Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 07, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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lic 1omtc 4vtt.
nr e. it. hill.
What ! tlio truth to believe,
What ! tho right to be ilono ?
Cnoglit in tho web I weave,
I halt from eun to sun.
The bright wind flows along,
Calm Nature' streaming law,
And Its stroko is soft and strong
As n leopards volvot paw.
Frco of the doubtintr. mind,
Full of the olden power,
Are tho tree, and the bee, nnd tho wind,
Aud tho wren and the bravo May-flower.
Man was tho Inst to appotr,
A glow at tho cloio of day t
Slow clambering now in fear,
He gropes his slackened way.
AH tho up-lhruit is gono,
Forco that camo from of old,
Up through tin fish and tho swan,
And tho sea-kings mighty mold.
Tho youth of tho world Is fled,
There are omeps In tho sky,
Spheres that are chilled and dead,
And tho closo of an apo is nigh.
Tho titno is too short to grieve,
Or to chooao, for tho end is ono.
And what is the truth to believo,
And what is tho right to bo done?
Swcot l'ioklod I'enre. Noil threo
pounds of BUgnr and ono quart of best
vfnegur togotlier, Bkiiiiinitig well. Tio
ono tablcspvouful of wholo cloves, ono of
wholo nllcpicc, nnd ono of broken china
iiion slick in a cloth, ami add to tho vin
egar and sugar. Put in a littlo fruit at a
timo nnd boil slowly till it looks elenr.
Ornngo Ghnrlotte. For two molds of
medium slzo sonk v$l box of golatino
in half cup ot wator for two hours. Add
ono and a halt cups boiling wator and
strain. Then add two cups sugar, ono
cup orango juico and pulp, and tho juico
of ono lemon. Stir until tha mixture
begins to cool, or about ilvo minutes;
.then add tho whites of six eggs, beaton
to n stiff froth. Heat tho wholo until so
stifT that will only just pour, and turn
into molds llnod with soctions ot or
ange. Set away to cool.
Good Muffins (quick). Muffins oro
not half so much usod by tho majority
of houso-keopers as they may well bo.
Sonio of my young housekeeping friends
in tho country privately asked mo what
they wcro. Muflln-rings cay now bo
taught for a fow cents a dozen at any
tin store, and at many others. Ono can
get up muffins for broakfast or lunah in
n fow minutes, nnd whilo nlwnys good
And rolishnhlo, thoy are handy in an
emcrgenoy, or when tho broad supply
unexpectedly runs out Stir into a pint
of milk two eggs, two tablespoon fills of
butter or lard, half teaspoonful of salt,
threo tcaspoonfuls of irorsford's baking
powder, or any other good kind, nnd
Hour enough to mako a pretty stiff hat
ter. Tour immediately into tho muffin
rings and bnko in as hot a placo in tho
stovo or rango ovon as will not burn tho
Iwttoms. Somo prefer ono-quartcr to
one-half of corn meal instead of all
Hour. "With half meal thoy aro called
corn muffins.
Drying Corn. Let houeokcopors bear
in mind that now, whilo tho sweet corn
is young nnd tendor, is tho timo for dry
ing ; when it gots older, though good
eating fresh, it is hard nnd branny dried.
Husk and silk tho ears nicoly ; put into
cold water ; hoat, and boil for live or ten
minutes not longor. Tlion with a sharp,
thin-bladcd knife, shavo oil' tho ouds of
tho kcrnols, nnd ecrapo out tho remain
der. If you havo a largo-dripping-pan
that covers tho bottom of your
oven, fo much tho bettor; fill this
half or two-thirds full of corn, and keep
quite hot for two or threo hours, stirring
frequently, after which, finish with n
slower heat. An ovenful enn easily be
dried in this manner in tho courso of
tho day, and is. froo from dust and in
sects, which it is not always when dried
in tho sun or moro slowly around tho
stovo. If properly cooked in tho fall or
winter, it will bo found almost as ten
der as fresh corn.
Cucumber Pickles. To make excel
lent cucumbor pickles, gather such as
aro tho length of your thumb and but a
littlo larger nround, having all of as
nearly tho eamo size as possiblo. Put
into moderately strong, cold brino till
you havo as many as you desire
siro to make up at a time. Soak for two
or threo days; then turn ofr tho brino,
then pour boiling water over for threo
successive mornings longer, if not suf.
ficiently fresh. Take moderately strong
cider vinegar enough to cover: add two
thirds of a toacupful of migar to each
quart, and a littlo cinnamon nnd cloves
not very much of these, just enough
to ilavor slightly. Heat all together.
