WILLAMKTTK FAKMEJi: tiALEM, OREGON, OCTOBER 3, 1884. d&nrrtni 7faUtrntm$. Oilgiiial. THE rtRST OP AUTUMN. iiv fi.mo wn.nwoon. Autumn luiowt din own; another ily Tho nitnl wimli of his flrtt rcun Come, u.i tclva months ago, attain Jk'nding tlio poplara In a way, Anil wiih tit t tutiif BupprcxiOil refrain That ioiks of thliit, to think, not .ay. Kay, nny! Lot Autumn toll tho talc. Anil toll it just at toM to inc, Tint noiio rii Miml hut ROinu tiny lot, Anil Itno noinotrhitof thoughta that nli, Or frihti'ii ilouht that Mich thuuhl he, J.11111111I as ini'U livu itmluwilutiil, Tlinru l no timu ilku till for thought ; , With k'to mill iliut '.lie ilaji mo yono Ouco hlaril upon tho liilli at morn, Whim nigh no liruath if 'olato lirotijjlit; I'or Hututmr, loiutcoun at ilawu, Dlioar-'M tro long her glasa forgot. I'mloil aii'l aliruiilion, fow tho nyn 'J'liat oiro to leu her onco tint jiloainlj Kirly Hought ami ai noon itincxinurl With Mnnton Arc, thoiomaneo illcnj Mellower tint havo now apncnrcil OII'jihu of dust and (taring nklo. Tho lien' l o'r; cool tho hrrnlli Of fruitful Autumn, ami tho halm Ami tho iiiciniiriii", ami thu oilin, II all impllra Iho "low in" ol iluith, 'J'noy limo with rtttful mm In no ittalni, An pout' iiiinil, or prutdiur, miltli. Men yearn hut onco m o.ion thay ilitl, Kur Autumn's hohcrnett luliin; Tho mill nt leinjtli nil lifo ik-acrie Ami all tlmt imintli of pinion hhl; "Wo follow mill a dream Hut Mm ; Hut truth huihli on its pyramid. I'owr lrnvi-s nro fallen, jut thuy fill j' Tho miII iw fruit thay half tonce.il You orchard nlon bIIII rovo.il j In louihsr mood the pUturrn nil; Tho hux'.ii U fiiwliiilug, I'ornllohli kind, And rainy kn n worn over all. Jlut thu I inoim nUry ; now, Kvi'ii now, swift II isheil along tho hllU lVrmotiltnry liri(htn'N imti; And ridVy pur, or mountaiti hrotv, 1'ir to Iho ("iHhmnl l.nrm In rillc, And puii'r -itiiKMplitii' uUit. Tho Blue Clinmljcr. A small parly of l.i(li(.Hiuiil cutitliinipii oii(;iigt'il in foiivi'iMiitiuii vvoro Hittin-,' after (liiinor in tin.' hjudous groiimU or :iii aueii'iit manor. Tlio doom of tho intniNliin Hlood with ojh'ii. 'I'll" I'vrniiiK liii'czc u'liNjK'ri'il anil iiii-tlt'd iIiiiiiikIi tho luiinulios of tlio luio liiiili'iitf. tlio nliailuws jiiiw longor and longer, iiuVlilacIt lmnntitli tlio leafy I oof uf IxingliH, liyhtor on tlio imtuluvj of turf. It uimu mild eiiimupr ovon'nu. "till, joL full of hUiiiiijo, mybturious t Ih; tlio HOft hrt'czo iM'iiriny with it lloatcd into the l o-s, Iho licaw fnirKlinoo of , Iho llonoif. In tlio KatlioiinK luM; tho niuinliori of tlio croup fuulilM'tiivuly m awliotlior. ConvoiH.ilion limutiNliril, pnslut; from Hiilijoct to Kiilijtvt , no oho hotiiiKil in- .innl to outer upon a lcnj;lliyilisouMion. .stiiiilt'iily, ouo of Iho party hojj.m to loluto an aumloto of it gho.t ho hint uvii on n u ovcniiiK l'l' tl"- 'Iho plan W.W HUCfOSiflll. SoVOIItl tlllo followed J hut tho voting dauhtor of tho 1ioum, Atiuu, I'onliutiod to uk for moio. It m m aintiKiiiK to hour tlico inttnollous titoiios iningino the whito ami Mack bpwluM inoxiii' noiiohwly in tlono hIiiuIow or duz.lliif, ntoonlilit. fool a Htniugo horror chill hor hlood, and thou lonn niiiuht hor