WILLAMETTE FARMER; SALEM, OREGON, JANUARY 1G, 1885. n a' y ill t 1L & ? $1118 jjpCJJHtjttttCltt, to unseat Sholby trad ecatod Crnig tlio ltcagnn inter- 72. Goorgo Telemrapblo Nows S&nntor John 1. Jones is rc-olcctcd to tho Scnnto from Nevada. Tlio Pennsylvania Logislnturo mot on Monday and partinlly orgtraized. Olorclnnd wont go to Washington until just beforo bis inauguration. Miss Myrn Clark Gninos, famous for bcr litigations, died latoly, nged 80. Tho Princo of Wales' sons will pub lish a book of thoir voyngo round tho world. The Democrats of Missouri Legislnturo htivo incauous re-nominatod Senator Vert. Tho strikers in tho Hooking vnlloy, Ohio, coal mines, lmvo Ect n coal mino on fire. Tlio llottso voted (Dcin.) of Alabama (Hep.) in his placo. Tho Houso passed Stato commcrco bill 158 to of Oregon volod for it. Tho German Kiccbstngis debating tho caupo of emigration from Germany, and moans to bo taken to prevent it. Tho Scnnto of tho California Legis lnturo has balloted 6!J times for Presi dent without effecting an eloclion. Saturday night n Koutucky mob lynched a furmor named John Staplcton, charged 'with boing accessory to a mur der. Gen. Grant's frionds luid raised a fund to repay Vnndorbilt $100,000 borrowed .of hiin but ho refuses to rc ccivo it. At East Liverpool oloven persons par took of colleo poisoned with Hough on Jlnts. A child died nnd sovcrnl nro ex pected to. ' W. JL II Vnndorbilt linn returned Gonoral Granta property, turned over to him to sccuro a debt of $150,000 nnd will not tnt'o nny refusal. Still morooarthquako shocks in Spain. Tho loss of life reported is 1100 killed, 000 wounded and 4:100 homeless in tho provinces of Grenada and Mallngo. Tho Indian commissioners favor abol ish in cr tribal organizations nmonir Indian nnd allotcmcnt of lands to them nnd thoir ndmission to rights of citizons, It is claimed that W. M. Evarts has n cloar maioritv of tho Itonublicans of Now Yorlc Logislnturo for U. S. Scnntor. Tho Union Legal Club favors Evarts. Tho California Legislature has como together for its 2Gth session. Estoo nnd Snrgcnts supporters will ndhoro to their clilcis, ami rorkins lias nn navantngoous middlo ground. A British bark going from Cadiz, Spain to St. Johns, N. F. experienced fearful carthqunko shocks that lasted ilvo minutes. Tho thundrous Sabmnrino roaring was appalling. Acting Gov. Hill, who succeeds Clovoland ns govornor of Now York, says his two years administrntion lias mado n lasting impression on tho annals of tho Stnlc. Tho National Commotio of tho Prohi bition party endorses St. John nnd Daniel nnd congratulates tho frionds of tempornnco on tho ndvanco tho question of prohibition has mado. Tho Congo Conference, hold nt Uorlin, is participated in by two American ministers, Knsson nnd Sanford, and n framowork for a constitution for tho Congo country has been adopted. J. S. Clarkson, editor of Iowa Stato Jtcgistor, nsectts his ability to provo that St. John tnmpored with Democratic politicians and offered to withdraw if Itopublicnns would pay him $25,000. Tho Legislature of Connecticut has elected tho Itopublican candidates for Stato olllccrs, as thoro wns no election by tho people Henry 1J. Harrison for govornor, Lorin A. Cooko Lieut-Governor O. A. Russoll Sec. of State. Vnndorbilt offered to transfer tho property Gen. Grant mortgaged to him