6 WILLAMETTE FARMER: SALEM, OREGON, JANUARY 23, 1885. jfotlt. BTOCK NOTES. Tlio slicep-brccdoru of Vermont nro Inking etcps to lmvo tho flocks of that Stnto lcprcHyitcd nt tlio World's Fnir tit New Orleans. Tho Vermont sheep Breeders' Association lias nlso appro priated .f 100 to defray tho oxponsos of making an exhibit of tho wools of tho State, and it is now in process of prep aration under the supervision of Secre tary Chapman. Lato reports from Australia pay that tho weather continues dry over a largo portion of tlio colony, although somo rains had fallen, hut not in sufllcient quantity to ho of much hencflt. Telo graphiu advices report a falling ofT in tho Austialian clip this year through drouth, 100,000 hales, or 10,000,000 pound, and this does not includo of courso, tho damage dono to tho rest of the clip by starvation of sheep. This accounts for tho firmness of prices throughout tho Colony and in England. Nor is tho drouth broken yet entirely, and this will not bo only felt this year but tho next also. In Folccting wethers for feeding, it should ho borno in mind that there Is , tmirli diflenmco in tho fattening qualities of sheep as tlioro is in cattle, and that a squiiru, compactly built wether with a good spring of ribi, to much moro hardy and moio easily fattened than a lank, lean ono that does not seoni to Into enough stamina to carry it out of danger. Hear this in mind, and remember that thero are al ways a few sheep in a bunch which will not fatten, matter' how much care and feed aro expended on thorn. Throw Mich animals out and mako soino othor dis posal of them, for feeding them is a losing game. (loats as farm stock. Tho goat is tho animal for tho ranch and tho boundless West says tho Midland l-'nrmor. Thoro will yet spring up a largo and iirofllablo business in tho caroacHes of tho young and tho concentrated milk and choeeo sont East to tho largo cities. This will ono day provido proiitahlo employment to thousands and healthful food to tho chronic invalids of eitylifo. Tho Angora goat possesses all tho merits of tho com mon goat, and furnishes a valuable lleece, tho mo of which is only limited by its scarceness, as its boauty to un questioned. Tho demand for goat skins for leather is practically unlimited, be ing uliko iiKcnii in 1110 iiiiiiiiiiuuiuru ui harness, shoes and gloves, leaving out scores of minor uses. Tanned wiin mo hair on for lap-olothos, etc., tho Angora is preferable to tiger, bear or Imlliilo for licauty and utility. Salting Stock. Tho salting of stock is to often entire ly neglected ; moro frcqunntly it is at tended to at irregular intervals, whenover tho owner of tho stock hapcus to think of it. A few owners of stock, and but very few, tako caro to provido a constant mid abundant supply, always within roach of tho animals. The usual way of salting stock has over been ascociatod, in tho midst of theso wlio-ui childhood was passed in tho country, with plennut memories of dreamy summer evenings when tho kindly old farmer would go, a dish of Halt .in bund, to tho pasturo whoro ho would lift up hit voico and make tho echoes ring fur miles mound with his melodious "co-o-lnm, co o-bo"s " And tho eager cattle, with clumsy gallop and ausweiing bawl, camo lumbering along to get a taste of the unwou'ed luxury which the old man threw upon the ground, while he icekoncd up tho herd to see If all wero there. Mow the cattle would gnaw away tho grass whom the salt had fallen, and lick tho ground until not a taste iciiiaiued. Salt was tho bond that led tho sheet) to desert tho wood land imtuu wheio they kept the bram- bios down in an effort to keep their con dition up, in rcnpoiuo to the "oo-o-uun, coo-nan," that stands to tho Yankee sheplicd in place of tlio moro romantic piper of story. It pays to salt tho stock regularly ; but it is not always convenient to do wj thercforo the IVidne Farmer shows simple and cheap way for keeping always an uiuplo supply within roach of stock. Tho device consists of a bo which may bo four feet long and one foot wide, and six inches deep. This should bo nailed at each end to upright plunks ono foot wide, set thinly into tho ground. These uprights support tv roof that son os to keen out tho rain. After tho stock has lieon salted often and freely enough to satisfy their appetites, tho box limy bo tilled and all the animals allowed free access to it. They will help thom&elos to a taste whenover they wish, and tho weakest and tho most timid, as well as the strongest, will get what they want. Color ot Horses and