WILLAMETTE FARMER: SA.LEM, OREGON, OCTOBER 24 1884. jjtodt. Tho Color Marks of Borkslilrca. Tho Horksbiro ib a blnclc hog, with whito on tlio foot, fnco, tip of tail, mid, as tho Htundunl iiIIowh, iui occnsional flplash on tho arm. Although those murks nro nlmoU ossontiiil to tho Uerk shiro?, thoy call for but four points of tho poatiblo ono hundred. It is object ed to by EOino that four points nro not onough to nil for tho primo marks that assist to distinguish tho Uorkshiro, for such marks mo his badges of purity, and nro tho strongest evidences of his breeding; but wo think diu"oiontly and commend the wifdom that allows only four points to tho color marks, which really have nothing to do with tho actual morils of tho animal, but servo as dis tinguishing signs, which only servo it partial purpose. Do nwny with tho whito marks, and stilt any practical suino breeder enn easily judge of tho firm and gonoral make-up of tho Ili'rk-hiio, as it has certainly meritorious eharncterislics not perceptible in any other breed. As it Inn been bred truo to tho whito spob?, so has it been bred for utility and profit. Tho standard is very liberal, for it allows an "occasional siilash on the arm," and takes away the points from tho marks of color and places them where they will call for tho breeding for excellence. Dividing tho four points into wixtlin, to accord with the six locations, only two thirds of a point is allowed to each, and a recont writer, commenting on this fact, Hays that n black tail would dis qualify a licrkshlro loss than one point, and that it is evident that tho makers of (ho standard never intended il to bo ap plied In this way, and that tho true ap plication must be not to reckon tho color points scpcrately, but as a whole. This plan cuts a hog at least three points for any of tho defects. Although but four points are allowed, tho markings of the Jtorkshircs nro porfect, and in tho effort to perpetuate the color marks thero is no necessity for a selection so rigid as to a fleet any of the useful finalities. Wo are willing to agrco that a llerkshire not posseting tlio white marks should bo disqualified, for wo must havo external signs for lodgment, but thoy havo been maintained by giving thorn only four points. Hogs nro not bred for exhibition, but for the pork barrel, and while the farmers of the standard havo wisely made it imperative that color marks be adhered to, yet they have taken greater pains with (ho hog for what he should ho, and to-day the breed is better than ovor, brooding truor, ami improvoi all othors upon which is crossed. With only four points allowed for marks, it is difli cult to find a Berkshire without them. In fact, it is nn oft repeated maxim that "all Herkshires aro alike." Uniformity, quality iiid general characteristics are deeply fixed and lasting,-thauks to tho farmors of tho standard. Ex. innres up to tho tho standard described the object is to point out what is do sirnblo in n maro, bo that when an oppor tunity to change oflers, suitabloi mnres can bo provided to replace objectionable ones. Exchange. Castrating and Spaying. In most rural communities, there nro person's who make n business of attend ing to such matters for farmers, for a small sum Jpcr head, nnd it is better to hnvo such person do it, ns ho is experien ced, than to attempt to do it yourself, in most cases. It is well, however, to J know how it should be dono, and many farmers understand it and do all such work themselves. With hordes, it is best to havo a professional castrate tho colts, ns it is often a nice mattor to do it properly, though with swino, etc., tho work is not ililliciilt. Whore pigs aro reared for slaughter, it is best to castrate the males nnd spay tho sows at an early nge, as thoy grow much bettor, nro qtiiotir and iet'or f olo b ami tho Ileth is a considnrablu impiovemont. Wo always have th porkers intended for our own uso treated in this way, nnd would ndviso others to try it. Of courso nil tho boars intended for killing aro nro castrat