to Mrs. Grant to bo hor individual property, nnd return tho swords nnd trophies ho heldbolonging to tho gonornl, but Mrs. Grant lcfusca to rccuivo tho property. Tho largest siczuro of smuggled goods over mado in Philadelphia, was mado tho other day. It wns n lot of choico liquors nnd other goods, found in a vessol, hidden in empty barrels. Vessel nnd cargo nro forfoitcd. Noar Hath, Maine, Mb. Stacy shot and killed hor husbund becauso lio had when in financial troublo put his prop erty in her jiossossion nnd when ho got out of debt ho wnnted to havo hor trans fer it bank to him. Genoral Grant refusal to accept any thing that looks liko charity creates a wholesoniQ respect for him overywhero, At n Jackson Jubilco hold in Boston. January, 8th. Apgar, a noted Demo cratic politician mado n strong ploa for Genoral Grant was loudly applauded. Coinago by tho United States for 1881 was gold $23,720,852 ; silver $28,119,978. Imports of coin, gold $1,239,875; silver $72o,150. Six millions of trado dollars nro withdrawn from circulation. Exports were, gold coin $11,878,15-1, eilvor $522, I'M. At Livingstono, Kentucky, troublo nroso between officers and whisky sellers. A forco was taking Burton brothers saloori keepers, to jail, when ono tried to escapo ar.' was shot and killed. Then his frionds had a fight that lasted two hours with tho sheriff's posse and several aro killed and wounded. An effort is boing made to placo tho Irih movement in America on a better and higher basis, place it boyond per sonal on political uso in this country nnd condemning everything of nn illicit character in England- It is to ralso a fund of $100,000 n year to enable tho Irish to maintain a parliamentary Btmgglo in England, nnd depend only on constitutional methods for redress of grievances. Ex-Vico President Schuyler Colfnx fell doad in it railroad depot at MankntO, Tuesdry nftornoon, of heart diseao. Tho Odd Follows took ehitrgo of tho ro mnins nnd thoy were forowarded to South Bend, Ind. Tho news of his sudden dcntli caused crnslimntion whera ho lived and had may friends. Ho said, n day or bo beforo, that ho was liablo to drop dead any time. Mayors in eighteen cities in Iown assert that tho prohobition lnw docs not work woll in thoir citios. Fifteen say it is it fniluro King Alfonso has visited tho ruins of Albania, caused by tho earthquake, and dispensed muricficont charity to nil in need, cvory widow received twenty-live dollars. Tho Scnnto has passed tho bill to rc poal tho premptiou nnd tinber culturo laws. Tho policy of leasing Indian lands for grazing is lip in the Sonatc. Tho Poncns lcaso 500,000 ncrcs at $17,000 a year. It is occupied by Sherburno, tho lessee. Noz Forces get $2,000 n year for a part of their land; Pawnees leaso 127,000 ncres nt thico cents nn oore. They can bo leased for a higher into now. Tho Chcrokees lcaso u strip 200 by 5G miles for $100,000 a year, Hint is woith $50,000 moro. Secretary Toller says tho interior department rocognizes thceo licences only. Thoy now receive much moro than formerly, $50, to one. Ho opposes Indians holding mora land than thoy can use. Ir you don't want tho Fakmkk for 1885 drop us n postnl card and say so. Wo don't want to loso a single sub soribcr, but shall not forco our paper on anyone. "SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court ot