Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 28, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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pt 1 a(0 4$ird
uus hajuuot t. clahke, ehor
Bcforo I trust my fata to thee,
Or place my hand in tlitno,
Bcforo I lot thy luture givo
Color and form to mine,
Boforo I paril all for thee,
Question thy aoul to-night for mo.
I break all slighter bonds, nor feci
A shadow of rcRrot;
Is thcro ono link In tho past,
That holds thy spirit yet ?
Or is thy fate so clear and froo
As that whloh I can plodgo to thec?
Docs thero within thy dimmer t dreams
A nosslblo futuro shlno,
Wherein thy lifo could honccforth broatho
Untouched, unshared by mlno?
If so, at any pain or cost,
0, tell me, boforo all is lost I
Look deeper still. If thou enns't feel
Within thy inmost soul,
That thou halt kept a portion back,
While I have, staked tho wholo j
Lot no falso pity sparo the blow,
But in truo mercy toll me so.
Is thcro within thy heart a need
Thatmiuo connot fulfill ?
Ono chord that noy other hand
Could bottor wako, or still?
Spotk now, lost at aomo futuro day
My wholo lifo wither and decay.
Lives thcro within thy nature, hid,
Tho demon-spirit, Change,
Shedding a pasting glory still
On all things now and strange?
It may not bo thy fault alono
But shield my hoart against thy own.
Coulas't thou withdraw thy hand ono day
And answer to thy claim,
That fate and that to-day's inlatako
Not thou had bcon to blamo ?
Somosootho thoir conscience thus; but thou
Wilt surely warn and savo mo now.
Nay answer not I dare not hoar
Tho words would corr.o too late;
Yet I would sparo thee all remorse;
8o comfort thee, my fate
Whatever on my heart would fall
Hcmember, I would risk it all t
i a i - i
Thoro aro ninety and nlnothat work and die,
In want and hungar and cold,
That onr may Ho in luxury,
And bo lapped In the silicon fold,
And ninety and nino, In their hovels bare,
And one in a palaco with riches rare.
By the sweat of their brow the desert blooms,
And tho forest before them falls ;
Their labor has builded humble homes,
And cities with lofty halls.
And the one owns cities and homes and lands,
And the ninety and nino have empty hands.
But the night so dreary and dark and long
At last shall the morning bring;
And over the land tho viotor'a song
Of the ninety and nino shall ring
And echo afar, from zone to zone,
" Rejoice! for Labor shall havo its ownt"
Wo givo below recipes from various
sources out of which Christinas dinnors
can bo composed to suit different tastes
and purees :
Honst Turkey. Pluck, singe, draw,
wipo throufrhly and truss a fine turkey ;
stufl' it with celery niuloystor dressing,
and cover with a shoot of buttered papor ;
roast in a stoady oven, basting frequently
with button A quarter of an hour bcforo
dono rcinovo tho paper. Sprinklo with
salt just bcforo serving; garnish with
browned sausages, and servo with a bout
of gravy. Timo of roasting, two or thrco
hours, necording to sizo.
Oyster Sauce. Parboil tho oysters in
their own liquor, beard thorn nnd ro
sorvoall tho liquor ; melt a pieco of butter
in n saucepan, add n Httlo flour, tho
oyster liquor, and enough milk to inako
as much sauco as is wanted ; put in a
hlado of maco and a bay loaf tiod to
gether, poppor nnd salt to taste, and tho
least dust of cayenne; lot tho sauco
como to tho boil, add tho oystors, and as
soon as thoy nro quite hot removo tho
maco and bay leaf ; stir in a fow drops of
lomon juico and servo.
Oysters on Polonaiso. Wrap n largo
oyster in n very thin slice of bacon or
fat pork, putting on tho oyster n little
cayenno and two drops of limo juico:
fasten with a string or pin, tho bncon
with a woodon toothpick. Broil until
tho bacon is crisp, and servo very hot on
squares of buttered toast.
