", with his
email st mach already filled with food,
dlgoslH a lai go quantity of water, a great
portion of tlio food must be washed on
Into the into 'tino before tho yn.it lie juico
has had lime to act on it. And if it bo
tho case that gastiio juico is formed
even in tho fasting stomach, thon water
ing before meals mut wash this
juico into the intestine, where it is of no
service. I loreoi should therefore have
water at short intervals, and where
praetio iblo thoy should havo froo access
to it. in their mangers. When this is the
case the horso drinks frequently, but
never in quantities so great as practically
to was i out his stomach.
From tho North Mritish Agriculturist
Caro or Brooding Marcs.
From now until after foaling in
spring the brood mnres deserves careful
treatment. Wo do not mean that slio
should be closely housed mid stall-fed,
nor cued for as ono would in preparing
an animal for tho show-ring. She should,
it is true, have shelter during i-overo
weather, but not bo deprived of exorcise,
light and out of door life. In the advance
sheets of the American Agriculturist for
January, ".Stockbreeder" wiites as ono of
oxpuiiouco and his suggestions will pay
well to heed ; ho says that brood mares
aro among the most profitable animals
owned by the fanner, if thoy are good
ones, and bred to good horses, other
wise they should not ho kept at all.
While admitting that there aiecircum-
stances under which it may bo prolllablo
to keep a poor horse, it certainly never
pays to raiso one. A brood mare should
ho iit-ed regularly and kindly until near
tho time of her foaling, and generally
both she and hor fo.il will be better for
it. She should, however, it mi ued, be
well fed, and not have to much com for
some time heroic (oaling, two months if
possible. Kho should lie loso at night,
and it not ued, in the day time also.
.Mares in the later stages of pregnancy
are veiy liable to bo taken with violent
pains, and if loose they will generally
get relief by rolling, etc. I have kifowu
some cases where loss of the colt, ami
death of m.iiv.ie.-ulted from her struggles
when tied in u stall, shortly after the
birth of the colt, she may be worked, but
not to excess, and she should not bo too
much blamed if she objects to working
at this time, for ninny very gixid tem
pered marcs object stiongly to leaving
their young, especially for the tlri-t few
times. When the colt is from four t
six months old, it may Ik weaned The
mare should lo carefully attended to,
until her milk diies up, at this time she
will bo weak, and should bo well fed and
kindly treated.
Sulphur ror EcaU
V. !'. Richmond, at the last meeting
of the Illinois Wool-GroncntA.ociution,
s.iid : "I am satisfied that tho free u:o
of sulphur will prevent, if not cure tho
scab in sheep. Two llocks of sheep on
farms mljoining mine, were badly alllvt-
oil Willi tlio scat), ami several tunes, lor
three or four years, a scabby sheep
would occasionally bo with mine, and I
did not then and never did luuo scabbv
sheep. AVlule these scabby docks were
near mo and for two or three years aftor,
1 feed freely of sulphur. Should I ever
have cibby sheep I would use sulphur
freely inside and outsido lefore trying
au, other remedy."
tot.x; mi:msi:u mi-..
Tub Voltaic Hki.t Cc, of Mrhal!,Mich.,
oiler to eiul their celebrate! Kllcthu Vol
taic IUlt and other KiiCTUic Ai'I'LIAncka
on trial for thirty dayi, to men (youus or oM
atllictod with uervout debility, loa of vitality
And inauhood, and all Uiulred trouble. Alio
for rlieuinatUui, neurilgia, rnralyio, and
many other disease. Uiraplcto restoration
to health, vigor ami manhood guaranteed.
No ritk it incurred at thirty day tiial u al
lowed. Write them at onco for illustrated
liamphlt fre, Ijaly
Orchard Management In Autumn.
After an abundant bearing season,
with low prices in market, owners aro
not to neglect their orclnuds, and to
leavo them to tako care of thcmsclvc.
Generous Ireatniont would tend to givo
good crops in tho future, nml to givo
more uniform craps in odd ami oven
Tlicro tiro several different conditions
in which orchards arc placed, lequiiing
different treatment. A young and
nowly sot orchard is to bo treated unliko
an old and bearing ono; and ono in a
cultivated Held lcquircs different man
agement from ono in grass. As a gen
eral rule, trees in tho lirst few years of
th"ir growth phould havo tho wholo sur
face of tho ground in which thoy stand
kept in a state of mellow cultivation. It
other crop3 occupy tho ground, they
should bo such as admit and rcquiro tho
fiequent pasago of tho horso cultivator
and such had booing aa thoy need
They cannot thrivo in a sowed garden
ci op, and still less in a meadow, and a
ciovor meadow is worst oi nu mr mom.
