WILLAMETTE FARMER: SALEM, OJREGON, OCTOBER 10, 184. imni tyUcrnhirfy cossirEus. In tpimlrug of another's faults, pray won't target your own, Jio:n -nil)! r tl.ose iti houses of flats ahoulil nov r throw ttoi c. If we Iiavj totlihig cbo to do, hut talk of tho-o who lin, Ti i cf.cr wo, coMtnct os at lionio anil from that point begin. e lnvi. no rijjlit to jtnlgo a man until W falrl. tried, Should wo not like his cotnpauy, wo l;unw tins uorlil is wido. ferns miy liavo fault, an 1 who hai not, the old ai well an young. TVi nny, jnrliapf, for aught wu l:uo, liaMi fifty to their otiu. I'll tell yun Utter plan and find it works full well. To try my own defects to euro bofora I of other till. -Anil tlio I oiiiutirwii hopo to ho no worso than cino I kuow, ily own ahn, tcomiiig bid me lot tho faulla of oth'ri go. Thou lit u all when wu commence to sljndcr friend or fue, Think of tin harm ouo woid may do to tlioio wu little know. "Kumouilitr curses scincUincs, liko ouruuiuk- en, rorst at horn..., J'on't pjuak cf other' faults uti'll we hnvo iiiiui) of our own. Hid Chair-rlondor. J was called nlumt threo months iigo QinM the doctor) lout tend mi old woman vho was dying. She I mil coino to the town i nly tin evening before, in tho lit tle trvtliiig wagon which rorvod J or Sir a lniiiho, drawn ly an old broken down horo, niul nccoiup.itiU,d by two groat black d lys, who wuio hor friends and Kunnlinn. Tho priest wus already there whui I uirivul. SIu apiiointcil tm titt? solo executors, nnd in order (hut wo might enuipri Itpinl Iho full purport of hur lnt nMvi she told us the whole rtory of litr life. J nuvcr heard any thing ttiiuiK' ' '!' HK'iv poignant. Hor fnthor and mother hud both boon tinvoli'ig rli.'Jr-meiuIcrfl inendcr of old itraw I'ltniro. Mho never hud a li.cd res Klnn'cu lu. lur whole life. Whoa tho U'tH n very unnll child she ued to run nK'Ut, ragged, Kird'ul, cov retl with vctintit. Tho wugon ued 3oncmlly to hull in tho neighborhood of rUliigM, botido tho ditches; tht'ii the bortc would be unharnessed and turned loon to graze, the doy would go to shop Mating his now upon his pawn, nnd the oliilil would tiiituo herself rolling in the grass, while tho father and mother nl ti) wuil; iitidii tho hhadow of the road lido elms, reUilunuiiig all the old chairs in the pariah. Tlioro was hrntvidy a word of eonwrvdion in tlie ! wltng wagon. When they hnltcil, tin parents uovor ejol:c o.e U to decide who should inlco the ills) turn at making n l-ouud of thn vlllnjjo wit'i tho fauilliiir cry: 'Oli.ihd to mem!!" And thon they would t'.t down in mIi nee, fneo to face, and lOiunioneo to lit straw. Hut when the oldld wandeied too far away, or tiled to make friends with boftio village urchin, forthwith tho father' furious voico would thunder out i "Come b.iok bore, you slinking jjood-for-nojhing"' Those are tho t idy aflVotionalo words jl;o over hoard. When hIio xvt a little older, thoy xiii.nl l send her for tho material for the balt".i- of worn out chairs. In tins wy he lu.iuaged to make the shadow of acquaintance with tho little boys of tho ueighboihoodt but on such occasions It wai the parents of her new friends wJio would cull their children in-dixns . "Here! come iu at mico, you little Mack guanl! Let mor. t.h you again talking to vagabonds am ..imps:' l'Oy.S VtbCil to tluvw Qilen the h:t.. ttuiies at lior. Soiivoliu.iw 1,! 