Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, November 07, 1884, Image 1

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(Editorial Cottoiponicnco.)
Ciiicaoo, Ills., Oct. 20, 1881.
KJItor Willnmotto Farmers
I nrrivcil hero yesterday nflor six days
ot travel, including eight hours spent in
St. Paul. Tho journey across tho con
tincnt is tircsomo at best and yet ovcry
thing is mado as coinfortablo as possible.
Tho passenger Coaches on tho Northern
Paeiiio aro qtiito as good us on nny roml
nt tho East. So aro tho coaches on tho
valley roads. Oregon has nothing to
complain of in that respect. October is
n pleasant month for travel but Micro
woro not over half a dozen people who
left Portland in two days that camo
through to St. Paul. I say in two days
becauso our train mot u Hlido out from
Portland one hour and lay thoro from
'2 i M. ono day to 0 r. m. tho uoxt, and
mcantlmo anothur train camo along and
took our train. I camo all 'ho way in a
common passenger car nnd as thoro was
nn nbundunco of room I had two scats
to myself and soon got used to sleeping
comfortably. Probably travel novcrwas
so light as now, owing to hard times
that prevail throughout all tho world.
Tho Northern routo has soip'o very
tlno scenery on tho Lower Columbia-ami
on Glarko'd Fork, in Idaho nnd Montana,
but othorwiso Micro is no attraction
all tho way. Whatever of good country
thoro la tho wholo distnnco from" Port
land to far into Dakota docs not lio on
-tho lino of tho road, but Is oft" eomo dis
tance, a fact tho general run of travelers
cannot appreciate. Tho rond in Idaho
nnd Montana passes through a number
of mountain ranges with valloys inter
voning, but thoso aro generally too great
in altitudo to mako ngriculturo profite
bio. "West of tho Kooky Mountains is
tho Bittor Koot valloy that is qtiito ox
tonsivo, with Missoula for its contnd
point of trado. Thcro is somo good laud
on tho Flathead reservation. Also, thoro
is Deer Lodgo valloy whoro thoro aro
fiomo farms. Montana, howovor,is mora
blessed with rich mines than uny-Stato
in tho Union, nnd thoy promiso to 1k vory
lasting in their nature. These mines
mako tho rich city of Dutto, on tho Utah
Northern road, said to bo tho richost
mining camp in tho world. Copper is
vory valuablo in thoso mines nnd is moro
enduring than ores of gold nnd silvor,
that also exist freely.
In passing up tho road I cxjiectcd to
Jlnd peoplo going to and from tho
As it was, wo scarcely heard a word ubout
tho minos until wo had readied tho
other sido of them when wo met four
mon who were leaving after doing a hard
summor's work nnd spondiug thousands
of dollars in prospocting. Thoy woro
-taking tho omigrnnt train back. Tho
account thoy gavo was that there wore
thousands of menMhero who couldn't
lenvo becauso thoy had no money to
travel. Very few claims wero paying
and no good quart, had been discov
ered. Tho pay district was very small.
Thd mines wero cxponsivo to work and
they had loft thorn not intending to re
turn. That was all wo heard of tho fa
mous Cu'ur (TAleno mines. Thoy had
i ulfilled our prediction of last spring ad
vising our readers not to luvost in them
or go to them. It. was to bo hoped that
theso mines would turn out proiitablo,
as oo many woro going thithor, encour
aged by overdrawn reports. Such re
ports havo no doubt resulted in harm to
all tho Pacific Northwest as thoso who
go back disappointed will givo n poor
account of all tho country as rovengo
for their own loss of Umo and uionej
Thoro is but littlo agricultural land in
Montana and less in northern Idaho,
except that portion of tho Palouso and
Spokano country that lies in that terri
tory. Northern Idaho is very moun
tainous and heavily timbered, whilo
Montana is a vnst grazing ground,
mountains nnd plains covered with
buuehgrass with small extent of forest.