Hoast Wild Duck. Wild duck should
not bo dressed too foon after being kill
ed. In cold, dry weather it will bo more
tender aud finer flavored after keeping
seven or eight days. Poastbcforoaquick,
clear tire, nrdont enough to throw out a
groat heat. Lot it remain, whithout
basting, for five or six minutes, to kcop
tho gravy in.aftorward basto incessantly
with plenty of butter. A fow minutes
before serving lightly dredgo with flour,
then basto and send to table brown and
frothed. .Wild duck, if overdone, loses its
flavor; twonty to twenty-fivo minutos,
before tho right kind of fire, will bo
eutlicicnt. Serve on a very' hot, dry dish.
If dressed to porfection, tho duck will
givo sufficient gravy. Send to tho tablo
as hot as possible, with a cut lemon and
tho following snuco :
Snuco Tor Wild Duck. Put in a sauce
pan a tablospoonful of Harvey's sauce, a
tablcspoonful of Worcester sauco, a littlo
salt, cayenno to taste, n small glnss of
black current jelly, and tho strained juico
of half a lemon. Mix well nnd mnko hot.
Just bcforo serving stir in by tho sido
of tho fire, not on it a largo toaspoonful
of mado mustard j pour in a warm sauco
tureen and servo not.
Shourlder of Mutton. Hub it over
with saltand pepper, fill tho insido with
a savory forco-mcatof herbs, with plenty
of narslov and no ecus: roll it up and
skowcr it into a neat oval form, or bind
it Willi n inpo, my u. in a siuwjmu wmi t
two onions, two carrots, somo herbs, n bay j
loaf, poppor, sajt nnd a littlo broth or j
wntor; stew it gently over n slow flro or
in tho oven, basting it often. When,
nenrly done, tako oil tho cover and lot
tho meat brown in tho ovon. Bcforo
serving, tako up tho meat carefully, ro
movo tho binding and plnco it on a dish
to kcop warm whilo you strain tho gravy ;
tako all tho fat off and boil it down to n
strong glazing. Pour thiB over tho meat
Tomato or sorrel sauco may bo put
around tho dish, or cucumber sauco
served with it.
Sheep's Heart. Mako a forcemeat with
two ounces of hoof suet nnd two ounces
fat bacon finely minced; add quarter
pound breadcrumbs, pepper, salt, a littlo
chopped parsley and thvmo and n littlo
lemon ncol : if liked, tho very faintest
soupcon of onion ; this qunntity will stuff
two sheep a Hearts or ono cans ncaru
Let tho heart') Ho in warm salt and wator
for half an hour to extract tho blood;
then cut away tho windpipo nnd care
fully clean and dry. Mix your forcemeat
with sufficient bcaton ogg to bind it
ono should bo sufficiont for this quantity.
Stuff tho hearts with it, pressing it well
down into tho holes. Sccuro tho flaps
of skin ovor tho ton with n needlo and
thread, nnd roast, basting constantly.
Servo with plain gravy ami red-currant
iollv. A sheen's hoart will tako half an
hour; n calf's heart, which is tho best,
nn hour in n hot oven.
Spiced Itound of Beef. Tako about
twenty pounds oi round oi ueci, wnicu
rub well with about thrco ounces of
coarso brown sugar, and put into a pan
for twenty-four hours. Pound up to a
powder two ounces of allspico, u littlo
nutmeg, ono uiauo or maco ana six
cloves. Mix this with twclvo ounces of
common snltnnd tho juico of four ouncos
of mnuulod iuninor berries, nnd rub well
into tho beef, repeating this dally for
threo weeks. When ready to bo cooked,
wash in cold water and placo in a doop
covcrcd pan tho sizo of tho meat, to
which add a quarter pintof water. Cover
it with beef suot cliopiieU vory lino, over
which put a common pasto crust. Plnco
on tho covor nnd put into tho oven ; when
dono lot it get cool bcforo tnking off tho
crust and suot.
Fried Chicken, a In Maryland. Put
butUir alono into a dcop pan, mnko it
hot, then tako eoparato pnrts of two
young, plumi) nnd tender chickens, lay
thorn in, sprinklo in popper and salt,
cover tho pan, cook slowly but steadily ;
when ono sido is n dolicato brown turn
tho chicken and sprinklo salt and popper
over this sido also; if tho fnt is absorbed,
ndd enough to keep tho chicken from
burning. Half nn hour should cook it.
Servo with Fronch ncaso or button mush
rooms, cooked separately.