uiothor, finding hafoty in hor onilu.uo. Sho ooitld not oiuluro Oamliilato HoUt'h way of t.iKinj; thoo HtoriiM ; hi cornful rominoiits toro ugly loiitK in tho thoiiiuy oil in whifli hIio wrappoil hoiolf. Ho wiim a uiiHliual htmlcut and had ituortod many similar thing in tho hospital. It wax owiiiK to'iokno net int; upon ddl'crcnt iudivitlunl'. Kithor tho I iont, wlion his ngiumiin iis 'am; I i itiMl. n t-vtd, in v '.i 'hi moon was shining, for a phuutoni, and the tdiiickiiiK of tho wind in old houscn for ghotly orioMind tho ohiuk of ohuinn, or tho wholo itlVuir was puro halluoimt (ion. A poison in a healthy uoiiunl con dition uoor kiw gho'tN tno Mioio luiiy oppoMti -nt viow Thoro was Mtioly homo hottom of all tliOMi tales. Thoro woro a thousand things which could not lo e- idaiuiHl by natural calico. i Anna was wniiiilv mwiii 1 hv ILiMV younger lirvthcr, Victor, who had aniv M at the bonne with him (hat moining; though ho was influenced more by courtesy to tho pretty, young girl than 1houuo ho really felt nny fear of ghosts, lie could not bear to havo his brother appear to place himself in such contempt uous opposition to a pair of such beauti ful, bright eyes, o he fought a stout bat tle iiguiiist his own convictions. "The history of such things," said the cniidiilnto, "ifl contrary to Hound sense and lcnson. Thoy aro niiserahlo rcl'cs of thu dnrknefls of tho Middlo Ages, which enn only check progress. It would bo nn utterly idiotic jirococding for deud folks to walk abroad and terrify tho living. Tradition carrioH such talcH from genera tion to goiiomtion, and if not mibjcctcd in puvur" Hoiuiiunu uiiiiuipiu, iiu-y luuiui their vitality and arc believed. It i tho sanio kind of superstition as that which iiiiikos'niiiip!o folk afraid to sit thirteen at table. Jniiiiii-ca'csoiit of ton nothing hnpponc and there iim'tover ono pcrsort who think of tho niattor. Jn the tenth, perhaps, ono of the company dies, which I is coitaiuly in accordance with tho courno ol nature. Jiietumly it ih Haul: "ion rotnember; wo wit thirteen at tablo that day." Ho tho superstition obtains notuinh uient for n long time. No, thank (lod, the fresh breeze if knowledge will swoop away all Mich things like dark, uuwholo HOtlll) fogH." "Vom, weold people must ho pardoned," tho mintros8 of tho hoino eontly inter- po-ed ; "wo don't como no much In con tact with tho frorth Invito of ucionco as pci Imps wootijjht. We livo, they H.iy, wholly in tradition, and this thrives no where h well as in an old manor like Huh. It is voir difllcult to releaao our- Helves from tho ideas in which wo were t oared, anil which our;iucohloiHlKiliovciJ. I am far from what is called Hiipor- 'stitious; I havo never been in contact with thoM) strange (.piritn, yet not for all tho wotld would ImIcoii in the blue chain In r." "Tho hltio cliiiiiilmr!' nried tho wholo party in tniica ofUHtouitdimout. "Vos, wo havo hero its in ho many old manor Iioikim, a room that in said to bo hutuitoil. Aluny hundred ycaro ago a man was murdered lucre, iiikImuco then glnmts have taken poetsion of it. Tho Hcrvants talk of htrango Hounds and sightH ; none of (hem like to pa it after dark." "1 was Mlting thinking that I should bo delighted to occupy a real haunted chamber," Mild lloln'tt tpiiotly. ''It is a sin to havo it tvinain unused forever. I'orhapH I can lull) dispel this foolish HUpoitditinn, for I tun convinced I Hhall sleep uuilUtiirliwl." At lirst the miMrcss of tho houso would not listen to such a plan, hut when tlio whole party uigou and Anna olapod hor aims bfnochlngly annual hor neck, she a! last it Idod. Anna thought the hi homo wonderfully inteiotmir. 