Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 14, 1884, Image 3

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Iptc 1oit(e irdc
Of red and gold nnd russet brown,
With bits of blue from London town,
Of sunsot pink anddrako neck green
It was tho croricst quilt that over wns ecn )
With hero and thcro a pitch nf grey
To answer by tho cray way
For Bolwr thoughts worked in between
It wastho crarJcst quilt that o'er was seen.
With stitches long and stitches short,
With herring bono and brier wrought,
Till way, that way, up nnd down
It was tho craziest quilt in all tho town 5
As with her fingers swift and true,
My lovo tho quilt she did o'crstrow
With spider webs and beetles brown
It was tho cnuiest quilt in all tho town.
And as my lovo this wonder mado,
This quilt of silk and tatin braid,
Of red and bluo and autumn tint,
I asked what scarcely I had dared to hint
(And livo to thank tho crary quilt)
For with tho last stitch on tho bluo
My love, who is so good and trio,
Gave up her heart and hand tn mo,
And now forovcr I shall happy (crazy) be.
Editor Homo Circle:
Tho cliiof blossing of mankipd is good
health, nnd health of mind is dopcnilont
on tho body. Unless ono is born with
Homo drond disoaso it io quito ns easy to
have health ns to drag out n complaining
life, leaving tho horitago of complnints
to children. A simplo diot is necessary
to health, for wo livo in this ago too
much on concentrated food, refusing
thoso constituents of our dnily brond
which goos to mnko good nuisclo, bono
nnd brain. Wo should beirln riulir. wiili
tho infant; if n child is fat it is not nt
4iU n suro thing thnt it botokons good
health. Wo nro ant to civo children inn
much sweet; sugar is fattening, but it
clogs natures notions; young mothers
nro too apt to begin feeding n child
from hor own plato of various kinds of
cooked food beforo tho digestivo organs
of tho child nro prepared to assimilnto
it, which should not bo done till llin
teeth hnvo nppenred, nnd hundreds of
mtlo lives nro in this wny snerifieod or
seeds of dyspopsia sown. Milk is tho
only diet proper for n child : milk. ton.
without sugar, to givo nciditv to tho
stomach. Gruols, arrow root, or corn
starch, hnvo too much Btnrch in thorn
nnd should not bo used if milk can bo
got Thoy can bo usod if no milk can
bo got, but milk fresli from tho cow is
lcst if tho mother cannot nourish tho
child herself; indeed, wo mny Bay thnt
generally it is hotter to liavo r.nw' ,nlilr
especially if tho mother i obliged to
work hnrd. What mother ennnot now
look bnck nnd remember thnt bnby wns
always crossor nnd criod moro nftor n
wash day, and baby's fit of colic could nl
ways bo trnced tosomosortof ovordoing
on tho mother's part.
Tho nehes nnd complaint of tho
mother nro soon ropentod in tho hoalth
of tho child. Tho old cow has no times
of despondency, of heart-aches nnd wor
ries, so her milk infuses no fovorish
taint to tho child, but loavo it happy
nnd playful liko any other young nni
mal. It 8ooins ?o necessary to impress
thoso facts upon tho mothers of lo-dny
thnt wo may hasten to improve nnd help
tho coining gonorntions to n better sani
tary lifo. Whoroono hns already reached
maturity with weakness or disoaso, a
propor living may wrost tho disenso and
lifo may bo comfortably prolonged to
old ago.
In consumption a lifo nmong ilowors
nnd plants will hnvo tho best cflbct, tho
oshnlations of plants aro humid and
so aro beneficial to tho lungs. It is an
oxplodod idea that used to exist that
llowcrs nro not healthy in n sick room,
exploded liko tho old way of refusing nir
nnd cold wnter to n fover patient An
other of forbidding milk to tho fover
sick. Now doors nnd windows Bwcop
tho tainted air out freely. M. J. C.
little Things Worth Remembering-.