Chickon Fritters. A good way to uso
up bits of cold turkey or chickon is to cut
them in pieces, of uniform sizoif possible,
mnko a batter of milk and flour and an
egg, sprinklo poppor nnd salt over tho
cold fowl, ami mix with the battor ; fry
ns you do any kind of fritters in hot
lard ; drain woll ; scryo hot. This is a
good breakfast dish.
Green Tomato Sauco to Eat with Cold
Meat. Slico tomatoes, put thorn in a
weak solution of salt and wator for two
days, then scald them well, as tho snlt is
not to season but to toughen thorn a littlo.
Put them in a kottlo with water enough
to just picvont them from burning, aud
let them slowly cook for an hour; then
add a quart of vinogar, ono full tablo
spoon each of powdorcd mace, allspico
and cloves, ono-lialf spoonful of mustard
seed, ono teacup of brown sugar and a
fow slices of onion. A littlo celery seed
or other flavoring of celery is nn im
provement, rour tins on and cook one
hnlf hour Iongor.
English Uccfstako Pudding. Lino
your mould with thin suet crust. For a
small pudding tako three-quarters of a
pound of n nunpstonlc, cut in turn slices,
without fat or gristlo ; mnko a powder
of pepper and salt, dip eacli slico into it,
and lay it round in layors in tho basin
until nearly full. Fill up the center with
oysters or mushrooms, tio it tight and
boil for throo hours; add water in tho
saucepan as required, but it must not
reach tho top of tho pudding mould.
1-iU up tho basin with good stock.
Snrdino Salad. Rub two or threo
eardines in a mortar with tho yolks of
two hard-boiled eggs. Add equal
quantities of vinegar, wino and cream or
oil (about two tableipoonfuls of each), a
littlo cayenno or whito pepptTi n,uJ a
grato of nutmeg. Break up any remains
of cold fish with forks, that it may bo
flaky; spread a layer of tho fish on adish;
stew it over somo capers aud thiii slices
of pickled gherkins, thon thin slices of
smoked or bologna sausage, and on tho
ton. neatly arranged, sardines in halves.
opened tho long way and tho bones
drawn out, if they aro not dissolved ; stir
up the croam you havo made, pour it
over tho dish, and garnish with sliced
eggs, a wreath of any fresh salad and
slicos of lemon.
ifoi 4$hi? (ltildrei(.
I'll tell you how tho leaves camo down;
Tho great treo to his children said:
"You'ro getting sleepy, Yellow and Brown,
Yes, very sleepy, littlo Keel;
It's quito time you went to bed."
"Ah," begged each silly, pouting leaf.
"Let us a littlo longer stay;
Dear Father Tree, behold our grief,
'Tis such a very pleasant day,
Wo do not want to go away.'
So just for ono moro morry day
To tho great trco tho leaflets clung,
Frolicked and danced and had their way,
Upon tho autumn breezes swung,
Whispering all their sports amongt
"Perhaps tho great trco will forget,
And let us stay until tho spring
If wo all beg and coax and fret,"
But tho great Trco did no such thing;
lie smiled to hear the whispering,
"Como, children, all to bed," ho cried;
And ero tho leaves could urgo their prayer
Ho shook his head, and far and wide,
Fluttorcd and rustled overywhero
Down sped tho leaflets through tlin air.
I saw them! on tho ground thoy Isy,
Qoldcn and red, n huddled swarm,
Waiting till ono from far away,
Whito bcd'clothos heaped upon her arm,
Should como to wrap them safe and warm.
The great, b:ro Trco looked down, and milled,
"Good night, dear littlo leaves," ho said;
And from bolow caoh sleepy child
Replied "Good night," and murmured,
"It is to nice to go to bed."
Onco moro tho liberal year laughs out
O'er richer shores than gems or gold;
Onco mora with harvest song and shout
Is Nature's bloodless triumph told.
Our common mother rests and liugs,
Ltko Iluth among tho garnered sheaves;
Ilcr lap It full of good things,
Her brow is bright with autumn leaves.
0, favors every year mado new,
0 gifts with rain and sunshine sont I
Tho bounty overruns our due,
Tho fullness shames our discontent.
Wo shut our eyes, tho flowers bloom om
Wo murmur, but tho corn-oars fill;
Wo choose tho shadow; but tho sun,
That cast it, shines behind us still.