'It is really toriililu that you daro oiituro.)Cauiliilato IIolntH)"shosnid,"but I hope you will look leally fiiglitcncd when you como to break fait in tho morn iug." iViior siuiiier ino wnoic pany went. 10 the liluo cliuiniicr, whieli mcaiillme lino been put in oilier to iccoivo tho guot. Kvory corner waa cxaininod with tlio ut most cam. Tho atmojphero was somewhat oppres sive, though (ho windows were now open. The room wasfoMom ventilated, nnd the half mouldy air tool: tho hlvrty of fettling in tho furiiituro and cur'aius. It had evidently always Isirno tho name of the 'blue chnuihcr'iilthough tho thiol; carpet was now faded. Tho furniture was now xory si Italy, but wlmt articles re mained were old-fashioned. "While time lfad transformed everything oho in tho nuoiout manor, makilig tin stiff, em veil o'liiiruivo way to comfortable aiinchu r , land the old chiinuoy pieces to the tilo " oves, hum room xecmrii ui iiiim- precorv isi in louiier nppoaranro. n was lie livcrcd over to tho spirits of tho past: no ono had attempted to drag It into the present. An article w men mil not con tiibuto least hi enabling it to retain its ancient chanictor was tho huge, exquis itely carved four-poft bedstead, which occupied a large poitiou of tho room. The apartment was tho last ouo in the wing of tho manor, looking out upon the grove, but so near the ground that a per son, by tho display of some little agility, might climb up. "It is not Impossible," said Hoist, after a thorough examination of the chamber, "that the nocturnal noicos mentioned may havo been made by vagabonds who settled thonixolves hero fora comfortable night's tost ; Victor, do nu tho favor to get my two pistols; thoy aro in niv travelling satchel; but don't meddle witi :.. . .....1...1 i . . r. .. i fi.. :ii. 1 tho luggers, thoy aro loaded." Victor wont away with alight, and soon after brought tho pistols to his biothcr. Tho latter primed them freshly, put on new caps and laid them on the table. "Now good night, Indies and gentle men, I wiidi yotiallascomfortahloa rent as I expect to havo myself." "(iood night, wicKod Freethinker." said Anna, half admiiingly. "I hopo.vou will havo dllTVrout opinions in the morn ing." As they went out Victor whliporod to nn.i "I'll answer fm it that he uliall bo thoroughly frightened." The door was looked and Candidate Ho)t remained tdotio in tho blue cham ber. The sounds of footsteps and voices died away ; ho listened at tho door, but all wa still. lining to the window he stood thcie a , few minute looking at tho irovo. Tho truth at thel01 "'K''1 hrevzo stirred tho leaves and I nianeiies. winy uio nearest irws coiiin I lu'dimlv distinL'uinhod. llevonil all was .deiiM. impenetrable darkness, for theiv was neither moon nor