w iliUvi- rrii KA.IIMEK. SALEM, OREGON. DECEMBER 12. 1884. , grange ohimi(. .ra:;,; nvKSitiToaiv. Tlio Orozon fitate Gi-anga. orncKitA It. I. H.V Master -Ju.lgn Hilcm, M trlnn Uo Ug'r. Ovenaer. A Liii'lling, Ulli 18 C'l , ' )."!. Lecturer II. K If-ym Miluhukir, Clnvk Hill"! Claulcimia Co., 0.'i. Stowar.1 V. . Thci-ium, W IN Wall.. Wli T. Aialatan' N'rwa-il. I-' ( Vu iiiiiimi, Wnilc oui;al, NV. r. ChapUin A Sc'niniwixy, O angi-wlli-, Iil.lm Ci., M tin) Trcanuri'i -II. K. lituuli. I ilupi'ii li" o-. I'oll. Oi , Oj i. Sccrotuy Mm. M. J. Twin, Alii tiy, Linn Hit. On. " Oalo Kcup'-r. Jd ti SimpKin, Sins , Law Cn., Oni? n. Corcr - Mu II ni t iVopir, Wilbur. I) uliis Oi. Ojii. t'omoim -MUn M .1 II in-, I'nrvalli", Hon ion "i.. On. Flora. IpiiiiIm Millor, cii-'Uooil, Miiltno- tna'i C i . Oti, Luly At. ixnnl Mm. I. L. II llrnry. Turn . Mnii hi l . O.'ti ORAKOn MERTINt.. Nr.w Kiia, Or., Deo. 1, 18SI. lvlllor WllUnii tt? Kurtni-r i Lnit Fiittinlny wo hud u imlilic moot ing lit llio Tuiilatin (iriiiigoi lull mid had llio Manor of the Stnto (Iriuigo, luilgo 11. 1. Jolo,toiuldro-HiiH Among tlio ninny good tliingd lie h.iII to iw them wcro fliingM unitl Unit I thought foil short of llio hiuh ftmidaril of litisltiess integrity thiit wo im (irnngoiH fhoultl forovur stiivo to rstiitiil by. Not tlmt I wish tmrlictiliirly to criticizo tho Judge, but u practico too I'ommon in tho farm ing commnnitio-i, though it mny mnko us sweep our own iloor-yimls. It is tho failing to I;oc uiercil our contractu and obligiitioim, or to bh.'iiIc plain, failing to remember that when wo ulgn u nolo that noto will become duo and wo will bo call ed upon to moot its roquircmen'c lly ouo man meotiug his ngreement enables tho next to moot his, and co a little prompt ness oils up tbo hutiiuct-fl machinery for quite n ways. I wilt admit tho present EOiiBou to be an exceptionally hard one, but it proves to many a ixior follow that ho has been too ready to uso boiuo other poKon'ii money; that ho was too willing to tnko chances on tho future, always thinking that things would Ixi bolter ahead, but tho present stato of things shows to him that ho is in danger of losing nil. And how far back is it to whore many a follow can hpo that by a little economy and promp(no?H nt that time ho could now have had tho reins in his own-hands, but ns it is they tiro be yond his grasp. If I uudcritnml tho rules among mer chants, bankers and traders their obliga tions must bo met tho day they are duo by twelvo o'clock, or thoir noto go to protest, and thoir financial credit is shaken, which to them is a very tcrious mutter, so much no that they leavo no mono unturned to prevent such an oc currence. Much of tho iudebtodncsH of fnriuorfl has been gono into without tho .propor outlook ahead as to tho proper chances for paying it, and fomo go in debt from tho fact that they areahlo togetauothor man's money to ine, with very little thought as to how it is to bo paid, and then they murmur sorely becauso they nro asked only to fulfill tho contract Uioy voluntarily entered into. I 'When a perhon goes in debt ho baddies