Strange to say: this high mountain land
is blessed with warmor winters than aro
common to Knstcrn Oregon and Wash
ington, and cattle, sheep and horses do
woll there. Tho Bitter Boot valloy west
of tho ltocky Mountains and Prickly
Pear valloy. Missouri vnlley and Gallatin
valley to tho ont, aro fcrtilo spots though
olovated to 11,500 and G.OOO foot abovo
sea lovol. Wo saw somo good farms
to tho eastward whero grain was mostly
standing in shock and soma Holds woro
yet uncut. Thcro had lcon a snow fall
at Helena, nnd thereabouts, but tho
grain standing in tho Hold was not
damaged by it. Helena contains quite
a number of millionaire, most of them
owners of cattle. Tho cow boy is tho
chiof fonturo of socity in that region.
Stock will always tako tho lead there
and farming will play a very minor part.
I cannot seo how any person would re
main in that country to farm it when
Oregon and Washington oiler fo much
inducement. Leaving Montana wo
ontcred Dakota to find a hotter agri
cultural country towards tho niiddlo
and eastern part. Farming is carried
on hero with moro certainly, though
sharp winters havo to bo oucountercd.
Dakota will bo a great State, but o 'en
this favored laud ennuot hold a caudlo
to our own country. Dakota is fast
filling up and as it can bo reached so
casilv and at less cxnenso will contiuuo
f?v . r j?f,r- .... : ...'.in.. .1
io uo scuicu np moro specuny man our
country. Thoro is a vast region along
tho Northern routo that invites sottlo
incut. It is no doubt tho most attractive
of all unsettled territory owned by tho
government and will draw largely by
immigration during tho next fow years.
Our own region may feel tho effect of
existing hard times for nwhilo but will
in tlino fill up with tho right kind ot
immigration and become all wo desiro it
to bo. Its futuro is very certain but
hard times tho world over stand in tho
way of its imniodiato realization.
I am frequently asked if times aro as
hard with us as hero at tho Hast. Tho
fact is, stringency is felt ovcry whero and
products aro as low hero ns with us.
THE MlriStioirri VALLEY, ETC.
As wo ontorcd tho Mississippi valley
wo discovered a great chango in ap
pearances; gradually tho country im
proved, fnnnors wero moro cultivated,
hom?s in bettor shapo nnd finally wo
camo into view of orchards, but not as
with us. Minneapolis and St. Paul aro
closo togother and yet each is a great
city. Tho mit.s at tho tirst named aro
wonderful and tho viow from tho stono
railroad bridge is wonderful, showing
tho falls of St. Anthony doing duty as
wntor power, driving tho wheels of
mighty mills that surround it Passing
on from thoso cities towards Chicago wo
woro 17 hours going all tho timo through
a lino farming country abundantly im
proved, nnd beautiful cities, and villages.
Tho travel is very groat, heio and tiio
roads are very smooth so that trains
rush along at tho rate of thirty miles an
hour with very littlo jar or discomfort.
Tho lay of tho country enables to build
roads easily and keep them in order
much easier than with us.
As wo approached Chicago wo saw
growing indications of a great city.
Immcnso factories wero in tho hiiburbs
and gradually houses wero moro doiuo
until at last, wo landed in tho vory heart
of tho metropolis. It chanced that wo
arrived hero tho samo day lllaino did and
I fiel now like repeating tho first
sentence of tho brief speech ho mado
last ovening ; "Chicago is great in all
things." Sho certainly is. Hearing that
tho great My was to havo a jolitical
display of uncommon magnitude I joined
tho throng in tho streets last evening
to see what I should seo. Wo do theso
things up in a small way in Oregon bnt
shall no doubt !ecorae ttxeited over
politics in duo Umo. It wos rather a
surpriso to an Orcgonian to diop into
Chicago when matters wero ntfovorheat
and a great display in progress. It is
estimated Mint over n hundred thousand
peoplo wero out in this city last ovening
to view tho great torch light procession
ntul twenty thousand mow wero march
ing, carrying torches with illuminated
mottoes, banners and in various soits ot
uniforms. It is jironouncod tho greatest
ofl'ort over, mudo by Chicago and was
worth two hours of an Orcgouinns' timo
to seo it all. I managed to bo under the
balcony whon lllaino spoke, saw him and
Lognn, heard both, then took a walk
through tho thronged streets to seo tho
organizing clubs and' having fully satis
fied myself, as lllaino says : thafChiciigo
is gteat in all things." I went coin
forlabln to bed and slopt as a man can
sleep who has notihad his clothosolT
for a week and hni curled up at night on
tho cushion of a railrwul car. I thought
I slept well ovcry ftlght but I slopt
grandly last night without dreaming
onco of politics, or that "Chicago is
great in all things." S. A. 0.