star?, in tho sky. "Jl really VOty nu-0 to Ih) IIVO Iroin I Madam l.uiia," caid las She is so fond ot intruding nun playing tno spy on oiiMhlo folk, fpito of drawn cm tain. For tho rest, this is an uncommonly comfortable room. I'robably not one of tho whole part) will have so gonl a bod to lie in us my lucky self. ";?o a man was murdeiod here, and for the sake of this legond the room has now stood empty hundreds of yours. Hone could see a few blood stains or sim'lar horrors but there's no trace of anything of the sort, When matchless power su perstition has, oven in our onliKhtched daysl I shall consider it a good deed to drivo it from this comfoitablo strong hold." Lighting a cigar, ho paced to and fro smoking, then walked aiottnd tho bed and cloed his eyes witli a half elluddor. "How timidly the young girl, Anna, is pressing nor pretty faco against the pil low at tho thought that any human be ing daioi to sloop in tho blue chamber. Sho won't ovim vonturo to put out hor night lamp for fear of seointr tho friirht- fill whita slmpo thut must speedily come up tiero mid destroy mo. Whilo thus soliloquizing ho undiosed, opened tho canopied bed, and rosolulely extinguished tho lain). Thoro was no sound in tho room ; only it seemed us if ho could hoar a rustling noiso like criokots and a mysterious tick ing, as tho famous denthwatch was tin der tlio carpet Ho lay listening a mo ment, board the night wind sigh through tho trees and tho great clock of the m m r slriko cloven, and ho foil asleep. At tho end of an hour ho suddenly started up in bed, having heard a sound like tho oponing of a door. A strange, shuddering sensation ran through bis limbs as ho stared lived ly into the rumi and behold a while form moving slowly towards the bed. Terror overpowered him, but tho next instant ho l-ognincd bis coolness a"d shoiilod in a linn voice, "Whole therol" No answer, but tho shapj remained standing in tho middle of tho floor. "Who's there'' Answer, or as euro as I live I'll fire," ho called again, cooking his pistol. Ho was onco moro tho quiet, cold blooded phytdciau, ho had sitrqly heard the cruikiui: of a door; it must boa mini, a rascal, a murderer perhaps, but no spectre. Yet, spito of tho pistol's warning snap the figure did not move. "Who goes thoio?" he called again. Still no sound disturbed the silence of the room. The physician stretched out his arm and llrcd. A Hash of light illumined the dusky chamber and tho report shook tho old tapestry. Scarcely had tho sound died away when a Imr-t of discordant, jeer ing, a lleudish laughter greeted him, and soiiicthini! lull d struck his foiehead. It was iho bullet Si i;:ed with teiriblo dread, ho llrcd the other pi-tol at tho motionless white fiiim ; again the frightful laughter echo ed through thu room and the bullet fell heavily back on his own breast With a loud shiiel: he sank down on tho bed. I bo form glided noisolcssly out of tho di r. Jaiily tho next morning, while Anna was wiitoiing hcrllowcrs, Victor catiio up to tier. "Whew is your brother?'' sho askod "He i'U't up yet, poor follow. Ho bus had a terrible fright." "What was iff" If vou'll promiso to keep silcneo I'll toll tho wholo story. To levengo