Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 09, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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$JJciuh ptpijfmcttt.
ToleeravUlo News
Tho Hocking valley, Ohio, coal and iron
minora nro in n etnlo of insurrection.
During 1881 Burrnrd Inlet sent oil'
29,000,000 feet of lumber in 4-1 shin?.
ChicnRo business men anticipato a
coming revival in nil manufactures.
Tho Froncli lost enormously of their
troops nt Formosa, by death from fever.
Gov. Cleveland has pent, in a message
resigning tho governorship of Now
Within 11 few days earthquakes have
been felt in many parts of tho United
Connecticut valley farmers lmvo n
good crop of tobacco, well secured but
cnn'tsell it.
Tbo river liottotns in Indinna aro over
flowed and hundreds of families havo
hnd to move
Weather in Colorado, Montann nnd
Dakota hns boon intensely cold, much
of tho timo below zoro.
Itcccntly hliocks of nn cnrtliqunko
nlarmed peoplo at Washington? 1). C,
also in Lnconia, X. II.
Two black brutes who assaulted while
women in Mississippi wero surrounded
and riddled with bullets.
Hoccipts of tho Now Orleans Imposi
tion aro nmplo for current expenses and
they nro paying up back dues.
A conl initio on Vancouver Island
took llro and two men John Small and
a Chinaman wero killed in it.
At Now Orlonns four hundred appli
canto lmvo been rofuscd npaco for their
exhibits as tho room is nil engaged.
Iron manufacturers lmvo great hopes
of hotter times and many that lmvo been
shut down aro resuming work again.
Tbo London Times says lllaino's ap
peal to tho iititMinglidi scntinentofthis
country failed to f ccuro tho Irish vote,
Queen Victoria's daughter Ueatrico is
to marry Princo Henry of Uattonburg.
Tho young couplo will stay with Mrs.
Montreal will lmvo an ico palaco if tho
weather holds out. If n cbinook comes
tho ico palaco will run away of its own
Kansas railroad comtni'sioners havo
demanded a reduction of rates on all
roads nnd tralllo managers unito in re
fusing it.
President Arthur will go to Now Or
leans January 15, to visit tho Exposition
unless somo unforscen contingency
Tho cost of collecting tho National
rovonuo for 1881 wns in round numbers
0,150,000. Thoro wero -11, 117 persons
Tho California wool clip was for 1881
37,-115,'JOO pounds, against over 10,000,
000 pounds in 1883, to r.'porlcd by tho
wool exchange
Snow is very deep on tho cattlo rnnges
of Montana and cattlo nro actually starv
ing to dcntli. Thcro has boon no wind
to carry it off.
At n Sunday meeting of socialists in
Chicago tho uso of dynamito was favored
unless tho rich tnko tho crowd into
Gen. Fremont goes to Moxico to sco
about an itnmoiuo land grant contain
ing 1:1,000,000 acrcfl in tho northeastern
part of that country.
Tho Hooking valloy miners havo
burned tho Urestol tunnel and soveral
months will elapso boforo transportation
can bo resumed.
Senator linger, of Illinois, supposed
to bo a republican, it is said, will go
with tho othor sido and elect a democrat
to tho l'. S. Sonato.
Losses from fires in tho United Statos
and Canada for 1881 foot up 112,000,
OOO'oriflo.OOO.OOOmoro.tlian tho nvot
ago for nine years back.
Senator Sharon cannot coll properly
without tho signature of Miss Hill, who
tho court has decided is his legal wife so
ho is in a very tight place.
Ex-speaker Itandall is on u tour
through tho South and is making
speeches in many great cities whoro ho
is received ploasnntly by nil parties.
Tho ofliccrs of tho Union Pacific havo
moved their offices and effects from
Omaha, Nebraska, to Council Dlufls,
Iowa, on tho othor Eido of tho Missouri.