Thcro aro four letters on hand this
wock, which shows that thoro is still an
interest in tho Lcttor Box. Most of tho
writers send n riddlo to solvo. Aunt
Hotty has found somo good ones, too,
nnd hopos that thoro will 1k enough in
terest shown to encourngo her to keep it
up. Wo w5b1i to givo somo that will
mako tho girls and boys think aud study,
thoso that will call out a knowledgo of
things that will improvo tho mind. AVo
will givo ono this week, and givo tho an
swer nt tho samo timo, so that it can bo
shown how to solvo another of tho samo
Littlo Eflio comos this week to do her
part by writing a letter; sho is ono of tho
dear littlo girls who helps hor mother
about tho house, loving and taking enro
of baby sister. It is great fun to hunt
up tho eggs ; Aunt Hetty don't forget
how happy sho was to find n nest full
hid nwny so carefully in tho clean hay.
Efllo must remember that tho chick
must bo woll fod to bo nblo to get eggs
now, that sho must gather nil tho old
bones and burn tkoni, pounding thom
up fine, eo that there shall bo no excuse
for Mrs. Biddy to neglect her duty.
Then Eflio must look out for all tho
scraps of fresh moat, cutting up rofuso
pieces whonovcr an animal is killed to
oat, tor thcro are not many bugs aud
worms to cat at this season. Keep tho
chicks tamo, too, so that they can ho
called up to feed. It is very conveniont
sometimes to bo ablo to catch a fowl
in a hurry; it seems so cruel to havo to
shoot chickens, then no animal thrives
that is afraid and wild.
Dccdio writes tho first, too. Tho rid
dlo sho sonds is a very old-fashioned
one, so no doubt that somo father or
mother will romomicr long enough
back to help tho littlo ones out with tho
answer. Ueodio must tell us next timo
what hor littlo hands can do to help.
Victoria has a riddle, too. Sho cooks
and sweeps ; wo wondor if Mio always
sweeps in tho corners, and if sho moves
tho chairs nnd tnbles so as to sweep
clean ; thon does sho leavo tho broom
just anywhere. There is an art in sweep
ing i well, so as not to wear out tho
cariot; even wliero there is no car
pet on the floor ono should use
tho broom lightly and with quick
strokes. Then after tho dust bottles
thero must bo a cloth kept in n handy
placo so that tho dust may bo wijxxl off
tho chairs, tables and wood work. This
should bo dono every timo n room is
swept, and every little girl will do it.
Mamio's letter is too short. Wo think
all of those littlo girls might have
thought of something moro to tell about.
Wo aro suro if any ono of them had mot
a littlo friend thero would havo been
plenty of news to toll each other. Ma
mio writes carefully and neatly and must
try again.
DAVi:.sTonT,wTT., Nov. 8, 1881.
Editor Homo Circlet
As I hnvo seon nnd rend so many let
ters from tho littlo folks I will writo ono
too, but I havo no pots to writo about.
Pa and undo tako iIioPaumku. I havo a
sistor, her namo is Clara, hIio will bo four
years old in January, I will bo nino years
old in April. I will tell you what do, I
wash dishes, feed tho chickens ovcry
morning, gnthor eggs, nnd get wood for
mn. I havo bcon going to school this
summer. EtTii: A. Jknso.v.
TimxKit, Or., Nov. 0,1881.
Editor Homo Circlet
As' I havo never written to any paper
I thought I would write. I mn a littlo
girl twelvo years old; I am not going to
school, but I study at home. I will closo
by sending n riddlo : ltiddlo come, rid
dlo como, till you can guess where I
Blcpt last Friday night ; the wind did
blow, tho clocks of heaven struck cloven,
nnd tho fnlso fox beneath mo dug n pit
to bury mo, but could not find me. Cnn
nnyono guess this riddle. Yours re
spectfully, l)i:r.mi: Bahzee.
TURNuiiTor., Nov. , 1881.
Editor Homo Circle t
As I hnvo novcr written to tho Fakmkii
I thought I would write. I am a littlo
girl clvcn years old. I will toll yon what
I -do to help ma, I dry tho dishcH for my
sistor and help cook and sweep tho fioors
for ma. I will try and answer (loo. A.