In caso of u sprain immorso in hot
water, if it bo foot or nnklo ; if not con
venient to do thnt cover tho parts with
flannol wrung out in hot wntor. Cold
water would nrrest tho circulation of the
blood nnd causo congestion of tho blood
A litttlo brown sugar applied to a cut
will stop bleeding, so will tho fino dust
loft in tho bottom of n tea enddy, rolling
n bit of cloth nround to koop tho tea in '
place. Soda is excellent to put on n
burn. 1
In caso of dyspopsia take a teacup
of hot wator, just as hot ns can bo swal
lowed every morning as soon ns dressed ; '
a little Jemon in it will take nwny the
insipidity and may stimulate an appe
tite, but tho hot water ulonb is said tot
bo a suro cure if persevered in, it clean-'
ing out the inner surface of the stomach.
Oindrolln Ridding. Tnko four good
tablcspoonful8 of sifted flour mndo
smooth in ono pint of milk, four eggs
benton together nnd n littlo salt But
tor tho dish boforo pouring tho batter in
thrco eggs will do by putting in n tea
spoonful of yoast powder in tho Hour. I
gonernlly put in n littlo anyway. Bako
fifteen or twenty nunutos. If success
ful tho pudding will riso way ovor tho
dish. Must bo eaten immodiatoly. A
snuco of butter and sugar "is good, or
swoetcned cream is better btill. This is
n very delicious dish, and being so easily
mndo is excellent in caso of an unexpect
ed guest
Cocoanut Cake. A
very nice unu 1
nice and
cheap cocoanut cako, in layers, can bo j
mado from tho following rccipo : Tnko 1
ono egg, beaten very light, ono nnd n
fourth cups of whito sugar, ono nnd n
half tablespoons butter, ope-half cup
sweet milk, two cups flour, two heaping
teaspoons baking powder, thoroughly
mixed in tho Hour. Jlnko in throo lay
ers. Filling whito of ono egg beaten
to n froth, into this bent three-quarters
of a cup pulverized sugar; spread one
third of this ovor ono layer, then sprinklo
ono-third grated cocoanut over, one
third on next layer and ono-third of
each on top, putting tho cocoanut on
Steamed Applo Pudding. l'aro nnd
slice enough tnrt npplcs to fill a pudding
dish. If tho npples nro tender thoy will
cook ns soon ns tho crust, but thoy must
bo put on in timo to bo hot when tho
crust is ready so it-enn go right to cook
ing. For tho crust uso ono pint of flour,
ono nnd a half oven tnblospoons of but
ter, or fresh sweet lard, not melted, but
pressed into tho spoon, 010 nnd a half
hoaping toaspoons of baking-powder nnd
n littlo Bnlt Mix tho baking-powder and
snlt thoroughly through tho flour nnd
sift, then rub tho buttor into it, nnd uso
sweet milk to wet it with, stirring with n
spoon, ltoll it into a soft mass with tho
spoon, then turn it on tho moulding
board, nnd roll it out witii a rolling-pin
till It will cover tho pudding. dish, mak
ing n holo in tho middlo to let out tho
steam from tho npplcs. It will require
not less than half an hour to cook, but
tho time will depend on tho thicknoss of
tho crust. If it is nn inch thick it will
roquiro thrco quarters of an hour If
soda and cronra-tnrtnr nro moro conve
nient than baking powdor, uso a genor-
ous half of nn ovon toaspoon of soda nnd
ono-hnlf of cream-tartar. Tho soda must
bo pulverized ns fino as flour and mixed
through tho flour with tho croam-tartar,
Butter nnd Biignr nro to bo cnten with it,
nnd somo liko milk nlso. If ono lias no
stoamor tho pudding can bo baked, but
tho apples must bo cooked in n. kcttlo
and poured boiling hot into the pudding
dish when tho crust is ready, unless
thoy nro unuanlly tondor. Tho pudding
will not rcquiro longer than an half hour
to bako.
Tickled Tears. Stow your poars with
out paring, till you cun run a broom
Btraw through thorn. Whon cool stick n
clovo in each ono and Iny thorn in jars.