himself up and places tho bits in hisowu mouth for another man to rido, and it Is only natiual when ho shows signs of bucking that they will get a Spanish bit on him if they can, (and They can gen erally do it). It docs neem impoiblo to get along without sometimes having to borrow money and eometimos buying on credit, but it is tho prompt meeting of such debta that tho financial and general wel faro of n community rests, and if it is truo, ns Judgo Hoiso told us, (and I have no doubt but it is) that tho Scotch Loan Company is slowly taking in farms in this vnlloy, with tho idea of creating a land aristocracy nmf tenantry, is it not high time for us to wako up and adopt tho only afo rulo, and that is to stop borrowing unloss we know wo can pay ns wo agree to. Had thoy been paid ac cording to agreement tho Scotch Com pany would not havo got a foot of land. Every fniluro has boon on tho part of tho bonowcr. Tho Innd in this valley is worth too much to bo allowed to slip away from tho ireo Amoncan homo to tho customs of another country. Tho remedy is promptness in business. Thomas Bvckiiax. THE NATIONAL OKANOE. Tho National Grnngo recontly mot nt Nashville, Tennessee. The Master's ad dress reviews tho condition of agriculture and calls many facts from tho census re turn of 1880 to prove that while tho wealth of tho country increases im- inpti"oly the piodui'ii(g class is not ullowt d to letain n fair prop irtion of tho wealth thoy ore.ito by their industry. Cities, with 'their morchnnts and spec tators become very wealthy but tho dis tance between the laborer nndopcrativo and the wealthy class widens n-i tho wealth of the country incroaHo. Ho ink : "May wo not again nk in all serious ness, is there not just .uuse for alarm for the fate of our free institutions? fa not tho growing power nn-l insinuating influence of wealth, centering in tho hands of a few, creating an aristocracy which will eventually be able to crush out civil liberty, by doxrnding agricul ture, and leducing tho luburiiii; classes of this country to that ciniditiou of penury and starvation depicted by Mil- caulyr is theio not leason io appre liond that we have alrrady reached that "downward progreMY" "Wo must admit, at lo.il. that thcro aro incut and growing wrones in our business and imlustiial system, which should be lighted; and to ipiostion tbo power and duty ot tho government to coirect llieni, i to ackuoi ledge its weak ness, and its inadequacy for tho pro tection of human light". It N to admit tlmt "a government of tho people bvtho people and for tho people," is a failure. Aro wo ready for these ndmisioin? Aro wo prepared to bohrvo n the theory that ''institutions purely Democratic, iiiul sooner or tutor, destroy liberty or ImjiUV" Aro wo credulous enough to en (lor.M) the doctrine hat inmi who labor and o.iru their bio.nl by the sweat of their bious finnot bo ns well qualified for fcolf-government, as the sloth, pio viilod the litter has winltht" 'Are i willing to admit that our agriculturists, who now, and always must constitute u majority, ami khhcs n proportionate