tho Stito ot Oregon, for Hie County ot Marlon, if. Tlio Salem Flouring .Villi Company, plaintiff, t. J. T. llobcttion, de tenant: WO J.T llOIIKHTSO.V, defendant In tho name rt X. tho State ot Oreiron, you aro hereby required to appear and amwer tho complaint (lied agalnit )ou In tlio atoto entitled action by the lint day ot tlio Juno termor tho avoid entitled Court In tha car 1835. thu amo belnir tho flratdav of tlio term ot aald Court noxt following ilx cckt publication of thla lummon., to wit.: by the 15th day of Juno, 1SS3, and II )ou tali otoaniAcr lor want thereof tho plaintiff ill take PULVERIZING HARROW, Clod Crusher, and Leveler. Judgcmcntagalnit)uufor(l)tlie mm ot Vi with In tereat thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum ilnco September 4th, 1833; (!) for tho auol of S1C0 Ltato and Territorial Mows. Chns. Davis of Lano county, was drowned in thoMc Kiuzio whilo logging. Vnltinblo coal has been dfscovorod on Cowlitz river, right miles nbovo Free- port. Portland nuthontios nro trying to koop city taxes down to ten mills this year. Mrs. IJolva Lockwood demands of Congross that tho votes cast for hor shall bo counted. A tcrrablo cyclono patsod over part of tho South doing great damngo in Georgia and Alabama. Frank Smith nnd Tcthow, supposed lost in tlio snow, found shelter near Ilnko Oven nnd nro nil right. Whilo digging n cellar near tho scono ot ISraddock's defeat, a chost containing sovornl thousand dollars was found. Tho iron bnrk Abbey Cooper, bound for Portland, wont nshoro near Shoal- water bay in a fog, and is n total loss. A. Lylc, of Wasco, says ho had cnttlo that during tho Into storm staid undor n juniper trco twonty-ono days and lived, Somo effort will bo mndo to crcnto a now county cost of John Dny river, to includo a part of what is now Wasco, Grant and Umatilla. Phclon, who wns stnbbcd in O'Don ovnn ltossa's apartments, in Now York, by lUchard Short (tho truo nnnio is Short) is rapidly recovering. Jack Lcrmctt, Into of Snlom, was lost in tho Snntinm, nbovo Mchama, on tho 0th whilo crossiuir that stream in a skiff with his brothor to focd somo stock in tho forks of that stream. When tha lumber whnrf at Astoria broko down thoro drifted out to ten 130,000 feet of flooring. S0.00O foot' of rough lumber and 200,0000 lath ; somo wns saved but tho loss is $1,000. Fivo nnd hnlf million feet of logs woro swept out of tho Cowlitz river by tho Hood ami lost ; lour million iciongcu to Harthyand ono million to Pumphroy, half n million to Hill nnd Pattou. Dr. D. S. linker, of Walla Walla, tho well known millionaire, has lately been 6trickon with paralysis of tho right sido. Ho had a stroko on tho leftsido many years ago. Somo disrcimtnblo whito men and half breeds wont to nn Indian camp in Grnnt county, cot into a row wlicrotn an old Indian was shot nnd mortally wound- od. It is fcmcil tho iiHliaus will re- tliato nnd tho tottlora aro alarmed. Goncrnl Grant's phyMcinns limit him to three cigars a day nnd his health is improved. Ho works ovory day on liter ary work nnd enjoys it. Ho is lamo Irom tlio injury to Ins thigu and unablo to walk without a stick. A 12 year old son of A. M. llull'man. living south of McMinnvillo, got killed when out gunning with an older brothor It was his own fault ns ho was pulling tho gun nwny from his brother, muzzle first, when it