Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, December 19, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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jt oti(t frde.
una HAitnioT t. clarke, editor
Fall w ell I know the frozen hand has come,
That amitcs tha eongs of groves and gardens
And chills sad autumn's last chrysanthemum
Yet would I find ono blossom, If I might,
Ero tho dark loom that weaves tho robe of
Hides all tho wrecks of summer out of sight,
Sometimes in dim December's narrowing day.
When all tho season's prido has passed away,
As mid blsckcnod stems and leaves wo stray.
Wo spy tho sholtprod nook or rocky cleft
A starry disk tho hurrying winds have left,
Of all its blooming sisterhood bereft ;
Somo pansy, with its wondering baby eyes
Poor.waysldo nursling fixed in blank surprito
At tho rough welcome of unfrlondly skies.
Or golden daisy will it daro disclaim
'Tho lion's tooth, to wear this gontlo name?
Or blood red saliva, with its lips aflamo.
Tho storms Iiavo stripped tho lily and tho
Still on its cheek tho flush of summer crows,
And alt its hoart loaves kindlo as it blows.
So had I looked somo bud or song to find
Tho careless buds of autumn left behind,
With theso of earlier season's growth to bind.
Ah mel my skies aro dark with s'udden grief,
A flower lies faded on my garnered sheaf ;
Yet let the sunshino gild this virgin leaf
Tho joyous, blessed sunthino of tho past,
Still with mo, though tho heavens aro over
cast Tho light that shines whllo lifo and memory
Go, pictured rhyincs.for loving readers meant,
Bring back tho smiles your jocund morning
And warm their hearts with sunbeams yet
unspent. Otiitr II'. Jfolmts.
Thnt wo linvo fonnd in thirty years of
oxporienco in broad-making, wo givo be
low. It may bo that our roadors nro
familiar with it, but is now with tlio
writer : 1'ecl nnd grato rnw two largo
potatoes into n pan, tako us much sugar
us tho band will grasp, tho sntno of Bait,
thou pour boiling water on till it is
rathor thin; when cooked off sufficiently
so as not to scnld, put in n fow spoonfuls
of livoly hop yeast and lot it rise, thon
set away in a cool place. This yeast will
keep two weeks in cool weather, and can
onsily bo rcnowod by grating potatoes
ngnin, always saving a littlo of tho old
yeast to start it with. This eavos so
much trouble, ns in tho old process of
boiling and straining hops nnd fussing
ns wo used to do. It sooms to us as it
wo could return tlinnka for "our daily
bread" nnd not consider it a burden any
longer to prcparo it. This yeast is quick
to riso, nnd it good bowlful of it will not
rnako tho bread taato of hops but rather
help to keep it moist. Au.vr Hetty.
About Recipes.
Wo generally, or nenrly always, try a
rccipo beforo giving it to our friends,
but wo must ask tho pardon of ,thoso
who triod to "can corn" from our advico.
Wo aro pnrtial to corn, and noticing an
nrticlo in nn oxchango on that subject,
wo copiod it. Wo had no corn and could
not try it. Wo foar somo of our good
housokcopcrs havo tried it, at least wo
hear of ono lady who lost corn and bot
tles too ; after this wo shall bo moro
careful. But thorn is ono thing wo aro
assured of by experience, and that ia that
tin cans aro surer to keep woll than
glass bottles.
Our littlo frionds writo us many let
ters, and wo nro glad to gt them, but
wo notico somo names whom wo know
nro not taking tho pnpor. If parents
liko to sco lottora written by their chil
dren they should subscribe for HioFaii
mek. It cosU money to run a newspaper,
nnd wo must draw tho lino somewhere.
Hereafter all letters written and sent to
us by children whoso parents do not
tako. tho paper will bo excluded.
The Art of Conversation.
McCoy, Or., Dec. 1, 1884.