amount of tho intelli gence and morality of llio people, havo not enough of telf-intciest, enterprise, and patriotism, .to come forward and unite their iulluouce and power, in the groat work of reform, which is necessary to maintain our system of lnudcd pro prietorship, mako our agriculture moro prosperous, labor moro remunerative, tho distribution of the products of labor moro cqultnblo, and plaeo society on tho upward, rather than tli" ''downward pro gress." In relation to tho trnusiortation qucrtion he shows that the agitation of tho question by tho (Srauge throughout tho United States, for eleven years back, has educated public sentiment and pro duced considerable results. Tho pcoplo need to ho educated ton knowledge the principles of truo government and of the encroachments of aggregated capital. Ho says: "As far as I am nblo to judge, wo havo no cnuco whatever for discour agomont in tho general condition mid work. of our order. Whilo it is true, that in some sections it seems to lauiMtish, in others it is strong nn prosperous. Tho iiunncinl condition of our treasury sconis to indicate a general increasing prosperity. Tho Presidential Campaign just closed, has so engaged tbo attention ot all chissos of our people, that it would ho strango u it has not detracted from tho intorost of Grange work. Dutno instanco hns como to my ncknowlodgo, where tho Order hns departed from its wiso mid well defined non-parti an iwlioy, and lout its inlhienco to aid tho special interest oi partisanship. "OttrnKi cultural schools and collcires, which are founded upon the wants and necessities of agricultuie, aro prospering. Our agricultural experiment stations, so recently establisheilitibevei-.il States, mo fillinir a long-felt want in our agri cultural educational system. Their number should ho increased. Our co operative associations nro very generally prosperous, notwithstanding that failures sometimes occur. Thoy are doing a good in rovolutioiiliug the business system of tho country by bringing the "pro ducers and consumers, farmers and manufactures" into a closer connection and hotter undori'tanding with each othor, and in gradually doing nwny with tho 'credit system." "Tlieio are also signs of U-ttcr culti vation of farms, more diverufving of products, n moro rational nmlsystemntic rotation of crops, improvement in breeds, caro and mnnngoment of live stock, nud moro attention given to tho production and use of fertilizers." "In all thcso things wo sco indications of progross; but littIo,howovcr, has been added to tho farmor's profits. Jt matters but little how hard tho husbandman mny toil, how rich and productivo Ida sou mny no, ho will continuo toslruffslo in vain, to rcalizo tho "first fruits of his labor, so long nsnionoolie.sin business hnvo tho power to control tho market valuoof hisproduco, and fix tho prico of his labor. If our American agriculture is over rcliovod from theso oppressions, tho work must bo dono by tho farmers thomsolvcs. Thoy havo tho powor to do it if they will. Thoy havo tho organization ready to reccivo them, and in which their concentrated influence will bo a power which no despotism can hold in bondage. M thorn ponder thoso things well, and decide at onco, and forever, whother thoy will continue to bo slaves to capital '! lowers of wood and drawers of water" to n monied nristocrncy, or bo free mon, in tho full enjoymont of their natural and constitutional rights. BacUen's Arnici fi&lvo. Tho be it Salve in llio world for Cuts, Uruu- .