'ies gavo her a for cents; o;id thoso nlie ued liu'lo awuy carefully. O.ie day (fhe wa then eleven years old) while she was passing through this part of tho country, tw happened to eeo little Uhouipiut 1 ehiud tho ceiiKtory wall crying as If his heait would break be tamea bigger boy hail stolen two copier Dis from him. Tboso tears, the tears of a little IwrugiHitt, t1"1 ' uo of those well-to-iLi pO'ipK's children whom she had always pictured to herself, in that weak, foolish, utdnppy little brain of hoi. s ever happy and joyful, com pletely upset lui. HIio approached liimi and when the bad learned the reason of hh grief, ehe pouivd into his hands nil her saving?, eveu c its, which, ho ae cQpUM qulU n.-iui,dl, at tho auio time vlplug his tears away. Then, feeling almoit crazy with jvv . fho bud tho pre mmpllon to kiss lam. As he w as still raiefnlly iuicct. k Ids money, bo id Lftullir i. .1- t Finding; that she ,( !. - ' ' Vc:tU, bc did it ngain ; alio hugged him with all her little, strongtli, pressed him to her little child-heart, thon ran away. What had taken placo in that unhap py litllo bond of horsT Did sholovo the littlo urchin only hocausc alio hnd had tho delight of flanificing her whole vng nbond fortune for him, or because' she hnd given him her first loving kiss? Tho mystery of affection ii as deep in chil- ilrnn n in ndnll.t. 1'or months sho dreamed of that ceni-etery-cornor and that littlo boy. In tho expectation of seeing him ngain, sho stole from her parotid?, filching n cent hero nnd a cent there, misappropriating trifles in her purchases of Btraw, or pocketing an odd com when bcih to market to buy provisions. When they returned to thn villngoslio had thus managod to accumulalo two francs and a half, but she was not able to do moro than catch a glimpo of tho littlo hoy, very neatly drcseod, in his father's drugstore, between a glims jar lllled with red water nnd a bottled tnpo worm. Sho only loved him all tho moro charmed, enchanted, ecstcticnlly de lighted with that glory of colored water, Unit apotheosis of Binning crystal. Sill) knilt that ilinfliW'i.iililo inninnrv In hciself; and when sho met him again ine next yoar, playing at ton-pins witn Iijr comrade, sho throw horself upon him, caught him in her anus, and kisxed him ho violently that ho fairly yelled willi terror. Then, just to keep him fpiict, hJio gavo him all her money three francs and twonty centimes a veritable treasure, at which ho gazed with oyes inndu big by wonder. Ho took it, and let her caiess him to her heart's content. For four years moro hIio poured all her lcserve funds into his hands; and he always conscientiously jiockoteil them in oxchuniro for kisses endured. One limo it wni thirty snus, another time two francs, another time onlv twelve sous (sho cried with jmin and humilia tion to oiler so little, but business had been very bad that ycai), and the lust time five frnuoK, a great big round silver piece, which made him laugh with de light when ho saw it. Sho could think of nothing else but him; and ho used to watch for her re turn witli n certain impatience, and oven run to meet her when ho saw her, so that tin little girl's heart bounded for joy. Then, all at once, ho disappeared. Ho had been sent to college. HIio found it out by shrewdly epiostioning. Thon, by dint of infinite diplomacy, sho tried to chango tho regular itinerary of her pa rents so that thoy might stop at this vil lage just about vacation time. Sho succeeded ; but it look bora whole year's ribing to do it. Thus she remained two whole years without socing him: nnd when she snw him again, sho hardly knew him, so tall and handsome ho hml become, and so elegant ho looked in bis rtudeut'ri tunio with gilt buttons, lie Inelended not to boo her, and walked mui;htily by. She cried about It for two wholodays; and from that time sho sudoral without intermission. Kvery year sho camo back to the vil lage, p.iscd him by in tho street