Editor Home Circle t
Any ono who has tho art of cpuverea
tion can enter into a social circle any
where How ovory ono's face brightens
nt bis entrance; how soon ho sets all tho
littlo wheels in motion, encouraging tho
resources of tho reserved and shy, subsi
dizing tho facile, and making everybody
glad and happy. A tnlont for conversa
tion has an extraordinary value for com
mon every day life. To converse woll is
not to engross tho conversation, it is not
necessary to talk with very great brilli
ancy ; a person may talk with such sur
passing power as to uwo the reel of tho
company into silence or excito their
onvy, and so produco a chill where bis
aim should bo to produce sunshine; he
should seek tho art of making others
feel at homo with him, so that no matter
how, great may bo his attainments or rep
utation, r how email may bo theirs, they
.find it inBonsibly ju6t as natural and
pleasant talking to him as hearing him
talk. Tho talent for conversation moro
than anything cleo requires tact and
discretion. It requires ono to havomoro
varied knowledge, and to havo it at in
stant and absolute disposal, bo that ho
can U80 just ns much or just as littlo ns
tho occasion domands ; it requires tho
ability to pass instantly, nnd with case,
from tho playful "to tho serious, from
books to men, and from moro phraso of
courtesy to tho expression of Bontiment
nnd passion. L. C.
Snow For Dcsort. A quart of rich
milk, four good tablcspoonfula of corn
starch, whites of four oggs, a cup of
powdered sugar, n spoonful of buttor,
lemon or vanilla nnd a littlo salt. Bring
tho milk to n boil, stir in tho starch
which has been wet up to u thin pasts
with a littlo cold milk, cook until it
thickens, add sugar (careful not to burn
bottom of dish), draw to tho back of
tho range, stir all tho time, lot stand flvo
minutes longer, turn out and beat in tho
butter. Stir occasionally until cold,
then beat in whites, which should bo
whipped to a stitT froth, flavor, turn into
a wet mold nnd set in a cool place. Make
tho day beforo you wish it.
Friod Oabbago. Out tho cabbago
very lino on n slaw cuttor, if possiblo ;
salt nnd peppor, stir woll and lot stand
flvo mines. Havo an iron kcttlo smok
ing hot, drop ono tablospoonful of lnrd
into it, then tho cabbage, stirring briskly
until quito tender; send to tnblo imtno
diatoly. An agrccnblo change is to put
one-half n cup of svect orcam nnd thrco
tablespoon fuls vinegar tho vinogar
added nftor tho cream- has been well
stirred into tho cabbogo and nf tcr taken
from tho stove. "When properly dono
an invalid can cat it without injury, nnd
thoro is no offonsivo odor from cooking.
To Stop tho Flow of Wood. House
keepers, merchants nnd others, in hand
ling knives, tools nnd othor sharp instru
ments, vory frequently rccoivo sovcro
cuts, from which blood flows profueoly,
nnd oftentimes endangers lifo itself.
Blood may bo mado to ccaso flowing ns
follows: Tako tho' dust of tea, nt all
times ncccssiblo nnd easily obtained,
nnd bind itcloso to tho wound. After tho
blood has censed to flow laudanum may
bo ndvantagoously applied to tho wound.
Duo regard to theso instructions would
snvo much agitation of mind while run
ning for tho surgeon.
Baking Boots. Ono of thn most sat
isfactory wnyH to cook boots is to bako
them. When boilod, oven if their jackets
nro loft on n great deal of tho best part
of tho beat is dissolved, and so is lost
It will, of courso, tako n littlo longer to
bako than to boil them, but this is no
objection. Allow from fif Icon to twenty
minutes longor for baking; slico them
nnd Bcason as you would if thoy woro
boiled. Ono pleasing way to sorvo them
is to chop thorn fine after thoy aro
cooked, nnd season with pepper, salt and
buttor. Turnips nro nico nlso served in
this way.
A Fino Omolet. Ono of tho best omo-
lcts wo havo over eaten, is mado nftor
Cntherino Owon's recipo: Tako tho
crumbs of a slico of broad, soak it in hot
milk (cold will do, but hot is better),
leat up tho whites of four oggs to a high
froth ; mix tho bread with all tho milk it
will absorb, no more, into a pu)to, add
tho yolks of eggs with a littlo salt, sot
tho pan on tho firo with an ounco of but
ter. Lot it got vory hot, then mix tho
whites of eggs with tho yolka nnd
bread lightly, pour in tho pan,andmovo
about for n minute ; if tho oven is hot
when tho omelet is brown underneath,
set tho pan in tho oven for flvo minutes,
or until tho top is sot; then doublo half
over and serve. The advantage of thi
omelet is that it keeps plump and ten
der till cold, so thnt flvo minutes of
waiting docs not turn it into leather, tho
great objection to omelect gonerally.