(inraa T1Iaii tilf If kanm L'aiiah (Invaa Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corn and II Skin Eruptions, and poaitively cure film, or no Dav reo aired. It U caaranteed to t'iva aatiafactlon. or money refunded. I'nce 25o per bor. For tile by Port 800. Jy consumi'iio.v critr.n. An ol.l )h)tlchn, retired from pticttce, Imltifj luvl placoj In hli lunili ty nn Cut Imltt missionary tlie tommUct a lni-le c-,ctl)'o rcmclytor the tpectty aml permanent Hire ot I oniuniption, UrO'icliltl', Cat arrh, Annua, anil all 111 nut and Lung AtTcctlnnii, alio aposltlto ami radical euro for Nctrom Pcbllily mid all Nervous Comphlnt. alter lnvliiif tentul ltd wonderful curalhopoMrrdn llioummli of catei liai felt It hla duty to mako It knou n to Ms uflerlLi; fclloai. Actu atcd by ihliimotltoand mlctlrii to rcJeohumin inf. frrlnir. I nltlacml fnwof clirirc, to all whoilctlro It, this recipe In Otrman, nrdirli or V'rencli, vtllh full direction for prcpirlm; and utliiff. Sent ly rcall liy addrculnir ullli itampand namlair thla piper, W. A, NOVES, 113 l'owir'a block, llochnter, N. V. i.Om 2V. ROBERTS, ...8UCCESS0II TO.... FISHEL & ROBERTS, Cor. lint and Alder bta, Tertian', Ore. THE LEADING Clothier, Merchant Tailor, And Hatter OF OREGON, (Junnuitccs to soli the very best CLOTHING (or less .Honey than any other house in the state. Juncltl nlAPSJ 5VIAPS ! ! MAINS OU HSKraX WASH- ALSTON TKBT4)ISY. rTEni:Arri:u we will iik .milk txi rupily I L coplet of mapi of Orwn mid Wmhlnjlon at follonlnx latci. Tlnuo tnx nro put up In mmrnlcnt fiirm to cary In tho poclitt- Kiidoiisl In n still Kurd cover. They can he nhtalnol at llio follow lni( prices: llnp f Orrci .1Ini(ir Wnttiluuluii, Orccoii nml M'nsliliiKtnn CoinhlneJ l.to Wrllcinlt hv 1'nUl Order or Unrlttcrctl Utter I'o.tniio tamps lll not ho takmi, Address i MIUOICITI FA IIMI It ITIt. !., Ilrawc' X IVrttand Orefou TUTT'S PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. Tho Orcatert Mad-leal trlnmph or tho Ago I SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I.osa of appetite UowrUcoillYr, Tain In the hend, with a dull cneatlon In tho buck part, rain nnder tbo hoalder blndo, Vultneaa after eallni, rrllh ndls Inclination to oxortlon of bodr or mind, Irritability of temper, I.owaplrlti, with nfcolluBof bnYlnanrdlocted aomoduty, Weariness, Dizziness, l'lutlcrlna; nt tho Heart. Dots boforotbo ores, Hondncbo oyer tho right ore, Hcatlessness, with fitful drenms, lllihlr colored Urlno, and CONSTIPATION. TDTT'N 1'lM.fl aro especially adapted to such rases, ono (loan orroetn (11011 a cbnnRnnrfcolliiRnatonatonlslitliotutroror. Tlier Increase tlio Appetite, and causo tho tody to Tnko oil l'leali.lhus