ed, yet but few sows aro spayed. Tho benefit is almost as decided in tho latter caso as iu tho former. Bjrrup ot Hss. Nature's own true laxative. I'leoxant to tho ntlato, acceptable to the stomach, harmless in its nature, palulesn in it, action. Cures hab itual conjtip.tion. Iiilliousnrss, indigestion and kindred ills. Cliansts the system, puri fies the blood, reeulite the liver and acts on tho bowels. Break i up co'dr, chills and fevers oto. strongmen tho organs on wmen it acts. Rotter than hitter, nauswoua liver mtdlcine, pllli, salts nnd draughts Hiniplo bottle free, and Urge bottles for tatc !y all druggiits. tf Fairs as Educators Solectlon of Brood Mares A correspondent of an English paper gives tho following sonsiblo advico to purchasers of brood marcs: Thoy should commenco their inspection at tho ground and work upward. This is a good plan, ns romotimes a buyer is at tracted by a showy-(opped animal, with a Hue symmetric.il outline, and is so fascinated that ho neglects the more im portant points the feet nnd legs. A brood maro should bo young nnd vigorous; her constitution not impnrod by con tinuous years of excessive toil and hard feeding. Worn-out mares are not suit able to breed from. Mares should havo good, tough, open feet, the pasterns stioug, but not too perpendioular. Tho cannon bono should bo shoit, llat, and broad from tho side-view, with a llnitv appearance. Tho hcks and knees broad", tho latter from the front and the former from a side, view ; thighs and arms big and muscular. She should pos.vs a gol chest mid cent, with a okun-cut headj tho eyes liely, indicating docility and pluck; the neck fairly long ami n't well into the xhouMeiv, which should not bo upright but slanting. fcho should not Iks short-backed a maro with length and room about her usually breeds tho largest and bejt foals. Tho ribs bhould bo woll sprung front tho hack-bone, and deep Itoth beforo and back, tho quarters long and drooping behind. Thoy should bo broad on top. (ail well set on and loins well arched ; but above all, it is Cfhcntlnl die. eboulil bo sound. Xo maro should bo broil from that is a roarer or broken-winded, or has his side or ring Ihiiios, log or bono spavins, week feet, badly nhaped hocks, or calf-knees. Another matter which requires attention is tho animal's temper, tho offspring often taking the temper ot tho dam. Tho iniorUnee, therefore, of selecting a quiet-tempered maro of sound consti tution lor breeding purpa-es is apparent, and though last not least, umaro should go straight and square in her action, as it is nccensary in all ca.cs, for whatever inn pose they aro Used, that marcs should Itavo a good walking and trotting action. It is next to imposfiblo to get a hor.o possessing as many good qualities and as few bad oti04 ns one would wuh, but it is well to remember that a mnro should be five from all hereditary diseases to ho buitablo for breeding purposes. It would, therefore, bo well to have tho opinion of a veterinary surgeon iu to tho porfect touudncss of a maro intended for tho stud. Of course, it is not intended that breedor should only put to tho stud rarniors havo not as cordially devoted themselves to tho success of annual fairs as their importance demands. The local annual fair is tho farmer's homo school, and should teach a valuable, practical lesson. Tho fair should bo expected to bring together tho best cvidenco of tho advancement of agriculture in the (lis trict. If tho farmers iu (he district, re presented by tho annual fair, entered into it as a mattor of personal interest, compoting whenever nn opportunity ollercd, offering prizes In nil thoso de partments most requiring improvement, stimulating a lively rivalry, such en thusiasm would produce most unexpect ed progress, and soon give the fair a wide reputation. Tho fair is capable of being organized into a most instructive school iu any or all departments ot agriculture. Lot us suppose that cattle feeding for beef is nu iiiiportiint industry in tho district. Now this business, by