Tho World's Fair at Now Orleans pro
gresses fairly but is already two hundred
thousand dollars in dopt nnd its mana
gers wish to havo Congress holp to that
Goneral Stanford, of tho Central Pa
cific, is said to bo n strong candidato for
tho soiintorship from California. Thoy
might ns well turn tho wholo nation over
to tho monopolists as to elect their
Tho Gcntilos of Salt Lake refuso to pay
taxes on tho ground that all tho schools
aro sectarian contrary to tho constitution.
Tho caso is betoro tlio courts, xiioy
mako pupils loam tho Mormon catichism
and other text books of their faith.
Tho English troops aro making Blow
progress over tho Egyptian deserts.
Ono thoy tried to march over proved too
much for thorn nnd thoy must go by
water, which will delay them two
Tcrriblo earthquakes havo occurred in
Spain and two thousand lives wero lost
by buildings crashed nnd falling in.
ShockB wore repeated for several days
and tho inhabitants wero camping in tho
fields. Walls of great buildings nro in
jured; in Oru city fourteen hundred
Louses wore thrown down ; killed and
wounded are many thousands.
Knglish ndvicos noto marked advnn
ccs in value of breadstuff.
Chief Justice Woitc, of thoU. S. Su
premo Court will soon mako n journoy
to this coast.
Bodies of It men. frozen, wero found
in north-westorn Nebraska, victims of a
lato fearful blizzard. Settlers going for
Congressman llonlcy represents anti
monopolists and they aro on to'p in Cali
fornia and oxpect to mnuago Clovolands
appointments in that Stato.
Tho tug Sol Thomns exploded on
Coos Hay on January -l, sho belonged to
Simpson Brothers. Tho cscapo of tho
crow from death was remarkable.
Tho Transcontinental association of
Pacific coast railroads has abolished tho
special contract system and horoaftcr
tho full tariff rates will bo charged all
During 1SS1, tho aggrcgnlo trado of
San Francisco wns .$U,000,000 under
tho average. Tho opening of tho Northern
Pacific nnd reduced values of wheat
figure largely in producing this result,
After. a longdebnlo tho Scnato passed
tho bill for tho forfeituro of tho Oregon
Contrnl railrond land grant. Our Scnn
tors both voted for tho bill as it has been
amended. Thoso who nro settled on tho
grant havo a prior right and tho prico is
.$1.25 nn ncre. Tho houso bill forfeited
all lauds u-hilo this applies only to lands
on tho routo to Astoria nnd unfinished
roail within tho original terms of tho
Stato and Territorial Wowo.
Coons and minks nro getting fat at
Sauvies Island, feeding on ducks.
The Portland Board of Trade will take
caro of needy immigrants who havo
been in the thrco weeks blockade.
At Hillsboro tho mercury dropped ono
day Inst wee): below r.cro, two degrees.
They expect a good mining season on
Jtogvto river becnuso of tho heavy fall of
Tho blockado of tho O. It. &. N..Co., rond
along tho Columbia had continued tluoo
week-H last Tuesday.
McLood's store, at Dilloy, Washington
county, burned hut week. Hut llttlo in
suranco nnd heavy loss.
Tho Columbia hns been solid across
from Lncamns to Troutdalo but tho ico
was fast loosening at last accounts.
Kight day's back mail was expected
at Portland on Tuesday. Tho rest of
tho Kntlorn mall has probably gono via
the Central Pacific.
David Thompson, of l.nuo county, had
six horses worth $(500, drowned in u
creok; Milt Hiehardson, samo timo and
place, lost 150 slice)).
James McConncll's barn. Clackamas.
fell in with weight of snow and killed
four cows mm two horses. Sovoral
similar losses havo occurred.
llcubcn Green, of Pacific county, tried
to cross tho Willipa when tho water was
up and was swept down stream nnd
drowned. Ho was n now comor.
Huntington, tho town on Snakn river,
whero tho Short Lino connects with tho
O. It. it N Co., is said to bo without law
nnd full of gamblers nnd prostitutes.
John Holland, of Portland, hns -1000
sheep near Dufur, Wntco county, nnd
sent a messengor to Icnrn how thoy wore.
The nnswor by wiro is, your shocp nro O.
Mrs. Illaino rofusod to nttend tho
Whito Hcuso on Now Years day nnd
nid the president to rocoivo tho wholo
world. Thoy say sho has snubbed Mr.
Tho Chino.so phoasnnts recently ro-
.ceived nt Portland nro dying for wnnt of
freedom, somo of litem lmvo killed
thoinsclvcs by beating against tho walls
of their cages.
Tillio Sylvostcr, aged HI, wns run over
and killed on a trcstlo near Portland
couth of tho Fourth, street bridge Sho
turned to look just ns sho reached solid
ground, foil nnd was crushed botween
tho tics.
On Monday morning tho early train
to Portland went through n bridgo in a
small creok touth of tho Salem depot,
fortunately no ono was dangerously
hurt but tho reck wai costly to tho O.
& C.
liutclicrs at Portland havo laid in a
largo stock of bcof cattlo nnd now lmvo
put ui) prices of moat exorbitantly.
Cattlo men try to put up tho prico of tho
stock to correspond but tho butchers
can t sco it in that light.
Georco Palmer, a bacholor. noar Nana
vine,' Lewis county, was found dead, shot
through tho bond. It cannot bo told if
ho was murdered or suicided. Tho man
who found this lody went to call a
neighbor named Soal, and ns ho did not
respond thoy broko in nnd found him
dead in his bed, his giui by his side. In
nddition to thrso horrors, William
Penrson, whilo visiting his wifo's father,
Judgo Dillinbagh, nt Chohalis, killed
his child nnd cut his own nnd wife's
throats. Thoy wero found in tho
morning, not dead, but very far gone.
All thoso things happened in ono neigh
borhood, within a few days. Tho Pear
sons wero spiritualists nnd woro doing,
as spirits tola thorn, iiesidcs thoso rases,
Daniel Cnwloy committed suicido on
Lewis river on Deccmbor 21, 1881.
yolm; jicx:-uiui this.
The Voltaic Uklt Co., of Marhll,Mfch.,
offer to vend their celebrated Klegtiio-Vol-taio
Belt aod other Klictkio Ai-I'MAScjm
on trial for thirty day, to men (young or old)
afilicted with nervoui debility, losi of vitality
and manhood, and all kindred trouble. Also
for rheumatiim, neuralgia, paralyiii, and
many other diaeasei. Complete reiteration
to health, If?or and manhood guaranteed.
No rule ia incurred a thirty Jays trill it al
lowed. Write them at once (or illuitrattd
pamphlet free. Jjaly
Portdfc Son, puro drugs and low prices.
December 31 tbo last spike in tho
O. P. road was driven nt Harris' mill,
sixteen miles from Corvnllis, in prcsenco
of W. M. Hoag, nnd General Manager,
nnd others. Tho road is soventy-ono nnd
a half miles long, from Corvnlli3 to
Ynqiiinn, and will soon bo open for
Mr. -Hoag showed great energy in
pushing tho work through as ho did.
Tho great snow storm nnd tho severe
weather madu its completion n vory
difficult work but ho was determined
to drivo tho last spiko in 18S-1, nnd
actually did so on tho last day of the
A party that wont on foot brought
down all tho letter mall from tho snow
bound train.
For low prices, reliability, puro drugs,
nnd polilo attention go to'l'ort it Son.
Tho Slnto Insurance Company is em
phatically a Farmer's Compnny a
company organized and controlled in tho
interest of tho farmer, and ono which
affords tho cheapest and best security
against loss or damage by fire. Tho
money paid to this company is not used
to pay losses on hazardous risks in
towns nnd cities, na is tho c.io with
other companies, but while it receives
its money from tho farming community,
it is constantly paying it back to them,
thus mnking it emphatically n homo
institution dovoted to tho interest of tho
fnrmcrsnnd owners of privnto dwollings
of tho Northwest alone. All policies of
tho Stato Insuranco Co., provide for
arbitration. Do not fail to cecum a
policy of this reliable homo company nt
once. Itemcmbcr that nearly 200,000
worth of fnrm property and dwellings
havo been destroyed by firo in Oregon
and Washington during tho last year
(about ono dwelling n (lay.) Your homo
iiinybo tbo noxt to burn! Can younH'ord
tho loss? You say that "times nro haul j"
if so, your need of the protection ot an
insurnnco policy upon your homo ia tho
greater. The best indorsement a Com
pany can havo is tbo pntronagoof tbo
pooplo of the State in which it is locnted.
Tho Stntolcnd-i in Oregon, whoro a faith
ful corps of ngents, insisted by prompt
and liberal adjustments has placed her
in ndvancoof all comnctitors.
Consult your interests and buy your
drugs at Port tfc Son's.
1,000,000 Itimlin Muthcrry; (00,000 Hardy CnU'lu.
Ituttlaa Apilcot, Dwarf Junolieriy and all other Urnli
of trull, lorct and Ornamciitit Trcce, Urapu Vlnt,
8ma1l KrulU, etc. A IMrMt devoted to fruit (Irou
Ing a'rrr for ono s car to lliow whol.urSI worth of
trvct. 100 Kutiliti MulW'iry lor 81 12 Concord urapca
SI. 4 lluiilan Apricot, Ill ami l'.-J otherfl tu-.pcr
luall, poitpald. Kerct'Irurftir Umber cialnif, ttuiil
at oiiio (or a rlco Hit AiMrtnt.
(JmiSiii Hover, JUfcrfon Co., Jf. V.
" "apiary supplies.
Tlio underlined It prepare! to lurnlih Aiwrlui tup.
plica for tho cowlnir iprlwr Mich ae llro llhcaoltho
inott approved pattern; (juccn llro Ironi uiortl
itock: Iicci; FounJU')ii couiti; Surpltii L'oxct; Siuok
n; llroo.1 Iraaioi hIUi pUln ami wlrcli llc-o llooki,
ami aiijthltiL' tlio In thu lino tint may to ncilrcil. I
111 pay tlio lil.'lirtt prico In tu.Ia for lion, lri Wax,
and tiro uooI-lt tlio latur U ddlvoinl Dili winter.
JiJi i:. v. cn.isiu Wmi, or.
Oregon ICailMtij' and IViivIirn
Hon Company.
Iletirrrn I'urllnnil mill Sun I'rmirlaco,
ttaliiAlniuitli Wliarl at mldnli)it,Mloltov)t;
moM tax nuxcuix).
1U A M
rnoM i-okthnu.
Orrtron, Monday.. .Jan S
Quttn, 1'rl.liy, . - Jan 0
(irc.'on. Ueilnvxlay.... II
ColumUa, StturJay.
ColiimLIt, Monday lU.ljuecn, YliuraJay . . .
0.ucn, Siiturdiy.. . 'J I orovon. Tuily ..
Oregon, 'fliuritiliy.. . .-jaOoluiiiUa, bnnday.
toiuuiuia, iiiea-jaj, run. siijurc-ii. rnuay
Throiisti TlrkrU kM toallpolnta In tlie UultoJ
BtaUt, Caiu la and Kurov,
RAIIiUOAD Diviaxowe.
On and ftr ioiuUr US, lssl,
Trinafer atcaii'.er coiinectlmr with AlUntlo Cinirii
loatoiAth Strwt wharf, 1-ort'aiiJ, dally.ktK.10A.il,
Tho l-aclflo l.'xpreo arrlvva t I'odltnd, daily at
a.-10A. M.
MiiioiK oi nun 4, Mii.i.tMiriTi; ami
Uav Ponlaad f , 'i
(or Ur.n 1i htod.iTiinrrrl. Eat.
Ilallei arnlCpiioil "
Columbia ... 7 AH 7 AM 7 AM 7 All 7 A II 7 A U
cr Columbia... 7 AU ....All 7AM
Dayton SAMO AM AM 0 AM 8 A M 0 A M
Ourvaltli and In-
teraodlatopU CAM 0 AM
Vtutral Olllrfa Cor. I'rsnl nnil I Sla.
a 1(. I'ltESCOTT, Uanaxrr
A. L. STOKES, Oen'l fail. Ajtr.t
A. U MAXWKIL, Ticket Agent.
II. W. SKI ll.KJIIIti:, I-roii.
Uava on hand . largo itock of
Fruit, Shade and Ornamental
Trees, Grape Vines and
Of all tho leading Tarietlei to bo louwd In a flnit-clua
riurwry. Hriin rur inimosue nun arirc
Lltl. Addreat:
iovlm3 TAMIK.NT, Linn County, Ogn.
bltk headache, habitual coaUvcneaa, palna In back
and llmbi, toai of appetite. Lad breith and Uto In tht
mouu, etc, tnureiy carta by me um oi
tool on earth wSmKhaamsSSSSi
Tho "ACME" aul jrett tli- ml to tlio actinn of a Stool Crusher nnd Eovolor, nml to
tho CultinKt Lifting. Turning piocca of DoutiLK (lANt.x uf OAST STA'.Uti COUL
TERS, thu pfciilim mp i.d u mtig.M o which i;ivui Jmrjionso cutting power.
Thtw th tlir uo.ier.ltl nn 'if Cruhlnjr lu.niii Iiovolliijr oil' ill wrm.d mill t.ur.mghly
Pulvorlilucr thu "on a'c porfoi-moil nt tho snmo timo. In- ontlro nboonco of
StilhoH or Sprhijc Tooth ouUp illi-.u up niMut'i. I i tp nhy vil iptn.l rn inverted
ioiI nti-t lunl clay, wlmru eth-r 'litrnnv. uiturly lull i woiki prmc-.l' 'ii Imht oU, mill i
tho only llarr- w I nt cuts over tbo outlro uurfiico ot thu i-i unt.
Wc .Itiikit a Varlrty (if Sizcs-From H to S5 feet Wide.
Tliu "ACME" 1 in pricticl uv i iif-nrly .-very nilcult-ir.il comity nn thu l'.ioillo Coist
nmi ii.ii rcvon it ill to bn jm-. tnc tool for tut in VJuynrils, OrchurilH, Grrtln Fields.
Semi for i'tuiphlit cnt.l lug Tliounnil nf Tcatimoiili'-a from 4S ilillVront Stitca and
Territorial tsr llr.iich itlic i ilnrriburi, l',i.
Miintif.iutnry ami piiuoipit dtli.-' Millint;ti)ii, Now .Tcny.
N.H. "Tllligo in M "ii'irc t-ii'l otlu-r l-'(i)f," unt frro to pr''o who iiiino this pnpor.
For SiiJo on (he B'ui'idc Const !.v:
Stuvei- A Walltei', BNirtiiiml. Orcgdii and Wnlln Walla, W. T.;
ii. ,. Adams' V Son, San Gabriel, Cal.;
Oo.Sluil tioM Sanrraiicist'ti.
08, 'HO, St!!,
roir or HM.vos tbi:bt.
J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co.'s Engine. Threshers,
Headers and Saw Mills.
hTllinttUI.It loi'rtipfinir, I'litfurm, I aif 'K ItllnhlCK lone I it. I nr.ln Dilll uittiTiilta Axlo,
I r,n, ll.rro t llnoiul Kirri'i ;cn ami Hi a 11 ru Mmh
Stitilehitkut farm and .Sih'Iiik Vt'ajjdiH, ISnUvs. uu 4,'nr
rluUK. I. E. Detlevirk & (Jo.'s liny B'rcsseM.
j j.i.Cato Sulky,
.iCHCIIlltltdW, Cliiil t'rnnlirr nml lovrlrr.
Wtlulia imicli leal tliao any other I'ultu a nil Itirro' :
ttlU for atiout ono-thlrd lix, and llhal ilota t v mi-as
thcrouijn work oi any
H0fl Iooaicr .Sccdcrn, DrilN, and .Sulky liny ItnkiM; Diuiuoiid mid Ihtukcyo
Feed IUIh; Aciiio Uiirrown, nnd all
K. & K.
Will C'cmini-nt lie (apltol
Jfau ST 3 1 S Is Q
Aro mindftil of this fact, and lmvo in Ktoch anything in tlio Hoot nml Shoo
lino to Mlit "OriKon'rt Solons" or tuiyhoily vlti Tli h.i-t- t-oino Jioro to Htay,
and lmvo put tlio prices down lo ntttHj thai cjufy coiiiin-tliiuu. . '
Tlioy lmvo ovurythiu;; in tlielr lino from a No. 1 lIiintlnK TJo it d-jvn to tho
I'init, Dniuticht and Nohbict (lood iiiiiniifiiuttind. Vmi cannot full to lo
pIcuMil with thuir (IikxIu and l'ricon nml h tilnl only m imkod t iiMtimyon of this
fact. Tliny mako a Hpjcialty of Mttniifiictiiiini; hum mu i'i i'io Hoot and Hlioo
lino to Order.
hmai.i. rituiTn ami Tim:, i.mr th iikai.khh ami i-i.antkhk
Cl.tkH. Kill i: CATAIIKIIII'm.
(lend for
m Al
i mww
INDIANAPOLIS. il.U., u .- f
stjimeWhes a noiii? vv?
carry Englnejanii iioil'-am .a
lor lmMSCIi!o c. m. ..
Flro Imuraneo Company,
Accident Iniurance Comjary,
IIAKRY . KOYI, Aiiuvt.
Omcr. no. s, south hihk ok bXAnu ht
Utwccn Front and I'ir-t, I'ortland, Orricoii,
I'lro Iniuranco effuted on Dwelling, Kurnlturt-, lirl' k
andframs Ilolldlnira with Hlotkioi (Itucral Ittfdiin
dlio. Wheat, Outa and uiol loiurtd (or trrma Uu
than ono year,
I'ortluuili Orrcoii,
A Boarding and Day School for
Young women and uirlu.
Tlie HIXTKKNTil YlK cixna Hejile uilicr 3J. Ihc
lit. Her. U. WlaUr llorrli, Ittctor. Thorough In.
tructlon In KujrlUh, Art, Lantruaitva, and Uualo. A
conn cf luurtteii Uachera. Kur catalivue. addruui
1 UlSa IIOUNKV, Prtnclml,
4uUm Uox 8. I'oftlan.l, Orwon.
Hand-Book FREE.
?. & & a. p. LAcer.
Fattst Atl-T. WailloxUo, D.
Clod Crusher,
and Leveler.
and H14L Fiumt St.,
roiin.Axn. oiieoos'.
Walking Plova " '"'"Vu.Ktf.
' II I" I. . "
I l.. .
.1. i. it.iHr,
fculky and llaiu Mom, and Mood amlHivcl
II sin Walking flowi.
'."' - wi. t. ig. l mv a iTrt
f!S (7'
kiiiiln or Viirniini; .Miu'liinury
K.&. K.
1IRE !
llnlldtnij In b Iciu n imr. i-lli
QnS rliiuti J& A 1 21
intiii: I
iroiiMi' I
kvi:iivtiii.nu i-iiimtJ
iiKo. m. jn-ii. w, I'lirnoM ,
N. V.
u. '"UJ
1 rfT an.
-- .'Tr:-
I ikilaiiill tllMtUUr aiilui-il, irluiQImO Al-otwn
thlilttii.UiiinUi hi odid I'uichi rone, price fCCOaul
tX); ai-ii y r ad at mc
T J I.DUO.NbO.V.HiUin.Oieson,
A4(riliei f r aroiloa. - uihuujuu,
fatulLaviiir and XntiiUtr, H'ntkfiH;V.C.
j&?T x ftrlj
1 1 1 1 a mi
t r