with out during to salute biui, and without his ever condescending even to turn his eyes toward her. She loved him madly. She raid to me : " llo is the only man I ever saw in this world, monsieur; I did not even soom to know whether any oth er man existed." Her parents kith died. She continued their business, but sho kept two dogs instead of ouo two torriblo dogs that nobody would dare to interfere with. One day, on her annual return to this village in which sho had left her heart, she saw a young woman leaving Chou qitel'H drug-storo on tho arm of her lover. It was his wife. lie was married I That name night she threw herself into the doep pond which is before the Place do la Maine. A drunken mini, who was getting homo later than usual, saw hor, tibhed nor out, and carried her to tlodtug store. Tho younger Chou ipiet came down stairs in his dressing gown to attend her; and, without seem ing to know her, ho undressed her, applied frictions, administered stimu lants, and then said to her in a very harsh oice "You are crazy! You mustn't play tho fool like that!" He had spoken to her I That tdouo wus enough to euro her. It made her happy for ever so long. lie refused to take any money for his services, 'iltliough sho Insisted on paying him as well as sho could. And nil hor life passed away in tho same manner. While mending her chairs he thought of nothing but Ohoinpict. Kvery year she saw him be hind the glass windows of bis drug store. Sho made, a practice of buying littlo stocks of drugs and medicines from him. Thus sho could sometimes bo near him and speak to him, nnd enjoy tho pleas nro of still giving him money. Well, us I toll! you before, she died this Miring, And after she had told me her wuolo sad story, mio K'gged mo to carry to the until she had so patiently loved the eutiro savings of her life, of Hfty-two years' labor; for sho had work ed only for him only for him. she said often fasting in order to be able to lay a tiitlo of money by, mi that sho might he sure ho would somo day think of her, at least once in a while, after sho was dead. So she iMVtf me 2:V27 francs, I hand cd the priest tho twenty-soven francs for tho burial expenses, and I took tho re mainder of tho money home as, soon as she bad breathed her last. Next day I stopped over to tho Chou quet drug store. Tho Chouquets bad just breakfasted, sitting opposite one an other at tahlo j they were stout, rubicund, important, and self-satisfied, mid a smell of drug-Btoro perfumes hovered nil (lixind them. They made mo tako a chair, offered mo a glass of kirsch-wasscr, which I ac cepted; nnd I began my discourao in a pathetic voice, feeling sure they wcro ooin going to weop. But no, sooner did ho learn that I wos speaking about hat chair-mondor, that beggar, that tramp, that vagabond, than Ohouquct bounded from his scat with indignation, as if sho had robbed him of his reputation, of tho esteem of all re Bpectablo pooplo, of his family honor, or something so dolicatc that ho ostccniod it moro highly thun Iifo itsolf. And his wife, fully as exasperated as himself, could do nothing but rcpoat, "Oh, that boggarl that bcggnrl that beg gar!" without finding anything else to say. Chouquet, after leaping to his foot, began to strido furiously up nnd down tho room, on tho other sido of tho table, his Greek cap hanging down over ono car. Ho stuttered out: "It is simply impoBsiblo to understand how such things can happen, doctor! Hero is u horriblo thing, a horrible thing for any rcspcctnblo man! Now what can I dot Oh! if I had only known this thine du ring her lifctimo I would hnvo hnd her Hlamnicd into jail. Tho dirty tramp! and alio would