exploded, killing him in stantly. An iutellcgent German named Shro dcr, bought a placo near Clackamas sta tion. A. black flag was seen on his cabin tho other day and ho was found dead within and a statement of his death by suicide. Ho Buffered from a discaso of tho eyes and had lost one, so preferred not to live. Ho dug his gravo nnd mado his will, then blow out his brains. Hurray, tho murderer under ecntonco of death, is anxious to bo doing something, so tho jailor brought tho doors of his houso (Murray is a painter) and ho grain ed them for him-in goodehapo. ,Hi wants u ihj uuumou to uu ma nau vi mo jail in marblo blocks, so thoy canbo washed and kept neat. 'Ho is very cheerful and wants to koop busy. Legislative desiring anything in tlio drug line will do well by going to Port & Son's. Willi Intereat thereon at thu rate of ten jit cent, per annum ilnco Augutt lit, 1SS3; (3) for tho mini ot 29l 80 with Interest thereon at the rats ot eliht per cent, jer annum tlnco Aujruit 211th, 1SSI; and (I) for the coiti and dliburjemcnti of thla action., Thti luniraoai It publlthed In the WiiLuirrca Far mkr for ilx coniecutlrs wccVt hy order of It '1 II Ue, Judiro of raid Court, tnada at chmlxra In Ealem, aianon county, uniron, January Tin, ism. Janl6w0 hiiaw a iiutMirr. A'torncja for l'lict:iT. TREES, TREES, TREES! Limits.: stock. 1,000,000 Ilutilin Mulberrj: 600,000 ltiudy Catalpi. Iluulao Apricot, Dwarf Junebeny and all other kind of fruit, l'ottit and Ornament tl Tree, flrapo Vlnca, Small I'rulta, etc. A IMI'KK demoted to Fruit (Iron. Inc I'rro for ono jrar to thoso who buy SI worth ot tree). ICO HumIiii Mulberry for SI 12 concord itrapca SI. 4 ItUMlan Apricot, Hi and 12J other (1 leti, per mall, (KHtpald, VorcatTrcti fur tlinbirelajnu. Send at onco for a price Hit Adclrcm CAItt'FMKIl & OAOi:, fjn3m llowcr, JilTcrwu Co., N, Y. APIARY SUPPLIES. Tlio tindcrtUtiK.) It prepare! to lurnlih Amrlan aup. plica fcr tho lomlnir aprliiK kuch at Deo Ultra of tho moit anproirtl uttcrn; (jucen llect from lniorted ttock; llect: Foundation comb; Surplua lloxci; tjmok tr: llrood framoi with plain nnd wired; lleo Hooka, andanjthlnif clioln tho lino that mav bodrilrrd, I will pay tho lihrhcit prlco In trado for lieu, lltea Wax, and II ro wood-If thslattirlt dclhvrcd thla winter. Jadl i:. V. CIMHi:, Balcro, Or. Oregon Hailuay and Naviga tion Company. OCEAN DIVISION. IteOreen I'ortlanrl nml Snn trantltrn. Leaving Alntwoith Wharf at mtdnlitbt, at follow: MOM IAN riAkCIICO. I JROM roaTLAXD. 10 A it Midnight. 8 ueon, Friday, Jan 0 Oregon, Monday, Jan & r.eon, Wedneaday,,,, H Columbia, SaturJay, 10 Columbia, lo..di) K)i(juetii,ThurtJay , . 15 Queen, Saturday., SI Orczon. Thuradir .. ..20 Columbia, TuetJty, Feb. 8 IV Columbia, Sunday. Queen. Friday Through Tlrkrli rcld to all polntt In the United SUtea, Canada and Kuropa, RAILROAD DIVISIONS. On and alter J.'oi ember 23, ISSI, Tranafer atoamer connecting with Atlintlo Kaprrtt leac Aili Street wharf, Portland, dally, at6M0A.il. Tho I'aclflo Kapretl atrllct at I'ortland, dally at 8:10 A.M. MIDDLi: t'OLI'MtllA, iaLLAMKTTU AMI vajiiiill ttnr.it nmsiov. UT Portland I lor lion Uallet and Upper Tuea. Columbia Aatorla and IO er Columbia... Dayton.,,, Corvallli and In. termcdlato ptt 7 All fAM 0 AM SAM 7 AM 0 AM ACME" aocmtq i 1 frrgiii- f WANTED.S It istho boat 80111ns