Cattlo. loug experience in England has proved that brown colored horses, and especially thoso of tanned muzzled prove tho hardiest Next to theso como tlio darker shades of bay. Tlio samo has boon found to bo tho c;uo in America, una then rouow tno cicr uappio gray. Othor colore eoom to bo about equally hardy, alliiougii puro nxl ana wltito roAii, nro consutertxi tno least so. nut wo know horses of thoso two colors, as wcll as others varying from the first threo above mentioned, to bo perfectly hnrdy and enduring. As a rule, it is tho breed coupled with tho soil and tho food on which thoy aro roared, which makos tho difference in hardiness and endur nnco of horses, and tho best of theso should nlwayo bo sought after by breed ers and rearors. That was the good senso on tho part of tho judges on Jersey cattlo exhibited at tho lato show of the English Agricul tural Society, in paying particular atten tion tho "yellow points," ns thoy aro wero tcrmod. A yellow skin and yellow inside tho earo denotes, thoy said, "higflly colored croam," which is equiv alent to sayinc rich milk. Tho "black points" as so strenously contended for j hy a small party of English and Anion- j tontton. Her agricultural products, hor can breeders, thoy say denoto nothing at mM cUmal ,10r t n8tural rotourcos n I; neither do solid eolors and it is. an,. .. ,. . , ,, .,.., . nusiirmty to assert tuat tlio animals tnusi tils thus marked possess any superiority in tho dairy or otherwise. Thero aro aliko good and indifferent of nil shades nud colors, whether thoy arc solid or broken, as is dully proved among tlio numerous holds of Jerseys, bred on thoir own nativo iMund or in foreign countries. Crooning on Merinos lor Wool and Mutton. Following tho lead of Mr. C. Hills, I ventnio to offer n fow remarks as to tho best modo of erosiiig on Merinos for mutton shcop. I scarcely think tho Downs, nny of them, would answer well, (is they aro not vory large and thoy ap proach to uoar tho Merino in dcusonoss and fitienccs of fleece. I hnvo used tho Downs on I.eiccstrs and their grades with advantage in producing fine wool for family ituo and also superior mutton ; hut tho sheep that pleased mo most of nil for general uso was obtained hy using a CotswoUt rnm on puro boutudown owes. Tho result was a finely formed sheep of oxcolleut qunlily of mutton, with dense, moderately long, crinkled wool, of great luster mid llnencst. The flecco of a lamb (accidentally killed by dogs in tho fall) weighed, when woll washed in warm water, cloven and a half pounds. Now I feel confident that tho Cotswodl would cross equally as well on tho Merino, giv ing tho produce the sizo and aptitudo to ratten desired ol a mutton slicep, and produced a flecco of good, scrvicablo and lustrous wool, which if produced in sumclent quantity, would surely Una a market for tho mauufneturo of certain class of goods. Tho wholn recrion in terested should adopt ono standard of crossing, so us to mako tho product of wool uniform. It won't do for ono coun try to uso Down rams, anothor Cots wold and still another Lincoln or Lei cester, ns a nondescript clip will result that buyers will not caro to handle. Mr. J. Harris, of ltochcstcr, used Cotswolds on Merinos with' tho very' satisfactory re sult mentioned by Air. Hills, In a few generations tho sheep get too coarso to suit tho market a cross back on Moreno or Southdown cross would do tho work, and add to tho quality of the mutton. I write from personal ex perience, having handled cross bred sheep for twenty-nvo years, bred simply for good mutton and wool for family use. Hut mind ouo rule, novor use grade rams. If you do you will not bo able to naino tho progeny, thoy will ho so various. J. Winter, in tho Breed ers' Gazette. Sheep liaising la California. A correspondent from Sacramento, Cal., writing to tho California Pntrou and Agriculturist thus gives his experi ence and views uioii shoop raising : I have followed tho business 20 years and know somothing about it. Thero is no doubt but what wool will Imnr a bet ter price within a year, and if not shoop can bo handled with tho least cxpenso of any farm hiiMiicss. A man is not neces sarily a "phato" U'caiiHo ho is a sheep man. In all my experience, I never trohpasod upon my neighbors, nor run over e-wm government land, to any great extent . that is, I owned most ot tho ranges I used, and as soon as able fenc ed it- I do not know where the inquirer is, nor what ningo ho can obtain, but if ho means to buy 2000 hhcepund a range that will sustain them, in a locality when ho can add to his ningo as his llook ineroap.es. Ho can rest assured that by caro and economy, ho will havo a fortune in a few years. I would never think of fanning any ordinary land as niriuiist sheep lmsturiiRO. 