'.." il.1 WILLAMJflTTJE FABMER: SALEM, OREGON, DECEMBER 26, 1884. he ou(e 4prclc. IVXH HAnniOT ''. CLARKE, Eoiroa POOR TfKED MOTHER.. They werr talking of the glo y of the land beyond the diet, Of tho light And of the gtnlicts to he found In fundise, Of tho flowers evor blooming, of the never ceultt" soiic, Of tho waud'ring' tbi'o' tlio roUIc.i ilicet of happy white lohed throngs; And said falhe , k-Aniig baoV in his easy chair. (Father always waa maatcr-hatid forcom'ott everywhere) : "What ft joyful thins 'twould be to know that when this li'o is o'er Ono would ilk nlshtwtiy hear ft wolcoino from the blessed shining shoio !" And Isabel, our eldest, glanced upwmtl from tho rccd Slio was painting on a wider jut', and mur- mured, "Yes, Indeed." And Marian, tho next In ago, n moment dipp ed her book, And i" Yes, Indeed!" repealed with a most ecstatic look. ))ut mother, grey haired mother, who had como to sweep tho room, With a patient smile on her thin luce, leaned lightly on her b.-oom Poor laothtr I no ono ever thought how much tho had to do And said, "I hopo It ! not wrong not to ac,ie with you, But scorns to mo when 1 die, beforo I join tho blest, I'd just llko for ft lillto whilo to ly iu my gravo and rent," Jiirjaref yllnQe. TABLE ETIQUETTE. Manners at tho tablo dopond iu a great mensuro upon ono's surroundings. Tho way in whicli food is nerved haB nn im portant influonco upon children iu tho forming of their habits. A proper caro in laying tho tnblu at each meal with noatucss and order, with tho saino servico whon tho family only aro present, as whon thcro nro visitors, gives easo and mannora to all, should unoxpected company arrivo at timo of meals. A lady remarked to a friend a few days ago : "You must bo very much worn out, for it is uoticod that you havo had company almost nil tho timo this sum mer." "Oh, no," was tho reply, "wo en joy it; wo novcr-chnngo anthing, and try to havo our tnblo ready for company all tho timo." Tho spotless tablo linnn, clean glass, and bright silver, often scon in that lady's dining room, provo her words to lo true. Americans' havo long heen held up to ridiculo by foreigners, nnd justly too, for their hnbits of "crammin" tho food. This is tmo, not only of business men who rush into n restaurant, ofton stand ing about (i counter liko so many ani mals, waiting to bo fed an quickly as possible, but nlso ladio.t and children do much tho snmo thing at homo. A true lndy or gontleman presiding at tho homo tablo, will bo known by tho quiet, gontlo manners, together with n constant caro for others, suiting each ono's lusto ns far as possible, with fow words about it. If there bo a servant in waiting sho should bo controlled by looks rather than words, or bettor, sho should bo so trainod to her duties beforo coming into tho dining room that sho will seldom need any directions there. When tho bell calls her tho will till each ono's glass witli water ; then pass tho butter on a small tray to tho left of each ono, that all may help themselves, then tho broad como cut in squares and placo them on each ono's nupkin. Souii lish,and moat, if used in courses, or alone, aro scrvou in tho Bamo way. Vegetables aro placed upon tho tray in tho vegetablo dish, and overy ono helps himself. Beforo desert is brought in, tho tablo is cleared and tho cloth brushed frco from crumbs. It is dosirablo that those rules should bj carried out at tho simplest table, If thoro is but ono servant for all tho houso work, sho should underrtand that this is ono of her most important duties, and sho should bo required to havo her hair neatly urusucu, aim ner canco urois, collar, and whito apron always ready for this service. A constant jumping up from tho tablo by any of tho family for ono tiling and nnotnor, is a great an noyanco to all. IJrcakfast boing