A Good Sufgoillon.
W.ivi:m.Y, wTt., Oct. 28, 18S1.
Editor WilUmetto Farmers
Being a constant reader of your pa
per, and who highly appreciates tho
liberal way in which you allow its col
umns to bo used by ovory porson who
has nny remarks to make, or instructions
to uivo, that will aid tho agriculturist, I
havo a suggestion to mako to your many
readers that I think thoy will ovcry ono
npprovo of; that is if any havo any ex
perience that thoy think would benefit
their fellow mon let them send it to
your paper to bo inserted for tho good
of nil. Never mind how poor you wnto
or spell, if you can mnko yourholf under-
staod, tho editor is capable of doing tho
Hoping I may soon seo n column of
each paper well filled with tho written
oxpcriouco of mon nnd women who havo
been successful in what thoy write about.
Yours respectfully,
William Ouaiiam.
JIei'LY. Bofcrring to tho abovo wo
will say that this is exactly what wo do-
siio and havo often tried. It is a good
idea and can bo mado of great ino to our
random in ovory direction. Wo havo an
ablo corps of editors who can and will
answer ovcry question propounded of a
reasonablo nature. Practical questions
ulono nro wanted. Our columns aro
open and wo hopoMr. (iraham will start
tlio ball rolling. rciuToiL j
Feather and Egg-Eating Hens.
Kriitor WilUmetto Farmers
It is not easy to break a fowl of tho
habit of eating tho egg, it is better to
mako a pot-pio of thooflonderboforo sho
teaches others how it is done. It is best
to scorch or burn tho egg-shells boforo
thoy aro thrown out. It is absolutely
necessary that tho hens should havo
Mich material given them as will pro-
duco tho sholl. Lima is excellent, but
bettor still is it to burn in thu kitchen
stovo any largo bones, mid thon pound
them up lino; putting this is in safe,
clean places, whero tho chickons will
havo daily access to it they cat it
greedily. Tho sccrotioness of a hen will
lead lior to somo dark placo to hido her
nost.smd if indulged in her way will lay
in a dark placo, whero sho cannot well
seo to pick open her egg. Wo onco had
a hen that would cat up every egg' sho
layed without stopping tocacklo; wo
put pepper and all sorts of stud' in other
eggs for hor to eat, but no mouns could
euro her, so wo tried tho pot pio after
sho hnd destroyed a couplo of dozen
There is nn inclination of, longing for
Jlesh food when a hen oxhibits a desiro
to cat her own feathers; it is an abnor
mal nppctito generally seen wheu tho
fowls aro confined in closo quarters;
givo them n littlo raw liver or any refuse
got cheaply at tho butcher's. Another
thing a hen wants to bo doing goncr-
ally mischief if thcro is any way get
ting at it, and it is astonishing how
quick thoy know whon thoy nro at mis
chief; only look at ono scratching tho
ilowcrs nnd sho will eoud away in n hur
ry. Hang a cabbage head up by tho
roots just high onough to havo a jump
and just seo how quick they will clean it
oft' to tho slump. Then ecnttcr grain,
covering it with straw so ns to givo ox
orciso in scratching for it.
K'atii: D.