not havo got out again so easily, let mo tell you I" I was absolutely stupefied by this un foreseen result of my kindly mission. I did not know what to do or what to say. Hut I had not yet completed tho duty I had taken upon myself. So I found words to proceed : " She enjoined mo to give you all hor savings, which amount to two thousand three hundred francs, lint, as what I have said to you seems to bo so disagreeable, I supposo it would ho belter now to givo this money to tho poor." They both stared nt me, tho man nnd tho woman, fairly paralyzed with aslon- lslimont. J took tho money out of my pocket, miserable money of all nations and all dates, gold mixed with coppers. Then I asked, " Well, what do yen decido to do?" Madame Chouquet was the first to speak: " Why uineo it was tho dying wish of that that woman it seems to mo that wo could not very woll refuse." Tho husband, still vaguely confused, added : "Of course, wo could uso tho money to buy something for our chil dren, you know." I observed, very dryly: "Just ns you please, sir." Uusnid: "Well, givo it, anyhow, bIiico sho told you to ; wo shall find some way to ulili7.o it for churitnbln purposes. " I gavo tho money, took my hat, bowed, and departed. Next day Chouquet camo over to see me, and exclaimed, brusquoly; "Say! she left her wagon hero that that wo man, didn't sho? What nro you going to do wllh itwith that wagon?'' "Nothing," I said. "Tuko it, if you want it." "Good! jiiit tho thing for mo. I'm going to bo it as a shed for my cooking Btove." Ho was going awny when I called him back. "Sho has also left hor old horso and hor two dogs," I haid ; " do you want them T" Ho stopped in surprise: "Ah, no! I should think not! what on earth could I do with them? No; make any use of them you want." And ho laughed. Thou ho oll'ercd mo bis band, and I shook it. Well, how could I help it? It would never do in a coun try village for tho doctor and the chenr Ut to' be enemies, I kept tho dogs nt my own houso. The priest who had n largo yard, took the horse. Chouquet turned tho wagon into a shed, and ho bought flvo 6lmrcs of railroad stock with tho money. New Orleans Times-Democrat. At a recent agricultural show at Char tres, Franco, many children, both lioys and girls, exhibited copy-books contain ing descriptions of the host methods of budding and grafting trees, specimens of insects injurious to vegetation, of tho different grasses, and tho various kinds of wheat nnd other grains grown iu tho district, all illustrated by simple yet hnoly-cxecutod drawings. Ulieso things are tuught iu tho industrial schools es tablished by the government iu all parts of tho country. In sonio of tho depart ments of Franco agricultural text-lookB tiro iu daily u&o iu all tho niral schools, and tlio pupils nro taugut mo uiiicrcnco between tho useful and the useless iu in sects, birds, weeds, nnd grasses. Tho example is ono that might well bo fol lowed iu this couutry, for there is a reiflly shumoful lack of accuruto knowledge of such matters, oven in rural districts, where tho opportunities for observation are practically unlimited. Agricultural World. JAUoutton Bm Mn, Partner Waated. A man who knows how to handle bees or who is willing to bo taught who is capable, honoot and industrious and a good salesman, can 11 ml actuation by by applying at this ofllco with satisfac tory rofferences. Must furnish a pair of " horses with a spring wagon no other capital required. auglGm WUe-Awalio hruxs'.tts. Mtis. IVrt ,V Sou are alwaya alive to their busiueu, anil ure no p.vn to icur thn W of evr article in their lino. They have rcurej the agency for the wlrbr.mil Dr. King' Nevr Discovery for Consumption. The only cerUiti cur knowu for Consumption, laughs, Co'.iU, lloarseuivu. Asthma, Hiy rVvcr. Bronchitis, or auy aftVctiou of the Throat, ami Lung-i. Sol I on a u&ttive guar anted. IrUl bottls fiee, ltrguhrsu 81. 