Dried Bhubarb. Last year I dried
somo rhubarb and found it vory nico for
making pies or sauco during tho winter.
It keops its fresh, original tnsto bettor
than any dried fruit. Trepan1 tho sanio
ns for pies, by peeling tho stalks and cut
ting into pieces an inch long. Spread it
on plates, not pans, nnd placo in n warm
ovon. It should dry quickly nnd thon
bo put away in paper bags, I generally
let tho plates containing tho rhubarb sot
on n sido table during tho morning
whilo I am using tho stove, and placo it
in tho stovo when it begins to cool after
The Sonato is considering tho admis
sion of Dakota.
Oh, the snowl tho snowl tho beautiful snow I
Lighting tho earth with a heavenly glow ;
Covering the graund fram tha spado aud hoe,
Not psrmitting farmers toplow,harroworsow;
Slowly It comes whirling
Drizzling and curling,
Down from tho ky
Dawn from tho clouds that go floating by.
Oh, trhatasuaw, what a snow, such a snow!
Is tho cry wo hoar from this world bolow;
The farusr smiles and says, "wheat's under
tha snow;"
For avtry wriaklo of caro ia swopt from his
Jlurrahl hurrah! hurrah for tha beautiful snowl
For it will givo us good harvest and bams
full, you know ;
It gives us the mcaus for tho hungry to feed;
It gives us tho power to help all in need:
Tha widow and her weeds
Tho orphan's Qod sposd
For tho farmer will pray
That God pour on him rich blessings each
And but for tho farmer, his plow and tho
Great cities without our flour would stand no
Vessels would rot as at our wharves thoy lay
But snow is tho King of tho country to-day,
Thrco o'clock in tho afternoon it was,
nnd tho snow lay Bovoral inches deep on
tho ground in tho city of Baltimore. A
young man wnlkod briskly up F.utnw
street, and pickod his way carofully
across tho open end of tho market-place
on Lexington. It was a busy sccno ; for
nil day long tho markothnd been crowd
ed, and largo carts wcro backod up to
tho pnvemont for two blocks, nnd tho
sidownlks wcro lined with dolors in fruits,
flowcrs,nnd kniok-knnoks of every imagin-
nblo description. Along tho great mar
kot building, for hundreds of feet, tho
thrco aisles woro woll filled, nnd, in fact
crowded with venders arranging their
stands for tho ovoning, nnd with pur
chasers carrying baskets and bundles.
Tho young man was tall and slender,
nnd a brown tilstor camo nenrly to his
hcols. About him bright Christmas
berries nnd ovcrgrcons wcro piled in
great hoaps, and tho gnily decorated
stalls boro kindly ovidonco that tho
blessed soason of mirth and jubilee was
nt hand. Portly nnd jolly merchants, on
tours of Inspection, thumped tho fat
turkoys nnd chaffed tho boys who kept
tho fruit stand, nnd dcclnrcd that it was
no market at all, nnd ended by ordering
half n cart load of eatables and greenery.
Littlo children camo nlong beaming,
with their ono cont for a stick of Infl'y,
their two conts for a bannana, nnd off
with seomingly tho world in thoir clasp.
Evorywhero laughter, ovciywhoro happi
ness excopt in tho faco of this tnll
young man, Doan by name, who looked
snd nnd tired, nnd troubled in spirit.