tbo arstern la nonrlshoil.anil brtlielrTonla Action on IrioDUiealtsroOrgatia.ItriiuUrHtooljaro pro-luer,!. I'rlea arte. t Murray wt..Wf .Y. runs HAIR DYE. OitAT mm or Whukehb changed to a Oujmr IIlacic tijr n slnulo npnlloatlon of till DTK. It Impart! n iinturnl color, ncu liiatiuitanoouily. HolilUy DniBulaU, or aont by ozproaa on rocolptof l. OfTloo,44 Murray St., Now York. Dr. Allen's PRlVATr. DInli:.flAUV, St Kearny HI reef, ann 1'raurlaro, Cnl. a Alio lcprrt Mpr clallst. Dr. Allen, Is a rcirulai irtyluitsd I'hyslcUn from the Unltcrsltr of lllchl ran. lis has doTot.d a lifetime to the study ot Epeelsl dlseasss. YOUNU MUN And VIDDLE-AOEl) MEN, who sre s:Cfrinir from the elects of Youthful Indiscretion or Ksceasea In maturer jears.NKUVOUS and PHYSICAL DKUILITY, LOST MANHOOD, etc, remember that, by a oomUna. tlon ol remedies of frreat cuutUe power. Ui Doctor has so arranged hla treatment that It will not on!; afford Immedltto relief, butpcrmanent cure. MY IIOSI-II.U, K.VI'Kltli:MK (Hsvlnj been surgeon lurharro of two Icadlnir hospitals) enabttsmeto treat all private troutlis Willi excellent results. I claim to be a skillful I'hj slclsn and Surgeon TIIOuOUailLY lnf.irnil In inv spclalt) IIIHILlrtKri OT MA.N. All will receive in y honest opinion of ihelrcomplslnti w0 eiperlmenttnir Consultations rxrn and strUthr private Chsres reasonable Call or address: Hit ALLKN, Sr. Kearny M Bin Pranclsoo. Cal. Otllcs hours, Wtoa dl), f to8ceii!u;. lJiuSltf DR. MINTIE, Kpeclallst and Graduate. TVTO- KEAUNY BTUEET, San Francisco, Cal , i Treats nil flironlr, Hpeclnlnnd rrlvnts iiUeasra with Wonderful Hurcras, TUB GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. la a certain Cca for Niav. oca Dbsiutt, LOHT MAN I100l, t'Kosritoauioii, and all the evil cSecta of Youthful follies & xoeasea. rU.3IITII-'. whoU a JlIOl'UB I'UTSICUX, QlU Pitsornia Uiririurrr or rutaaTtvaxta, will ape to forfeit 1360 for a case of this kind that tt VITA I, KKSTOUATltL'. f under bbiiptclal advice and treaV- ment) will not &. l'rlcsl,,a bottls; Kour time w 111 not, eyre. rricsj 1 thsoiunUtr.lt.. Behttaaai Inornate addresa If dsslred, br A. E. 111NT1K, U.D , 11 Kearny St., 8. T., Cal, trssnd for pamnhlst and Hit ol questions. HAMiaU DOTTLB VHV.K Will be sent to any oat applying; by latter, sUtioi ill butinese transactions. mpioms, aez ana in, nuici lecreey in rcgara m JanWU S 'Singer' ni.iiM Jh.mI;1 IT l.00sli.rr ci, oil unit" " induJIiiL an SO, astrn tu.hii .1 utualvuiniof 2 irrri.tnrarh. .uc and untlie Guaronieou periocj. oi ranted ii, years.,, ,funa.ume, .lufI.Tu. fiiil.t uni llirht running. lion'ltiay 130 toflfurinaclilneeuo Wtlr. U.lll.r4.r..k.r.M in.lMr.r. rfi"- nrrui.rs iri. ceo. PAYHri c 3 0. , S f i Wa J . , tlaagu, Ills. We will nd yon a witf h or a chain uriiitoaaxt'aua.u.o. li.,tui eialulutxl bt furultaytnirsnjr done? and 1 1 net Mtlffttitorjr, rrtuniwl al ourtin. Wb ioauufutur all our tisirhreand save you Ut wr cent. I'aUlwuu of cost In, fr. Kvrrr W.uli Warraiitf A. Aililrr STAIWBD AMEBICAM WATCH CO, t-iWBUU(UJJ, IJI. fTTITITI ihl rWuns aatL r,a IkwMU. C Wf. 1jlJf6uaillit