necessarily an infor mal meal, thcro is less ceremony than at dinner. Fruit, if uecJ, stands upon tho tablo ; as all tho family can seldom bo present at tho same time, others things aro kept hot fn tho kitchon and brought to tho guests us thoy arrive. An English family that entertains with bountiful hospitality, serve breakfast to their guosU at any hour of tho morning, but; in a privato family guests should observo seke thoakhrafabro,df- ?" " d tM !" all other customs of tho family they aro P,oces re'ld' to l)laco ,nto n Preparation visiting, as delays of this kind often ' mado as follows ; Two ounces of borax, mako a deal of trouble and extra work., ono ounco of gum arable, dissolved bo Nothing is so suitable for n dinner foro a(!ui,lg to tho mixture enough hot table-cloth and napkins as puro whito ' . ., , ,, . , , , , .litmaa--. Fnr l.-nbW nn.lSnnnl. ml water to COVCr U0 goods, Whldl should damask looks well and washes admirably, ' but colored embroideries on white, or any elaborate work where changes for washing aro so ofton mudo, seem alto gether unsuitable. Flowers aro a pretty adornmont for tho table, but thoy should not bo profuse. A slender vase at each end o? tho table wilh flowors ol a slnglo kind, with their leaves, aro much prcttior tlnui bouquoU of mi sod colors. A von dcsirablo addition to tho tnblo ib a' small oa-kcltlo of copper, bronze, or polished bivss, with iU Alcohol lamp, to keep tho water at boiliug point all through tho breakfast or tea. It costs from two to oight dollars. Tho hot water is used to boat tho cups beforo pouring tho lea or cofTcc, and to rcgulato tho strength. Many rules for good tnblo manners will occur to all who nro observant, and tho best way to inform ono's self is to watch carefully thoso who aro considered ns models of polito behavior, nnd copy their habits iu this respect. ETiiEr. Stoxe. niutu on Cooking Applts. All throughout tho country whoio apples aro abundantly raised, thoy form a largo part of tho diet nb this season. Nothing olso will furnish such n varioty of wholosomo, palatablo dishes. But in cooking apples, much euro is required in order to havo thoin robin tho rich fruit flavor. In stowing for quick-applo snuco, they should not bo allowed merely to simmer whilo cooking, but should cook quickly over a hot fire. A small quantity of water should bo added when tho apples aro put on to slew. Thoy should thon bo covered light and not disturbed until thoy aro cooked. Cidor applo-sauce, which requires several hours for Booking, should bo cooked moro slowly and with less heat. Apples to bo bakod should not bo put into tho oven until tho heat is sulllcicnt to bako immediately. Both tho ap lioaranco nud flavor aro much improved by quick baking. But caro must bo taken that tho firo is hot enough to burn tho skin. A good apple, woll bakod, is a most appetizing delicacy for any ono with n poor appetite. There is nothing moro dolicious than warm apple-bread, caton with fresh butter. Wo inako tho bread tho samo as for steamed brown bread. "Whon tho bread is mixed rendy to cook, add Bliccd sweet apples until tho mixturo is thick with thorn. Steam from throo to four hours; then bako thirty minutes in nn oven of modornto heat In making upplo pics, instead of slio ing tho apples after thoy nro pared, I grato them. Tho pics cook quickly, and nro much superior to tho oridinury kind. I havo often eaten pio with tho applo but partly cooked. And again whon tho npplo was cooked, tho crust would bo overdone, Orated apples cook so quickly that both thosp difliultics nro avoided. Thoro is no pudding superior to tho baked Indian pudding whon sweet apples aro cooked in it. Into ono quart of boiling milk stir a cup of corn meal. Ito this stir a quart of slicod sweet npplos. Add n cup of molassos, and n teaspoon ful of