3 FIRE TESTED. Statements from Fartlea who have been Paid tosses by the Stato Insurance Co since AUffuut 1, 1831. How Tltey Strscil .lie. TtULATix, Wnsh'ton Co., Or., Aug. 21, '81 Yes I was insured in the Stato.Insur ancn Co., of Snlem, Or., when my houso burned, jtiBt four (4) days ago, nnd I tako pleasure in stating that my loss has nlrnndy been adjusted and settled in an honorablo nnd liberal manner, my full claim being paid, viz. : .$11"! 20. The State is just tho Company for our farm era to insure in. Hdwam Hyho.vN. I'm nipt 8e lllcnmif. The Dalles, Or., Aug. 13, 1SS4. To Stato Insuranco Co. : I horoby testify with pleasure to the prompt and honorablo manner in which my loss by firo was adjusted and sttlcd by tho Stato Insuranco Co., of Salem, Oregon, in which it was insured. Tho company is prompt and reliable. JOSIAU MAR8U. Itnrn Humeri. (Palouio Oatttte, Aur. 29,'.1S3 On August 22d, my barn, with 30 tons of hay, nnd niowor, hay rake, harness, saddles, etc., wcro totally destroyed by lire, l'ortunnteiy I nail insured tlio property in tho Stato Insuranco Co., ol Salem, Oregon. Tho Secretary of tho company, being m tlio vicinity, im mediately camo to my placo nnd adjust od my loss, in n fair nnd honorable mnnner, nnd lo-dny paid mo tho full amount of my claim, viz. ; $ 008.91. Tho Stato is a rcliablo company, and its Secretary, Mr. Cottle, whilo guarding well tho interests of tho company, yet i just, fair and liberal in dealing with it patrons. Tho Stato docs not quibble but pays up honestly. Jas. Hamilton. Ilia, Gnrliold Co., W.T., Aug. 2i, 1881. An llunurnlilp lutiliutlon. My houso nnd contonts were totnllv destroyed by firo just seven days ago, not oven leaving my family a cbnngo of cioiuing. xno ios nns already boon sottlod and paid in full by tho State In suranco Uo.,oi oaleni, Oregon, in which tho property was Insured. I tako pleasure In cominonding tho Company. Hut for them I should now bo homclem. G. II. Delanky. MAYVinw.Garflcld Co., W.T., Aug. 2381. Another llnru tlurntil. My bara, together with tho contents, wus burnod on Sunday night Inst. It was insured in tho Stato Insuranco Co.. of Salem, Oregon. Tho loss was to-day adjusted nnd settled in n manner on- tiroly satisfactory to mo by tho Secretary of tho Company. I hereby return my warmest thanks to tho company nnd also to Mr. F. J. irayfiold, tho agent who insured tho proiorty. They are both re liable. I rocolved tho full amount of my claim, namely, noarly C0O. Wit. O. Eatox. Coixax, T. T August 27, 1831. All 1'oi.inr.s issued by tho State Ik- fifiiANci: Coiuusv provide for Auuitha- nos. Do not fail to secure n policy of this Roliablo Company nt onco. l!t"rmhtr tfott oirr St00,000 00 tcorth oj farm projtrti ami dictllinji har lm tit' tlivytd by jire In Ortjon andWastilnijton tluriii'j the !. j(ar (about ouo'dwelling a day). 101 u iiomi: may he thi: m:tto co : Can you Arrann the loss? You say that "times nro hard :" if so, your need of tho protection of an insuranco policy is mo greater. 'Iho btato Insuranco Company is cm hntieally a FARMER'S COMPANY a company organized and controlled in tho interest of the farmer, and ono whioh affords the choa'iest and host se curity against loss or damage by firo. Tho monoy paid to this company is not used to pay losses on hnzanlous risks in towns .nnd cities, as is tho caso with oth er companies, but, whilo it receives its monoy from tho farming community, it is constantly paying it back to thorn, thus making it emphatically a homo Institution do voted to tho intorost of tho farmers and owiiora of privato dwoUings of tlio Northwest nlonq. Oregon State Agricultural College, milE NEXT SS33rOX OF THE AOltlCl'LU'RAL J COLLKOK, begins September 13th, 1KSI, Youn; men can get appointments from tha r SUt Senator. 