Tlicio may bo somo exceptions to this
general rule, and it mny do to allow
gnus in young orchard provided tho
soil is usually rich, nml a good top
dres'ing of manure is given yearly, or
an often as Micro appears n check in the
growth of the tree. Hut commonly,
they lequire i ultivntion for many years;
and if tho scil is unfavorable, after they
have reached full bearing size.
When tho trees havo grown so largo
that tho shado nearly provonts nil over
growth, and thoy givo proiitablo leturns,
an annual or biennial top-dressing of tho
wholo ground with manure, will promoto
moro copious bearing, and give larger
and liner apples. Somo successful or
cliardists havo mado the rest of their
farms pay tributos to tho orchards by
way of contributing mot of the inanuro
mado on them for the benotlt of tho
fruit. Tlio orchards did not cover a
fifth part of tho land, but tho sales from
them amounted to moro than all the
grain, hay and loot crops.
Tho best timo of tho year to mnlto tho
application of tho inanuro is always in
autumn. Tho long rains cary the lich
solubo parts down to tho roots of tho
tree, and thoy aro stimulated to an early
start the next spring. Tho top dressing
is best given to full bearing orclmrds in
gras; and tho inanuro should bo finely
and evenly spread ovor tho surface. If
sheep have run on tho orchard from
May till September, they will keep tho
grass grazed short, nid to top-dressing
with tho droppings, and dovour tho
canker worms in tho premature fallen
The surface of orchards should always
be kept smooth and oven, to admit tho
frco passage of wagons in gathering the
fruit and to prevent tho bruising of ap
ples blown off by wind. If cultivated,
the plow may turn the furrow-lico
against tho row of trees this year, and
from it next year; the furrows should bo
shallow near the trees, and any dead
furrow avoided or filled. This caro is
especially when aliout to seed tho
ground down td grim Country Gen
tleman. Trco Pruning.
It frequently hnpiiens that we neglect
to trim our apple trees at tho proper
time, and it becomes necessary to re
move largo limbs two or three inches in
diameter. It takes t-o long foi eueh
wounds to heal over that Mich pruning
is very injurious to tho trees unless wo
coat the wounds with bomething that
will effectually protect them till now
wood has grown oer.
To the caieful cultivator who wishes
to get the best return from his tree by
keeping them in proper shape, and yet
not injure them by so doing, this receipt
is very valnablo. It soinotimcs becomes
necessary in trimming pear trees affect
ed with blight or remove all or a portion
of tho top of tho tree, thus exposing
a large wound in tho center of tho trco
to the direct rays of tho sun. To bo
ablo to protect tho wound effectually for
a sufficient timo is a matter of vital im
portance to tho longevity of tho tree.
As this receipt is but little known
even among fruit men, wo publish il for
the benefit of nU interested. Wo have
mado it only onco about eighteen
months since, and have used it with tho
most satisfactory results, lly long
btauding it becomes a littlo thick. When
such becomes its condition, n few drops
of alcohol makes it all right. It needs
no warming to nppl.v it, being the same
winter and summer; for out door graft
ing nothing can bo compared to it. Wo
apply with a stiff turkey feather. In n
few days tho alcohol ovaiwratcs, leaving
tlio other ingredients forming ti per
fect coating as haul aa stone.
Tho receipt is ns follows : "Melt ono
pound of common resin over a slow fire,
add to it ono ouneo of beef-tallow, and
stir woll. Tako it from tho fire, let it
cool down a little, nnd then mix with it
n tablespoonful of spirits of terpentine,
and aftor that, about seven ounces of
strong alcohol (93 por cent). Tho al
cohol cools it down so rapidly that it
will bo necessary to put it onco more on
the lire, stirring it constantly. Still tho
utmost caro must bo exorcised to pro
vent tho alcohol from getting inllnmod.
To avoid this, tho best wny is to lemove
tbs vcsol from tho Hro when tho' lumps
that may havo been formed commence
melting again. This must be continued
till tho whole is homogeneous mass liko
honoy. It is best kept in a largo mouth
ed bottle."
When tho wound is over nn inch in
dinmelor, wo coatil. It pays to do so.
Foricnuning largo limbs we uo tho
bund-saw. Trim in February, or Juno
and July ; do not trim in cxtreino cold
weather, or just nu tho sup is rising.
With ti little thought and btudy nny
good farmer can learn to trim his own
trees bottor than many of tho profess
ional tree trimmers who tiavel over the
country. I hnvo noticed somo applo
orchards seriously injured by those per
sons. The greatest danger is in lopping
tho ticos. I noticed ono orchard whero
many of tho top limbs after being sovcre
Iv 8hoitened had died down a footer
more. Had tho wounds been properly
protected such would not havo been the
Tho seeds of ovegreons must bo sown
In tho fall soon after they lipcn. A
picco of ground should bo mado deep,
and mellow in a sluuly situation.