1 do not. I confess, knowof any place whoro a man can locate with sheen, hut it has always been a profitable business, and will be. Wero I a young man with my fortune to make, I should look for tv sheep range in Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Now Mexico, or Touts, and grow rich by tho growth of wool. It has como to my notice that cattlemen wero much moro guilty of trespass than sheepmen; perhaps it was owing to tho restraint of law upon the latter. 01M1 MtlSl-KtUD THIS. Tim Voltaic Hut Cc, of Marshall,Mich., oiler to scud their celebrated Klkctuo.Voi.. taioIIki.t and other Klicthiu Aituancm on trial for thirty days, to men (youuif or old) afllicted with nenoui debtlitt , loss of utility ami manhood, and all kiudretl troubles. Alia for rheuuutliiu, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, , icor and manhood guaranteed. No risk I incurred as thirty day trial i at lowed. Write them at ouco lor illustrated pamphlet free. ljaly jv You pox1 want tho Fakmeu for is85 drop us ft postal card and 8ay so. yQ don't want to loao a siuglo trab- 8criber, but Bliall not forco our paper on anyone. THE GOVEKNOU'S MESSAGE. Ail Abstract of Governor Moody's Biennial Message delivered heforo tho Legislature lu Joint Con vention on Thursday, Jan unry 15, 111110. Members of tho Oregon Legislative As sembly: Gentlemen In welcoming you to tho Capital of tlio btnto to dischnrgo tlio duties prescribed for you by tho Con stitution, I can but congratulate you upon the auapicious circumstance under which you meat. Never heforo in tho history of nur Statu lmvo Orcgonians had so much to bo congratulated upon. No Stnto in tho Union is receiving moro nt- i." h. ... '. . tlio plenatiro seeker, wlitlo tlio sound basis upon which rest hor finances, and tho fact that within two years her taxablo property has incieased moro than ton million dollars, clearly indicato that tho State, in tho f.ico of a genoral business depression throughout tho land, is in no danger of deterioration or docay. Ho wont on to say that at tho timo when tho constitution was adopted, nearly tho only public building was the punltoti tentiary, then located at Portland, mid that now alio lus State institutions of which slio may indued foci proud. FINANCES. For nn acurato and oompluto knuwlcdgo of tho finances, roforenco must bo had to tho very full mid comprehensive reports of tho Hon. Secrotnry of Stnto and State Troasuror. Tho rcccip'a for tho period beginning September 1, 1882 and ending December ill, JHSl, aro ns follows: Four mill tax of 1882 8255,:J7t -13 Four mill tax of 1883 301,227 80 Penitentiary earnings 20,055 30 Delinquent taxes 0,051 24 Private Iiis.miu 5,303 71 Idaho Insano 4,705 72 Salo ofstatnps 0,057 01 Salo of Books D08 80 Miscellaneous 43,055 85 Maktng a total pf ?052,093 88 Adding to this amount, tho sum, of 8122.C08.30, which stood in tho Treasury on August 31tt, 1882, to tho credit of tho general fund, wo havo tho sum of $775, 302.24 against which Is to bo charged tho amount of the genoral appropriation mado by tlio last Licgtslallvo Assembly, wiucii loaves a balanco to tho credit of tho gon oral fund nt tho ond of the fiscal yoar just closod of about $300,000, nu excess of 9170,000 over any surplus to tho credit of tho general fund over heretofore re ported to any Legislative Aisombly of tho Stato. This it an approximate estimate but will bo found to vary but littlo from tho amount standing to tho credit of that fund, as reported by tho Stato Treasurer. This showing must bo regarded ns very satisfactory, as tho indobtcdnoss of tho Ststo, aside from deficiencies which havo accrued during tho past two years, is wholly provided for from othor sources, outsido of tho gonoral fund. OKNKItAL 1I0NDKI) INIIE11TEDN1MS. Tho general bonded indobtcdnoss of tho Statu has boon largely diminished during tho past two yoars, and for a large part of that still outstanding thoro nro funds on hand in tho treasury. On account of tho Mod oo war indobtcdnoss thero has been refunded to tho Stato of Oregon, by tho genoral government, tho sum of 870,000, of which amount tho sum of $37,010.01 was paid in cash, and tho balanco was applied to meet tho amount duo from tho Stato of Oregon to tho genoral govern ment on account of tho direct tax of 1801. On tho soldiers' robot