myself on mm J played ghost, lirst taking caie to draw tlio milieu from lus pir-tols t lint ho might not use tiiowi).iponitnckle"'ly. Wrapjx-d in sheets I visited him and threw the balls back at his head when he tired." "Nothing could ho better!'' cclahned Anna. "lint promUo me not to speak of it. Your mother might bo vexed, and he him-elf niiiht not lo undeceived." "Trust me I'll be as mule as tho grave." Tho physician didnotcoino; breakfast waited in vain. At last some of tho gentle men went to wake him. Ho lay with his head stielehed over tho edgo of the bed , his mouth was wide open, his oyis wcie starting from their sockets and his hair was as whita us chalk. I.ifo had vanished. His discharged pistols were found by hlnsido. One weok after Victor was taken to tho insane asylum. Fall Settinc of Raspberries. Etc There are many things that strongly favor fall setting of raspberries and bl ack bon ies. First Thi'io has been and will bo for two or thice years to como an immense demand for plants, and the planters at tho north not getting toady to plant before the latter part of April ami lirst of May, have found it impossible to find plants, whilo if such had set in the fall thoy would have had a tine plantation grow ing and not been disappointed in getting plants. Second -There Is moro time U do it well iu the fall than spring and by being done- then tho work is oh from one's hands. ThlidBy in ' "t in the fall thov aro more apt to all giow and make uni form rows than if set iu tho spring and to make a much larger growth the first seaon. Fourth The sprout starts early iu tho sprint', and being handled is easily broken oil', while if sot in the fall this is not done. We aio most decided iu doing our -el-ting hereafter iu the fall, and when sot at tiiat season wo advise either throwing over well hill or plant a forkful of man lire or drawing up a bank of earth over thein and drawing it away iu tho spring. We, like all other fruit growers, mv not paiticularly driven in the fall, while in the spring wo aro badly worked, hnnl ly knowing which job to do first, and hence tho more wo can do iu the fall tho bettor shape our work is iu in tho spring, and lastly, fall set plants will make a much better growth than those set in tho spring and yield a much better crop tho first louring year. . Wo do not, however, recommend sot ting iu tho fallen naturally wot ground. Fruit Cultivator. I TAttentton Bee Men Partner Wanted. A man who knows how to handlo bees or who is willing to b'c taught who is capable, honost and industrious and a'good salesman', can find a situation by by applying at this oilico with satisfac tory refTerences. Must furnish a pair of hordes with a spring wngon no other capital required. auglOm fONSIIMIIIO.V C'MU'.I). An old plijslcUt), retired from piacliuo, ti 1n;liiil pliecl In hli hand by ti Rut InUlt inlnloimrir tlio formula of a tlinplo vegetable rctiicly for thu iproilj ui permanent curr ot rontumiition. llri rliHI, Cat Brill Aath-va. ami all lhm.it nnd I, in? MTo tl-n, alio np-xltho ami radical cute for Nctinus Ie1p:lityril Mi Ncriotn Complaint", niter li'Vlnt tmt il IU wonderful curative owers In Ihoii'aniii, of cms I1.11 flt It Ills duty to iinko it known to hU tulfcrli k f ilnwa. Aitti aled by 1I1I1 moth 0 ami aile,Ir lo rulovo human auf frrhljf. 