To bovoii pounds of poars tako thrco
pounds of brown sugar, ono quart of
bebt vinegar, two ounces of cloves, and
four ounces of cinnamon. Boil tho vin
egnr, spices and sugar togothcr for a fow
minutes, nnd pour it boiling hot over tho
fruit. Bopcat this !oiling for thrco suc
cessive days, then cover tho fruit closely
and pa"k away.
Tho second torm of this scholastic
year of Willametto University opened
wiMi n much larger nttendnnco than hns
hitherto over boon known in tho history
of this thriving institution, nnd still
moro ni-o coming. Numbers and names
in this caso wo aro now not proparcd to
givo; but whon wo bco tho overwhelming
throng of strnngo fnces nlong with thoso
moro familiar, wo note with plcasuro tho
woll-doscrved reward that this worthy in
stitution is enjoying. Eugcno Ex.
Tea needs, first of all, tho 1'ielp of n
"cosy" to mako it perfection. A "cosy" is a
wndder cover mndo to fit tho tenpot. It
is generally shaped in two half circles,
stitches around, wadded.lincd and corded.
It can bo mado very ornamental by
braiding or crewel work. Tea requires
water freshly boiled, nnd should not bo
mado to stand on tho hob nnd stow
beforo using,and it should never bo boiled.
Allow n tenspoonful, heaped, for every
person. After pouring on tho water let
it for ono moment stand near tho fire,
then place directly under tho "cosv"
beforo calling tho family to the table.
In this way, tho lea preserves nil its
delicate aroma.
Raid n railroad magnato ; ''Times aro
getting close, and I must economise."
"Not in your living, I trust?" queried a
friend. "Ah, no," replied tho largo share
holder, "not in my living but in tho liv
ing of my employes."
There nro about 1160 prisoners in San
Quentin, California.
jfoj $hi ltililreix.
Wish you could sco our Peggy,
Who looks so funny and wiso
As sho ftands up by tho window
Beaching for tho flies
So bright and brown her eyes are;
Her hiirjls soft as silk j
Sho's old enough to help hersolf,
And drinks up lots of milk.
Sho folows us all o'er tho house,
And runs from room to room ;
Sho climbs up on ths highest chain,
Sho carries off the broom,
Sho opens all tho closet doors
That aro not shut up tight,
Sho pulls off all tho choicest llowcrs,
And thinks it is quite right.
Sho's very fond of music,
And whon I sin? or play,
She dances around in great delight,
Seeming happy all tho day.
Sho took my Sunday bonnet,
And toro it into bits,
Sho frightened tiny pussy-cat
Almost into fits.
Well-aho is so full of mischief
I really do not daro
To loavo a thing within her reach)
It would not long bo there.
Just now sho's very quiet,
And slooping liko a tog,
So I'll whisper very softly,
Peggy Is my dog.
This week wo find letters enough on
hand to keep up tho interest of our read
ers. Wo would liko to begin a puzzle
comor ngnin. Thcro seems to bo somo
encouragement thnt wny now, for many
of tho letters contain riddles or couuu-
.1 nr , ,..
uriiius. mo would iiko to hnvo somo
thnt will l)o bucIi ns would demand Htudy
and of a charactor that will bo elevating.
Thcro havo been nttcmptB mndo beforo
this to start n puzzlo corner, but no 110-
tico over enmo of it. Tho ono wo will
commouco with is cnllod n "charade."
'I ho answer is nn nrticlo in dnilv uso in
every house, nnd it will set nil tho bright
littlo oyos to looking nround tho room
to seo what it can be. Wo will help n
littlo by saying, thnt it is oftcnest found
cIobo by a looking-glass.
Tho noxt ono will bo n riddle, nnd tho
answor is Bomothing every iaraily should
tako nnd not forget to tnko ngnin; thoso
nro littlo hints to help guessing, ns it is
tho first timo.
Our boys nro coming out splondidly ;
ono from Thomas answers tho squirrel
puzzlo. Wo can't say whethor it is right
or not.