bonds thero re mains unpaid but 8701.10, and money to meet this amount is in tho treasury, nnd readiness to malio payment ot samo has been advertised, Of tho soldiora' bounty bonds thero nro still outstanding one hundred nnd fifty nine of tlio denomination ot ?DU each. Tins constitutes tho general bonded indebtedness of tho State, and money for the immediate or proximate payment of the samo is now nvailable. In addition to what has already boon paid into tho treasury of this State uu account of tlio Moduo war claims, thero is still n further sum duo from tho gen oral government on no.ouut of tho losses sustained by the Stato in tho prosecution of tho Umatilla ludmn war, which will doubtless bo paid in du timo and go to swell tho coffers of tho State. SPECIAL llONPEO INDKIlTEDNEsS. An act was passed by tho Legislative Assembly October 21, 1870, providing for tho issuance of bonds to aid ui the con struction of a citial and lock at Oregon City. This bonded debt was undo pay. able to tho Willamette Falls Canal and Lacks Co., or its assigns, out of tho fund arising from tho live per centum of tho uot proceeds of tho sales of tho publio lands of this State, and tho fuud arising out of tho sales of tho tivo hundred thou sand acres of land donated to the State for tho purposes of internal improvement. The original amount of theso bonds was $200,000. At tho dato of tho oponing of tho last session of tho Legislative As sembly thoro was yet outstanding of theso oonus ino amouioi su3,uuu, oiuco mat dato theso havo beon paid in full. Of the swamp laud warrants thero aro yet outstanding to tho amount of $37, 547.30 with accrued interest. LANDS O RANTED TO THE STATE. The ninety thousand acres of land granted for the State Agricultural College, and tho seventy-two sections set apart for the Stato University havo been selected and secured in full to the State. The proceeds of the sales of these lands, and of the lands set apart for the support of common schools have been carefully loaned by tho Board, aro safely secured, and are bringing in a large and constant revenue for their respective fund. The amount of these funds are as follows: 78,000 Agricultural Oollego fund princi pal 77,000 Common 8chnn) fund principal. . 980,000 Of tho different classes of lands be longing to tho Stnto there has been Bold since Sept. 1, 1882, as follows: University lands 2,218.20 acres Agricultural Collogolands 4,559.09 acres Common School 122.040.17 acres Internal Improvements. .32,743 13 acres Tho rovenua from tho salo of lands bo longing to tho 500,000 acres grantod to tho Stato by tho Genoral Government for tho purposes of internal improvements, has been since tho act of 1870, granting aid for tho construction of tho Unnal and Locks at Oregon City, riovotcd to tho payment of tho principal and interest upon tho liouds for $200,000 issued in aid of that work. Theso bonds havo been paid in full, principal and intcres.t and tho revenue liorenftor nrislng from tho salo of thcao lands will bo devoted to tho support of tho Common Schools of tho btnto. n swamp lands. Ho spoko at length upon tho swamp land question, and sot forth that It is s vexing ono. Ho also mado somo good recommendations, which should nnd will bo investigated by tho Legislature. INS AM", ASYI.OM. He stid that at tli" commnucomont of his term i.f "Men, the 'illdinu nt present occupied hi. (I tnown ns 1 1. Oregon Stato Insano Asylum was Incomplete Tho in sane of tho Stnto wero under tho caro and control, nt East Portland, of Mrs. J. O. Hawthorno nnd Dr. S. E. Joseph!, as representatives of tho tstatoof tho lato Dr. J. C. Hawthorno, who for so many years had, under contract with tho Stato, cared for theso helpless wards. Tho Legislative Aesombly, nt its last session, authorized tho Governor of tho Stato to oxtend tho contract with Mrs, Hawthorno ond Dr. Josophl for kiting tho iniano until such timo as tho Stato asylum build ing should bo so fur complotcd as to war rant tho removal of tho patients thereto. A contract was entered into with Mrs. Hawthorno nud Dr. Joseph), for tho caro of thoir.snno until such timons tho Stato might bo able to Resume control. Tho insano asylum building was re ported by tho architect to bo in readiness for tho roeoption of tho pationts lato in October, 1883, and preparations for thoir immodiato removal wero mado by tho Board of Trustees ot tho asylum, consist ing of tho Govornor, Secretary of Stato and Stato Troasurer. Tho removal was successfully accomplished, without ac cident, on tho 23rd and 241 h days