Tlio Butto draugo Fair.
Wasmixotox Co., Or., Nov. 1.
KJItor Willametto Farmer :
Tlio annual fair of our tJrango was
held Wednesday, Ootobor 2i)lh, J8S-I,
and although it rained quito hard in tho
morning and many wero thcroby deter
red from coming, wo had a pretty good
attendance and a fair exhibit. Tho fol
lowing is, to far as timo permitted, a list
of articles exhibited and nnmo of ex
hibitor. Hut as many nrticlos did not
bear tho nnmo of tho exhibitor, anyone
omitted will ploaso consider tho omis
sion accidental:
Olds t Tyson, f var. potatoes, fruits of
dlllcrcnt kinds, 2 var. oats, 1 each of ryo
and wheat.
Mrs. A. M. Wood, dried fruit and com,
and proscrvos.
E. Wood, potatoos, vegetables, fruit.
II. E. Hayes, dried fruit, prunos.
jrra. M. A. Tiggard, vogclablos, fruit
nnd button
L. M. Atkins, prunes.
Mr. Morris, squash.
O. Frowimr, wnoat, timothy grown on
uplands, fruit, vegetables.
Paulson it ICclso, ! var. of potatoes,
swoot corn in stalk and cam, vegetables,
lfi var. fruit, butter-nuts, homo grown
mixed grass seed, evorgreon blackberry.
Mrs. F. M.Paulson nnd Clarn J. Kelso,
butter, jelly, and preserves.
0. Gault, vegetables.
P. Gault, 2 var. potatoes.
James Marian, potatoes, and giant sun
flower, specimen of charcoal.
A. It. Shipley, grapes.
Wm. Pollard, churns, butler worker,
fruit, vegetables, largo licet, mangel
wurtzol, cauliliowcr.
0. Bunnell, vogctablos, 25 ib cabbage,
poko berries, fruit.
0. W. Bryant caulillowem, ond-)ther
vcgctablos, fruit.
J. II. Kruso, sido oats and Chili club
in sheaf.
P. Withy-combe, tiles.
Mrs. llachcl McCay, hand mado laco.
MJsb Mary MolCiiy, hand mado lace.
Mrs. C. E. Shipley, rut:, crndlo quilt.
Mm. K. Olds, lam 1 1 unit, tidy.
Miss E. Morris, tidy.
.Mrs. II. Tyson, tidy and pillow sham.
Mrs. F. II. Strauss, hand basket.
Mrs. J. MoFarland, bouquet.
Mrs. llnttlo Heath, picture, bouquet.
Tho fair pnssed oil' pleasantly and
seemed to lo well enjoyed by all present
as was tho excollont dinnor provided by
sister M. A. Tigard.
Thomas Paui.he.v, Secretary.
Which 1 Best Eating 7
Kditor Willamette Farmers
Thero is no doubt from our own oxpo
rienco but that tho Black Spanish and
tho Plymouth Bocks nro good layers.
Tho Spanish is about as good as crow
for tablo iiso ; Mm Plymouth is good for
eating, but tho vory best fowl for cook
ing wo havo yet found is tho Cochin,
with a littlo cross of Plymouth Hock;
tho bin! is largo, juicy mid has an excel
lent flavor. Ono would scarcoly believe
what a differenco thoro was in tlio tasto
of tho meat of tho various fowls. It
would bccin as if u chicken was a
chicken tho world over, but somo, ovon
when cutting up fat and in good order
will bo tnstoloss and dry when cooked ;
so in rearing fowls it is just an easy to
have the best, only calling for a littlo
caro and forethought in setting thought
kind of eggs. Wo should after this
havo n good many Cochin Chinas in our
broods, but then wo would havo, some
good layers too. JsJC.
Who owns the Hog 7 .
Biii-niiiii'iu), Or., Nov. II, 1881.