'Hint pumpkin is protty large, not
many grow to that sizo, yet porhnps
somo other boy can boat it Thcro does
scorn to bo a difl'crenco in tko weight of
pumpkins and squashes, but wo novcr
thought of it beforo. Connecticut, that
country famous for pumpkins, can't beat
this ono; it would mnko Thanksgiving
pies for tho wholo county.
Annio writes ngnin, nnd wo nro glnd
bIio don't forget tho Circle. Pcrhani
her bird had somo mitcj, or bird lico on
it. If birds aro well fed, havo fresh
wator and 11 bath onco in a while, thoy
will livo n long time. It is cruel to keep
birds shut up if wo aro circles of their
comfort. Wo aro suro Annio takes caie
of hers, but oven with good caro it is dif
ficult to keep tho mhos off of them. It
is neccBsnry to hnng tho cago in u dif
ferent plnco if thcro aro lico in tho cage,
for theso littlo creatures will livo in tho
wood-work or walls and will crawl out
at night and go n long ways to n bird
nnd then go back again thoy travel
most in tho night It is for this reason
that many birds do not set well on tho
nest. A whito cloth on tho cage, or near
tho perch will, if put on at night show
in tho morning if thcro aro any mites
troubling tho birds. It is dangerous to
hang out birds, for littlo bird hawks will
bo suro to kill canaries? thoy drng tho
bird with their long sharp claws to tho
wiros of tho cago and tlion eat tho
head off, nnd often pull poor birdio
through tho wires.
Bobert sends a very neat-looking loi
ter, which shows caro both in writing
and composition. Wo aro afraid Bob
ort's puzzlo is not easy to answer, how-
over wo havo plenty of bright littlo oyes
to study it out.
Avill bends us ono of her composi
tions to print in this column.. Charity
is not always to bo found in tho giving
of money alone, but charity may bo
found in thinking tho host of another's
actions, of putting tho best construction
on another's word. If another tries to
annoy or hurt, it is charity to think it
was not intended.
DextehTot., Oct 30, 1884.
Editor Home Circle 1
As I havo not written to tho Circle
for so long a time I will try to writo
again, i am going to school now. uur
teacher is C. C. B., I will answer her
question: If thcro aro nino onrs of
corn in tho collar nnd a squirrel carries
off thrco enrs a tiny, ho carries oil' two on
his head and one car of corn it would tako
nino days. I will nsk ono : Thoro was
a man who had no oyo3j ho went out
ono day to view tho skies, ho saw a trco
with npples on ; ho took no npplcs oil,
nor left no npplcs on. I will hnvo to
close, wishing tho Farmer success.
Titos. Hakdsaker.
T. S. "Wo hnvo a largo pumpkin wo
raised on our farm that weighs fifty-five
pounds. If nnyono hns ono nny larger
wo would liko to hear from them. Wo
hnvo heard of squashes being larger, but
not pumpkins.
Editor Homo Circlo 1
A grcnt deal of money that might bo
well spout is every day mis-applied. In
stead of giving it to tho poor and needy,
it is cnrolessly spent for needless things,
Iustcnd of trying to help tho poor and
raiso them up, they drag them down
pooror than thoy arc. This is not only
by thoso who waste it nil on themselves,
but by well-meaning people, who givo
nwny money thoughtlessly, without first
finding whether or not their charity is
really required or deserved.
Avu.i, Siir.MiiACH.
Awiany, On, Oct 2(1,1881.
Editor Homo Circlo t
A school began hero throo weeks ago.
I study arithmetic, history, geography,
grammar and spelling. Thcro wore four
teen scholars tho ilret day, and now
thoro nro thirty. Wo havo a class of
fifteen in history; it is very interesting.
I havo not missed a .day yet and don't
want to; I missed four dnys Inst school.