Lehman's question, it is spell blind
pig with two letters, it is p g. I will
closo by giving a riddle. There is some
thing red on tho hill, feed hay it will
liv, food it wator it will die. If
nnyono answers this riddlo I will sond
them my card. I cond Aunt Hetty ono
of my cards. Yours respectfully,
Victoria Bakzi:i:.
CitAMfOKO, Or., Nov. 17, J8S-I.
Editor Homo Circlot
As thoro nro many littlo girls writing
to tho Homo Cirslo I thought I would
writo too. Our school began a fow wcoks
ago, but I nm not going to school this
yenr. I hnvo two cannry birds, I think
thoy nro very nico pots. I cnn answor
(loo. A. U'hmnn's riddlo blind pig is
spelt p g, without tho I ; also Pichard
Pcnrce, it is a cherry. I will givo n rid
dlo : Peas porridgo hot, peas porridge
cold, peas porridgo in tho pot, nine days
old ; spell that with four fetters. I will
send piy card to whocvoraiiHWcn this.
Yours respectfully, Mamiu L
I am composed of 8 letters.
My 1, !l, I, 0, is something a ruffian
looks for when angry;
My 8, 7, 5, iB tho wholo amount ;
My 8, 2, (5, is n convulsive cry;
My wholo is tho capital of ono of tho
nio-it beautiful and productive
States in tho Union.
To find tho answer, put down on n
pieco of paper eight figures 1, 2, 'A, 1, fi,
(1, 7, 8, then try to think what word of
four lettors would express what u ruf
fian would look for. Wo guess it would
be a club, so put o under iiguro 1, put 1
under !1, and so nn next, what is the
whole amount, it is the sum, so put the
letter s under figure 8, otc. Nextn con
vulsivo cry would bun sob, so by putting
letters under 8 again, nnd loiter o under
2, and letter h under figure 0, you find
it spoils (Jo-1-u-m-b-u-F, tho capitol of
Now you con sco that ynu must study
to find an answer, and vi . ,i """fill in
formation too,in trying lo, .n- r
Tho answer to last week's enigma wu
1. Because her hands were whero
her feet ought to be.
2. They should bo carried out.
Whon do two nnd two mnko four?
"What word of ton lettors can bo
bo spelled with livo?
- - -i
A Truo Coon Story.
Willio lay on tho floor crying.
Nothing special was the inattet ; ho
had only been having his afternoon nap,
and ho had. waked up cross, ns three-year-old
boys often do. Ho would Ijo all right
when ho was nwnko enough. Nolxxly
paid much attention to his crying at
such times ; they wero all used to it.
Tho door oponcd, and boino ono camo
in. SoiiifHing soft was put on tho floor
by his side, and then his father spoko ;
"Look thcro I Willie."
Willio stopped crying and looked up.
Something stood there on tho floor look
ing at him a littlo coon I Willio thought
it was a kitton,and said, "Kitty I"
"No," said his father, "Coony."
"Coonyl" said Willio, nnd from that
timo that was tho now pot's name, which
ho learned to know as well ns you do
Willie's fnthcr took him on his kneo
nnd told him whero ho found Coony.
IIo wns coming homo through tho woods
whon ho saw u coon come out of a
hollow trco n- littlo way off. Ho hurried
to the treo and reached into tho holo (I
wonder ho was not afrnid of snnkes),
and thero wero two baby coons just big
enough to walk. So ho brought ono
homo to Willie.
How pleased Willio wns with his pet,
for he hud no kitten! His littlo dog had
been bitten by n nittlcsuitko nnd died not
loin: before. Coonv seemed pleased with
his now homo nnd ntoinilk like n kitten.
IIo looked n good denl like n kitten, too,
except that his tail was striped in
regular rings of blown and black. Ho
becaino greatly attached to Willio and
followed him around all summer. Wher
ever Willio wns, out in the middle of tho
road making dirt-pies, in tho garden
pulling oil' tho flowers boforo they wore
fairly budded, or down nt tho dangerous
mill where ho wasn't allowed to go at nil,
Coony was closo nthis heels If at any
timo his pet wns missing, Willio's call,
"Coonyl Coony!'' would bring him very
Ono day in tho fall' when tho flies
wero very troublesome, Willio was tnking
his nap, and his mother set hor pinto of
fly paper down on tho floor, that tho flies
might hnvo u bottor chuueo nt it. it
wouldn't do to try that when Willio was
nwnko, of course.