1 will lend f rw of cl aw, to all ho d tire It O1I1 recipe In (Urnian, ttlMi or rr.ntli, wlili full dlrcctlnHfor prcpirliiir and lulny. 8,-nt by nail h) aiiii'CMinir wiiii itamn ana nanuti una piper, .a liijf , Ui ttOVKS, 1IJ V uwera 11 Iltock, Kocluttr, ( V, I.U 11 A CARD. To all who r aufferlnir from tli- cirara ami India cr tlonaof ,oulh, nen.iu wcakrea. nrlv dfcl, Ima rliimiilioo.! fto.f wlllncnla rei-lpu tnit w I curcjou, 1 nr.r. tir uiifliuir,. in-s pron rcincaj w-aa ui,ca dial by a tnltilnnarv In Huh Am Men Svii.l a tvlf nidin.iilcmrlopo to Iho IICV. J0SKPII T I.SJIAN, Station 1), Kowr Yorl. Cltj. llmirly NOTICE TO FARMERS, And nil Intorottsd in Fruit Drying, joiix Jiiicsjf a- .OiV, ALBANY, : t : OREGON Maiuficturo to order , rot'Trnjsnuil I'riill llrlri't. " OlIDEItH I'fLI.KD ON SHOUT N0T1CI'. ALSO nultu to ordir Mo-tr.v Mini: tllitcncr. .1IUTIIINHi:S, with or without IT.UI'Oll.lTri) .r for r.innln; llllli, klnJiot Mllll.CMilll. al OREQON WIHB WORKS, Jills lm .11.11 1M', Orrgnii. S.THE WELL KMOWM, MITCHELL WAGON, ALSO ritiit 1: 8 A II K llAlvK O F Sil'.JIN WalCIONaS. BUM K IM.iltS( I'liAiyrorv.Snmi Mitchell. Lewis i Co., MANUFACTURERS. I'nclllr t'omt llrniirli-'ininnil ml I'l'iiut Sl I'lirlliinil. Ortuon. W. EI. ilHT4JIEKL9i, Mtumor. ItrUgea & Itocrk, Rilcm I V. inillu .V, Cox, Kiucne, I VV. marl II Osltra, AlWij 1' Ovuik, lloacbur; Oregon State Agricultural College, 1 1IIK NKV HESSrOX OK THE AdlllCl LTnt.VL COLLLOli. beulna Stiitcmlirr Mill, 1NKI. Young men tan get ippsln'tnenta from Iho'r Mite rJciiAt-r. II. L. AIINOI.O, I rraldcnl Uujr!m Uoria'tli, Oregon Banner Apiary Supplies. !nt: iiitr.n iriLiiv itr.r.s.-Fi'U. col o.nyii oliupllcllj lilto ajpcrfurnlthcd f d 11 917 M, In crate, fit); I1W0 ctiinplite, with f.d n,,$7Q; In Hat, SXW; amekera,l. W wantnl or taken In ex 1 lun.-e for f.d n. Ilrlsht f d 11., Mt p.-r pound, dark, ftuopcrjiouml. Unle.to I Italian 0.'4ieii,t.! f0. Te-twl ijueeua, $.1 Select Toa cd.W Ili-ea bj the pound ,-.'. ijueen. lent by mill prepaid. XiTMoni) mutt accoui iwny all order. Bend Coat cltl.-o rder on.l. itlaml or Ororon City, or IlrK.tered letter to MllwaukU bale arrltal iruarintecJ l'rlcv llt free. aplS Adcrtkt J D.llUHK, MdvauVle. Oretcon DENT I STRY. IK. I. HOWELL. I'llKTICAI. DtNTIST. Olth-t at real. am?.lence tf VVeale) Howell, Howell Tralrl All Murh tlour un Mjle, 11 ml aiiiwrat' llnu emirnnlml. llirurtf . . C. W. JEFFREY, VETERINARY SURGEON, Treat the n'acateict lomtatlc Anlmalt. VI.L ipietllona perlalnlnj; to the profeMlon, ant wercd by mail Catortli-Colt and ttlnlln.t pedalty. OrBca at the Ford A. FJIla Utr biablt Biem.Orrjoii. Jnt E. O. SMITH, OFFICE: Ko. IBTFIrat Street, bien Uoi rlaon atvl Yamhill, Portland, Oreto Ayer's Cheny Pectoral. oni iv ' "rrTll'".",'irt. S,T'. to. lfJ. LULui. '" ii.jiU iul;,vi toalirnrt alinil niTi-liiii, Willi rrprjtii'n) -ilda, f..r a i.Mml r .if wur. I hi n-b eer IU) Hi. I AvmN t lit 1.111 l'iii.iui fxtti' 111.1 pr. mpi r l. f, and l tU- i,hj.l t-(l.Lt;rt rei.uily 1 'jt.- c-r irliil JVM'J, .. ItA'IIIT.-. iAt:ttrr fJ. tiTtm.:" nnimup "Mt "". W'K.Ihiwx isf. UUUuHj, "' '"ivouen! .Vvnf!. 