Ferhnps his thoughts woro miles awny,
with thoso ho loved most ; perhaps, and
this is most likely, ho was brooding in
silenco over somo deep and lonely nnd
unsycaknblo griof, for upon thoso ho
mot there foil n hush of recognition and
sympathy. Across nil thnt noisy nnd
and merry mnrkot-placo it was as if a
sorrowful, sufForing brother-mortal had
passed, and men with their burden step
ped nsido, nnd oven tho peanut lnds for
bore to urgo thoir wares upon Dean,
musing ns ho walked, lonely ns Dnntoiu
tho streets of Floronco. Yet, ns ho
passed tho lxiwor stand, half wny ncross
tho market, tho black-robed window,
who had kopt it sinco Oottysbnrg, led by
an impulsoshonovor could quitocxplnin,
picked up a cluster of violets, nnd hold
them forth without n word, not that sho
wishod to urgo him to buy, but would
ho not wish to bco them? Hot-houso
violets thoy were, lnrgo, pale, and fra
grant; tivolvo flowers wero in thoclustor,
bound up with their own peltate leaves,
and twenty-fi vo cents was tho prico nt thnt
Tho tall "young man rememborcd
Christmas Violets in n far oil city, built
upon tho hills of u wind-swept peninsula,
whero iivo cents for a cluster ns largo as
your two hands could hold was nil thoy
cost. Ho pausod, and looked gravely
down, i-oeing the plain pino table, tho
modest array of flowers upon it, tho
widow's fadod garments and black
shawl, tho nalo nnd oldorly faco, win
ning becauso of its sorcnity, tho violets
faintly suffusing tho wintry nir with
fragrance Ho drew his hands from tho
deep pockets of Jim ulster, laid n silvor
quartor in tho flower-womnn'H pnlm,nnd
took tho violets.
"So violets still bloom in tho world?
I am glad you had them for mo," ho said
to tho flowor-scllcr, and thrust tho
boquet deep down into his pocket us ho
wont on, rolnpsing into the samo
moditativo mood ami troubled reverie,
Ho reached the corner of tho market
place, whoro tho streets cross. Tho sky
was overcast, aud gusts of wind began to
sweop across tho city, and n fow largo
flakes of snow fell. Dean had again
forgotten about his surroundings, ho
stood somowhat apart from tho crowd,
and looked far westward, toward tho
sinking sun, caring past miles of brick,
and bluo hills, and low fringes of pines,
sad-eyed, silent, earnest.
A pair of littlo bands clutched his
ulstor fast, and pulled it violently. A
child's clear voico rnug in his cars, and
drow his thoughts suddenly back to tho
nocxls nnd tho duties of this everyday
Yet, tho voico wns only nn innrticulnto
cry. Looking down, bo saw n bonnio
littlo maiden by his side, pulling his
ulstor, and sobbing between her slow
and troubled words.
"Hcnse, sirt 0, sir doy't know
whero I am."
Gently smiling down upon hor, ho put
his hand over lier's with a strong, re
assuring clasp.
"Nover mind, littlo one, you nro nil
right now. And do you know whero you
would liko to bo?"
"I want to e.o home," said tho winsomo
mnidon, decisively, lifting her tenr-stnin-cd
face, and shyly, yet willingly, trans
ferring her grasp from tho ulster to tho
friendly hnnd.
"But toll mo, whero is home, bright
oyed littlo Miss Blue-howl? Wo can find
tho way, I urn sure"
"It's on Edmonson Avenue," tho
child replied. "Wo haven't lived there
vory long, nnd so I got lost." Tho
graceful mouth begun to quiver nt tho
"01 that is real easy to And. Como
along, Christmas-berry Lady, and seo if
wo don't havo a surpriso party."
Thoy wont nlong tho street, sido by
side, nnd nlmost gleeful, for tho child
had forgotten her dread, and Dean found
plcasuro in her merry talk. "What n
confiding littlo puss it is," ho thought,
"So Alico is your namo?" ho said.
"Now I think that Ncmophiia would
havo suited you bettor, or pansio, If that
iB too long. But whatisyourpot nnmo?
What does your fathor call you?"
"Somotimcs ho says "Minx" uud now
nnd thon "Blossom." Mothor says I nm
nn awful enso, nnd I "sposo I am."
Sho informed him, by degrees, that
her wholo namo was Alico Morritt, that
sho was six years old, and wns going to
bo sont to school pretty soon; blither
mothor had taught her at homo. Sho
explained Hint sho had gono to piny with
a ncighbor'H littlo girl on another Btreot,
nnd had followed n company of soldiora
"to seo them march." nnd thon, taking
tho wrong turn, had found licrsolf in a
strange region. Then, na sho said:
"I just walked, and walked, and walk
ed, ever!), ovor'n, so far. And pcoplo
kept goin,' nnd goin by, nnd novor onco
ii'-looking at mo. And I snld : '0. denr
mo, whatever shall I dol' And then I
spoko to a big mnu, but maybo ho didn't
know what I wanted, for ho walked
right nlong. Thon I didn't know what
in tho world to do. And I thought
maybo Qod know, so I said : 'Dear God,
plonso don't let mo stny lost: nnd I tried
to think what littlo girls did when thoy
didn't know tho way. Then I wnlkcd
BOiuo moro, nnd got dreadful tirod."