Drain the cucumbers well from tho water,
lay thorn in your picklo jar and turn tho
boiling vinegar over them. They will
keep without troublo until eaten up.
Housekeeper's Weights and Measures.
Two gills mako half a pint.
Two pints mako ono quart
Four quarts mako ono gallon.
Half a gallon is a quarter of a peck.
Two gallons mako ono peck.
Four gallons mako half a bushel.
Fight gallons mako ono bushel.
About sixty drops of any thin liquid
will fill a common-sized teaspoon.
Four tablespoons, or one-half n gill,
will till a common-sized wino-glass.
Four wino glasses will 1111 half a pint
measure, a common tumbler, or a largo
cofl'eo cup.
Ton eggs usually weigh ono pound bo
foro thoy arc broken.
A tablcspoonful of salt weighs ono
Interesting Boys In tho Farm.
"Wo aro trying," says Mrs. Wntson, in
tho 'Housekeepers' Olub' of tho Prairie
Farmer, " an experiment with our
boys. Thoy aro fourteen and sixteen,
and last year they began talking about
when thoy could leavo tho farm, nnd
clerk at tho stores in town. That did not
suit their father or mo at all, for wo
think that farming is about tho best and
picasnntost way to mako a living there is,
and want tho boys to bo farmers, too
good, intelligent mon, nnd fond of their
work. Last fall wo gavo each of them
an ncro of good ground, on which thoy
aro to raiso vegetables or whatever crop
thoy please, and to tho two togother a
yearling calf, a colt thoy had helped to
tako caro of, and this spring their choico
of n lamb and pig, Besides wo havo
turnod over to thorn and their sister all
tho chickens and turkoys on tho farm.
All tho monoy thoy mako off thoir stock
or ground is theirs to do what thoy plcaso
with, and thoy aro nlrcndy so interested
in their work that thoy aro planing to
uso part ot it in adding to their land.and
and part is to go toward two years at
somo agricultural college Thoy nro go
ing to mako n good deal out of thoir
poultry, if nothing happons. Half of
tho proceeds from tho fowls belongs to
Dolly, for sho takes tho most caro of
thorn; tho other half is dovided between
tho two boys. Thoy aro to havo all tho
nccccssary feed from tho farm, and in ro
turn nro to supply tho family with all tho
eggs nnd fowls wo can uwj. Thoy havo
sovcal blank books to kcop account of
their stock and crops, and what they
buy and soil. Wo think if moro would
follow such plans fowor boys would leave
tho farm. Thoy cannot bo expected to
stay whero it is all work in which thoy
havo no interest.
Birds and Intects as Barometers.
A well known naturalist having bcon
interviewed by a roporter upon tho sub
ject of foretelling tho woather, gavo tho
following replies in answor to questions
"Uirds ought to bo good weather prog
nosticators then, for thoy cannot bo in-
scnsiblo to air currents and tho different
climntos of tho atmosphere?"
"Most assuredly thoy aro tho very best.
Kvory farmer knows when swallows fly
low that rain is coming; sailors, when
tho sea-gulls fly toward tho land ; when
tho stormy petrol nppcars, on Mother
Caroy's chickens, as thoy aro called, pro
diet foul woathor.
"Tako tho ants. Have you novcr no
ticed tho activity thoy display boforo a
storm, hurry-scurry, rushing hithor and
yon, ns if they wero letter-carriers mak
ing six trips a day, or expressmen be
hind timo? Dogs grow sleepy and dull,
and liko to lio before a firo as rain ap
proaches; chickens pick up pebbles,
fowls roll in tho dust, llios sting and bito
moro viciously, frogs croak moro
clamorously, gnats assemblo under trees,
nnd horses display restlessness."
"How do you tell fair woathor?"
"Ileetles Hying lato in tho evening fore
tell fino day on tho morrow ; bats Hit
ting about Into in tho ovoning in spring
or autumn ; butterflies appearing early ;
cranes Hying high; fishes when thoy
swim low and won't bito j hogs whon
thoy run squeaking about and jerk up
their heads and seo a wind coming;
henco the proverb; "pigs can seo tho
"Aro any other animals weather-wise?"
"I would liko to know what animals
are not, if a man had only tho patience
to watch and obscrvo them. Wlieu you
seo n swan Hying against tho wind, spi
ders crowding on a vyall, toads coming
out of thoir holes in unusual numbers
of an evening, worms slugs, and snails
appearing, robin redbreasts pecking nt
our windows, pigeons coming to tho
dovecote oarlier than usual, peacocks
squalling lit night, mice squeaking or
geeso washing., you can put them all
down for rain Bigns. '
Several thousand cattle havo recently
been sold in Klamath comity.
jfo 4$M $!iililq.