Sho never thought of Coony, and tho
first sho know ho had lapped all tho
water oil' tho fly-paper I
Poor littlo fellow I It was poison, and
vory soon ho was hick enough, nnd be
fore Willio nwnko Coony wns dead I
Willio woke up quite happy and soon
called for Coony. Then his mother had
to tell him what had happened.
Poor Willio I Ho just laid down on
tho floor and cried, and I do not blamo
him, either.
So wo lenvo him where wo found him.
Lying on the floor and crying!
Eulalin (sentimentally) "Ob, no! T
have no desire for great wealth. I
should bo happy as the wife of u nohlo
Ocorgo (practically) "Aud I should
bo happy, vory happy, ns tho husband of
a good bread-maker."
Sho concluded to learn. Philadel
phia Call.
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians aru often startled by remarkable
discoveries. Tho faot that Dr. King's New
Discovery fur Coniumption mid sit Throat
and Lung dlscasrs is daily curing pattcnto1
that they have glvi'ii up to die, U starting'
them to rralir.o their sciito of duty aud ex.
amino Into tlm merits of this wonderful dis
covery ; icsiiltiug in li ii tul rod of our best
physicians mini: it In their practice. Trial
bottles fruii at Port & Son's drug store. Peg
ular aires $1, I
Infants nnd Children
Without Morplilno or Nnrootlno.
Vliat rIvm our Children rosy check.
What curtil their fuum, ninkva them sleep;
'Tin Oitiirl.
' When Ratilcn fret, and err lir turns.
What curoo their colic, kills their worms,
Hut U.itorU.
What quickly cure Constipation,
Bourtitomacu, Culds, ludluratlon :
Hut ('nutnrla.
Farewell then to Morphlno Bjruns,
Cantor Oil and Itoivirurlo, and
Contnur Unlmont. An nu
noltito euro fur Itliouwutl m,
Sprain, Burns, Galls, &o., aud nu
liutnntanonuu Paln-rollovor.
Tonic I
IIului'la. Indigestion, Dysprriiu,
Lout of Appetite, Norvouauo.ti,
General IJull'.iy,
Tliroiuli ortrr-woik, ftml ill iIUoMum ol Urn Stommli
anil liitr, TliUUlu.t tl.c ij.oikI thv ywr Mhcn
tlioTunleUof ImatliMihlt) taluv. Durliitf tlio Hlfi)f
and Summer momln JUUiU U )valeiit oud one full
ItnulJ and drown) and ikircid ultlibut knovtlntf
Ally. Iho ium will toiilnir and liivUcoratliirf,
Nolhlny U o itlnctiul IIK.S7.Vi IIANDKMO.N
TONIC. Aa jour dru.'uUt lor u Lottlv, und Uka
noililne tUe. Jl.lNlilJlOV lllMll I'll,,
l(Jm lOllThANI), OIIUUO.V.
Tho Hovers' Grinn U Issued March
nnd Kept., each year; IS:! 1 paged, HJxllJ
lnchcp, with over .',5100 illustration
a wholo plcturogallery. Jlvei wholceala
priced direct to consumers on all goodj for
rxjrsonal or m family utc.
Tells how to order, and
glvc-s exact 4(J V rott of cv
trv llitng you Wk Mf uso, drink,
cat, wear, or kaV Lava fun
wllh. Thcso s invaluabla
looks contain information cleaned from
tho markets of tho world. Vo will mull
r. tony Preo to any address upon receipt
'of tho postage 8 cents. Let us hear
from you, llcapectfully, j
alitr U lAiuk Avcaua, CkUac, 111.
lirraid. tbariceiurifcuruuiirt
fur anr ttltaUlllr lalie
'artnta. IVmlomjut
Ju. LlilMren.
and llooiitr (,MTnl. llurMclaluia iww iiald. Kind
SuniptturAVulwt and Mania. cl. I. lilMJIIAM,
Jl'y tluc mi lux Claluu & I'aunla. Waabliiiilou.U. 0.
:iatJ. hint