Sho looked up in Dean's faco with
bright and trustful eyes. "Then I saw
you coming, nnd I looked nil ovor you ;
nnd ran nnd caught hold of your coat.
It just Boomed ns if I couldn't boar to be
lost nny longer."
Tho child's Bimplo words touched
Dean's henrt doopfy: "Children, nnd
birds, and flowers," ho said. "What clso
in nil tho world is it worth whilo to
Suddenly ho remembered Ibo long
forgottou cluster of violets, and drow
them forth from tho deep pookot.
"Hero, Lilly-Mnidcn, thoso nro posios
for you," ho snid, holding them out for
tho tiny brown hands to clasp.
Tho child's faco shono with such do
light that tho Btoutest old misanthrope
would have melted nt tho vision. She
was u born llower-Iovor, that was ovidont ;
and Dean, looking down in tho solt,
clear eyes, thought to himself: How
sho will rovol in tho fairest and costliest
of roses, n dozen yct.rs or so, from now,
when sho sits gloriomly nt tho opera!
Oil, littlo maiden, may you ovor keep
tha frosh heart of your childhood.
"Do you liko thorn, Midget?" h- mid,
smiling upon hor.
"Flowers art) so comfor'ble," sho ro
Bponded gravely, Biiillliug contentedly
and rapturously at the lilac-blue
"And now, you shy Marjorie, don't
you want somo candy?"
Sho thought that this must menu go
ing into n store, nnd consequent dolny
in their progress.
"No, sir; I want to go homo," with u
littlo flutter of tho ocnsitivo throat
"Wu'ro going thoro ns fast as wo
possiblo -1111. I'oko your hand down in
my pocket, nnd bco what you And."
"Mothor says for mo never to put my
hand in grown up folk's pockets," respon
,for Infants
and uwrcoinuu l-lutulency, Coiuitipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhcca, and
Fovurishnettg. It insures health and
nuturnl sleep, without morphine.
' Castoria la tn well adapted to Children that
I rximm'iil lto4fui-rior Uioiiy pn-McripUon
Imowntoine." IL A. AkcuiK, M. !.,
tfl Portland Ave., Urooklrn, N. Y.
If: VI t hi
tlsm, Hpreins, IJurns, Galls, &c. Tlio most Powerful and Pene
trating Pals-relieving ad Healing Remedy known to man.
ded tho witch, with gravely sovcro nnd
asionisncu tone.
"Yes, thnt's exactly right, of course,"
said tho much abashed young man,
trying desperately to rccovor lost ground.
"But jitBt feel outside of my pockot:
what nro thoso thrco lumps nwny down
"Candy," said tho interested mnidon,
demurely positive
"Now I'll flsh it up, nnd you shall oat
it. Pretty littlo Cclostino, a blnck-oyod
beauty of about your size, put somo
candy down in my pocket, away last
week, and I had forgotten nil nbout it,
or I should havo given it away long ago.
But it stnid thoro for you, don't you
"How nico things happen," said sho
n niinuto later, waving her violets nnd
munching hor candy.
Thon thoy reached tho comor of
Kdmonsou Avenue, after mnny turns
nnd angles, nnd Baw tho gray church
wnlls in tho block beyond. Then,
suddenly, tho end of tho story cnino; for
tho moment thnt. tho frank nnd ongor
littlo mnidon saw tho street sho recogniz
ed its peculiar nspect. Sho pulled her
hand from tho tnll young mnirs friondly
clasp ;b1io looked swiftly into his faco
with tho briglicstsmilcs.
"Oh, I know whom I nm now," sho
cried, "I know whoro I nm now. You
needn't go nuy furtbor with me, sir.
Thank you, Bir ; good-by, sir ; good-by."