some, is supposed to bo woll understood by farmors, ami thoy aro hardly awaro that anything ic mains to bo learned about it; but when you meet ono who holds that opinion, just ask him what it costs, accurately, to raipo a thrifty steer tho tlrst twelve months. Ho can do nothing more than give a guess nt it. As he docs not know tho cost of tho steer, ho docs not know whether it is kept at a prollt or loss ; this is tho precifo stato of agricultural knowledge upon this matter. Hut n proper management of tho fnir will soon produce accurate knowledge on this question. I-ct $10 bo offered for tho best two-year-old, and if20 for tho best yoar ling, and half the amount to tho second host, with a (till account of nil tho food given in separate periods of six months, making it easy, to determine the real cost ot tho animal ; this will not only render it easy to figure tho cost of tho animal nt ono nnd two years old, but it will show another important fact, tho cost ot keeping at different ages. This point would bo of tho greatest conso qtienco to tho old-fashioned farmers, wholmvo been wont to consider beef under threo to four years old ns of vory inferior valtto, mid who hnvo never dis covered that their steers do not pay thoir keeping in gain after thoy nro two years old. This test in actual feeding will show them that tho younger the animal tho less it costs to put on n hundred pounds livo weight that it bikes less food the tlrst six mouths thuu second, loss tho second than the third, and less tho third than tho fourth six months, ami so on; ami vhon this law is thoroughly understood, tho beof-pro-ducer will govern himself nccordingly. Tho fair is tho practical school to tench such principles. Kvcry priz offered should bo for tho illustration of some important point in agricultural practice; and as tuofcedimrof livo stock absorbs more of tho capital and time of tho farmor than any other seeialty, so it should occupy a ery prominent position at all our local fairs, ami tho prizes should bo given to illustrate in a practical way all tho live-stock specialties. All breeds of cattle should be encourag ed alike, for each breed has special quai Mentions, adapting it to certain localities. All matters in farm practice should bo illustrated at our fairs, nnd every fanner should regard it as his duty to assist in building upthe.-e local fairs. Ltvo-Stock Journal. New Mexico is forging to tho from with ti no cattle. From our advices wo should say that 1,500 thoroughbreds and 11,000 grado bulls had been taken into tho territory the present season. In these the Shorthorns greatly predominated. Tho Albauy hand and Cattle Company, with a capital of $5,000,000, has inst boon incorporated at Laramio City. Tho stock of tho company is understood to bo taken largoly iu Europe. NOTICE TO FARMERS, And all Intorrutod In Fruit Drying. JOJLK JiRUSU X- SON, ALBANY, : t t OREGON Manudcture to order OLVAMZEO WIRE CLOTH I'ueTrny mill J'rnlt Drier. NOTICE AL0 "VRDBIIS FILLED O.V fillUUT f make w order MOir.X Mini: MAiTltlNhl, nlth or without tightener. l'i:itlOttATi:i ZINC Inr Fannlnr llllli, a at kinds of VtlUi:t'LOIII OREGON WIRE WORKS, JullS-3m A til 1V, Orrjjnn. FURNITURE, FURNITURE, Z. F. POWERS, FURNITURE MANUFACTURER! -Dealer in- Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper & Upholstery, ISIAU DILLON & SONS I LEVI DILLON A SON. IMPOUTKIISAND IUIKKOKHS OF NORMAN HORSES ! (Formerly ot firm of K. Dillon A. Co ) NEW IMPORTATION Arrived In fine condition June IS, 1CSI. Ilaionowa hriro collection of choice animate. nTAIiLI'.H ANI lll'.UMH UtTDUH Lflf'AT Hit AT Ml It MA I., Opponlto tlio Illinois Central and Clilrnjo and Alton l)eote. Street can run from the Lako Er o ft Writ' tru and Indianapolis, lllootuliiKlon a'M Western Do. H3t. In nioomlngtoii, direct to our stahli In Normal. Addrraa : DILLON BROS., Normal, 111 scpllmS Words Fail. Of all kind. A large and iclcct itock of I'nrlor and (Jliumhcr Sc(.s Of Oregon and E.U crn Manufacture; Ottlce and echoot furniture of all varieties. School