1). L. AlOiOLD, I'rwl.knt lu.-Jm Cortalll), 0ron, THIM0FITN0W: Although inurh l nil al",l l ii'ii4-. tanceof nb'ooil puriiur,; umlu . i ioatlble Uiat ILo tulijol na nc -r if.n.iij claimed louratteniin,!. 7"i , or Alinoat erery perum hs omo f rm nt -nf, uluua ioliu LtliM.1 in bl Yi-lua. Whni i a deTelia In Si-rtiruliiua Sor", L'livrn, "r l'ruitlona,nr in thaformof Kliriinmllaui, or OrKanlr DUoine., tLeriilforln that en im Is terrible. Hence lliw BnitltndeTif tiitua .ho discot er, as tb.oiu.tuda year!) dv tua. Ayer's Sarsaparilla will tUoroujhly cradlcato UiU erll from tho r)lem. M well expect life wltlioat a!r as heatth vrttboui pure blool, Cleaaso ibu b'.AXl ultU AVtB'S SAlUAr.UtlLUL. VUCFAUUD 11V Dr. J. C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all UrujsrUt; SI, six bottles for Si IPMEMTSRVM2A Address. TAYLOR MFQ. CO. - CUE LwWaMlri B tP iMbMaTCBffBPMPHsWJsWllTii' i'tfTBSstt'fiE5BBK-;3 ILLji'lg.yli i i fc--" " 'HuUHUnlVnJ Cluuakriu& 1 STROWBRIDGE BROAD- WCIST SOWER v Hi ,! KT H WVM sTnl'. THE CHEAPEST! THE SIMPLEST! Rowf all trnliK, imM nccdi, lime, salt, h(. In tllUeni-aiid ertrythlng' rrqulrlmr brosdattluir anr qtnntltr pr acrr. better and f aatrr thau b)' any other niclUod. HAVliS ISI'EI) br aorta It l-Tfoctlr errn. Now kIiihIo or ilouble rnM, all on either or both aide of v. anon. A'ol atrttJ It wW.ai the iftl Is not thrown up Into tho air. l-l'ltl'I'CTIiV Htail'l.i:. nfadllr sltaclwl toauy aironorrart l-nnti. it Ufi'.tlmp. Cnn be uacd wkcrcvtr a muron ran be driven. Team walkln one mllesons four atrraof mheit. Crop onr-rnurtli turner than when drilled. Belli stamp for circular vlTluir trnna and trstlmonUU. C. W. DORR.Tronsuror RACINE SEEDER CO. 177 Mnln St., DcsWlolnos, lown. Tli8"B0S"xiI!IBE8HEB r ,.t--. &m fflti-SVAS? Sfe-ufe iy'1; - "-".S-SCSt- V 1 . ".T THE NEW IMSSILLON H4, no, 00 and DO Inch Cjllndera, built by RUSSELL & CO., Massillon, 0 And oM by trlMTi1 itralini Tprywhrr. Frad for rircuUnt uml vitrei pi rustrvit Airtnt, niitibuiir KUSSKLL A 0., Ilmncli House, l'nrlliiuil, Orrcon. juultf Dr. Allen's ruiTATii rusri'JKSAnr. Ill Kearny Hirer J, t-au VrnBel.ro. Cnl. nlte llxiieri Siieclullit, Dr. Allen, Is a rrfulu X tnuluatad 1'hyilclan from ths Uolrtrtlty ef illclil ran. He has dsrobd a lifetime to the study of Special dlieuas. Y O V .V 1 M E , Ad4 VIDDLK-AOED HEN, who are stfferln; from ths Ttcts of Youthful Jndtacretlon or Kxceaiee In maturtr y.ari.NEUVOUS and PHYSICAL UKMLITY, LOST UANHOOD, ato.( rsaiemuer that, by a corablua Uon cf remtdlM el treat curative power, the Doctor has so arranged his treitmenl that It will not ocly afford Immediate relief, but permanent cure. my nosriTAi. Rxri:uif:cR (narlnj been su rgeon In charre of two Icadlne hotptUI.) eoabltsme to treat all private troubln with excellrnt rraulU. 1 claim to be a skillful I'hydclan and Sxf eou iuvuuuuai.1 inicrmvu iu hit intently-" UISKASUt OK MAX. Alt will receive my boneif opinion of thrlr complaints Hossnerlmantinir. Oonaultallona vara and aitlrDv Hoperlrontinf(, Oonaultatlons rata and inlotl pnraip Liurea re ALUS, SO J Kraru prlvat CTurjea reasonable. Call or address: DU. hours, 9 to a da ly, ; to 8 ertnlnj. IJanSI-tf le&rnv At. Ban Frintlian. Hal. nfflLa I) 11. MrSTTIB, Specialist sim(t Cradnale. TO. It KEAItNY 8TIIECT, San Fianclico, Cal , XX Treat all Chronic, Special and rrlrate lilseAsea ullU Uouderrul success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. Is a certain Cms for Nsav. ors Dssiutt, tOST I A.V UOOU, raorratoaauou. and all th tvll tftetts o) Youthful follies h eiseatea, DU.HINTir. who Is a Hioma rnmaii.Oaao caisorrtis I'tuTaum os rsjtxsTLViata. will S(re In forfeit 1500 fcr a can of this kind thutts YITAfc KESTOKAT1YI.'