salt. Mix all togothorwcll. When ready to put into tho oven, add two quarts of milk. Pour into a largo, buttered pudding dish or pan, and bako slowly four hours. Whon cold, n clear, amber colored jolly will bo formed throughout tho pudding ; tho apples will bo of dark, rich brown ; altogether n most delicious dish. Tho addition of a small quantity of bu ttcr nnd n littlo salt improves tho taste of both applo pics and applo sauce. CHOICE RECIrES. Wnlllos. -Wnfllcs aro an old-timo sup per dish. To a quart of flour stir a quart of sweet milk and half a cup of molted butter, with a teaspoon ovon full of salt and ono of sugar. Add half a cup of yoaef, and whon tho .waflles aro very light, two eggs. Boat woll and lot tho mixturo stand twenty minutos, when it is roady to bako. French pancakes aro mndo in the samo way, but aro baked on a tin spider in round cukes, liko criddlo cakes, bprinklo powdered sugar over each cako as you bako it, squoezo lemon juice ovor it and roll up and servo at once. Hot Sootch sconos will occasion ally bo acccptublo at a simplo monl : .Sift half u spoonful of soda into n quart of flour and mix in rich buttormilk enough to mnko a dough nearly as stiff as for soda biscuit. Koll out half an inch thick and buko on a hot griddle in two largo cakes tho sizo of dinner plates, b'orvo with dishes of Dundeo marmalade Dread Cake. Ono pint bowl of dough ns it is ready to mould into broad, four eggs beaten separately, ono cup of but ter, two cups of whito sugar, ono table spoon of cinnamon, ono nutmog, half a teaspoon of soda, ono pint bowl of stoned raisins. Mix by hand. Put tho dough into a largo bowl. First work in tho butter woll, then sugar und spice, next tho yolks and then tho whites of tho eggs, then tho soda dissolved iu a littlo warm water, lastly tho raisins. Let it riso aftor putting in pans. Bako about as long as broad. This quantity makes two loaven. To renovate alpaca or black cashmero be mado very bluo with bluing, such as is usini in riiisiiiK nuiiu i-juuius. ouiim until cold or over night. If needed, ono tablespoonfal of tho extract of logwood can bo added, mix wen onioro adding tho goods. Press on tho wrong side, very wet, with hot irons. 4fa tyf $MMrU; LIFE. Laugh, and the wotld will laugh at you ; Weep, and you weep alone, But tho sad old farth must borrow its miith, But has troubles cuotigh of Its own, Sing, aud tho hills will answer 1 Sigh, it Is lost on tho air. The echoes bound to joyful sound, Bat shi ink from voicing cat c. Bejoico, and mcu will seek you ; Grieve and thry turn and go, They waut full measnro of all your ploasmc, But they ds not need your woo j Bo glad and your friends aro mauy ; Bo sad and you looso them all, Thcro aro none to decllno your uectarcd nine, But alono you must drink life's gall. Feast and yoir halls aro ciowded Fast and tho world goes by, Succeed and give, and it helps you live, But no man can help you die. Thcro aro room in tbo halls of plcasuro for a large and lordly train, But one by ono we must alt filo on Through the narrow aisles of pain. Ella metier. OUR LETTER BOX, It is almost Christmas and no doubt our young folks aro beginning to think of what thoy can give and of what they hopo will bo given to thorn. This happy season of Christmas tiruc3 is ono of gifts, and is more especially tho Christmas day, for it is to the children that gifts nro offered. It needs but a littlo ono to mako n child's heart bound with pleas ure. Clyde- is ono of our regular corrosion dents, sho answers quostions nnd nsks BOino sonsiblo ones, thnt call for oxcrciso of mind ; tho letter is well written and perfectly spoiled. John II. is another ono that, writos frequently; his teacher is sensiblo in try ing to induco scholars to spell correctly by giving a prizo to oncourngo good spelling. Georgo is right, it