aUOtlaW.fl..a...HO. ""USE" ROSE PILLS7' fit 3f t?m Jn &li t3l JjfiSjjmttfTfi wmwsL aFHBECaa W$dm 'brWBUV w& W, C. WAIUNNEn, K. W. 11AUSES. WAUIXNER A KAItNES, REAL ESTATE AGENTS SALEBI, OREGON. o FF1CE. North of Chemekcta Hotel, C'o-nmcrclal Street, hetwretl HUtn anil 1-V.rv Wilt rAv uncial attention to the sale of Ileal Kstato In the City and Country, will rent houses or farms, eollect money ami mako prompt returns. Also sircnts for tho Cir.NVIltTsTUT .MITI'AI. HIT, INHI ItA.Vt I'. l'll)HMM,1 or lliirironl,'niiii.oritnlixl In 18 IC Assets over .M,OCOOOO Will tik risks sirnlmt fire, In thfl Sill III llltlTISII .v .A1IOX.W, INSl KAMI: l'O.UI'AV, (f .New Zealand. It E V K 11 E N O K 8 : Salem: A. Hush, banker; T II. Walt, harcnar- mer chant; Johnson, Limn . Co, mrrchanta. I orUvi'l V N. Shurtllff, collector of eostoms; J. A. Strowhrldirc, Leather merchant; 8 M. II rr, hoot and shoo dealer. aug22tf E. O. SMITH, rojEsiES'aa?. 5L OFFICE: Ko. U7 First Street, between lloi. sumxrrlson and Yamhill, Portland, Orewr No. 5 Washington Street 1I1MES THE PRINTER. IILMES THE PRINTER. IIIMES THE P INTER. IIIMES THE PRINTER. Portland, Oregon. INVIGORATOR Is jusc what its namo Implies ; n Sorely VcgctaLlo 'Compound thai nets directly vpoai IheTnanydueasesinctfJcoHa that im. port.ant organ, nnd prevWitmR the na- merous nilmtnts tKiitjarise, from to deranged orrnrMction).BUc'h. 03 DyspepsK julice, Bilionsness CoscnMtflarIa, SIck-licadache, Rhfatftrnrctc. It fs therefore fli 'Tolavo (aoodHcalth thc'l2vermustbelccpfcin order." SB. aANFOHD'3 LIVER inVIOOOATOB Invleoratcs tho LI vcr, Itcgulatcs tho Bow els, Btrcngtlicnn tho System, Furlflca tho Hlooil .Assists Dlnestlon, rrovcntsFovcrs. In n Household Kecd. An Invalunblo Family Mcdiclno for common complaints. SB. BANFOItD'3 LITER IHYIOOBATOB. ln txperienee of forty yean, and Tttou land of Tcstimonfalt prote it Merit.- rOU RAI.R 11Y ALT, DIUtJCIlB INMKDICnnM. For fall Information send roar addrrra for 109 pamlJoolc on lbs " Wrcr and IU Ulscsscs," to tn.Mrono CI cpaxn r., nxw touk urfc J. D. JORDAN & SON. Nl'CCUlOM TO ...... EDWARD LAMPORT, Dealers In Harness.Whips, Saddlery. Holies, Spurs, Dus ters, Killing and Driving xiov(.s. i lulrlmr ncttlyand jiroinpUy Ini.n at all times. Carrlngo lillliBli Hlirrlrtll). Conimirjilsl Street, Hsliin l.Cil3in 2JR. .JAY NIfi'S AGUE MIXTURE. A CERTAIN AND EFFECTUAL REMEDY ton Ffi'vi' untl All"' iHtvrmlttviit iiutl Jtcmittvnt rwur.t, tVr. Jin-1 Ian uf illieaics so Foiuiiinn in all mris the World, ami tfpccl.ill.) ptvialrnt In ina Uriuus districts nml telimj0 cf xatcr-courres, aro clinuit linurlahly nct'oinjianlcil by inula or less Uerangcmint of the llvir, ft I friuenlly by u i!efccliiv nctlun or tlio Uk' " Tlio u.irobtiuklti of tho Chill 1 . .., . , toirardj couiilctln; a radical euro; tho vuriuus organs of the body, isj.iclally the stomach and liter, mm I L liruujjlit to n litnltriy anI vigor ous cunilttlou bifuro a penuanent euro can be rrttbllilml, and this fact bus been special!) I.rpt in vluw by Dr. Jayno in Ills treutintnt of time coin). lalnls, The uo of Jaynu's A'ue .Mixture, in conjunetiun with Juyia-'a Kunatiw l'llls, us prescribed In tho Directions uh. h accompany cash Ifitlle, Mill not only BiEAK UP THE CHILLS, but restore the systiiu, moro jurllcumiiy the liver and stonncli, to a aound CH.nUlllon, and . prcrect n rclapto uf Fcvvi nml Ajjuc by tlior bubbly ERADICATING THE DISEASE, end the lel eiideu.