Our tca:licr's name isMr. J. B. McFar
land; I liko him very much; ho hns
taught hero beforo many terms, and
always has a full school. I liko to go to
school ; we play blnck-mun nnd n good
many other games, uur tencucr rings
tho bell live minutes boforo school timo
nt noon, so we havo timo to wash our
hands and faces. I hnd two ennnry
birds Carl and Nick. Carl was a tamo
bird, and sang very sweetly ; Nick was a
wild bird; I hung him out in tho sun
yesterday, and an old bird got on tho
cago and killed him. Carl just got sick
and died ; I don't know what was tho
matter with him. "Wo hnvo n littlo black
pup, and it is so fat it can hardly crawl.
I will try to answor "C. C. B's" question :
If tho squirrel carrion thrco ears each
day, nnd thcro nro nino enrs of corn in
tho cellar, it will tako him nino dnys, for
ho hns to carry his own ears nnd ono car
of corn. If this in right I would liko to
know it. I will close for this time. Yours
respectfully, Anna Towkix.
IitMSd, On, Oct 20, 1881.
Editor Homo Circlet
I nin a littlo boy, 11 years old. I havo
a pony. I had two (iuincn-pigs nnd they
died. My sister got hurt bndly tho 2d
of this month, when hIio was harrowing
in tho Hold. Sho is almost well now, and
wo aro all so glad to havo her up ngnin,
I want to answer "C. C. B'h" puz.lo: I
think it will tako tho squirrel nino days,
if it is a two-caied Kiturrcl ; nnd I want
C C B." to send mo his card. My
r-ister is hero now visiting us. Sho lives
in Washington Territory. Sho has tho
cutot littlo girl, named Norn. 1 will
quit for it is dinner timo. Your littlo
friend, Hoiiert Iliavi: 15o.su.
1'. S. I will send my card to nny ono
who will answor this puzzlo: l'ut nino
pigs in four puns, nnd an odd number in
owiy pen. Jt. U, B.
Tho Farmer is making nn ellurt to enlist
in its behalf all the reading nnd thinking
portion of tho farmers of tho North West.
Subscription hns been I r low
nswadarovenluroiutholHiliit....i v k .
double our lit of (laying HibscrilKJis ami 1
greatly increase its influenco nnd opii-
Tho Farmer is closing its fifttn year
of publication. It i no now venture, no
uncertain thing, but well founded nnd
nbly conducted.
Any single subsTiber can remit 42.00
nnd receive rho Farmer ono yenr from
dato of payment.
Thoso who write and tend in a club of
five, nil paying nt fiico, can hnvo th
Farmer ono yar for $1.70 each.
Oltl friends of tho Farmer can easily
sccuro nmong their neighbors livo or ten
names and secure their pnpor nt $1.70 or
$1.00 jwr yenr.
We hojKi that many will get up clubs
ami vindicate our faith in their good will
towards their old timo friend,
Excited Thousands
All over the land aro going Into testacy ovtr
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. I
Their nnlooked lor recovery by tho timely
ueof this f rest life saving runtdy, can so
tbem to go nearly wild (n its praise. It is '
guaranteed to positively core Hervre &uuh',
lolds, Aatbrns, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Hoais
BiM, toss 1 f Voice, or any affection of the
Throat and Lungs. Trial bet tin free at
Port A Sou's drug store. Large size gl, i
A Charade.
Iain found In nearly all sorts of houses, and
nm patronized alike by young and old, malo
and fomalo, gentlo and simple Ot my (irst
is mado my sccotui, ana my second backs my
first, and my whole is used to keep my first
in order.
A Riddle.
I'm a singular creature, pray tell mo my
I partako of my countrymen's glory and fame,
I daily am old and I daily am new,
I am praised, I am blamed, I am false, I am
I'm tho till; of tho nation while I'm in my
But forgotten wheuonco 1'vo outlasted my
In tho evening you sco 1110 thrown carelessly
Tako warning yo fair I like you havo my"
But alas! you liko mo must grow old nnd
Btory of a Trco-Frog.