Tho clouds In many a windy rack
Aro sailing east nnd west,
And tobcr suns are bringing back
The days I lovo tho best.
The poot, as ho will, may go
To summer's golden prime,
And set tho roses in a row
Along tho fragrant rhyme.
Hut as for me, I sing tho pralso
Of fading flowers and trees,
For to my mind the sweetest days
Of all tho year aro theset
When stubby hills and hazy skies
Proclaim tho harvest done,
And labor wipes his brow, and lies
A dreaming in tho sun
And idly hangs tho spidor on
iler broken silver stair,
And ghosts of thistles doad and gone,
Slldo slowly alont? tho air
Where all is still unless, perhaps,
Tlio cricket makes ado,
Or when tho dry-billed heron snaps
Somo brittle reed in two
Or school-boy tramples through tho bars
His tanglod path to keep,
Or ripo mast, rustlln? downward, stlri
Tho shadows from their sleep.
Aye, ho that wills It to may pralio
Tho lilies and tho bees;
Hut as for mo tho sweotest days
Ot all tho ycamro thoso.
Tho Circlo will bo glad to henr from
Ktta ogain; sho is ono of our regular cor
respondent!), and aro suro of a letter
from hor onco in awhile. Wo enn seo
great improvement in her lottorn sinco
sho first began Bonding letters to tho pa
per; so it is not only n plcasuro but a
benefit to overy ono who writes for this
column. As wo havo said many times
before, it is an accomplishment to bo nblc
to write a good letter, ono that is well
expressed and that is woll written, as
far as a clear intelligible hand-writing
can mako it To writo a good hand
prnctico is necessary ono must writo a
littlo overy day, being careful not to try
to writo too fast, but form each letter
Gcorgo need not to havo mndo on
apology, for his lottor ia oxccllont, if it
is tho first one. Clydo must bo tho ono
to say if flcorgo has anaworcd tho ques
tion correctly ; ho asks ono which has
somo catch in it ; ho ofTbrB a roward, so
you must not all speak nt onco or his
cards may givo out
Itichard is nnothor of those wo depend
on to keop up tho Letter l)o.. Ifo too
answers ono of tho puzzlos, and links a
riddlo, too. Thcso sort of questions
sharpen tho wits of young folks.
It would seem a good idea to ask somo
questions about history ; wo should first
know tho history of our own country, so
Aunt Hetty will ask what it was that
caused tho pcoplo of America to robol
against England, for you all know that
this part of tho continent, now called
tho United Statos, was n colony from
England, and was governed by England's
laws. Wo wish tho young folks would
think of questions that require n study
of geography or history ; questions asked
in this way, will, if answorod, impress
tho mind so that tha knowlcdgo gained
will novcr bo forgotten. There iH so
much to bo learnod in our short lives,
and tho moro wo learn, tho moro eager
wo nro to add to our knowledge. Now
is tho timo to improvo tho mind before
tho cares of lifo comoj try nnd improvo
overy hour in somo way, either in read
ing, writing or study. In almost overy
house aro to bo found books and papors.
Tho youth of this day havo overy in
ducement placed lieforo them to llvo
and loam.
DiiXTEit, Or., Oct. 25, 1881.
Editor Homo Circlet
As I havo not written to tho Homo
Circlo for n) long n timo I will try and
writo a few lines. Wo nro having nice
weather now, with a littlo frost of nights,
lam going to school now ; our school
commenced liut Monday ; I think I havo
a real good teacher; I llvo within about
ono and one-half mile of her home. Wo
havo two cannry birds I think thoy
aro real nico pets. My oldest sister is
going to commenco her school in tho
morning sho will teach about ono mile
und a hnlf from home. Albort Davin
nnswered my question correctly, but
Anna Rogers answered it first I will
try and answer Ida Kelloy's question
it is i-c-c. I will ask a question: How
many letters does tho Biblo contain? I
will closo for this timo.
Etta Haxusakku.
Salem, Or., Oct. 27, 1881.
Editor Homo Circle t
This is my first letter, to you cannot
oxpect mo to do as well ns tho rest of
tho young folks. I nm going to school
nt present ; my teacher's namo is Mrs.