Sprinkle tho needs over the top of the
fresh and mellow soil boforo it freezes
permanently, and then cover vory lightly
with very lino sand or leaf mold from
tho forest. After this cover tho ground
with boughs of evegreens or somo looso
and light covering. In tho Spring this
covering may bo romoved and tho seeds
will vegetate. Evergreen seeds do not
always germinate readily. If it is de
sired to seeuro a plant from nearly every
seed sown, it is advisable to sow them in
siiauow Do.es m tlio fame manner as
directed forsowing out of door?. Theo
hoxes should bo placed in ti cold frame
during tho "Winter. This frair.o may bo
nothing moro than a nit in tho north
sido of a building covered with glass.
In this framo leavo tho boxes all tho
next Summer, watering as tho plants
havo need.
Tlio following accounts of profits in
fruit culture relates to tho "fruit belt"
along the east shoro Lake Michigan:
"Mr. Herrett's harvest this year netted
him $1200. Ho sold ono lot of ono hun
dred and fifty baskets of tho variety
known as tho Golden Drop, a very pop
ular peach, for $'2'27, and twelvo baskots
brought him $2 per basket ; that is about
the rate of .fvS to .f 10 per bushel. His
peach plantation is composed of four
teen acres. Last year ho realized ifioOO
on this "patch;" this year, ?I200. Mr.
Atwtitcr, of Ganges, claims a better rec
ord. From four and one-half acres of
pe.uhes he secured $12S.. Tho peaches
wero tho Chilli, tho Crawford, tho
Smock, etc. From three-fourths of an
acre of grapes ho pocketed ."f.'ISO. Tho
grtqics were tho Concord. This farm
is within a short distance of tho lake.'
Who knows a prettier vino of geuoral
ornament than tho hop? Wo habitually
associato the hop with tho poles and tho
commercial air of tho hop-yard, but
when viewed in its native beauty, as it
clambers over fences or saplings, it
possesses a modest and clean beauty
which ono can find in few other vinos.
Let one climb over a sliiub or small treo
near the hoiuo, and you cannot fail to
admire its careless aspect and its pen
dent ball of yellow and green. Plant a
root at the base of the tree, inanuro
it well, mid then enjoy the plant from
tho nppeaninco of the first light green
llexilo shoot to tho brown-tint balls of
Autumn. When tho vino dies in tho
Fall rcinovo it to the ground. Tho next
year the saino roots will send up the
sanio garlands.
lUiria'a WEEKLY ha now, (or twtnlj car, unln
UIdcU Ui iKwItion i th littllni; illuitr til eek
ntntpaper in America. Willi a contUnl Increaio o(
llterar) an J arllitlc reiourcea, it 1 able to oiler (or tho
cnuln( )en attraction unciualol h any iiretloui
tolume, embracing a cailtal llluitratnl tcthl ttory bj
W. K. Xoni, UlutiMtttl article with etpvtl.l rttcr
ence to th Wcit and South, inclil injr the WoiM'a
Espoililon at New Orleant; mtertalnliij abort itoiir
mottly Ulmtratetl, ami iniwtan paperi b) high
autlioritlci on the chUt t lic ol tbo day
Ker)oneho ilcalreaa truttuorth) polit'rat culde,
an entertaining and InitrucUie liruUj Jouinal.entlro'
Irrefrom olJtitlonab'e(eaturelii Ither letter prexor
illuitrationr, ihouldaubactibe to IIari-ir' IViikU,
Harper's Periodicals.
IVr ic-nrt
UAltl'EICS MAUAZI.SX . . . 4 IX)
UUU'KlCs, YOl'.SO PEOPLE, . J.50
One Year (M"umU-r) 10 CO
Pou;o Frre to all tubx-ribcr In the l'nitelSUtrior
The olumct be-ln with the firt Number (or J nu.
ary o( each year. VV 1km no time i mentioned, it u ill
lie underttool that the aubwriber w l.bc to commence
ultti the Number next after the receipt ol order.
The but lite Anutu Volume o( !rr.a,' Win
IA, 1 neat dtthllndin,-, will Le cent by null, poatajre
laid, or b) vxpre, Iroe of tipcnto 0roMil the
irclcht dot nt etrced. ono dollar per volume), for $7
per toiumn.
Cloth Caac (or each toltime, fuitablo (or Undine,
mi 111 In) aent by mail, poatpald, on rvcclpt ot il OOeach.
ItemltUncca ahould be made br lcut Oltke Money
Order or Unit, to aold chance of Vw.
Newspaper are not to copy this adtertlemcnt with
out Uie eiprct order o( IUra & lliomiaa.