wns unjust taxation thntcaused tho colonics of America to riso against England, but it was not tho "Qucon of England," it was kingdoorgo tho Third, who governed England nt that time. Wo aro glad to sco tho qucs tion answered, for overy child should know tho history of thoir own country. J'.lla sends a good cako recipe, ono that any girl ovor 60 small can try to mako, and it is very good too, whilo it is fresh. Leona tells a very pretty story about hor dog, ono that every person will rend of with interest. Animals often do show great senso, but for n dog to bo so very kind to cab?, which it seems so na turnl for them to chase, is strange iiv docd. Dear littlo Muff, how hnd. sho must havo felt to Hnd that hor dear lit tlo mistrosx had left hor behind. Muff was cortainly well treated or slio could not havo shown such sense. Julia writes a good letter; sho snys her papa takes tho Faumeii, and thatro minds us to say that wo do not caro to print letters whon papa does not take tho paper, aud wo not think ninny chil dren would enro to writo unless tho pn per cumo to tho homo. Vnrinii comes again after n long silonco ; sho has chosen another "uon do plumo," so that our readers will not rccognizo an old friend under a now signature. Wo nro glad to know thnt tho Willamotto University has clioson to compliment good spelling; it would bo woll if our other schools would follow this oxamplc. It seems that Vurina chooses to bo not only a good studout but prides herself on being n good houso keeper too. It is possiblo for a young girl to excel in both. Lost Valekv, Or., Nov. 20, 1S8J. 1'Mitor Homo Circlo: My timo is so limited that I am quite neglectful of tho Circle, but tho little folk keep such an intorestingjist of questions on hand that I am constantly induced to try my ingenuity to answor. I cortainly can't think of nny other way to spoil pig with two lotters except p g, that is without tho "J," sinco a blind pig must bo ono without eyes. Now for pen ning nino pigs iu four pens nnd an odd numlwr in each, I will pen nino pigs this way: Put threo pigs in three small pens oacn and ihiiki n largo pen around all threo pons. Now if I am in correct criticiso my lack of ingenuity, if not I will claim tho roward for tho an swer. I will send some qucs'.ious : I havo an eight-gallon cask full of cider and wish to measure ou just four oven gallons, and all tho measuring utensils I havo aro a iivo and three gallon meas ure; now soiuo ono solvo tho problem. Also, what was tho catuo of tho revolu tionary war, and iu what battlo was Mollio Stark tho watchword? My pre vious question was answered corroctly, ouly I would liko to know if her card would not do as woll a his. Clyde. Dexter, Or., Nov. 24,188-1. Editor Homo Circlo: As I am going to Bcliool I don't have very much timo to write, as I havo to walk about two miles, ovor a very muddy road, aud study my lessons evenings. Our tcanhcr will givo n prizo to tho ono that gets tho most head marks in spel ling. I will try to nnswer Aunt Hetty's riddlo and charndc; I think tho charado is hairbrush and tho riddlo A newspaper. I hopo Aunt Hetty will, oxcuso this short letter nnd I will try nnd writo a longer aud moro interesting ono as soon ns school is out which will bo nbout seven mora weeks. Johnny Handsakeii. Salem, Nov. 18, 1881. Kdltor Homo Circlo I I will writo another loltor for tho Circlo. I nm going to school nt prcsont, wo havo six wcoks yet of rohool. I sco Hint six answered C. C. B.'s puzzle. I saw that Aunt Hetty asked a, question and no ono has yet answered it yet, so I will try and answer it ; it was becnuso of tho taxation that tho Queen of England laid against tho coloniosof North Amer ica. I soo that ducks aro coming in again nnd tho boys will soon havo tho fun of shooting them. Wo aro going to build a fruit houso this fall. We milk two cows. Wo hauled 112 cordB of wood to Snlem Inst summon Wo bought n Zimmerman drier limt euminor and wo dried about 800 pounds of fruit with it. I will closo by asking u question : Who discovered tho Mississippi river, nnd where doos it riso T Geo. A. Lehman. 