Ono sultry night, in Indiana, I sat
busily writing upstairs closo to nn open
window. My lamp, placed upon my
desk, attracted countless numbers of tho
insect world that como out to sco their
friends after dark ; thcro was a constant
buzz around tho lamp, and many 11
scorched victim, falling on its back,
vainly kicked its littlo legs in tho air.
Suddenly a clear low whistlo sounded
from tho window 11 whistlo soniowhat
liko tho sound mado whon a boy blows
into tho orifice of a turn-key. Startled
for 11 moment, I turned my chair and be
hold on tho window-sill a little trco-frog
gravely looking atonic. His skin of
nu cquislto palo npplo-groeu color
shorn) in tho lamp-light. Fearful thnt I
might frighten him nwny, I snt motion
less 111 tho chnir, watching him intently.
Presently ho gave another whistle, as
clonr and sharp ns n bird-note. Ho wns
evidently making up his mind that I
was to bo trusted (n coulldcuco not mis
placed), anil boon he gavo an easy
spring and was on tho desk beforo me.
1 hardly dared to breathe, lest ho should
bo alarmed. Ho looked at mo carefully
for n few minutes; and thou, hopping
under tho lamp, ho began n slaughter of
tho Insect creation such as I had never
boforo witnessed. Hocapturodiu a Hash
any careless lly or moth thnt camo near
him, declining to touch the dead ones
that had cremated themselves.
1 1 l 1. . 1 f il t
Aiior nnu nn uours enjoyment 01 tins
kind my npplo-grcen friend hopped
rather lazily across tho desk, repented
tho whistle with which he hnd entered
as if to say good-night and went out
into tho (link. I proceeded with my
work and soon forgot' my visitor. But
judgo my surprise when the next night'
ho again appeared, again signaled his
coming with his musical cry, nnd again
took up his twsltion under tho lamp.
For thrco weeks did my small friend
visit me nightly, and ho and I becamo
great friends. Homo llius wcro his
Hpccinl delicacy. Stealthily crawling up
tho painted wall, clinging to tho smooth
Hiirfaco with tho littlo disks or suckers on
his feet, ho would draw closo up to his
body first one leg and then tho other,
and when within procr distance ho
would dart forward nnd, snatching tho fly,
would swing head downward, his hind
fee!, firmly glued to tho wall. Thon,
attaching hit) forefeet, he would movu on
in quest of another.
Ho never missed his aim, and ho
would quietly and calmly .igztfg up and
down tho sido wall after every lly ho
saw there. I lu becamo finite accustomed
to me, nnd would hop on my hand, and
sit thoro looking nt mo with a grave
composuro ludicrous to k'liold.
Vacant aovernment Lauds.
In Eastern Oregon thoro nro still largo
bodies of vacant government lauds
awaiting settlement, and tho Ifoppnor
CJuzotte, published near them, publishes
township plats nnd inforiuntldn about
now lauds, besides making laud filings
and final proofs. The (iiizetto costs
!?2.00 n year, $1 for three months, or ten
cents in stamps for one copy. Addicts
J. W. Betlington, Hoppner, Or. tf
BucUlen's Arnica Salvo.
Tho bent Salve in tho world for Cuta, Ilritiu
os, Sores, Ulcer, -Silt Ithitiin, Fever Korm.
Totlir, Chuppvd Hands, Chilblains, Corns and
an hkih eruptions, jiui posimeiy cures riles,
or no piy rtquircd, It Is guaranteed to givu
satisfaction, or money refunded, l'rico '.'5o
l-r I ot For silo by Port & Sou, ly
Infants and Children
Without Morphlno or Nnrcotlnn.
What sires our Children rosy cheeks.
What cures their rovers, make them sleep;
'TU 'tiniitnrla.
When Rabies fret, and cry hjr turns.
What cured their colio, kills their worms.
Hut Cuiturla.
What quickly cures Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion 5
Farewell then to Morphlno Syrups,
Castor Oil and 1'an-gorlo, anil
C9nt"y If nimgntr-Aa
oluto core for RhensaattaxB,
Bpraaiu, .Boras, uoxu, dso., a
isutaatameoai Ftdsurellcver,