-euf ll.i. U iln. InutrluUe uoccss nbicli has lw. filhwil ike nduuu otratlon of the vtmicllca, as nlto.t by the ;erliueatca puUlibnl utiixully in Dr. J.i.vi.r'. Mn.anae,ar.d tin- wlilf tfiml i.l.itlly of lh Asui. .Mixture In llmsu iiilinls id thi 1;nl. i.tei, nii t'e li ims, Or nli'.eh n n 1 I'd. 11 u 'Kll. 1, For sole by Hodge, Dvi & Co., Agent-, Dr.SANFORD'S D. 31. GUTHRIE, DrUlns, Polk Co., Or. llitEEUEtt AND IMrOtlTEn OF .... rritii mam siieep '&kS'pFi:'Jr-JFj'3fjs3 lllDXim. SPANISH AM) AM ERICAN MKKIMIS. A LI. Ill A Kroi portion of I J. 1). I'attei LI. I1IIEI) STIIICTLY PUIIF. AND SEPAHATH. roui tho hest Inirorlcd Hocks in llio Least. A rl llirn. it. frntii tliA famous Kltncll IlOck Of 'atterjon. of New York, and It. llhcn, of Callfor- nls, and Importid froni Kuropo by James Huberts. My t-psnlih aro do-ci lulsirts from Rams and Ecs Importeil from New Ycik, Vrtinont, California ami trance; rrom tho Hocks of rHnraticoa Prole, KtrowhrlJe, Ham mond. Itockutll. and tine . Hvii.and aro ciiusl to any on this Coast. All Oils MMrli ulll lie Sotil ut prices In krrpliiK villi llu Tlinrs. CoirespotideiiiorollcltcJ. Mock Slice), for aalo er to let on slnrca. Acidic" . M. GUTHRIE, nop'JOm'J DUlns, I'olk Co , Or. THE WELL KNOWN MITCHELL WAGON, 1 f Cut ' rnjlt K S A Jl B ALSO T U A K R O F SI'ltlMa W.M.ONS. I'liADrnSniHi Mitchell. Lewis & r.n. MANUFACTURERS. I'nclfle Const llruiirli.luJnnd lot 'r rorllntnl, Orrcnn. v 11. nrn;!i.:ij;, mm Ilrhlies .V lloork, Salem I W. II. (loltra, Alhtny Smith & Cos, KuKetie, V. V Onens, lloscbtirif. marly FOR SALE ! nv k. li.titi.M.M, fio, oiti::o.v. Pure Breeds of Poultry No. 1 Plymouth ltock Cockerels tfc I'ullolH K I.KOIIiHtN Ockerels . Two 1I110WN LEOIIUltM Co.littols: Throo I.A.MISIIANH Cockerels: One fine HII.VKII M' iNObl.U IIAIIIIUIKI Cock; Ten fine GOLD M'ANOI.EII 1'llKAHANTU or llamburs; rullcta, all for Tv, o linllnra rnrli. octUt IHIDINGEE&CONARDGO'S II HA UTl V Uli KVlill.ll I.UU.-II1NU anddlstrlbatlntf ante, sultattln fin all lt lIRIeoa. 1 UIM.IMJ. rui Mlii. AU OTHER VARIETIES 9.3,& If, FOR SI aeenrdlntnvalua Bend for our Novr (llildr, It tv rleasntly lllus. asd choiian Inmi over 600 llnasl sort AiMrm. TIIK Ill.Vfllli: A; TON AIM) !., IIom uruvcra, rat (Iruv i',.Clicalrr C'o l'it. Banner Apiary Supplies. 1)l'ltK IIUi:i ITALIAN Ui:i:H.