JjOtSFthk toot on onrth. KlMfaeY jgsga Tim "ACME" ul jota the 101I to tho action of it Stool Crtiahor nml Lovelcr, nnd to tlio Cutting, Llftlnjr. TurnlnR jiiri'nMof Douiilk Oaniw of OAST STEEL COUL TERB, ttiu ptodllar trmjif .i il nirn.j, nunt ol winch gives imtnonso cuttlnjr power. Thus th" thrruupu Atiuiu ol Cruithliij; lump), Lovcllnpf olT tho crmuul nnd thoroughly Piilvorlxtntr thu oil nro performed at tho samo time Tho ontlro nbsonco of Splkoft or Spring Teeth aoliUpullini; up rulililili. It U ospccinlly niUntcd to Inverted tut nii'l lianl clny, wh re othr llnrrowa utterly fail t works perfectly on light soil, nnd isf the uuly Iltiiru"' il nt cuta over tbo onttro surfaco of tho crnttnd. Yu Jlnko n Variety ol .Sizes-From : to ir loot Wide. Tho "ACME" Is in pnctioil mo 1 1 nearly every agricultural county on tho l'-tcino Coist and tins rovi-n it i-lt to Lh just thu tool for us? In VlnyarilB, Orcbanls, Grain Fields. Send for l'.Miiphlt csnttl, injj Thousand of TostimonlaN from 13 lUHerent States anil TcrrltoriLs tsr Ut .nch olllco : llnrriihun,', l'.i. NASH & BROTHER. Manufactory nnd prluclpil olllco Milllni;toi, Now Jersey. K.ll. "Illl.igo is Mjnuri;. nnd other Kirnya," nut troo to pirtici lio nnmo this papor. For Sale on the Facitio Coast by : Slnvcr V Walker, Fort ml, Oregon and Walla Walla, W. T.j ii. It. Adams iV Son, San Oabriel, Cal.; aeo.Itull DCoM SanFraiiclsco. & WALKER ws, a to, nn, 101TOF Hl,O.V fcTIIKirr, ami Ml Front St., 1'ourt.Avti, oitnoo.v. nKNUKAL AQ12NTS TOll J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.'s Engine, Threshers, Headers and Saw Mills. ' j v?5'T hTIIIIFHAKrit rourBprlng, Platform. Half Mat term, Three Bprlng and F.xprcit Wagon H0tiHII.lt Forro-Fml (lr.ln Drill with Truia Axle, and lio Tiro Whirl., Stuilcbnkcr rlafjei. Farm r. and Sprint; Wagons, Itnies, an Car H. Dcdorick A Co.'s liny I'reKscs. THE EMPIRE HARVESTER AND TWINE BINDER. Wed.lThur Frl. Bat. 7F&V-i 7 AM 7 Ail 7 A it 7 AM SSHKrivCsi 7AM ,. 7AM .... jjKRji6aiWfcW jAMlfl AM SAMOA U MJrtoMay?ftt23'te' am I Jn TnniTnwor:aiiiKt'--.J ,I,,VI.H .. ...... J.I.Caso Sulky, Walking Plows ,mi""YiVm ATOBM. Ut nrml Olllrra-Cor. 1'ront nntl ! Kta a It. rilKiCOTT, Mauser A. L. BTOKKS, Ocn'l Paat. Airent. A. L. HAXWbLI., Ticket Afent. mnnm VSJT i;t at I TJIDE TmuiTcuhtREl l U sytHii(uualr lllu rntrd booL f vr Tlk !. ibti tww to crew fruit i r ftll klbJi, 9 irr hunrtt df wrlplUnt .i.ii IMHiillt' otaal ibis OITIMw -'KUITO " "'. rr,r tbtliic lb lurfffat atucL III t I'Dltol Xutfi, It MBttuwi full In'trwctUu tor nlunllnir. firunlnr "4 oIiImImImk IVutt 'lrr4Mtitl l'Uitt, ui i rrpUiw with U(wfiuiiwu inilttt u u til titfit. I It (rut i culivrv, rficUllr hriilhiitr. I'rlfs mIii U(f .1 ccoUl wMliout pUtr. -iRt. I'rlcoUala t UV,ll J. T. Z.O VCTX. Littlo Sllvor, N. J. "TANGENT NURSERY! "" ii. I'rop. w. SEniiEiiKi;, ..llato onhand alaivoitoikof . .. Fruit, Shado and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vinos and Shrubbery. Of all tho leading arletlet to be found Ii a (lnt-clats urcr). ht-inl rur (utnliiiiiio nml rrlrf LLC. Addrcaa' II. v. SETTIiEMIUE, r lm3 TANOU.ST, 1 Inn Count) , Oj;n. Port & Son, drugs. GEO. D. GOODHUE, Mrur.il or Brown Leghorn Fowls ! Importer ct leading Thoroughbred I'oultr. tJTHxit In Keaaou. Addreaii uorltlf QKO. V, OOOU1IUE, E.lirn, Ok-n A PRIZE bend alx cent for ncatara and rccelro 'ree a coatly Ioi of ifooda wakh will heipall, tf either lex. to more money n.0Dy rwni away man annicL' cue in inn worm. roriuneawwaiiifie worKtra abaoivieii tore l-PS0l Atonoe. addrwis TitUK k 00., AUfruata, Maine. 