Harnoy, of Salem; I think sho is a fino
toucher; thero aro sovontccn scholars
enrolled. I will try and answor Olydo
0. B.'s question which sho asked : If
thero aro nine ears of corn in a collar
and a squirrel carries off threo cars a
day how long would it tako to carry it
all off? It would tako nine days, of
course, becnuso ho has two cars on his
head and add ono car of corn would just
mako threo ears at a timo ho would car
ry off. Now if that is not right I will
send tho ono who is right ono of my
cards. I will also ask a question, who
can spoil blind pig with two letters? Tho
ono who gives tho correct answer I will
send a fow autograph versos and nnd
ono of my cards. Yours respectfully,
CIko. A. Lkhman'.
Kola, Or., Oct. 21, 1881.
Editor Homo Circlot
I will havo to writo again, ns there is
a question in a letter that I would liko to
answer. My father has bcon running tho
farmer's warehouso in Eoln over sinco
wheat hauling began ; ho finished up last
Thursday and is' now homo ; my brother
is in tho Cascade mountains on a hunt
ing expedition; school will begin in
about two weeks ; wo livo ono mllo from
tho school house. I will answer Ida's
question, it is spoil hard wnbr with
threo letters, tho answer is, i-c-o. I will
givo n riddlo : As I went through tho
garden gap, who should I meet but Dick
Rod Cap, a stick in his hand, it nlono in
his throat If you will tell mo this rid
dlo I will writo you nnothor. If nono of
tho littlo folks can answor this riddlo
Aunt Hetty must try it Yours very
truly, Richard E. Pkaiick.
A Dangsrous Thins.
Culturo aud education sometimes tend
to mako a gulf between parents and
children. In tho lifo of ono of tho chief
justices of England tho story of his riso
from poverty to distinction is told. It is
recorded that in his days of power aud
grandeur ho bought for his fathor a
farm, and sent him many vnluablo
presents, but that ho novor went to visit
him. And tho biographer adds. "It
was natural, but it was sad I''
It Koom to us that thero is still a higher
typo of men to whom it would not be
natural. Cnrlylo, whon ho had raised
himsolf to bo considered tho poor of tho
best-placed men of his timo, novor failed
in either lovo or duty towards his peas
ant parents. Indeed, in reading his
"llmiuniusnnnnfi." nun a lmlf fnmnfml r
think that thcso samo homely parents
wcro tho only pcoplo ho over did really
admire nud honor. Plenty of tho world's
noblest men havo clung to somo lowly
mothers with a dovotiou that followed
her with worshipful caro her wliolo lifu
through but thcso havo boon tha
rcally.noblo men of tho world. On tho
other hand, it is a cruelly common affair
that "dangerous thing," a littlo learning,
makes tho sou look dowa on tho father
who has toiled to givo him his start in
lifo ; tho vain, foolish girl on tho hard
handed mother, who has!ccn content to
toil in tho kitchen that herdaughtor
might play on tho piano aud chuttor
French in tho parlor, lint thero is no
Bluer evidence than this of imperfect
training and a weak mind.
Tho man or woman who has niado
real attainments in knowlcdgo knows
nothing so well us tho infinity of know
lcdgo and tho small amount of it which
any ono mortal can possess, and so
grows humble, instead of arrogant, with
every fresh acqulstion. What is tho
society for which wo would wound and
slight tho hearts that really lovo us?
Will society caro for us if wo aro over
thrown, tend to us if we aro ill, givo us
of its storo if wo aro hungry? Society
likes us if wo adorn oramtibo it. What
has it to oiler worthy n moment's com
parison with the loyal, self-sacrificing
lovo that has guarded our helpless lives
when tho world at largo know not oven
.for Infants and Children.
nnd ovcrcomc-ii i'Jatulciiuy, Comtiw
tion, Sour Stomach, Diurrlura, nnd
Foverislinew). It insures health nnd
natural idcon, without mornhiuu.
' Castoria la so well odapUsl to Children that
I recommend ltaauir1or to any pnwcripUon
known to me." JL A. Avtuau, 11. 1).,
ia I'ortlaniJ A?o.irookJjn, N. V,
CENTAUR LIWIMENT-nu nbsoluto euro for Ithouma
tlsm, HjiroluK, IlurnH, GallH, &c. Tlio most Powerful antU'cno
tratiug PulH-rclleving and Iloaliuj? Remedy known to man.
that wo lived? It i3 not enough that wo
cnldjy do our duty. That niothor whoso
life is so narrow, whoso toil has bcon so
hard, deserves a bottor reward than mere
pussivo kindness. Shn descrvos that wo
ghoukl mako her fcol that sho is an im
portant part of our hoppiness ; that a
concert will delight us moro if wo can
porsuado her to go to it; that wo liko to
bring hor tho passage thnt has
pleased us in our rcadjng,ortointroduco
to her tho friend of our heart; and wo
will vonturo to assort that if our friend
is not ono who will liko us tho bettor for
tho introduction, his or her friendship is
small loss. Youth's Companion.