1Ii'ntsvim.e, W. T., Nov. 29, 188 i. Kdltor Homo Circlo t As I havo never written to tho pnper I will try nud writo u fow lines. I am cloven years old ; I havo ono sister nud her nnmo is llosn, sho is soven years old. I help mamma to cook, wash dishes nnd sweep tho floors. I lovo to go to school. I will givo n riddlo : Crooked as n rain bow, tocth liko n cnt, guess nil your life timo nud you can't guess thnt. I will sond n cako rccipo, railroad cako : Quo cup of sugar and ono of flour, throo eggs, threo largo spoons of milk, ono teaspoon ful of baking powder. l!u.A Kiiiiiy. Centeiivim.e, Or., Dec. 1, 1881. Kdltor Homo Circlo i I will writo to tho Homo Circlo about my littlo dog Muff. Woll sho had ono littlo pup, when it got pretty big sho weaned it, thou sho raised four littlo kit tens; tho mothor cat died, leaving four tiny kittens; wo did not know whnt to do with thorn; but just think, Muff went to them, laid down nnd let them nurso her; nftcr thnt sho took caro of them ovory day nnd would sloop with them overy night ; thoy grow nnd got to bo big, fat kittens; thoy seemed (o lovo Muff as woll ns any kittens would a cat mother. Muff used to liko to bring hor adopted family in tho room by tho stove, for it was in the winter; n groat many peoplo camo to see Muff nnd tho kittens, nnd protty hooh wo saw an nccount of it in our town paiwr, thon several other papers, but when wo started to Oregon wo had to leavo poor Muff and tho kit tens with a friend ours. .Sho took caro of tho kittens until thoy wcro almost grown. Ono timo Muff kept n largo rattlcsnako from biting a very littlo girl that wns at our houso, by standing 1m twecn tho girl nnd the snake, and bark ing loudly until somo ono camo aud killed tho snako. Leona Wilmamh. Tohkek, Or., Doe. 1,1881. IM i tor Homo Circloi As 1 havo nover written to the Fak- mku I thought I would writo. My papa tnkes the Fakmkh, und I liko to read tho littlo folk's lotters. Wo hnven't got any school now, but it will commenco a week from Monday, and I urn going. I think I can answer Victoria Hurzco's riddlo, it is a bird. I will toll you whnt I do to help mamma, I wash tho dishes and milk two cows. Jui.u L. Moulds. Pleasant Point Faiim, Nov. 150, 1881. Editor noma Circle i I havo been reading the letters in tliu Farmer, nnd too no lottors from tho lit tlo boys Don't let tho girls get ahead of you, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again." I don't neo anything from K'utio S., would like to hear from tho girls and boys thnt used to writo a long timo ago. Tho reason I have not written tooner is became I have been so very busy. I am going to school ut the Willamotto b'nivenuty, whoro I iuivo bcon going four years ; I expect to finish tho academy this year. I etudy Herman, Latin, rhetoric, synonyms nnd spoiling; I liko my Gorman best of all; there are eight in tho class, and two of thorn aro Gorman girls; all in the school aro com pelled to lake spelling lessons, and I think it a very good plan to know how to 8joll correctly, I studied French last year, nnd I think it very easy ; I think Gotmnn nnd French both nro easier than Virgil (Latin). I do not intend to go to Bchool next year, but want to lakomusio and nrt for n chnngo. I nm keeping houso for four, nnd that with my lessons keeps mo quito busy. I llko to cook, it is a chango from my study. Friday af ternoons my parents tako mo to my country homo, whero I stay till tho next Monday. It is so nice to got in tho country for a change. I prefer living in tho country to tho city, perhaps it is bo causo I havo lived thcro most of my lifo. I think tho answer to L.'s riddlo is t-li-n-t. Very truly, Vauina. puzzle department. EN1UMA. I am composed of 28 letters. My lfi, C, I), 28, is a fruit. My 17, 21, 12, 2, is not lovo. My 2-1, 0, 8, 1), 10, is condition. My 13, 11, 10, 211, is to value. My 1, II, 25, 1, is to possoss. My 21, 22, 20, 27, 7, Is tho hnndlo of nn agricultural implement. My 10, 2!l, 18, 13, 25, 20, is n word in its figurative sonso meaning homo. My wholo is u sonsiblo ndngo. Things Worth Knowlnj. 