'in i.iiy 1'iciT.iiiM. iiiia tiiik fur 11 n- r- ,n;l ai.d HR rmildi tiU tin-l rt i'il I am kNiH.l 1.1 n-o mi.iiii Ml to ai.v o-u alnilUrl' i.ITih-1 J. I! l lli nv in. I'ntprivl .-i.i.iU II. u. rr.n viiti. n Dr J C.Av5rtlCo..LnveM,Mjs;. Qliao-o''-'" UIIIqCI XaMMMi inrluiimtr an SO.OO extra iuibuiii. . 0"t. I'B mtnloutnt r 2 plr.-, . nb erU Cunranioed oerfec). War. roritea 9,)tira., (imcmuw, lIuMblv, ulki n.l llcill r.tlMUk.. IKx anil ii oil ai,,' lKuty (lllotrvriuaiklne uu w.irr. n,,i,iH..h,i.l,rfM truiwa a,ic. 'ir ii'.i. f-. Sake SIS In S1 b k.Urv.Imr CO.. iftoiiIir.,ei.t-u,liU. USE ROSE PILLS NEWj jaeaaiaaarrTTv. wn I II. CfcO. PAYNKa STROWBRIDGE t' "vaC QjKii-i;'; 'V - ; "1 1i WER iiV THE CHEAPEST! THE SIMPLEST! How all p-nUti", ;nas arl, lliw, lt, ahon, fer tlllztrn-iin 1 ever thlua iniiilriinr broad-iwitliuf any iiuantltv T acn- lieltcr and fatter than by any either tiicttial. HVi:4 Hl'l'l byeowlnif t IH-rfrclly Mii Somm n(imlf or double riixl, nil nn cither or Iwth eldoanf waiton A'ol Hfertft Iu irtmf.n tho aii d la not thrown up Into tho air. l'Kltl'Kl'TI.V SIAII'l.i:. Iteadlly attaelied Inauywairunorrart l.ut n llfi--t Itne. Can lm iim'iI wherever wavmi inn Imi driven. Team wnlklnifiineiiiltofOf(Miroc ro of wheat Crap onr-faiirtli luracr than when drlllrd. Heud aUuup for clreulcrairlvluif lenna aud iMtlinoulala. C. W. DOpR.Troasuror RACINE SEEDER CO. 177 Main St., Don Molnos, town. TheW THRESHER THE NEW MASSILLON Ul.nO. 0H nnJRd Inch f'il.tirfa. I.uttt h nUSSHLL&CO., Massillon, 0.. Ana aniii h reliable irnl ti.r Hind for Nnnlb..r. tk'rnt KI7.SSELIJ A CO., Ilrnurli llamr, rorllaml. Orrsnu. Juiillf riiiv.ni: iiftiT..H.utv. f?rnriiy rtlrrrl, s-nu liniirl.ro, Oil. rjMio I JCperl Hiie 1I11IUI, Dr. Allen, la a nirutar J graduated rhjilcl in from Hit Unlveralty ef iilclil pan. He hu dot d a lifetime, tu the atudy of fcpclal dlaeatea. V I' . 1 .11 I. Ant VIDDLE-AOKI) Jlt.V, who art flerln; from tin Tecta nf Youthful In lictcllon er Kxccaea In matureryiara.NKUVOUtl and rUYMCALDr.llll.ITY. MIST t A.MIOOI), etc., -remember that, by a combina tion of Tcmedlea rf great curatlro ijower. tho Doclnr ltaa 10 arranuod Mi treitnicnl tint It will not uc!y afford lmmrdlile relief, but permanent cure. .my iio-i'ital i.ri:icii:M'R (ITiTlnf been aurgron lm harre of two Itadlnu hoapltali) enabliinie to treat all pr ralo tronblta wllh cicill.nt rcaultt. I claim to bo a aklllful I'hj elcUn and Surgeon TllOUd'OllLY Inf irmwl Id my ii clalty DlrtKlrtLS OV 31 IN. All will recelireiny huuiat rilnloiiof ihtlrcomplalnU o eipirluinitiinr. 0. iiniltAlltni rar and attklly prlrat Char.ua uaioiuVlo. Call o- addrraa: DK. ALLlV, MJ K'earny m San IriiicUco. Oil. Otllca hour, B to 3 d ly, J to 8 cTtning. lJanSI-tt 151R. MINTIE, Hprrlallal nnd tirnilnntr. T0 It KBAItN Y BTIIKKT, 6an Franclaro, Cl , ll Treat, nil a'liroiilr, Kperlul una rrlral ITlarnar irllh VTomlrrrul Hurccaa, THE GREAT ENGLISII REMEDY. li a certain Ccm for NlRT 0C Drbiutt, LOHT MAY II it 11 1, rtUTAToaaiiau, ard all the aall cftjcU ol Youlhful fclllni aoeaae. DK.JIIMII. wholt a IUoi.ua I'iiTainix, Ou viTiormi Uvoaajrrr or 1'asnaTLYisu. will agre to forfeit IJCJO fcr a ou. ol th'a kind thu t' VITAt K-.1TOKATlt (uod.r LU artadal ad vie and treaU maot) will not ur. l'rlc,'l) a bottle! Four tmaa th Quantity, (t. , 8tbt to any addrau. coafldaUalljr, UpriraUoddraiailf dtau-td, br A. E. UI.NTIK.U.D ,11 Kearny St. 9. T., CU. ttaTDoad for pamphlet and lilt ol queatlona. HAiUfLU BOTTLE VUlfi Will b tent to any ont applying by latter, itattn rrmptomt, tei and art. 8Ukt itcruy to regard t oil .11 butlntaa tranaacUuna, JartttU TIIK II. Lii:itirs rim. in. iiiai'iaviui. 