The Farmer is making an cllort to enlist
in its behalf all tho reading and thinking
portion of tho farmers of tho North West
Subscription has been reduced as low
as wo daro vonturo in tho belief that wo can
double our lit of paying subscribers and
greatly increase its Inlluciico and popu
larity. Tho Farmer is closing its fifteen year
of publication. It is no new venture, no
uncertain thing, but well founded and
ably conducted.
Any siuglo subscriber can remit .$2.00
and receive tho Farmiiu ono year from
ditto of payment
Those who writo and send in a club of
five, all paying at once, can havo tho
Farmer ono your for .$1.7 each.
Old friends of tho Farm nil can easily
secure among their neighbors llvo or ten
names nnd secure their paper at $1.75 or
$1.00 per year.
Wo liopo that many will get up clubs
and vindicato our faith in their good will
towards their old timo friend,
Tin: WiLLAMirm: Farmer.
Bucklon'a Arnica Salvo.
Tho lict Salvo in tho world for Cuts, llruls
ci, Soros, Ulcers, S.tlt Jlheum, Fever .Sores.
Totter. Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns and
all Skin Eruptions, and poiltivoly cures I'llos,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to gtvo
saiisiiciion. cr money reiiinueii. rnco noo
por box. For sale by Port k Son.
llKAIJTll'UI. jn'Klt.lll.OO.MIMU
IMIMIM-we JoUtor.lnin Pot I'Tanta. uluhlii fur
iMmflai tilrtnm, eafoljr by mall at all l'twt Offlooa.
Mil llifortJllt J.irorijai lOOforHl. Alto
aocurdlna-lntaltia, Bond fur our New Ouldr, "t p
rlnranlljrlllua. andohraiao from otcr 5(H( ilnaai anna
AdjnjM. tiii: ;iN()i:i: & :onaim mi.,
ltoao Uruwere, 11'ni lravr,,thrat-r t'o l'.
Banner Apiary Supplies,
"Oi'Ri: iiKi:n i
I O.NY In biimdlc
ilt.M; lucrato, lu;l
llclty liltc auacrlurnlilied f.d. n.
: I1W0 cotmdalal with f.d.n.. I7J.0:
In flat, 1X60; emokcre, II. Wax wanUd or taken In cx
clianifo for f.d n. Ilrltdit f d.n., MM )r txiuiid: daik,
tOtxr)ouiid. Untratol Italian ijuxm.Si.M. Tcited
Ouceni, 5. Select Tealcd.W. lines by tlio ound,tt.
(jurenaacnt by mall prttwild, UTitonty mutt accom
pany all orders. Send i'oit cilice rder on 1'rrtlaiid or
Oreiron City, or ItrgltUred letter to Mtlwauklo, halo
rrltal xuirantceJ, l'rlco Hit free,
apis Adoriu: J.D.RUSK, Mllwaukle, Oregon.
riM'I K H A M i: MAKE OF
SPltlftC.: WAtiONS.
Mitchell, Lewis & rn
I'acllle t'omt llriincli-.liiiuiiil IU1 Fre
I'orlliiiiil. orrguii.
w. ii. .urnjiii.Mi, .nan
Ilrldxca A lloork, B.lcm I W. II. floltra, Albany
Vraltli & Co, Kujfrno, W 1'. Ouene, Itoacburs.
OmORl No. 1D7 rint Street. baWeenUoi.
'rUon and Yamhill, Cortland, Orfla
itv h. . ; aim:h, m i, oiu:i;o..
Pure Breeds of Poultry
No. 1 riymoiith Ituulc
Uorkmils A I'ullds
Four WlllfK I.K01IOI1N Corkerele . Two IIUOWN
IXUIIUIW IVxktreU; Three f.ANUHIIANHCociirelei
OntnnorJIi.YKR SI'AN(ll.r.l) 1IAHII1JIUI Cock; Ten
floe UOLI) Sl'ANOI.UI) I'llKABANTH or Hamburg
CullfN, allforTttii Hollar I'urli. outfit
What fjlrce our Children romr chneks,
What cured their fevcre,
i, maicra uiem aicen
ll ;iumrm.
Wlxm tables fret and cry by turns,
What curvji their colic, L11U their worms,
llut (.'mtorln.
What quickly curro Constipation,
Hour tHotuac.
:li. Colds. Indhruillon.
J1UL I'UllUflHi
Farewe!) then to Morphlno 8yrupK,
Cuitor Oil und I'arcyorlc, and