of October, 1883. Tho number of patients rccolvod at tills timo was 203 males and 102 females. Among tho patients thus received wero the insano of Idaho Territory, who had beon previously kept, under privato con tract by Dr. J. O. Hawthorno nnd his successors. . It li gratifying to note that notwithitand ing many ditadrantsgei, tho coat per capita for tlio keeping of Ihn inaano since their re moval to the Stato asylum, has boen rcducod to less than $3 per week, a saving of more than $2 per week upon former contract pri on. It is coulfdently believed that with tho experience of tho past year, nnd with added facilities for tho railing, of supplies upon the aiyhim farm, tho coat nt tho man agement of this institution will be still fur ther largely reduced in tho future. This reduction of expenses hat not Icon at tho expenio of the comfort of tho patijnts. The asylum building was modeled upon tho best plnus and could scarcely bo Improved upon, and in the matter of food, clothing and med ical nttendauco tho condition of tlio patients is all that cyuld be desired, STATE TKNITENTIAnV, Ho spoko of the greatly increased number of convicts, and said that uew colls had been added, ami still thero is a deficiency, lie recommended thst a wing be added to tho prison upon tho east side, and that n brick atockado be erected oboutt ho grounds. Additional protection Is imperatively de manded, and tho wisest economy requires that tho stoekado should ho built of brick. The largo surplus of brick now on hand can thus bo utilized, and a stockade of a perma nent and substantial character will be pro vided. Tho management ot tho penitentia ry during tho past two yoars has been effi cient and economical. Ito also recommended that a prison board be created, to consider petitions, etc Ho said that forty-four boys under the age of twenty aro now confined In tho pen itentiary, and .cmphatioslly rocommends that a reform school be cstablithed. Ilecommended a law punishing the act of carrying conceited weapons. Ilecommended that tho publio school money ho moro evonly distributed, giving tho rrnal districts a fair show with 3Kt ropotitan advantages. Kncouragcd the State University and State Agricultural College, aud spoke favor ably of tho noriiul schools. Approved of tho manner the schools for tho Ueif and dumb and blind aro conducted aud recommended appropriations for their support. lie said that an act of the Legislative Assembly approved Act. 24 1SS2 provided that there be granted to the WtlUmotte Valley nud Coast llrilroad Co. all the tide and marsh Unls situated in RentonConnty," .to., &o. Among other provisions it was re quired that said company should fully com plete and equip said railroad line from Cor vallis to tide water en the Yaquina Bay in said (Uonton) County within tivo years from tho approval of siid act by the Governor. The road has been completed, and the lands are now being surveyed. Spoko; of the World's Fair, and thought that a demand for a small appropriation to make up any defect, should be considered favorably. Made some well put suggestions on the im portance of advertising the fact of our grand resources. Abuudtnce ot natural facilities and peerless cli'nate, and in this connection favored the establishment and encouragement of a bureau of emigration, and spoke of the State Agricultural Society as follows: "In this connection it is prop-r to consider, gratuitously publish and circalate larce psmphlets setting forth the reronrcea of Or egon. This institution was founded by the farmers of the State and for more than twen ty years hsa ten conducted chiefly under their auspices. During chat time it has done a work ot materUl .Une mvl is entitled to the respectful eoasidarattca ot your Hon orable Dour, and we trust that such en- I ooaragesssat ot it work as may seem wise' la jour jaagmeot ana soca sua id tsat wot k M may be UgttisaaW, will be frceljr beetowr ed. University fund principal FISH. Some legislation may bo asked, looking toward a change in tho present law relatlvo to tho protection of salmon Milling. An in discriminate abuio of tho privitages of Ash ing is liable to work a detriment, and nroner safeguards for tho protection of this industry should bo provided. Without any limitation upon the privilege of fishing, its total des truction would be but a question of time. As largo uumberi of our people depend en tirely upon fishing ns a means of livelihood, and as its fate as a permanent Industry de pends largely upon the safeguards thrown about it, it is to bo