Addreta UAKPEU llHOTUEItS. New York
Send all cuU fcr peatace
and rtoelre re a coailr box
cf eoed I Ich ill beipaJI,
cf eithtr aex. to more nionrv
twneyncM away than aJjtMn 1m In thla world.
Fortune await the worker absolutely nil. Atcoct.
(aptSy) addre THl'K & TO., Auputa, lUlnt,
Dallas, Polk Co., Or.
.. . IlIlEEDEIt AND lMrOUTEIt OP....
mss&tk iw&mm
l-roiii tho hot Impottcd llocka nn Ilia Coast. A
portion ol them are (rem tho (nmoill Flinch Hock of
J. Ii. 1'nttcrion, ol Now York, and II. llboo, ot Clllor
nl, mid linprrteit from Kiiropo by Jamta Hubert, ily
SpmlMi nro dei conduit from Mann and Ec Imported
from New Yotk, Vermont, California nnd Franco; from
tho flock ol hoennco ft Ptcto, btronhrldgc, Ham
mond, Hockncll, and Hwq f. 8 n, and aro etial to
nny on thl Coast.
All thl Hliiclt Mill lie hold ill erlcc In
Krrlilnu Mllli tin- Tlmri.
Correspondent oiollcttnl. Stock Sheep (or talo or
to let on share. Addrcsa :
opC0m2 Dillaa. l'olk Co , Or.
Dana' Wlillo Melulilo KnrMnrklntr Tbcl, atamped
loonier Willi nninc, or n.imo nnd nddreis nnd num
ber. It I reliable, tlirap nnd rommlcnt. HclNat
rlulit nnd iihi perfect r.Ulfactlon, IIHnlrakd
l'lKu-Llat and rainplr frit'. Auniln wanted,
C. It. DANA, "Went Lebanon, X. 11.
(formerly ot firm of K, Dillon ti Co.)
Arrived in lino condition Juno IB, USI, Have now a
larito collection ol cholco animal.
st.iiili:s ami ui:4iintitTi:its luimt-
i:i AT .Xllt.ll IL,
Opposite the Illinois Central and Chlca;o and Alton
Depot, htrcct can run from tho Lako Er'o li West
cm and Indlanapolli, Illooinliijrton n-id Western De
pott, In IIloomlnKton, direct to our stables In Normal.
Address :
DILLON BROS.. Normal, 111,
l.lIMymoiithlCucli.s Jii :t Itrown
Leliorn CoekcraLs.
fl stock was Imported from tho yard of Itou Van.
derhooicr, ltahway. N. J I'rlce 4I..10. Delitercd
st Enpres orllcc. Cash must accoimuny every order.
VMii IX hKUO.V Address
noiitt L. K MA8Clir.ll, fillmton.Or.
OFFICE: No. 107 First Street, be'wetn Uoo
Jrlsou and Yamhill, Portland, Or'uos
. ,. ALSO
mill K 8 A K MAKE OF
sim:in. wajxs.
itucic i:oaicis.
riaAKTONS mid
Mitchell. Lewis & nn
l'nrlllr I'ontl Ilninrli...Hi.,nnit loi 'roul!-sl,,
I'urllautl, wrruoii.
Y. II. MITCIIKLL, ,'ilaini-ci-.
ISrld.ts ft Itocrk, Stlem I VV II. Ooltra,Albany
Smith li Cox, Eugene, W F Owens, Uoscbur:.
Treat the Disease it Dom stlc Animal.
ALL question pertaining to the profession, ans
wered by mall Caaloratlng Cell and Hl.-ellns
aiechlly. Ortlce at the Ford A Ellis Lltery 8table,
Salem, Ore-on. jan'ttf
II. . SKlTI.E.lllltK, l'rill.
.Uae on hand a laree ito.k of . ..
Fruit, Shade and Ornamental
Trees, Grape Vines and
01 all tho leadlnj; varieties to be lound In a flrst-clai
Nuricry. Sen it fur Catalogue nml I'rlre.
List. Address:
no ImJ TANOENT, Linn County, O.-n.
The undenijnad I prepared to lurnish Arorisn (Up.
pile for thecoruinj; sprlne such at lice Ilhe of the
most approred pattern; (jueeu lleca from tmporteil
stock: Dee: Foundation comb; Surplu Ooxes; ijmok.
ers; llroodfrauc with plain and wired; De Eook.
and anj thlrt-cl.e In tbc line that mav bedealred. I
will iuy the Iilthc.t price in trade (or Ue. Dtet Wax,
and fire wool It the latur Is dellre-cd thl winter.
JaJl K. V. (ItAhl., Salem, Or.
t tVSBiS p ' a i?' i i I
I tV( LttriMii.tlililir iri(t, V. V.
vafisa(rai rir mmwwmttmm.