4(0 flotry tU, San Franelaeo, Cal. CoudueUd by liiialllled I'hjtlcUna and rlurs'ion-r juUr GraduaUe. tniit ailtlct XM-rlullal In tho L'nlud btatu, whot LuauiMi r-UKir.sir,)i-rfeet nitthcxl and pure medlcloe, lioifte umiiv and rex Mtr n-KM ol ill I'mate. Chrenli! and Ninoua I) aeaaif. Affection of the llltmil.Milu. kid nc) a, mad der, f riipllim., I Ic-rra, old hurra, hrllliia r llir 4.laiiil, burr Muulli, Tlinnil, Hour fnllK.lHni'au nil; tiiridamlcrad Icatod from tho i atrm for life. NERVOUS SSffnSSi loa.ra, rirxunl lleru), Mrlllal and I'lij. Irm Mrabnraa. I'hII Iiiz Vlriiiiirj, Urub )ra,hun. ril li-irliiiiiiriii,liiiiriiinrnla Iu Jlurrlnar. etc.. n-mu rrra c or joiillimi iKlllm. or nny ciin.f, )rilll3, aurrl) nnd irltalrl) riti-nl. VOUM). 11ll1l1LK.An1.-11 .1 nin m n.anlallwhonecdrueJlcalM.III and i:itrrlenre uu.iti. ,iiv 111.1 curvprau i n3.i ian at once. Ilia opin ion cet. n .tlilnjf, and uu a.tc fumro nilrr) and .aanu liu: 1 nonunWrit to lt tlio itv for treat mtnt, ine.lU'lno can lm ten. rtryhir L) (.pr, frn- rrniii tili.ri ui-liiii. It it )' cti ml that a I'llt.loail who L'lli. hi. ulinla ttrnlmn in ,),.,! dlHUitnltnliiiKii'iil.ltlll.aiidph;.lclviatl.rcu.-b. out thecounln-, knom.- ml., friipieutlt recommend ditUcmt cam to the olilol tra lnlll, by whom eery Uniniii uinl rrmrilt la tianl. 'rheOcxIor' Israml ti-tli-iirtiuukcal.ltoplalcncf iiintciiir liiiiurfniirr tJ.The,ae ho call ir no one bm the Dwti r Con. ul;.tIonnilKnJ.urrrlh ruiillilrnllal. Caw, Hhkli hae failed In oUialnin; reluf elrhtrecaperl ullj Mlhited Ft-uule la.ea'e. aunra-fulh treatnl riic lUtlnr will a.-reeto mrfnt il.OCII for a caae unUrUkui. not vmtu Call cr write, lloura. Dalit fnmll A. M t. 4 l H C to S evening; 8unU.. 10 to It oulj MD n,k nn. tMTakir IUiiie to HtAiiu , 5tt nil AJdn-.a a alote DR. LIEBIG'S Wonderful German Invicorator rrn.aiif nil. pretrilt M 1 iulurl ho from the tttteni, twice th nerea, ttrenthrn. the unitcl-.. cheek. hj waate, iiniscwte tho whole .ttin am! rcatorea the afflicted 10 Hcaltn and llapplnfr... The rno naaj ugim wt cured cf weakntat aim the alote dl.eawa la owl if to a i-omnllcatlon culled PKOSTATOKIillEA. w hlch r euuTrt,' wXl trwtment. UK. UEOIU'a 1XV IllOIl ATOH la ibe onl cniefj I'RriTcajim, with pdciliar riveU) Treat ment. ud at the LIE1II0 DISITNSAin ff,,r!,;e !rl"' luii8onilur,. c.e 0f ,X bottlct. 10. Snt to anj addrea., coiere-d aecurel froraothcna ion. , Uo.tpwerfi I electric Wit. free to patient. ?lt,n",Wl"!'",,uu, '" MISVIOOU. Ir and "riut" " hkM rREE- 5,"u-u' Call or aUrwa- LI KB 14. IIIMTS 1UY. 400 Oeai) Strect.San Francuieo Cl DlvaU entrance. 404 Man alreeLfour blocka un Oeary btrcet fron. Kcir,), MU, 1 enl.anc. arougS Oi.rena.ry Drug Store. v l.J.nSJtc mTYM " iy& ": .JET"; r-tfe