Fitor Wriliinutto Frmtrt
Ploaso uay through your paper to .tho
public that I cupturcd it savugei.ful)-
NO. 31)
grown malo hog which hni been on and
about my placo for ono yenr. If any
ono having lost such nn animal will
bring a fair description, ago, marks and
other peculiarities, they can, by paying
reasonable charges, tako tho animal
away, within fifteen days, aa I am food
inghim. Jly residence, is-lmslcs oast of
Salom. Jonx B. Leiimax.
Weather Roport for October, 1804.
Eola, November 1, 1881.
1-Mltor Wlllamolto Farmer:
During Oct., 1881, Micro woro 1) dnyH
during which rain foil, and an aggre
gate of 2.80 inches ot water, !1 clear, 10
fair nnd 1) cloudy days other than thoce
on which rain fell.
The mean temperature for (ho mouth
was RO.'U dcg.
Highest daily mean temperature for
tho month, 00 dcg. on tho lfllli.
Lowest daily mean tenipcraturo for the
month, 'HI (leg. on tho (ith.
Mean tenipcraturo for tho month at
2 o'clock v. m., fiO.DO (leg.
Highest temperature for tho month, 03
deg. at 2 p. M. on tho Kith.
Lowest tcnqicmturo for tho month, !17
deg. at 7,'r. . on tho (Ith.
Tho prevailing winds for tho month
woro from tho north during 12 days,
south 11 days, south-west (1 days.
During Oct., 18811, thoro was 11 rainy,
0 clear, and 1 1 cloudy days.
Mean temperature for tho mouth,
10.0'Jdeg. " t
.Highest dally mean tompojaturoifoj.
tho month, 67 (leg., on tho 3d.
Lowest daily mean tenipcraturo for
tho month -11 dcg. on 21st.
Ticks oa Cattle.
Kdltor Willamette Farmer)
Can you givo mo an effectual remedy
for kcoping wood ticks from cattlot My
pasture is partly old field and partly
woodland. Tho ticks attach themselves
to tho cattle early in summer and re
main on tho rest of tlio year, causing,
from their number, much loss of llcsh. I
havo tried dusting them with Insect
Powdor, but it seems to havo ofi'cct.
Axsweh. Tho best remedy for ticks
is to rub them thoroughly with grease.
A piece of fat bacon answers as woll as
anything elso. Hub insovoral directions,
so that tho ticks will bo greased all ovor.
llcpart, if necessary. Tho greasing ought
to lo douo early in tho season, when tho
ticks first mako their appearance.
Selecting a Milch Cow,
Tho best sign for richness of milk it
deep oiangu color inside the ears. Such
is said to bo infallible, but thcro aro ac
companying points that assist the ex
port in making this election from a
number. After examining tho enrs, fool
tho skin on the rump and observe that it
should bo soft, velvety, and fall again to
position when tho hand is removed. Tho
hair should bo iiuo and silky, with a
yellowish cast underneath. Tlio milk
veins should bo ory prominent, largo
and uniform in size, knotted or waved,
and tho uddor well balanced, extondinf'
full to the rear, ii'id woll forward in
front. The bones should bo fine, tho oyo
mild ami expressive tho ixxly showing a
tendency to avoid accumulating fat, the
teats ovon and at regular intervals, with
tho escutcheon well defined, dandruff
being easily rubbed Microform, and the
cow should bo not only a good feeder
but a good drinker also.
Joseph Cook Coming.
This noted and talented Boston diviuo
will bo in this State uoxt month and will
deliver a courso of lectures at Portland
and this place. Tho'limo set for Salem
is November lOthaud lltlt. The subjects
will bo "Tho seven wonders of the world"
and 'Does death end 'alls'" Theso aro tho
two best lectin es that Mr- Cook del hers
and aio much sought after and lead. Tho
lectures will bo delivered nt lleeus Opera
House lor tho benefit pf the museum of
tho VHJimtto 1'nivorsity. Tho lectures
wiH prove highly interesting and thu
object is indeed a worthy ono. There will
bo i full hoiiso to great Mr. Cook, wo
feel, assured.