. (under his srexlal advice and treat DSDt)wlll cot ajue. l'rkel,,a bottle) Four t'me thseuantlty, (6., Seiit to any addrasa, cenfldeoUiily, la ilraU addrsei U dealrtd, bv A. E. UINTIE, U.D , 11 Kearny 8t, & T., Cal. CVSssd tor pamphlit and Hit ol questions. SAMrtH BOTTLH VHSlK Will be sent to any one epnljlar by letter, stating symptoms, sex anj are. BULI aacxaay la regard M aiioi I buslnus transactions. Jarmti THE ei;. lu; r.nrs rmvATi: hki'iasauv. 00 Ceiry St., San Fnncisco, Cal. Cond irlcd by Qualinetl riij'ilclinj and Surttona r irular Ornluat. tiTthv (ililccpeelnll.t lit the t'nlted bUtrs. viI.om Livk-lono t- ntiM., )H'rlxt method and pure Die-liJce. Imure si'Kkdt and rta- maist crass of ,11 lrhste. Chronic .n.l V...AII1 TI ...an. 1IT..II.H. f i- the lllootl. Skin. Kill iirvs. lllail. tier. i:riiilliiu, I Ircra. old ttorra, HnellliiKeir llir IllnntU, Sure Jluulu, Throiif. Hone I'nlin, pcru'iin ally cured and end loiUd from the ijitrin for Ule. NERVOUS Silri." Luor. Hexunl llreuy, Mental audl'b)Slcal Urnloios. rail. liiitMriuury. MfnUt'r,Sliiii. rl I)rilniiirnr,liiipeliuieiit lo.llnrrlngr. rlc.rruiur.xcra rt tir joulhnil rolllro, or nuy c:me, iirrillly, eufciy uuU lirltHtel) rnrril, YOUNl). illltDLK.ADEn & OLD m'n.sn J al who need medical Skill and K.tiierlriire jeumu me o:u r.uropeaq , njei,un ai ooce. nil opin fon costs n.ithliiir, and may sie future mliery and abauie, Yitn Uvonvinlcntto liilt thsdty lor treat ment, uiedUInu etui be svnt etrynher by esnrius tree from oli-erunlim. it It reU-eilJent that a phjalcau who irfxia his whole attention to a claasol diistsattnlni crrut alilll.andpli.-ilriiTnthroujti-out the couutry, anoainu lata, fniUcutl ncouimrnd dilKcmt cues to the Olilr.l SiirrlnlUI, by whom every kuoHU gnatl rrmrili it u.rd. The Iloctor's Aaeand svlcrlruremakchUcp!aloiio( .uprenie liuporlaurr. td.Thu who call see no one but the Doctor. Con stitution FIIKK and aarrrilly couflilrullal. Cases whkll hve tailed In obtaining rtl.ef elaehere esucl. aUy solicited female dlwa'es luccej.fully trtatvd. Tue ISuctor will Lrree to (orfe.t Sl.oou lor a case undertaVrn, notcuied. Call or write. Hours; Dally lnn0 A. M.. toil', M., t to 8 stenln.-,; Suodais, 10 to t only. Stt oa the Samtasist Cuds to UMltll ; Saxr i'sis. Address as abo. DR. UEBIG'S Wondorful Gorman Invigorator Ptnuanently prevents all Unnatural u,s from the stitem, t.4ies th nery.s, strengthens the djukL. checVsihe waste, in, Irerates tbe hol ayttem and reatart-s the afflicted to Health and Dapplno.a. The retin so many cm not (fit cured of weakneis snd the aboie dltea&es Is owl g to complication, called PIlO&TATOIlltHU, which nulres m u'isr treitment. DU. LlEBIO'd iXVIOORATOIl is the only cure U l'sonTAToaauiu. with peculiar Special Trial. ment, ukJ at the LIK1IIO DlSPEXSAnv: v f rrJ.rt ,r ,,,e luUiTlor, n. Caie cf six bottles. $10. Sent to any adjres, coiered securelv (remoh,eria'ion. Mct ivmerli-l electric bjlt free to patients. To Puivi ma Woxusanii. rewsa or ran IXVIOflR. ATOK a iJ Burrta On a. oa eurr 1BEE. Con.u,utl3n free snd private. CallotaJJreiSt LimiU DlsrK.N-i IHY. ICO Caaiy Strevt.sui rraaebco. Cal. riivale entrance, SCO ,vion stn.at.four blocks up O.&ry Strict from Keartij, MJa mttance throu.-h Diinfry Drui fctcre. l.JwSI!l