1. Thnt fish may bo scaled much easier by dipping into boiling water about a minute. 2. That fish may bo woll scaled, if de sired, beforo packing down in salt, though in thnt enso do not scald them. 2). Salt fish nro quickest nnd best fresh ened by soaking in sour milk. 1. That milk which is turned or obnnged may bo Bwcotcncd and rendored lit for uso again by stirring in n littlo soda. fi. Thnt salt will curdle now milk; hence, in prepnriug porridge, gravies, etc., tho salt should not bo added until tho dish is prepared. 0. Thnt fresh meat, after beginning to sour, will sweatou if placed out of doom' in the cool over night. 7. That clear boiling water will re move ten stains nud many fruit stains. Pour tho wator through tho stain and thus provent its spreading ovor tho fabric. 8. Thatripo tomatoes will romovoink nud other stains from whito cloth, nlso from tho hands. i). That n tnblospoonful of turpentine boiled with your whito clothes will aid tho whitening process. 10. That ltoilcd starch is much im proved by tho addition of littlo sjoi'm or nlittlo salt, or both, or u littlo gum ara ble dissolved. 11. That beeswax nnd salt will mako your rusty flat-irons ns clean nud smooth ns glass. Tio a lump of wax in a rag und keep it for that purpose. Whon tho irons nro hot rub them first with tho wax rag, thon scour with a papor or cloth sprinkled with salt. 12. That bluo oiutmont and korosono mixed in equal proportions and npplicd to bedsteads is an unfailing bed-bug remedy, nnd thnt a coat of whitewash is ditto for tho walls of a log house. 13. That korosono will' soften booU or shoes which havo been hardened by water, aud render them as pliable as now. 11. Thnt korosono will mako tin tea kettles iih brignt ns now. Ka turn to n woolen rag and rub with it. It will also remove stains from clean varnished fur niture 15. That cold rain-water and soda will remove ninchiuu grease from washablo fabrics. Every ono of tho abovo recipes is un failing. Cut this slip out aud placo it in a book for reference A SO or 40 Aero Farm Wanted. Wo hazo n customer for a 20 or 40 aero farm. It must bo within five miles of railroad, und price not to exceed $1,000, and a good house. Address nt once, Tins Orrit'i:. When you nro iu Kalom, call at Port & Son's; you nro always welcome whether you want to buy anything or not. A Ufa Savins Prosont. Mr.M.K.Alliion, Hutchinson, Ksii.i Kjvcd his lifo by a simplo Trial Bottle of Dr. King' New Discovery, for Consumption, which caus 04 liim to procuro a irn noiut), mat com pletely cured htm, when VoiUii$, chango of climatu and vcrythlng else had failed. Asth ma, llrnuchitii, Hnarieue S - Coughs, and all I.unu Diseases. itUiiuikiitt(d to cure. Trial bnttlt-H freo at Port ti Son's drug store, Irgoi.o8l, 1 Infants and Children Wit ont MorpUluo or Karootlno. WJiat cl ves our Clilldrr u rosr etirrkg, What euro Uiulr ferrM, niskt tlicm alnrnt 'TI. :tnrli Whon nobles fret, anil crv Iiv turns. Wbat cunu their colic, kill tlielr worms. Hut Cmtnrlo. What quickly cures Constipation, Uourti(om-cli, ColJa, luOlgratlou t Hut Cantorla. Farewell Uicn to Morphine fiynips, C tor Oil und I'arrcoric, ami llallC'tnrla. Contour Llnlmont. An ab- Kolato euro for Illieum-tlam, Sprains, Barnu, Gulls, &o., nil a lnstauta aeoun Puiu-reJlorer.