-l'ULt COL I O.lV 1 1 Mmnllcliy hlvo super furnished f. d. ti. 817.M; In crate, (111, hlvo cnniilie, Uh f.d.n., 170; In Hat, J.W)j snickers,! Wax winttd or tskonln ex ihsiii-e for f.il 11. Ilrlijht f d.n., uxs xr pound; dark. Me per Kuud. Unte.to I Italian Quicn.ti.U). Tested Oiiecns, 3 rlclccl Tes'i.l, (il. I lies by tho pound,?. ticcus sent by liisll prepaid aWMonry must accom pany all mders. rlcnd 1'ixt 1 III :o rdcr 011 1'rrtland or OreKOii City, or Itiiil'Uriil Ittter to MlUauklo. Hafe arrlial guarsnliiJ 1'ilco ll.t free. aplH Adriai:J D.lllrili, Jlilaaukle, Oregon. Dll. SPINNEY, Vrl Uraruy Hf.,Nnu rranrlsro.Cnl. Treat JAallChronlo and Special dlseaseat 1OUMI HKH Who lusy be suffering from the tflecU of youthful fol. Ilea or Indiscretion wilt do well toavsll themselves of this, the (rrcatcst boon ever laid at the feet of sufferlnr humanity. Dr. Uplnney lll cuarsnto to forfeit Mf for evary case cf weukueaa or private diseases of an kind or character which be undertakes and falls to cure 11 1 1 n 1, 1: . a ; 1: 11 11 1: m . Thsro are msny at the aye of SO to 35 who are troubled with too frequent etacustloncf the bladder, often ac companied by a slight smarting or burning1 sensation and a weakening ol the system In a msiitur tho patient eanunt ascount for. On etamlnloir the urinary d. osit a ropy sediment will often be founJ, and some- Imea small ill psrtlclee cf albumen will appear, or the color will Ixi a thln,mllkish hur.afsln clun.liiir to a dark and torpid appearance. There are miny men who die of thUdiaicuIty. Isnorsnl of the rsuse, which la the seoond state of slinlnsl wrakneas Dr.rl,lllk-uaranta a perfect cure In all such cases, and a laalthy rsstora. tlon of the Kcnlto urinary ork-sna. OtMio hours 10 to 4,and0 U H fcundijs from 10 toll A.M. t'oruulta. tlon fres Tliorouvh eismlnstlon and sdvicr,tS Call oraddr'HS Dll HI'INNKY & CO., Ko. II Kearney street, San Vranslsco, Cal IJanSMI L0i18 LOANS, Principal need never be repaid I on j m tntr't v krpt up lUrwnnl if -'urUk. citlu fur inttrtit llotutt Kor r mtu vt iisiMttrutt i.xjiii t-an iittl 0 f"l for iartlculr. loan furui tr Aililn-i T O.MtMMCIt, AUmccr 1'saUc-v Hullilhiif, Cimluimtl, (Utiu. RUPTURE Abwlulely rum 111 ) to I il.yi, b l)r Picric -Uit llairncllo Elaalio Truss. ! ."vV.rr.iiU-Ulli.onlylllfOirluTruis iS lullivworUl t.iilln-ldiltrrvntfruiii ailoiMrs. a eaieu ib.iain.r. anu 1. wum Xitllhiaw sud eiiifjrliililit and il.r. I""""l I il. ...u..l lie f tain. sua f.f rV a. UT li k . lulliuiuilnlaur.lUll .N'W lllu.tfaladllil. aaJ IUWWMK) ' ;" T, ' " a " laxn MAQNETIC lhkirriMj.ci.MtliiliitfrHlliir..riiiallua. Vol baeraiueui ELASTIC TIlUBb.CUMI'ArfV ulo ou Dan jt! raueisoo, Cal. ?.. PATf'MTS. " .A 11 i.i.n. 1 r D UbNJ 9 J)t iiimhsi i OI'V. Ml. I! IX. A4n4tl4rtplt9 of four hrtt III.VtllUM, n, 1 V. 4altl 1-Auv4ran4 tuhtllir H i liiiiii4 (or A"atW -nMlitjri alin Io siStoi I ! It. Dl.fUU.Ui PATENTS?SK!!Si$! lull tructiuus sua jiuiiu-iiwuk oi rsuui nm ma. PRESSES. Mi) customer Liip.icloono ' riuiHsl.srtdr'ss 1. 'r circular imd location of mu iK'iut ir, is nn.MiusissiidAa'enfs. . 1 '.. or.ocr'ic:; CO., Albany, N. Y. MTH BIST IS C4tsTArItT.' DCiRffi, THRPQHFRQSAWKIL1A hmhwt innconcno (iriiueTi ISSpiiiKJASfti tioan ATaybe' tv. Wrlufsrva suafUaa.raptl , lUiuDaM, oat Four Willi ROSES 'hirllrrntrlperlnltylsfrnwlns ltOHi:.H-nodJltt,rtron lvtll ImMitUf. bliMm, fafpl by mall at rpiiriunu!iririil'V"""",',ai Mil laiorHlit llfifurtiai 100 fur HMM I I mlTM'W U ok a ' Va DEDCRIClC'a MAY ,'tA0 ... S .". -v. DCs y 'iXiV.I""sjS. ? ' lSwKaUUalaL