8lek headache, habitual coitlreneu, paint In back and llmbi, Iota ot appetite, bad breath and Ulte In tha mouth, etc, entirely cured by the uaa of Ta jr-3- - i 'rrr- -- sm1' ACtlllllAltltOW, CIimI Criitlirr anil Irvrlrr, J, I. CtKI', Weight inurh leatthao any other l'iilvertanirllirro, , .... telle for about one third ) M, and w Ithal doet t meat Sulky and (ian Plow a, ami W oo.l and Hleel thcrouxh work tit anj llram Walking 1'lowt. XT"JIooHior Sccdorn, Drill, nml Sulky Hity IIuIcch; Diainond nnd liitckoyo Feud iIillu, Acino IlnrrowH, nnri nil kliuln of Farminj,' Mitchitiorv aeptMtf The orecon lecislatureT Will Couiine at the Capitol I'ulldlnx In Ealtui n Jdiiuary Utli Krausso c& Kfclein Till: LI-JADING BOOT& SHOE MERCHANTS OF HALF.M, OKF.CION Aro inindftil of thin fuel, nnd lmo in Stock nuyiliint,' in tho limit ami Shoo lino to suit "Oregon's Solmirt" or tuiyhody oleo. Tlny lmn cumu Intro to ntiiy, nntl lmvo put tlio prices down to ratca that tlofy coinpctitioii. They lmvo ovorythinir in their lino from n No. 11 HuntiiiK Jioot down to tlio FiiKwt. I)aintie8t and Nohhie.t (iood iiianufiioiiiKxI. Vou caunui fall to 1)Q ploiitod villi their (ifxid.s ami Pi ices and a dial onl iikc. (.. iiKsnri-yim of this fact. Tliey make u up oialty of Mnuufiu luring' tinvtlnii!,' 111 tho Hoot mid Shoo lino tu Ordir. CURRANT nnt). tiMitTi:it. CRAPE: HIVlT ATOriTk I.MTIIH B woitiiii n fiUAI.1. I'ltl'ITH VII Till I. 1IIW1II IIKAIKUH All I'l.tNTKIIM. K KltTTIIlNU FIllHT-l . , ...... . w. .. r . . w. j ,n, i,i n, rut iii.iia l,H. lilt I IHT . V. Gonil for UU-'ffii Mk U. aWk HM fcthU.T tAV . KfwmWEiy IbwW INOIANAPOLIO. IND.. U uAnurALiim.i'a c r PMHIMP P "'PKS 8. STEAM ENGINESailOILCRS. Carry Engines and UoliQrc in Uot v IU( lilMIU(ataW VIHIIJ mhr)3rIill;tIi1iljtNljHg i.hn-MTii;i;niifu.i No. 5 Washington Street HIMES THE PRINTER. HIMES THE HIMES THE niMES THE Portland, Oregon. PRINTER. P ITER. PRINTER. HAMBURG - BREMEN, fire Inturance Company, FIDELITY and CASUALTY Accident Inturance Company. HARRY O. ItOYD, Af,'('it. rmcfi KO. 8, SOUTH Hiun OV bTAIlK kt., 9 betwten front and r'irat, Portland, OrrROn. Ira In.uranre ttfccUd on Dwelling. Furniture. Ilrlck and fraino llulldloipi with Mocia ol Oeneral llcrclian. dUe. Wheat, Oat and Wrol Iniurtd tor tennalewi than ono year. ST. HELENS HALL I'arlland. Orrson. A Doardlnjr and Dny School for Young Women and Glrlw. The BIXTKENTII VKAH opens Hcptembcr 34. The Ut Her, 1). wuur Morrw. itector. laoroun in- ttructlon In Ena-lUb, Art, anguaf(ei, and JIu.lc. A corn Of fourteen teachers, ror catalotrue, addrew; )ul3m W1S3 ItODNKV, frlneipal, Hon 0. Portland, Oregon. PATENTS Hand-Book FREE. fi.S. A A. P. ucsr. r.Uet At fra. WaaldMtoa, D.4 yRJI 11'. IT .JV.1HJ'7IL JL A' riiM -ir0 .J!hj;.N!31 i j'Jiii)Vf TMIIC ITftTsfattTI 7txJiKrrttni'i?jiza, QD wsflK flE witf --.-waSStuivZ YOUNG MARQUIS. I .III .all thd r.luiMi animal. I rice 11.000 AI0 two thlrUen-tliUeitii tljodfd Terchtrout, prlco (UWaud (oOO; app'y or address at once: l J. aiiiwjiwii, o'riu, vrTKVH. (H1BK MAMUN, VHINTI HmJ ilMltriUtio tf Vf All LtKttrtM SttuUtr, iPATENTS.Jrm. er, H'uiAi(e, D. C.