Dcalcs a Specialty. Ware Hoonn No. 183 and 1IH Flrtt itrcet, between Yamhill and Jlorrlion itrcet. rptie Hrniml llmiil Hlnroof t. K. l'oweri, UUly X on tkcond and SIorrlon atrcoUi ( now perman ently locnto 1 at 191 Front alrect. lie tw ecu Ta;lor and Yamhill ttreet, connecting wltli hie ilore on Flrit atrcct, Hhcre tho Highlit l'rlco Is tld for Huue.liohl Furniture. Hnoclal tccominoilttloni for rtlci mIiKIiij to store furnltuteor houieliold goods. l'artl- Intemllnir to furnish rooms, duelling, or hotels, aro InWtwl to Address for further urtlculari as to dticrlptlons and prices. oirViaits 188 and 100 First, and I'M Front Street, Portland, Or. rpnitf PRICE OF WHEAT IN JANUARY I Owing to the recent reduction in the prices of WALTHAIVT WATCHES by the Manufacturers and on account of the Low Price of Wheat, we will sell any grade of this Watch (in which line we are overstocked) at prices that will pay you to go out of your way to purchase. Prices this week. sTrTlirao Prlrr only I'lifll lil Klnck la llnnr. Stem ttlndlwr Ihrtletu 4 ot, Oni, fiilvtr Cue iiim Sam, Key-Wlndlnir , 2160 For 8 nnd 0 OS cases a i1hto. Undtr certain condition Warranto I for S jeara." J 1. JCoJJOWJSLL, Salem, Orc(on. "Words fall to eiprcss my grati tude," says Mr. SRLtir OAirrr.n, of NmUyIUc, Teuu., "for the benefits dorlreU from Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Hiring boon Aflllctnl nil my life with ScroC uln, my system seemed saturated 1th It, It came out Iu lllotclics, Ulcora, nml Mattery Horrs, kit orer my body." Mr. Carter state that ho iu entirely curcl by tbo use of Arcii'4 BAiMAi-AitiLLA, and since illscon tlnuliiK IU use, eight month dgo, he luu ha4 do return ot tho scrofulous sytnjitoms. All baneful Infection! of tho blood art promptly remoreJ by this unequalled alter- tire. mxrAriED nr Dr.J.C.AyordCoLowoIljMass. Sold by all DraggtsUi II, ttz bottle for 13. Buetlen' Arnica Salve. The Inist Slve in the world lorJuU,ltrui o. Soree, Ulcer. Salt ltheum. Fever Sore. Tetter, Chapped Hamls, Chllblaius, Corn ami an auiuf.ruptiom, sua po4iuveiycura File, or no pay required. It it guarantee! to gWo aatttfactiou, or money refunded) Pnca A5o ixr box. For ulo by Port & So-, ly Wfi JBVV V ji JWrini jT U nlnluar liar Knife tocut a Inadot Clluy IrJ CJiiiTlUyiifowttoua,ni a to Jltcli 00" fy?"". IhUU Till. liNII'Hwhfcht'Mla IX truant II uy ruadUy, Mauufact'd only by TOE LIGHTNING HAY KNIFE 11 TUB BEST KNIFE IN THE WORLD! or To Cut II A V A- hTKAW rum im Alow, Biam, To t'Mt r n nil. miiillK. Into nu riv.1 fr llmult, I I'llll (Al.llll ll.W NMTAI.ICS I I1A. ur rrauriiii.i t ". iu ilS 'i li ThCui i:sii.tii:rrin to nu rii.vi , aun .(Mo. To rot ri:.T. aui Dllrlilnu In Hon anil .lien utlluir on ili, m. werluu g w rootii and uumi nvta an iiilii tliruiwli. reaillly. rrmrrluvtur any cf tula uotk to ito, lionlil imt Mliumii a uvniuiUK nay uuilt,, I would uot. alUr an liour'a trial, uorr4.orcow.il uut rnrrn 'I lSiaBllllkBaSteMtkr- , ''ISSsBK.P ("HOW TtfTELL'THE APE OF A HORSE." V w A Fookat Manual of Oreat Value. Written hyrnOP. IIEA11D, n Jfcmber of tbo Itoyal Colleiro , of Votcrlonry Burgeons. London, nnd ono of tbo 1'rolw ' or ot tbo Kerr Vorlc Collcgo of Votorlnary Burgoons. Tbo Importance of knowing how to tell tbo ago of a horse by an examination ot hi troth, cannot ho orortttlnutctl by tlioso rrbo hate occasion to 11UV laORHlSH. 6urh knowledfo Is VALUAIIMC nltk In thn irnrtuir. at orolififif iin.1 Mcctinnlc. and mar often sure numudoQur to ltitxnaaar. Dy a study ot tbls book, all may learn In a abort tlma to become ex perts. Xngrartng aro gtrcn showing the shape of tbo tcetb front (ho ago oCTnto atA n Hnlfvenra up to Twunty Veiirn. Tho TRICKH or horaA trailrr nhn Iloelnr. Dp tho teeth of OLD KORHICH to make tbcm LOOK Vl)rao, ana thus deeelTi) purchaser, aro fully ItXl'OBVU. and tlio matter oxplalnod to clearly that do ona need bo cheated. TbU 1 tbe most practical book of tho kind orer published. There liaobiptor also on Hone character, or UowtoTeU the Disposition of a Bona t whether Klun ana cjciiiic, or VIclanM and t'nrellntalc. Hound In extra cloth, with Ink aide) stamp. iTlco Wccnt.. Dent by Ot'Cfon. inall on receipt ot tbli amount in postage itampi or cthorwUo. Address, Willamette Karma; Salem, OEO. A. MOO UK, President. J. N. PATTO.V, Secretary. Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co'y OF CALIFORNIA. A NcKINNIE Manager for Northwest Department. OFFICE WITH PORTLAND SAVINGS BANK. Incorporated Under the Luwh or California, and Is to-Day the Strongest Life Insurance- Co. iu Amer ca. REKFKIlE.SCK'j Company : TO MK.N I.N r0UTLA.V) WHO HAVE 110,000 ,l.V8URANCK EACH IN TIII8 3. a. STiiowiminaK, j L. 0. llVIIICIISrlS, JAMK.S HTKKU a A. IlOLl'll, J. k. uirx, V. ZANOVICII K. A. KI.03TE11MAN Cou J. tlcCKAKK, W. W. ol'AULDlNU I'. L. WILLIK, J.D. JUKINNON, XI. ZANOVICII B. nunitELL. C. M. wniK.no, Da.OKO. K.NOTTAOR, ANDItEW IIOUEUTB. J 03. UUIIKIIAIIOT, ap'iOmJ CLOSING OUT FOR BARGAINS ! CAltItM.KS, A LA HOE STOCK Of ItUGGIES, OICEfJON HACKS, WAGONS, PUTNAM CARTS, tiXPKUSS If tiiiiftiHimiiV y V(H)tofutt JJxUtnluflUy M or Biaclt. il .IU IkI ixti.ir, to tntjr0 Jktyjrvm ikt riUtf tli ton, w hero U Ulr (Aj MMi or ftdrX. luitei4f of iiltchlnr f mm ninkfun ana lonJUnr HIRAM HOLT & CO.foUte TAKU K. IIUNLIIYS Dandelion. Tonic I ...A 6eiitain cube rou.... Malaria, Indirection, Dyupcpaia, Loaa of Appotlto, Norvonanoas, Gonoral Doblllty, Through over-oik. and all dUorder of the Stomach uitr. the Tear hen : the Sprtnff and Uitr. Tlds is lu.l the leasoo cl Ilia Tonla la of IneatluKtla tlua. Ourlnir ajid Summer month ilalarl I prevalent and on feels languid and droy and Ueproed vlthoul kuowlng h)'. The S) strut need toninir and Int U-oratlne Nothing Is so ettectuil a lltUL'd DANDELION TONIC Am jour druroist for a bottle, and take nothing .Im. UAMtlXlOV TOMI to., Ur6m l-OUTLAND, OHLGOK. BLYMER MF'G COMPANY ZIMERMAN FRUIT DRIERS, Victor SorghumS Sugar Mills. JAMES LINFORTH, General Ageut Tor tho Pacific Coast, a MAIS STREET, SAX riUNCISCO, Illustrated CaUlrue and our Sugar Hand Book, a valuable trMtUe on sufir rane and treatment ot stun il Juice. Mnl fr on amdloatiou -."i .. .j. uauuevue rstiueaire. aid I'lMHtUteohTen atao aak for Pilots dslUertvl at )our aeareat railroad point, either from Facioo" or Saa Yranvitoo. auctoni TRUCKS AND DRAYS, milE LAUOEST AND BEST 8T0CK EVEll OKFEHEt IN rOItTLAND.-THE BEST WnitK X lest moiie). Ti:U)IS..l'aCi or Aiiprinril Rote, If )0U nt an) llilnjf Iu thl Hue on can Kt a baryaln by calllnir, or aendlut; for prire catalr-ve to FOIl THE aprltf 17BT- OtBre Corner of Madison and Front Stre Portland, Ore(on, Lock P. 0. box oS. SEEDSMEN AND NURSERYMEN ! AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Ornamental, Shade and Fruit Trees! Red, ...... HAVE A rilESIl SUPPLY OF .. . Wliitu anil Alsiko Clover Seed ; KiitrUsli, Freiich and Italian Ityo rass : Orchard Grass and Johnson .rass; Mcsqiiitf, Allallu and Kcd Top ; Timothy. Vetches and Oat Crass; Kakhard and Honey Clover. A LS 0 IMPROVED VARIETIES OF ORAIN FOR SUllU.N'fi. KYE. WELCOME OATS, ROVAL AUSTRALIAN Wheat. Older, filled for ill arletles kion .1 SUrul.l.rrr mid Ktcrurreu. Orderi for .urr) Stock of all kinds fltl.d proivptl and at LOWEST CASH RATES "rBrcr"', 3.order lor spl0!3 Aiditw MILLr.U KltOii., WJ Second street, Portland, Oregon, Wo nukle frum the In nulrml i!iiu..t ll,r7r - - -- - - ' - .w.n.a... ..n Mr ..a lor J'nlrylvootl!, Uatftroiuuklior tretuifaauJ iJiniJiH. I ty. LwtMiM icwar cen of thrtr ihiiUiJirT. k.u .v tacnirrr ci tiiriu; iiuirutM lartory tliunu llafcou'ii lna Ilnftitk- lA.L-a. 1 rH "..Jl V.T '. ,,U ii tfn..V. iY..'"i:Lr .!" ;.t"L?5S. un" .unrt. 1.A "":; "iai vMHiusin-um i nik,iiOaxrorr.pii?. ilm mitmllv I kurn tit lakn ,.nu - ..71" "rr,ri, Vii" .".. : ..mvsishiii.- wui-ri nr linrn ha nrnc.- ah pit wnuiuxi rxmrtlr a txivvvcntM Ti VnTn COBJflSH, CmTIS & GREElFort XtMrSo son, fiend for CotalOBua ia Prioaa. jjjjj ATLAS ENGINE WORKS inuiinjruuB. IF1U., U, 5 A STEAM ENEIHES& BOILERS, CIT Ealtaad Boilers la Stock iw lauMsiaie stntcri. ' ,4 mssUsjU