Klin ran tin tlin ntivof nanntwliui Mm
stops of on unassuming cottage, nnd
wnvcti nor unnu in gay larowoll, whilo
Denn swung his hat with boyish
onthusinsm. nnd Inn Ma lintunu.nnt
smiling ns ho went. So chcorful, indeed,'
wiiHiiu, wini tireti nnu cuscouragcu pcoplo
took. now henrt of fntn fmm Vila ,.nnfnl
liojHjful glanco. Tho touch of a child'n
littlo hnnd Btill lingered in hist tho tones
of n child's troubled npjicnl rang in bis
cam; tho memory of her beautiful trust
fulness lay dcop in his soul.
When Denn reached homo ho fouud in
Iub ulstor pocket a brokon violet, solo
rolio of tho cluster that dainty littlo
Alico had enrriod with hor. Ho looked
nt it long, Btniling nnd glad. "This shall
bomvmomonto or vnn. wnvivnnl u.itsi,ii
ho Bind, nnd wrote her namo and tho
uaio on n slip of pnpor, nnd sealed tho
violet up in a small envelope, nnd put it
in among his treasures. For, somehow,
llowors hud accentuated all tho omotiona
of his lifo; had como to him iih moa
Bongera in times of deopost joy nmft(
holiest sorrow, nnd of inexpressible
disaster. Dnrk-stnincd English Wnll-,
flowers from nCypross-wnllcd.Tamnrisk-guarded
grnvo near a peaceful Bea;
pnnsics of purple am gold from a cot
tngo garden in a mountain valley noar
flashing rivorH and wild catnracts, nnd
gloaming, Btiow-clnd mountains; Whito
lilies from n churchyard's saintly quiet;
a rod roso bud from tho trembling heart
of fiomo lost droamlnnd such blossoms
ns thoso wcro among Dean's memorials,
and in such company ho frail violot was
And did ho novor bco Alico again,
nover visit tho charming child at hor
homo? Ah, no! for Dean wns wiso with
many a hard-bought experience. Wns
it not better that thoy should always ro
mombor each othorntthoirbest? Should
1U1V ftlttlrti !( nllnu-nl trt nine Hut ini-.
fectnessof tho idyl? Liko Lnmb, musing
vf.ui nm lllllllll'UUim, illlLI), 17L'nil
whisporcd aof tly, "Better so, bettor so."
The "Oocox WUdo" Pen-Wlpsr.
Tako somo picccB of yollow silk or
flannel ; cut out tho loaves of tho un
dowered, flftoon in iiumbor. Thcho nro
to Ira workod on tho edgo in buttoiiholo
stitch with yollow enlbroidory silk.
Attach these, when worked, to n cantor
piece of brown silk, mid this piece till
in with Fronch knots, worked clocely to
gether, and dono in n reddish brown
crowol, to form tho contro of tho flower.
Cut somo pieces of brown cloth or flan
nel, and no'oh tho edges. Theso aro to
bo fattened to tho bnok of tlio flower,
and Horvn for tho real pouwijier. Brown
ribbon, uu inch wido, is sewed to tho
pon-wipor, botweon tho flowor-frout nnd
tho loaves nt back. Tio in n bow, and
hang near tho writing-desk.
A Lifo Bavins Present.
Mr.M. K.Allison, Hutchinson, Kin i Saved
his lifo by a simple Trial Dottle nf Dr. King's
New Discovery, for Consumption, which cam.
o 1 him to procure a lrn Lottie, that com
pletcly cured him, when Doctors, ohaugo of
climate and "verythlng olso had filled. Asth
ma, Hronchltii, Hoarsenrro 3 vri Coughs,
and nllLuiid Diseases, it la nu-iuiitttd tooure.
Trial bottles freo at Port fc Son's drug store.
Large sie $1, 1
and Children.
What circa our Children rosy cheeks,
What curt their fevers,
t them alern :
When habU-s fret anil cry hy turns.
What curt-tt thvlr colic, kUU thrlr worms,
Hut Cmtorliu
What quickly currs Constipation,
Bout Btoniocli, Colds, InOJvtitloo,
Farewell then to Morphtao Hrrupti,
Castor Oil ami t'ort-furlc, anil
absolute euro for Kheunia-