hoped that this subject will receive tho most careful attention. And tho completion of tho proposed tishway and ladder at Oregon is of great importance, 1'UllLIO 1I0ILDINOH In tho near futuro tho Stato should tako steps looking to tho completion of its public buildings. During tlio last sossion of Legis lature a bill was introduced providing for diverting tho one mill tax originally lovicd for tho tulldlng of tho Stato Iusane Asylum towards tho completion of tlio Stato Capitol. This tax had scrvod its original purpoio and loft a surplus which might appropriately have been applied towards oomplotiug tho Capitol. The bill, howovrr, tailed. Tho lovy still remaining in force thero is now in tho treasury to tho credit of this'account tho procoeds ol that lovy. CjuM the accumu lation from this tax, now on hand, bo di verted to that purpose and tho tax levy remain f.ir two yinrs longer, tho fund would bo amplo for the ounplution of tho building. A reasonable tttte pride would prompt tho step, nnd i o objection, bs I believe, out bo urged upon the grounds of cxtravnganoc." He sal I that if it is the policy of tlio Stato to maintain a military forco, provision should be made for doing so in on efficient manner. Ho spnkn at length upon thu inequality of our tax system, and drminiU for thu pcoplo that hall ihovi'iIm a uniform and imiil r-ito of sssui-suitiit and taxation of all property, both rest and persou'tl. Ho callod attention to tho importance of n registration law. Ifo said that it is bcliivfd that tho boat interests of tho S nto require the creation ot tho nflico of Attorney General, NEW AlTOItTIONMKST NEEDED, No apportionment Ins been in a do In this Stito ainos the session of 1870 Sinco that date the rtlativo population uf tho different counties.hts radically changed Under tho proicut apportionment, certain counties havo the same representation in tho Scnato upon a basis of less than COO votes cast that other couutles have a basis if between 11,000 and 4,000 votes cast. A similar ihsptilty exists in tho ltouso of Representatives. Thu justice ot continuing an apportionment which de prives a large proportion of tho pcoplo of tho Stato of their just rcprescntstion in the halls of legislation is so pNin as to rcquint no cemment. Ho satd it is unnecessary to call particular attention to tho many changes In our Constitution which appear to lm do sirablc, and reoommends a constitutional convention to frame a new Stato Constitu tion. If closed with sn exhortation to all members of the Legislature to apply them selves diligently to tho task they havo to perform. "Called as wo havo hoeu,"sald tho speaker, "hy the pople and from tho peo ple, to dischs'go imiortant publio trusts; let us convdrr well tho impurUnce of our work and tho hiiih responsibility which attaches to it, trusting that under the guidsneo of tho Divine Itulrr error may be avoided and the beat intercsU ef the Stato subserved." D. M. GUTHRIE, Dallas, Pollc Co., Or. HuKKDKU AND IMrOUTEK OP.... PURE liltJSJ) SHJEH? MA FlttiXai. SPANISH AKI AM EIEICAX MMtllVOS. A LL IillED STRICTLY TUBE AND 8EPA1UTE. From tlio best Imported tloiks tn the font. A lertlouof tlu-mare from tlie famous lit ncu ttock ol J !. l'atttr'on, of .New York, anil It. Ubco, of Gkltfor. nit, siul Importiil from Europe by Junta Huberts. il hpintsh aru ileicendanU from RiuinnJ Ee Imported ftotu New Voik, Vermont, California and Franco; from the Hocks of iSoerntK'oA. l'to'.c, StrowbrUfC, Usui. mend, ltockncll, nnd baxe A 8i.n, and aro eUl to an) on this Coast. All lliln Hurl, ulll lie hold nt price In Iterplng ltti the Time. Oom.'H'cn I-tn v ollcltoJ. Stock Klicj. for ulo or to lit on ilmrrs. AdJiru : . M. GUTHRIE, sepCOnrJ Ihllus, Polk Co , Or. Doiu'a liito Metallic Tax Martini; Label, Hampcd to order lib name, or riumo pnd uddreu und num ber. It Is relUllc, cheap and rominknt. KtlU at Ulit and clu perfect satisfaction. Illustrated rrlcc-litt aud saiupUs free, -cinu wanted, C. II. DANA, tVcbt Lebanon, X. II. 1SIA11 DILLON i SONS lllrOUTKHSAND BREEDERS OF NORMAN HORSES ! (Formcrl? ol firm ot E. Dillon & Oo.) NEW IMPORTATION Arrlred In Bat condition Jane 15, 1SS1. Have now a Urge cMlectioa ot choice animal. 8TAUM3 ANB HKABt4t7AKTEsU LC1T K XT NOKKAL, Opposite Oil Illinois Central and Chicago and Alton Dtpou. SUect cars run froai the Lake Er a h Wrst era and Indianapolis, Bloomlnfton and WwUra D. pots, la Blaoadogtoa. direct to oar stables In NonsaL I AdJrtM! " ' DILLON BKOg.. Venial, HL sjUmJ Pp-ABL I LEVI DILLON A SON sssssVftlHssssHsVMflisI V.: