Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 09, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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ijfyit 0nt 4jivtU.
MC9 HAnniOT T. CLAltKE, Eouea
King on, ring on, ye wedding bellat
Thoro's a duty rests with you 5
The. joy you you mako is a joy that tells
Of hearts that aro bravo and true
The times aro haul for limplo folks,
Thoy'ro oft iu stormy woathcr ;
But a man and a wifo must pull through life,
And breast tho waves together.
Ooo tido of life is dark aa night ;
The other is clear as day.
In doing right you kocp tho llpht, ,
And tho dark will pass away.
Though times bo hard for implo folk,
And wo mourn tho ills of fate,
The rulo for man is, do what ho can,
Ho must learn to work and wait.
Behind tho cloud's a silver light,
A joy for the faithful heart.
Then plight your troth by a solemn oath
To bo truo till death do part.
It's not in vain tho wodding bolls
King joy on tho wedding day;
Though tho battlo'a niah, yet hopos aro high,
And hearts aro merry aud gay.
Hint; on, ring on, yo wedding bells t
There's a duty rests with youj
Tho joy you mako is a joy that tolU
Of hearts that aro bravo and true.
John Hunt.
Apples nro ono of our most healthful
fruits. Wo nro vory fond of them bnkod
thus: Select nml wash good npplos;
tnko out tho cores, plnco them in u
baking dish, nnd lilt up tho contcr of
each npplo with sugar, placing a bit of
butler on top. Whon baked to n nico
brown they nro delicious.
Stcamod apples nro excellent. Somo
nro not good cooked in nny othor wny.
Faro largo npplos cut iu halves, tnko out
tho core, nnd plnco them in n steamer,
or in ft sicvo set over n kcttlo of boiling
witor. Stcnm until tondor, then removo
to n dish. Mnko a syrup of ono cup
sugar, half n cup water, nnd tho juico of
ono lemon. Simmer gently throo or four
minutes, but do not allow it to boil.
Tour this over tho npplcs plncod in n
Now whilo tho apples aro spoiling so
fast, it would bo n good idea to hunt up
all tho empty cans nnd bottles and fill
thorn with slowed apples for after all,
thoro is no fruit that is bo good nnd
hcntlhful as thoso.
Mont Balls. To uso cold moat and
dry bread, chop flno as minco moat, any
scraps of cold bcof, veal or ham on hand,
nnd to each cupful of dry broad, rolled
lino. Sonson with salt and popper, nnd
moisten with four tablo spoonfulls of
milk. 'Work into balls, nnd fry brown
in butter or meat drippings. I oflon
proparo thorn ono day for tho next
Corn Husk Mats. Not much corn is
grown hero but, nearly ovory family has
raised enough to get tho husks necessary,
if saved in time. Vo hnvo mndo many
of thoso mnts sinco living iu Oregon,
nnd can sny that thoy hnvo sorved nicely,
and aro pretty when mndo woll. Look
over tho husks and solect tho strong
outsido ouos. Plnco a few of thorn in n
basin of boiling water long enough to
becomo soft nnd pliable Thou tako
them out nnd sot to drnln ; whilo thoy
nro cooling nnd draining put in moro
husks. By keeping tho pnn of wator on
tho stove, tho water remains boiling hot.
"When cool enough to handle, run tho
busies through tho wringor, nnd com
monco braiding. I formerly squeezed
thorn in my hands, but tho wringor does
it quicker and bettor. Mako throo
bunches of three husks each, and tio
theso bunches together nbout two inches
bolow tho thick cud. Braid once, and
add nnother bunch of three, braid onco,
nnd add another bunch and bo on, until
you hnvo enough for a rug. It is best to
mako it all in ono strip. Whon a bunch
is put in, tho thick end is loft out two
inches ; tho braid is smooth on one sido
nnd rough on tho other. I tio tho first
throo bunches togothor when commenc
ing to braid, and tio tho ond of tho braid,
but find it unnecessary to tio tho small
bunches. Whon tho braid is long enough,
sow it together in either a equaro or oval
shape, using a long slim needle and
twine. After tho braid is finished tnko
nn old three tined iron fork, and slit tho
ends o tho husks fino, this makes 11
softer finish.
Fori: for Home Use.
Every farmor should aim to grow and
fatten pork for family use. Only by
growing it himself can ho in6uro pork
from hogs freo from disease. As most
farmers are situated they can keep
enough pigs for their own uso, feeding
them when young largely on skim milk
and refuse from the kitchen. There is
always undoubted profit in keeping pigs
enough to disposo of refuse that would
otherwiso go to waste.
Book-Marks. Ono can pco at a glanco
how useful theso littlo throo-cornercd
book-mnrks nrc, nnd thoy nro so enaily
nnd cheaply mndo that thoy must find
favor with cvory one. Tho four, comers
of hnndsomo heavy envelopes furnish
tho mntcrinl for thorn. Ohio tho back
togothor ns though to seal it, nnd then
cut off tho corners so ns to mnko four
pieces, Faint on ench ono a littlo llowcr,
or somo other suitnblo dosign, or n
natural flower can bo pressed nnd then
carefully glued on and varnished over
with whito varnish, or simpler still, a
littlo blossom in dccnlcomanio can bo so
neatly transform! as to look well. As
somo envelopes como in olognnt quali
ties, the book-marks enn bo vory hand
sono without much expenses. When
pressed and ready for uso slip them on
tho uppor corner of your pngo nnd you
can tell at n glanco just whoro to open
your book". Thoy form ono of tho fow
presents adapted to goutlcmon's uso.
To Bcmovo Vormin. As this is tho
timo of year all stock aro troublod moro
or less with pamsltio insocls, I will
heroin givo what has proved of grcnt
vnluo to ns. Tnko common bar soft
Eoap ; plnco iu a pan containing n ltttlo
water; then hent until melted down;
thon ndd carbolic acid crystals (carbolic
acid crystals enn bo lintl of n druggist
in ono pound bottles nt soventy-fivo cents
each,) at lenst ono ouneo of acid to each
pound of soap used thoro is no danger
if used stronger. Torodtico tho crystals
to n fluid stnto removo tho cork from tho
bottlo, plnco in water and hent it warm,
when it can bo easily poured out nnd
mixed with tho sonp. Whon cool a
strong suds mndo of this Bonp will bo
euro denth to all insects that livo on
domestic nnimnls. It will euro mnngc,
barn itch nnd nil cutaneous diseases,
and makes n cheap nnd clTcctivo sheep
dip. When cnttlo nro hidobound, or tho
hnir docs not nppenr healthy, n wash of
tho suds will provo n benefit, as it is
cleansing aud healing in cases of sores.
It is vnlunblo in poultry houses. It is a
good nnd suro disinfectant, is cheap,
snfo nnd oll'catunl, nnd will bo found
useful for a great variety of purposes.
Breeders' Gazette.
Superior Bean Soup. Properly mnde,
beau soux) is quito rolishablo, nnd vory
nutritious, nlso. Tho small whito field
benus nro profcrrablo. Wash them tho
evening before, and put thorn to Bonk in
cold wator. At bed timo, chango this
wntcr for fresh. In tho morning put
thorn to boil in tho soaking water, or
Hist cnouL'h of it to kocp them cooking
well, without burning or scorning. Let
them boil slowly until thoy hnvo nil
burstcd, being careful not to lot thorn
stick fast to tho kettle. Boforo sotting
tho bonus to boiling, put on, in n largo
kcttlo, tho mont designed for tho soup.
A shin of beef, cut up into small piccos,
is good for this purpose Add a quart
of water for oacn pound of meat. Let
this boil, skimming frequently, until
tho meat is ready to fall to pieces.
Then tako it out, removo tho most of
tho fat, or, whnt is bettor, strain it; thon
ndd tho boiling bonus, which will soon
bo thoroughly dissolvod in tho soup.
Ono must watcli this last process care
fully, or tho beans will burn. Put
somo Hinnll pioccs of toasted bread, or
broad fried down iu buttor, into n soup
tureen, and pour the soup over it.
Split pen soup may bo made 111 tho sumo
wny ns tho nbovo.
Women Who Have Wealth.
Tho telograph this morning cites Miss
Elizabeth Garrett ns tho richest singlo
lady of tho United States, nnd huj-h tbnt
tho ostimnto of her fortuno runs all tho
way from Jfio.uw.uuu to .fiiu.uuu.ww
Tho United Stntes contains n great many
wealthy women. Henry E. Packer's
sistor owns n lifo interost i'i 1(10,000
sharcB of tho Lehigh Valloy railroad,
tho dividends of which amount to $700,-
000 annually. Mrs. A. It. Allen of St.
LouiH pays taxos on $1,197,000, aud
Miss I3ornico Morrison of tho samo city
is taxod nt ?9(M,000. Thoro is it cattlo
queen namod Itogers near Corpus
Ohristi, Texas., who owns 40,000 cattle,
and is worth ovor $1,000,000. Sho is
tho financial agont of tho ranch, keeps
tno pockciuook and oversooa tuo stool;
whilo sho sends her second husband to
tho 1'oxas Legislature. Cathorino Wolfo
of Now York, tho daughtor of old Peter
Wolf, who married Lorillard's two
sisters and got $1,000,000 with each of
them, has an incomo of $500,000 a year,
una siio owns real citato to amount to
nbout $0,000,000. Liko Mrs. Bogcrs of
Texas, sho is nbout fifty years old, and
plain in all her habits. Sho is eingl,
too, and lives nil Mono in a big hotibo
on Madison avenue and Twenty-fourth
street, New York. It is snid that sho
wos engaged to bo married years ago,
but her alliance died a few days beforo
tho day fixed for tho wedding. Mrs.
"William Astor is worth about $1,000,000,
and Mrs. Marshall O. Itobcrts, tho wifo
of a mining king, who died bomo years
ago, is said to hnvo assets which will
font up $8,000,000. Mm. A. T. Stewart
has a princely incomo, no doubt. Mrs.
Gammcll is said to contest with Mrs.
Garrett tho reputation of being tho
richest unmarried woman in tho country,
and England's wealthiest heiress I see
is a Miss Hamilton, who has largo estates
in Scotland and an incomo of Homuwhat
near 500,000 a yoar. Clovcland Leader.
Cxx you do without tho FAitsreu for
1885? Wo hardly think so.
if! tyt 4'!t',,rett
They put her to bed In tho darkness,
And bade her bo quiot and good;
But sho sobbed in tho silenco and trembled,
Though sho tried to bo bravo as sho could.
For tho night was so real, to awful t
A mystery closing around,
Like tho walls of n deep, deep dungeon.
That hid her from sight and sound.
So stilling, so empty, so dreary
That Iforror of loneliness black 1
Sho fell asleep, moaning and fearing
That morning would never coinu back.
A baby must bear Its own sorrow,
Sinco nemo understand it aright;
But At last from her bosom was lifted
That terriblt fear of tho night.
Ono evening, tho hands that uudrcsscd her
Led her out of the door cloio by,
And bado her look up for a moment
Up unto tho wonderful sky,
Whcro tho planets and constellations,
Deep rooted in darkness, grew
Liko blossoms from black earth blooming,
All sparkling with silvery dew.
It seemed to bend down to moct her
That luminous purplo domo ;
Sho was caught up into n glory,
Whcr her baby heart was at homo;
Liko a child in its father's garden,
As glad as a child could bo,
In the fcolins of pcrfoct protection
And limitless liberty.
And this had bcon all around her,
Whilo she shuddered alono in boil
Tho beautiful, grand revelation,
With ccstaey sweet she read.
And sho sank Into sound child slumber,
Alt foldod Iu splendors high,
All happy and soothed with blesilngs
Breathed out of the heart of tho sky.
And in dreams hor light, swift footsteps
Thoso inflnate spaces trod,
A fearlois littlo cxplorsr
Of tho paths that look up to (lod.
Tho darkness now was a dungeon,
But a koy into wido rolcoso ;
And the night was a vision of freedom
A prcsenco of hsavonly peace.
And I doubted not that in liko manner
Might vanish, as with a breath,
Tho gloom atid tho lonely terror,
Of tho myatory wo call Death,
St. Mcholat.
Tho snow lies still on tho ground;
.much longer than is usual with this re
gion. It seems sad to hear of tho great
suffering among tho cattlo East of tho
Mountains; it would seom that stock
raisers would learn by cxperionco to
kocp their herds closor by ; it could bo
done by hording them just a fow weeks
in which theso storms may bo expected,
for neither cnttlo or horsos can travel If
caught in a storm whilo away on the
rango. Aunt Hetty hopes that each of
her littlo friends hnvo remembered tho
nnimnls mid biids during this snow. A
few crumbs or brokon grain thrown out
each day will keep tho littlo songsters
nlivc. Ono lady writes that sho hns
ltcen feeding tno "lion-Whites every
day, for they wcro so hungry tbnt thoy
were 11s tamo ns chickens; tho crows
camo too for a share. Aunt Hetty herself
has boon feeding n flock comprising six
specios of nntivo birds. Tho JHuo Jays,
and great black crows camo too, but
thoy woro wolcomo to thoir share, which
was tho larfost, of roun-o. Somo ono
snid not to feed tho jay birds, for thoy
wero 6tich thioves, but wo do not euro if
thoy do pick a fow of tho cherrios, thoy
nro hnndsomo and wo liko to eoo thorn
flying about ninong tho trees.
Victoria Bonds n nico littlo letter and
wo hopo sho had a happier timo than
she anticipated ; it is not necossary to bo
iu town to havo n good time, for n Christ
mas tree can bo had nt homo.
Aliconnd Itovolla each havo sent their
first lettor, nnd very good ones too.
Seven sisters, all together, what nico
happy times thoy can all hnvo together,
and only ono brothor among bo many
girls. Wo hopo they will writo again.
Estolla sends answers to two riddles,
and usks ono herself, which we think sho
will hnvo to answer too, for it seems to
bo n doubtful one.
Eva tells of hunkloberrying, nnd it is
Doccmbcr, too ; it sounds hardly proba
ble, but of courso it must bo so, nnd wo
should liko nothing bettor than to go on
just such n trip as Eva proposes.
Lucia has bcon silont for ft long time.
Thero seems to bo quito a diversity of
opinion a-t to tho question of Annie's
about tho fort; Lucia says it is Fort
Tecumseh, and threo or four others liaro
been mentioned, so Annio will havo to
settle tho question horself. Lucia tolls
of some wondorful vegetables in tho
Ocheco country. Her letter is excellent,
giving information about that country
that is wonderful.
John answers tho pig question pretty j
well, and asks ono that will bo bard to
guess. Jonn lives in Colorado, so docs
Edith, who writes a very nico lottcr, in
deed ; wo hopo they will como to Oregon.
It is too far to go twcnty-llvo miles to
Myrta writos ngnin niter n long time;
sho tells of n Band of Hopo of which sho
is n member. Wo nro glad to Hear of
such organizations ; it seems as if our
own Circle arc forgetting the Tompcr
nnco Boll, no names hnvo been sent in
for a long time.
Truxnu, Or., 5, 1SS1.
Kditor Homo Oirclot
' I liko tho Circle so well I will writo
nnother littlo pieco for it. Wo hnvo
been having a nico timo no my cousin
has been visiting us for a week. My
sister and I play tho organ quito woll.
Christnms is near ngnin, but I don't ax
pect n very nico timo becnuso wo livo in
tho country nnd cannot go to a Christ
inns treo very onsily. I will closo by
giving a conundrum : I pnid $15 for a
horeo nnd sold htm for 10 nnd mado
.$5. Can nnyono nnswer this?
VlCTOUIA Bauzke.
MI11M.ET0N, Or.
Kditor Homo Circle:
This is my first attempt to writo for n
pnpor. I am going to school with two
of my sisters and my brothor ; I have
eoven Blstors and ono brother; wo walkn
milo to school ; wo all liko our tenchor;
thero aro eighteen scholars. Wo havo
boon in Oregon almost olovcu years. 1
will answer Anna Hogora' history qucs
tion I think it was Fort Slanwix; 1
think tho answer to Lucy Croll's qucs
tion is "wator." I will send a riddlo :
Twclvo pears hanging high,
Elovon men camo riufiiir by.
Each took n pear and loft eleven thorc.
A mce Vinson.
Miiidmiton, Or.
Kditor Homo Circlo 1
As I havo novor written lo any paper
I thought I would try; I liko to rond tho
boys and girl's lottors, best of nil long
ones, but cannot writo a long ono myself;
there are threo of my sistors and 0110
brother going to Bchoo1,nnd I hnvo most
of tho work to do ; ma is not ablo to do
much. I will try and nnswer Mnmio's
riddlo: sho said spoil "that" with four
lottors, it is easy dono t h-n-t.
Bovim.u Vinson.
Wiu.iAMsTor., Dec. 11, 1881.
Kditor Homo Circlo:
I thought I would try onco mora to
writo a fow lines to tho Homo Circlo,
thouirh it will bo very poor. School bus
been out now for threo wcoks; wo hnd
a real good timo on the Inst day. It is
protty cold wcathor horo now. Tho
mcaslos nro iu tho neighborhood now,
wo hnvo not hnd them yet nnd I hopo
that wo wont. I will answer Mnmln L.'i
riddlo tho way to spell jiorridgo with
four letters is s-o-u-p; I will also nnswer
Victoria's riddlo it was firo. If theso
tiro right I would like to know. I will
closo by sending 11 sending a riddlo :
Thoro was a thing tbnt wiib four weeks
When Adam wns no more;
lioforo that thing was fivo weeks old,
Adam was four more.
Ehtki.la John.
Eu.i.NKiitmo, Or., Dec. fi, 1881.
Kditor Homo Circlo 1
As I hnvo not got anything to do this
ovoning I thought I would writo 11 fow
lines to tho Circlo. I had almost forgot
tho Circlo whilo I was going to school;
but my hchool is out now ; I got 11 real
nico curd tho Inst day of school. 1
will try mid answer somo of the ques
tions asked iu tho littlo folk's letters. I
think I can nnswor Victoria's question
it is firo; Lucy Croll's is river; Annie's
is what fort was saved by a half-witted
boy, it is Schuyler, and Jessie's is if thero
wero threo crows on a treo and I shoot
ono, how many romain? if you shootono
tho other two will fly away and thero
will not bo any left. Wo wero out hut
Monday huckleborry hunting and got
over four gallons of berries. Aunt Hotty,
if you will como down nnd mako us a
visit wo will tnko tho buggy and go after
huckloberrios. Wo livo fivo miles from
Ellonsburg. I will cKo by asking a
Biblo question it is how many times,
and whoro docs girl occur in tho Biblo?
Eva MiM.i.'it.
PiiiNKViu.K, Or., Dec. a, 1881.
Kditor Homo Circlet
As I have not writton to tho Homo
Circlo for some timo I will try to answer
somo of tho riddlos that I saw in last
week's paper. I think tho answer to
Victoria DarzeVs riddlo is lire ; tho an
swer to Lucy Croll's riddlo jh n river or
brook; I think the nnswer to Anna
Hodgora' history question is Fort To
cumseh. Wo hnvo had leautifiil weather
during November, but it iB Biiowing
now, and is quito cold. Wo aro going to
school now j there are fivo going from
our houso ; wo hnvo to rido, it is f o far ;
wo wont borsoback o while, but wo go in J
tho hack how. I got n present of a bUIo
saddle on my birthday. Wo aro living
on our pro-cniption claim nuw. l'a dug
n well, it is thirty-llvo feet deep. Wo
rnisod a great many turnips nnd beets to
feed tho stock; ono rutabaga weighed
twenty-four pounds and ono weighed
twenty pounds ; who can beat that? It
is getting late, so I will closo by asking a
question: What is it a man novcr
wishes for? Lucia N. Piunoi.k.
Hviir.WKLi) Co., Col., Nov. 27, 1881.
Kditor Homo Circlo:
As I havo novcr written to tho Fan
Mint boforo I will now writo; I expect to
do bolter writing noxt timo. I will an
swer Bobort Bruco llond's puzzlo: Put
nino pigs in four pens with au odd num
ber in each pen, ono largo pen with threo
littlo pens in it and threo pigs in each
littlo pon. Ono of my brother's nnmo is
llobcrt Bruce. I nm twclvo yonrs. I
will now ask a puzzlo : A drover being
asked how many horses ho hnd, replied,
"my horses together havo twenty foro
legs;" how many horses hnd ho? I will
send tho first ono mlBwering Ibis right
ono of my cards. John A. Boiiinhon.
Hvdk, Wold CaTcol., Nov. 25), ISSi.
Kditor Homo Circloi
Ah I havo not written to tho Homo
Circlo for a year I think I ought to
write. Mnmmn is teaching mont home,
ns it is twcnty-llvo miles to tho nenrest
school ; tbnt ia a very long way, but it
thero wns n school nearer thoro wouldn't
bo nny ch'ildron to go; thero nro no
neighbors except at tho railroad stations.
I never wontloBchool but nino days until
Inst winter. I would liko some one to
loll 1110 how ninny months do you havo
school iu a year in Oregon. Wo livo in
tho sandhills; thoro are 119 running
streams of wntcr hero and no trees; thoro
is no farming nearer than thirty miles,
but there nro 11 grout many cnttlo ; thero
nro wild horses in this country. Aunt
Hetty, I oxpect lo como to Oregon somo
time. I think tho riddlo of No. It is ft
nowspnpor. It is so lonely horo I alwayH
liko togotthoWiM.AurrTK P.uiMun and
read tho lottors. I will givo a riddlo:
What is it that goes up hill and down
hill and always stands still?
Edith Hoiiinson.
13aki:ii Citv, Or., Dec. 1, 1881.
Kditor Homo Circlo 1
It has boon such a long time sinco I
havo written a lottcr to tho Fahmkii I
havo not written but onco and that was
four years ago. I go to school and hnvo
good tonchcr, horo nnmo is MIbh Maxwell.
Wo hnvo a Hand of Hopo hero, and I be
long to it and havo signed tho pledge. I
am going to n pnrty tho first Friday in
January. I am cloven years old nnd
fivo feet in height; most people tnko mo
for thirteen and past. I will send Aunt
Hetty my enrd. I will closo by giving
n riddlo :
Madam Twitch had but ono eye,
Aud she had n tail thiit-nho let fly,
And every timo sho wont over a gap
Sho loft tho ond of her tail in a trap.
MvitT.v Jamiw.
A man has a forty pound weight which ha
breaks into four such pieces that ho can bah
ancu any number of pounds from 0110 to
forty. What does each weigh?
Yu puzzler skilled of wit and famu
A title for my flrat proclaim;
Tho samo behead nml you'll unscreou
A name well knswn to you I woun
It ahould be known to ono and all,
For onco it caused a great downfall.
1, Curtail a bit of firo and obtain n ship
'-'. Curtail a meaturo and obtain a ifrlng.
I. Curtail tho principal rf life and obtain
French coin,
4. Curtail a skip and obtain a plain.
1, Beloved.
'.', A fominine name.
.'I, Mountains of France and Switzerland.
4. I'o file.
Answers to last wceki Knlgrna, Henry
Wadsworth Jjongfellow, Charade, Carpet.
Vacant Government Lands.
In Eastern Oregon thoro aro still largo
bodies of vacant government lnndn
awaiting settlement, nnd tho Heppnor
(Jnzette, published near thorn, publishes
township plats and information nbout
now lands, liesides making laud filings
nnd final proofs. Tho (iazctto costH
.f2.fi0 a year, $ 1 for threo months, or ten
cents in Btamps for one copy. Address
J. W. Itedington, Heppner, Or. tf
Wide-Awake Druggists.
Mesirs. fort k Son are slwaya alive to their
buainess. and snare no pains to secure the
best of every article in their line. They have
secured the agency for the celrbrated Dr.
Kinu's New Discovorv for Consumption, The
only certain cure known for Consumption,
Coughs, Colds, Hoarstnsas, Asthma, Hay
Fersr. Uronshitis, er any afrtotion of tho
Tbro, and Lungs, Held oa a postive guar.
anlte. irui botue iree. nrguiar sue si, a